Vvn*bxue, Drving Automno- Hbl, 4t Motoroyele, Trylng ta Avoid Another Crash. IÏICYCLE WAS IN HIS ?ATH. j$wung eut to Miss the Bicycle aàfld. jintOther Machine- gfiders, Thrown Off.- Tro Wan'<éegan Young Men :ad closecatils ta, death Tnesday eve tag et 6:10 O-clock when an automobile erued jto the matorcycle thOy *ere riding. The accident occurred at the corner of Utica and Washing- ton atreets. Those injnred vere: JOHN iIAA'RBAUEII. aged 19, liv- tbg st 1420 Wahingtonl treot; r- oléiéd cut on.tbe face and brUigse ta body. VA&LEItIE KOSER, aged 20, living' t the smre address; réceived bad «Uý lu the thigh. togther ivlth bruîmes. 'Ilé automobile which orashed Into U=eas awned andi driveli by Frank 'lxéo North B. james tréet. The yséotocycle vas owueti and driven by Hearbaner, asSoni of former Alderman 3ohn Haarbanér. a Maoie was driving hie automobile éBat iu Waihlngtofl street on the * rlht Bide of the street. He vas go- lgagt only a moderate rate of speed se hé laregarded ai a vérY caréful driver. As hé néaréti U'tioa Street, a m"n triding s bicycle on the vrong t sué 0f the treét, eppereti direct ll 6e ie path. Thé bicycle rider aed Ca câaliséd, Bo ta avoid an accident "a eérved his car marply ta thé Hkarbauer andi Koer, tWP drivera c ýfQ ethte Sheridian' marchaent delivéry service, weré riding 'West on Weah- luipton stréet on theIr ooryl qi-'Tky vers on the Ir own aide of th. eee.Just as tlsey reaahed UtICa, g~ tr«bt, Maié, trylug ta, avoid hitting ,».bccerider, darted itt thém. pptII young men were thrawn UPon h» àooti of the auto. theréby avoid- Uore arions inJssrY. Thé auto lto sieo f lite avu lenth. «* oyoung mon vére aisted ta J44 «0Ce of Du. Foléy andi Délova* W'4&i0 tisir injrie. ver. attendedt t. .'ihr m ot mrycle vas damage d hbld - Jl. Thé automabile diti not ésapé, oàÉpied, thé fader bent, thé radiator l, and thé crank hént( ot 4,Iý ildrPhil Malmnan and I~W~er.3Sgn O.Om n -Vie gubbard, ailegétiforger,.vau ekéased tram jeu Friay noming và« esHris Wilder, Phil liaiman, là kNorth Chlcaoau, alguet isl * sdefor 81,M0. T1irday Wldeir recelveréti thé big * "e-puemngér Mitchell enta vhich :qubbard procmre4 fron Peter Ciris -t 'iýu of Nortt Chteffl vbé hé '*Id ! him a Dotige car, andt tak about 1356 10 bool. Wilder la couvincei thet Hubisard Il ay np is baili déte, and t l as i94oîted on flday thet thé forgeryl *chargé nov pouding againt thé youua msai viii hé drappét If hé uccéétis tn Sétilg together sufficlént taundast * pay off ai lbis debta Iu Waukegeu, ihîlsarti has. héé n tal a e véé Reévase rrééteti let i"lday ta Chi in on e warrant taeén ot by une of thé oin.ers of thé Wauiegaz Na- t$"ouabnk. Hubbard hems peseéi * fps!d chec payable et thé Waul'e C Netôl aBnk, anti éarIug tlb eill.gututre o! thé Wiider Auto zoiés Company. Isé ebenklit la saiti, viii drap the ierge If thé check laif"de gaud Rubberd mitnt Frde>' tryng ta ind aiais vho voni.! vive hlm approsl mate?>' $460 for thé Mitlchell car. I ho gutcees a siing thé car fo ýjet mihé yl hé ablé ta pay of * vé>' debt egeint hlm. Hé plaMisi intvl Waukégen until is casé. eleifor trial, if il évér le. i «M vas contiuéti for tan tissb tii. policé magItrale. Laughton --.tat h oe~éhé.Tien wmethé usl m pops ed thé s cen jiseessuâs or lanter, Poo , a ffi .