CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 10

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- .n,,.ýwv héalirsbe ul re Lake County Independent ROSSM4t OYISý Waukegafl Weekiy SunNÔW. NAWIB This is tise veather that should Mfake one feel if ixe has C 1l IR, IN CAIF. spars change or spare ciothes, ho can place them visere____ some needy' person wii be made happy and varm. You, 1Snf Mr. and Mrs. Vic Rots-1 as you sit by your verni radiator, stop andthlnk of theISbach Nover WiII Be Able ho mmay fainilies that are huddled about a s3mouiderlng -fire Have Use of His Limbs. in a stove ini a home tibrougis viicis tise 'inds biovs a gaie.i- And, as'you tlung, PONDER and see boy your littie iselp IN BED FOR TWO YEARS.1 might change things. 1 Mrs. J. L. Davis fChicagoFdrlide sK~ fC MetsklOn N:Vh st.I~ .E eoil e bnson T ern ah Highwood Sun. ho Drive car~s Stower. Dow shi FAILED TO SEE TiE. TRAINe THIRD FATALITYIN A WEEK. 'At 1 1 o! thé sà(t*s aLn. It l8 eMPhLsud b>' thé trtior that Mr. Peau puWInl hls' volce. 1Wlth the bunteci look ln hie eyeS and bis voicé reduceci te a titrouty whisps-r Mr. Poustriés 30 tell Juat bow fast thé country las "gobng tu thé doge." ve Cases Have Appeared to Dae-Most of Thern Have Thé village of llikhwood in just ew facing uu-epiulemieoro!diplitherbu ich ta caubilig considerable allarni. At presént Ibère ars- bbutfive es of the alimenst andi thé sérlous xt o! it Is3 that aIl aie repos-ted to extreml>' bai. n lthe anecase, liat of thé O'NeIll kid. Il il a id thé th"pat' hoa be- ne Bo swollen thut thse litîlé patient Lnot getlis t ongée bas-k la bts outh. Thbe victims thua fer have not hen sifined ta ciudreu but two adulte se heen alek ith Il. Docf org of thé communit>' are wo-k- hg arrih totek thée pseaiof the jroi' i uble, but tIsé>'havé nol '- l i e> v4 i lau the cases have tic J Iu vuarions parleaetoh e con tOnit>'. ro date ne desthabaie cecurreti ln se rs-csnt outhr-uk. IJ13fOcA'1C RULE Thé nMost f rightened man ln 1he 1h cougresa oh the Unitedi States 1i spreffeuiauve George E. lnoe., ron go nortli &bore district. lrom a ter. tory teemlng -ith soit links und *acetul atretchesohe beach and roseeti b>' boulevardsanad bricIl atbs. Mr. Pose arrive& ln Wahbnq on 10 finci a borrible condition sl Taira. Mr. Pouloock% vith terrer upon th( bee,@n Mtaté 01 ibe snotion. Whs-n :h its hai-or inlu its èes Ibretglein nistakiug the fearfui e&eais-ailt 1h. i-But That Mèthod of 'Tteatment nirs. J L, avis, 2611 C'hicago av*' Victim on Sùnday Was J. H. Par à oe, u n Helped Hlm Little :and He neCiao was instantlv kiiled by olQfl t e o- -Two h Motmudr cases cost a county much mone, but(terç the other hand, without such eXpense, crime would be No c~pe hi. Snday evening about 5:45 o'clock. flDè t sdy more.rampant than it is. If wouldbe or willing criiinals i o «pé har r1o Davis had been visling lier11 t echl thought. a county would uo4 prosecute vigorously beeause hhFrme ly o! Wakeand r. VilRobe- codustinrthofamieMrin, indrt, TMUE< E LEC Ol*Lau of the expensietheir acts would become more general, they îinterestedi îal gta h i Wooad, aswt n oro handte rk ~DecmE, <,th.s. ON - LINEl mo would not fear the hand of the la.w Bo much. Therefore, inl ypar-old son nuw la bcbng cared for return, te the cîty, when elle rememrn G. 8chùIt» kIlled Set Salem crois- cases >of murder it is a case where expense cannot be Bpared ln a îwheel chair at their home ln Cal- bered sellelid a letter te mali. lng, Kenoshe. en to bring the giilty o suspected ones to face the issues. ýifàrnia, The-young mari some yearali Dc*br7(nP .