CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1915, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDE NT WAUKEGAN WEE KLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 11. TWENTY PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COU3NT, ILL., FRIDAY, DECEMBER -3, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT 81 50 PER YEkR IN ADVÂNOLV JAWS WIR13D TO- CAMPBELL MUST BROTHER RESCUESL WE WANT-TO RECOGNIZE GETIIER; TELLS 0f IIANG,_ SAYS JURY BROTHER FROM AT= COUPLES WHO WEDOD PLANS TO SUE CO. jaolie, 1111 Nový 29-('hicken Joo TACK BY NAD BULL When a couplse a h h chidoa n ltndwt have llved ln wedlock for a hall Wmn. T. Spideil on Cot at Hos- i î,licd feturés in hé hoard thé ver. Jerry Lyon, Employed onl F. N. century, thé>' have accomptiohed pital Blamnes County and the "lt' condemnîng hlm te bang for thé Smnith Farm Near Wauke- somethlng notswoethy, bath as Town for is Injuries. murrder of Mrs. Odette il..Allen, wife gan Has Close Escape. regarde thele Iofgevlty and as ré- ofFre adnEdmnund M. Allen,- . garde thelr mutual campatibllity. AUTO WENT OVERBRIDGE.1 -ho vas found laln t ber burning WHIPPED Il AMIY IN lIME. aBacauso of the Importance of ileuIrooni at thé pénténtiary Juné 20. aIl golden wedding celebrationo. Had Both iaws and Four Ribs, ;ot a musclé of thé mans face twltch- 0nsivn alnidn ewul 1.t akethsoffer 'Broken and Was Injured In. -dîa-s Jndge Hoope rernd thé words, Which Might Have Termi- toureadr ad ter ternally-Tells Plans. la' l oomed hm ta ethe nated Disastrously. ntécs fec odnwd Ilis Jaws wirp.d together te permît 4.7 lînur: more titan baîf of wtîich Jerry Lyon, émpioyéd at the P. N. ding feom now illn, this papen willi thé kntting of bontes crusthéd apd lime was padi dldicussion of thé Smith farm on Lewis avenue, north- be pleased lte pint a detaiied ac- brokén ln a 50-foot fail over an eut. penalty. AlmoRtIlmmedlateiy Campbell wcét of Waukegan, had a close ès- bratof , o ldn cedict e- ban'îment at wlîsît Iogéneraliy knowa 'c'-,eî-isrpd gulIty On the fth bai-: calpe front being goned hy s bull held. then we willihé pieased ta as thé Ferryc clvert ibree miles lot Iii>' vote stood 8 te 4 for îîsîîgîng. Tbanksgiving day afternoan. Thé print a short sketch caserIng thé siorth of Wauk.-éan on She-ridan roail. The' laie session Saturda), nîglit sud tePlIng, 1,.i h1 ail od ot bis brother. couple's lives. W m T pidli saesmn or he'î- i c Snds mrnîgutîaiotngThomas, liten near at band and wvita AND FIURTHERMORE Wm.T. pidllsalsma fo th ofSunay iiotilg'. balotnga iîeavy whiîî réspondeil ta thé vI'- bond bouse of A. IL %lartens & tom- ii-ilîî, IotbangeIIt ieforci' coun Sun- i i ns ail for ht-tp. it would hé anotb If such couples or their frlends Panty, Chicago, mumblingly tbld a Suni d-îYanutiier Juror swung 10 the con- r casue ort an badty gored lîy a eatives ld nd aphoto reporter on Saturda>' that hé Intenil inre-Ot for-the, ultimalé punishm-ni A,, a usas. Lyonî eéîiated unhurt, ai- couples," getting photo to us Pd la In-tirat' suit againit Lake;id ii iimeiatel'. thereusas another îîîoîgh b>' uas frigbtened loto a état>' about fhree days befare the ar- county