& ,sgo éaiggérm etu- leffl, grata.-f pé'= b" MSS LULà WMA TAYLOR WILLIAMS, R. F. D, No. 1, Box 74, Waukegan, 111. Misé Williamsé hem forinally enteréti ough tryon t as lrn ctressés. Ali-of th "Beuty and Drains contéat' pro- théti' expenssa ill hé peid on this moe yPhotopla>' Magazine of Chi-trip anti if tbey show any talent they îotétib>' j ii hé given contracté for a periati eaga. of not es than one yeer et regulai' Thé propositioni la ta sénd il yaung ealartes Pait astars. wépmén ta the studios' et Fort Lee, Mise Lillien IRuseéll and William A. j. J., across thé river f rom New 'York Brady are among théejndges o! thé City, vhéré they viii hé given e thor- conteat. IMWMZION 'FÔRIII3TgLUB OF 'POUCE SEI( IS IN îI"AE1N, flTVOUR, :ILWAUKEE JAIL CLOTII3SON laFI Ex.4lvernior elnn Telle of the bÔrigin of the famous Caro- llina Saylng. R EA~S-.~CMEFAMOUS. Speakerit àtdy's Meeting says it Hapçnd'When the Bo nd V*3nWas Up. "ué.re-youtégvru !Nr Caroinawo te Sthat r femNoré- ark ta thé govérntar ofaSoth Cro- lmak" eed ergustof former ov- enar Robérta s'len t othéo"Y." dn- ner Snnday eveuing prior ta, bis ad-' tirés. at the armory, *,No, thet vas a huntired yers hé' fore my trne," répiieti Mr. Glenn via thén edded: seautiful state, Ilmiade icquirlr ta aes weré thé farnane ge>'ing orwulàted. Ifounti ont thet'c buntirétiye&ra hé- foe me, thé govýélisr of Har> Cbs'O Ina anti thé gavéruar of Southb tea*a iiuà iselti'a méétlug on thé border Ina, of thé tva stateu. Thé lins ha.! béat lu dipute. The, gaveruor's thon dli, more actuel wvan then the>' do nov. Tbéaé gôveruars oMel Ibère antiar&ý gueti andi argue.! ovér thé e evbicl vas to éîvide thé statés. Anti t Ieé erguédti teý veut tba *nears>'@pat whéré thé>' couic! gmte t ilnt-queucb- or. Tisen thé>".!return ta lbe spot where th é>' er. discustag malter& reuev them argumente, au.! eborti: one et-4bem vaUltirémark: 'It's il long "ie batwéén drinks.' Thé] t>y' go &fter anaîhen. This piu vea toUýim#ntilbath were Pro*] wélI inuttcietéd. 1'b ondar>' lus waisn't aettled ltat day."' Andti tsii, Ian thé liraI timé ln "hi§ tory" thé origlu o! tisaI famona mai a govèmnof 91 one o! thé stetea wbilt originale.!IL Nffl sy- by h PAT1ETIC ,CASE Chief- Walker Gets Word That'That 18 Message Mrs. Johnson, ,~ ~ Ed*Étd L SteArne, Forliier N1egresa, Shouted lnto! Tele- OFi114 Garge Man, Is Held. phone Mouthpiece.BE BL I D AWAITS THEM LATER. POLICE CHIEF GETS ORDER. . MiIwajIkee Chief Says He WiIl Wife of Colored Chirpdist Mother Dead and Fattier Liv, 1 ing SOtieher. in Canada- IoId Man Charged by ion- Has More Trouble Routing LMvs WIth Loca Famnily item WithStealing Téoos. Hubby Than Dept; Edwerd L. Steerne, who a short Waukegan, Dec. 8. FOSTÉR PARENTS IN COlJRT. tiZè ega vas praprietor of thé garage " For thé luis of hében gét your When They We'reSùMMMEd, north of ZDon stores, bas been sen- clothes on-corné on gel out of bed." loto,£Qurt itWasBefIeved téncedt t thé vonkhosoilat Mlwaukee That's thé meseége