CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Nov 1915, p. 6

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DIMODLAIE Jf ms. Loweli enterteaed friends Irmmf Chkicalet yack. L tire. Albrect vas caIed ta Chcagt Frlday bY the iliDmsoftber lather. Ali Tb@s Ladie' Aid wiii givean oyster star sni>ier at Dr. Omoe Tussdai venln&, by tI Nov. S0. Evesyoab-ihoud attend. 1 a Mrs. Lanra B. Kam le is u@eslli ai Tb ber bpue us. Mlins bas returncd hone alter chai spending the veau ln Chic&"- . stait 1;Chur Mann of Ccaga, viailed bis Tb gu'adiths. J. Boues, Br.. Bend&Y. dai. lit. ad Mms C. T. Bartisit 01 Evans- P"O tan, arte t&Iing vitb tbteir sator, )Ire. Mi L. Kane during ber ilncus gou tire 0e. Mitchell sud M L. .Kaneof01CI attu.-idlte Harveel Fetivl a t LMO IdM BDihrphsagffe WednedaY. @un r &", Ocrie made a business trip to bM aEvanstoliu ceBm-t of the veek. in C arret Hodge gave a Party ta a M Bonmberobr a hsctafri-ends in bonor of Chi Iber eighth bimthday. Ail rePort anubo STF. SWAN Coeir«P0fdeflt and Agent . XmB photos. have them iiade et Sojis SWelio.itthcty'llh. 6c8 Ba1i'8tuhiG.15'% dicount on X mal phOtos dusimeNovember. ticS lo Anqe PaUlson vas a Chicao visoSaturday. XM.le«e, louai supprlatutident for the vwbmt QuaTiU@ Co., @peut Sund"! vtth hie familn la biago. lire. Homos King and daughter CsaiiSe sp uetSnday vith C. A. Hapke Md leenlyyln Libertyvilll. ima Rouse entertainetl Miss Florence Bnai0Desplaines, a fsv isys last veek. LAmB's CORNERS . G. Paynes returned lasI weea irout r.Elu abi pndn e Wleoenin andi epent the week-end hres ie le ab esedn e belore iakiug up bis holiday work in dli WsWukcaan vtithum-r nire, Mmr.C Chifflo Frank Clark, vWho ha@ been ick. Chas.liattheve. vWho bas heen uni- A birttiday Party vas helti ai t.e 'playet at Pitilmor's babebeop bas home oifMi. and Mm-. Nuy Lambt en Fr1- resigned hie position andi retnrned la day eveunig. i bing . their daugbler Cceag". etsle' bithday andi ailtaio! Glenn The cbicun pie supper givun by te Mille of Gui-nue. Tise pativas given Ladie' Aid Tucsday evenlug tiiev a for bath the youna people. A fine tinte làérS &#endace.vas mepoted by aIl. Thc Aiea Orchetra furniebeti music for The Warren iemceri Association viii the REpiscopal citurcit entertain[Ôent t mesi WcdnesdyfinonDe.aI [d*rtîvhlu et Wdneda evening. viit lir@. Cyniha Millet: viitai-e vol. Uri. UDaRitsntbaem- aiPrairie View, lb Is rpartad thai Mr. Carisen of vlsl$ we ttsvok vitUMr, sud lir@. Gru«e basrented tUI O'Bes fm. - MarIts Bmitbwlit. lre. Jobmscn hl Obleago. attseded the AINE B Meireiluclt ai pge.riye yearslouerai ef the late Me. Faulikner-and 'II ý X&Is bu re- cd the udem-- tay.d over for a ev days vlieil itb ber ..klqI~sms!sMli. Knap la second sou. lé smb ta ic coua ti îulieli- M M,. gami lis . . LILMiIIercelebs'atei 4 8T»Wate rquette Of Mrs"dshav e istvcnty-liftb vedilmuamvaei Pi@v WW VuQai hm t Uta eai th p ri Nov. 19. qfldie o!ltebai l'Sb'-veatlior about tveuti-Oive esspodod ta Mw.a4 lir& a. onBuseoff lJÎkcgothse invfattos tu, be Prmssa. 