CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Dec 1915, p. 6

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4cm ~NTet~us E WORI< 0F COU NCIL. «OL E I~ 1-Police--report la rend showlng 224 li~Jtj~5 Y.a rros wert mode and 013ATUSol. TUNI3 ~ ~~~Noveftther. I ~ W NlVA W 1 R 2-C. N. Edmonde and 32 other prop- IUII fIVVV~F orty owuers poo lsa agaînot L»W Planot 81" Eudy ly m of $loksmlth sh'P 0* Did Not AWirze Friends of the Re lv qiOew -aWst Vill. Counoil by volis«, Fact UntUf Late Wn the Eve- Ç Oo steLeft by a ww îafectloan f ta i ng-Born in Waukegan M%1rof the E. A. Cuff- smîth àhops. Wednesday W.--,. W. Pouce, myr gp' Fr.3-Nornne Needhsm pret@ olm-ceiebrated bise 5th birtdiay. lïm lllà - C, C.,Gi nous communiceatln la whlch the, Dot Pearce, as hé la botter knovn ?iat Mis C. C. lf O Wauke. _pj.c tet paymnent o a certain bll amang bis frienst, vas boin and £W fesars loal relssdmtatIvé<of -for' ejty wsler. rabot lu WaukegSn. Bac vas bora *#'IL . .CuMmIU ,& C411111111t7'eu 4-Conhtos' who han *UM»td suit on Sherlian raid57 y ag scye- ha O n ,batnheriteit em«gg gaînl clty wlli b. givefi part of terday. Sone o! hie frienits say diat SV5i$20.000 lMd $10.000 b£oms hie r"ney, 50w and 501InterW ha Docc vu bora ou Sheridan rosit but kWi bib"t, ýthe.lateIL R.CL. Gvia or Will. wthdrow mastlo .bon epent tvo.thurdà o bis lits et dis «Usago la the. boUllet ber acqait- 'corner o! ,Geueeeftl&d Wabhington laWaqkesaa--.ag4Um isestees PM OfOheSreprtthRSa 41> Me lasessving bis fourtb tsi. as ee«, n- u ystinsite o!f MayoofWauksogan oh. "» n Mor be Ma»rt ueeG. "I uIN W EI> dida't taes a vacation tur13 "ber èu rVUIe et ears. and turing lie puat 19 îeurs «tVhIns of Chiii ei iicag aMau Rob- " "w SA U DAY 1Ihave lot been away froni my store 743111 0l1sMChcga a 40 BAT UI SAL Mfor 11toaYs& 1vent sas far asLuding- A te ie ofa!bis dit ea y this Itou tires issu ago. and vas gone YserMr. OIVns vas reor"as bav. Wtness SaLs Nequy StrUCk dire dais-. That la the longent trip hWg been a ix.ilonaire. Ohons de. thelFlrst N0w-Were in a ilbatek.sdI etefrttm 11ied0à bis report but t vas conserve. WfbRo rinking. 'htIhv enâa rmWue SvOlY estirnatei t at lie vas vorth -in gan *! thres days et a time. in 19 years. lit a millionet lu. Whe w as prohahly ths blotisat Priier te mY marriage 1 use teto take Mr. Ofrn. tetb vwas precedet hi battIs ever vagein laWaukegaa vas a tvo rnontiss' vacation every year. *1811b11 monilis hi liat Of bis Wit fought botveen twcsoldien &crm Fort Theit 1 spent my vacations in the ti«Orore hie ouly surviving relativeSheridan and a negro ln die Anserican, Rocky Mountans." 550Of In, vers bis sister ait bie Wltisand Uqiior store on South Gene. DoBc didnt telhie friende that V6110110 1v29gthe vifes. teadi. icses,.Waukegan, Saturdai., The parti- eesawshibitdyui lt aiter, fer wvb o ielid shovu a fond- ripants lni the flghb vers: er ln ili; evening. Yan, vas itl i hm on a trip Southi CAL JONES coloro)-ineit $15 ffl Wdst. Tbey alvays vers cloeely and cnts. Reeelved deep gash lI theCA ER T BU attachedte e ali tor. hence vbexi back o! hie heait. Skull may be fra&.t R tIE E O U the brother disit sutuienly. it vas not, tured. A E DA C W V sarpslsng te the close friendu of the CORPORAL BANKS-Troop A. îti, j> payà9i jWSJLJ fl Y Givias lb bear bijat the slster hait beoix cavairy. Bitten ln arm. ,, 1ett sanequal shore vibli tbe son., .JOHN HOLINSWORTH-Troop ., ur IILAKi IDLAS Amuit about the