j' LNOVEMBER 26, 1915. UT 1.* - '~ gem, Thé t- - . ev emd bii j.o d« »»eeeWe j' bf gtdlui N.tté - d 4,sud .l*é<eam wé» e.eeq h tatp bei b bemt4 1 à oWi e s'eg.i .11e m 19.t ét thteé blib éo ku trie 1his.a t the edgée thue t cf i t tt awitnA mi '__ s.- uA~ ft 11h.vbobav bé. vtb thée00 ,opéud, lU omtisué as d6 IàeisSe-U. - amiti h m' moi, ue' la Uhotuau Os!ec"eo' h wobe4r#bslia ibr.héaiées Mea of Vpo en t >ayal. 1»1 IUJMW, t& éWe head reeellved a ift. FKanu etéj r~ aké Freat. iras tru*<~M4ueétcar, are belterqi Oult< ~ mlt Ieu.etroavtcot lst Ng rere4 ,ouultt4 le i~layluwa., That ii ieéwhga '4resoonla bqe n 1d1, caused h tbgse- Cideça cause thé returaof ser . esoa la tlrbeé«.1thé physi- iaa.vbo va« amnltéd hb'thé court a tut the tornns Mental condition. lt:vasaboya that béton thé cci. tmttook Plaee mima Kautpsa àlit. e «uMer at <lues, bat that ah.o4dg toit hocome uéptally deraunged towW* Impro éot'éodlo.-L ýéB hi trcded Mr. Taylor se speaker at the imobér tLà ho Siven TuesdayNo. veuber Z.8. Wr. m o- tat.d Ihet li e 'bsd .Iakmithé salés anage- me«rut ffthéMIw producu 1 cou- yes. vidLch.balhJu*I c"" dtpe opa.. 19. lté -Wa te06 la-';mel that hé pme b$« ltg"tei la the ýw at wiuheginma d ti4I L t*qa~éiueL met Wthelb e m- rfi %:r tIlt hé miad dlcsedm§ pn ea ibthé assOcatle -I't. -foért«eeof<lectures 610u=ey ugtoc7u d H. Alotr. ýga, 0«the ukaitia u vas t a thues efobuâ N.' - 0, FOU a MI.ýwe4< ell OrPeépéWhoi chkee nlg 1%0,M",d ar st tJ h 1 . . <.iSyéa fumt Ivive re-atoreé.dvibit. SI-us.. .louidata. éxcvata.. 2un U s uei me ntadeu ttaèue l'h. totalcoO ft tgf , ock maigRi. Wb".1.vhéthé lovét et M& lui urevd troupraIse io- te $15.41&05or 03.918more <lia thew voectamly Codt viii. ou- ulructed by thé prisoners.Tventy-five P«t ces of thé totalcencoo0f thé vorIr if.l, thiere. iamved by thé use of Lb. The énecesetu thbleork le polnted eut bX IUe comuittée to b. due to the aatbtat thé mSn la chargé vole oewont ana deetroun of maccea"sn lécpUm et .h& j'édl ý Jjttle u ut in vaeau seculf tapI volu"es0« 1%4, VI e emrwmfr, 1 ime -prttg te h Md . -Mva* lsrs ddrm - va ti* mail r"*eosd and créoted o -hé uxpected 'to,'14sw4 hééndering thé Mal* icsked tht Or hI-ui hib tat cruduvpg;hls agenOt IKcKlnnayMo 1! hurchili on thé good rcmds, es and appolnted hlmà chalru IL, H Huaséy atted-'41 é aélver.ora 0811196 th hé kégas. 'o a is s a u ' 'I r matters eél sonc 40* 40q ihlt. enolo unollt -,ýer In Jlà"C dustuiai committee. M@Otba h bi or Irpile tulas b aurted lnthéieobprts MI% t ocatt lpo< q=tlo r bit t e prlt mi7v 3*0 bdéidoné' alomit tu ln - Smcorrespondémié onul itimeritriglit i jeaus and bad propoaluonafro. for hauidling frelgbt traMei »ýfor ueiers of théipépi The becre *y as: dfnbidt t thé Buo*tsrt -c9le 111tiMadi»soetéseticrcb plkuthé fuldth of the mcooS. u lb. tracha ogIet. kar face. atuiat a lsté strou »lu canot mt. avyta* 0 u~ILt.s eoe u"<A % 4eo~ mi, qery ' oviz ooao XaIdera- - 4L.c. Slo