4A ye -u ' &; er it tr adMc pieasant tfie vasiha&. Mr. and lIes. m#«eOay m iSrM..ndà lin ulfricovesi mayS inepreSats. Tiior Tic ommnit metin aIMcBld W vSbaieo @remted foui- mratlone, bà Onow.da inwui.vaevil aaseded Mille, MlreKgarie'Ii la1; Panert,i Md Is~5taçeibrOPtit vas veI IdMater Robet Penser- amb ila evidemos. Piedet Defimet. s -lolk lfvetds siNteteri Fisher mad Speeial Salas Agent Mr&. Lincoi !Lt l.vciia M--~ ~ adaMesr. Scitryvei'e one day lasi veut. *@eMaothng&ad thetm- tait vures vel rýeed.. Tb@ local speakers ves a. C.L UflslslLme haidie sud E. H. Biuhnt Md "er addresl e.svoe admirably * vrd. The munie vas turnishe t ,uemarie Pain-b &atiC. Dea w ail. v»emieto; e. W. Degmis, Pi., piano avint E . A. Wetvood. violils sotoet mci gisAimù Cchuwa. titislethe fige muicitstlndta o b d hummi t a bha"du tuWinyulstert a gemeri mut lkg a biag a md bett eui PUBLIC AUCTION 1, é e bdai m e t fimeloeta-m. Ares, ?dsu. Bec 71. Btte at10 O'clock. ~mby .pe.islpum.iit foi the. *te" «,tbIobàm54 bmofaMWiiklaekMWn ff ~le.ers amà oem stomk, - Rgalts .vMmdbull mad «gamoso&l 3hudoadhoflee. ro-tsMd isavy agbs. 70oMa" m eo-Purebd Poismi Chna baar, bouleva" *bson&&, 40 bmeain Lai ?Iotua ul a a Mi it bas taa m" CWB«7 ri laoputsit. mau 1i in puteasiMWlime»d avwy aticl iib uN. To le A gsa le thaiMW bas b itm bel la idata couti for sonslias- 1 a 5005. Usualtarns. gUeaesech",l.Pmop. P. Grsktbe. Aact. Ori lobe CounlyC blg vecieh-INDU. PBmoeM 8. L. Tripp. President. Mise i-are icryver vestedti fentis Lake Bluff iecently. RESOLUTIONS Wbeesas, l iew ciatise 1as vu ha suetelned by tho dctet oui- friend s vOm-tiy. Mr. Wuiam u Lst, *Bdi0of @U11 heavier lmaestained hy thos w veresnamrrand dearet ta imt it &Te tho ire- fOr e bu it Reasoivet, Tisa itilai but ajint tribut. ta the meniory oh ibe demsrted t sami "As la regreling hie removaà trainOurnt mW-st v. moiti-nfom-one vito vasin everiva. a, oib y of outr -ect &ad regard. f Besolveti, That vs einoeelY coudoie virtic fainil o i id amc t ie l D)ivineProvidence ta milàhe, -dt ve oem ine d hem m-for & Me o ntO l ilm vbo air mil hbulge for lb. bust i vhwomc chatlisu ar e uat in Basolvesi. That tiis huai-doiti- mmlal0iOur ssmpalh mcd sorrov ha etoi-varded t gta .imiy i ront ia pam-led bWorthy md pubillbed inla ti.counY -pager. ivambas Lot igM. W. W* joh» J. Lueithe, A&ugum i Wlte, ILiC. wlitta mseeaetreedeISiE 014.s a. F. flouse vice Prosiact. J. H. flouse, ASat. Cahier Irving E. shlc r, 'N REiItUICI'. I LlABlLITIEB Vueutise Le Icurtu .. 405 .ue t baded P alt ln........ .. 5. ' 4 1»ýfi and .................. 62:907.50 Rasa ista±e----- ---- ........--- ~ RsreltT ,...... li TOW - ........... 11LA sM Totl ..-...