-m hv -e~~~~ ton. feil and injured bj pn.H western tras to tbe postoffide and. lotgoln,41 agosae Ale al Seif rifn an' ee lighted ini that-a laid up in bed for a long tlme after posting the letter. stsrted back llChca.kI aO<o. ti .Atr a il, herm Griffinam edaa endang n w aVhl hystllle n vnina te the interurban. In lber hurry ohé H.Deoemnbm 12 (la p.' )-JsmugSU( Durad siti.~~he bs ben anid a a dfenantnowai-whie tliey stlill ed n evas, on an tt te ocross ln front et a fagt 1.CllWford, chbuflur, kIlIed etat though in te oriwhenlthet, andwu mwentdWe Bu, ho Whattrain, about 150 teet from the cross- Glenoe. mur thereon a otý iJames IH. Clîfford. a chauffeur, wasT the sheriff didn't feel any too puffed Up ov'5f it, remaarking l'or two yeursi lu aI lit, lay strapped lui;e hy a fag:catîrla sveati bll estîtaCinaond ieukpoeed that"the'vegot imeto iclue me an the m te a hourd in bed and t was but a dred yards on the plot of the 1o09- gre rasin oanSthene luroece it»Adthydd heseifinoroiiohvvrs short time ago that Il was concluded motive.grd osi tSuhavneI wlUnevr~b. egalyh.l rspouibe or'enfrcng hethat hoe was not lmpcoving any In that jGiencoe Sunday. A few minutes jeter ordr wiehGovrnr Dnnesen hii.Dune my hvemethod of treatment, hence JIl was de-j a reporter calied up yed@rsi judge bee vomg ua~I~ sni4p w. uiSla k~U~Si'~and occupy a wheel chair. 1"IS IMI ihere was a man I.liled ln Glencos nor' knolede an mor thn itis U t& polcema to Sînce Ihat lime ho bas heen "' AJA5bIhlhcao&Mlal<eeetl ask his chief why he is ordered to do so and se. wuecîc, about ln the chair ani therel Ein TTE jtoday, Judge" he Rsid. --A w.1an ____________________ut be no ol0 s desîite the aId, IN A. fIfl t 11 A l E Wau kllled by the interuirban ut an- rfo pesialista a5ld u)ths l e el')hi" u ~ ~ ~~uother unProtocted croaving last Tuea- This is the time of year when the clerks and merchaut that lho wlll ever lie m.,eh bettr1 WE)JNI D I N»Ij"4Yand the tlencae officiais are are frsqu.ntly. driven to "ýdoperation." It t is the -time fact, il lcokeaus If hie wlll have to pas s retty sore- wheu tthe buuy skiasper is wout tobe easily peeved. There- the remaîuxder of hiet luf i a whecl E ~t~ Told of Ulimatumn. «4t fok' It is the. Ure:4fY.a w)Imn Patrons 8hould rememiber chair. David G. Gibsen Faits au t"heya have Iàsaed anuilimatum to l that clerks are tfred and worilng.harder, than unual-'and .'Nlrs. Rossbach wss a sister of ed Dufring CrOlvWaS 1i the ratethofferttttrat lhey are É Jaes'Sent" iHenry Smith, the moii- b0ng Tais-tnal ormen Who Mt( littleoveMsghts should b. overlooked becauve of that fact. tiillionaîre. The famlly was bore tuo >yaTri, drive theîr trains tbrough the vilage pez H.wsor, it is aizo a timeie wen clerks shôuld remember a t Millburn and the mother of Nir3. IaUE EA H iLL s peed gre:ter than elght milles cro tIUý pope are puaticular and vant all the attention and jRosbachi lies ln lillburn cemuetecy, IJRDN HEML nurlBenonemtof t ourt te a a co~eIathley canget. Ajid, to &Tetheir employers the. a meinortal fonce having been erert' do, heals yorcopocurts