hmd thé volfari of lb. prlaonqqe W" a ahrt. no thst tbéy securéd Intéreit M*Uttésau sSoo4viila fth e .k. 4 i7 e oe.IFonu-pwmf6 dur<ag 194 hi le, aduo *«q t b absmnce th. o~vs ,hé ap- -w arden " Oùànlét ofthé sitate pvilion n athatthé prmmis ibo. M 1y. .w. ý 89 Ia dey. tu thé stR-at.s. 1< Commit. éet" feelabors-. vbrecélvéeltaI nfin pro "ire. No va a epiidthé prsoaérý bpvéve. snd bus total coit té thé stats bat hé le onu O0-e mtper day. Fors-thla re- bdét I s gqthé vgAitis that thé' stat. ma taI w m tS a . trou lieaPrite: * , Tbat wbhc.ced.-la macy oais hé edate %la hapitt qpra Pdhéoss-'sdepemuol <amily. fiFd w . - Il .. &d canyon catr îllrogde Att X é PeOR éM 0 OO i tr0@4 Mai h. re cP cIýipIets4 hi Colora&&'. eje Ir, co- .tom.eo4OUveCt ahor.art tvo off Pie .tenS Oif erfét, moumta nrondae i »d thet Unitei l e ..«-1 >attend Thé Utepugercd foov a m c t discus-trali of thée ndins acrm e é.Rocky thé i monla.LIn, thlant fév yea,hiat nt nedn pè<lrof il ht,ée.Colorado fipriagi td bee # Cascade lbas hen entireir recon- ef hig stautdhi omIte. as hère Under théeV010-40 sYsfteni thé con- omb had ,lot bas ton day. teken olf his sentence nt lioé, for emch monthofet abos- on thé roads. hé lInd This l la iin pte thé usual reduc eonfit- tion for good tuéhvlor. e1 bu- Thomaw . . Tynaa. varden o« thé el thém stata paetftry4undér wvMs. super- matters Vision thé vork of Ibe lait threi yeans Lo*.rite bu bu 4one. ustliatéithat la thé ,asking ueXt tuany7s- 15.000mle. ef thé luit uing hé roadi vihi ho constructéd at a ccut o! s stréet 1l e m wg,0. ailroa . Hé ay, 1000 men havé been used la thé eal v, ork la thé lait threéers nt acoft to the state of25 cote adey m' you t oc ir * fâau. The mn go about their Mhob oros- upardid, and leu tiiau 1 por oubI, 1i.oPut. bs&vé vioatéitthéir piecsand l'harty statue et the biustaget thé or s~ tâmte pké lr a roed buid - -4à 4." - Whoa'. Englieh RIvu RIOM Thé Duddon, one of the foet pl.. tunémea. ut thé 'Elieb rivera. oomus nkp thtoqg> a béd of aMeUear thé top of WryuoeePoi, a dotolaso lItude rot remarkablm for Its bphuaimsses Protfling criqanmd, tbthé mai6 vlvid. colors of thé meemes vatured IV thé "iMM Why We Ceuni lé ,Teana,, Bécause vo hbavé tone, Lurs vu count ll e..; thermcr. £or esse and quiekueus of rebolas shiour.mmes. urmeats alBu lalàtou. ,Thea. la order ta reckon. vu shoul émir bave to usé Ibm v«7 sMgple uuethod vhlch v. léara vhén vosttud dcmai. ne uere» a .preoe" Thor* are ocsedu vbie peech la golden. uathur lIas ilmoi ude, mwvte mn ieeursagvotE v«» Sbeet mort "~Uia th é t"r<aet Satêrl'IR. O*m Bonéirso«am re toomééuub.