------------871498 I, Joint Mt Iou- . stcatde of uhe abuTe ns.ned UBakdo soieuit ,weL tht lb "ov0e .temut'is Htru Led cOrrCtu te baegt fMy-knowiedi sud bettet. jOHN H. <0125. An'ti Caser. gut>xrfitd and .woi-e teo Wure me taiâe trd day of Novembr. A. D. s11. gLDWARD G. PAYNE,. Ntery' Public. -"MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME' Sule Deposit Boxes for Tent Art*, Mlinois cui the ove Ni at Pat Fi * ~pyfl P~ ~ -~4~v'1 rft~m~ 2& 1015. SAYS OS. DOWEItS $i, -tog h eterW@râa n SIONS 0F INSANITY roy Lut TbnradeY the bBAaar 9giveun th Ladies of the St. Pael'schurcit Capi. Moffett Asks NavY DePt. T a declded eeccess.ta Send Chds Bowers Back *a ho nuit mon ddrUl metig Of t119 mcm - to Be WtIr FamilY. cîrciJ of lb. Ladies'Aid of tb. 8%. Paul'@ .mii reh wviiits place Tlursday, Iftee 2, Spurtcd ont by the Insistent canton* te b.@ reeldence ai lie. Bd Juehend. tion or naval station enllsted -on anidcccM 'ho Ot. Pau'a ILomue viimt Thora- a9se civiliso employes that Mes. ma.*11Hez rDcc. 2. at tb. church. A epecial ric Bavera or North. ChICag relly trn cram n ipravlded. la not Insane and that shel therefore Th, liés Elfrleda Knoaatvas the week-end should not bave been sent ta M13g. ent et of ber aiter lire. Romayne I§tvter Cmmanlnt Moffeta! the station ploy 'hicago. basuas'ed thc navi departinent to et time M s.Boes arévk tig h o ce do one a! t va thin tS: 1915, r. ad hes. iy Bolearc wing 15 IRST-Elther transferDow. sic anti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r bibamlan evn.eeli sta the navai station in farth t e. AnnallShermnfit fitiog reaives order tiat ho may ho ceeu hie in ti hcago. famliy. I. re. Rastier andt tv daughterc of 8SCOOD-To *lve hlm clave jis Wago. vote te veek-endguoits at tbe of ebcence cl sufflolent longlt t e nt] ne of Fred Baorenberger. permit hlm ta retura and stre .ght- tract ice Anna Bolis*of Elgin, vwute en out hie femlly itffairs. Ig ekteend guet aiflire Maitel Mason Captain Moffett aaid*."I prsonally Tt a&fr. knov nothtng cof tbeo.v&nsan. but ebsi tJàPanese studenit îf theu Chicago frienda of the tamily bave urgedtmc p iierity wilispeak lunîlîePresbyttri&it to hlp Mr. Bavera back huresthaltr ircît SondesaV u.niîg bu mai be near his family. It ap. unt &,it Mieyer vas home.'[ront criool et puars rah r ansgu ibal te vomsn H Q Unveritvof llioiset bamaig wa ruhedoffto'thu asylumemenrely uee ,o heui-vu h ltl)t tCai inon vbat a tev netghb<trs thustfild ita o ,r ler husband vas givun no chance ta tita mieses susee Easton and ilorotitv look tala the case and 1 am Informei4 icituit ve gueste of i@@ue Mari-on that nobody ruprusentuti ber. 1 have aig t a Camp Fire Girle Party given actud muruiy on Insistent requests of the IV A uonslu îghlnd therq vho dlaim tbuy fuel sure 'M". rk Saturday ngbt. Bavure leofot Insane." George Millet, a naval ma, saiti: MIhIkEl "ccBavure vas Dot au Insane £EBLE NDED 'vantran viten tbey sent ber ta ELFgin ilamdI rsurprised ta h e BO CO .MIT I3D eighboi-e vbo merely wvisbed la gel ber off the ikiruet caulti Put fitavur. U N ER A ?R W LAW ntsekn odEilabrs tions sometimes may have seelmud udge Persans First JUdge in1 queer. 