chare cftai] bMi service, they' "Iud exert »MgVu ight at da bot It 1. lier mnter>',the ex-Wedding of, eihodKS>nigthedeceive r courp. asWhatout t' tim more than at any tme d ii1#tàe yea teg SERV- pae 1 en om yteSmt i-iand Martha Wagmer HeId ai "Tell yen whut yen do,"'s»Id the pre ICE. Mrm. Rossbach wus gîven a quarter the Luieschner Home. Judges. Ytiî sk soine of tho»seiput p eto a millilon dollars wbsn lier hroth- fie outt hLre why the devil they mi The application of the new' law which permits sheriffa rs wllI w:s prohated anme lime after Ite îa o! *triae ero AÇ-uwmuputembusltr th r.h hce- te comwute sentences 0f pximoero confinedto is dahar when he was on hisIntemd oamrig Ce Af MILlàae heot lue is.nowlchvii hve tedèny t cuseprionea t b1 weddiug trip fter marrying Mis. mon>' and but a few seconds before rcîerter caîîed up. is-ns-hih w hae t4ilneyte aue pisoer tebeStewart, a wealthy New York *dwthe minister pronouooed Relflhold -"(lot nineert te the grade crosslog more careful of their behavior li the county jail. It Wilelo et an estate of $30000,000, ,do.,±,&el and Miss Martha Wagner bue-s- ,- yhé sald. "Jodge tandis Just make the sherlff'qulte a figure.Tui pioess o fwl wett h aone,. _hiùbud And wife. David ("ScottY") <11h- calicd up 'rc: 'dent Albert MacRas or deffire te hrepe«tant and bave bebaved -wel during their 'piews of Smith, at Evansto. son, otellofethe flrItneseatote arIh ul. can îrdeandtai mo lis-ôr cofumetti.shritcan.ease up onl their sentence. On ~Jame- inySihwshr tngl 0te foo ba ainL wod , h anagemet ta-nuw fhr tInta~hu, tpi0s sývA a a akar Ilburn, spent hie early lite there Then it bscame knowsi te thoose, bd 11 aaeen on h Uon fr, a rue;1 pim rain te8Oi e oW and when about 14 years old, vwent Itasembled nt the A. Lueschner houle, ut t-' ulithnough Glencoe fab_.:thuxi j~oUo, or a. rle prsoor i~ heLae outy, jeil New York tu, live wkb bis-anale, 115 WestSt sreet trat Mr. Gibsôn hat! 'i' : nUieg en lhour." behve very veOU aad it-wtU Ibo & blard problem for Sherifi 'George Smith, who made hlm lie heir mot 'with Injury but a few bours ho- Ne Sgnale, nt CrueanC. Griffin to draw the line ans.ay'jLïs who shaH aud~Wiiio it one of the biggest estates ecer is-fI fore when hie was stnuck hy a freiglit No warning shanai o1 aur klnd bas sllU1inot beshovn lenieusy. Muchviii have te d.pénd on 1in New York. train pulling out of the yards of the, been Installed at the South avenue the nature of their mténe ln grantlng such ocssos Amercan Steel and Wi-e Company.- croasing, and. wblie the track la s- oncssins. mara' 'ulai>'rnMr. Gibson was 8truck hy thetr tatn Straigbt for qome distance ln etther NIEDIC rEÀSiI . Just aller ho had met with. a previous direction, smoke froinChilcago & Tead«ofdlnu t fl te th'cu-tyho accident while et hie jobAn. the wre Nothwestern trains whlch mun parai- i sm e uin otde nu ent .1 the cou i s tu obutyPL ash ln hi hard whic b aer r qu1 a ew o the traek. W itues e , how- ingchage n te prpôe o 1~e cunt intittio, bt, u ~ ÂJJtD » Ked six tsmchae 0 Hle.. wus be- ever. wsre unalule t explain wby asajtdge-Pemsnand the oamty physîiîsufeit, they were IN, It«IlUili.FI7-Ii> Iouina theSaccident te bis band and ClIfford failed te ses- the train. tob-yem« e b-sell;to &Qm(àÜndr te crcuataeesthe lood was StRilhfowiug troum the lie was drIving towands the