more permanent moe are put ln, bave claîmed that Mies carry the con- the fact that ho had talked *lth Ex- LIEUT. MaCCAULEY ROADS. AR 0F p L I*j R. B. ciWJFT PRESI. there will be much of the permanent1 ainPédetWlamMTftccrig INTERESTED MIN AS work vlae from the gravel conU- Next to the suit for montary dam. the kllling of my stock. Mr. Taft CLie CenSnStiïacrii DENT LhE CO.Of tOe truction, uch as culicrts, etc., and ages, the charge of conspiracy whicb was very emphatic ln hie position on «natrucion epatinet e the»Va CIT CA SES Y D NT L K .CO. 00D the gravel itseif will be usabie for-the lira. Durand brings against thea ive the matter andl stated plainly that training station, showed bis Interesit 1~er ~ ff~lL C I'L Il houidara. etc. stock Interests at the stock Yards auch an act was anarchy. He sald ln the god roade Movemcent or L.ake TO SEIILE BILLJ ROÀA SSOCJU IAI ON al Ne. Prosident Talku. promises revelatlons. Sbe charges tl was Inexcusable fromn ail legal 'county by attending the meeting helli____ The new president. Mrr Swift, arc that the stockmen, fretting hacausa tandpolnta and that ho had never Monday at Libertyville. He eipressoed keeus Inerest ln hewi kl te ro Attorney FDwe' Reports That (Cenlned Prom Page One) capted the hoiter conferred open hlm allier states quarantined against 1111- heard of a governor doing such a vosedl organisation and assured the Many ArePyn hi mndountera wyuhve and aqsured the delegatps ho wouid noie as long as bier cattia lîved, . t hlng as Governor Ounne has dose. delegates h wouPaydogalThe romnd uo n th a*e rla ad amork dyou vedo ail he could to aid the movement, splred ta indict the live stock com- In tact, hesait! he couidn't do It un. <leesaea e wuiddo il e cuidHosptarBilis. . oea aeVlaadanga O for ba bellevas ln geod roads. liow mîssioners for net slllng the bard& der any circumstances, explaining ta au ýein.are planning te carry that improve- ever, ha plaily showed that ha was and se force the catastrophe ublch that nobody cari dissolve an Injunc. tead lei.The fear of publlcity. according ta ment along. If wa can àfford It, we not for forcing unnecessary burdans has new fallen. tien of a court excepting the court l i Ai iim r Attorney Ray Fouler, la causlng should have the béat ln rond construc- on farmers or othars. lie euggested The féderai bureau of animal tu- lisait or a court higher up. Me"i a â8tu b rf ave o those againstatuite tion a ail points. Near the big ci- that as thare are 3,50 acres of grave' dustry, to, she points nut,'was ln. there la no such a thing as a vold YOUR CAR NV=L raIlI ith ivit bil«00%oo e bvebean flied for failura te pay fiés the rmade sheuld ha 18 feet wide; le Lakte county, if the countY Woultl terested in seeing ber cattie killlad Injunctiofl and seemed ta teed keenly BI R uz D"" say radit"a imm* sg. tei atl bui. towsie tecsets a10 tforad oulder tdfsravais. purchasa 1,000 such acres and hold and burlad. She dlaims tbat they fiad the indignities hat have been heaped for that 'rhanksgiviog tri if 3.W besitM l amh. SE lmdaey r olrrpeat alrtfrotyn itit. them n nreserve for use wben neaded. beean ntirely cured of the foot and IJpof me." send it te us now. Dont f il toqU ITW. AEthe Jane McAltter bespital. "Sîxteen thousand miles of roads in ltweuiti be a good business moe and moutb dlsease-lif they evar had It, Mrs. Durand states that she bas re- se, becausa it needs but little a±WU., 111FuynltISresnhrinkn IlIl A tew days aga ha started 40 sute Illinois willi cent the stata 180,000,000. Wise îracautlon for