CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1915, p. 11

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Holdlln uylg suplis foland mm- tted -the foflownt report: LseIdsra cotfr ERA. e es B CrpoEger, Emmena, Wcke, odlnbYn UPeBfr avlu inutila. boicH..Amsee r. ie 0 lu~j4re nerson. Chars e.Caa ,Hutnbng oreher, Mae- aging the boipitaL. and t6obve'Wauegas ls. seris............4.00Av.....A non Q@esent'& J.i.Oiwd.MH.Knd.R.8.teatn.Meyer o!f remont, Mey-la f:ulg nwte». dge Of the financlalset13A1eris.......vo.f- jýfl William MÏayfleld, John Baker, er o! Waukegan. McCullOuih, Fad- maaee thte, Institution, ad1To the Bosrd of Supervisor of LkeLsle Industriel Schtool for t 26iu1 Wallon, J. C. Bouck. A. W. dock. Rlngdahl, Reichenbach Stratton to bu made acquinted ylth the County,1 Noms. For Wbat. Ctainied.A.llowed. nitWt&e he ftoRwig report: BVrolulow, R..H. Dotan. L. W. Davd, of Grant- Stratton O! Lake Villa income and expense of samie. and Waukesan, liots. srie.........oyH .Rel&C. Pm vans. E. A aanr. ui h m so. W lb eb, W te n tiis institution Jmit as: a Sis: B ay riig Sbo.groceries .... S 30.08 U eCDuZt. . busines m4n00 Bd rrdlios Si. SrvMarysTainepteobber nol m A.PhreY. er geW ALewi r AseBn T t . p dr enft G ngan T t-. businessma 'l desrun tia p 1i- havue ta report as follows luservices ............... 48.00 S..LU Carled là Co., B al t'S priea etm e John , A. Pfeo, . . Som ms n ier s. A s n: u i oe o e n ut- vae b un es, Reie a ak reference ta rond and bridge work = des .84...ohn2M.00palTeeri Po i o it n o ,a. J. T boh e, Ï . A W . t al aur h o na rab le b o d y ta b rn g co m p eted or i p ro g reso or u n d er i 9 8 ý3 o n M a m r e t m e 6 o s J . ri n sirT o m l . as u l ue c e, . a h , T o t t e s e nf t - 2 a b e e t n g o u t c a g s w lc h w l ll ý a llo w c o n s tr u c tio n . - a n d te o th e r m a t - A tt- o fr v icc h l. ..r e0 0eMt:ull y s u b n ittG enA .eT .nWo ftt h Fgind TbmA McweI . r.enat , Mind lifppu celnot etn g oopraSupgthe-os IDalua ters Pertinent tot isedepartment. ted. A8.00it, pqd Ch"5. StlckneY. viremir an up otin f upr manner satlsfactory ta the con. State Aid Work; The State Aid B. C. Thonipeon, stvcs...30 orcmiteO luaint Town of Newport. Theor Kirbnappoted Spe-mittee o! wblch I arnlaamenm- Road lu Lake Villa ie cousldemed Chairmian. *630 btamo t.he.repond CounSu, John Chope, Thomas Edwards. Char- vsr tatno rnHl-br practicalît icomipleti. i expect ta D. A Httn.w203bii fT.hA. repot ai4 eXonut Seu s inlr ,hmsouFMr rs. GJo rgeB ridge, te County Clerk and hm - S nce the J ue meeting of the me t and go w tb the State En- T. M. Clark.. p_ ra man k D avi noris John Str 'ansel! as d tegates ta the Twenty- Board o!f uperisTr. and ontrctai som tî etSuSrom>r.Myen ! Frmon NMuhrAruaynvnÎZn okS- mtte hs olyOJohnwo r-triabo n, a trip o! iuspec- moved that the report lbe accePt- Names. For Wbat. Claimied.Allowed. foncoi. gr. Fred Biles. pervisors, County Cbmmlsioners durs for work of materilt forltion for the Purpose o! the ac- cd and adoptad. ICortett là Frederlcks, We baye ezamined nai41 yeanlY v 'Town of Antioch. an County and Probate Clerks ihe Lakeu County Sanitorlum,' and ceptance of the work.1 Motion carriled. nidsise.... 