CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Nov 1915, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY ýINDE PEND NT WAUKEGAN -WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.ý-NO. 10. TWELVX PAGES LIBERTtVVILE, LAJRE COUNTY, ILL, FRIIAVt, NOVEMBER 26, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $150o PER YBAR IN ADVANGL 'T VOLI VA ISSUES DEFR TO CIICAEiO; 81^8-H 819 Dr-.H ill Robertson, Chicago IIàità ofBcer, came in for Yoliva 'g wra ter lis credited wlth aaylng that he UU*U £5~iu/Uii5iu1u ~ waaabout to begin a vaccination 'OR.(ÀP ERt IDýf campaign whlch vould involve 60.- UAITEIW 5<) 000 achool chiliien. Vollva road the no un LAJ6iu1BqE-O UE 1IRE emenca poeCo.haopa per mea broadoldes frhetoIt *'Wbatboever a Man Soweth tb.AfrShali Ho AIea leap." The. United statua gvemment had "I dld net know atiing about -Wlsen .ye ou 10W 4rty cow-pox tbo keewludgu el îsmy plan te saughtur the plan to elaiught. Mm. Ou« virus," ho sald, "you aow dlseeae and MM '.Sott Ouranre 0000 herd of rand'@sliard; I wlsh t diatinctly death. The virus tn extracted fram blooded catte and teck no part what- undrtood that the goyerfiment the pus that cornes frein ulcerp on a *ver In sid slaughter. Nt until itsaiht nothlng whatever to do with calf's stomach.» The caif la Becured agient. wea'e caled upon to asiat In the. loughter."-.Or. A. M. Kasper, and the halr rmin is stomach la bmryng theu dead animal$ did A. M. govcs'nment mon In charge of haved off, Hoies are thon punctured Kapar, the government officielI n foot and moyth dieaue In Lake in the belly and after a few days, charge of the nation'@ part In the foot county. sores onm. The pus from these end mnouth situation in Lake county, "i amn convinced in my own sorpis ls what la used for prevonta- have officiai knowiedge that the. mId that Dr. Kasper la the man tive T rom emailpox. t'he inoculation elaughter hod taken place. who pressed the. button which of thîs poison causes many d1soases The above statement made today started the machinery that a-cording to the Overseer. by Dr. Kasper adds a material Point brought such pressure to bear on _________ of hxterest bttis pensational loch- state officiais that the staugitter bivrers tatthhoeer duhe killed org atr"M SotS ua bt odste, everybdblkled hator.e On Friday Dr. Kasper had made theLA TO E T to dat, eveybodybelleed tht theabove positive statement. Frlday L N T GE aUte and nation acted 3oinfiy In th,_- ovenhng Mrs. Durand called The Daily lI slaugîaor. Sun and made a statement as above D P INTO J I gpoaklng about the gdvernment flot quoted. ____ bavIng knawledge of the plan ta kili Mrs. Durand thus challenges Dr Sherif f Griffin Finds Four Bot- the bord, Dr. Kasper snid: "I Wlsls Kaspeils truthfulness and when e It dltnctly undertood that thoo-iidd that her remar'c lnferrod ht dsoMrpien2Pak ermn idno, kowlet of the i the govrerment san sad deviate"l ages of Tobacco. pio.n to klithe. brd. In tact, 1 met fram the truth,*b ad A daring attefisptot amugil "dope" th. stato mmi, Dr. Bteuckiner, the "None of the whole lot have trled t worsnr nteLk -t day prior to the laugter and iiito stay fler the. r '1. They hava e ùISto rter n o afr1M Bavr MenUoned the POMUWhtJty of mjmepremgntbtey bave pre t yte ao JilfIlewadl1a the catl. bains kilud tih iloien ed .4U along -"1%6 .40Wpu W»ne ouwasmd lae ans 4&Y. A" dato the. alaugtor 1I - v r is. Durad tien asked to b.omeut- board &a-01ball te m U Mb4 for- ed to a more dtailld«tant. pgei efl crto tee. Tbe Pa ..r Ualy akeoimeas thu goves'nmuto -Dr. Kapgurmyo ho knew notiiing furuhssitihe dm10 ige, t.ddare Yffswantaiv totuaaîtinbmi.