the future. "l whlch sha doubts-and that ther celvad Information from a farme-r tien. Little things bacome big oU9i ... If Wn pro i apns, ll11agalnst those Who ewe buils te the Va can afford ta bavefit; sV cant af- say this because I believe a gond cure was proof direct that the slogb- friand near Uhaertyvilla wheteels her wth startling rapidity, aud à lit*h 1 d ~ iîis. (om reins optl n b ae engv odnut hv t t en esgravai rond makes a darned good ter et thousands of valuable animais that soe heurs prlor ta the killing repairing neglacted now umay 00. 'à ouse Plats from âlum '1 l eJnty or ime te pay. H i e than $30 for evary man, woman and road," said ha. ln the laât year was neediais. otiflhar bard. Dr. Kaspar, the govern- yen daarly in more ways than coul, lAboS. lf. m. tm select those who may he ln hard cîr- cbld ini the tata-but If willi ha pald CrutCaklccwvgv bri Circuit Clerk Boc.way gave al Th, bureau of animai Industry lé ment vterlnary ln charge of the sIt- frl or Frvuooiet. cumotances at the présent ime and for ln the savlng made on the abllty taîk. whlch, whila impromptu. con- bahlnd this conepiracy te kili Mrs. uation ln tbis district. had said: W .95. L bala tra- CICA o bei a to au onlytoswho have IsdWfta2 ar ilpa npett apyr e ROT S1Va.. Mnufacst urn o.:ewllpyjutatso s thy are take farta producis te marktet. Tbat tainad many tacts of importance cfiDuranda Guernseys," 'said Attorney don't give a enap of our inger forR II th enbut apparently have simp- the total cost. It mens lght cents s motn ce hsHat htîlsysady Th olyo e ha nocin t es' mutt SaIhoran means.efato htdîscriminatae laugter wuseabout to' anYthing." She gays thîs friand le- ly naglected teaiay. par acre per year for 20 years, or a thay are made the suhJect et a sPe-lha proved utterly unjustified and the fermed bar turthar that Ifasper baoitoe lmmediately afler the notice had total of $1.60 par acre le the total et cial article le anether colume geveremaent mencliad te 'Bave thaîr made thea statemant that If led Up been givan eut that the suite were 20 years And Imagina the enbance- Vartous other man gae short taîka faces' Il le the 'divine rigbt of hY court action. thay weuld slip le ILIBERTV ILLE. ILLINM - 4 ~filed, those agaluat whom tha suite ment efthle property thal the gond and the meeting shossed tbat al ores ikings' over again." and kIll the berd aven If It uite six ____________ wer diacad aga t seit ctMr.roas illbrlg.ent were goed rtcad boosters uhe, Judge Claire Edwards, whose ln- menthelisence, whlch, sha tatas. THSE MOUSE OF jFoulaI- and make settiemante. The -There is $34000000 Worth of tarin wanc taeest thlng done fer the ceun-1 junctien was vioiated. bas said that proves her contenItIon1 that Itwa fear of pullcty wben tbe cases coma lande le the state; under the system lty as soan as la possIileha ulli net bring centampt precead- meraly a case et daslring ta kili theIR H DE mentortrian rodanytl nge r. Fu- as parent f estotl al o bt 1C H tEhe upefortral roaan t rengae r. nduc- aliandfrnisutlpy e bt o! bis own motion. but NMrs. Dit- cattia for the Bat eof gettIng them K DI.AM ONDS X 1er ttnks hat lthinthe n t pe c mes;or thettl the e-~seetieeadsn n o fe tgns ha wthnwhenet ew mies mnuacurr rand promises speedy action. out of the uay than bacause they bad. POUt4nDoi5~ cht, c, wil manitescurs1-1, nie IRS. URÀN.A' Tu thefoot and meuth dîseasa and thus 4,.y.el-OfHO'c e m srs snr rosd OnIia day haubl haa ta ajeltyo! hansetc. uil a~ heethr 6 pe nw nr~iiui ur~~esss were a menace. 