&*Mad or the e ffict of a lftle <marnes mmd pifie rai»e. Thé o oU OuP àDll r-Eovenu I& an ehaies.. Lob. tics a litti ue ablt a min IbesnaAt The Cemptlmn thé Mmlditio othée erp4uuién. Gra alade sn an impaepmt aid -tu thé dl- eintipua ad viiiAbcouplihbMOli't. Wrà sb)ça uMdvitang a-sal. lev eouiWU*Lg n.Tb.y "pàs«esscertain Muéa asi«d tàomad iuppiy Ibe body r5 vW nee8dele..Tomoto@i, endivi. hettos and Youag ouions are epleniud for thoimbla. spinach eautaina malts of potassium,.trouon d other propor- ti,0 1h01 açI upon to liter.,..To% snd ceUsea must b. taou nlà modéraion. - ielsd of Cyprua. "aite " iset0fCyprus bas hem tdéatUw ed '.ehola Wlh Mét-ii timet thoffb o a f tqi. a' s alsted Selmurn4, uthbpiidla eort th tempiee e I .o4lm, itsd.<o put dova a robelliou oefthé eCyprisaq. Who limd refused te p»Y triltute. 1< ln more thon possible tbat sou. of'i)uo copper usei la lté s olomrnulotemple camé troun Cyp#nuà, for Il vas oelj a dors mail trou hie mainland, and, aItotu wIev.u nder Phoenlclaa coutrol. Thé grat basket hall proctisé hotu t"satternoon' at vwch about thlrty ruported la thée. « If this nurnhévreports overF . regadism of vhetheu they vii u thé tutu, thé.- louai viii auri e a tesa that, the. school, wuii> e: of. Théy hs*e thé matérUaX la achool 1? t viii put gt ou *M develeud. Whtiia achadulo suélà Coach kanné bas mrrangid for achooL. thé auulnt.shoWli gt- ý sud ses to St that thé ebiSl lue ré.onted by a toasse tt---A the mesrita of thé scooeL.O ben mcoduled vithi Keneuho Iaid, Naval. StatIon. Nev T«, Imn.ý Ohuuao Latta chooL. Rtula Kwankée ad other aood ,obéq Thé echédule l etMcompbéta& vll- '<lié contracté slgaed. but viii hé tho car future and viiithon hé m94 niuhle I.test vek et ibm hW uchéol. Thé téoa" ha aila voté héoa on Wednmsq vWe ,M Igonday titis vk iéoaci afici bilag disMhsed on Wi4eI attornoc. There Vii lenegbi lmTurdy or ridayr Te nimov 0Putty. To rMuve 014 Putty trom as "'ld attér thée #Iosbas -beau t&kw; peus a hot soldornug trou or po, rc 'novd. 1IOLIN INSTRUCTie. By URAOBAT»rFU0PSTIIOtILA. CON8IiRVATOItY - 0F, VIOUI<' CAMEI TO AJMmCA WITIi PA% LOVA. STUDIEO WITH PROP AqUIR (one id Ulrope'a Ou'estbe' masters>. Studioop911' yent Tuesuday trou 19'&. M. to 9 fi. rnp. fzamination of Techaic PraoI' BIELITSKY VIOLIN MASTER ROOM 308 OCHWARTZ ELDO.- (Genèse. and Waahin*on Sts.) Uemmen's New, Studio The only ground fÉoOr Photograph Studio in the city. All newly dec- orated and furnished. The latest appliances for the highest grade *Photographlc Work Nicely furniushed dressing rooms. N'o w i s t he t i me t o place your order for Christmas Photos I-IEMMIE$, P'hotOgrapfIýF %q.ue 1 Vt« Agi!mm.m 807 id. eaea«eot.k e i fflelv-w .11 4T'e By CAN -. ------ - POSITIONSMAE OFFERED D nLAÇEWORKERS IN 211ON. R vr~c# Secretary Hlggins of local branch fO~ 1 i'( 1 No S inCity, le ln recelpt o! a etr rmGeneral Secretary Dlavid IJ~I IR STATEoS the Amalgamsrted Lace Operatives or America, that ten lace curtain weavers wil ho taken as "i*m- les n the varlous lace miille Iing 9 holReoté. fu i RPOrta ANtGo to 3JWij ' rwtucke. t. R. 1 B l 'She eotr The conditions lmftd n hecur- Be rourseif as others ce4" 'j' tain weavers whiie iearnlag the maic- That la vhat a large number et SM S ofs . Itiiof