i~A1U~a tective Morrisun t Rondout. for xthe tate. The taking of ail thia tu select. lie ail no oriler- v lixtes ir The state Bulitied Ihese men as ieetimOIcîy. togeilier w-ibh the maklng exceptlig 10 gsi Ithe juryinex. 0ft acceptable as the apecial siieriff: cf licetirai arguments wll ta( ses- course as iv Irew theni, he wroxIl AI Tiffany, Antioch. rail ays. Tliere lea astroug posai ilowîî theninîe se oas le o nlfart fiai Everett Neville, Grayslake, blix>'Ihai the cases-il ot lie coin-.rinformaiiton 10 me. liai's boss -pir.- George McCulough. Gurnee. 1tietel ible week.. Prom the questions hatua, the reporiit iamieout tuiai lie liax John Thain, Miliburu. eto Attorney' Johnxson it aîîîears Ihat a erîtten 118tsiof tliese uanîi. - Henry' Edwards, Graylake. s-dfwi l b th peaote Bailîifs for Jury Namcd. xh ees umte hs e wo defeudauls. -The defexîse suas xîot satisted wsiti as acceptable: CASE MAY TAKE ALL WEEK. iavlng AI Nlc"liliau cf Crayslako Fred Buck, Waukegan.I Waukegau, hec, . xanel as speclal balliftfîîor suxiio ,Henry' Zdwards, Grayslake. Marsaa AI Mc'lihtan of Grucsiak", iug the nvw vexirx-nen 'Iinesla>'buit Raiph Chtteuden, Gurnee. sliux onu Txîsiîty aflernooa w-us al-)i."edii-day mxorning ilîe ii-sii-ed hat Fred Converse. Ason. poixted alietil iaitil! b>' ilge Ed- Judgc ElWarîie place exîw tîtilifs la W. 0. McKlnney, Watikegan- iarîs, sîulx-ared icrciit court ibisi charge f tics jury during thie I)rogre s t was thought. the selection . of mornios ana reportexi ibat lie liSi ex- of the trial. I hbadi it beea xc-i Judge Edwards' father practical>' set- cuied thie couirts onuer in sersing ed b>' tie tate Iliat ilie> wouild ln- tied the malier but wlien Mr. Edwards suiioeuses on 40 venicemen lu make aistou ibis pinxt as W\ept <raG n Grayalake Man Named Special Baliif IossibleI-o csecîire a Jury i h i Fred itudlplihad lieen lssigiiel lu> Colenian-Cussens nîurler case. Mù- rSieriti Grifin t0 ibis task. In caloimn the ulepaM lideCl. Millan was appolneel sîxsciiîl balli!' Howver, thie court consectel tu the e cathe oou fic telpnne liue di- alter lthe atorneys for the lefeneex ixsistent reqiiesi cf lice ef-use andi ead thenonre as toake. ju enEllail attolied île uîilîuîîladlted b>' uaxuxlPx-hx-cKircher on f Watiîbxan wars Ien uqurelas u nher Sieil! biffniland îîisui iepîtisine îuand Stxuîi lîxcix îîson cf 1Deerfield ape- who would bc acceptable 10 botc ides. secs ig sbti-i.Oxinimotion of (-!al lililiffs iii itake'(torte of iiii aind Marshal Allen MeMilian of Gray*- blke, liemocrallecuandidate for sîcenif I at the la.4i eleclion, wae decllel uponi.- A. long distance calli s fit flu for Mr. McMillan andl ai a laie lîour Iis afternoofi he ani-cel)teilthue posilloi. B>'the actlin of the' curt Siierif! Griffin Iii remoed frouiiithe ullorit>' in connectihn wixh Illiui parlieultir trial. Tîhe actig;Iiv'riff ilu hu ccse muet name is nn'n depuIys sleriffs. probabi> lIse lu number, to art lu those roes durnîg Iis pliilicullir case. The Reasons Therefor. 