104 N. Stae Stj.door N. of W"agI hmg~ cases stralghtenad eut, cent. Cook couef y ulli psy 44 Per U&' Mrs. Drn elrsta h u L ~"The rest of themn will bave te go cent ot the antira cent and ln returti, S T WAK; GOY. IIEIIY I LI v n inDuad cars ha te u to trial," ha said. "I regret excead- Cook county cani bave but 25pe cent S A thorîties uho stuli hava charge ot ber DR. HALSENCLEVER THE INURANC Inglythat-the naes ofthose ho ofthe toaplace ares, net, kaepingac arengt naarl tinPHYSICLy HY ACDN AND RM EOf THEINSRA:CE ngl hthhe ni aveset toe aue of cte tfo tal a o . Detc. giveti ET VELI LAYI6 se sanltary as shte kapt them prior ta Specl liai lordise uonm.e QUnyn(or((tagEST IO n ouat aus ulno aveu o fth iebc ei o t wr Afteorney E. J. Heydecker. ube as thealsaughter. "*They den't protend perence. Trenteailmdialasud ý« ba el eacorctanwr.hj~bt cnme e a et fItI t "The systam of gond roadn tlmse ncacr.iaudtetrtC ua edd. Tay ha en't odffl.OonoeltsU.oefr. Eo là "Do it now." Delay for aven a asas go te trial. 1 am n lehopes the sava hait et the farmer'a tîma lnui g- (Continned Prom Page Onea) mInjo n c n hc reetralnad the elrt ay- o l aan p oeuding theyshavegtrn 12. ÂoI5 N p . OIAO angle day May prove (iatroult Capital dabtorswulil savo me tromntî-ngnJCetno arkat, ita uulthe ssave horsas.. reporterhe' at C ei14ecWk àTbursSTdaHICmore-u Btter erder us te issue youa a poicy goig te this disagreeablae etreml*y rîge, hrass t. oe ta n b tr etrteueutiing of the Durand bard, lisoeaet lika ue uould hava doue under afim- DYMOND L. AUST te-day. 'Tien yeu uil ba f ully by settllng the buis uhlale hera slnouh t altsssepthc., etoby man n y Wdnsay. lghetese mployed tithosa ube are mont eutspokele liar circumstancas. Thay dey me LSa& .Inuiamoe Rea P a bl d, poetdagainst Ions hy lire if it yet finie. Ti.he hspîtal ls bard eods.Aetaatéyear tha s b auto l e dns-ssa.n eram a epued a uhat thay terni the "outrage" la h. permission te go te my eue barnnaHoue* Rendu& protectad for it is dîffic~~~~~~od s.gondoad rt auto and e th asstan tlagtrtgettabad a es vnthuh tllanleqannta. aKi.iBok should corne, meas tmay any ime. pressed for tunds, frf edf Itteprn luheigo h br.H îe vntog tI ml urnfe Don't take the ribk ofctct ing yen for an Institution efthat klnd te be way make fIL asslar and cheapar for "I uas In the barn sboving fedder flot bbsltate ta asrt that Geverner Somabody surely uill pay dearly for LIBERTYVILLE. . LUNO«L uninsurdd. cenducted on a self-sestallulng basis. Il cencarnied. Auton and tires ulîl doue tatei cattia uben Sheriff Grif- Dnefrecee i uhrt h ramn eaesfeigl uh epeworcle ramn han ha gava an order for the killeng -EH.N> V O Duraul, Uayllamd &Durm Thod . uh aciaite tant istwCica as long ultii a complate in enterai the place. Ha askad me ofet tha caW.ti. her. muet have been able te pay or system etf good noads. If 1 had a gise and I told hlm hat ,)jth Ai.) VISEAttosuy-.Low Tr*gu Bldg. - Libqrtyville otherwise they vould hava genle te M.n Much for Children. 1 did net. 1 did net hava a gun la i laoniy by making a cempari- D DADY » ROffice ai He, Cook Av. fto..1A& tae county insttution. T ee.c Temnlctn ntecutr ypseso iayfne1wre son that one seas how unfair h. IETVOLl nomeof teze ills b se e drag- tiret vants Ce keou about the mreisfor lins. Durand. The torera ar- en-ooiinl, e@d."rn IRf T C ging aloeg ton tue or tbree yeara n n coos fCes r dnaandld eae.medd e t a hom, Ce yoursalt. Supposa the LYH.L IL M if h. peuple uhe ceetracted then. hie chldren clan set te icheel; they other employes, but he didn't bave board et healCh amtmbera