« o f the l. htrdo& ho? Wall . inI.Charles Apoeilite and Arthur Con. theu skin cattIs. 1 thon centarri4aVary esogu (at h o hegovernmuat «&Ytwe govsfiwuiuit prisoers, Who wftk the asttt e laluChicago and man. Mr. Quirk, whobas ch- ge el ave bhuai lued In the.local puillfor seciud aualIti y (t0Bolel t (bacleanlng op plae" aftur slaugbturs, theO Imt @lx hok taik. t let yI iou. -et thbu a ebilf »». a a, -Lya _amift#mftrateemuosa l. situation at the 0luand taro rm 'atleveeukllud, Jmet bomnomn.Pacl UerTved et the count? Ja'l.'X (ba tlme on. We bavu flnished the before any bad actualiy been kilîed, vau addreesed 10 Arthur Conway. The. voo0f lineettag the DuYUIId fart, .lbe receivud a tlophone message at ubeniffheatated about giving fittu hlm and have dohlo tbe Job thoroughlY. iDv)lght,111 _- vhere hoe thon vas. Th;. for he thought poesibly It mlght con- W. used 30 gallons of formaldehide, message came tramn Dr. Kasper and tain saine hablt-forming drug, ai- 35 gallons of CooDers dip'and abouti told hlm ta oryt o rne: L&kc though both Convay and Applegate 700 pounds of chloride of limne. JO- Bluff as 'they are gohng te kill the. have been gettlng along without theý sephQulk, eprsentng ii.gavra.Durand hord.' That loaks asIfh "dope" for the hst ton daYs and claIm- mentliad charge ot lhe disinfecting.'knev something of the plan, datînt ed ta ho cured.1 1 vas there yesterday and find thte It i 'It's only a couple of packages of plae In excellent shape. 1 an am elis- Dr. Kasper told me itiniseif and Tip Top tobacca," Conway iaid t h fied~~~~~~~~ taa tcls owa e. he tld two titers wito have 50 In- sheriff. "Open It if you doultm "W. found It necessary ta d troy formed me, that 'we are going te get word." 300 pounds of butter vhlch Mrs. Du- i tat Durand herd yet.' More evl- 'The sheriff did look at ite package. rand had on hand and vhIch had dence. isnt I, of theîr plans? There was na Indication that te gov-ý been made tram mllk taken trai he "*Ail along il seemed te ho a plece ernment seaI or tinfoil top had been bord. A smaîl amaunt of lumber aiso of persecution. Whon Mr. Patterson tampered wltb. The Package feit bard vas destroyed. But shteviil get pad of the state live stock commssion, lip and the eherlff puiled back the tinfoil. for her bIon Ib is regard, as the Ion aur 'urgent request, came to ouit The contents looked ail right, still the law le that the gove'mnt pays for place ta seo If It coudn't heoar- sheriff was not convinced. Ho thought all Muige detroired intheii dlalafeteni ranged tiat Mr. Duraad mlght go that perhaps tho tobacco haed heen Ing proceis. The Durnd place lseflt back and forth freim homo ha, Chicago saturated wth "dope." Ho vas upon yet out of quaruntlnu and 1 under- ta hie business each day, Dr. Kasper thte point cf keeptng the two pack- stand It yl ho kept tiolated about came vitb hlm. Mr. Pattorson slsed ages s0 they could hoe flspected hy a ton days longer, for wille thie rule Up the matter and saidlie hofait It physiclan and started eout ta, buy two lu ta 'oeep a place quarantined about vould hoe ail right, If Mr. Durand nev packages of the sanie tobacco for 21 days ater dialoeUton, In her ce"O vould fumigate himsolf dally, te make the men. Acting