. MSWL ,1nu CJIARfiIS or'MAYOR Declates tiday Aie Wili Allege Homeir Cobkè E4erts a Hyp- notic InhluChce. WILL ASI< AM INJUNCTIOPN. He WyilI Seek to Enloin Mayor FIm St àln VnIar Aot- Rolleti b>' lhe charges Made b>' Mayor Puarce ln ics bill led lnacir- cuit court on ffldai lanvisic i a a- counting b>' Cammîssianera Orvîl, Dletsueyer andi Powell and City' lerk James Marseilles, Cammissioner OIr- vis toda>' annauncesi that ha la bus>' drafting c cross bil hihîcis ise aits permission af tise court ta file before Ihp next lerni of court. "I ahali charge liaItihe mayor lnaa man vbo la easlly led and I nfluencesi ansi tIsatAttorney' Hamer CooIse.viso bas. been bis chief andi ani> légal ad!- v iser sil tise va>'tbrostghb as ansi I. exerting a iypnotic Influence over blm." !Mr. Orvis saisi. "f shali al)ege tisat Borer Coak@ receivesi $1.800 f:om 1the Cil>' durlag thse yaars 1901-03, durlng Mayar Pecrce*s former reidme. witbout an>' sanction or action b> tise council. 1 shaîl aver tîtat Cooke nov bas pend- ing ln circuit court a suit against tbe City for $3.000 as tees visicis isedatims are due hlm litiaddition la tise $le' 800. I sliall demalià b>' viAIauthor, Il>' tb. $1.800 vas paldi nei'by vsat authorit>' ie la soslni'for $3.000 mare. "I @hallelige tisatI li of tie suita that have been tartasi together vttb tise 15 <oher fines ai action taken b>' the mayor andi Coake vers donc vith the. Idea orcoarcling us ta Put Cpoke on the Cit>' pcyrall asl corpistion Counsel. 1I ael allege tant tb. pram- ent suit va. brougbt merel>' toas" "Furthernlore. I abalpra>' a per- manent Injunton restralniog Pearce ansi Cooke from cstartIng an>' aimhar actions la future. i dont ttait va are obligedt t put up vils ail tbea different methods of attack tbat thse msayor esnplo>'s. BULKLEY ON BOTH I.4E&gB Corporation Caunsel Buikley la ln a rether unusuai position-he in attor- ne>' for boi aides ln tbus utduiual litiuation. Asked about bis sata. In lthe caee. h. said: "At tbis tim. I have no comment ta maIs. concerning tise chancery pro- cecdlng whlch fi§ evidentl>' Intendeti as a @tep toward makissg Waukegan famous--or othierwise. "My' chlef difficult>' et preseut fla n defiing my statu% ln tise case. "Waukegan la namesi a co-complain- ant. ans i;a under the ordinances t asise reteinesi attorney af ta. City', 1 ami tbeoretlcally on tiatsaIade. The same ordinanice, bowever, constitutes me.tise atrne>' for te cortumsicl.-1 e!s, Iberefore I amn an tisat aide alsio. Never having matie e practice of ba- Ing on boh ai sdes of a case et once. 1 I d It somewbat puzzling Inta s placesi In Iis cause-eopelally.54 I vas nol consuiteti or glveg an>' VbuI- lionllb.themater TWO ttJP1i3M AN fFTY ASK Te MmI NEW RJJLE CLUB Th$ Number '0 lica- tion Blanks o ors Tie lnco otta otth a 1e few Rigis lansi Park > 9 dîii nlà1ýbp City ' ibI tio oillr ' 0o#. Sb 425 ampIons aof ea i lé <bila lise firet Me In of n ib ti rti lonrra 1Ioi Q ~ 1 wamhlngtn ~ lh oonnttý'ýer wilb tise var de"Mtnent relative 1u lhe use of thse Frt SiýIàe;L