CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Dec 1915, p. 2

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Some tlb hw m. day nl * W.2 «---, - . -wêck. Adol - saisd, 'ta a>the talcsm tu s I eo sa fU*oàoeC~lsp Ads tendu bus oibu. dia t*phi Sat us *0. goba Villas:mot"i oier 09 Cihgo. sm à* is pariaI. Ur. o e-." B 'idW4 va»*slbo o»of m~ette# af tii. Eausl du wmssvthhmis. Dyti mm, Dm lo0. oYqssamiMwt.mus of Él afto tis iomleays. W e tite W. W. orro xb "tu awo tc.boum1s". gobomas vas1ctb e tPE cmtssta~busi abs bu~ salbutciop mI~ ~~lOt e. e~isg i le ~ shéy.Chjee cesss~Bo. t~av.m oica e M gl d» Fe& io .w. a bNpi .See ta e spig. -m - ei* ti Ow bAaipc'ttiDTova Sait9 pu ikeft7ôe. Chiots. uppOr et Mr. Mdi MrM.W. . Povlsv MOI - oaeoldode ta Cilcag ntPar$ ce lutI vs. .Mr. Vas lb eap"cty of W" ks o ceal bu osis. wdbA. Soh un cosais misIPe gl"tm cehiaibu e 51Wm ~uie1nas, ceise. VI.tish tr id-w t.ato bai a lasradlutn 4mils"mon vhm W$ &mu rk au0, *s*5pet ut ons 0e plaI c t4Iusul ire"Pua. lihaeo or.oplelcé aiosi Uhenlycwill *ta ObelioLfl 0hfls. à« a'at, vedifgu -d f-a uiubscl'cllls. hon 198 -pcSiYlo W-aa t ***~0m" ovWt h Imui. Job boom bd a ilut.l dom teU a ptmc4b N* bald aode t. & tid tà hao ha*lêm ïw. yPlsyi mIMIâ6 loià ~baGoa" =14 5W IN pibiUiJ» v lu ê it rtyvilIe orelwjioee. -male 1 wom 1 100ir-5b l,0 "VÊýTRJXQ for d.wUi ~bI~, ie~dthe eRoutOsie~lOcif f - bm .Tlw-iîS Oaw&ipopI W a4up. Bon 1u .cto> sO D»IDY LINZC 00, ÔL1DÂY BêSLWISa"u oily Boxes, Tage, 1Tiao"Cord, R UOLIDÂY .t popila i oe while lines are ooenpIete #ecs ~Ie luv*m sr. ec. 2 49 oM oh ettraote Im d U pus "Afflo tisa 5MY olbv sel U la, liu s u. le at Làb5rTWhfl )ttlag tumolfurotbe isvnI«. flues DU1Moluon puit tic stl- a RatB l8o b ioler qusit*us aI bertv1E tlia. ther day the borue o~ I S 15 tbut it 100k a good a talea liWs toulte cet la libu bai Jugat miss anus- »~s - roma Csl1hn-The -im -rn suflsi oatehoii. il b4 ossoictai nc«moi" la -h»S b* e. Al&Umtlp aendast-NO als b&biWO 1.14 Md ta liaI JOurait t *0 Mg.Dpfl au Mid am a mi et 8:01',é lu msOe.e te Mst MMWtay cmss q bsSls 5iW WMl tbu «W ea se vusiOdw à*0 tealwIRe 0s bsoes. ers4 M- Il. lm -M eciat Otarus laotuac bt jýis am »deurnderMlalug MO&M bOa" isabut sas break, tint, el du»t terfetfumm by adsIhe MOI&, paeoslos f lb eapWjr *osa6.W I of*I » t the ual. r mpta*b4,tbe deait. locI _* *51" Wia snow Mr.U fflWpielvala S. "Me.5 Wl ski cmli cobi eUlaâabq Ws nv.W 0" ib bu 6l4. éd utxtu w l omamai tIc apseaie.T.t aitIs 14r acgia b 1 tuteo om emants or tourocois. îme Eauui PoP iktomm vhs. ha ormo th. ferob. caImatrulbbot1.W iyewesog. Then fiouhia cl ompnt ou to epjee.boau VO1pijtw fBdlmatocme ai.1w110 W55 lifS rei of anlma& o, S toPPbha *hao O* maimnutrk MhrjsSlhugrlwWbPlU.tipo oi v Iiiéthé boo *uGarcstI06 0 deyt gauide,, berniti.mnesoAtti.argfisoupbs e. ldti &MM.ah *OmWte n,...Md,sv1t hwIîns~ ..euue bosudae, m=or bwi bVDoLL I$tmro e.5<0 i e grepepepisIlvaspusihoft k teC4Ii t t psioct s ai . W ob la i e x utomibe ieshasgafo - At B «l g » sltJuow epie ltu asoe.r Pieu vite .tougb têe. hodY 91 .«cj *Pb- g 0 Slg lpus , At * mosn 6swC S~lN5,~b 5 lg siKc vo vee.w sa""0* 0. t4rIée Mhts d mi9haçe p* ot» IU rom demm P WWh' apeueo ofs o "o fl = k!wb i ai l iio o ssêwst ~~p he et4,tgba*u i ",rom «W puamlasr o eesjztt l*Ii 4*wt dS E. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h VIUstvti iUsau e.08* w4aioisvkoâsq isrwai«Pucemi M*WmbâMt 01 IUUdfl Tin. »»*ctWCa.4-ebUs"a- Of oass gIu m S~ u hamal utapupseaatOu * Cm Shh u o icgsp si . < liii ht to 0wEaboltpi ~ c~ wu te. Pisitaa casPMU' biome : tadtlve u utter i . OBrulat .~lpvll b 415 lu IL. LI ad4,l uesl .lIs Ir. 4tb fr *8WkI Ts prc-. r. hm,Ioa le hfl ~* s.ti U . .»M tg baie pWa Sfoc.uhobil ding Abe vllltm etOI USca. e mua istgh«po le t*» Te aw _ ed Io nléi. HI ta"0«i jaa t mb vhs. desiatas héa prtomd te.propr* uas b. sa wticauUii1 uuPst in * a aoult i &4d» »t'uet tiiO g»au *attmg vlb'auN.h5r et oNtber.eite sitaoi Ut-IWImmbausVil1« bd Ioug poopis eltasa Un*»visa aul none ailm 09W bpuy" s ami vIa'."0 ofatud"sa iii.Flors' osepfeaPwtss800014m.11lusaspctag c Sdhabà e lUI vas bsard. -eWhtuom dai e. mï,11ettr ,b.%I b ioffl 11h.f i 0 s" On tcgdy i e that stgoilubaS cO, dirs ie. umi clucauetsd a 0*61 ali dova endudliebshvm Ir a. i ittes utilu "ySantva bu troi b: Chas. 1,55,. vo IMM 6geresg)*îb :zsal o vsroted Oeu' wM. la U a p shlg ileS 10 ý* oi0 ose; c.aie mr o g red qu1mbeofofbruer j vbo cuide a t r l.Bie bslves Ohal tb. of lova h"iad thar i....ut rov la ,aotb0r ,sýsusblo> ar s ad r OUI for àawvuS oc more an ls ti.etisOfia!b. a gaodboat tftÀeW ataiPro. lUbt. rosiad ldg ut e. OsipriDe, bridge penli', .b.MnUslaLbuigt'l- . hboitai OM citY wlib eas ceeosat, eompbatsd. vius.lMt. Çtaderlig nov m vort of grudicar tii. mev ebad J Pro. coud-"i s alIon luD.iolmat day gUsesin1«rn apldIr 8M U» atmc ck. v.erhotap5up»raîslW dau lonrr T rtIi e. ruai bes viib la esaps for I * « , »aI e. grevel. Wbetbsr e WM bviihaCh' àur c h'910l ou grvesibere e pi la làe l, tel sice te e. aa. Ilt M uorkàwg PROM- LOCAL -OHUR ih ote ot e. aIciatirfaile -%.«0Olug ai la o ort.asvroadahm u e.bridge eud i he nv bare bea qolnpi. Tic. etedu-1i5CmI. id.woM 0kmov daim4 tre 16 M, caogeyls it b I# exnk iodr y b. e y of e. Oak pie u d Bt. 0.iAt Ï1 tbe M.4ouI .îlh OUtI a question 0 ai -yu ,FI* M is heI I ** artin Urne vbsa lb. huik fthé is trafrèteuhu .ing et 7:10 Ulit eiW#t cf e. sort à. tavum artbouaet 0<UbetvllWWM b. Seon Osvii u .. irîe l 9104eWOY* à, ut mçde ovsr thomoudae on 1amenaI o! tii.J--" 1" "»i ý" i tha siirer ihtSue. « I a.The S to eh p lai o ' Obssrtoa1ofows S1IPP§d tauLlb#rIVIIlctbe*ubis>ftha A55u a lutvweskbyWaV"puC. MOes cf tlis oeil nndaY unlq t04. I est,. pise sud CMas. K"ia pi L&heM ilnle eson hla vov 0 >t oeblghl0 ,won. Wl,.1dalitbey vould laefly haistakes i'>y sdhp.Leusba .l. *raI e. ctir. lot bai e. quat.ntls aes Llbboyvi!!sd Bide @-IL pesd. TbweocavWIverssai tuDon't Iniplt osa,» Dmc.1tlotONI 100< prouulnet dalrjvmsavia rualitbelrir t aet&sTabiets eia . r o Kbu ebso " ai h ssimgive»I t, egvaybatc. l1y, éba b*aow»aa scustomuer SIve ls. am5èdWl.Il5 tl »W e ts E.Md tjvU bhasl -1 TtPtMOft,1NO. 4 9-OR TAXI ,,,SERVICE, 1 wih W annoünce that I have purcha»od a new Tari. and amn now ready to give "M"a dNiht S&rvice, on short notice PrW f11=- O SP» lorwmr N.Palace Lîvery LAN.tbeyil a bavefats mom 4@»4 o tpa be«Peu mg o4 oretwô iopike n b *i; tilg ol" ee lm opom*giSm 111ogst u aa m ta M os ctva