upon a "hunch," I undergtanitI; ta te ho but ton days." the.trip. hovover, hie pullod back more cf the Or. Kaspr &aise xptlou in i5tetue 'Upon beartng this. Dr. Kasper at tobacco In one of the Packages and or the foot m»d MhIeuIItduues lie Lake once spoke up and said: '1f yau per- uncovored two gaod 5sisd bottles af coufty et pripeutnt. Me nId, "'lune mit tsal i, si@all recommend tu lbe morphine in a soluble tarin.Thr l5Wte m t I In he cunt andgo1é'.Ment tisat Iît khdraw &Il help vero aima hypodermtc needlee in each ail but leur townsuhip@ nflore In troum the state of Illinois!' Dr. Stôeck- bottle. Theoather pacakago of ta- .wha tue turos rutnetud tunntory. 'lger aima spoke Up and aid ieuch a bucco contalned thesa,«e aount ef Tue. foa~tOfiS Wli@helîl re isPlan did not meet vlth hie approval. morphine. Au examinaUion by a phy- cle.ed t.nnltry aiet VenuonLlbunty. It showed peroscution, but Mr. Patter- sictan shoved the, solution of mer- fvll4Onde eund Ieanod. son aet vs ante and, hoie nslsted that Phine ta ho one of the strangest that ne pritu l iiefoe tevu- Pri i becanted to Mr. Du- canbeM. net ermffl la tosefou tow- rnd.The bottle vre turned ovor te V. sips which are aeule as closed. "The constitution mya thatt he gav- * This applies ha aIl cel« tov» a otb os tahtvrtod .CmisinrLws .Mâ n the sft&to, o .t" UNo b.I eff et aa tin v a tevrfot ando-the soriff thinks It viii ho possible tn teni'itony. auctien mi" au eltzaitted oî. vidiuant n veyp latht -fot alelocate the man vho sent the drugc la ether lords, tanners a a own-ail up to th bers.____ ship la the sttate, viere they are termeitnetrtctud, ca o iota&noton Laye It te Démorts. S AR ,a. E sales If tiey visi.,Prmr. -"%r. Pattorson ta lie Republican SALT/'R farmers ta restricted terrltony can member of the state Uv. stock board. ahp n atl fot isosi BlThe other men are Damnerats. SMr_.AS r loto the clouai! to. The ois fur-.the laugiter vas ordered. iRe knew____ (ber. permitu tiiose la retricteit ter- notblng of the Plan to 'il aur herd!" Patrolman C. L. Barnett of U. rltony ha shlp out of the couaty viere Mns. Durand also told of a case Forest was farmonîy In the navv. ahipinenti are ta ho madie ha paekers whoee, toy appealei tho the shah. coin- dayat Gaiveeton, Tex., hoe show' or otiien places ailere (bore la ed- mission te keep a man name4 Butai- parhy oveT hiesbip. oral Inspection and . wierte h pur- ski, a gaverament man, out of thoir Ho faund favor In the eyes Il pose lat ha laughter Immnedlately. barishecanie hhey declaned bu bad young voman and ho romprr" «j conterred Wedneuday wth au- lissa found three diffrent after be bad loft tbe s.- tiorities la Chicago relative ta the the mlddle of the. ntgbt înoptng andc=n up ta Lake F'orest, ban on lie four townshipe meataned. about tho coma. "W. foared hî Tva yeari atter lhe hast ns" and thhy toid me tiey May lift theolio trylng to da something vith t__ or 13 days aga, sho cameto 1,R' taos tram the closod tao the restrIct- cathlo and requeshed his nemovai ' est and became bis bride. Titi" ed terrItory In about two veeki." , wicb was finaily dons, and ve're not happly for soin. 12 days. an,, r «Do yen, ai the governtent min, sure but viat 'h. d'u do 'soretIlgag b e loft. Mer huaband thIn' r approve of the position taken by stato thom hofore lio left." said Un. Du-n. vnt ta Chicago. He doesn't oMeicaI n proceeding with tic langa- rmndT why. tor?"' vas asked