eunds as a eliipai'yy Jança . m olmnea hopes aIsQ tae!iave tae club daclaresi «t brancb ai tise National Rifle Aaacla- lion. it là lte fltelltia.f 1the club ta, make use af the Fort Sheridan grounds, citernalel>' vll1 lite use of liesete range #i4fi Ç$'ceganfi Im ~Prdiè Bs~rui4 drTh N "AlunU LmEMi A frocl teFoyutls figures affedtlvel>' mrriesi ot ln sot suIMcrescde Chiné, Ibo. skirt bevîa a. dep malin fiostace. Fe4siousbi. destanqrs ar> l"eed re- BOUrceUsl, ansi tbimpra.. ino Srv- Ice an>' facture ht'iI ii idd ho lhe la- dtvisiulpt, 'Ot Af c.Thea $ounce.la Usd the so*tLadsandi gre- tu i u t ara 00 uchs 10 h désiresi 11115 soeïk phe dyes e dovu re la sucide o f t creala whie lla81k dra tac sltt CivIng àdeep flouac Of t gatin.éliope*l~c A entbroidery Iaslqp voWiai thhbeasis. Roirs of uiirriq aa= tce ni éthsa waiWb loo tise " l'h he leeves aa sbO4 tufui andt îhV-abapi neck js finisised wvilI a'Pl simple Ome ? cl'apa. Ia averaçe ., e b sres. reoulles 8 yards 44-I4tA e'rapa. àsiyts'd IM1ni cb 1111for tee flouMi d 1d Iyard Zi-ilIcli lAing oi 1 ToUhMètheunderbo"ypléat the trontsud ac)r brIeng l o rrfo Suonln, amali "o" perforation& For pIclosIaiRevlev Coutume No. $400. Cofla fihadia. DelgaNa. £2130. Transfor imipapr 2ms nm VIDITAUTY. th1e opeA" iac.ac. 'b.center-front of the "pderbool>' 10 triple *'ooo'*perfora- tionq.. Çlap. seamrnas notched anld tur hush l lt at notche8. Adjss Ilh be"h r~B Ihelila wide underneatb For $le ciqr front andi back close th1e seaiâià potchesi andi lursihem li back D4tnsce4. ,the lamge *'0- Prfo- ratîonliid*cktlog "the center-aclI, Gathe lar0ong UIo tilder seam n a-sa :owe<,.dgqeen double "T'perte)- '14 , «klncI1above lowcr ede front. A&rrange on uldbcdy. renter- fronits, enter-bacIsandi undgr-arm sunâ aven; atltchshoulder esigea 0- tb rdýat'tg atËlers t. fit. Btllch gaters iat lôwer edg4 ta position. lower esigle ven. Prqr the short pull siceva. close Sesto sa sfotelfed andsi athçiron .crosailîne of aa, " .o- Pàfttiôna: di-aw galber. 10 1he rfqUIrad aise Mad stitch tape Uni- der piliers. ew 1lnurtaliole au notcb- asi. smal 1 "or pprforutU i at shoulder I<eântt.dlthbe êk o@am of the okirt frotti laài -0- "perfôrgttonto îotwer asige. Cathor on croaglînes of imaîl I"Op. poroM4,~osiu, a«Junt fgyndatlon yoke under #âtbave Etr-frobnti. renter- baM AÙI cbd upesl adaàvefi.andi brtnÉ nb*» Isaff "" o aroù a.ana doubnle «»MS-"o- riorailo tb orrqpod- loiwèl iouïdi u»&ir mditet îsl. notobas. cclitis45cltamiadccnter- ibaçl eyae». Adjupq akIrt. stItchlng upeyç4e v.er.j!iwprroi# of galbera la waSt enter-ti-oiianfd center- ba.u* van. bFur la no fablonable, that.a band 0o1 thlW tzlmulag pould ieb. sided. 10 the lsoltom of ttaaflounce. if deniresi. P.Simca 14, 16 ansi 20 71115. Plc. là Ipatterafa16 motis l à0C& . riv Pr P~pr4Espetiolly Fur TMi Nuipa pr by Picturial Revgo BECONIEG PROCKO? IABSTNN DEI . li wr.The skfrt. whlcb ln attacb- id te tAclat îm der a namrw beit. là 4thra.