'lie renson of lIhs mosi unusuailiel ion Ila ttxIuxarcording tu atorne~ys relu- reslentine fthe lefi-uSe: Sierlf Griffu lhe nus o! thie sar sit- n,àes afor lue claIe. haciiîg workid liard ou lue ciSlincouxieitiloxwiib tracing lie men ciarged w ix Itie mur- der of the dueîtise. Furthermore the>' 55cr that the euh' poeanlng nf the sîeclal veire of jiiry- men n'as nul cloue aeexrdiug o Ibeir way o!f hilkine. lu a mauner accept'- abetla hen. TîesMlixn hat out o! th'e special ventre, 12 mien ivere cime- en froni Liberlyville-ths township In whicti the murler n-as commted; 12 tram 1Highland Park; 12 from Wall- couda. The>' also informel the court (bat man>' of the uew veniremen kuew details o! the case when the>' arrIved; therefore (bey f li that Ihe>' sbouid resori 10 Ibis aw for the firsi time lu the hisor> o!fiLake coxnt>'. Sieriff Grîfflu ob Ithe mlter as one of legal feainres nls. almitting he waa <telie aui, mporant inuesfor the saIe; howeser, le îîalurall% was suruiriseil ha tu h le îefex-o souixi lake tis radical depatxlue froin l formcer precedeit i lix i iiuly The appuitixlccofthie sperlai xieriff In nu manuer coixilixt.s ilîx Sheriff Ciffin'a regulir roslne nok-ht af- fetes mercI>' hi, raluus lu iis uur- der trial. Attorne; rr i iuiilie difîxse jive J. G- Wi'leix 'r'.uuilegucni: Jxuin W. Welcb <blt ii i i-Il ghI tidxiiPark: Et. V. Orsis, W'sihegau. and A. F. Johnson, Chicago. States Allume s ilDli et-i quilie -laken off is feel' w-len hie defense 133~ NORTH i G EF- uTWAUP* -Al.11L The Best'Meat at the 'Lowest Prices Fresh Pork Lmoins, per lb--------------..12/2 e Fresh Pork Shoulder, per lb-----------...1/2c Fresh Veal Roast, per lb--------------...121/2 c Smobked Shoulders, per 1h-------------...111/2 c Fresh Veal Fronts, per lb--------------....1e Fancy Beef Chuck Roast, per lb--------...e- 10e Butterine ...... 18C Rib Roast ..... lic Sirloin Steak .... 121/2 c Round Steak..12/2 C Neck Bones........ bc Hamburger, 3 Ibs.- .25e Spare Ribs....... ;10e Pork Butts ...... 121/2 c ýs0nouts ...........6 Baceon .......15C Lttie Pigs, 40-50 lbs., per lb .....10C IChickens ...... 16e Leaf Lard . .....111/2c Lamb Stew-------..Bc àaxnb Leg .....14c pig Feet---------..5c Frankfurt Sausage . 10c Polish Sausage .... 10e Garlie Saisage ...10e Pork Saîsnge-...10 Sait *Pork ........12¼/c Lard ...... .....12/2C Saur Kraut, 3 lbs.- - .10C Salami Sausage . 18 thedefnsethecout dancaae ths rll~lngbai- CI~~CTCTUI. lC t - ho, atated -that -lnu-sud 'about - Ciii- jurors and order il the spe:-Ial iailiff Iffs. The new baililfe, as the regiliar SU66ESTS IILIJL caoToetE,,AuorUlidSEx 1 M E A SC I Lte ommai i)niore Atnesfor en, get $4 a dii>, 1 hatlstible quantities of etone. Onth ti eli ' lu (.et a ir urrs ,cMlllan, wenglven the word S O EO~IR 1~ bauks of the drainage canai alune T peadb brf rfi n h uesday eningt get 40 new ventre. million carloads or atone acitable for r NI ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~jdepuUesiecausettie siieriff le ta oliem-n tbrough formai sommons, tart- 1'Eai-i rodwkcoidlehdHehdis ID I I (~~~~f'hII ~ ~ e iprincipal witroue frUi.Id A adh aicrnil iswo'cdULII taken Up the question o! shipping luth i!iI5io'clock Wedneaday morning. thia road materil and what IL wouid - I N O Ewri f s c ri o ur t of s r g notice on e nre . c i a o dellver smre St a distance. rK(Iix sioowly. At 1l1.U o'vIoclkmen via telephore hall bievn Mjcd W rie f~esigLttr srei50tat200tiesfrat1e to 11oaift--r lav'iîg worke-îithe gretit taby tire defense and therefore c te tesin Lter euedathtlmefo 1eo30 d o 'te ornhigý,, nu ndiditioxxal N"ilîltn abideil by the provsilaon whlch o Go od. lier ton. dependlng on the distance. juoslii bien secar i. Ttiree jur- staie.; that tuey nmust lie formaiiy The ratiroado atirhat urne were wil- M - N U D E T I L rshveben ceti by boti ides xîuouicned. TN BAS GRAVEL. inte1 co-operate with an>' commun- i.aî y tils muniii ixg thex iuc nircl-ty ibait wacted gond roais and thîs - - i oxiît jrerbu h'arxse t eil b> CHANCERV NOTICE. Detense in Coleman Murder ixiae xlie f--io 'he rît t -i ,.