CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1915, p. 15

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LAKE COUJNTY EPENDENT, FUADY, FRJDAY,DECEMBER'3 ,1915., forer homiestise rageséraliOn orcf& man thse tiret tep tavard theser- M te lie dÀadus * cialjsm e MOVE; WILL LATER Ud1I ~~w sLi mnt, o lt h- an al re'ets i thnur- T 1 TO 1caitl I~NCI3Important, il MPLOYbe,0t0MEN or fh Cinregational ha ae o Iîe u thir he'rt COMPANY, ACQUIRES -TEN- quei e<Stmoflg aed imd snd yau revoluttoniié con- TATIVE OPTION ON 65 nation. rhunksgivlng ~dittons tiiat rab men af thein sense of ACE 0F LND N R A srutiny efthtie meantng of terni; _NAVAL STATION-REPRE» der con ly CHURCHES UNITED. ida revso:eof définitions ls need- SENTATIVE EXPLAI#Sta u (d. ucces lanat nccearil>'an ) e h Viiendance of tilss orida goods, but PLANS FOR MOVINS FAC- ictal,v rng Wit Go to the McAlis- d-ue inlude an abuedance of man.T- Y A M WAIJKEGAN and soi uiisL..elie laad. W. grapple viti conditions as ITOR FR0T E 366 1'gt Hft-erieWas %.eaind-4iiem and mastler thiemornout- I RE OGTBGE n a o a ne" One. ter the disciplilan>' effets et fallure. ST-rT MAKE LEATIIERh. an EnÎolablO A man cornes out et sucis experiences STET <lasteerd aed a botter man. Or 00m- FOR DODGE AUT OS. Iequi Waukegnn, 1<ev. 26. 1ItItered. Thep resuî dépends targeiy- forth i e. ver,lias Do Christian de- i pan lits relation to tise brst lu ite. akgn o.2. tal Tt te bth benliarouis adIr- W aîsl e ia ar estt kueaNo.2. tuhel> buttisr. retires iss ~t is ap. but visat Yeu ar. Ttla slën- Fr osrne tîme Thse Sun bons kavetIs 6 MI budtorire nion , aier tA ortant tlit ve become familtar ittb of plans vicii the Wldàeunýanntn9 admitif ýJ. l Watenbuuiy, pe.tier 0f the lise purcisaeng pever et moey. It T unery Compaeny a ncn OTt 'laen~tvlnlday adress a e orld of camforts, but it can rot nectiOn vi tbe re-nrpatoif ec svies lutise Tret satsteiu>'loi', pacelfaitli, aed snCb co-u the company for a million dllars, but noliu uIt 'Plirsday mornteg: tas er- u-'adttes as fidelit>', comnadesbtp and on, ntuest ofthle management, de- nlovtuu va.* a cblarly on aned tic les- trust. I al aebr ihed vnDw Hw i taugt vas au"i deep inoathe Tise word progrèns ta one vis it e l neav ehel aittbiert. ta vén ov ai ta, o lits hearers. ive bave made free. usually aur v olf6e0fe tliet' apieaa> i1 tramn 'several dtifferent ibeugist bas ta do w1tb matériel Msom f the facts and rumors, vere ta b. la. te cil>' aniteti la tth lieçs te relation ta the termi. But tl not tisat F'iday evening représenta- lnges' os.Tuemuscalprora i liaisieg tise grade, of uiiizensbip lis the lives of tishenlcng compan>' con- pertit urgeof evtti ino muica di <n>' rue progreis. .,Tiss. visa een fcned vils North Chilcago Officiels Tie r o! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l the ite iaci h t bs demoestration, and mril lit g steei vl) i~ arnd oer e t'e andi (bd Ioda>, because oft tiir relative te getting tagetiér for the thé W Ian.~~~~~~ Mdlsé 4mla soi-i~ents le life have reasoned iogtcell>', purpoe of movieig tise Weukegan tani- lie>' i me>' bebut them promtse - vas cen>'te oNrthiChicago le onder tea a- the ne 'non u prgran rederd va astai- As quire a site adéquate for mont éx'en- et Noi vonna>' -tke a is or urgrttue sha ive expansionl already> decided upon Pert0 é,1would sugest a more positive by thlisew comtien>'.N.tCho 5tioa-RévHaroldi G. Iig, 1<va trutb le lryieg ta responti ta the reve*ed smong thethinge 1ha1 the nDoit1 go Tii-s Bptit C ai-Re < mmand of Cir3t-'lteed nMy ssep." c-mpany siready han an option on 85 beoa Eriane Psta Swdt Il l isa apolicY Of tesenit>' vhicb argues ci = Xrison PatorSwedsh . .