17.14 report and flnd the saome cor-t Ben Burke, A. V.' Chine. Frank Bock, 4of Itino. ,as lai- as the blls are conceru- NgtatOs-re-i rore ltb uprisrWht1I!arsi f friais & Taylor, rect ari reconmend that It lbe Joh Wlco , on pafoD. MB. Webbolte a c. aentbenal oMr. Frank Shea, looking teoalah- the County Falrm Auditing Con-; qse. .30..01 approved; and we have ezsminned tortonermaestSpectal Commttue e investîgate ses aur o! theni. No montbly ing a contract beýween hlm Snd mittee. submîitted tbe !ellowing william Watrond, sa.141expeisse bitt and fud Ibeoref gyli K aye. N. s. Bre, H a h diaiiy o salibn ttmn frtemnhmoult and la due T. A. Simipson for office B. BR.R. oysradt. FranilabrGunarbonbsaniee methadroo!the "iolof the 'aberViulirbast fren receloved froi, grther___..._13. ninexendesthatéthe1421. ntyand erk Tbare .for certain classes o! prisouers Superintendent, Dr. A. E. Browsin o he takbilla oadMlfor Statu o! lîlinoths. ________r Q. E. Bluni. Supervisors ing. Clark and Gas. and 'the sttmet w av u a distanceo!n-trdoamie Lake County. m. 119.8- ue arrant on the oallty Tow o Gan. astteens w hvereThis matter bas draggud aloni Board o! Supervisors. September Cuba. 18408rluPYmn 0 heRi La~~tne, oRo!ert itnehan, Ben SpevierKnC appoh r-int vred fr for b mnte ave 1 n o wf .Owimir, te the sa,, Terni. A .11.Mais o lat. mti. edAAto!wbctl Mordit. JGuyohnr l*1ed te investîgate the smalPOx reasén thai they are notem-serlpata&.at present Mr Chairinan and Gentlemen o!thie Joh Welch. ,1 liRemisBereiarI Nortin., and,-Katoll BuMierarWillin am McNell.Nlckblls frein Wauconda, submitted 0ad, 5and tb-ow no liglit lapon thser e taDo assurance o u- Boito upriossevcss2.0- ic. wknab mner , WIhe !oltowing report: wbat bai been bougbt for te ces!laco pihm n fthepo Por.C m ite n C uit a ...A.00G . iWekbe b. To n f ue la. State of lîlinoisI si u i n h w n on y t e p r ii nw ul b g l gv ae, AM I. A mit. Buplrvtsor Thom peoli m oved thatn W ToJwSe o f a k ndewViW-olfakeC auntY, s. seus nom s antd the am enat paid C yAd Bndgse: Oak upring CIa Ia ou d be t aa o n-ne ,F r W a .C ai e .lo e . h e ot b c e t d a d a o t Bn r oner: W iI- L k Board o! Supervioi-s, o hm t> rth th v inom Hucker, GordonSoleSp. em19.reotwscam...5.0 Min ged Iiok. îctrlook, Frank Richard..Mr. Chaîmman andi Gentlemen o! the For the rmalen that the state- cmltellsu secalror ws ais i-sethepaaientreîof. ate Clotrnat You Cmmtte ppin- edbae ee sch th hem oe big l arngô I tlolig nithat tbe Clark lbu Vernlon. Supervisor Bmrstow. Cra IlookA Vt. Amile' ande. submttted the ! allÉ li mn- tnb i S Jech aeielnaIb it c'n o ! the R o d an di B ridge C oni- Crb . Town of Avon. 1cd to Invigigate the buis Pre- Commitise. conistng o! William cmpeed sud report mati e. d r aei ttthe r ei or the Fred Pi-por:leasan