-placa hdcL Thora wtllalwayo b. women Who love "aerely aimpla, frocks. yet Who wlab1 Li tOwded Into theca modela the maxi- .4cm of chic. TIMY Opa-place costume * blue gabardine ta effectlive ecusse of LISi smPliclty. The swttniofblue suIs 4"raembroidared wth !Nue. $.old anè lack s cis. addlng tii.oàii'noté of lui- UTthebfrock. Id ittedni dis. it Te- 4sfed . 1 ona 8l3 Yards 5"-inch ga- UrPdlne. wlth -. fard ille 11 for tÉï uLaers and collea. The front andi r.- gîàqre eut ln onse. n0 that the .11k "Illhave ta b. applied. aa a faclng. &fier the gabardine 1à caraita llLI- d the back gore la Oral Planesi làto po- lton. iollowed b>' the chien i. 4.1' ~be back gore. bawever, restas upon thé Id of the xmatnerla.Tjic c»9t. Qppise re back gorô: tbi front gom~, *91 dit 1 là eed te the rlglut 0»i>ia CuR. and. 1the I hed. te the rlght aof1the back tore, vail laid on a lengthwlaa thread of the gabardine. N ~Tbe ramalnlng sections te b. laid on Ob Islengthwlse fold fare the MBlars, stk.mrais andi beit. The. sIâ1ý44 odtt $id rever are placasi on a lbflwlc eireaM. If a round neck-lin~ b pleUr-1 iéd te the hlgh collar an the ahield. cut *Ut on amafl "a" »Pfotloll.h Thle .1 l a 554dobbie "à" perfora- tiens mdrrate th sharter lengtha of >ltbough gabardine la *ztensîvoly1 Qiied for one-pleca frockaz Jroadu 1 -. -~ - ~ seiiln agaîn andi wlth a softraMh tIhan of nid. Whpcord, velours de laine and gloveakîn loth srl ciaol uo d favor witb mixalem UliIt new weave like hop sq.q lltsn- ta#ded ta taIse the.place aofgAàdlnl. The French Revolution han certaînlyi sufleated ma>' noue-tha felarl- lape. the »ireclcslro, the Babamerre and the Incroyable have net tblir lm- le lyet ~ tapt lva frock of blue reani the styles of today, but others ~Ab.dII0 tl~l0 ~lh ~bWlerad sd Wlth h JI& X4 4, lit 40. 42, 44, 4a. a L m.- ,VR ) -Y, ) ,DECM,-BEI13, 191,5. Pi JUUR's liEÈUI )enny O'Brien Is Arrestedl for Fitinq a Bullet Through the Hat of a Customer. COWBOY IN EARLY DAYS. Says Juggler Was Not in Dan- ger, But Promises Police He Wfllcuit Practice. Wankeaan, Nov. 29. lu bis yauager deasDenny ']lrleni was a son of the plains. Tiser a v' -lot a hetter abot in.lte ro* couIdtry. Hie couisi rIde a ion>' witb tac bât, ad 'héenjoyesi thé campaidaiL f i niant' a! Amerlca's heat known essr- boys. For th1e paît ew y.ecrs Den' bas canducteti a saloon anTEst Wgsii- Ingtan street. Ever>' once In a "ie' Dean'. filgers tegin 1Ichlng."' andi ,batlai tise signal for a li111e glun practîce. Saturda>' nigbt a sleiglîl of bond Lrtiel payesi Deuny's place a rIait Th1e 'traager la the. cil>'coulsi juggle an îak chair as weil as tise qii aiseh wrr. lHe vas demoatrating Ihp abilit>' vi s uddeniy Penny puilet le pIstaI ansi shot a bisletirôùuà eis silkI bal. "Den>' cant tell today wviai. PrOmPtesi hlm to taIse a abat et tise silIs bat. Hie .ust couldo't resittise temptation. Needless la se>' ln lbree secons' time lise Place as empt>'. ope Ci.A cagoan, a salesman, sisal stopi> i'Wi nlaig until ho reaches tise fonce ha- tmeenl the nortis andsi suth basind IacIsa at the Nortbwestern yards. Tise luggler ran meut. He rau ioto a policeman at