ý At th rate te :ý ý' -a'e uof llinpois, o, WrWit~m s of Belief Jhat Farm- <cont nueo u age nvm Trial lvoke Ue of aLai court Io !a tiîI liluil xiii ttiil i exo- rogri sing ne w soin(, tiiii i mai, r v f xost M T... invokes Uselof ai'. i bu ctiîe rest or flie w,,-k ii-- r a ('Ounf Iy cf LiXe. esWw r i st av ______ Permttig Thm t Ha i a Tie Irelijte rocihti tafittnlofljury. (Circuit Court of Lake County. Mardi ladRadh~ony Spedial Bailiff Handie Ail of se lii n -Alnie xi e>.j thtixii xhj- ex xii 1ta ucrord lu - tluAttolrn ey ii11li . Terni, A. D. 191f.Hi ay 1. the Serff sDuties ini the tl.ii'ch. xl it et l ix i-ii ili auulixohsoxn, tullxn( eii fr rl Ci ouierseeMartble, Triite, axîxi (li ver 1Nocember 29, 1915. Trial.eri lrlt;x; l îi r li le leîuerti -aiitxiu tk LakeCounîy Indepeadent. N XT LO AN i________ pili', li.l Sîr :ai- __________poito_________________________- irs: NE T T i Vi________Il iii ik xl. 'li it, 11 ii i n . t iîi a vi 1 rend with côniderakle Illereit HEIMRY EDWARDS NAMED lurilî li mei ohenoxtct lrce tîrlther oîo- ii ti' l, i-i u areelii P3llas.asirnillofrri(]-a UT DECLIN ES TO SERVE. lors hive be aet, eîîx il bath jr t rtiiir sslo i;tr xx (ý.A 1toun.->' Iee Couintry 'lîîlî, a Corporation, theg od r youst h are o fgoon 'nuii -Il. i:îîrc -iof xx lrol ,l tir liiier it.ilu, o ld n andirTe Pletakee Conitry (l11t1" a rotads.- Mr. OnI Nae Su- ~'cei 1' iîti,î l .îiît -'xîiîk. irstiietitîx ir le courts thie ni-i-iwlii Corporation. ln ('bancer>. No,- The writer has been Identiflei with mitted at First as Aocept- j bli' of ý'iVuokegain. wxhit ta tire defexise ofxi 1mxîites-e botter roads movement for tie liait-f able to Both Sides When iTO HAVE MANY WITNESSES. vtue gal>'a ixlti ti usin oxii' ire Ii'rexqinale affluavît havlng hlecu 15 years. as a member of the Flinî Danil MlrIon f Rifflfflîîîîîrbe quali s ftllt ilasti. iiî'x e-. fildlunthe office of tie ilu'rlx a!saixi crs' Gonod RoausLaeagu.representing At Court Asked for Suggest- iiiul li rsxi(fllxililf iiu iitii-ie uIit rc,- iîle-Ii 'oxt înlc alleefxelîrîy i- i liiol tleAtooie so ions-Marshal Mc illan ý uselsuiîicest fonc i ta kuiihe I' P iii r trile W ho wasstxxx Ia s ' nMa :Ilat. (ilctte'. ~ , xl r a ie esaid abuse named defi-nd- elation. Americaxi Automobile Asaau- - et osto.i uianiiitii 91)e " cp. aîur a'tIithe !riellw eîsrî îî t l riera, aisthat the aboie named Coîiflaîn eiation et Ameronle lislianîd --sent to the folks a ofAbert (xirul-iit itiîiuiiî-s I- uts heretofore f1usd flîcîr 1111 cf gond- roads. Aise as ail officer ni Waukegan, lire. 7. or Corpllixitrixixd Coution herCha- 'iretor o tire hlier Auboutubo Frtefrtttelth sorofsueisi two of thei ml-v liii are utiarged îclî blanî-l --ýif lit- go(e te t lîi- îe (onlîantlusail('ut n he('aniîrctr f ic 'beao ut Cu ivtl hvngcoil hetim. li elst f boflrrer>' suIe thercof, aiid that a summons Chicago Auto Trade Association and geba îaUe v Lake coîut>',attorxneys for the d'ale r cii xiii -eialI ilS I uic ucar tIi tone odY mdea ormi eqeststtes atone mi kep'bil'z3 Ts lpoint crnox ut!niilxi iii rese il agaînet tue abuse namei defendaiiti, tlese associations bave done a greit under the iaw permitting i irat a rtc telîlupoxi the