-LÂIKfl 00UNT,]4DBPENDI4{FRIDAY, NOVEMBERI26, 1S a Édted by F. J. RUCE Phono Il Orders Tsken'for Job Work. &dvetaîng rates on application. -I --Il Xma Plotos, bave ihpe made at %od'a gSwdio. Llbersyviq1e 6,8 Boyd'e Budis 15%.discoun t ou X ma Photo. durlog Navember. lira. lieyer@ of Cirago, epnt ths week-end vith ber titr, lirs. Stout. A. D. Buell traumacted busieme lu fibicao lithelatter part af lent we. Wm. Bedieru eud' bcotbsc loft Thora. day for their home la England. lic. BWeiec bas been employed by E. C. Boob the. peut year. Dan Baook sud famlilyentertained f.i.ir damgtern-u-av ansI ehild.ea ovsr Sun. "aY. lir. Willla lia.lillamansI daugbter tla vers Clilago vietora Friday. lir. and lira. Wm. Knax ofOurme., epeut lent Fridey vith Ibeil' daugliter, Mcm L. Burgs sud famlly. Rd Doolittie, vif. and daughtec Ruth speut Tbanbsgiving with their eau LeoMard and vile at Waokegan. 1 9 Lawis & Book vers Chîcago viSitoca Sanday. Barr gmth vbo han been wocblng si a caaaing fatory lu w"ieln ha. eterneil home.11 Ums hocad bas eigned ber posiion la lhe i:th grade. Tb@ vecaucy ha@ bomsa Oued hy a teacher from Prairie Vioer. . Unr. M. Com',toek Id t Tuesday for NOv York etat. alter spendiug eeverai weeks vith hersîster, Mr@. Win.Cr.mina. lice. Mary Thomson entertain.d a nmber lui chlidren las& Saturday lu bonor ai ber Joungest :daughter. Mime Alice Thomnson. lire. J. 8cblosser sud thiren epent Bandai lu chic«g. Mir. and Mc. Warren Miler aI Labo Biuff,ralled bers on reatives laet Thuce- dey. 8» L. Carfleld transacted buinesln Chicago Tueedsy. Baverai irom bers al*nded the uerai ai lire. Wai. eborlaaet Lake Villa lat Tii. Be. Lavrece choir of Libertyville MM st tuhe 8t, Adreva cieureh bers Boday evang. lir. Cari an arnleut ollekv. Wie's, d.iiver.d theisemion. ilie"r. Neville, Clevload. Book and Wicbadeona atadced tii. show "It Pays to Adycclime" at Caban Grand, Chicago,1 Badai evening. Mir. and M.linso.Peeer, vho vere1 married lest Thureday s auI Wlban bava retucued. They vi irenaka he baninlathe Lavaon boume on Siniser1 lir and Mca. Marquis Shafler, and F. D. Batterehali epent S&tnrday evemlup ad Suuiday lu Waukegan. Tii. Ladies' Aid viii meet vitli Mr@. Joe lierville on Tbursday merning,o Dec. 2ad. iu Zion City. There vilii h service lu the cburch every Sunday attrnoon. George Wlson lfrt for bis home in Oelikoeh th. tiret of lasi v.ek. He experts to go juta huie eseuar there. lire. Laura Crne @pent lant seeek la Herscher. She vent ta attend the funeral of au uncle. A great auction sale wiii be heid at the old Suber farin, 1 mile souîheaet ui Ruseil,,ou Thursday, Dec. 2, 1915. ai 1:00 o'clock. loci B'g One Cent Sale A SUCCeSS Our big One-Cent-Sale was a great success-msuy of aur oustomars took advantage of the sale and the flou bargains it offeredf. Peopls are realizing the fact that the cblapest place te trasie, quality cousidened, il at The Rexali Store Tiare yon wi.Il flnd neot only fair prizes and good quality but excellent service. Thtis Week's Special Bargain Castile soap, two 100 bars lise A few boxes of writing paper and eorrespondence carde [oc each. THE REXALL STORE "l'h. Store TLetSa," Y.. Me.elyt DIICE"DRUG Ce. -COnMuli ne of Scitol suplies GvALKE Tihe Ladie.' Aid vili glve a Bsu social stt1h chucch on Frlday nii DeS. 8. Evérybody corne. 