Il:. Ckâ hat 5.E. rw, arY tdlt the June Session for Stratton, Theodore Meyer and iy- Davis bridge and rulvert lu An- se eralaounttitthe Nsevs.Foral IIBl Sd Carfulti. Fred Wîîbur. Rob- emaîpox caues lu the Town cf self, do net know. ami cannuot ,iioch. contract has been let andi clalmants. to-wtt: Set..0095 q«t Wasébbira,. D. G. White, F.Bo - ~ Nms. For Wbat Ami. Allowed. C. W. Bakler. lite oe o g a d e r s m n ol w :o! the Institution la. we are anl er o! a countY aid rondibas 4.00 Board o! Supervis as o! Lake Coun- r aa hstno.We retammund that the !allOw- lu favor o! an audit bcbng made boen taken up wltb the commis- C. A. Aptley. et aI srvces...___ y o!al s Cls e b er T y o .I.B he bo k s anti records o! the stonurs o! Benton anti com mluni- services-------------.SI 671 -00 .0 W u eg n îios Swn Town of Warren. i a bils iealtowed: Cha te Ch se Ab er Tay orA m i. (L ae C ou tY Sanitortum ai once . raltion l u reference ther to bas D r. 0 . F. B utterfiel. 126.0 7 Your RatI llando i dgo mi-. lItrn. Ornu ('btteudefi, Chai-les Name. For Wbat.1 Allaweti. as we would ithe te lknOw de! - Ibeun axtdreýaedtiet the Board. veterlinaiy services---.. 12.6 - B60e flbok Chales Gillet, Her)' Almond, M rtn Stoffel, 12S67 Yur R a n rig o mt f.CLatWse tag( 'bris Marti'Rty wbat moneys have buen Township Road Woi-k: Plans. sPeci- w. W. Carrol Bons 24, lis Ait of wbicb la respect!ully subit- tee, bei ta rooprt ln reference Zj. C. LakeCheser Faunsupl.e------------ham.12psit i nto the hospîtal. sud whei-e Ificatians, contracta, etc.. have been , mdee-----------------------gedpeo! Bar- Towermn ofheter.uknei- H Oaani. i goee to and also wbai the matie for the !ollowini; towt i Colett & Fredeicks. hoir .Myr igin uteTv !Cb. twe!WUIsf. j.druga b iien,3enu:grocerea........ br .foi- the construction o be Blnharti. J. C. Bldleeem,R.JDu- services anti supplies ... 4.30 to con ~th bv mi Newport: Two sections o! theicotiett & Fretiericks. d nt idwseeddtth M. - Humphrey, A. tirov~~ tle onditions, 1 bei-eh)'make Ru'sell r<-, tapioximatey one m........---9.0 twid ani. .ul adwmexetei.t h seEinican sppie .. t tan oC.a John cmpetd.-ekeA. J. Walsh. 'Town .15foilowa: j Duckuk,4680Ani-h:&eciBond.ckryRod32.60 Superviser Kirochuer mQv;1 thai O unut.t. or commit- Buer. Ira Hotdrlidge. George Prtch- ofte StsofLkeCuny( . Pas .Dv el.Aý supplies---------------.11.47a *fuît anti compltsteaudit bu completed ibis spnlng. Plans have'E. E. Etisworihr -. .tha-slI DteWposrAmtEwad e . ! hetapayrso!Lauanutd Auicb:Setin ! icor R'duir...............gcerpotaenccdtd ai1 dopet. ninste eanin NVXguW 9 -. B. Arnodi, G. F. Fluer. nmode a nce b! a comptent to-e.n prepameti and advetesd for'-* mdse-------------------I Motin clarteig the coimpiteti woik. adicurn- lsi Grabie, Déwe Hamilon, Jon an oneys bdit to m'le, bid te Seruer1i. B. Paddock. Chairmadock. Cairmtecithee thé iceic o!f the ownwn n, Joephabur. ke i Jltion Jon -$110.19 uiutoi, showing aIlarndwasre ......b....tobu...g47.52 ieJdif'Comnimte, submiîted Cek aBamington. At £a e- WI UaliasehPa-Ier JttiPuna.We recommeud ibat the <tlo- ut and ruceiveti anti for what cel-~d on the 18th foat. ca.