--,Také ne heed ef tohisr people; let acres of land jut orth of h. naval pan>' l'Ilakl< Poi, lem igiltishein ove battles." ilthie training sation and, unie$$ provented ppiet t ve and the slave-bottier are permit- fr-oclng the doi or Oiscoursged venti ippmasve Rendingt-d to settls tiser dlfficulties, tiére b>' he corporation fi-arn bulding Conte, Ieig Aenoungémnt-Rev. 3. W.<an lbe but cee rosuit. o9ver>' strqi tnPsr etids liri i ,an la unden oblgations ta lhe veak, t here, they wili proceed wth their bave piptre ltedlng-ýRev- Henry' Hol- l;st as éver>' veeklinaitio utlo ln hc nid mn us t '-Pstr t.Join' Rfornd utii.hestreegen fer protection agalnst tise.Important facoe: Ineoai Pontr BLJohns B in te lynran>' of nm r ulr-secuné te! 1-The association in a teves ej'srRev. . W. ildemei eplace Ibrougli accident of birth, cls hsnss ea- vl e Chi tf, rs aditton anti superstition. wIk we n-loi. 1. H. Wateniiun>, 1War as van,lias. no Christian de- tions with the Wilder-Man- Th, LîConregttanal Cliurcb. f la. Iot both barbas-ous and Ir- abu ffiùRépn'scessional. ntional, but Ibrere rne l isohn Il n ing Tannery Company of co cti-Rev.J.Harun. L,romels e dîne necesait>'. I DdeBrtesAt- w P.oollude, .,W. thank Ciodfor tise religbous fer- teDdD rt ersAtotmode ,*Imapoli of lIen. Watenhury'm ser- "an af day tireame ,flighs of fape>' tmobileCompany of Dt bi esi e oltavs: nnd the detre ant ilongig ta sethe 'ho»s e trest fromn a finan- liil-but it lieéxpressive anti reJle isa alb.moti iave tien plin service. . Ica tnpitin the IICw pI aiethe cl t 1 A, pnsitical ve>' of Isyle dovnj coxnpaly. is said to be verv Re >810g4a iv taata Je- i-a'yur ite te thé Intoreat of mon tu t, Nont sud e in raioesMto Hum la>' dove yaur.prejudice Rt eml- -large. .of¶ resic « And this la of dlgence ta iefp fmen aut o lthe iré ue-The eet fh e " ,-* ter. He DU a Iésus vas apposed ta ailaecetictsm c&Mannery buildnîgs facto la i» çadtatt9a#' . vwhtchai neelgous toffatia-ae vell as tn erybiligstc b.e a atMeumr, Bis con- tuiulion or retrat from lthe world. hihwlem oy ,00 en r> opufl b!itais landes bmla luWe are net taliee tramntie. contaion khehwl mlo ,0 e r m.lspirit ritý up ta OadIs ct evil, but ment il vtth moral convie-,i as soon 'as they are up and 'a Couenat atîetyurimoa-4,000 nmen inside of a year Ina eodthing ta lurnetacts ItlIo onbs alm erimrl Unin, sud t,>' te rea. 1y b> tttng lin th ie swing and pu>< thereaftcr. ~tuof the umuc 'sectt>' t OBA f <ds pa o h il,0ml -h utput of a daily . tlaJs aubliiu. te think i"La, 1 corne ta do3s'vlî , <-h ~gyelodai thé echarolta2tCod," in an utterance tisat gives ta produel of 5,000 tase. the baud, liai flgts hel téh'Oe Iliigiest consistono>', unit>' and -de, wh hisa lrg of the. divine sgaiins. t a hasts et liteavisici shlsd1ai as on output as any tanncry in: lu favorable ta mOiýl culture ta -crédible te eIntellect as Itt laln- the world now lias. sealIas- everliOré and imagine t; elurg ta tiesesul; a religion loia » 4utoed-tâo ,tepl whch hewhoe an ongo; a door 4-Denial is made with . it anfcu thatt aae tanplccan enter vms- e 4si ht o la a oouiI~tngta gve ~ rut danger ot deapitaaîion, or sur-.ipai ta o - goo ps-ises a ivista * s>aidèear af Intellect. Service. Accord- nany plans erecting factory, tccreatar at talc vprnies-varld Itgta lis practice ced spirit o auatr of sos t~caliu f ia qe~y Lbrst ntswaera that ldostte. frm:ufc-eofsos a i auutr' ofesat um4dle I lhhe genita. of lie gospel ta -5-ComnTp fiia ve~,uuIis~1lin?