tisaI Police Chie! They Were Real P aents. for 90 days. ThéeZMon City chie! hasn Gea. N. Powell réceiveti aven thé télé- béén searchiug for hlna sincé Novein- phone et 9 o'ciock this morniug. Wabukégeu, Déc. 8. ber 20 ou warranteswaonu out by "WVhat'a thel' Wbat diti you say? One of thé moat paillagc camés that Dr. G. D. Bllmeyél' anti Charles P. Whaî du yon men?" asked Mrn. Puy- bas corné ta llght lu aae ié re dé. Béébe of Zion Cilty. Stearne. thèse, ell. véloped Inl county court vhén littie men chargé, tolé tires and taule fruit automobiles helouging ta cumpiain- "Oh, i rneen&-a> get your clothes Anea Jankovich, elléged ta hé fehje e nts a leute t $50, and hé also ta sus- on, thé bouse Is on fire-i mens senti minded, vas erraIgneti in conity pécti of having stolén tva louer the patrol wagon-seud thé fire de- court. Thé people visa vere sup. tube et a Weu'<egen garage. parîment ta 313 South County stréét." poaed ta hé ber parents eve ra u- Stearué saiti out ta Harri' Couik of Police Chie! Powell cerried out thé moned loto court ta testify lu thé Zion City' and then decarnped. womnasInstructions and upon thé case. It vas not until théy vére tu rThis moruing Chief A. A. Walker arrivai o! policemeni anti firnén eat irecel'e'd thé tollaylng communication 318 Caunal>'sîneet, they founti Doc court thet il devélopédt tky vére ual tram Chie! Janssen o! Mlwiaukee: Johnsun, thé coloréti chlrupudist, thé chiltis parent-lu fact, thé, B "With referénce to téléphoné cum- perading thé streets In aepir Of véré nu relation. They vére sirnply t municatioli regarding Etivard Louis pet. and an ovércoat. e tamîîy vilis wharn she hemshéeu5iv- Sterie, vanted on chargéeaof'flsé "Héy, yuu, camé ou lot de bouse. îng. àpreteusé, viii say that on December %)U ou unat lu catch culti ant i de. ahé vas seutencédt luthé vorkhouéHrr > " shouleti Pr. Johson Her mother, Il dévelopa, la de*&. for a term ut 90 days." . l bhuehben.edtoeasrbled Thé cbilti'a fethér la lu Canada, iN g ff -wTiii 9"'held for yOUuat thé ci- vr onvluced that thé vomen and exact whéreaboUts biug unkuown,> npiratIon of bis sentence. nul dé man vas de ruler of dat bouse. Thé complalutaking thet lutIle An. J. T. JANSSEN, Chie!." Oh, yesnliseré vas a fr-vé ueariy ne hé cummittéi ta a home for the lwer.c . - -el- minde . anot nresenteti b' le t. IC- 'o 'e i. 0011i OF IUSSEYS NOlW AUK 1YoRCE Wife Files a ÉlI in ChicagO in Which She Charges Hus- band Wilh CrueltY. lins. lnuiseE. Husse>' Of 421J In- diaena avenue. Chicago, Mande>' lied suit fon divorce fron John BEri Hum-' ée>, son of a nicis Waukogen lunthér- man, vios Iéreti a suit for a divorce fram ber lu Waukegan three véeks ago. Ohé chargés cruelY--extTeme anti répeeét-anti gives speclîic datés whén ber buebanti is allégé.! toa hvé beaen, chukéti. strtick, pinchet anti othrvise rnstreated ber. Ohé alsO naines Teirna RhuMliâuh lu ber suit. I,ts a mliclons tramé-up," ai.! Hasé>' yeterday. "Thé chargé egaInat 1.5, Rbombauh la rldicuona meé livès lu Bt. Louis au.! i hve't g e&n ber is tva yeax.