lprospetivlie iiiror-x case, l'or Alboxrit 'îxîeriiiati is ege ilto irelîxcuabie on the irai day of the ellf tpioneer wurlî. At a time when speciai ballif lie appointeil b>' lie Tire wirk of g-îîîîg juron s ttroxIrali airi taoe lic lî'a'i-s,t,îxiceloîf is trnrm of the Circuit Court of Lake the aubWet o! gond rosIldii i et a ete- l o circuit court ta assme carge of al gesix - ru iii-r sloI ' l a olrter on oeai-ii-1 i otiitv, 10 lie bellor itie Couit Iliuse meet wlth the favorable 'ilîei sheriffa duies ii coxheetin wiltl a day wa,;siiiiiexxed i!i gîttiiig four \lîîrrri ýii 5i5t'tii ýLt.tui. inli'aiibvi'an blln sui ie 'ointy. on Lion lilduos now.I crimîinal trial. jurors. Thisiis d,,l-- xi rriliii sr - Grift,n Explaii.s kacta. thie Il-'rst Monda>' cf Mardi, . A1). lii reailing ni the suggestliomail-' Heury' ldwards of riylake. faiier ltx the i ir 5 p iili iî h Ni. ' !-ltRearîllîg a n-ui ioi t : il i ii.t as yl aw rpîuîreii oud whil-h b>' Nir. Rodney Bl. Swift ta purcliai' of Circuit Judge Edwarde, liing tlie Johnîsoxîfr i r ie ilefonexîs eexsoiiîitihliicourt lîxî -i I ih l I-ttc sî utIs s ti tlll îenxing grave lieds, for friture rmad work. ItL uni>'~~~~~~~~~~~~ ma etoe sacpal h îiieo'.I doulîtul if sin c ertaîin towxnshipis sho îîre loidI L.EWIS O. IROCKWAY, occurred lu me liai the ordinary nise bohb h bfneadte etalS, iremenIli a titalaicase cix r vire e iii, sxihoena î-euilvxlîî-xlcriiMoiiilxy-, ('lerk. con gravel la nut as gond a miateriai ' 'II was appointed late ibis aftcrnoooil ly jcriel t0 siieia long litre ni ques gisilxiwriixn lisis tfruie whichtaIrais Iaukega Illinois, eember 7xii, ta use as good sanil and crushi'dGrudFo ,20 « the circuit juges but dcclined lu serve. tioning. If ih practlcally coxîcedexi sald jurympn, Plieriff Urtîiffi sa A.iD. 19 1.etone. About 10 yeirs ago. i rememriO v "'u Later Allen McMlililn o! Omayslake iliat a jury caunot be secîîreîi before This Ib absoiutely ilttrile. ii 11 île oîîW' C. VPTON. lier a tahk given b>' H. H. Groes, road accepted. toccglit ai lice ssry varliesi sud pos- etllecase af loioer Cooî- cf 'au- ('ouîipluinaxit'a Solictor.exrtadsctryndrase o The case on triaile ib at o! the <ly netutil tnmoruw. couda, i Ihoîi iIiilixidtld i îiîîWki>' Decîf0-17-24-,,l he Faruiera' (ood Rond League. lu Bâte vsl. Coleman and Cousina. twn Sulipoenates have been sent oui for ta pick up 12 iîexxlunthai iowîr-fîip. 11- -me9. or?. wIneses te m jo i -l e ba oliel, lie xî ie o ( h i 01 ot th Mu sic ilu oit, eHoým-e.for WJHAT is home witheut music? -It is like a p1aË~t without a b1osýom. It lacks. the brightness and cheer that shouid typiîfy a-home. ; If -your home lacks a piano it lacks one d- the essential, parts of a -home. Th'e Pliôh4s5the One -Supreme Chiristnias Giift Our stock of Pianos is the largest ini Lake County. You have a. wider range of de4gns.to chioose from --and, incidehtffily, a greater rmage oôf price. We wiL( pljace a Piano i your hoffie fr a émhiff j:;eidn lt Q'Shea âJ ~20 North. Genesee Strmet, ý Waukegan. Libertyville Branch, The R4y Furniture-& Paint Store t 1 J. M.BILTK CONCERT vO-NS N TACHER GradUate Of St. Petersburg ConservltOry Of ViOlin. Studio Schwart z l3iillding. ftOOM 308. Gencee and Washingtonl Ss. open every TucsidaY tram 10 a. n. 10 8 P. M. NuSIC FURNISKIEO grog AL. OCCASIONS ACTUAL VISIT TIAI ýMie or tboe Who *e welcom-Ill give the erna photgraphy en't a n experience to enjOy. nntmeot ToDav RAPINERt