or lienton township for damt-deadlock. Worn and haggaréd, thé which blordereil on ner'.ous prostra- ticle la ta appear. wé wiil have ages as the reait of Injuries hé sus- jr ta It o h et eat tion. And anybody> placed in a sîmi- a cut made by whlch we con e- tainel. I anr 8od etfor ortnent ath10pocaglarptyo lkl ol féia é produce said pîcture in these col- da id saé tion lke f orlng plaéd mno .Ther. willlhe no espense Spideil had bis lover and uppén jaw Sanda>' night. Then the détérmînéti dova by a savage bull whlch had t0 the parties--wclli stand that if bou% on thé nlght aidé o! is face i titre gavéela i pointéd bis harns at yau, Is no parler îhey'll tend us the photo and fur. -ruehed and brokén, aad thé lover Thé ierdiet vas sealed and brougbt gamé te hé played, éspecîaiY on niah us tacto about th. couple. lwbnonthé loft ide vas brokén 1 m er'udra 90Ii Thankoglvlng day. We do.this becatise we belleve 1a inocor'ndne a :2 s r. It sééms that Lyovas ta thé yard that a couple who reach thaf lIm- le tva places. Thréé nlbs vére brai- ln4 John Itorton, 75 yéhrs aid. fore- wlth thé hull, léading lt franone O portant mitestone sa entltIed te ,e la bis ight side, and one broké;4 ian ai thé jury. baadéd thé verdict Placé te anothér. Hé tumbled and more than psselng attention and rib on thé loft aide penetrated I~lu us ayr fell ight la front of thé big bouat notice, W'dy-t long. vasw badly brasd abliAta ________________ hich la notél for hélas none tocn________ thé otIshaldé an..rgbtsun, fmé. Thére. iying an thé graund thals abulde aa,,qb arvlwth the bal'. menaciag lois direct. L N Wlth a refirél merchant o! Gene- ie d tavard hlm, Lyon immédLely ,ré-N' ES E sIll., Spideli was eni route for Ké- êdfltKS Of'LAK-E alized théelirecariananean of bis pre- I J R L N ocoha. W118., vhéro théeovner ofthedicament and shautél for heip. Thé fijj1' bull ait>arently vas guatging bis vit- SPUR TO CONNECT car thé>' ver. driving inténded ta' l O u im, for hoestood vlth béaI lavered havé repaitramade. Wién thé>'sud eeln ulv st atbsout réal>' t maIke a reached '- fh. Ferry tculveat. thé ma- M T SL A TUR l ung etaithé prune ictiUn vho la>'TW B AN HE chien skiddleland smaursaulted over under hie case tocnscar.d etu MP Up. the mbakmen Th macine wivhébn Lyon'm brother. Thomas, hoar' thc embocaients Thé macisne, vtt- Between 200 and 250 Teach- ing bis . mli u tb Uicbull-peun. wîtliRep&ts Currmot That the Aoac thé vo ccupntshéilprfonér hé a vhtp iu bis bauds. drove off fia cause of the position of the ido car- er-s Expected to Be Present énr-ged animal, vhich, mnt s l Pam Building a Line Nothf master iylng outhie srouud anIdlin. of Waukegan Sooin. tali, féil a distance af fuli>' 50 test. at, North Chicago. héipIeà sm em about real>tu'te i SPIdml vtas carried ta thé Jane Me- thé atisel. Wankeu alduarlbJel iés ere Ailtér liosuttal l in nasclana con- Bélveen 200 and 180 teaebérs o!ri The animailvas drives> off trithoutcnmdabyifrt*adlaac dlfioi. 