CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 12

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* LAKE COU=T TIN 13LEFVI lER; TIIIIF,9AYS MOORE E. C. Moore Who Emplo 1.AI Ieged Diamond Thief Giýves Facts of Past History. ifELATIVES__ARE COMING. 'Man of Mystery' Cornesto City-Hold Conference With J. H. Payne in City Jaau. da an de Mt an ed th ci th hi th pe th gr j. Howard Payne ' aiieged diamond a] thief, and bis vite. sybelle. bave e ,eparated far lit e LterallY speakina, thoy are as far apart as tbe pronOmli le" and "ahe' in the diptlanarY. r Muybelle, a pretty -s! -nftr 11119- ere- I tture a! but 19 yearesgays: ~Howard 1i bon rni.od my lite. He bas cbaied 1 Mne aimat ta deatb, bas abuaied me in may was. id now tbat bis past ieu beresele otathe public eep Ire ta lay bis crimes at my feet. 1It amn penles but i wouid ratber sut- ý fer tbe pangs o hunger than rtura ta blm.".D Mabeile is living vltb themtn taineers tfram the Blue Ridge moun- j tains of Virginlaain a cottage an MillIi Court. Her busband languisbes lnaa oi t the police station. -My vife betrayed me. She bs yabled me of my standing In saciety bas, causcol my father ta disown me, sud bas placai me ln a cel af thieveai delared Payne. Carence E. Moore, a yaung man whose vbole lite bas been devoted ta bl. niother. says * I>ayne lsa amiser- * 4h1 prevaricator. He in a bhem tlef. lie la a covard and a menace tii s- «ety. 1 trted ta maie a man of tbat boy. i clothed im, i ted hum, I vas kind ta im-and in return lbe stole #prrytbing lhe couid iay is bands ni- pu et my tarni.' Mr. Moore, benefactar of tbe Paynes. owns tbe aid Captain Reed farta on j£wIs avenue. Wbeo Payne and bis vie were witbout money Moore took thora ln and ted tbem. Tbey vomke for Moore but their labor vas :o wartb tie money spent. but tîli Mr. Moore continued operations witb Payne as is empioye. l a statempat ta The Sun Mnia-, piglil Mr. Moore sai: "Howard bas Mldycu is wfe Maybelie stale the ilamond ring tramn my motker. Mr@. Plrsnco E. Moore. 1 vant to toit You tWlie hoisa liar if lho makea sncb «Motment. He tole tbe ring; be » coel It. and tbon lbe threw the br ring inta the vaste paper basket. He @ont the ring ta is sîster ln Kentuci *id trisi ta persuade bier ta boan hlmt $100 on ItL He trled to seii t oana c« the jewelry stores in Waukegan., Payno la a mani wbo in Sot dsserving 0< yupathy. 1Hia cbid-wite in tbe it op undr trias and temptatins. bil vod \the lits of a slave, and nov oer mueb devated (?) huaband la oeil- bis woatby parent tram the South o e l m n t a fsath at h cas av. ovouge. 1i i lsay that 1 abal ~or bileve one word hoe says. fis - ume bimasif Ibat lhobai forgod bIs 1-tbr'a name ta a cbeck for $700. Ho told me ie toak ie isfather's disinani pin ot of the bouse, sold lthesttng <or $350 and thon roturned the pin Wit i puate atone ln IL. Ho tl me bIat h. bai toien is mter'. <dia- *mng riug aisau. Repeatudiy hoe toid o f cboking and abuing is wite. o=is vite loftIour feamleho ld muthat shtebiedgone,.kome ta viit erparents. She dli Dot go homo. Etintendi. went ta tbe homeo f Mra. #att Paumer on Shorj4an rond vbore 00 e ipi~r neariy t*o months. Dur. bg a tfal imePaynse gie chickons, 1là Is lnndnipresrvea tramt my C:ia so 0k is ot te, ber ani tried * c <ofreber «t ilu#pmof itIn. yl Sthet b.ieaîiSocitaikor. Huis-s ~bs bc ala.Norhoner. ani Ido tbhisk ho woùud stop oven at mur Payne toiograpbed bis father. 8. - bise of Macon, Ken., yeterday, ami >1g hlm ta, came ta, Waukogan ani gei lioa ul of joli.The tather'a repli agOi that ho vouli arrive ln Wauke. Su n atThursday or fliay. "Do vbat iou can for my boy." Wl', ie w«riisg of a teiêgtsii recivi hi >. MNo t 7 orlock Monday igbt. 0isur nomyfor is father." iociarod S,"for 1I boy hoela hert brokon. k. a ns tbat ise amu bau o lysm vtb Ma2'hoiieho viii ioo. hAtta is sou for Hoard tl its hot rb" bi aparaed tram bis wvi. K e thlevoL.fabor rmatines thal bie bW la a tloby tbistlUme. î1 Te yomg vite. -ho marrioi Payne eae bt 17 yemoara gela attempi. 1ýsuta fid woriiln tblaCity. 8h01I .uIesm. @h licksa frionde Wbo ea tealber assistance and througi. e Cr.oideai sho bas deeciared: ta b. a good wfvitetaHoard.1 ýv ~Eita persuadlte tlu0mond ithi »yvas, bt vbat could a vomando *$thI< a nmon vbo viii sUai vbezi l bMla bunirei of doliama in bis pool f4 1 hI ave Uvei n lonament boum VU-pit hlm; I bave siavsd from rua ril. %PW fterdarkta tryad sra suni ««mcfey 1 moite bth suds mee _«t*vlIt iaiover.1Ivant tere t t lem granimothor vbo ilvesIr a i alk vltb a Sun reporter las t $ayne nmid "I vant My vifl g e tatraililber. 