-Eaainer. sparks comlng tram thé chimne>' on thé roof of thé bouse. Théré vas nDo amoké lu thé bouse, aud afler thé de- pertmeut léfI thé bouse Doc vas séen cllmblng Itb bis sîréet clothés. Thé South ideé teprment respaudedt t tise ceIt fer hélp. Adoquatelif Name.- Thé poker e#itor of thé Nev Tarist Arnerican as>'."Triplets andtitt ln 16 ronhs-a po Mans fa 1 hanse." t_________ y UncUe Lien. "Saime men,' naid Uncié Ehen, "le gooti nature.! hecancé de> don't koi visa'a gin' on an' saine la dat va béceuse téy"s saI toonchnesensé té taie notice o! vhut dey' cmn't hoip."' PUftY Cautios. Caution lsa aVary' pany tarin o! M* suit>'. "Hethel barvetb thé viii shcil not sov; 'anti hé thet regardeth thé ciandas shail nat rmap " It la as tilla politicall>' as of othér aphereaf lite that "hé or shé uho lets the varié, or hie ovu portiMa of il çboom. hie plan o! if, for hlm bes no béS o! an>' othér facuity ' the tIc cll oQue e Imitation.- ay thé oulsidé Who noticédti tsab e as gettfhg elong ver>' poorly lu school, that shé Mtiti u seérn able ta greap thiuga andti tssIe va. falliug fer béhinti ber ciassines of thé smn Whou It.veas founti that ber fether lé living ln Canada Il vu déeméti béat to dismias thé pétition aund senti thé -girl bace ta ber foster parents un- til service cen be mécureti an thé ta- ther. Ilthten vili hé rénévéti andi thé chilti proaly viii hé sent âae> ta saine Institution. MATITMPLe-JON~A Thé annuel meeting o! thé A.3 a A. M. latige 78, vas héld'lu théetMA Boulc .temple mouday évéuilne anti U4 failowing oflicert vere éléctetilfor thi éasuiùg year: s Master-E. J. Yéomeus f enIor Wardeu-Roy HII11 0 Junior Warden-W. Z. S&yle. Treaurer--Johu FPultoit. secrélery-G. A. Simpson.. Senior Déacon-Mael Teicott Junior Deecou--Johli Banta, I. smlth la a nécémait>', but they havé aken up arma again ta light thé Piec- ngraf a vilage smIth's àbap' vithin a atone'. throw of their résidences. Monday night thé commission turnetidavuw thé bleciçsmmth shop or- dlinance vhiob prohiblted thé érection of B ginithy's shoP lu thé residénce districts of théecitty. Their act matie il possible for William Pester ai Grayalake ta continué vork au the éction f hlm ahop. Résidents of thé neighborhood, pro- posé ta pasa thé bat and thus coiléct fnndm ta bu>' thé site which PeStar bought for a biackamith shop. They havé tal'.téd thé malter aven with lie>' or Pearce anti hé héartil>' apPravég of thé plau ams sggestéd by oeetc thé men who fileti abjections vit comflissioners anti othrs. -le ~Îi s th orW hlm propér MrPantiehéranés 'o form hieyu bu'tanIfhé lo ant the terésent eill u héhcil>fo and rIay,' masti. on thrésident o hé clt' , Thiey do not propose ta stand Idly by, andi viluess thé érection of tise k iaksmIth shop lu.it,,nAeigborhood. bey demin thel thé>' cn sving thé çiéei for $300 aor $400. It4SAEZIOITEMSUR Accordlug ta etelegrainftram Mil- néapolis, a man givlng thérinme of S. L. Bchake o!tZMon Cilt, visité.! G6vemuor Harninauti of Miust Müda>'anti matiethé astonimblug statemeut, thal hé ha.! encapétifroin thse Legin aeyium ant iasiret that hé hé ten u aud hy thé authoritiés andi sentheck hère. Hie setid his home la lu Ziân Cilty andi tiat unies. be vas careti for