---------------------------- iu cd hr tewrkwi- i - .Erb, John amash, Thmiu g bis bu flt allowed: pur-os;es, siminethe taktflg aven Ptans, profiles anti specifications W. P. Femian. 1iate e! lluots.rpr: .t hr tewr a ~~ubothamn. Charles Hatioti. Jou cMcofic !the properyb)' the coup'- for about on-hall mite o! rosdit omer.33,etc @ f llin oisy g rcuptudtirornithe couiractor and vaccinations. etc L. rewty.di n uconnucitoii wih thc C.H. Kaiser. orio iosSebrthe .bills for the improvemeni C roue. B. P. BadccinatG.ns, Bmew -.------- $ 74.00 t.ug4-9ru e.a adtti n otlcatogb Ir buwl. R. PreleK at.Fr aHrma !nulk4wek.. 2O Superviser Meyer o! Fremoni aevis Býldge, bave bho maile.1 hardware---------------------od of Supervigsterbuldiao , ir u wultR. -. Gealey 3pne n.ff T rn, ePtmbHlronlmoTetotl cnt of th movd t Ia th i-.altlo o!Bide were receiveit but contraci Max Kobtier. t .Bade-AiLtBum Dr. iRosodeutcber, Superviser Martin an the table. was let awardeti. owing ta the mdisu------------------.12.07 Sept. Id, A. D. 1916. teb -r.g"1ý faprah M, c. Gupleo..........2.L.Mton Mond pick.engtpn g.Lake Co.a. CM.Chainmnan andi Gentlemen O! es. publishini notes, etc. (exclu- .O pond, W. . Bidingr, J-. HuthsWarn Plnseiiain ni Cee.I. 0......661 heBrdo urvm: la m e s M rc h a n t. H e ry ' S e g e tA lb e rt W . W . C o o n , S up e rv ise r F ic k e m o v d t a a d jo u m u W r e : P asrpen aotla t e a e . e c . . . . . . . 05 h o rt ! S p r i e a iv e o f th e se rv ic es o ! t h e R a i wilamWiht.Pr..M . I vaccination-------------30Q.00 ontit tomorrow montug ai 1» conti-acts matie for four sectionsi oF. B. lavneit Ca..d rljr3 omitee ad h 'Wvoet.MWiP. Dg. Frank Hlroulmous, o'ctocl. o! rond.ihncluding the Druce Lake druB. ..................4. 34Claimi wonld bei lente te re-arvcs!ib w'cmmso- TeJlugrapeyOWieliaanti McC.uservLcee itlle Lumber Co.. port thai ihey hava exanet srvies f heay, aontcmsion. J.JDrey ila Hgee eriu--------6.00 Mtion carriei. nTtes oouln u I t ver lumber anti coa .....734.165veie v resenteit before thieen antildlT.70n o. as aonst 1 ~ULnirt.Peter CarIson. A. W .F...n....Hîroulmnd Mcusre, ('r 1k .A. Fugan. Chartes Foserig. Fankpp us-------------1948 four miles. J. B. Mre&Ce.. reloouundntihie payaient of the Oua-bel! o! thîs amouint. uamp- ^Ihadbr-ls uekuBm. ehDoi.Ax The bil o AlertH.Milter Cuba: Contracta have beln ward ciilg------- 4.9 htteCtr ui.508.a h ounty's @hors. Uateg .DLnge, C. Femibeti. Fred STI-IRD DAY. oresfr .3utrfrbakt iai fan ovur three mites o! gravel North Shore Gasz(Co.. direeti teIaeuenies or th.. e pprovuti by the Rosndandi p«met.Peter MeDerfloM . . cBOMIf$, 0w e rbc ehmIrond work. gi................17. - 't. avéral amouant& te "theseel rigeCmntu.ubctate Ceuni. to lbuitemIzuti. anti laid over Cmi- -sujc t h IL Nrlemt.Win. Rogersoti, Jobh h eebrmeig ak$a'~ aotacml OkSrn b atsl'rg...... 19 are.