garagse toeysug t b set t julsd uderthecicumtaneswound when lie fatted te note the of the Gencoe Garage &, Iver-y ('cm- tii contyhosita va a er sut~be pacete eudthen.Regular MletÎng otl..ake Oouhi- train pullîng out of the yards and waa pany, for which lie worlsed, when the Howueê ii.putin touseoftii hoi>talforths srtty Medical Society HeId on struck b>' It. having a close escape train, crashed to the machine. Tire o o e do nt.a g e ha t oud o sro dbe c ni e- Thuuisday Evening. f romt en g greund te deat. in this, train was goba t such igh speed sisq~ t sou¶ -b. nceconaglus ass ae' entto he Physiciens and surgeons o! Lake hack was severeiy stralned but no the tracks 470 f eet. Whs-n the train hosîta, sai caes s earet eve, ipi~he1a suilpxcaunty wens feasted ut the regular hoîtes were broken. erew reached tbe machinsete> round etii sue o the -lace s county hsia igga meeting of the Lake Count>' Medical Because of the necessit>' of gong te, Clifford crushed ta desth in the Wieek- eralital wor fed n actht asdbe aIta otlMoaie Hgithe dotors te bave IhL wounds ea.- uge. lan Pak, nt T tended ta, Mr. Gibson talIed te reaoh TtircSten CCII for Ubtornhe'. ouIe"'uyU fl'h generaUPtl' osto in the coMH armbe,. were gueste o! the Highla-nd borne In lime for the wedding te pro- The Inquest was set foc- Tues4ay mumity entirely. Park résidents o! thé aaszkiation. 1ceed and plana were halteS fer oser mornina that the Glencoe uutboritlss - Pollowing the banquet mas>' Inter- an bour. LaIs-r, when Mfr. Gibeon ar might bave thpue te maire a fdli fnves- The. boardof supervisora in discus8ing the needs of thée estlng case reporta wee- given, and rman lRv. uer ciestr onthecer- igBruceMctescirma o! fte ,cood COUnty aluishouse aM eMPhazled by tii. stat. inyestigator one memluer oi the organistation Bayaman ImuenianceWhgisronbusnd ffBruce MeLeit uthirmnith comi- thal at no time ln the-htstory o! the Mr - ugadMS anrhsadfitf nPbi tttecmaii vho recontly made a report thereon, look at it in a. ugem ont>'did aa doser feflowahip exist ad *ie and they lett the Luesgobnseated witb W. 0. Thompao, manager Mir mner. They aU realize that the County ha» not'among the medîca tiareset thse preuent home Boe aterwards on tbir hone>'- for the recelver, and ootiied hInm hies made the progres t the counItYfar=.that has i dtlday. Several acdresses were omîtts-d Ooon trip te nothern Wislonais luotormen wouid hée takew off thse advancesin other depaatmenta. No supervisor blames the becausé et the tact that the doctors ri - nle e rppdu-l risadlckdu ntevlaejl otior;nobdy s bame b) aybcy5 b sJ-ut acas whrereceived emergensuy caele a feé' min- a chair as the cereanonq -was iêing unlesa matermen could ie !ound wtuo ater b.d cdis io nes .r IttOyo»IV taee te s eoete ore pruefrconducted. He topplsd joser ha aideS >Wouid drive et a alowen speed tbrougb a a i ftonW ri ted t<*iMtiiiU&vftii fo man uHlgbefand tank. A larepube r amfeint ln the midst o! Il. He wus re lenco.. having.takeilthe truble- t assum the iitiâtîv. H w ighlaniPark.eflargenthéecens-moned 'eeredtdecardmTn eedchind! Te fcpoltO cePolceWOnnetletk taken he troble teassum the iitinti ,()HO- Waukegau weré preaenl and the>' are wsal eatl hi ni h adb ol aeatdln ever, they ail nov f.elthat the time hus oinswhm euif)- Iland lnthelu'pralesao eh insinuner a bet!i aarhi ni