the corner af Wnshing- ton ansi Geneaee sîreets ansi demanul- eti thal heoaàrest tiese mloakeeper. Dean>' via arreslesi and g Ivan a heartlbg befare MagIstrat. taylor Ibis morning. Den>' bas prômléi ao tisrov lise revolver in tise laits. He dlaims tbâat the jùgglerm lieémas aat ln danger, aisi tisaI bhocaýliknbpck te pipe ont ai a man's moulÈ utbath1e police chieas are &fraid tiéit bi'si4lbt me>' NUi h11111, s0 tIsa' avé ordel'cs hlm ta dispense vIltisahegun. The elighil of band altisI gaàvean exhibition of bis tlent jdtpf410 plicd station, énsi there hi6 no ièSlôi uIt vha Iolaone cf tué bidi la th4 businemss ansi ha tg di g cdntdvtl6li- f n omeni ility PETREFROM JAIL Claim ManiHeld &, police of Wue an WthIRig M1n W en Ï ghted Tisat W.S. Petre, Itenosba resident arrestes in la aukegan Baturda>' wthh staien go-id. ln bis possession, la not ai souns ind, vas tiese tatement ai a relative visa cama , to Waukegan Manda>' 10 seek Mbisase, 'PeU. ecornes of antaoaithlbhst familles ln Kenosbe, andi ho bau been an Iumale Wah'aniane asylum. 50 *e have reason t la sIlva that isc vas flot ln hI. right mlisi vien b. came 10 Waukegan an Saturda>'." saisi one Kenoshhs. Petre was arrestas b>' Police Chier. Gço. N. Powell et noon Saturda>'. Wben. was secrcbed aithlie police station, copier castings valuesi St up- *ards of $10 ver. founs Inl bis pos- session. The castings isas been stol- en tram -on.eaif1the repiItaois in tise Nortbvestern yards. Petreclaime tba't h isepckes thora up on the gar- liage dump. Tise castings censictesi ai lwo coi- per braIse shoee anti e number of olh- or smnaller fitînge. Wben arreetesi, Peîre told the police tisaI be vas i humse, ansi hasi recently resignesi bis position ah ltie Penna>-er Sanitarium la thal rit>'. Later il vas learnesi liaI Petres relatives are wealtis>' ansi that lhey hasi places huas In lbhe anitarium for freatinent. Détectives In lthe employ of tise Nortbveelern railroasi came la Wau- kegan on Suaday' ta conduct an Ia- veetigation. Tise>' belleve that the castings vere stolen tram one of tise repair abops la tise local freight yards. Liter in he dÉl Petl'e vasIliberat- e.!, andi vas teken ta is bone.Ii Kebiosha b>' a reIhîllue. «ffYPLANNRI PO8Ut SCNGOLSI F. L Akermin Urges Unstruc IUlà Ton Improvoment. EDhJCAiol IS IMPORTAIT. Mambar of Conmattee on Town Plan- n9 Say@ W. Can Acquir. Correct Standads Only by Teaching Succoed' li@g eatlona. Fredcric L. Ackerman. a memiier of! thecComlittee on town planning of the, &Ilien IMUttut, et Arcliitects. advo- titaheteacbing of cit>' planning ln ol~pbI chools. It la bis Mdea s.ha on!>' b> educctlng succeedlng ganera- tiolis of the public tbrough the mnediume ai tb. public achool May' we acquire correct standards for retnaking our present c"le ansi for building new onçUs, and b. brought fitoottln a recent allIresa on "Tbe A.chtectilral Bide of City Planninàg." wbich lie bas lied re- *r. Ackermansa theor>'. as be biniseli ponts dft~ là mare coneeruesi wltb adpeition thaà with architecture. Hls ÎiWàth.ié èla ltaI 1thé architecturai " fcty planning la dependent upon =rspr metiada ai educ*tlag future cît- IO up ta l4l&b standards of ardul so utery oalitaphysicai condition 'i ant nlonnnt1lemahuta unies. taed ,Ônbtor.tab. esble arti.