-rWai. Ami. Alofeti. luHcor abne ltb ctody.o -.--- rcemtil te D cm e etn .Lb ry il:o rdn .P itr&cam ns e jýobwt Grice, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~Theo. Ris, esU Wuean"OkSrg lrgitr ....2101 ý '7rToiH Ster, B. T. Web caU-Fe lahe.j~~Lbi-y-lfredWrko!Septn.M.Peai-, 1n.91cal.nt.rt-wa: m'rmoaî ! ourHAmrai.IlAiI ',Al ed Ru uciulIdsuincedSet.1 0 m i bas ben compîeîed te the PubliceS'-vîcpc Co - Chai L. hatii eting. i ta roçommenti- ~u,- Dnns urh. icar Gît-A. G. Mib- ordmt usuei osaifatofothe iown commis- light nfandToier......oni~ml ee .60 c 1dtyuBartalLeCos Blrney Masen MinI A. Illcitmn.w CjnnEe pi--louers. wbo have msometi ne- Ray Fuilre Ce.. F NB iakesi ~t1 -CnietlBig 'f ~ ~ ~ ~ Sprie Kingida moethaitbhi-e- sdn niiu!lalimfiussosbîîîîy !oç the condition ef "-tint .................. ' - - - - - 60 oPa .24 1. bc nma MHonernc.Wlim ~ priser mot e ally tbrN.Malinisewilll covep, the ('ounty's ahane o! the tari-n op!o prtbu Rig i-set:th rndwlenh.00iadt !ju11i-ntiC a. PN eaeses Ande y'sun, The lollowing Poititiwas, pre. rad, Crapo, Eger, Emimoils, Fiche, Specifications drawn foi- one ant IR. Pl BÀalO.Reeifui ubttd ------ Sitb MJ.Ace.eneiani G oio ~S-COs" ne4dilte, King. ircliner. threesjourths miles of!1gro ndti I r-~-j~ ejs--------21.00 050. H. Balntow. eiug. MJnh tn Spith, Mheu A , rtk setnd ad uM.moin et O ie f rmet eYkn h eahau at leet " T...-, Geo. Rocknbacb. J~u )atu.Joeh . ailtSJoapertlstir Clark referreul tethie Mit' eyroFemi. M>- ute-oieaiprtmehuiw Te -'l-9 4.- .v.8-11,1110 Plan o a . J e h . F a k o e lsba , C.oA. Com m tes on E rroneous A s s s- OP o! W auk egan. M cCulougit Pati- anti the w ork bas b oisn hand e d i services ..0...........- 20 00 M a i n R ingtiabt. koea da- otillikaWeC.hA monts: doeM, Rinsdahi. Stratton O! Orant, by the cammiasioners antilli W. C. Trr' odrdBrdeCmite fteA <Jmale'NaChilysGaMile',Edwad auega, ii itton or, ILake Villa, Rcu- about compluteti. -R'.. ... alph .J. Kady. 0.1 Bàdo ueyen Walsh. Whit n.. ocen 1nlet: ourca aebenTgr a-'-., <sp -------------------Apprvuti snd receimuntii. Na.Cal ate sept. 15, 1916. bacti, ThomtPson, WalsoWhiaccoerft-d:4F9.50acBohaveibeo!Tflupervtsors.or «,eri-wn. Arthur Johnson,. Thomas a- To the Board o! Supervisons o! Lake Ttlprsn-23. awnrtied for about eue-bal! mile firur ................. 0 - 21 Itîvin J., fam. 'a Town ofuniy, illinols-: Abeent: Supiervisons Hutten. Mar- a()f rt iau i h G-enTiga&Tylr vin, J. Griffun., unto! Hlgbways.- Town o! Libnr, MrsYMa" lt- duBay Roati anti wark la now In rmiletl andi gracerles. .... 184.74 sevcs876.-90 Blil>rvlSor P'ickue novuti that tlé ' WiII Peternon. Rairt Caien MNathan Vu eîlni.Mr.Mi> i.Tailte, Web rgessd~l xutt h(hs bbb .i-1 s eokoanGae our-.b a. .....dadplt CaIet. Carrol Gri- ey . W 8P Me-tle, reprseits that eabs ta one or TOt& alabsent4. po rs n t l x e td ta h s e b elatle ac pe r d pe .P Lai. FankPetesTh mascV,1yIte, the awners o! the southeat qi--r. Minutes o precedîng meeting the coucrelle work wll libufinish- Indtu-----------------.28.00 DO tle y -.