hesi.lewudhv ce ogu tgL I 1' !b. 1dond betler they really vlsh to or not. ln which they ws-rs- ntertained, b>'guests at is tatber-in-lawgo bosse bai ugaint the rond, but hie was afraldi M ' u r Ilr it it- riglit viien -ho said-, "If a bad Arle their friens-u in the citY te the South. départed. Gibson wa nt able te of Judge Landis. hadoccurrd'thero in the pust and =~ylvs ts n-Tise fout meeting of the organrication resume bis woilc Ioda>' and hé wass. New.,Express Servics. of te un wil- h hed lnWituega. Oficoe t even able te extenci congratula-. On October,11- the riroad put 0on wiii he held een acin W, uenewyan. B elons hoettho couple. oe schédl;casfdrefle.4 tveb fortnate hadbeensacrfred tiin vewould have been ofthue association are eiected at,-the Ms sheSihe an aie niricdi lpeusefd vith thse fact >tist vsshould have tè6ken aotlofl lune meeting and net t the frst'oh isNicplae Si th ofiiG=daridi. tmslwednvusutfor aèd tflWat5M t' W 1 m e re ei a v se t osmtigveysojs vittéyThe bride and groomlves-atîs-odai. :18 te, 1.58. Sinc. then, uocrdiulg I arn ot redy tosuggot." Iby Miss Sophie Milidi anid Reinhol o-riddilte of GléflcC, ;rainS have II1fflWI~C tsnehck. Mgduiea Gîbo astu -nspftding-threbgii the iubtiWh al lIUflffIj I~~I~l~J rin heare. M an,is n.wuKthe.ig f rm4 0mlaanhu.'l It seems quite certain that thse efforts o' the Canadian , ,,1 ig bae.MadMf.Kei rnt4 e5 als nhu.Tit goermn e nuc, a i f- a ia sic te enerthe ùPOf J &y'PÀ b avé gene te Manis-s Mc. vberé tire no' galies ozsignuala at ar o!tlb toindue caets f miitsry ahool in isebeigoom l1ltake chaerge of is ta-four croaings exeeltaIcotve United States t iti Cnda evc etrthe D Y l'R ther' g eariBthres- hrooman elet t ' a hée EIUroPeau conflict dos't need drastic attention from"iare ari.bia reWel nevller nedd. blasba coenltys officials. Fact is that there won't be a rush of SvIîch track property compied known in Wauktgan. laàld young vithin the houidaiiees otFity.seaond fl men from the United States te enlslt ini Canadai and FtbythiM,, tresi Love avenue CNETVOI111l il *wn if positions, of, lieutenants, etc., are offendi as induce- and Walleaoe sw'eét.Chicgo. conit- The Roy. A. A. P*atiehli formarl>' TRACI4E R igatatai or 168,800 Square feet, lus. Of Highland Park, lias ret'uvad fera Mmts. For, viii thOss muy be inducements in thé. mat- ben purchased, b>' WillimM. Wrigh~t, Eoterdam, vhsee hé Made ori,,a, Gradiratieto!Sý. Petersburg; ter o! pay, thse "enticing'" and "6magnetl" charm of tthe président o!ý thé Calumet Bai InvestgatosautheP l. big cannon, thse gaz bomba, thse figtn arp ns cPo1ider Company. f romt Wfiliamnlin aoH.héPlllu" 1% Conservatory or viclin. Studio ghtIg aropânes et., ollsSof Gls-ncoe for an Indcateti1 thers. lie dizeoeve us-w and cOr- ia.q unfficient to detract from the other. To get men to teonaîIderatîno 8.0.sbet l eet tacts'aout ePîIghria Ftflus, hlwartsBusidig, Reou L 8 enlist in a county's service requires something more than $Sî001tn0'icmbaa. hsurcaeut S e 'abhttBe us ottý. Thé ' Genas-ee an,dWahinatnaS Ste. PA~, POSITION, bacis changýeforatheeu ' i. Rov' f tci o! ,PSIIOetc. Thers must be someting vs e san "Sehmei b> hcW: toco»Peaniâ iOpen every'-Tuse>' frein 10 fit-AtBIOTISM. And what direct concern in the eDsv. o e wa untyese rc t1lW ntioHi laNtheChetc uli s . 