1 knov far a fact that nomte- State ta Avail Himnselt of Re- body t-ed ta enter ber home recent- cenly assd Lw. ly and Ibat vas one 'baiiucinatian . cenUyPassd ' Lw. vbich vas laid agrainst her-the dalim The firet case under tic nev iav vas nobodY tried la break in. 1 knov ®r the camsitmnent af Uic fueble tbeY dii. *'l have knovn ber tbice inded 'lias been passed upon I;y yers and sam sure she la sane, - cidge P. Lý Persans in the lake cana- Caplain Moflct Iode>' detaiied onu y court ai Waekegan. Tbis mng a! bie aide ta Investigate thc ma- elin Ruta. 16 Y«" Olad. and enother ter and b. sonutStale's Âtiorec ithuanien cltild, ix Yesrs nid, vere IJadY>.Who vas out of thue ity snd àken troin Waukegan ta Uicelste in. couli flot therofore take up the case. tilutIOn for thc teeble mindeti et Bover5 vas a chie! pelI>' officer ai [lncoin, . . Uicnaval station sud a ycar aga vas The 1ev. vhich vas drafted prlnci- tfrred tult the batllesbip Minne- pall iy Chicago Physiciens and rivir sala. Captain Maffett'a requel ta workure, vas passed ai the ] ese- theu deisarîment itat hie be permittel RIon o the legilature and vent tata10 came back ta lie wlth hie family ffuct Juîy 1. vii buc ompliud vithout a daubt. MoPeicas Situation Corecled. AnaUser naval man said: "It vas f Prior talits Passage there vas no Juet a case vbure te neiglibors ori f tiare vhure bai! vils or dufuctlvivu, msmreason vantedtlugel iid a! bu: s-ho vere a danger ta thse community. and il leavus her tva chidrun. agud ut wha hadtflot rommltted offenses 16 and 14,* ta rare for theniselvus. ot sncb serious nature as ta bu cent lier home, parti>'peu for, viliiho in the claie bospital for te.crlmiftai JuoPardizud and Ibats vbhy ber hua- Insane ai Chester, rould bu centsas.e band chould rame back."1 ta, the St. Chailes sCisool for boys. Tbe tva clildrun have buen takun the Pontiac reformatory. te Geuva t te borne o!fdUanter-at-Armns Gald- Home .for Girls, or Joliet vbere te> un, visere they are being cared for mInngiud vltb prisoners of bigbutt mev- pendiang yrd trous the fathur. taI and moral type Jutige Persans' vieva on the mat- This vas a source o! grea t trouble lti- appear la another enfuma- la the huais of thuse inztitutions as The fart le that ail Use emplayes vell as a menace taite ter pris!OfUse station-wlth.mut a secusing ex. ncre and an injnutce ta lte victl'n. cptilon havc Jnmped itt the doeuese Mai-caver. the regular course foiiavu'i of thc vomaui. vha, tUc dim, la Dot by man>' hait-vils bas been tiret the e lit subi.ct !or Elin.a St. Chailes achoc], titen-the reforma- Theu ezpressud beile! of a Northi tari, sud inadu Joliet. IfDot the gal- Chicago voman tbat Mr&. Marie Boy- lova. lu Chicago alane dnring te ers, a mesident a! that clty. vas rail- luiat tva icars there bave been nearli rosded la the Insane asylu e t a Ia dosen cases of crmeé committei ahared by Connty Jude Persns. -" by so-liesi barmieshait-vils rang- vAnture te opinon Ibat tbe vaman Iing from crimes againat childi-en ta vho maie sucit an assertion vas Tiot tmerder. - -preseut aitheIlnsanity beas or 1 - - --- -'... h. vauld bave cha«cd ber hue!,," Ju Il tu a mentally dellient persan sent ta Lincoln. but there vas notbing ln the lav ta houp hlm there. Hie parent% or relatives could obtain his