b>' thé 'kovernor hé TulgisI sterVé ta 5death as hé isatino meana of gettîlu; b is living. gtepa are helng taken ta returu hlm to Elgin. G IRL IMDLO hURE IN JAIL ISiFRED Eerlé B. Cas, manager of trus &Scbram, a mail oi'der furniture compeny, 1105 Weat TbirtY-Afth stréet, Chicago, vas frneét Tueda>' on. a charge o! vlaetlng théelMannst, hy U. S. Commismioner Lewis F. Me. o. Iuiiry hati shovus that thé cae vas not one vith a commercial, élé- ment. Caseatimittédti tiuportiug, Wiitrede De3anért frein Chicago t0 L9Eüth Hayen, Micb.,, 'lépteinher 11. Thé girl aliegéd eapieriaeécéremony wa. pérformed lu South Jtaén anti, I he bélléveti herse ftabhave héen lé-1 Ceas assérté.tot 'aIhé vas marrie.! ta Léonié M. Trué lu Newark, N.\3., iu,1907, andt ta Miss Déjanert knév o! ti marriage vhisle she livéti with hlm lu a bouth aide apartinént. Thé girl waa bei.! luthéecs=tY ' jeu'st Waukégeu as a vituésa anti vas frée.! Tuudta>'. If you melle t eel postak Xb% ln an opjén énvelope ibr Pl"'"4i but' one Çent postage on it, thé Postf au.! tharîties have held it up and yoýri frielti yujl not receive it. it w1In bl ment ta the dead letter deearfîneft thére. ta hé finaily *destrayei. The tlzwaei corda àre fot mailtblé UIsseéa plecd ln a ased envélose WhIchl béera etvocént atmP. Meny pea. pie arender thé Iml>reBIOllthean leeve thé énvélopé unsealeti and thson mua it for a cent «Za'p. This la or- rj#uà ane M'theré viI hé Man carda wfslchviiifhot réach théir destinationl. . je govérnmnent in takinst thé lth o1 )ta efinplojea lto conider&t0Ufai 4 barrtag théetineel cards from thé Mai iléeu théy are éeied P ao tht thé* ýteléi Wl ot *ilok out andi hé scét. téred about the pstl employée ta brqetle toto their longa. The tinatil la *rltty anmi harp as Weil and It eut$ thé fingérs of thelmén vhO areforcati té haendie thé carde. Permone éendlng anch carda éhonîdte me that they are propéi'ly asseéd hé! are mailing and rthat a tvb-centst tamP la pîsced, on 0thse outaidé of thé envéopé.l Whén lýaeaatel 9-8m frat clame for tiat reasan the two-ceiét amii 19 l ré- qîàIréd. tWaukegan, Dec. West Bide realdenta. éaPééielly otthose living n thé neighbarhood f Gien Rock avenue, St. James, Chapek Police ýAre Aroused Over the Faci That Five Escapades Have Oocurred Kere. Wankegan. Dec. 6. Thé théft utf ivé local enlomobileq b>' joyrtdere vithin thé last fév vééls hem opéneti thé eyes of thé police ta j' 'I e e d e Il vas nul so véry long ago that îyrlders took one cf thé Chandier Taxlceb Service automobiles anti e!t- er niding arount Inluil until thé nov- elty of thé escepade voré off. aban- [oued thé machiné nean thé court bouge, causing thé policé an nnc- amear>'search. About thé gme time joyridcrs tuok an automobile belouglng to Levis Arynr. anti travé itloto thé country'. er York House church thé>' broke lovu anti thé machine vas tuveti back lin thé Wyun garage. Il vasý practicaliY e vreck. A fév nights agu au automoble owned b>' Thomas Grîffin, e Jitne>' driver, vas Rtolen from lu front a! thé Elite théatér aed vas driven arontithéecil>' for some lime. finluat> boing abendoneti neer thé_lieth .odi . t