~iate>'lit fi scil ud b6tter thimgiltenational, 1ntay ofiai d- inoia andu domestic lit.. Tise ordo;ert dickering for vorelnthis liglt ton darnesa; purit>' for, lm- North Chicazo site, but in- or i00 obtas*.. Wc accpîtarit>'; adoption ftralntation fon Oie ~tat af course tic sunaiiel most obscure as véîl as tiss.more sists nao oition really hait edav. fruite anti foyers, edu- fortunate. been siLyned. ande sdsavtng agenucez. liatt Great spirite aeera trom theinl Wurantneyt arede4 iiif in mailig Our-e:pnsta te nesurelés senv- be disearded as sooný ~lata provlsicaforndiî Iiî visbeeatan edrei as new- factory is finished. opportun- re.Wisat tnnrefresisment do wvo a- N. ficr lstd réuru lnrtilte thoas.tan-off souis visaOftrsElctd ~einpisiethe b.Imporance ot1 centuries ago climbed tise histlse ofQod t I o i nderotoodliItéane> lipirit o! gratatude. Nt merel>' or truc thé rock and couseid ta atheanry . mimpulse tuaI begines ad endis, low tiseliving tream. comtien>' Pnda>' lelti liai rn meting "àkmd-vice llkt abide,as piitof Remeinien. (bcd ts btter ho tie élstis te réincorporation at viol p!"lans subtanti evidences. varat of un thoan tise bet a! us de- lime ths capital tc't vas retedt ~I~Ldisusson houti uasI wt rve. Hov sisal v.use tie de>' a mllion.Athe étlgnCi- ý'Mer conception 01 tise ua-scIer Ofandthle iheur? ______ cage, nwolffleén ver. electeti anti .m tgoota, ht uré yst- Il n ndealodthat représentatives tdrand torever, sud ne ne- loP f thie Dodge Brothsers are on Oie ai ofpersns-il vouldiOse.niaI board et directars and tual 01er bg M o» laecxempt frorn thum oblgatian. U mefVI~nefinanctal>' are novasocated In R'4 a commen miteke for fien Dot U YUL vUL4J.1 thé business viol plans suci éxten- Chistiausit>'ta leaeé Iis S repudiate an>' résponsibltty fan I A1 I FIJ) POST nWhiie. naturali>', lie compan>' doses conditions liaI spailie fgavor net cané te give oui details of bIets VI"s. Il ta net uncamman forplnItaeoréitelneésn fliguesandts Qe itfer*fPapal Legation in Washington tise Iotge compan>' las bécome a pari successeon ln ltre. Announces Brooklyn Cergy. et the Wilder-Mannng Company l conepirsyOf'ofsciety>&uatusa «0 Canlormittet ttilngscanvén- mn Will Suceed. tuaItue campan>' viii have a con- vllich. mea, of course., the tract tureing outtaeh lié tops umet int or- 0f leur persaa forcé. Washngton, Nov. 29-Announce- tisir auto tactoni', tisai ls, tise lécther . Ve iangit ta beiteve that social prinue ntermnfcue pýoliticel reedjustmnenis of the bu- ment vas matie tonigt b>'tise papalpoInusttehérmnfcr. ýpuOoiM es- Oe chitf faetar. location that eithtii. ext conasatan>' - Wilder Nt Prosident? perties cbaols (tbeolagicel i'e Pope veulti appoint tué Rt. le.Io.lndicaing the radical change Ibat OtI.rvee)eedleus iti frfis George William Mundelein. auiliarnIloThcamte nthé oduct of the.coim- et tise éxpense of indeped- ne ttnlL Mecianical arrange- jbishOof a!Brookly'n, archbisop of Cist- pany'sallafara =und isenev iplans.,aa for lie imPtravement of tlié1eeu litta succeedth ie laIe Aschbsiop report aen comea ta tis e ct>' tat arec put ho lié front and tisneC alle>'.John B. Wlder, ton loirs prosideet 1 .ltyffi hlàresponublé for Inlsgeneral va>'.lit hadl bean ex- oathleécompan>'. la no langés- talb. tisée »OW«a s r e nc tay 1 'pùcted b>' tosé connctédwht hél Oeoxeouté, aitisougl a i bvitabchair- t5iacsadu ofI lve. are itigistet, legetian iluat some an.eiigi in su- man ofthlie board of direecn. ta desaiir, ilte no fanit of Him th fll5ý'ln th. Chistaga gEloase Ms. Wilder, il tac relanteti, ta gv us tii. secret af universel uudb eeédastsimotntiesc-ty--asr uirOens raes-thse feilof thalle visa uM i eetdfrti Iprattei ceay-raue h e aliatefi bave résostet ta sali- crge ant ieh promnoted b>' Rame ta I tjjj o_ net cua ittelu leu-the vacano>. But tiers vas no sur- malplierock andprise at he.légation. The final sainc- ----l-- t fllfints a ion vas matie vilSthée pope, anti il Pioxo (Opiians) Jewelir DOUBLIE VOTES 114 THE Free1 Grafonola Contest Eiýter the name of your friend or thg name of your favorite club or sCýiety not later than Satur- day night, December 