matter. Mins Gi-, tît cavabry. One flnger bittslof Vins, stting I elx itîtîîe rsiea Ixjuisitabout face and body. Tikexi cUle Of the Cummlags company. te bosPîtal at Fort Oberidan. John Smith Died Rather Sud- vbich eh@ keeps open nontaga at AcCOrdI Ut s (torY tbld by th denly at His Home Here on r «t aendid Marion etrssi,, sait: «Weilî, OxilYvonn witneas. Lieue Coyne, ThrdyAtnon th@i -U-I10 PelsOflet and 8 don't the tva soltiers entered the lquoi hrdyAtrsn MMs te discuosIL. Hovsr, 1 wlî ftore andt vere asklng the barteutor Wuesn e.3 My> ltheI sad imY iWPIWw shore @quel. about Uic varlous brande vhen teWdis&,De.3 ' In My brOtIset suint. 1 peronal. negro stePeit up te i3liugsvorth ad John Smith, 59 yeara obd. tisit ralli- i>' dO#t kuow Juilst ft w llî totaî, tried te tell bim bvicb vas the bet rsh nYome, 07 atrt, Tburstbs %r ho wàé intefeatet ln the.IL A.ter bianit of liquor. hoeonaI:07 -'cloek. Ho liaait rn cunsn-iiisCoeu..y andthil. sntsa "When i vant yeuournuùl vidiatbê nenti-co !Hbuiatl e selS nOt be..elsesd iap for 1w yeoins." il ask for 11," the sodier sait, ih eIten tiet ing a lse Ib 10 1nov- thal smdY Misa <Of. Then, aeeording to the vornan, th#. nte frts eto i is Vn bia 0=6 c inltO a&cosslt.,abe o! nogre began curslng the solitier. Th trefor thears t i. elhits.îkita *0 gebP@rty »saIt MOauybut Mstii icsoutier tumned!te Joasa andt toit hitiscaffeuter lu dis car sbops at Pullna-» *00p9 On voeLug lu tise cusiomani be abonlit b. ashanteitto avear 114, Me haitsuceseeit in amassing a lit- "aY the dter-sie.inisenitet ber the itreseuce o!fa a àdY. ,Then Joobtîs comupetence. ideievtb hi@ises etat. l tie mralgeh. struck hlm in the face,. acording ta buy a littie tract 01 landt for farmiag kss e tcroalsai te E0ce ops lunlier tari. Puposea. He Igureit ha could ruai the asttesooabs plaisKt thc Lyrlc The batender Seat in a eaU foi thbt bsli ttia fan im u mas aitmae theuter, boing Sani5t 01 uagal policespare,. Wbeu Officer mets &i enougb fer bimasi! ait bis vifs te #MUr l Oblt. ieGvins la so aibtions rive t athtbs«,kothe negro bat livecoOmtortabiy ths rest or dieulinos.m tiat silana keePiU n u Idith Hlie Hlaoibli dovn upon the Osai. He hrought bis vifete taWaukegau l Me. 14n Of vork tes0pîte ber Inde. strtklug hlm over dishesa"sait shoulit. a ehort tinte &go anit they took a lfeudieuse brougbt about by ber big ers vith a lieavy iron Papor veilbt. boume ou May street temporariiy. In llheitaace. -Wheu the negro knoeked Holinga- dis mesairl, e hatenloig vorth itova Igralbot hlm by dis arounit for a Ile faim that woulit ndkI CAE AI houlder anit beggas ihm to stop glit-comparethteiaOne lhait dmappeit RVI IIDLUII .) ng," declarsit Coiporai Baniks. -He out lu bis mini's oye. bit me on the rigbt ais. His teeth Fer several tsys be hait been con- WI~IUtUI~Wt~ were burisit ln th Il h fo my &m itOeteb bis bcd vitb beart trouble, for ftllY dires m tes vhlle 1 vas but b. iooked torvard ta the lent ta TO AÀ Km s M SS unable ta force hlm to turnc a, d teUtime ven lie vaulitget botter When sa55ythat Ivs not strong andt reabize bisIteal. Bis condition <~encoug% te stop the figt i ian for a dit net improve. however. and Thura- Weil Known Waukegan Toung policeman." day aftcrnoon ho passeit avay quits * Man Manries. Cleo Lucilie The police patrol arrived at Uhe suditenly. Beail of a Kansas Town. scons o! the disturbance before Banks Ancneet abanc urcce:ved Tefght a8One of theêbln&et'iO D TllV S la WaueganfreuilDonner anuounc- ever !ougi4tt inthe city asuithdis lotdi- 0 Y HE E oa hemrrlgec, cember ioflez o! boti t!lters wresaburatet dflln'A 111Y OrvUle Samnson , Wauktegan to boo vhen they arrivet at the poli ce ENTEKLU UDENTAL Mis- CsOO LucilieelBsalit augbtoi o! station. Dr. M. J. Kalowsky vas catI- f.ll'(IIfA Mis. Lulu Beail, cd ln by the Police and dressee the PAIU.