Dr. lKasper. "i da net cire ta bo Interviewe indepoudent reaceses aIl pontst In tdependent« More rpadors along tit liae," eaidthie vetenlmi&ta.L eku'.bg wmk-DlVpu NlT. colty w«lrlho.eombined CA% Of 6iliL IS13LD IN GO. COURTON.SAT. Dr. Srown Aufs Court His 8,CIno t a to See the Gir Gt GodCare. THE CASE WAS DISMISSED. Co. Physicien E*esses Satis- faction When Dr. Foely Gives AmpleAsurance. Waukegan. Nov. 19. The case af Esther Erlcksan, tho swoot-faced little girl eT il years. whoaz xmontha egoaiatthe Lak. Ceun. ty General hosPitali ubmhtted ta an OPerathon for Congonital hiP disloca- tion, vas settleit ln cpunty court thl3l mornIng vhen Judge Persoa dis- mlgsed the ptition askhng that site bc declared a dependent, but ghvtng the states attorney leave ta file a sîmilar bill at any time if It is deemed verdict was gîven aner Dr. J. C. 710- IE AlL'IIC Cdeclîlon. ley bail deciaroit that Irrespective or SUES ..SÀL îIT The ultimatum froin the NMëXTstfr the acttha ho igh sours o cin.hos-Pîtal came heTore th. Lake Coun- henTat that ho whghtosecuro nahecoin- FOR SEL I UJJEJI ty Medical Association ln tho Wou- densal tion h vtof ee tatet . F RS L II Vf kegan Commercial Club raclas Thons mlen girlngas obot scf mo eceal ra- VE ,wa day evenhng vhon H. C. Burnett, a mentîe lng a Ilshahho nce"sY>'O flIJU A1'1j dîrector of the hospîtal. appearod sud and'aîter Dr. Brao had doclared that AL e epaniDhedcso ta atbo such an arrangement vould ho per- reaint edcso ha albe fectly satlsfactory ta hlm. Mrs. Anna Mauer of Waucondai d i arn sk ie ct. n a i GOlng bacite the liebtor>' af the Says Husband Spent Ail His Th. ru]e bas hoon decidet upan and ms, it vil! horenumbered that su- Deevivor T. M. Clarke of Highland Meney for Liquer. It goes Intao elect on Jannairy 1 vîti- firk*micaled he ttetio orout furtiier parle>'. 1h la a malter Pu~k fni caed ii atenta the bOCASE 1S SETTLED. cf ielf-preservaUon for.tieheeopil 0ounty phiysicien te lie lîttIe 'gIrI'a Waukegan, Nov. 22. vlaich, by baving no endovinat, ban condition. fl b%4 been a cniphite This afternoon et à o'cleck, &fier te exist througb Ita mmvn conne, and miaoum birtii an a reauît of a hlp dtsa-il jurora hud been s.luct*d, the at. vien $13,500 ln buisl stand on lie location. Dn. Brown Ml saiS bu iongth.o irl terneys in thu e «uheld a private con. boo'ca for six yeansil appeursaàifI acould lie CireS IfV Pr. P'redentck Muel. suitetion au a recult of whlch Il wu.thePublic tat doiag Its ibmlr l ]or. thlece»emtul spucia l a dis decided te sottie thse cage euit of court. keulala. up the vas-k vhieh the.wons- eaue of Ihkil ID.ould b.uiterfl.dThe detendusite &grand ta sottie for on vbo gel; notitgfotoheir pelas, The chiid va. mausoved Io theu ceont>' $M and pe>' aIl coule. This effer vas aru g1111vtn e thé(becomuit>' b> hos4pital. Dr. ;O L, "o l*a w mccptd b>' MmNo.Muer, mnd the. oourt Bmaintulig tie boepitat frind odfaDr. Mwpihr,, «.zplaiO.d h it notud lthe jury te ruturai a verdict 'nie tact liaI th. eaninu ofethe hlm the tact. lnithe ceeu5 snet negiffl- of gulit aud flicthse dainages et pim hbometal durnt thle Per ut yanxeuit- lag ta mention iathora voudIeT his e vdontseand court adjourned ei t(h.e tomme by 81,200 shows tur.