0. Xappu of1lUtah, if visitins' as home o!fOCo. Kappe.. lima.Taylor of Taylor (Irove, il epE log mveral day. vlth C. C. Am.ea famlly. A facévl Party van 'Riven et On Labo for Brt sud Wii itediern,v Ivul lear. tlii.we for Englitud. MM .F. HB VanZandt rleited fiind Chicago and Oabi Park a fev sIsys veek. lirv. D. Carleon esud Mime Edua RaI of Waukan, vers home for the we end. lit te rocted Jes Trings bas bau, a larm nean Labo Villa. N Faîber Foler la tabiug s trlp Colorado and Caàilfonia foc bis bot, Mud expote ta ho gone about t Munthe. lir. andlira. T. Carmaban vers Chica rilore on. diy aiî veb. Aler spemding tva vmebs i lu Mu vldtàlug frMbbds ansi sivee Mie E LUI hsune omne aturdai ovenlua. CI1às . iavbjso11, Pran iverau e DOYL. lat lait Tiiuceday moruiug foi tn ll ilunapoîi and Bt. Paul retui ing.m born ndajimrung. lir@. T. Caruaban entecralupd M Pearl Bail 0fCicago, avec Sonday. Mir. and Mire F. 0. Ditmeyer aud M Idahei vera Wanbegau vietors la Maturd&Y callesI thera by thebesIail their nas.,- MMa.Joe obasuait La County hospitalI. lic. andIdlie George Doyle are ejaicii avec th ii, hof a saenupound bay Sdti8ay morniug. lir. ld lire. M Pattenimauentertain uampay from Raeil suudsy. DESTROYED BY FR[ AND WATER SUNDA Cigar Fàctory on MoAlistE Avenue Set on Fire by Over- heated Stove Sunday.-. Waukegan. Nov. 22. t Tventy-one thousaud cigan-îa Havana OSIers, vers destroyed by Oir emoke ansI vater, vhen cigar factor NO. 9 ett he corner of Ninîli sIree andI McAlleîer avenne vas attacked bi fire lots BondaY nigit. The huildir@ li which lb. factory la locatedh Ovned hi John Umek, vbo rented l ta JoBeph Mllasvenuicv, cigar ma'ý@e The siarm vas eoul'ded at 25 Min utes Peut nine, and wvlen the Sautt Side fire departaient arrived on Ilf scens, tle lterlor of the building vsm ans Mass af dame. The lirs vs started, lb la saisI, tram an averbeated stove. The firemen saved tle build. ing from belng nazed, andI as a resu't ai their efforts the 1058 sustained hy L'mek vili he covered by on. or two hundred dollars. A large bols vas hurned ln tle fonr andI celing of the building. MlaveDnncr lad made up 21,000 cigare vhidli vers ready fal delivery, and hle estimates bis lcaseta fuliY $1,000. Hié loue vas nat cov ered by ineurance. T'he South id. firemen returned tu theiP statian et 11 a'clock and et 1 'riack they vere routed tram their huile when an alarn va% sounded tram the business dis. trict. They came to tle assistance or the Mon from station NO. 1 vIa ver. called out ta, extingulsb the line ln th. Greek restaurant et lb. corner -01 Washington andI Water strees. Yucam Mnah 15,000peceona week ly thr.ugh *the independeit. PRAjrýRVIEW Bord'@ Studio, 15% diocouit Àax Photo. ducing November. Xuuae Photom,,bave then, mAd SloYd'a Studio, Lîbetyville. C. B. Eatou.snd bel 5. c1)ffj Deeriield, epeut part o! lait vesk mime Florentry ocfaiNorthlleid, bOee viOtiug at the home ai ber @s Mca. S. K. Kuedier. TUI liteichll@peut lait veeb vitll1 Roland Biason as Bervyn. lir Emtua Kcn.ger vieited fbiend DesPlaines a ev day lnait veek. Baârri Kuedler, Artur Kruegfer, Fr B3olti. and Wiii Thorme ~ruturued ve.b from Montana. Mr. and IMca. J o. Rihrao are on icb lias. liack lison ban joined the Davy, Blertha Hotje ie teacblig ecQl Orayeabe. Tbe Ie' Vrnon remeter, SOC Win mut vltb lira. Wm. BlanclIf Thuce*day aiternuan, Dec. 2. joli" e ei..,la boe r !uwPark i liant. e ------------ SLEEPS AWAY Ài."'I Theodare H. Durs!, Presidenit. W. B. Sniilh, Vice Preaident, ~R T O WEKS I fiF. W. Churchill, Secrsîary sn(j Manager S.ENSELESS STATE " T ELEPMONE SEUuRITY TITLE &, TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEEI> Capital $125,000.00 1 -J RCITA ÀTPRESDYTEIIAN ?I calée ?villa R CITALiT FRIDAY IU le et-______ he Preahyterian churrh chair .11i 6e8 Mr. and lirs. lent Hamlij aud Mcc. give a recitai ai tiihe niureh on Frday 1r airedtiaiin aerv in Watkegsn ,on e'en 'ns of Ibis veek. lire C. N.DurAnd 0 viii b.' orgaulet, Misa Liia eh iCormick, .k et bueia,,'eala.t V(.