1if w» mil! on thé day fiat Aauiegaé azi ITlecotant>' vi»et- 1mach troublé and Lyon aroge. unhuut, rathe énthusél ol ain acpot lié met In>' ythaf hé vas ln a dylas léno EL téachérs' Iaéétng that la ta hé 1 but mlshty acarel.ahrethsdtdywhnarpr condition. .ie>ld un the Centrai ochool, North Chi.! One report ba lit thal thé bull' b ome >arrent te thé effect that the 1 ' drîven anea!fits harns tata Lyon's Chicago & Nrfivestérti 5Rallroad "I lntend ta leave Waukégan for mrna'ge, sterling Saturda>' aorniag at aide, but iaqufry frons a uighbor Company vas planning ta mun a spur home In Chicago on Sanda>'. Monda>' 9:45 ociock. Thé session vili i lt hrougbt.forth Ibis tatemeat: "Lyon 1 hl ofrwt oratresi l a.real>' was entirél>' unhunt. The in-. from, thé main lino of thé company Cicobgo, anderlitb oîrIttionéyt la il- d.A. y. crfesro hso t1tident d't ansaunt fe aearly vbat ta ils vesterni hrancb, thé Une ta bo Chiaso an Itisns> inentonta a WA. e>érpraéssr ! bato>' t>people are trylag ta make Il appear." rua at a point aortb a! Waukegan, tigate suit against Lake count>' or the lUnois Stalé Normal Univérgityl The Lyons vank for a tihicagaan. mîdvay ta Zion City. Bonton tovnship vltb thé sale Ideéao a f!- 0f Baolugon. la one of thé prin- 1 P. N. Smith, vho avns théeal DBarn- forcing thé count>' on tovnship ta cipal speakers an thé pragrans. Prif stable placé, Jost nofi aifGai! cead Thé présence a! "mysterlous stran- makerepireIn he oaday nd n Beer HI ivea tlk othmoringand near Oisons@ ou Lévrisavenue, géra" on thé liats nrh o! thé clly maierepira n té rodva anlon eyervii giv a ali athmorlegii uns rePorted Thuroa>' night thaf broughi forth thé stutemeal liai thé cuivént. I am rngng suit net and aitémnoan On theé uniet of hie-'thé bail bald dtveu Ia barnnathu'ough theoméveeNtvmtpppl witi thé Ie& o! self gain, but la thé tory. la addition hé là ta give a. lkthe flesb 0 f Lyons forearn beforé emnwreNr e tchpebl hope. Of Prtecting other autatîts alang another Une. Thomas drové hlm off b>' cracking a vbo store takila5 earings Iiv hha who re araners n tis cunt, an Mi Marha ison Prmarytea her ip la ils face. If lg a lfth"Ly- ta do vith thé extension of a con- thoarestrnges l Ibs cunt'. nti Mis MathaGisn, rinar> téché anpractically biiedlthé big brute nectiag linkbtvéen thé tva import- =&Y mamet Ijury i t almbar af thé Noyés street ichool at lysas- b>' stmting it le thé eyes 'ith thé ant Unes ai thé compan>'. nanner unlésmanéeman Jaunettes a ton Rieu 1 ol av n nthé vhlp éaids. MasOtrThn. capagefn eterrad ulfor lé expectél shé yuil bave lame vey If such a thlng ts hétag projécted saer calverts, I do aet blière that lnierestlag thias. te »ay. "i915 I1 f~b>'thé Northvestern-aad ve have It asmyfaltorthéNat ! he 51ré. Mabél ll'ach af igîhland ar no inside facto an it, printing mérely drier f te cr5 that 1 am ns Itiis lé te have chargé af thé siagiag sieý DOWN FLIfiHfT 0F vhat report lé il méans that there ths im. 10l recogaizé>j as au autbority an this muet be sométhing huci af such s biame thé countY Or thé tovnship for gabjéct. & ysgjgi tpSurely thé Nothvéstérn vould thé accideént, and i hope ta brins Those taking thé Chicago & 1MeII-eta oncin ik ewe abuta eteren I igwa cutl-mi 1 IAIRI N ~ H uvîvu 'tpoétacnetn abot bttrmntle lgva cnd- aukée electrie cars ta North~ Chiago thèse tva Unes, about