uer. DdStaesAtor.1R J "dWal V albad berne stecere le heir doine f ta n attend hlgh acheel l tb oaae.." braines ough Ce une If If tolte de Cemle teyour housea and enra yen visle Shenif KEliIeJ. Oniffin tCake LlbortpdiI. - IMine ~~TI ~ sott h.eoblgation hoy Cil ae lr shte dvlpdti ats.IdontblaeCa n hat a dageneualy Infectd dlseame h. part Oeth. state rathen thnsB" 1" debv B ig u es dnsU o on tm gob zyala6]1ted hers and hey uld b. Che coin unitefOrCOdle Ch.thelayn lianes »Ut e" U Adet 0 a.oe ime ae t~ hat chldinnWho ge auay tu sciteel raed caffléd a revolver. olgdt u onyu oe fteDrn odo ote in iC I M lîti a aureloe.their parental influence and in Zetteratrom said: 'Mrs. Dnrand's obll od bresor curse hem.. oe y C la ren, i ver cf etCeofTI CMm I R ~~~~~L O V CS Ch~~~~~~~tat uay hoy are 1ond Ilete tmpta- cattie uer. net slck oeth. font mand no di l soei tcuse ia toei ls'me i. s tMs - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~tiens uhich nruin hir lîves, uheresa, meuth dis«ea n Tunday, the day be au as. ezusrtu od ere bthe a edsaores .lae oatun.Opit t . m~ helt athnySe oud naatChtSherilftf l d e hlmho wu s , a me.BB Ss1UIèZ Noiatew atptoyo A TE uEMALIf tbey could ho a homeno:venngs, they wene ahat. They uoro as boltby h. bugemuet b. destroyed. The aOtu t O h sivioseofth. stats et- requhommts with L 1>11IOU I FOR at mi-osbl ygo oionmyfi eLkeo 0 01rCeMPtent PhYsiclans uho uç>uld de- '1 n.Bbed he shnitf hy telioma Ai s S mp l Wn PA M h. Parntal Inàuence vould ho such Clos. 1 uerked at the failli hreugh- clan. ne disoassoe elated. Wth hia at Cnab Tre. dsiry befoir. he .Iaua. lO5PTA'I give yOS plid athlS- osisad la se great a question te my dylas day hat h cattle versos. oday. "I aaked hans by uhat author. micnad a". * i oi Me th he m tiee deoemaentgte have hat t lthIseit boyoed partlsaashlp net slck uuth the disease uhen "Then laC us suppose that the may-lty b.ovas pretectleg the state board maey So huas aaiseChtPoltien; lit hICs evei7 home lne Ch. e&- or et th% Cty Isuaed an erder to the of1ve stock cemmissigners in h.eL 5DE a R mlic i~epartaatoetheusuppor t f the districts lel e In bis prelimina y r marks, lMr.Goa. N. Po ell. "That m ai"0(p int- Pinc e atio n a n t p ret C . ar th P 1TOPOSd et 500155 Chat te cattle. £ vr ISu à aIS V m~U * ma eetae a KengChaIrndmIlli-os, Gaab laid e t eChr i vatort ; a .igt etrte) bsn e departiment ln burning doue pour juactien wusaeatenced. He ssd ho Iame-v0ç. Kanabaae pei- erd aenhetna heChnstîe ra;tepravaricata about exlstiuig condi- house. If yeur place vau burned bai a letton trea Ch. gevernor direct- tiens hava been put into circulation ha <iteC.iInstances et the firat roni tiens., Ha le net l in Ms. Dur4nd'a cdewn under ouchl cîrcunistancea leg hie course ot actien. I aad hlm DL N. W.SU bore urglng Cengsessmae H. A. Coop- construction and explainai hat tb.e enploy at hîs heur. H. recelved hie uli you consîder hat lau hall po. li, read h. louter C e anmud ho did OSTMOPÂTBIO an te use hua influence te secure h. original geo adsismane usanet vages te full, and ha told me hat valei. se. 1 thon oid hlm Chat th. latter O14 Triw SD. passge ofs ble ncongresuhlch knoue ta anyhody, net avenl te his- h. cattie uaras bealthy h. heur 'el'em e-gv l emteIyuaee.aiOze uReM 0la M uillIprevide for the proper aileg et Criaes, efthir daath as lbe wu ahen stand- dtinesa l a nmyointhelag"mnget cou. a lmiChoaurt h eld rod at TUOOSag»U mm lp the mail ondon business. It ln pneb- -Wby, hey tellihe etory hat even les betere me."C.Dradctte ie u oi.H o eCa eD.LL able that Cia petîtions uill bc urgd theadoss ehll are pavad ulCh geond Ztteatrea spant h. nlght as 5he badcate.hai wpu Ch. NCetoup te Chsat ea fi.l li Wi - stroegly by h. varions organisations inetons aed that beavansa aro stay-over ie Cia city jli. He a ~d mteeyuoh.ayldhlCat >va.'1i8O é?. eou protecting home trade tn K.