~ 1,dL,,-say. 104t.e, thje 1ev. B1 M. Aiiturt, direetor, A te paud ." an har ta n. sd sited by the Rev. (Gien L. icor, béri. ban Mra. P. A. Avrcy hit Saturday. toue, àgrs (Gien L. Rico, contralto, andI iter, Mris. LislaAc,.rý jependiugsa oupie Mr. H. L. Peter@. reader. Th~e iloilg veeks wlîh ber brother and famiiy eaIinteresîing pcogram wiii begln &t eight lr.Round Laike. 'riorb: 9 P R. Avery wasaiat Lake Geneva lait Marche Religieu4 ............ ....eiette de eeolilirs. Durand .T.Shepardiuonhas retently pur. Biessed Redeomer .................Douta caub rbssd the IL. J. Nelenu home and The Cboir Iloisi @X@tte 0mare soon. Mr. and lir. Hear lie Whoui 1 (al-........ luba Nelson will mare ta Waukegan. Ber. Glenn L. Rico* s ' il te O Moday No. 22 a on as ornDuet-O Loylug Voie of Jesn@s...Nevin thWO Md MmN.2. sou vas oru er. and lice Rire tali. ndlie.J.0.Poltu. Sanctus, (Holy, Bomy, Bol1> ...Gounod lire. Seboca aud the Minse Seboca of Tb@ Choir 01atNocîberu Wiconsinu ve down Monday Vrdn-~v~lîo"M. B .Pterà et attend Mli. Sebo'. luerai. .H .P In *,he Tîme of Boses........ leichardt san l ric 0.OC. Maibeve ai Autiocb @pont The Choir ity Monday bers. b if on Lovely Éloyers, Wili Ye.. Fanet. Gounod There 'was no echool liouday alter,-lim. (Gien L. Rico City, oou Berount 01f the Sebaca funeri. Kenucky Bah@..............plantation licr. andI Mmr. J. K. Cibb vers lu Chf. Tii. Chair ' cage Tuemoday. Rading-'*Whe,ôDaddy vas a i6". lic. B.L Petere Leo) Barnetable le building a boume on u De-" LIve and Love Tbee"..Campans hi@ fathecea farm for hli occupancy, an ho e.adlr.Rr la e 10 eip bisfather on the tarm. TbL e honsI.........ico ia aret lic. aud lira. M. Kappe enteruindE Te Th brd..........hoir ..Sulva lgbt, Potier aud vile of Gurue. Suday, O 1Fc A hea 0f ir .A1rv 10Ol lic. E. Thayer bai boon quit. Ill but 1 Bear A Tboueb At Rue ...Cadman8 tbe lie ou tbe gainB.,. (Gien L Rire Miss Lottie Goedenfeld speut a leur esding-', Laes, A Girl of tbe Goldene end. daye lat veek visitiug lier @inter.,Mlice ........................... ........1.. West 1 ansI Fred Behrens Mr. B. L. Peters OBITUARY The millera Woolng ............. Fanniog Dc. Martha E Sebors van bora Dec.-7. The Choir Who 4880, aud dled Nov, 19. 1915. 8h. van The Temple Belle ..........Amy Finden the daugbtec aiflic. and lire. C. 111d. 'IWake ..................t lin ardu, e'bo ivesl on a fartauer Lake lire. Gien L. Rire laut villa. onuJuy 12, 1895,g ee anunitgd The Song of the Vikings........FanulugM lu Marriae te W. J. $@hors, Who viii The Choirç ,lethrfs lîttie girls i ot te moucu h«.R.adiug-."The Word That Meaus Ye"b abk- Sb MII Oniy a short time,beiog tabou lic. B. L. Peter. witb ptomaine poieunîug on Thurmday Thora ................................Adam@ s aud dis ou Fcidsy. Fueral van heid Rer. Glen L. Rire igtat ti hecurcchbars ounIdonday afternoon, A Perlent Day..... Ceti@eJacobas BondN RLer. Uutnuiinueon offliating. Buciai ob The Choir place l in ouavulle rsmetery. Sbe alioe(iood Nigit ................. "v baere motliec, lice J. Bowling, and one eider. Mcm. E. L. Wald. LIRERTYVILLE ORCf.