thréé mlles fions as a rosait of thé suit I Inténd are mqueted ta get off t éthér of IaPart, uniens théré vas sométhtng ta brnaz" thé Elghteentb tréét Statlons and Jack Lammi Plunged Head elsé "in thé vind" nearby. In short, SPIdéli ls a ma of nusual tréniti vl ta thé Central ischoclIFrs onStpBraig tf Olch la thé Plan, thon thé North- unIth den fébe asledpovnt. T. A. Simpson, caunt>' saPerintea u Nc i heFwi estenifiust know of somé big tac- éd his deuth, aocardlng te thé slate- dent af choois, i. te héochairman of j MsN ii h al tory léél vhicb bhas plans alang the mentoftedcr le hreado h etng inrt eh evd proposél route soute placé. aie théeslnata cge sud o! th e detig. te r t ésrvl. Wuukegan, Nov. 26. Thé Northvestern nov eau ct aver thé nr es la atanalag t b t a m .cunc .5> hé a ie fNhore b té i n J c k Lam m i, ag él 40,Wvua proba bl h ei>'li o f o t a e Bl f cl a touyl it. n it t m i a ch bNach n o ce s t a t éch rs vre e t Inst a l>' k ll é sonne tirmit W enes ay ciesaélns' it, be fe acin ot tada>', Inlght or eunly Tbursday morning, irant Kénoeha. Thus. fier. la no sidde andn smérsauitéh over féthe___________ hén hé flil ovna afllgbt of teps ooneecting liai btvéen thé ttc 'cllvert. I blière I f011 into tiM bock at bis boardlng bouse in thée10ai branches htvééa Kenomiaa nd Làie Méat. thén I struck oM.tilns, for 1 AU428 Oai streét, Hia néci Wan bro'<en' Bluff sudIa spur rnuniafrons, a point eould fMOI thé bon"o lu-My aidé cras. IUU IIVFIFD IA0 te thé fail. A ma living ah 428 Oak ftg. thon I fa1 ithebe in y face treet discavered Lamm's boy ai nortb ai Waukégan vould bé alvan- FROM 7 'clock Tharslay morning. tagéous in many vays, éspeclally la break. I thogit tiat i vas b ot- jJI At that lima thé victlm wus dead opeains up a tuctan>' district lai that ]ing my lust.but nov I hope tu hé uF A -M N nd uppéanel te aa 'beudealnmre scin bock ut my wov an ntire eeim'r ! ' l t tIme. Bis body vas removél tu the scin A T 5Conrad & Wetséi undrlaking rooms' Naturally, it ls Impossible ta gét le- tine. I betevé that the névspapérs À fALL TO(AORS ihére thé Iaquest twilihb.haitd to- talla on an>' plans vhich théecampan>' «! Waultegau shoul msupprt me in night j bansieln& tits lino and there mu>' thé C&MPalgn 1 shah vwage tor botler Charles Flone i Oovaai af Hlgb Judging frnmappearancea, '&mitiand ne>' not hé unytbiug to the ré- ruads and htter blçhvaya la Laite volaIsnov saefé ran fie danger af bad mat returnel home vhén fie I&aorsnwuret oont" Bl 1pdeLcident toc>'-place, Hé ba! chmbélprso aret coat>,"mi SidRservice lnanay tareign armv. Heélias thé flighî iof stops lealing ta théseéc- Wauiegan bopés, bowver, that thé taien out bis frst papers in thé cir- ond lotcor c' thé bouse, Néar the top ateps otllned aboyé are ta hé carnile ITflaTItfticuit court ai Laie couat>'1itnhle Jour- hé mu,"'-"ive test bis balance or ouf hécausé it ls easy ta se. vhat a VU R NTN IFT e t aualsl!'a nAmrensturmhled id feli al thé va>' to lhe 4>U KAIIIIINEau ne' t nalumiiatja asun mencenbottoni i héa ud s'sdaublé unu- good effect sncb a spur voul bavé ciieThere 10 aothing unaual der hirii thé béadlong pluagé und on thé communit>' ln