- pavai ulth gold; but va dont vant miey le bis cltho.. but vas on- 5< IJAIiMS ~5astoreyvWhoCh oummt ad hmatale Bolh"UIILIi noaa.Illinois paved vlth gendIintentions, able te get a roem le any ene oeth. cilIe.ho veudbotter de as h. stato ubWJlI YThe petutuon, uhich la beieg mgnad non gol-vwe met vant gond, bard sevanal hotela ln Wmuk..gsnaT iL u CI IIoffcais requostai." DR. GOLDMN hy merchantsanad citIzens le genonal. rmade, reade hat ulî lisat for a do- He claimse that Sherif Grille Cou- 111 Vl AI ViN IUM ORT Attorney lilvon vent te Chicago te: --baîts for the eactmeet et logllation cade nt least,'J"dd iM. Gaah. ducted hieal te a main- 1Mn. Scott Durauid laugsaetttCe Te. day ta conter uiCh bis asseclaeo At. ~ ~ - hlch yl compel concerna seilles Hae esentai au Introiuction once lnon, and hat haovil avear hat Gri!- port h&C statu efcers pisuined hnBna eetDs.Telte a e 8 *0 ai 1 te 4a geais direct Ce consumeretlrely given hlm uhen ha vas te speak le fie or bis deputias vers net h. man errent because a. ele han eraide ver. expected le Waukogan Wedneday but Office Pis. 19. SO>I6 . M45 hy mai te coetribute tueds for the h East uban ho vas Introducei su uho flred the thiee abois vhlch lira. armîng Chommelvos and hreatened tetaai e aarrive. Lh~iI$ -davlepment of the local comminty comcing t raimhe state ef bai ronds. Duranid caims uare mlmed Bt an e. shoot them. Caetempt et Court, larceey, asasuit D I L6<11 ubene thay rado. He uarned the hearars hat 20 yeara Zetterstrom bas aken care ot cal- "eBtMethdbuanegn- M As ut us nov. evary business flrm ln trom thon they uould net ha able a c ili bis 1f e, anid teday he returneil bird gun et my see Jack-.nd hmd ion fon damages and malfamamece in 3VI92 1 '- a oouuur sI »"o114UI t ha cty and county mueC bear a part say hat again. as ha and otiers vore Ce Chicago te look ton anether job. / but hre. abtelIe ton fi," saidi se, add- office ara nome o! he changes hat .euus.-3 te il2sa. ssMd 1te l e o f the axponse ln the building and ta stant eut and Ponti for geai rodis He old a Sue reporter hat tiei îg: '"îIfnldiculeus ta IntimaIs hat <can ha breught, accQrding te Attoreny 0i Riom,- oel*teeping up ot gond roade and bridges. Ha zpliLead hat Illnois has bee miltobtainai tramn he allegad dis- v-e planed shetias aaybaiy deue. Divan. Ha says he bas net decldei 1ý public achools, agrîcultural collages second le the ameunit of moeey spont eassai cattle Cie past 20 deys off hoir The authortîai teck Jacks gise aed jitet hou maay diffrent actions ulU CAS N.s PH S .D ST VE meR M . and other institutions et laarnlnýg. on rosis, but 23rd le the statas la livas use usei le makieg butter, have it yat. We don't knou ubar. ha started. CHA. N SM HU& A D CSo ù tlf C hat ail living in tae stata may ha point et Irprearnnt-a mont dis- vhich vas used at h. Durani homo. e. " Tai jem8 t out reeeî Szc Au mitaG orluMe enly, ConVlent, fiÀ,. benaefittei and made more presperous. gacatul condition of affaire, .ene He a aethat the butter vas net sli tdrs. Ourand le Quit Ceunty. hc aya. <can ha brougit for violation phoose1» OCHice au go looklng stoves score big uclià The local busineess men have bonne uhich shews hat, ln the paat Illinois or shîppai off tha fare. 