-c ANTImffocH TI ASOCIION ELE9S, two Mc. aud lice Dan Lonan of (etekOFOICESFOR YEÀR vers csiied bers on account of 1h. serions I limee of tbir dangliter, lir. VIda The Libect.yvlle Orchestra Ameilon oshen. van formed ai a meeting bei lait vmekW ,ke Ben Burbe vae a Chicago visitor pe lu2îhe Iodg@ bail on tii. thîrd fluor of thb.01 Eva day. Firt National B.mà builng and afinera c Frank Povlsa la on 1h. 5mb lis%. Aieaverpelct. fr t,1 sa1 Th.e..offcr@ nry cavaa c.eisctsd ara: 'raPrueeisn-Ar4hur~~W lianY from bera attended th. ioerai Vc-Preident-j". a. Ivan. 'r-0 L-c.WID %Sbor& at Lak, Villa Mli.a.. Berwy-4has. 3. mison. diday. Trmeurr-Dal.CoiMne. lieChai. Thorn le able tu ho ont aler a Business IManager-.C. a. Klt»sll. ifge ai typhold feyer, andthe11.ret ai 1h. Aaistant-Poey 8.0v. les Ol.k ara dorw fine. It mm@ to h.a niy Librertan-Thos. Biddieson. et a ligît form of typhold levr. Qoartermester-Ciair Omarn. af Ou Mouday ilione Mrguerite lin-1 The malter of eletiog a director hie Colougi van akeu te Chinâago for au beau loft open foc the preanet but Itlai operation for appendicitie. .xpected tbsi au able director viii h. MM. .Breadweewr hcg ecured fcom Waukegau or Chicago lu Buhpp rk and wievee î th le vecy Dnarfuture. ebapereMonay.Thçeareuov about tventy-tive active nd Satucday the romains ai the yoonase meber n u Le association, beeldes a dauunbter of lMr. aud lireChai. Harrison nmec aoiasoismmbr.T. of Waukerau, but iormecly oi Auliocli, association lb desirous of meuoing qulte Were bcougbt boresud laid te aet iu the a number of asoiats membera, vha Ililside cemetery. dire the active siembers, viii psy tventy. lic. suddlic. Herb. Pierre ]ON aton- lIre rente as doemoutbiy. lTh. next day fur their Dow home lu Burliugtou. meeting vIli be beld ou Friday sveniug v Tbe service@ of St. Ignatios Eplecopaj on the tijirdifloorai FiretNatioD&kB ank LY churccl were iargeiy attended here Suu- building. day. CBIARLES JOCIIOEIR MMLBkNl __jMARRIEJJ-ON SATIJRIJY Mmr. John Baonter ban been sink for the pasi week aud under the douter'@ cars. S.îtucday aiternoon est bire o'eloek ln Mm. . A.Martn l inand er itle heCstboliir cureb ai North Chicago, lic. E A.liatinisiii su be utleoccucred th. e rnege ai Charles Jochi- alson Richard bai pneumonie. lieim, aide@t @eau*ai Mr. snd lir. Fred r, Mies Keaiey loft Fidav ta sPend nmre JOnbbe-im af Libetyville, aud liles S l ime witli a Delre lu Highland Par k, liyrtl, Kaphieni, dangliten of lic. and et Mr. sud lins. W. R. Stewart voe aMma. Wm. Kephiemu oi North Chicago. y Waukegau visàitoce Thursday and Fri. FatherSùM en ed the reremouY lu the jg day. prenonce ai e number ai relative.sud hq W. . bfaneiîslentertaining snepbev friendsetaibath young people. fi fcam'Texan. Alter the ceromouy the party repaired Mr. aicnsd lis. Jark Cary of Blasting ta the home ai the bride vhers the ved. n~Lake, viilmare mb lire. Jas. Pollocbi 'ffin UPPer vas serveci. Automobiles h~~~~~ buebi eicalveyed the entire party teansd fcom e lic eos. Kennedy af Pikevifle, eaici. 1h Mrl. dMJcb m uLbr an E A. liantin's motber, died Mouday et ln u ieJniemrm aLbr as 2 p.rm. tyvilie f rom their short vedding trip on ad Th ais i oltyvi Ôdterlondsy eveniu)g sud they expert ta d" he adi8'Ad scity ilibôj tblrmabte Iheir home bers. The groom le Ill olutbly meotiug Thursday, Doc. 2ad. OmPloyed lu hie fetber'e babery, sud h. )yýBusiness te ho traneacted. la veilibuovu t'O many local people. ro in, sud Mca. Heory Pollocklansuaon a o Ioa, Mr. sudlire. John Fulton of Reporte from ryalake state that le Waukcgeu, sud reative, ram Ibis John Richiardson, liushand of Minni, paintattn th l rai a1 Rohî. Richiardson, the voman lu the Vola )ý Polock.rail case, lias sbipPed a load etf Ove! t andI ten cent gondsebaito Grayelake! v- Foot ball resuita Saturday: Carrai and lutenda te open up a lie andI 10c leý college defeated Lak. Ftorest c.11eg. Store. Salure ta gel a Site le planneci et t Lake Forest b he 11e mudl icussed on la saisI te have prevented hlm le. Pint ai the goal troam tolidhdovu. Ing open for business fDow. A» Grays- iThe victors ver. OnîplaYed atter th e l u aots1- ilt Charles M. Keefe of North Litica St., Waukegan, Victim of ParalyticStroke. WugaNov. 