-----G4ra0e Motion caried. ap1RueChartes Butterfielti, 3rl -toi- sauthweat quarter Section 26. i. Ad ln a !ew tisys. W o!bvC. A. Apetheaureprtu- mani t...urons---------4.60teBr niBideCmulS L e etnI . L s hRo u g eA -n eMi- 48 9 . T h a t in th e ea r 1 9 1 1 th e H tm iditbu n ,O u e i th e f l e r po C r: o L v e mIA pp.Lee >'W h tn W I ey , A n s '. B arNo! Rvon -rs i t t e a - s u pç rv sq ý R rs c h e r m o v uti t a ' o tra c i a i s a a w a rd e d fo r r - ' o te n d e nt o! th é ou r n ty e or e l u b a J ro s5 h ep li a n BWd e a u k ieg a n. B . iUstiof aI sii r0létue $5the a- eo4ider,, the bills of Dr. Mc- sBt'facng about thee-oi-th : tFende ntifie nt th------------------------------------ 4.repor0 ont Ray,. Louio Shanck. Dan Feltows $M6. upon wbl vai&luainilhe «)k apti Dr. Coon. of the Deerfielti cawi as Fme correct anti that Cairive.s ........Sept. S. 1915. "iterBock, Orrmn Mabilke.bapadtxsfr11to94 sution o!................ 95.86 n thi Clartum ID. HiIcks. Wuca.Iiios - Town of Fremont. hnIai txetfr191 a 01caprvirMet phaî hatot mac adam. Wonk on ibis there la due hlm the coSutabla fées-----------3.0 Boardl of Superviseora o! Lake Counl>'. Ed. Bauman, Robert Camneron. ht<. Inclusive. That naid tract la pao tSlupervilsi- ate rioveti tht lcontyR a nai uttatut od Omo ........9-6CaemB ics ak lios IX*bol. Mertn E. Jues. Hrmon tcolly abte teesnd.he.Boad.....4.10 Sire: Uchenia. oh Tkame re o Rtiw fon 1915 bas reduco t lb DOeupibur meeting o! the nuifi bas operaieti anti complttut cuenbet0lreortel .e.......t Wane.JonHutl,.MIhelOunthe valuation 10 $100; that thlore Board. wikl iu owilaat a AIlo! whlch is respectfulty Oublt- W. G. Ives tebct eotsnrfrnet WanrJhn.rtlM -e be wai aise a double engesement ou Motion carricit. new workiug lu the iuuth. This tell. - icivIi;a----------------3.-62 the Pztentilng o! Counly aid for sait trat, as part of same wus Supervisai- Meyerneo. Premntt wllt lues seven townships >e A. T. White, - DniUnb-y, te aisrdg atictrtni Tow o Wascnda Binclutiud In Petit Park Pubditi- motet .to approvu the minutes as te finish. Wet weathui-hanl nterar-mti l cnetes.D 0apoces lurie an o! rtan-dt Wm. E. Brooks. D. L. Puinani. H. .ferreti ver)' matuniall>' luiprogresa A.G. aothr Denn"sUerve*y, ....... 10tplâ. hes tathe ownifnAu 31ýhms, Lewis A. Wheelock, B. C: i r eiioe eeon. so Motin a - sp Rd aiount o! woi-Imthat coottlH C.W.Mayr.s Lere.......... .0Tnour Ce omltuemiwlt t XIaM-I. Robet Dowll. Fran,: Wilson H.TourWputyet.oservicsu..f........... 8.40loComi. so! etlgwsluhie IÇeur>' tadt!.ld. George Benwll pD tlat Yeu wil refond te ber the 8 3Iii LC(larkec.Probatilon .of- have buen expectedtirni the oui-t prio lk oe htl. tws u.. 5. J.-uset.-aie suit ceuty tejloigmlt eotb ceti u dpe.2,5 tZAf taxes op an as-Isoler. ,subtitteitteflowa --~ but the work tdone basi- reSprvuisp iei anti a the .ooahiaLu us----2.36 'g 0frUTc ouigy su thned i - Twn o csssid valuation of $36 ou a.