- tetre dMndo aothlng. tUcranaito lait bha defiuitiols ai the teaityl planning. It la flot mere- l>' a serles 0f leglaative acte Imposing a pt of codins ta wlilch a peaple's lit muaio. warped ittaconformît>', Ma>'s Mr. Ackerman, nor la It merei>' tb6 carl'ylng ont of certain tiseories de- veioped b>' cil>' phinners, englneers aue atidenta af social and economie condi- tions or ai tbe idecîs of an architecl. Its flot merel>' providing for adaquata bt*nportatbon, proper sanitallon, bat- t» hotuing or more beautiful surrounsi biy ft In ail of these. with mors cdd- ed to e lIai. City' planning, la brief. la provision for a more edeqiiete physi. cl expresMbu ofaitue composite Ideae 01groupa of people tbroien together b>' social andi economic forces. "ýOur composite tliought and our cul- ture. ara zpl'eaced ln aur phyclcai ceh- vikoament Ibrough man>' subtie forces adt. Influences, botli causçlons and un- cenéclous." ias'. r. Ackerman. "City' plhnImng linflot a substitut. for theso forces; 1i; la rallier c cousclous effort to tl'àilltýýot ur vague ideala ai comma- aiy living into forma whlch wili ne curqittily express mach luisais." The. secrets ai aur culture andi whai Mir. Âckerman celis eur composite thougbt ara revealed, by aui, rural bomnes. villages and cilles. Our Ideuila aie, or shonîsi bc. expressesi b>'these as well. for our Institutions are bult taîgel>'tbrougb their conaclous anti onconsclons Influence. Dlsappointlng. then, are our Ideals if w. must jutige from lb. phycical appearence of aur "typical Anierîcan clîlea." Thse trutis ia. accardlng to Mr. Ackerman. Iliat ont Ilanli are blgb enougb, but we do not >'et undersansi bow t0 correinte thera l'o aur physical surroundings andi condi- lions. Correct correlation ia 10 ha achievedti ltugh educatIon, lie arguies. Mr. Ackermans method of teachîna cty planning ta the achoal chilsi would begln witb mailing Il clear lu the cblld tact there are thinga for him tu, consisi. ar lu our towna anud citles whlcli are e'tni l'o bis comfort andi well helng andi whlch Incidentaîlly bave t10 do wltli ar- chitecture slnd art. The Ide li ho la. stil lantise chlda mind a keen interest ta the varions phases of i. physical etiviraninent and lils possible Improve- The failire ofthe . 'city beautiful" appeal lit cil>' planning Mr. Ackerman &trtIutw tae111e tact tbat It has nolli- lint tlb do *llb 11e peopl'. ident con- cernlig living conditions. The people are not yet developed tae1the point ivisîre taI>' cen aeet tat tac aesthetic hes a deflat ecanomlc value. The>' responsi. bowever. to an appeal for bet- ter cit>' planning when approachesi fram the standpoint at social asd ecatlômlc vaines. tlring loto conslder- atian uta Wubjetu as housing. JMoita- lion and ecolltti. This respoasla t due tu, the tact tact tise peaple