matie that couuctétia police dépl borlng citie Thé poli sport for il ver>' er< joyritiéra ta possessi mobiles the Dat atoiel. they catch thé>' vlil '10 thé fuil perpetiaté en fram ln driven arti Thé late Fard cart san cf Je from lu fv dnivén abc tionétion fore 2 o'cl loat talént Principal,,-Kp.k -R Rrmey, Te*Oher's Wile. rO MAIKE SCHOOL. CEUSU9 Pdili Work From 8 in tJhoon.t ing Unti lIn fternoon and Get *$35 Montth. Waukegen, Déc. 8. Upon thé recomméndation of Prin- cipal wni. .';Kuoélk, thé board cf stincation on'Tnésay uight élected ]mu. G. C. lRaléy as ttant oMeecr 01 Wankegan. This Ja thé firat lime lu thé history of thé achoola that a mar- rieti womiU> hemîflfléd'that Position. Accord iâi ta Snpt. Knoélk, lira. Ranéy filled eaiamilar office et iFort Omithb, Ark., and Judi ng fromt reporta received; the mérveà thet ciîy in a mont praimévorthy meuner. lier hnshand tg a teaclér ln thé, high achool, anti they havéemede Waukégan their home sincé thé BMft day o! Esttember, or théreabonta. one or her lirat taks vili hé ta mate au oMelcai enumeaticqu of thé inhàbitants of Wankégau of a e ah -aie. O8hé viii maike théeachol01ceu* sus et once, and wlii report te thé hoardzpf,éduration thée «ct numbet of childien of Weukégau Who Ore out o! achaai, and wÉh hvé uqt e romle ii-etudênte cf thé oit, 'or Pave- chiai schools. Ohé had had eXpéri- once rao"g this Une Lntapt years. , r. Knaelh reporte that thé ceilsus ftaken lu former yeara did nat how thé acho population o! thé city. He maya that hé bas neyer béen given Il liaI of childrén - ho vré onto e chool. hy their ena consent or by 1reamon of pleying hookié. lira. Re. nney wili hé péiti $ 5 a m nth tr serv - Ices réndereti, ant i viii ork frai i in thé marulng until 4 o'cloc.cLIL rthé eflérnoon. 1"Il Is herd ta find à nwan wbo ls qualifléd ta Iii thé ai fice, anti who la able ta go ont Do thé steta no matter what thé véetl er may hé,' reportaslMr. Kuoelk. TIffl i3t 0AUTOS In~ CÀUSI3 ARREST- Wa: memor in thé Rév. ringa alIbI0 mkegan Rîka hélti thlft' anisia risi servicés Sutie* l!boJd- ltigé hall ou Shéridei7>eg.: .1J. A. WhipPié e vé.b véatIr- addresvhiih vaaslleom t t aeger attention by the.litbfU olo pni lire. R. L MlvAUng a b ,Wl.nlotis o!f*viih added muce loe iéattémnoon's prograin =~he TrisO.Getlut 0f Path o ieDept. lira. Charlés H. KuascI. 1020 Noth Sheridan rond,. vas PetnfUllY-Inluret Thurae, fteruoou about 5: 30 O'ciock visen @ho vas throvn from her wa- gon in trying ta gét out o? thé peth 61 thé fire départaient. Thé accident toak place on Ceurtér stréét nr thé Frank Webb reatiénce. It vas thé péconti peinfulInusrY lira. Kna&ck bld eusained Insitié of tva véeks. lire. Kueack týpnducts a truck gar- 'tigu. Ohé mai<esçber avu delivertis about towu. it vas vhlée delivering elégétahleThuradey etternoôù tisaI Mmr. Kueack met her lunrlam. ghe ahlng Ohirglon et mm hés'- e shherpl> thae airedé a t red ptc hén vhecatrin e rutbesud rac sump tonThidealor ed oadé eo he aguas ta tilt n r utmack L thrown f ront ber position on thé at. Shé struce thé road vith great rce. passershy carrled her into thé isiocaebbhoe ber e ntih.! tom wou sumeve t Hé ae nts. bAI d1lat îva herogbî er and vas br n, ut l seraitiftise ignjueaseré- fiti vere touh vea moeg aériokBs enbutii ré aved th ie Jnres thAe sté cosila lu thé Cn orenein.Wéte ambulance. Il vas oui>' tva véeks ega thal Sirs. Kuaack vas Ibrovu frein thé seat o! the wagon visen thé hanse startéti for- serd entiden>'. AtIhal limé misé land!