- no oOMPenutioa-tiiat chant>'and a until tonien rnsoing. Itien (bat somthing rmdical Ilto, e degi. te belp huianîty ivouîd have Pour Waucanda saloonkeopers ap- don. ta actuate hlm If ho perfarmed the pered ln circuit court today as de- Pi>' Or Be Count>' Patient. aopeation. Throîgh ie frienishp on fendants ln a $10000 damage suit In short, le rule adoptai by the Ericiteon girl, Dr. Mueller. vho ofbema tendants are Anthur E. Ilivn for persona via go te the haspîtal recelves hundredi of dollars for sum-I George Hertel, Max H. Anders and after January 1: Before they go. lilar operathons. came hers and with Dçnnts H. Murphy. lins. Maur la their doctor viilaok themIn f (bey cn fthe assistance of Dr. Brao, per- nepreutod'b>' Attorney' A. V. 86gmina. pa>' a week in advance: If the>' cati- Sformned the oporatton. The defondants are representedl by flot, ho aitaiIfsnme relative vihI Tha lîttie patient vas pIacoi ln al Attorneys WVIliam D-Lne and James guarantes, the accaunt. If hhe bou- Plasher nast where she remaîneit for G. Weich.« piai peobale are satiolied vith tthe Oive months. Allof ti t hme sic vas aeu apa a aplcmnguarautee. the Patient ls admIthed. humored and petted b>' attendanteanmd ln Chicago for many vears. Neot 1 If lahinet, then vli no cenhalut>' of patients alike at the counhy hospita'. ver>' long aga ho vas rethred an a paynient Ton services lnight, lie pa- When the cant vas removod Dr. Muel. Pension of $50 a maclh. Mrn. Minler tient and bie relatives are ta hoe tald: ler declared tite operatton a beea allegedtu iat bter iaushaud spent prac. He (on shle) must thorefane hoa a I success. but that tho 11mb woul tlcIallyaIfa hie tiace anti mon.> 'ncounhy charge and muet go ta lie have te ho niassaged andt manipulai-tI the saloons of the doefondauts and ake county hospltal Insteait of the oditnl a certain manner ever>' day if bIt bis famlly practlcally itependent . lcAhhster hospital. ithe child vas ta recover the complete She la sutug theo aioonkeepers for~ The déclore vers amked by Mn use of ut damages, seeking tn hald thoin,r, 1 Burnett ho assiat In carr,-lng ont (bis Dr. Brown bad asiilt ah ese op- eponsubbo for her hî.sbsnd's actions. plan and aiit somed ta e roi taI il gratinas ln the past and knev juet Theto vrk of se-mring a jury vas vas a casé viere the McAlister boa- hov ta proced. Undgr the treat- stantoil thîs mornîntr. At noon toitay PItl flicers vere Torceil ta eaume ment Esther vas gottng &long aplen- oiglt Jureai- hait b-en securoit. some stand almîhar taelta ts i(bey dldly andi hon parents rejoiceit. Attorney Siti 'sI tb" ploneer in wvhed te kep the place goiag. An>'- Thon one afternoon, a voek aga, cases of lie nal"no iln Lake county bhat>' cuîd se., It vas palated out. lant Sunda>',the chut vwho hait and Waukegan s'ait thoso Intereste tbtat wheM'1.3500 lu one year or 113, gaînoit such strength tu theb. itieretlu li te cauoare 'anderlag viat auc- 600 l lnsx y7"rs as lefttunpald, lie 11mb that she iad valked. ahi aven ceas lhe vinha- thistime. boepltal, vîtiont onîsîde aasistance, the hIla andt grounds,. hut ber coulit net continue. balanco as sho stoopoi tehapickup a Tue couat>' hoatal ta open, ta ail peur that hait drappi to the.fleu. IBEEO I TT S M R- <e Patients vbo cannaI afford tha puy lu lie rail aeehaniteit e.ber knee. hIl. va>' lu lcAllihor boupîtal, Sh. gat up, iavever. vahitei aeros baN TW U i nE hncs lie nov roi. at the latter, Il the recul adst dova te ett.r ID T U M atoit, viii brtng about a radical ou r, mailing littie or no complaînt AgA gtunychange In lie cout., aht th Wuy. O À V* . RRm It seemi ttalhoconScedIl iadio- The tohloviug mornlag