rsc- ognize an Intimais relation between cil>' planning ansi theiridealsaif t- dividoal rlglits, liberty andi adeqoale physicel envlronment. Ras.tsion of Charo r ..Rlmond. À movement bas been atarteti amoos tac citixeas aifIRichmoond. Va.. and tbe member >aith isa c ocuncli for a r-1 The cty nô*r"as tare. batlea-the board ai aldermen, lie common couu- cili andi the administrative board. The tirat acts as a legllatîve baody. the sec- enid outlines file citys improvemienla ansi the taIrd ban them crrriesi ont. Fliere bas beon considerable discatis- faction becatile af lb.Inefficlene>' of tbis tortii f pianugement of th. clty'a affaira, ansi thee dtizens are asking tise council tu, draw op a new charter under wbicb Itîcisusansi mn>'be mun on a more LIFNS3 206-108-210-212 N. GENESEE STREET The St~ore that Sels " Wooltex" itxigua e ll A Most Wonderf ul Sale of Suits Worth lu $18»"" at~5 Tiiis is positivelythe mobt ~(llS~l I i I l îxenicnt ta' heie 1) v zm v stoi-e this sea-jý sf11. 'l idîîî t t-42 suiteý, î'angiîîg fon $ to $18 and rî,fiis lt ii is made iii)fnrmoîîî0((lats and lu ikenh s. .Materials s e r g n; wieo , ______Very Speclal, Only Chtid'a B.ionnets Chhid'a Chi-ch-2 SpOecI&1 98C Coits, Ô iy Sonie of thie prettiesit Extra heavy chirne honîîetg w-e everl' ad. la eoats, lined throti Velvets, plisiies, îieîd(ýlv ont; handsoîîîe styl trhsîîîed. -WTrt 6. Wom.n's Two aLnd Tbr>eii-Pêce OnIy one of thiese great dress barggjns to a é# tomer- at this price. Two anîd t.hree-pioce (lres8sj ail eolors and the prettiest stylës. Ail s4e1s. Women'a o it bi"in G;Owns aM 64C A great special pur- chase, gow'ns, handsonie lace andllenihruileî'y trînunîcd. Fur rthué4 Stioups àt 7 Womnen's .fur trim ilie'l feit alippm"r1 gray anîd aroon; op cial, 79(-. flandsomne Lace sand 811h Crce Wa.1sts worth $1, spetéil $2m9i These wraists are "new" in every way. Made Ç heaut if ul silk anîd fine lates with new collai's and enf inI (l4zetr' of lnexxstyles. Dresses ai $5 ilere is a rare value in pretty ser'ge andl silk- arid-sei'ge d r' e s s e s. Beautifully tî'iîmed; in ai I sty~las. _________ Very Sbechd1 Ski#s at $0 So new are thee< skirts that they juqf came ini yesterday--,4 sexges, plaids, inixturety p.Iopinis, gabardines, $25 semple Piity Dresses, -very spècial at $14 Tlhese pai'ty di-esses are really wondletrftl creatic of hiaîdsoine silks, filin tiaces niîd pretty ribbo 'Piiiiaspecial uit offlv $14.50. flore la A Tiremoandous Sale of Coats at $5, $10, and $15 Savlng You About Haif The Regular Prices 'I'liv priees quoted above are in QLî most iîistîanees about haîfflîe reg- Iý aluar priee of tiiese eoats'ati( are e iîiikl>î ahues lu ever wai Nrosit or von kîîow 'oi 's are thte tua isit coats ini towiî. Ilere aie sportî't Oats ini al cuuiolrs; elv-ets, eoî'duroys, iînptrted mnixturîes; also a woýnlerfi'fl ew s hiprnent of nmv - laek roats just eaîuîe in gre.ît 'uuitltvx -uats. IHigli <'ouis. ht'Its. fur tximming. u-ip le turîîe.Ail sizes. -,Save Nearly Haif On Theae Fine New Colit 1~i ýd Uj yi