CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1915, p. 18

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WOMeh et I4qmane Society U.twa 3b ~ 40 dinnera vere IIiwtbfua ahflQ the.poor andd le tituté amilles ',Of Waukegan and >Nouk"Obte**M ~ sThanksaivlug day llp*lo , e lireakhof the Hu-.> tto the. home or A quutty or eosiuicrrota, one or eo t h 1berai, soveral ossce a M",i or two, coohies. a1 ofb~ at food, one paundi af cranbrla a t ýnêb cieenor £to ,otaIy te hom a dinnét w 'la éit iIs otherloaÀ7ha me t u h o owé aur an: 'na a 0? i- lim fa i, Aà dima lus aèéotl-vsefe .Butg, 'thein lias'béaià Usl~4. ~dSl!morna sd i ~ mat se* a Im t hoe ouxe lb out o af wotilt 'iefor tonur11 kt wut i ÇEigi '"5w-s"' i~. ,g'e~ "r - ua~ betomai ~ 'w ~ I alay fo~lag I "~ ~-T'~ GETS~&~i mot ta MIlS omét ~oota taxeé hm b Arlv 50î "d OUI c,. a~ susalci a~ e buriso N 'i ~oelionuh hiso ltUsisti 1 =le 'L t BO t*af tes -H imvf ls otluita ' , dt -tlI jr RESUL i, IN5 MII i - - by tou "Bé h Fwther uicsaved.that a 'MW o?l iisriolution o delivérmi' t COuMMaaiaat ott of liéGr eat -Laies naval tminlak statit. sâd' ao.lisud ta -sncb other autlovi- tles fiai thé camMlittee ln charge may Smuet; 'Be lb Further Resolvei, that vo camée mmcii rsointion to ho mgned by une, maor or the City and aira by six other roproientatîve cIblions sa commtletuo represont the citizens o! sal ityl cthl bs bohaIf. ."(Signei): Lonlas B. Jolley, Petesr ciiristenmau, Mai Przyborskl. Kari NeolgIm Chas. Busch, M. C. Docker, lohn loe." Ttts comalitaeo ett bIs moralu jor Viugo, where thoy vili moo OVogsreamazL. ousansd the roprusen- btatives et the Wilde# Company. A representative of the naval sta- tiea vas préceenitaithe masia Meestng and hé etatui that ne proteai bai yet piégi Yudo aud thst niiss À ware ***f to,44 a dtrlsueut ta th.e us- m Woî v1uou old bu6nmaie. th Mau wé al o..o ut ite troimanda and bai succee a f -Me fo. Shi beliiv.a ualt h9burgial*'nuade thoîr cacapew'hau W:a ta li iii qlrgut' î In lritahe o dog Tii. burgiara' foot printa .ee t. tcci ou the flooru o! the aloij nab m.-porci, h sleeping room. lis W«ack avo fiat bmi iàèr hliiosu*-aothe reaidene home. 9h. dilicverei téybai 9.crotar Magill aid to thei< cimoiup Oanc of t "mmcl nougne at thp golf <rounds. Bo feras a awa loeal hoassoirs bave tahean » actIonm Abtuth bm b came nier the a.. law. ussasi bi thc laut gonerai mssmbiy la whlch il vas peoimiiuat cash hosaehoir la kl ssa qbai toM*ILanappicm i an aiavit, shavlag filS umihr of rW5 eha bai biovai tbe traie oi MW ou. Oh tsWh ,lllb ave b"L 'iltelaw prasdetiI ml mchi hriehakr baite pay a e.itu b.& idinlng iioenao. Tii. la, tatei furtbor tblat 1no mat- tor ha. 1)M a man mîibt have fol- iowei thc borsephoelng irado it vas p"Muoary for hlm ta il. *PIoIoa for a ilcense béfore a given dat or hé compeilei ta take a specia w m asation ta sme. viteUsr ar net bha va qualinsi ta olo, the traie. 'j, SOUTH pamac i dibot bom* kha until h wa tum'lt oila cations, due te uta ; 61Ma A.a reluItff015Pr thfiéloca tihe MtctaMMs , IN survol vi 'wuot i fiat " e "P" ê exet l plicaflon for a fhoa%". Cb@ lateni ta o aa na*Sthei.m brou*t t*abla000 4 '1oW The oneleprevaysb e*é tU lime lauichenear kitue.c tram the stato vii mie biqt examlnatiana fLorhorsesho - mé mtiiOy dli fu chi Coeuri. ST. 1, 2g~l4, Mûre entries and better birds tanever befçaoe. Be~~ su~t ae youit(tn- tries M",before midnight November-3O IliaisPuJrysocato Nonstrous,, Mass Meeting. HeId Waukegan, Nov. . Chicago,' â»M IOÙ" &I1 at Noth <~tca oin Suport ThomsHIealey. aged 62, ares dent Ar~o of New anvery eIL;dd...1y thîs morninr at 4 - o'loc. h death taktng place at theý MAYOR SIONS RESOLUTION. homne of an aunt and second cousin MRS. DUKINfALO lt U Resoution Drafted for Presen- bee. mniklg bis home with them. Soid Hlm$8 ,W ffw1 lation to Members of the brain and necrosis of the iower Jaw. ayng -tOOYrqt5 NavyYDepartment., due.ta bai teeth. If eeeys teUi bai ABOtlevmaes meeting wai o belheniln bai condition but he bail në Charles Il. Vose, JrT., of Cio'"É lait -seang at North Chicago la the. gleatai to have tbem cered for. Dur-, Who re<cently acquirod 237 .acra'o