08~ l QôsadIena' ixtrt o he iiting abroad lhas any RZAL lng 53,soies, for $30000.ILn.t8p.m AMEIOÂN SureIY inSufficent for ýhim teo l'hé Wrigkt place Ut Hls aif LA>'l -MJS FUMMREHD' on thésait ideetr!Milweukee coud. tlàWtbi ue canceout f t4 thosand-of ever retrnhgl ust uosth oh the bamlt&e corners., if A paIent bau-jul bsen grsLnte&.to,, ta te uecnem t ofN6,tben th, omma.nd of mre t]rnl la One o! tý, prett>' placés the rs-4 d ..r o uns r ~ f ma wg UIIeoo it. o, LM re1 thfetIgini le Wrigahtshave lived there wn&-~ U u~. iy' tattii811f~-t is Wand ua ummer for seme Sears. 1Park on an antiseptîc. li oldas-b 51.0 te 50 enitte02.0retd $8,E BMe dos- $1850 t1 BerriSpoons. at,c gaci 13.50 te $101 Bimar Spoons.q sacli-Siés tda 18001 * OrgiT L adleas. eacb $3560 te$750 en- $8.60 te $14-06 Dessert ftes-bs dosesl $17 to $26i Dwftert Enivea. dos. $19.50 10 $25 Salai Flirka, dos. en $15-50, to $OU Bouilloin Spooas; do:. $18.00 to OIS Vagel 13.50 te $10 $1050 to1500 lemon Dishea aud F'orks, $1560 te $200 Sondith. Tra>'i, 51.60 te 5lit," sugtr antI Cs-a.2 sr. ailver depgslt. 1pair $1.00 tb $4.ÔO pàr i soNA ACTU AL r -sent to the foliks at hiome ar thoàer who e" e v~laexf4"9, t ari experience t enjdy. 1 IpTWIAPHER over the otherwift calm taee E le id- Assorti Tresser>' le, kekrilpt "The treasury fil buukrsipt," Mr. Pans Isuys .iM10 vft% 'Wéb ASiCjr.- rjved ut a ertie. 1rite Déýblécrïto ha xe muid. a hors-ibid -faburi. The ttndervoOki tariff bb feidti h*POp bolli, au a rqvée neaeuore anud - as a pi'oii1Olof bis ba nlea. W.have madd Murte indi of taxes than évor ln thé hiistor>' or the coutiry'. "Therd lela bhinoOie az i.- the ver tex. the corpml'aob tas. aid - 0*61r% and lte Lard oe u lva ldw imii mor- are -i1%utbie loir us duriug* the remuindér oh the priseant udoiniahas. tion tlàrdaks u*'twýIoe1bb emoèftié deflcieucy, lt'a frIgistful." *,Wbàt cas- hé, do»e tue uvét coubrr7" Ioeabe@& '«Ah," replies Me. PTee s u -tert- rrahdes front hlé eYea and thé hor- rer heatl'es bis voire. "Ah, thé lilo tiens are that'relief il lu' alaii. 1 to0k part ln the cunspaigne là2New Jersey - nd Pmn»s>lvanlu aid ItOisb 1 hart a lufe-on-,tbtia ttlnettN pîeophe. Thé>' have theis- fae. st toaad the Republican part>' - "Thé onh>' thbng that bue saved thé Unbted Stats frein the grealdat punIe ln the buatoèy bau been thé valm. s-hich ham ba" the eau.e ect aa blgh protalive tarit. Atler- thé vis- vhat nait? Tlhere *11l hé a lePlUb- lcan lu the White l8ouue. Nues mess ewih .1 Na,>'. Mr. »gs as b bide ta eee mfer 2o >'eare.- Hée »pWlu t1k (e cea. mittée on naval a"&@ ite b>'le3P Reed andi for 16 yeurs vus chaIPa5 o! thée oinmitts-. nlasr,>' grow ts-om 008 baltteehiP tuthé Mc> enci gieuteel la t13e vend. Ms'. P'OU li&uati uider the pise ent usag«emeal of the us.>' hle 1noesssary te PIP41 thé crev 1t tb >peep deoli le tabé a vote on the dem. tinatice e the slIp. The. CtaWitfas Stoue DONT staft to bu>' C&iamas pbreointl swii'h Me Iia tIsAI los can fIud mothing but the sa.ýglfts yeu have -ul*uDYs ehees. Coule to Ingalae. Tell us Yeuwa wut soatiBtngdifle. W.I wsho w aiayen an>' nuniber of giftt neW, id Idée unid-ns PiSé tical ase lts-y are beaitdmbi.Au>' ens-oothe s-lJIvia-.,ths- aupppev4 ofthlie recipiest and ton wilh find il a.rtel pimeure te Obaoe ir.Mohan sciianlaesina %rray. A. Few Mdratelm, P.iced-

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