<RS 31SU AI The veding took place t junctioxi njuries o! ths mon but Holinasvorth_____ É Gty. ]Kansa$. the home o! dis bride's was later sent te Fort Sheridan hos- 'lYsfotser. The carde tate that Mr' i: pla for trealment. Of f ice of Dr. 0. B. Smith and .adMis. Samson are te ho et home One O! dis soltiers declaret he Dr. F. M. Barker in Coon, ftrDecember 10 et 940 Olive street, would carry the case before the grand Building Burglarized. 'Denvor. jury If the injuries t etheî man_____ SMr. Semson la the smofo!Mr. and proveit fatal. The negro vas fined 15a6eaDe.6 Mi . O.Samson a! Elmpoot ave. -and cents. h usng ae oraktn, ey tua.Wanega. Ie lanovholingburglars gained entrance Into the of- lhe b reon et Jusotioen o! ch I o! S Ç urditlices of D i@. Barer and Smithl n the .ý Vr tèatn en nJute gbraac1Q ila6IWU IM I Coon building on Sunday, andt carnet 755, Mm erviceaforg bea i temoen-Off lbot valuet at opvards o! $300. amat srvie fr sverl yere Ms ED~flJJji~J~ 'J ADTh offices raobet vers condused by: 'IOrMOrîY ras cler< o! dis naval cons. E S D M Q R DR. Ir. M. BARRER, Physicienandi 'rIttee at Washington unter Congre.- surgeon, oo 9 e t 0.gverunentO e nov tpait. good over dis tact that. turing the A large quantity o! gold, ussit lu mand h aibt a few miner Positions summer. at is faim vomI of Gurnees.lillinge andt in making bridgcs, a quan- 11111tise, eta, but smrne mnthe ago tvo siso! tuin ulvne@ have arirevd tty of platinum. several pîcces o! pasýw tranaferiet te Deuver, vbere b.! on dis scene andithdisqurtet 1ala asbridge vork ail made up, and toola *a l age ofdilleonerthlbpeitha h abrt"aLo.vtii vs ers taken from Dr. limith's cabinets .hJm~es lucagea iioso! m e. and desk. riant tspartments ln dishe rvice. Andt best o! ail, dis lut pair te su- Ths ugasvr en otnt aucces, bas been self-attainet ait riveare lieffe. Witb stock sas ei ben they enerehloegs fo! -b' in &a lit O! -strict attention te as il asait milk aoaring ail dia tjins., Barecer, vhere, after jliimying open ~pbs.asai gesis sflciucylu is ispresenceoo! Ivo sets O!fIvins tu distoetor's nabot tdek, theyfount TeOt ra berd tela odhiig to, b. usse tw v pairs o! glasses. a number o! T luBrIMs.Smos i vlrsasider lna i n4 rdnr oOrcigar coupons, suit ther articles o! - x Waln*ou va rees ItS <pm.î't' a itr.uelit iu les. vaie. 'tIr Nulet 'W& t ttvinmarc hontue10 ovu.but ta- av rooudt.IWO vo sts bora on lth* sainte plIse dli1The Indépendatethe11couettyps on. lu he se... ummr 1làa - , ,U l ."-- 00kl--t hyeey -' AC; IINOT DE- SERT UIR FAMILY Unfortunate Yong Woan, i ted Was Deserted by HrH band. ~aukegan, Dec. 7 -That privation ait negiect brouglit on ber bhi d eartion of ber bua- band anit bise ntirs unwillingnesi to blsp ber cars toi borsel! and lier ix chilitren bha nfoeetthbbcmînt of Mrs George Pister, la tebelle! o! reoba- ines andt Supervisai Conrad vho bave heen the meanis o! ocatiag lire. Pister, vbo lanov hw eing careit for pouding deciaiou as ta whetlier Ilb h necsMrY to sent ber ta a bospîtal for reabmejt or »t. lb seems bial lire. 