relese the samne day if thcy so desired and the Officiais vere poverlese la net. Under the new law theY MaT be sent there for lie-feeble mindedness tg incurable-and may be releaaed 011!Y witi the cconsent of the siste. The case of John Ruta vas a prOb- lm for Jude Persas as eli as for, Sheriff Griffin. The Ruta boy bad long been a danger ta other cbldreà here., He bad bean sent ta S'. Charles and hati corne back worsul. Hie was loclied up and vas causIng such a disturbance ln the Jail Sheriff Oriffin vas at bis vite' end. Thun Judge Persona decided to invoke the new la. State' Attorney Raiph J . Dady agreed tbe boy should hu sent ta an Institution, and Yesterday he vas examined by Drs. Ambrose andi Gourley. vito pranounced hlm mental- ly defirlent. Aged 6, Lookea sBaby. At the came trne another thild years oid, but wbo appears ta bu heby of oniy &bout 18 months, vas Or- dered sent ta 'thte Pe iInsttitution-l and tbe twO viii ite taken togutiier. IIts a gond 1ev." cald Judgu Par- sang. «We expect ta bu able ta avoid a lot of trouble hure ln Lake countY by handiing thbe c ases ln thiii vay These are tbe iret vu bave badi un dur the nuv law and. 1 belteve, the tii-ct la, tbc tatu." *'1U admit Ibat befor. Mi-a. Bavati vas piacci an the stand tbe eviiesice agatusl lier dld net appea ta lie ver>' strong and 1 migbt have besi- talci snoe tintabefore decdingint tend ber ta au Insanee s"ui bai 1 Ual licard lier tri. Thal dipelled an>' ioubt tat existed la mi mini. "Her torivas long muid ramblinV. Wacint calierence et eeýr>' point. Ose cauli &sueale vswuffaciIig o! some aberetlon and n.cded Ireaiet." Thu court said the arguments give b> te Northt Chicago frIand of Kru. Bavure PapperclogicalMain evais rbut Ia other veys there vas esucl ta, a ffsect thint. àNov Ibal lite motter basurs snent 3ave>' tise cildi-en are living le Use bouse elonu. iudge Personusliseo sent s e p r o b a t i- n o a i l e t h l b b o r n e t a a finid vheýther or net. thschldrun are 1 ln aed of fineeli sstan. f t, lhuy ai-c, hbu blend i s te mal- ter tp vtit te state's ttorny to sevisat cap bu doù*,e a Titomas an dI ichael Dîme o! rByrnu Brothera Drdalng e Bngecc ulng Conspany bave afflilod tram 1Ml' chéel Hf. Iedmofli a tract et 1440 ,-acres !i-anting on l)su'MWth rai, îd about t tit-ucMiles veat of 1*15, Fa- ty est, for e cansîdartionrld ni ala ,y beun aroîumd *$0,000, Itlx Mâtiilite n- purchacers nInend ta eéreet un Ibsu e tract tvoa laborate and e-,tlyreai- dences asutoU acountry hoOOf à,OO0DAMES *U ÀSU1D 0p THE NORTHIWESTERN 'bcCbicago & Nortbveteru Rail- Canitany vas mae deedant $10000 dswagcs n a suit Iled th nt ourit i.#e.i. Tbe platifr la Iisin C. Hartray. adminstiator of «state of Rdard . Sickenbcs'gr. aed. The ese vas led hy C.