- éd on thé back of ber heati. lulic- Ing a tieep guis vblcb bas ual >'et bealeti tuil>' DRIVER 0f A COAU WAGON PLUNUiS TO EARTIIIIEADFIRS Large Amount of Blood. BLEEDING FROM THE EARS. Wauluegaii, Dec. 9. John Anderson, egeti 50, a driver for thé Henry' Johnson Cuai Company of 1210 licAlister avenue. Waulcegan. vus painfuiiy ln:sré<! vlsea hé pitcheti heat i lrst tram thé seat Of bis vagon ta, thé bard noadbed. Thé accident beppenet i etSîxtéentis sîréet, about opposite thé North Chicago Presbyté- rien churcis, Tuesday efternoon about 5 o'clock. Anderson vas rentieréti nucousclous. rémeining lu Ihat condi- tion some lime. wbum as reort bsntil heén Tisé exact causé O! thé accident iq thé carep had beenln not kuovut, but l la bltévéti tise a shearh ati eieti upthé i, oliag Oftiséwagon Me>' bavé a sarc an caleduP ecause.! hMn10 hé thrown out. Thé ertmeuts et sevérai néigb- faîl censé-i a jeggéri voundti ta héIl. les'. licteti on bis iséat. Hé vas bleédlng ice se>' ibis me>' bé gret protusélY visen Wllim licCanué>' O! Lise joyrlders but therèjs Ca Waukégan vils Jack O'Brien, a local veré 1pherrèILIftedweeyoung man, drove elong ilu thé for'- wei on a! eue tèe automen's automobile. They canriéti thé èyo ofgst aver etsér aut- victirn to thé aidé O! the s'oad endi âe lugh hxpaveaugthi vastrié.! to revive hlm. A lillié latér hé s. Th eplicé e>tsaItWU vas removedtu taDr. L. B. Jdléy'e o!' ahe n>'ea thès orté,Iflce. Iu addition ta thé wounti Ou bis seh iaIofth>' a r unse.! é, e.! Antiérsatk vas bleediug tram thé se éxtth ieaew. se eaus, causing thé physicien ta féar il xte t f t e l w. that Pu aibi>' hé m igist havé béen l- thé moat Méent liief te wu ti vhn lie Ford machine juré.! nternali'. Wemnr & Woasbrg vu dtol- Tisé Conrati & Wtzei ambulauce a front of e cbérch ans. wac as summonéti anti Anderson a. r- ouuti tovu saie turn e hfré movedtu t bis home. Those vio it- w as aba d aud. ne sedt heis acident d clar é t ia 't sé ýest tet acurreti ven thé victim lbt a large amunt of bloai. ovuét b>' William Hutchin' InQuir>' thla morning et thé Johillon 'effrsn avenue vas tolmu home bragis forth lie stattneut ront o! thé armr>' antia. tiaI Andersonl as muc is mprovéi. but tovu ant in1ai17 eban- SGrand avenue shorti>' h- WtliNo OPPOSItioi. Ioc lc luth é m rnrnng. "rn golng la as i er t e hé qu em - of un>' bere," saiti thé énamoréti youlh. "Tes," replié.! tie cynlo, "and 'nuti About thé Pour. sbe'ii accépt vus lise Ide hat thé tn déai a! undevélopedti antihome-la 10 be au abssluts moàt4bl*." i bau blante.! ainog <loi'aTopek& Star. Pi 6" 'i s' St s 'I s n s ti le si tg im a ti d: 0 d Il )t reebie-minaec, was- nul pý»"UwU . 1. 1 1 Ilm- - ý Nom mid"Mâmâ» Avi m* lu .7 1 1 1 - e api hors One Cas of i vas foru -- 1 ti Il f e e 1 1 -