'r Preder wexit away fions hom SBlndai. leaning ber OveO chilitren ai home Uncareit for,%,ut taking vitis ber ber mondi oit chlt. Mer absence vastcoavered hi rela- ines snd die situation oft!ie tr Chlitren St bome. vasreprtdt teau- Pervior Coarait; vbo hai t tie tait- en o th l e.Bluff orolianage. In dis MeantàMe itliedhbein fet that Mrs. Pister liai desertet lier fansiiy but Subsequent developments shoveit auch vas net the case, but that aseaPP&rcatiy bat wanite-ed avay from homo vhite ln a state of mental abberabion. At acy rate site returuedtet the home c liber MOther Moxitay and vlien toidt bist ber Cilitren hait been tabou ta Laits Bluff, ahi Ieft the houge and took the baba vbicli ehe carieit lxu lier arme, to the orplianage where as turned it over vith the uther chli- tien, ezplaining bier inabillty to cari- for thom ns.luthe meantime, lier ir- tiens lied arouseit feais o! relatives that se.gvas tsmporarily mentally af- fected andithtis reportedthte matter te Mr. Conrad, vho vent te Lake Bluff and biougbt the Young aud un- fortunate vifs home. She is xiow he- Ing caredf or andt later will be exam- mned by doctors t0e ee just what et- fect the unusual privation whfrlxibe bas Passd tbrougli bas bat on ber mind. Pioder bas shown lth- care for bis famli>. working only occasionaliy and paying no attention & te their needa. The condition of tbe wife andt the deplorable elabeofo!the !arnli tes eaid to be dus entirely ta the neglcct vhtch bie jack of Intereet brouglit on dhem. WITli STEELMRI AUTE SUICME Robert Swanson Lays in Front of Electria Car-Wanted to CommitSuicide. MiHie adpiloveton the steel rails Of dis Cmicgo & Milvaukee eletric ratinait, Robert livanson, a reautent o! Waukegan for dis paet aix maudis, vas sanei f roM toatb Bunday after- noon hy a motorman au one of th. tbrough electrle cars. Wben dis moborman pulid acrogc dis Browning street croeeling lato Sunday afternoon lie eav a man lîlng ou die trîcks. He aaunded the alerta, but dis m-n refusedte 0mave. The motorman appliedthdsensoergency liraks, andt brouglit the big car tean stop vithin ilires feet o! the man's body. He grabbed the man by the collar, Puibsit hmlm nto the car. andi pon bis arrivai at the noilli terminal turneit dis man ovor te a police ornecer. "My nome le Robert Svanson. My home ila i urnace Falls, Minn. Bure.ý 1 vas ln a hospital thers. I ian avay and tliey took me back to the asylum. Theî let me go lni Ibree days. They gave me moncy ta boy a ticket," laid BS'Rnson tbis morning. eunday wben locked li a cell aithUe station he admitted ta the teek ser- geant that lie wanted te bll bimself. Hes toit the police Judge this main- Ing diat lis bat workcd at the irire mlll for the past six monthis and that lis bat one brother livkng ln Tvo Riv- ers, Wis. He will lis Ielt by te po- lice pouding an investigation. The Policeschits believe that Sv.bhsonos- capet fions an insane asyluns in Ii- unois or Wisconsin. F. 1BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cemoetery Work of Evtir, Description Correspondence 8oiilte,' 11 6 Genesee St Ih <OAN D OPTOtinta bought the Robert G. Hoo RERL ESTATEM LOO1DOP250 Fu f 9.5 aresinsetio 7fo Ini Avon township. William c LAKE COU NTY TITLE &TRUiT%. $4215369IN UE Ileard bouglit the David 8'rtsch farm Masonie Temple lldg. Wukegmn.i ýAbstr60tacresTin.sections 27 and 28, WEI3KJUST CLOSED near Hahtesville fer $18,365. and Ja- t Nov. 30, 195Geo. Hber an#*tie~ usiness in Realty Cireles Was