- prt:suet inv-y uc imrei Motion carriled. John Meyer, tfo!Highwsvys ai 2 P. M. on AW.STowrtn of Wila k. cutpI sali double essmatT h ooal an !S-conditionsa o! the i-amie openateti SuPervisor Moyen et Waukegan, justice fiesa------------- .30 ugut -21. 1916, te nucelve and2 W. 1SanthandretiS.amy.wRihefor the yuars 1911. 1912. 1913 pervisons o! Lake Caunt>'. 1111- on anti the resulta. 1 believe. Chi-ian, o! Poor Claima CoSi- Adie 'IL, tllai-, aven.proposaIs for the construc- Ve adareB.Cd Wlimhave generaiiy proveti quite satin- mitteexeiWkgnSils se-ce------- 120ituo iibrdeaicIet Stitag.N. I. Spiague. Penny S. anti 1914. anti recommeuti a lke ne-la. (xetWuein hed eycs....... 20 ino adbig n uv t Lenitat. .. refond frn the Other tsxing bcd- Gentlemen: factory. anti Decificîti). sobmitted the foi- R. J. Maisonani for th- giading o! approach- TownfElt. lso ies1i on0 At- berewlth suhmlt my repart as wWitb ordlnany conditions o! the Iowing report: services----------------2.25 us o!fVestlalme Roati. Louis Pepper. William Tenue, och. Probaton, Offîcer. wcather thuru shoîtîtibu addetieti1 State o! Illinois, Bernard-ti oitn. A number e! hides wer-e ruceit- GereC. Pi-usia. W. H. Belle, George Respectfuli>' submttted, Sînce iny appontament there bave -'the outfit a aprinkler wagon tank Lakes Coutl>e,. fuorvlces............... 6-.00 l lte towest belug that o! John MeyerWliageduGogeHnMRP. MARY R. LITTLE. ba hrysvn rsnr ailu i rd ta get the boit ri-.Board O! SuPervisars, Ptembor J. B. Nehaus flîmreti o! Antoch, who biti ai John Howe, Fred Rout. James Dy- Supervisei- Rirachuier motedthUat ta me au Probation Officur. Of slts. Terni.- justice lines------------7375 folows: imod, Fred Bleu. the Count>' Physiciau bu appoint-. imriulehv en Wank o! maktug township mapa Repiember 16. A. D. 1916. Hli !g$n4aisbig-------- $060 Fred Br&ctiman. Jr.. FrankI Cordes. Motion caried. pMg em uigte à suggested that pit uobtain- ecp Wuea.Phiettisani Holtia es........ .0Dvsciet........100 s g E KodirWaturLokbed sn Superviser White motedt tat the >'ar ,.-et a bonicpiein t e shapexDeneti),wouiteg Sleve tene. uiea----------- .0eoal---------- 115, Ultenhaei, Ibui taI,~.~-.Puchsii ornniis b ath ra lie tuigtbrhelant g n psixo! an 1atlas >nate for the uae a! part thaitbey have examiet ail FredPriseas, Extra cancrete If requi-sti,$10 1 Steen. Wallace Schar. M. F. Wagner, cd te purchase Rames Townebilp i-lai urng ibcae ps )O.sxthe iffrent departments in the dafims Presenteti before ihumi anti services; clalmeti $12.00 Pur cuhic Yard. Ci-cdu fan ceu- $, Fi-an We tla Organistioti Laws for the Colin- bave undscagt for goodco$. Town of West Desrfleid. lv Clei-k's office anti Statutea for b$bavior. Onla a silil vorkini out cfini boue wbo roba fihan wlleommnti nath aymh lleniohn Roque ---------- 0.0 i-i ual 46uents5800pur clcal tf Christ Roublin. Thomas Dawson. H. the Supervisons who have nulle. is probation, anti five have lote!t futi ited tvabte, ti h bafer tected te anti iat tesfolei- u 1e maRoiae, fe .... .0 o.o L. WesItiug Hermant Pegtow. George Motion carrieti. the Ceuni>' anti vioiateti theîr pro- -reml te the proper emmttue. acterlai mOuntr te the several John ROUMS, hIs l estimateit that apprexi- Peaglow. George Toi-s. Jr.. Mlton Supervisor Meyer of Fremont bation. No.fonmanes bave ai yet ~ Res§pecttull>' aubmited. claumante, tc-wii: j()a ee....... .0mately 420 lineal test o! piles Frants.Fe, luesait e-imr od tand lige Tonshp tine Thebo-npuoton probtiotai. pln-CHAS. E. RUSSELL, santon. WalkerBou, wi lie burequireti, which weuld .- or fGaaield, Ira Gai-tier, Richard Tl- o7oaianiBide r ge bu oneo- rtiretsysten 15 5 atndSupt. cf Higbwa>'s Ami. Ami. . oitahto tees-----------7.16 tmount te $188.00, making a ta.-o M». referre te t the Roatiat ddedi u e ii fetes antiprvsrFlctIe motet that the 1Miarnes. For WVat. Calmed.Alcwed. p. B a stmItcLtc 1730 o - Town o! eerfleld. Cot rela showii goot - resait» o! the report lbe accuptet anti atopteti. oncuStorels, trvce100........ o()o the bridge work.0e XHC..PuMotion carr.ieont.iK.ystemi. Se fan more thaui Oti- Motion carrIeti mian............. 759.81j,À. B. Bmitb. OnI)' one bild waa receiteti for waf Cealee Jr. W. BiandJ. A. Schreu- Supervisai-Coti-ad .moveti te a b al! f hewbo hvbute a put SprvsrThenipson. harmnB. C. Topsfousietin;cs: gr he adinrwckwhb, beotIw «Ms. J. EPierson. W. S. Llghthall, Joui-n untit 1:30 a'cock thia ait- on- Probation have bobavedtiltheul- o! the Cotomitte on Piate Chai-i. seritces......... 00 7,5 ioe......... 5Aildrt tobgwa eet ' W. W Wagouer. W. G. Ives, F. Weln- eroon. otsat sfra abnte. submitet the following ne- Annie R. Sislion. A. B. smih, - .1.nti the Conimislonenso sot. H.Stang. A. J. Nelson, J. Set- Motion carrieti. aé lu a fair wa>'Ici bucome pot: -etdo es tsicfus...... 4-4 lba' iaiutt lbrd o e-ao. John Hlggtns. Joc Duffy. W. ut for Pinte o!Ililinois es-------- 39.00 Walter A.. Taylor. te gradin; thermoiive loetolot ' 1 iThoMai, A. L. cbro.Abn :0olc . M.PesnAbr Board callet the bartieneti criminai, but fon the Larsenut>' slà Hollantidutca.------ 14.0 oy pu)ata r o te,-Bo ajmveh'. Di,-M.BMaier. C. J. Thomi, M. ta ondur b)' the Chairma. persoti who malins- the trot slip. Board o uevsis eptembur ablac4ur eryVBcra. it Pianon. John Hart. Ji-. P.. Cawey, Supueviser Conradi moveti that te sat font.......................vice...... .. . . . . . -4 p1 it i n a en} I fel haothsbste i ntiTemivien2.0 tC5 oupt iwlBing ta tael i t tthat C pt bc tton1the LatIe Comt>'Soit the boartteat co-peratlOn f YasinMr. Chah-mati anti Gentlemen o! the burlal... 38.00 20.00 'jutie feus.............. -ie.Cand it laues wllprcee twth i AU lof! la inrespectfulty sut>- ImProvenient Association lbu refer- Honorable Board. Isrn1 > oc.Barioetprion:B J esel aosG oîh r Chs.Brrng 0A . Wal. oeet!lIAImutei Rtiand ('orat. rw. undoti Botais. prbatoui o rpor tat hey bav piitiod ..... ....... ....... 0.00 JUU8r f o.............. 432 e Go.Roceaach aCn

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