Dr. Brown tors takng patientste theb.houpîhul are net golng te guante-ifhutr ur. made an oxamînatian, but hocaue Announcementa reached Waukegan cautsadlie count>' hospîlal liorn. thora va. no "fais. motion" lntahle Ioda>', helig of lie marniage Thuin,. te iii get (b.m. banee of the -log id not diagnue the day, November 18, ah Wihmette. f lhopu ora en oeha InJury as a fracture. John Beeman Pitla ho Alva Marie 1k Ita:eAPon t arnvohd n ilnga A~~~~~~~~ da rtabti i aet fTe~ dauihter of lin, unit lre. Al- patient ln. The îupertntendeat the chit ilnsisted uPon taklag ber ta bort 'nuenk- voulit ank: -thelr home. Dr. Bravanvwu convinceit Tue carde sa>' furthen that Mir. anti "Wbo Paya for lie caret" tbat the chut caulit net roce e litrer. Pitte viIIlibe ah home atter DeT Gte'eal th, alth nocssr> cneandit tnatint ah comber 1 ah tie Avon apartinenti, Los the average rep>'. home and actualed soiel>' tinougi aIe Angeles, Cal., vhtcb Indicates that Andithle Patient voulit b. taken ln, Internat lu f£e cht1d'o velters and M. Pitta la te takle bis bride West vouldt gel voîl anit leeve and thon the. hie desire teaose the operation carnieti ta resîde, thîs being lb.,. Orat knovl- itactor coutil offer no suggestion viien te a succesaful culminahion, Ile en. edge hie frionda had that b. vas plan- the hospital failed te cohbect lie 1:41. Ilstedit he aId of the state's attorueyls ning ta locate on lie coast. Itl'i te ho different mlter Januar>'1. offie la having the itepondent cid Mn. Plts hms bean locahedet aIWiI.j proceedhng institutoti. mett for snmeUtie, lie farûlly hav- PAROLE BREAKER 8ENTENCED. Mia Mary Palmateen, prabatlon of- lng maveit thore alter Ieaving Wasako- Pranitlaina, lte man wbo vas ficen, tald on hhe stand of iaving vis- gan a fov yoars agé. Mn. Pithi la parolOd fer a year aller ho hait broken lied the Erickson hoine on the West the eldest son, belng a brother cf Il eea ot hcg aon Sîde and hetng conviacei tIhe cblld Molvin Pitti and son eTflins. jli. an vo pr orta rhaotvaoons couhit net he caret fan properl>' thore. B. Pitla. Ho has beau onnagoit f and lit e ane day hb oo sprolhee The parents ofthliechîlit hrough "te ehsr"fr ai Ieai as arraîgnoit before Judge Edwurds Attorney' Weis, ougilht hIlpocoi-as dons an extensive huîlneas alongIoa'na aren vangilae ing anit finaîl>' secueita inuace north shore towus. tdye hreo algvoae on ,ge hro.) akeColtY»tbIgweely-NDE 1bis parole. .lHe wvasentencedite10serve ta thîs moroink uintorde(btat an x-na>' one year lulthe county jl. (Continul miygetre PENDENT. 'Tie IndePendent ioad. aIl. Tu SNELLINEiS ARERCONCILED; Another brakon Waukegan romance ha ta ho mended. Mns. Thomas W. ânellng and ber insband, the preel- dent of the Waukgman Browlag Com, Dany, Vil ai huhme again vithin a 1ev days. said the Tribune - lire. Snellilng Biled suit Tor divorcit ta Soptember. She left the Wankegan homo and vont ta live with ber moth- er, lira. WIllamn Shannon, 418 Weet Sixtleth street. Last week the suit va. vithdravn. Mr. Snolling, vha has been living at the Hotel Sherman, vas manl.Testly ploased tant night as he dscussed the~ reconciiation. "Evorythlng Is al right at 1'ist." ho declared. ".Nrs. Snelllng arfd I are reconclled, and we are golng ta romain that vay." Mrs. Snelling was Myrtle 'Matthew3. an artios's rode, before brmar, brewer. He built her the Waukegan borne as a wedding gtft. goï. DUNIR 1ME PAY AIL BILLS1 IN ADVANCE OR No IIOSPITAI. GARE *eginnîng wlth January 1 next, ail patients who go te the MoAllter ho. pitl wiI either have ta puy a week n advance for their cure or aomebodly who la responaibi. wiil have ta guar- antee their account. The act that the hospital now i1 carryl ngilsome $3_r« on Its booksu for servIces rendered during the paat year and that In the Olve yearu pre- vlosunctoreletd aut 8a0,total ser, $13,5W0in six yeurs, le whît ha@s. FILED SVIT FOR $1§w, ON TUESDAY,-NOV. 91" MRS. DURAND DEMAN PS REDRESS FROM ALL WitO IN HER 'BELIEF HADL A_ HAND IN THE SLAUGHTER 0F HER $50,000 HERD RECENTLY - DECLARA- TION TO BE FILED LATER. More>' the praoclpe orfthe et ut fileit vith U L. O.rockvay. cIerk et the ctrcuit court of Laite coupw. ,by Attorney' Clarerce W. DivWs. lMMa Duranit ha. retainet au attorneys lno: ert S. ies andt Charles J. O'Canor et Chîcago andt Attorney' Diver of Wan. kegan. "'Tis action itees not meen the ahandoument of an>' alher actionsen. sulttng train lthe siaugitter of the berd of bloodoit cattîe ovaeit b>'lre.u rand. Il dom. net me»o lie abandon. ment Of contempt proceedingsaugalmut the detundunta on agents or othuns via violate thelie nunction un4 mîaughtered the bond," sait Attoney Dtv- wvien aeket viiether ins. D&- rn i tenitet ta drap prosecutla. lm conlempt charges. "In hoaking aven lie men namul se defendant yau viii s»e tiat hie nMM 'higiter uit'bave net hemn omlttgi." bc conîanuet. "Tu. suitt. e etofthe moet ieatione er sIidbon e«# ul, -Men hhat Shérifif DIvin 5. Grima yUl bc brou to a mai& a l0..De hit taSet service on.lie diteondaatg-. aMet. "A haut eofnMen and vomen vilbu - suhpeen.aed, andIt athe in ltention Of the attoneyafotonhe plaintiff te, puai> lie malter aà rapIly unPossilie la order (bathe nUe nMa>' betrIed lu lie near future." Attorney' Diver declered thueoluxu- lion vii hlib ed-vtin tan daya SEARCH COUNTY FOR MAN WHO STOLE $80 'nie Police Of WaukeganMd fote-' narth shore citlea bave been auot,î search for a Larin anS v;bo di'i'-, peared ftram a farin veu or Kenstt Yestertay. The tari band dîaagp.a'ý oit about ,tie sane hou. as dut a roý' cf $80. Thomas Kelîr's application for 'n;i beau carPu viwur«d by Luttxe Y . dis hale. Tu. jnrist vitthoitd for D. 1ev days blé décisionase.taot-. Keillyinuit retuno Canad&hatoube -i trial lain n«uon vihti i h & ed Y frut cbargu. in tbi e mluto ýý4 atill- Wanu.hee ta thé141à am Jail. the Secretary of Agriculture cf th. UInited States wero among th - a ed as defendants tn a qensational suit Tor $106.000 damgaes filed by the at- tornovs for Grace G. Duranit and Sec«t S. Durand. ovuers of the famei Gueira se' itord of cattle slaughtered on Crab Tree tarin ln Lakte county on Tuesday. Nov. 9. The state sait federai office holders naomed as defendants are: EDWARD F. DUNNE-GQovernor et Illinois. D. SL HOUSTON-.4ecretury of Agit culture of th. United States. Tii.-..mumbera of the Illinols LIvu stock Ceeimlsie- R. M. PArrmERSON, L. F. BROWN, I. J. SI4ANLEY. 0. E. DYSON-4tet.Vuterinarlai J. A. MONLER-VeterlnurL. r. J. MARSi4HALL-Vatu,'tertu t the. aatme ofPoumylvenla. FRANK SMLDKAC-Vuturlmnlem who la alleged ti have uiçt ut M,@. Ourund. A. 0. 01IE$KE-V*Weimrlae vbo ln DeMagngs, OIL. - J. A. STOECKINOER-Vetsshu.lenr In charge. E. M. KASPER-Federal mnilni charge of foot-mouth cesu& C. M. COULSON-Veterluiarîai, liv Ina ln Orayaleke.1 1 ULYSSE$ G. HOUCK-Fedueral vet. lé

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