22. Atter being unconscloua ifor two veeks as a reBuit ot the second etroke Of Paralysie, Chiarles M. Keefe. for 2.- years an employe at the viro vorks, died et midniglit Saturday at Mas home on North Utica street, Wau. kegan, at the age or 59 years. He alept avay without regaining hie seules even to the extent of recognia. ing bis family. St vP's On MRy 17 that Mr. Keefe Butin h firat stroke which did flot se.m to be a bad one for he re-' sUm.d bis iWork at the mille ln a MOnth. Hovever, the stroke had a- fâced hum no that. he was changed trOm l t.ePosition of veighing to, ¶at of gate tender and lhe seemed to ho getting &long very veli vlien on Octo- ber 29th he austained the second stroke and Binre@that Ulieelie gradu- &Ily grevw wc)se. P'inally hie speech left hlm and lie becamne lelpiess. Net long after that he hecame uncon- scious and for twa veeks had flot regained the une0 of bis mind to any extend vhatever. He alvays lad been a cobust man and the sfldden af- flikIion came id a great ahock. Mr. Keefe vas born in Port Coving- ton, N Y., and 28 Years aga li era. rlit Clama White of DeKalli. At the time lie vas emPloyed ln that city hi the Nortliv'stern railroad. Twenty- rive years ago tfle family moved te WaUkegau and lb vas mince their home. Besides lia vidow, Mr. Reefe ls sucvived by tliese children, ai living &t home: Harry, WIllard, Leonard, Nora, Robert and Rose. Mr. Keefe vas a member of the ,Modern Woodmn ,lodge at DeKalbi Iruneral Tuesday from Christ church Chajuel et 9 o'ciock, Private. Inter- ment at DeKal. MOOP DISEASE AT MACOMB. SrIiingfield,lIIL, Nov. 1.-A usu M«. of foot and moqith diseais' *as wler. tii. bord of M. J. Sullivan vaA OrdOed laugltered. This.is the IUcet Cm. reported lul the stat, for titres laye. CIIRI[ O.PROIOR L" &IeDI Job Prh'ting CLEAN WOU I - We lare pleasedlito annpunce to our patrons in LibertyjvilIéan4 vicinituj that the O'Sea & Bidingoer Piano (o of Waukegan have opened a Branch Sales Department in the R~ay Trdhfort ê Paint Store LIBERTYVILu. ILLINOIS where wilI be carried a fullfine of Pianos, Vjctrolasý, Music, Records, Etc., and we wiIl tbe in Position to supplp the wants of this communityg in the musical fine. You ore cordialig invited to call and see our displayj. LAKE 7ZURICH'S NIEW SHOEi STORE 2 1 bave opened an up-to-date @hoe @tore, carryiug comple line of Men's, wotuen'a and oildren's ehoeo. Yota canuot afford to overlook my stock in :electing your w winter wear, prices right-goode guaranteed the be t. W. G. IIARIWAN (nait to Prehme) WARMT11 WITIIOLT WEALTUI Attend 10 your boum,boaUng nov. lJon't watt un11 V.%inter winde hloi. 1iS's saler aad cheeper now. Our heffle. for repairing or rea.wlag seaus or bot-. wate, hsaig, sadiatore, pipies. vaIw5 etc..* are excaptlonaly good. W. e experte at mew Initallations, elaagbg from etoves tb furnace rapldl.ajdw and effectively. Bstan, or hol.wratw 4 h.ating caves coal, heaith, Iabs.r. W.V saler, qulcc h eat, gives a eteaie - eat and cemoves the. danger of Sam lu 0 vs do it, lt'. right and goar.teed. TOM WALSII, The tardWare MOU WAUKEGAN ILLINqS; -1 ="-î î"