inae.sal# Si. of paet flu lào sh or kt tet vingsolbeliar outmly lietes apt»rpovuio comtais«»Blob]st wu Bu mie laoltblxe o. lis ul tbo SloW t etpIli hlifflb. i a i puUae un Prt pu"et m ln Wauli ha dto eldu.rbgr.Wb b ae vhs' pcerstvs pion as ilbr sm te potlasa a i w b Titi@sUn -- wm somiOi moes& J'. Ptsbwg cima aimai . eer.tbsese iC vebar ppas, bu aie iont ofbu ,<Pm me movteha *er- be me »S" swW k~s'ar. So sule.go calopt ta a ciuueorate Stlb7cth i1ere m vérysIsi~ tle domm ofh., twllItco cb eekv9sdmi boaend l eucaceida e. -ob wxese ualdlu ses oe bouaet'04 mg aâs ti esier dlesirsi t.cbu o n viti lb. ofivt oraa .is ulie dibu .mta a ey liat shartpailc a o om bth sehcla' islam se. 4r 1t i es auua ame aovugat a fhre ènvaep s cvr idia oesiaas ad i wr soe dlacueloic debbot a e mp.labw tohe pbloa au us 0< mWou and teSwd. bha h idu ba h ouab ta fopeiMr ai emiti ulm odo for ua e ise. t ii.û Ëblile il o onorqrvliohl lisadlg.e %glarl p4ainsitra tii.board Von ae jattlosou tiher w bas b nd trli mTe ores r.jou leMhllnt 10 da À lilng lords lapovng5h 1psty. oA 'N' em h cr, its>titebl lr jihuu ILfuNe A somseý b loig c 1 110 tsrudova l tldln amée 0 -Juede i7. , e cdessy geIeil tg lo 40o.OrsolW beko ti. vg4Iliic lb. W Oula -NeUlc*ffl8# it l,08 ur a .ofr-Enely Zbs9uS.t !aas ourlnelsie 09tq Gu-LtJ.ar0. glom. ANNO~UCME A. D. PALEVI M. D. V. MSSepIutd'au'office in Ladd'a tI 4 g 1? [liveri.I IL'cB74trdg./> Son -Nursery Stock to tWtethe mooteor utumu pinst F*ithoIm OuGrdeus Piona 10 3 -R, Ovnsa'loi ma lip tf 0f lilimoli, Cauntv ai Lake, . la tteioOlcout Court ' a# e kcou ~is. )tober Terni à. D. 1915. Job* Upet m.Frank J. Bahia, MartJia ib, Aaua-r-au" bBeon àAaod* 'Io ouiS Llie, Msoursis I.Cbaoes lm. Ne, 74.52. Pébliè notice Io bIi Jgiven that by irtob of en oreot 4 4orss .otered in the aborë e tii tà lbthe icuit Lta airte,.the&ati.UN a rNoVmb!,A.~ i~8s ii.underslprd alster lia Chamsoy f NIeCircuit Cort of labo Coumty, IliioIe i iei let pubio v.udue talb. lulabutsudanibout tUeér fer cash bu oader lb. 20th day ot-D.euber, A. DM 1916, oatheiibour of tio W'ooek la Na. afteruooa 0f *saidam ai theeut front douror f iii court Rame., lia tbo ety 91 Wa*eg au,.tii. offti o!fLakee ad S iaIs afIllicole. the. fofWlovm oatb piemase ndi roai ýI«Iwuinid dert »oed , st"ted te thaCWoustiof aa nd Stat, i hIl, or0où mb'tbe#W sea.&bhit hu -officent tao stiulassis d"ce, ta.wit ~OmmuwIuM Itii. uortbvat corner qf lb. mon 0.aut WÉWW»t 0 esola user (7> tOvo.*bip forly-$VA (45) forth isagu Se6, (10) 9ssiof the Tbui dPrincipal mudiea. aad yuaoithe*0- sait ou ltb. *or*bl" ias "sailoitc@wu (8) ulgilt (8) rods, tisn5o soutitona0&tUnsepsal vit e sthe tsImmlot i .1g.mi I= 1e a t (1)ni# hno t(O taUmgbt te). ts e l ui la» of id lot clgbt(O), sigit 05) tan (10> rade ot bPlace61 terni. ~ ~ ~ ~ hi isLakstutblial. , dayu EL no>cssb., A.i llS. w. - No. 1.S6 se.8-10 Imme osuai. je 1 ý ANNOLINCEMENT ONE(UQvDTASTE That?. vby eutrae, deiicue spisare so mob t in d. Ocu a ohp oclu Pl* be demenanof the medom ItU siTy. Bt t hat vas listons modem) aaitary belcsbop ustiiodu .uoh s ours had doneswsvy vith bothersome ktohea pis The Libertyville Baker>' PhNM es - LIbotyvifle, U.

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