4, and re- ceive double votes. We want you to become better acquainted with The Wonderful Resources of this Store ft r Christmnas .Shoppinq Practical and Unique Gifts in JEWEILRY Preclous. Stones and Jewelry Novelties of the Better Kinds * v UTO-ALi NCo pume nIns jewdý oé mach tes obiectionable, as, tlU. wouid bring tii. ltng right atout tie Nortbvestern traciaud not eut rigit, Ito tiie conter if tht. section aI town. l'Mayor Jolley wvasver>' anzicue t, get a deflinte expression fraientthe couneil that b. could talie la the. cam- ran>' Ioda>', but tise conil tiiought soine metters siiould lie looked itt mnd voted ta meet wlth inmiiers 01 go over thenan gruedaatronad The. matter of vater and street lm. provenilt viii 'alto be laken up b>' the concîl and it adjouriîed until Monda>' nigit nelt. VýOR SALE CHIEAP-Two bearse, one vwhite, snd obe black. Address Mri. Waler Drev, 123 Northi Utica street. Waskogan, 111. Phone 1668-M. vltly-3t We Give' a«. Green Stampi Iatio-t u.Jutvio bai been, where Il 110w in, it -hbas licOu ietly il ifor pmr.4et te not keowe, getttng au option on 65 acres.orf Ilud b, Wilder ii&s given up tise presgI-. on the. tek. front lust forth of thse to soine cas .1e eit proves tluat naval station. It lo r.ady to begin the n, plan mach addttional worli at once provtding tge necessarr b asl been8tsrougbt mb tise'arrangements mfiades viithe t îy and eveu ntImates perhaps oit>' for land,. fur sidingi, vatir sut> hers than the. original companY piW and street Improvements. 1' may boxe control of its desti-* "Àaspecial session of the City' count-e 1. cil vas lield lest evenlng, to talle R*porte Au . Untrue. these matterg; up. Mayor Jolie>' got. 1 ;rding: the report tisat thse Wfl- tise word late ln the atternoon and asa copan>' plans erecting a factorv 1hle theuglit it urgent he called the. ie manufacture of shoes, one nt- councll et oce, F. N. .Tomloawn, viien asked &bout It, laugiio.:I. vbh l putting througb the déni, made aid tien. was absolutel>' notis- a statement ta the councIl of just isucli a report. "No plans for wisat tho 0ev factoni' vas tu bc. H. ýfactor>', absolutel>' none," said seid that under the modern meiofi cf tanning tiiene vould lie no poilu-* ilry st the Chicago oilice brougbt tdon of the laits. no sollautoide of s dénI44 tt4hat Ie compan>' ac- the facton>' and none of the disagre.- e t thus turne ha .d an option op n "béfeatures that are unallatI' e- * acr et North Cbtcago. He '!ied with a tanning factor>'. H. .54d the>' vert dickering, but said the firmn iad a large amount of bat no option bai l>een signed. CaDitaI lied of It snd t1lat It vas a ts wy of thteklng tiiere ta plaining ta put up 0one of the.largest ng certain abottthe taneery. factorts of the. it>'. ng, ta North îÔhtcago. "A member of the lirm bcd stalagd Wover, ibiîs la certain: The cam-' that by June 1, 1916, tie>'*ould lie vQIj inov ta moome site ln order emplaytng 2,000 men.and 4,000 b>' Oc- able te Orecitii. -suitable buid- tober 1. The firat building planned, *tici the préenta site daent b>' the company le ta be DOX300 feet t. land il plans to butId aIliers as the>' ie plan, It ls admitted. ta ta clos" arè needed. Wauliegan factory, tiie minute "As amm objection bld been raised con iieqn turning out ides te b>' the property oweers of tht. sec- .ev p Iank, viether it be located tion. man>' of whem vere présent, qrti Chicago or in some otiier Mn. Tomlioson ' tated tiiat the. prop- of Wamkegan. 