'Wbat amrn I ga edoe uaIet the injunetion urit by Circuit Judge ib Uyv Le i wbenev.r umed. They ame Imilt ail hs. abpensea ln the past and feel bas net securai he uorth ot ite men- Ha aske ibis question: ..De yen arnallouai to laava quaraintinel 1Edwarde. The larcecy charge, ho---- byaetovema.ker îtii a repu- hat It le unfaîr hat mail oadrie yail due te the lack ef systam le suppose hat 1 would est butter made arn golng ta see haC Crabtree termi la saye. <can habrought fer he heft eof I..P DM OI.~ tatic>n and wifloitlat tb h ouses and othan lite cocernesaise, rosi building. he, monay baing epent trom mllt lrocurad frein disassai cat- sold. That ulîl ha my firet duty te- saveral mttllaonuhîch vere usai ta Je LAYeus 1 Easy to run and egulate &M uhere ebouli naap the banefit of thi ina ahaphazard uay, uhereas f louCi? varie myseif. Then 1 arn goles Ce contaîn saveral orgaes andiaither parla Oradust Cl«o a teu e. very sauing cf fuel. ?4ew la vert. thera la syateam providai fer in the "I ste the butter." leave' Lake county. That wIîî be ef certain animale la the Durani hon, OMM at Resid oýMR &W~ the "e .te pick youre out. Tîca lau, vhlcb viii brins a systam Fifty thousaili dallara' damages maya No. 2. liy naît aet ulîl ha te net Ce mention the thefttet a 460 abet. v is lW ~*' - Charles F. Hayes et Harvard, ubo et geaidrmais vithin tbe n;t several vil ha demandai hy lira, Scott Dis- leave Illinois and atier hat the Unit- gise and savaral revolvers, ail et vhlch a t thaeIlut pnlmMsryuea candidate years. lin. (ash sai it co Il cents rand of the rmembers aethe stata liva ai States-naybe." sai lira. Durand ha Baya vare aken ultieut the pop PUPLIc AUC 1 IW~ for mineity Taprasantative front Cis erpane a mlle ta market produca tu stock commissien, uhe saisughtered Suniay. missioenet the eveer. The assault aan u si ttSt.Of m i Id dsrcmales ferma] aneouncarnent Europe; le Cha United States it <atetsbar han of 57 Guernesys Tueaday, .atr hrgs aey,< a . insoa nd rmil hat ha ln a teoas candidate for the 23 cents. The suit will ha filda asan as ber T I3 D NOUNCES brougit against hose uho treated Ail Moesof home, . vaqoa ffnmInatIon agle aithté coming pri- Ruaeiei'a Taik. attorneys, Robant 8. Demsaid C.. Mrs. Durand se roughly hat bhran me haronn. eor sieore.zctapagM 04 GLUIVCM ~ mary. The preseet lecumbent le Superlntandeet of Hlghvays Rus. O'Connor, cao idrau up hu papers ftrain ber aibows te ber shouldars are EIYSN comptillyThomnas Graham of Lake county Who sel al eu hat the plans la La'ta <oelinMs. Durand says hat, le addition, flsait]fil>te ha black sud bine. The taisle Ph.... 148 or 48 à28011 . hlo a t a acandidate for renom- îy Includa Cia constrisction et 90 miles ste wlli iry to bava the membere of VL>i11 FOR SUI Iprîseemient charge con haoUougit LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS inatiofi. -of concrata construction and -260 tie commission ad Obenif Griffin "Tih. sîsughtelof ethe Ourand agaleet tiese ubo detalned M lire PH4ONE 1140-M _________________________________________________miles et grave" laeraIs, the plan la and bis men sent ta jolilfor contempt herd In face, e! the lnjunction of randinlabr ove borna uhile h. cal- ______________________________________________ta levy $50,000 a yaarfObr five years et court. Assaflt aed battery chargea the circuit court la plain anarchy;lie vara hales shat. The dama*gB.s ana Thoder H.Durt, reidei. . B Smth1tta tae<are cg Intaet and princi- aaeto be maie against the saife n onrh.s rgtCi vr clataih titagia CoeVmîi~ lltm& ____,