dréss laces (which la a trade Waukegan people hop* to ae" entirely spart from curtaln weavlng) thlnk they will 80e ln the near tt< la that the curtain weaver shall de- But théy are flot the onfly on«.. PW navduct 20 per -eent from his earnings'0 NE 818DY UILI. for on. year, thé 20 Per cent to go tklely tewo aun boul ofut FIE 119 ASta the lace weaver as rémunération Deerfe soo îhei tat the emi fora les h a uu hl h era man hian their pictupe. But il n.@Muan« f e n. t Rond Wo *lmirover la learnlng thé business. la the Way It happénéd:Tbe Bl i hould tIsn tainamenacceptthie posi- r«; Met . ofUthe étae Wiii Depend en tions offornd it vîîî give émployment the hlgh ochool studeats of the lau 84M ouo Eess iVsu.-.1hds ia seing to ail of h curtain weavers who schooi., Arthur Suthierland. ,WaÏV M *Ved'kW Wh«t iM.m..rn Dom aî have been ioeed out for the past six Siomér and lmer gdhlelcher. iel. montha by the Marshall 1P'eld Com- a box wlth a crank that -lerblq pany lni thair Zion iaclad lacé cur-mongpcréaea avéy' .0ouccmlct raid vork pay? The Abu.a ek&o uoe tfo ait. WIth ti nteb&4, qtbmé or the werk lnaUmofo Washington arrivud at Zion to Invea- auto they siowiy veit throuii; Èh tt dOPOénd On ftt écOomie tigate the mtu4tim RiHolnformed thé main stréets, taking, as It loog4( - ntd pisUMlaor hé. beeOR.i- vo d out" aew esthtte ue f thé différent ultÇg 'kbO balbO- - woldhé taken bacli at the plant If ~tl~ ~M i oeftthé envi* they vould a igu individual Applîca- of the people. Then they vet tu. aM,*Womi-and bus réeaiveiles tIPai. 'They mer they dld this and Deerfleld-Waukegaa foot boan qg »mlg ae. ra ,&. 1). I appied for positions this morning. Mère tbéy had thé Déérfiehi tâ «4ue of h. th t hu-irere Iatoruéd 'no more me. véré affeded .ow and might neyer hé need- ié o hi itrte h ne bwr etDe% d as bays voulu h. given theétiret field cheer leaders anld lastly là Oprefetence About the smme timé thé rooters. 'saW ~C-ge,, aah-bas D itcoo- etter oW.erlntthe positionsu arrived x âmoétid ÎUE, i biPéwitOf M- r. and several vil îaccépi. Several ln. 1 s-8headtdrtit-eD Walah ,for.* jéeitcdlot lin -0the. tend ta rémain tu thé ieniy. field students had asked a local til mui ovbieb. v t>neughthé' viaà- ater manager to uotlfy thel r eUt tlm-~ fflu! m)qVfMtiér, -.4. to Jue fiTat ougîrité arOum eO. hen thé picture appeared nflit 1R13. tb..-ssuyed. quodonel uthe A man ont West. vho mield @ vaut to cornéte, Waukegan Mdi itaiMýd s t 01SUWiètru t he --vdow, ho. iorented a device to cure theuselvée. Théthre. studépt&.1', iel tp oi thé Dama ânrnp veo: ber 0f eternair peaisl abr forme' asmnaetéteradfmu . 'lJ mNeyadslehîefl5ON7Ii = hflband. Wbui,éver mi hgsthe thîrd as camera mon sqiw ârbeyere reluemsmwy ln dry. 4cwut ie ~noble qiiUthisÉ> a lshpPéei t over thé D«Uiid' m e »ffldnu e' »« utmussé eslie.No. 21 ureirs.:Tot eiadur il- o-a nMOIW ». "ottw.at,-cuw u t@"seoei I H<OW do- ib l b a ,~ sjedente MaUW 's