- her .Tonsau of Obicago. and At- ncy jaties . Welch of Wankegan. rbe dciaralion relates that Blok- urgr val a brkeman la Uic cm. , of thec Nortbvesteru r.cad at lb. keor thc accident on Beptember 12. i., vhicb reeulted n bie deatb. lc'cenbcvger, te deciaration sets- b.h vas engaged jn bis lino f var he svitcbing yards at DesPlaines wen tbe accident occurred. It cbarged that te company negli- tly Wvtcbed sevral cars outo te ek vberc Biceunberger vas 'worr- Ile chb9wud that thece cars wure .nted alng et e dangeraus rate of ed and that no arning n tbf nm o! a bell e'bistie. etc..,vasgtv. ta apprise hlm o! hie danger. He vas knockud ta the tracks andq uvral of the huuis passud over bis y. iiuicting sucli srous InJurits at bu died frtramthen. No iwctment in household quipment bringet in so wide a range of tises -asr ElectricI Service Consider: It gives you the linest artificial Iight, and prpesIy handld, the. most eonomlcal and a suientU tir lem serant, ready at the. twitch o1 aswich t.e ate appfiauice that taLe. oves the. hud Ul«osand Incisas. comlor-and aIl at light Eo Vey Iho.ouht te bc Wired for Electric Service Tb a lov. W doithe ssk ea 24 payments-uce a mouh- Public Service C0. of Northem III. m- ss~uui mnmsueul:êuuSu-SSSS s AN NOUNCE ME NT! no u driged' wihes to announce that ho has aal utBied the a setirement of praétically live yeari. He has a complote up-to-date outflt and la * to answer eal.oat ail hourd. WILL KNIOOE Llcensed Embalmer and Funeral Director o o o 1IK*PUIb UaeâAè o- VaiwiiUUi~ * ~sVW~W ,-Iuuuu~ o o ISBACKINTIIE O o o o i ooiIrIiuOiOll hOUl o oo o UN WAUKEGAN g o THE IKALS ARE i oO..AQUARTER o mu: q il ..o@.@o@oopo@@ oooo@@@@§@ @@OOOo~ I odpeidntCtassuled Ad9 Peu.. Asa nu user ol diem il CDe DeSunet Quaflz t 9e0o Etablhed 1907 Incorporated 1915, à Mr MMOST importt factor isi the SUccese 01 any "S~t i. s th e kbllltg ofits proddCts. Thse market for tdm DeSmiet Quartz thle is practic- WiL~l a the lactorg Jebeinepushed to ccft. . R. Matpmor u seagent for the maqh- ssd et tke ose sclggSaturdau night: ý;o.w matenlals almost sel tiseuseves. ~'iskimottiM.b.>truc? No matter whet sort o b e demi,.te have eus tileued die hiaft bes u se efor mteai sarswhere dieg aore gM q eMcememt s0 e isr i otim ecoovncinq as to show or Mie beloo u«A bg others fer dhe saine purpe huèt bar prospective customer bm a lu md." The compaq la widechto Inwest gjour money is the compaq Whos goods Sem theuselves. Preferred stock sti on saleeat $10,00 PE.R SHA9E ib-- - OflICERS LIT 'PITDD H. A. WATSON, I'reaB. S. L. TRIPP bqprECTORS H-. L. FISHER WILL KNIGGE GEO. W. DE 8MET 1-AKE The F. N. C. willmett itt lMMeMrrtay ai Ai-c, Wedne&sd te-noa, Dcc. 1. The centemY eociety viii met vits lire. A. Rouse., Titui-daY aiternool.. 1ec. -_ liemburs are requeetd 10 conte .-at13 as usure vili bu wark. Mes.8. J.Croples la spendiug te veek villi Bert evan aud iamlly inu 5Acne. lira. E.0. Wells visilci a fevt daye lest vse vith ber ester, àsm George llaeing st Round Lake. Mes*. .L. Tripp was called 10 Prairie Viev Baturdaî hy the @udden Ilinece of hel lathor. TH1E CITIZENS' BANK< ARCA, Ilite Report of condition a1 Cl ose Of bu si ness Nov, 10, 1945. 1 0" 1 -1 1 -1 IV i excellent tjmel. s«. ph«.u8 W Nicht Pho» 238 R ARIEA. ILL.

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