inferest o1 the new factory proposl- ing the lest few days he bail started 'i 909L North Chicago la making a de- ta have them cared for, but Tt irovedi lanil Lee oreaie "tW tesmlam effort ta son that the picO- he bad neglected tbemn too long. Iig ' cail o cs tbrough now that thingý aw a. become lntected -and while tarin. on the Deefldiirôâi, la i6 bave 9a0» a far as tbe bave. A fItlg posoible ho migt have lived had niflg tu erect. e big aumion oun :PWMSOÇcrowd waa ln attendace 994 ait emballsm ,o!f te brain flot Oc- land. $Ily alVers ontiiuulaaticfor the tac- cure&. bis condition bai bei. llUlt'i i nyltrsteprel o serions. gahtakg htI afli À ommitte was appýointai by Iab scondition soemed ta bc n~ogrpyt u.ta ~ ~e "I M1V 301117 ta draft reuitpnh for womu whea be retred Monday nigbt. Train the John .Haery tarta. 40 M g«À"eia. The fallowigug commît- fbout k o'eiack thîs moraing bia roi- f ram the John Lambosa larm. -M*"yi appoiuted: M. C. Docker, ativen board a strance noui froin 80 crea front a farci belgagils Idaxluyboralc, 0. D. (ion and Tom big biroom. Thiaktig that ehapoi.Ms ayDiî IWnea. MoUbiae> 4fte* duo Urne the foi- ho wanted nometblflg they hurrled ln 10108 rimg rapbUona. itproeted hi but fana i hm demi. Intention of theo amne, l4 a >buuid theé eairmant. M. C,.]»citer. Dr. Danlola who ha" charge of the handsome resilence thora next ydi *Whoe4 theWildeér Tanuing Coin- case, idai., a blondi dot broke lasge and as evhryone sani Who buiiis, tl pa e leplanaing unon locatng a tac. from tlhe vlctim'a jawansd goîng a tomres expect ta o hau, tbir .ax to»7 ou%the uortb aie aof te unsub-e bigbrancausai u mboUleux 'sçich home wlthln 12 nionthe. 41TvIi4 tract oflad lylagigmmmdii reaulted la aimait instat death. This atcly mcviii of and adjoi*ing the Great in not an uncommon cause of ieatb, The plans of the. horne are noi lahosnalUIti.ilDintïsttion;mand for Tt someimis resuits faliowing an1 cii, but Mis. Morne aya that fît .W117118, me, siitoi f coantruct a t- o mi. Deat u Inerly evr ageto b. "a subitantial famN d igel ed wll &ve mmedàteomplymetla ah luntntutneonS. ci 111giv Imoiatoempoymnl For soveral riais Heaiey bai lîved for avoceeiiag ganeratioras ad ta at Tout 1.000 mu am iii viii a in Binio townsiîp. For 'several the. vomidis -a *" a pond on ' jguiet benoftlàeta ~r~boéu-«ig ad jolbs iraudi .m h.omla to aecaisl opmient of ithe city of Porth Chicag%- aboutWankuga. Hoe bavai BOV Uihe-aosipe gailtu amn:,o ,wbtob te PrImarily an IndustrWelan ddistant relativées Inthe£. t oaiiel ii julg , eammuuiiy; and _______MWa.Maréeoima dosthat aie 40 not liitgood te »IW' *0 ,onaim hay4 «b m.lis ba bera rWiorted tarn"ein S 41het Pa , M fli~pnytatsai prq,4ct might oc ooyit 4wPrn mai IUiOPD*10i a inIa ~ber Ibre. chllirena to"rua .14id plapitlaavende lnatclarge< 4 ni mivaiatin mi au aid ta came into tova for tbe vie paays l déoirous of bavlag cama se »* AW Ai~a oalatuse s -ua~4rmsucb auharittes ual j), L M A kAno l ret. ao eils ", »M bcu eiad m ithu; - ' lie ty l*a S «40 gi*o Ï.ie k - Tf-bert se I e olved, by tbhe toTit*Ia «lau beauhiPrakC. Lattai w* ýi«t4. ýr*it psrpogu met aidas, N 0ffioul i@tl T ats wu< o 1» «C .a bled, fiat vo respectfully repre. IsN8 sstav. Max. au ol -W i srwi j 'J ~ 1j 4~&Ik "ciiuI~ vu ~ .~ la 1.1km I ~ ~: flua ~ ..2.. urS~ s. la vieor o? fe fel emab7 w«Il et m eli'tgpmtau iorý tbe btet c mb ="JL- & haspede mai b. o? 011W lm* i4 auldmoanduD ar~ qaa$ý qçwm go mmai WOgs ur cou, gaodflhbout dl it t la bam V. fieluaeuaM abr obimi edfor mary theyo a locat fsI o sal W1 gret ani lanig houefit.ta of Wanképa"uni ual of sali plant ai sai ~ rt t*' .5~ 'Vrtiol Reoivdthat wa th.authoritiés iu charge o! **114 MsÏiid *soii naval statIon . 1 . _ o aoling whieh VIIl M ~a detrinieat orai amot, osl s teIl.the lfm mai~ev 16~ ~ciiIt wa fàteiaui fiat v. ~ ~p#iUmt aur 4tsoa a$publc of- mli béack*it m d evOY 'c"peraiion for tha bo ,lom of bottmmet of tbe' oauditlona urraunni #Wsali station "d i ffecing is wei- mu h aBWol. vital ~a van ~.w imuti. ~ A~~~4e ~t~:t go pi lis i lut. t 'Alla s fi-, Ails EaU i bers ado boL 'Uts.' * - - .-

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