'erty te question vas sure sooner or To Talc. Inventgory. later ta becomé factar>' sites. He le undcratgod tiet on; satd tiie ownere of the. property ver. man'oaI theinoir men viie, bave ver>' anies oBeil and tIsaI vithin )me tnterested ln the Wilder com- Itise. let fev Monthesnmsn options yare ta came ta thse Waukegae had been taken on tie property and -t ta be p4psent whein a final ilI thIis factor>' did net cogne, cilera tn>' te taken on thse plat and wouid later. and tisat tiie samge ob- ets ber.Ver acmé tîme 1mnec Jection vouid be natsed then. ,been et work mankicg up leather. "Ex-Mayc r Sen, who oves il s, machiner>' and other equtpment fine Place of propent>' Ie tht. section. antiipaionof he iol ofthene stated that acme arrangements siiould estos wieb.wil bc adeoeibehamade b> tise camPan>' ta talle aver B trk is. ii . ma e c a th eir p operty before allo ved ta lo. cale here. He aid it suréiy vould Fe Waukegan plant now employa depreciate tiie value of tiie résidences )ut 200 bande. It is co>Iced tisat, ie tiat section. Otiiera expressed the erg the' propased expansions are same v.Alezrsed tiiemseven e. tise force eventually viii bave as an.lous for-tiie factor>' ta cameé Dn multtplted b>' Iený- but neotcrn near the résidence district, "Myo Jli>'came out ut.rong far esentPlans foriImprpvements. ti ati>y and stated be thougli sgardli( last eight's meeting et ever>' prapyi'oveer there vould bf th Chicago, Tii. Sun's spécial cor- aé tel setuspraperty at a gocAi ad andent, says: antagenprovlIding ho vished to movi 'orth Chicago la te lin, for e bigfnteraa. or>'Y . Wilder-Manning Tan- "-Tii opn'iaeakdfrafa Comupany'. nov locted tenWu- chise tu rue a swtci tràcli off Hel gaz, lie founfiit Oebsoue »'nc nepin street. Tii. mayor asked th ar>' ta enlarge li plant and not b.- cueIl for thein -expression oftht *g a10 to, liedtii. requtred raom plei Mont of thse members thougi Two Attrac.tve Co 1 ecttoes at $8.o95 and $13,o75 An intcresting coat sale wvill occur on otîr seeond floor tornorrow, as the resuit of the ai-rivai of these smnart ncw coats. .They are the greatest; valueà to be of- fercd 1tis se~aisoil, and are designed in a w ide varicty of the inost captivatilig styles. At -$8.95 ______ E Fine wooleni sweaters; double 9 8 hreasted style mith Byron collar and __ two pockets; oxford, navy, brown, white and red; exceptional values at Skiating Caps Knit Suits V e ry poplar; Childe'sfine all- heavy wýeave; corne in sweater, tiglts and red, navy, grey and ap, w'hite, brown wvhite; special- 49c and cardinal, 29 ly priced at.... priccd ....29 Warin'Undërwear Munsieng a d q r elknor n hemaksoun- dcarwegand Comet ellassotnnts fuon- eni, children and men. VESTS AND TIGH-TS--Wo- mec s fiéece lined veata anti tigis. Tise veste have me- diumi loy neck anti eibov sleeves; the tights have cro- cel top- vtth tape; 76e velues, germet. . 59C UNION SUIT$ - Woren's part vool Fareat mtll union Butse; higis. nerk, long aboyées; valigea ta o $1.76 et---------... CHILORENS UNION SUMT --Gré>' onvile; iigi neck, long slecea;s ankle length; mze1 ta 6 ah Soc - sust end 8 et. . .... C CHILORENS UNION SUIT -Manistng union suite; fine fintsh; aplend tit itt 0a $1.50 anti.... MEN'$ UNION SUMT-Su- penton qu4llty union mal t- lie linest vooa.enyarn;Ipure WQOi SH-IRTS-Mensm lIe vhite,' medtu>n viglit; iii ciné outaide vooiee shirts; finisiietineci anti steeve ré' avy os- brave; fuil eat ~ excellent velues ...a!:Il slzé-epeolal- et .............. ]y1> pnicei et ......10 i *1< '4 pebble (loth and vicu- na if navy, brown anud blue; also ni.xtures in the ehoicest of color- ings; belted models with Rlare skirt; collar trirnred witlî fur; choice $9 At $13.75 Couds of corduroy ini mnxy rernarkably clever styles; new- est beltcd and tiare cf- fects; bîîtton high at neck; plîîsh eollar and cîîffs; conte in gî-ey, green, uavy, brow%%n an-d grey andî black stripes .......$13.75 -q-mMzý Women's and Misses" Sweaters Fý- r , ZO Wînter Coats

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