thé va>' o! héii- EU ON ALL UT 4 abouttitis, exc:pt thé tact that Flore bis nprck rilitél l té ing huill up Its ladustriai matters, T S1 lanIwssuPPOsedthaer- oil broken badl hlWlth thé gênerai uctivit>' in ail UTbO dA clvél tbreats that unie.. hé vent tefont (, 'mari vdbody >' as first Unes ln Waukegan and Laie oaunt>', TwIN LAR O en.T a t made thé dl>- Ital>' te jota thé ans>' of thut country cnvéry te 'o open theé bar, bal théý conditions génerul>' are ussumlng a ho woulti hé aréted, hodyx tfi >15ad mau va vgel ln mont eacauragîng saspectThiagulbai Springfield, ni., Nov. 27.-Thé state Jugt vho mule thé threats end boy se ligi t' altibis 'vas touaI ta héo ru o' Wuea alvcat' board ai live stock canlnsionérs la- sériqaus tbéy vére ald under vbosé Impoý- I ra o akgnadleWy Ofordérs thé>' vere muIe are maltera Othm r riants ai the bouse ver oued un arIen Ioda>' placlng ail a thot are sf111 ta thé Iak. Atoraey ntified thé>' enlérel b>' ansB L ONDE Laie couaty la thé, frée ares as ré- William S. l>'arst vistel the office o! a rer - rway. Na one coulh tantBO TO DE aIrds tefot and maathdinsensé la of Meton A- Sturges, chie! nuturuli- firui t, 'sho proféasel ta ibavlag U'1L (jt qaarant4,ne vilS thé exception ot Lib- to examiner, ta thé fédéeral buil- Scard 1it fall. This maies il dit- J I lng. ald mlkié aifFlore1 i Oivanni's ilcuit 10 -mine vhat tiste thé uc-! I VÀN T NS ,,rtvile Sieds Vrnn ndDe ticsse.'rient t - lacé. . Wédaesday ut ber home ilauntitan ilel tovwnships, vIleh are pacet! in Ater thé conférence Flore i Giovan- Lanîn' al te havée hIrvelln occurréd thé leath oi Mms. Bolton, -thé restrict.1d térritor>', Hretofare ni mule ie application for natonaîl- Wti- ore tisée. Hé vas a formeni>' of Waniegaa. Ere. Balton --zation pupers. Mn. Sturges al hé vldowt-r t se0ferai n a ovu bas uo IlivelnlathéetD. L. Joues Doné an thé entire énunty hbus been la fie e l- hopél ta bave an opportuait>' ta tali relative: tg hèe. N rGneshésle pisand ae1site 'itictél areawtb thé exception of, vttb the Applitalt. l_____ oth neséete et ua lceatil se tIe townshislp I némotion, vhci "Iarn ual soinst ameaccs ya>one or lsik. ýy'sblgis oiy NI thé narth. Mrs. Bolton bel been MàVo bemi lnthéce l odaiea, alI coutryé>' Famet . rul PENDE, - . 11d-faore tisé and ber deâlh baill saidAttoey orualotbéenu tnexpectél b>' ber iMmil>'. -mul unro-ner Edward..-u Conradu ota iké placé ln a short limé. was callel ta Zion Cil>' on Suada>' Lîkévisé vith thé othén achocîis la evéning ta présfideaiu a coroner'. la- course a! construction, thé>' ametua hé quest ovér thé resalas o! Louis See. dditiatél and opened ta thé pupils as gem, 72 years al, an agél résident o! soon asufié>' are completel und rouI>' Mion vho lied adeal>' on SatarIa>'. for occupancy. Mr, Seeger wvusticien vhile bar- aessls he lboe i SulckBt-VOLIVA BAIrulcKSUP ardu>'ha Mn, thé er ent tuVth harn o t lch, p bis barne and bag- M . I3IRAflIrSU SI g>Y, PrePaatr>' la hinag Itolatova. Ht. vite vent to the haro to aaoist D N E A V O t hlm,. Thé attaci c amp delll. M. D NMEW S- R Séégen motioned ta bis vite thal hé hlm t a sisttlng position an a box, Thon she hurried ontald securel