i'n, section 28 îror Wm. C. Heard for block 12, Highland park_ W . $*, Abot te Aer1e i In$î Wa~rren township. Fred Worthb W. H. Manzer and lie to IL Many Minor Deals. bougbt 80 acres In nortbeaet quarter Brook, lots 6, 7 and 7,block 2,LU1 Busiesso! he ecoders onesloisection two from J. F. Meyer for $S,- Lake. Deed$2. e week ending December 4, 1915* o H. E. Smit.h to Catherinre Number of trmnsfers, 92. in Village of Area. Henry Luebbe ston andt others, lot 9. Smltb'a . Number of bans. 25. bouglot lot 21, RavineSiope Subdivi- vision on Channel 1Lake. W. D. *kt Total number of instruments flled. sion from Clarence N. Durand for a Cîsyton Cunninghamrn s u v tasU, 17. nominal consideration. IsacB. Havi- 1. B. Havlland, lot 7. block 3 9.*5b«e/ Total amount of bans. $41,753.69. land bought a lot lI Shore AereS Sub- Acres, Village of Ares. W . D. U Business han been quite briek du%, division from Cîsyton Cunningham C. N. Durand and vie .10 . ag the week and loans about the av- and &180lo traelOts In Ravine glope Havilland, lots 13, 156and 45,. E1alîber rage. Subdivision from C. N. Durand. Slope Subdivision. Village o eta.NI W.ý Baverai farme bave changed bande. Kenlocb Country Club filed Its cer- D. $19. .« ' hec folowlng are amoxig the more îm- t'fiesa of Incorporation, their club Marguerite Sumner And hbbasto otant deals: grounds to be part of the Sheldon E. Harpb*m. tract of 1a198 oeu1&MU In Highland Park. Ben Lowenmey- Pr 9ry o Lke rara. Lake. Q. C. D. $25. rof Chicago bought a tract of about in W&ucOnda towfshlp. James M. Trustees of Schol Town Of 3i*» su acres fronting On Linden avenue, Welsh1 bougbt the Gîsason faim o! mont ta P. D. Pritâch Mdait ci..l.ê etwssn Porest avenue and Beach 480 acres In section 24 on Bango Lake In Village o! Haineslile. Q.'C. treet, viti a frootage of about 1,00fiomi C..- R. GleaS5o for $7.SO. Dec. 2, 191.-W. A. Prittllèb e et on Lindau, firom Arthur C. Thom- In Bluff. Moio W. Peterson ,tO . C. Heard, soutliee 4 ar un of BrooklUse, Mass., for a nominal boUgbt tvo lots la Wesisy avenue'DOtUetqare els ? ns deration. It l s the third tract frO ttiW aino M . Ptorson for l$1.00st q60 ar s rt a st qUM $1. p4 Ir. L ve m yer bas purc aed inî n l B aiiigton. Bonington ercon. path <0i aes !s o ot me t qui e 'rt il tgbland park @Ince july last. the tUle Ce. bought a lot on Main trent section 29, Avon tovrsliebi.W.1 ber two consisting of 2,850 feet frOm V. L. Comutock for $1.400. $135 'Otage On Sbildan road and Linden In Waukffln. John Conrad bbogt W .HadadvfsbJ .8. enue, ail o! vicb bas been recold. a lot On North VIctory street frontebaW. C.69 are an i t J. . F41 Samuel Richardson of Chicago Ida M. Maugren for $400. c ton 2.69a vrson o tn s W 3>. uglit the Barraittproprty nBbri- Mary J. Dolen bouglitt ieWm.. .6125 an road sast of Lindau for $15.000o. Land Properti oObestut street and Evelyn E. jUndsrvood SUi itu OIe P. Oison bougbt a lot on Kilt Center for $3,. ta.t .B.Bre. otvmu 4O 1 Lid street. south o! Roger Williams urHgvo n ala vua enue, from vina H. Hankey for $2.- « W~Ç~A II . ib ood aQ. C. $38.lsaai 0.~ 58Ud ~C. R. <Besson a ivite, t. J.tM Alfred K. %faynard bouglit a lot on Il fl C fiiii Walsh, 280 acres in aasction 34,.'Wa ,la- idson avenue. neai Ava street, from fL L 3I~,IF> couda townahip. Q. C. $19. sos. R. Olshiewsky for a nominal. YMtN sa vet. iiOs *ngsidrt in. og alt n ASftiJAS DA M ESnas. tract ot land la sections 84 VA, Augut Zmme bouht lo7on35. Grant townsbip a" tta" sot3 auiel avenue, near McGovern street. Wauke«n. Dec.7 WauccnIa, tovnsflip. Q. 0.283. smGeorge Huber for $OQ. Tbree Wauksgmandai North Cei. T .Ose'k'-a ~ t lK ln Antiocli township. Walter J.caRgO saoonkeePersl were mads de. Maynard, lot 4 Raivini.Q ,W bien bouglt a lot in village o! An- fendants in a suit for $10.00 da m-,nl. M ye n i&O 1 i d W ch fiom Antloch Creamery Asso. ages Illed In circuit court todasy by At. eâât 80 acres novtbeast q»iîte it Chan rles ihs buh.te a. ton y A. V.Smith on bbaî f o!Mis. tion 2, Warren tovnslp. 'W. 1D. n Cret is F.Richaords b lougtth'ai- A efnonGtisane l rn Te Marie Stepanek and hba le . et Seer pipery inWionsSub defndats re:Leon Van Ilbecke, Ilka andt vifsivo sexes In se lvision In village of Antioch for nom- Ando Pucin andt WillIam Cakes. The ,BsAtocitvbp W..SI aIl consdeation. Plâktffs are: Arthur Golitei. Ted5,Ms nohtwsipW.].l, E. Elm er Brook boug lt th ie lots Golwitzer, Fank GO lvtRer, Harold . A. e co b J. 1 J ba T i Lon Lake In section 20 fom Wm. GowItzr, Josepine Golitte, Ga. lot.2A.New 24 . blo Job& , W Manzer for $245. Golwitzer and Walter Gofltzei, byPakNot hc4 ed«IK Catherine F. Johnoton and hushant tbeir neat friand, MrP Hattie Golwitz. Dec. ','1915.E.LE.TilIBIS id Nellie Anmock and bushand er, their mother. Mis. Golwitzer jisuavf oLc . al oi4 uglit a lot in 2>Mtth'a Subdivision sues iu bar ovu bebalf ovts ei !lt 3, Obnquain o SChannel Laie from Howard B. as formrly city serton sI Okood wet, Wflo . . $1. m pb mth foi $575. cemneteiY, but as laid off by Commis. ae .D i Lucy A., Hall bougbt three lots tn, sioner Orvis on a cbarge of drunken- W. D. Steil and vite t. W11. -11110- hinquaP1i s Gubiivision on Fox Lakeusz Thsws olIzrI tn,1*Oo abom n tsection 2M from Harry E. Tppett gld to bave atteinpted suide dby -triu L CcM to<È t.q e4 or a nominal consideration. sisehlng blmse1f vith a pocket truite. irnlu oed talm a Martin and Banale Hulki bought lit la set ftorth In the lietition th&&1 Mercantile Co. Tract et la*1111,Y sr acre, In southveat quarter sec, Golvitzer receiveit $3 a day vbuIe cm. l"g¶o! Ba.rrg1i. -W. 3D. «ll.. n. live acres from Marie Stepanekt ployet hi tis clty. She esays the sa- r $1,925. na t, lookeepers Who ane matseitafendants a m» M In irat twnsip.Sorn S M soIt hlm Iliquor. canilg hm te bc. In ran tonshp. orn S Mabi~core a bbitual drunkard s. liat ho n bougbt a lot In Tveei's itas asetsat4untretbs o ke Subdivision from the jobnU L.and property,O cbi oatossi er TI et tei be fsi sew Mi ai av da av 751 J" Th col La frr Ch tIc CIO gi di on H. an, bl f0 tiz: ln foi Tvssa setat o ri$8e0. K50uM &Hais ois.s a rIIUKt sb In Lake Villa township. F'rank mar sais bis famli bas bou 4m peneto! bis qlspport, 2s 010 -. il Chevrolet Baby Grand Touring. Car $750 The wonderlui Chevrolet (490) model The new model Chevrolet torpede rive passenger touring car $550. deck romdeter S8750 Monroe roadster $495 Three passenger Mitchell six Seves, passeuoger. Mitchell six roadster $1250 touring car $1285 Prie.. quotsd axis-fr cars fuiy ltilcali sequippeit F. 0. B. ctr We also have the Vhs light truck built Front the @round up as a bacI. mot a truck body on a pleaure*car chassis. seven stgles of bodies. price $695 a PHIONE FOR DEMONSTRATION CA. SC1IRECK LIBIERTY VILLE PHONE 267-3 JOHN R. CONRAD)&, CO* Central Garage* Wa.k.g.u PIION si 't ~. 'i ý 1.

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