thé assistance lof several men vho béiped Séeger mbt the bouse. lHé vasPut ta lied. but wvw heal lle of tea miaules. Hé bal béén subJeclta oattacis a! heurt troublé befoné. but hécause hé dtd not hure-a1 physiclun ln attendunce, fi us nec- essar>' tavue thé coronerss laquest.1 Thé verdict o! thé jury vas liaI deuth msultél froin estural causes.1 Bésidés bis vife, Mn. Seégér leaves fivé childrén. ailtgrovi. lié hud lived lnlaEton nome timead vas quIté véli mata thAe. Thé sîxtdea-i ns of bis death came as a shock ta Mion, bal a fév things tb su>'about Governor Duaae'm attitude ln thé Du- ranI caIlle sluughtér casé Sanda>' ut ZMan tahérnacle, unI hé also paidlis respects ta, vaccination. "If thé governor bal me ta beal vlth," said Voliva. "hé voul tue thé mark, Mrs. Dunand doés't lié me ver>' véli, but 1 luke ber spiritlnl pro- teettber prizé catile irons slaugn- ter. If t vas Judge Edunrîs ut Waa- kega I'd cité Gorernor Dun for cotémpt ai court for lisahéylng thé Injunction againal killlag the cuttie. "Toda>' i Sm goiag tu aèad ail mv offlcérs vbo havé been stattonedlnb Chicago 10 West Hammoal to diatritb his suny friénda, ate cîrculurs againal the outrage of vaccination. Some day I am goînk, Abot 75 Knights ofi Pythias vent ta havé a flcét o! alrships to drop a ta Lake FonetI 'dav evening. umong qularter o! a mIthion pieres of litera- lhem a goal dlégation from Wauké- taré on ChIcago protestlng agalnat gan. Thé lodgé Ibère admlnilmerél this outragé, and ts going to hé bot thé second rani. nréshménts fol- reading." lovèl ada dellghtful événIn>' vas speut.1 ladepenléat reader? BE ONIII. Il vas about tirée yéars ago tha" sevérul meshérs af thé Ansélmo Iam- l>' vere avercorne b>' sas vilc lea'kel itt thé bouse. Tvo members ai the faml>ly iél fiat fine m a M. ers veré savél anî> b>' fie u»e of thé pulmator vhich vas rushéloseh frons Chicago. Thé&nzalmos coUoeb éd damagns an hat occasion. OCot- ta Ansélma vas the é oe O esjIk. Ihéir marriag- baving takéa pimlu l a short Une béton. thé explosion. An- tonina Anxelmo vwu tas mother. MARRI FIOUR1 moNTJ'SAMIR sa, 60T IER DIVORE Charginr, tîntil Se,- four monft, vrne froc> Attorneys t'bizo r- lfv thé mi,' éd on lu" te ceréni- cli crtri- wifenii rtade ili- and otwrr Point.. Imu Thts -0i' b>' Attorney Thé lI' I linMonte hock -Pecond huaband bit ,,_r bèing grantél a i. -man of ber &,et lave. Tony Tonis. a Nortik are eeééIag te, iu-e -vhlcb vas céloilal 1915. suit ta aul4 *sa instigated in 0fr "tnne' James Wéicb -tainél as counoci b>' -Iso charges that ils -n undér an asouiel e s-n acl oald not te pmoséctulag attoruse -'d a divorce a o . . - ,rrie.d ToulsahetOro« 2 lutte 5, 'q the thIrl oMe elhtala>. lent IMde a& LAKE FORE ST WON= MILLBURN PEOPLE GAS COMPANY PAYS AN MAY BE DEPORT= (iREETSINEIERSI $99500 AS DAMA6IS ED FROMCOUNTRY i'gngoregaIajn egve a go a IN iASEXPLOSIOI Brother of Mrs. Jane Gordon iSuch was the verdict of the Mlllhurn 0 This Amowit $4,000 Was People afttr héaring the concert Ofi IRefuses to Pay $15 Month en ln the Millburn, Cburch Y 'the1 Paid for the Deaths of Two TowardHer Suport. Schumann GIe@ Cilbhn.ks.g1vlng I W mnh h e ________Supor._ gh. very seat ln the church was. ____lnthe___ e _______________________ lken, even the standing roomn being' THE CASE IS A PITIFUL ONE. t1aken despité the fact that it wa55SURVlVOR GETS $5;500. ralning and the peopie bail ta come- - The Case in Which Father Is s0me distance ta get ta the church. a Company Was Held toiSe nuhr- bers. by the club and thé so- Charged With Non-Support ,,ub»,Uth, differént members were or Liable Through a Defective of Chiidren Continued. the' best. i a a f o h High Pressure Main. In a way I a a f o h cliii> he wret Unicas John Gordon of Lanke Forest creIhy eet eave.Pearce' In cost the North Shore Gas Can- conrin an auto bus. Thé bus on steps for-ward and contributes fa the lu, way t10 get the members of the pany mast $9.500 as damages taeset- support of bis sister, Mrs. Jane Gor- club broke down. It was thus necp,' tIc theé daims made against the cor- don Ne.bftt, the latter stands a good ýary to get six large autos. Then it poration for thé explosion ]ost $ebra- %va% raiinri which made It hard for o chance o f bping deported t0 Europe bu pPeople ta Set ta thé church. L.ast ary. which wreckpd the Anzelmo bore as s pauper. Judge Persong Ibis andi mî,éî important. was thé piano.:in Waukegan, Market and Wateg moruing ordered Gordon to psy $13 >'(Il people are aEfected iîy a change! strett, resulting in the death of tvo a month toward the support of bis in ewather. so0 5 the plana ln the',peofflo and the seripus Injury ta an- siser Crdo S oce oo a apea Nlîburn church. Thé damp weather other. Suits aggregatiag $30.000 mistr. ordo atour too anapp at afected the keys and théy refused in to the circuit court. ýThce bond was ît un l th ' to,,h or Miss Shér. damages had been fiued againat the fixed ai $W0. mian, thv, direretor wbo presided ai il. gas company by the Anzélmo tamUly. The statres attorney flled a nom- As thé membér9 of thé club said: Thé damages were awarded as foi- ulait incouty curtunde 15 Psu t uas awtul." %But even at that, lov..: lain lncouny curt nde thePau itwas ain eexcéedingly.goad program lier srt ln which he sought to secure that was renderéd by the club and!I Mrs. Antonina Anzelmo, $1,000. support for Mrs. Jane Gordon Nés- c very one that heard filvas mare than Mrs. Concétta Auzéima. $3.000. bltt. It was pointéd out that altholugh t'leased Joseph Anzelmo, $5,500. she as our hilrennousof hem On thé program was found thé .Soil_ éhe as ourebldre noe o thm 'ers' Chorus" 'Invictus," ..Ros.. Thé two vomen vere kiled by the contrIbute ta ber support. Their "Illinois," "Tinkers' Chorus," "nWîn explosion and lire. ln their caontie namés and agés are: ter Sang,' "Little Caoton Dolly," CUl naits wére started by Mariano Scola Alexander, aged 20. na Town" and "Darling Nellie GraY.* ro, adminiatrator af thefr ematf.. Marare, aed 8.Salas vere sung hy Clarence Shultis' Joseph Ânzelmio oued for di« Y&é n Margaret. agéd 18.Warren Siver, Reineti leRh Maud, aged 17. mand Moore and Dr. Nesle' a ceived and securéd $5.600. Tie oeam Ethel, agéd 14. -probably vouid havé veson.tetrialiAt Thé pétition waz dlrécted againet F U t fO L teDcme emo or a i thèse childrea ln an effort ta _ _ F URNEw LlneLthébsenember theam ? courtbi their support. .Zt vas mentloned aisa tsas ompany and tor the Aaui.m lath ihthtJonGordlon îl.DJIU fl) ~ A L ot toglitir a4d arransei a esta& qbrother. It Wsa brougit ont in thé mntot of0?court. eévidnc that Gordon wu te on CAMPthIPessurDaN aiW WYI t fcae0ethis country. rt vlm user thflic mslo home. It vas u dw - ieharged that hé Instrueftédlier ittelil Ail FourBuidings8 W111 B4 Oc- fiat sas ftoin 1adéective joat I"00 thé oMe" ea t lls Island that mie oupied, t s Beleved, Shonrt UYUIIIthce uOu"ad M54 Ib*ld vaa couing ta lhii coulntry meroly ou *celler of thé Abuscmo loue.& a Yaît. explaining fiat shc vould have i y MfteChritmp». ABIi aol. ry ~la élis leuas troubla in aettig tirouL I. t Four nvDowo -ieus.areýn-ela u~~~wso,*fie-ca.M»,« *».ose tla said nov fiat unies. ho coatrib- course of construction in utAe omty unthiuklagl'le lUt a maela* tae$tés tais sistér'. support the aov- anid aocording ta présent plana. thons A second jeter eréi7caite ttub e ernment vIII have no other récoursé achoolsaai ilvii héready for accu- mince la thé An"eMO onues = d but to déport ber. pancy thé first thing after Christmas. red. Then thé,.. vaa a blasai *iM r A petitian v as filed ln caunty court Thèse acbois are ai thé foliaving vas heard ltu éver( part Of thé efië- ythis mornlng ln vhich John Berg vas placés: Anzeima vas burled thoua inC 4dI àordéred ta support bis cbildren whose ROSEDCRANS-One roons, modéra a distance of mnay font. One iedle et 4 namésR and ages are: country achoal; ta coat $2,500. thé bouse vas blavfl looge. 'Wbbdo*U Richard Berg, aged 14. NORTH PKtAIRIE-'-Oné ruons, mai.lla adialuing houa.. ver. beoloa. 1- Regnbild Berg, agéd il. eru country scbaol; ta cost $4.500. Ired la' thé sas vMh c cmhtlffue@ F Anna Berg, aged 8. DRUCE LAK-Oe roam, modéra séP latathé bone the houa. vM I Edvard Berg, aged 6. country achool; ta $2,000. roarig tur tofmMe of a fév nia'. 1 Thé case vas cantinued ta Jenuary ANTIOCH-Madern high ichoa1; t, utes. Rescuers vho aill os 11141 8 at 9 o'ciack. colt betveési 825.000 and $30,000. 50011e proinptly fuel bt effécétIhé ri In fact, thé Uooora ocaig. ~Cti af thé tvO vOMMa vio lie MiED ZIONsRESI* rdt pla:t adla now cauldosée struaslng te uot Ont. b" uns no formaI dediciJon. li la on. As heiplés auasIf thej. i ai. vwu* 0f thé mont modém msmall'sehocis ln boufld tley wve. cmpaRel tu e 0t DENT DROPS DEAI) ikDaay ae atrbc JIARN SSIN IIOR E r on thé Antiach high $choc, Thé bodies ver. charred abus*t ho. HAR ESSN6 ORS , l bengrisshed and it is expected the yand recogaition -vhén removed fri roof viii hé on this véét. This high thé ratas. Louis Seeger, 72 Years Old, school l of a nev design ln thé caun- aéh aem vsrtnvdh he f Had eenSuferin ofHeat ty antg 8s arangod that ît Mn be Jane rMcAllatér booptal tir u Had eenSuffrin of ear used for a social conter. lit bas benu many days bis condition vas regariat Disease Some lime. imade thorougbly up ta, date and con- as .very critical. Hoc claimui germik. tains nimé rôOms. Thé dedicaf ion ilnént Injuries fram the explosion.

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