1Ivant tgo aeutios atcbud, 1 vant ta hin f~Joli, but hofore iesvlng Waul W"fta loigo ber ln a oe i Shla3Ue tf-s4ho la ri for my arreot." Iwyaayabls atLer disovned hic ho learned f is marriago. H, Wu tate- laeecf Lb.the lneaih eof lb. Setb aunithat, bis fa* »Arr% hiblasate the mrem tnt taités is la bmts-I ba day nlght. Then i1viii b. iiberated. and can then set about getting evi- ïenoe whtcl i ii asend My vifte to pl. 111 wiii neyer drop the prosecution of Howard Payne," vas the lant state, ment made ta the press by Mr. Moore. lhe latter hoida a very responsibie end very renumerative position with the North Western rairoad. Has J. Howard Payne, aleged dia- mond thiet, employed a detective tu watch bis vife's movements' Today a "man of mystery" deveiop- ed in the case. A couple ot houre after te alleged thief had telephoned ta Chicago detective agenclas asking that tbey send a man out te interview .im at the Waukegan police station, te mysterlous stranger put In bie Sp- pearance. He asked a canference with te young man a*i bis request was granted. Ha went into tbe oeil whicb Payne occupted and vas there for tully an hour. On Monday Payne told a Sun report- er that he Intended te hire a detectIve ae watch bis vite. "I don't vant ber tleave Waukegaz," ho nid. "She responsîble for my arrest, and tbe po-1 ice bave locked nil the wisong por- son.". Some acquaintanees ot the young man believe he ls insaneiy jealous of hils young vite; otbers tbink ho la lanning ta get revenge for ber bo- tryaving 1dm ta tbe police by teiiing NIr. Moore that ber husband vas the man who stole the diamond fram inei motheras bureau daver. RE3AL ESTATIH3N: PRI3DICT BUJLDIN4 Of MANY iBOUSES Three Contractors Make Atty. Parmalee Offer to Build 20 Houses on His Land. MUCH LAND UNDER OPTION. Predicted That the Resuit Wil Be Biggest BuildingBoom in City'sHistory. Reua astate men assert tbe istary af Wlankegan neyer laalced brghter, tIbis it daea naw vith the renewcd confidence an tbe part of the people, due in the location bere of the new W1i4er 'TannLing Campany. They say reM ,astate business bas picked up fuliy 100 par Cent and ývhle mAny d sais have bean transacted tbey as- BOrt tbat options have been taken on ipst1Y tracts of land In tbe city. and areé due ta be cosed at aimast any "ie. wIila arIe la W tagan'rm acon, Attorney Benjamin Parmalee hold5s Ky., on Vriiay. a valuabe tract on Sheridan raad mast The young min refusai te speai oitaideo0f the city limita. He say@ o th reporters thia afttrnoon. tbres différent cantractars bave ap- proachai biai viti, the pan of bull A' Ing 20 bouses on this tract Immcl.,- POO# SIVER AS ately. These cantractors thini se bighiyot thé plan that they are viii- ing te finance the dbai, their bélier ZEROIwWLAIHR b blp#g that ëasasonu as the tanning com- puy 5TI~ CIY Sets m péainan te M m HE I TY factorIeu locale on the fiais thora viii b. a strong demand for bouses and Coîdst eathr o theYea IstIiqy vlmh ta anlicipale thîs demand. Coldst W athe ofthe ear *s f have nat yet decidad inst vhitt Here-Finds Many Families I viii do. but I arnm tliiluconférence Unpreparedfor It. vlUn Iliums contractia." Mr. Parma- le msai Iodai. "I dan't thini thlngs VOLUNTEERS GET APPEALS. e'er lookd bighter for Waukegan 1 than thai do mgt nov and I look ta Wanksgan, iec. 14. 80 an S"ouOs building boom in the Wbiie ing Winter rubbed bisner futurs, at leaslIn the vay of busadcbnckied In glea as theb uinq bouses as thore are net noar- mercnry droppai lover and lover iutt h ononsh hanses tea nPply the de- niglt and finaly rogltered zero, the maud thatlliii saI sortly." caudsal Point Yel reacbed thîs Win- ler. there voro many vho did nt lok upont the advent of coid veather witb sncb a laci of concern. There voieý aiay poor familles In the clty wboOR shierd isralyas tboy buddile douCisI, O USA about littho slaves In pooriy boateid IS R C 4N M T room and oiwndered vbat vas te hé- came of thoin. To tnomn cold veatlieri IT4IX T Reot on the dégrée of caid M on- 1R 0 UTO day nigbt vary. Some report throopor T R O U four abayé zero'TeT J. A. Coiegroye, '874 Grand avenue, muat go the crédit for rePOrtlng the coideat veather. >r. Int.rutina Situation Arose In ' Coiegrovo aya the thermometer a bi1 home rsglstered zero aI 6 o'iocbl Circuit C.ourt in an Appeal .Iis moning. is thermometar, b rmBirntn 1SAys, alvays bas proved tseîf t e ro arigtn tboronghiy elable. Asistant Chiot Boc»ua there 'are no many tuitton et PolicesThomas Tyrreilimyth pulslvainprso!Lkcu- largo thermometer at bis homase ais- I 4tUsprso Lk on 0ed th edgréesapabaszero L,..17y, ibis reverence ta a canroversi ~norning. , 0#1111l o#er tacholeal Points, as " wCoal dsaloersgay thal eveTy lime l the PoIP b1Y the BarrIoglon Revl, la veather turne cold suddsnly thoy *ré latrsigWal ;sviamped vltb orieru for ccu.. tràtii tf - l tpie try la mun their lves and> ftr At Iii. Oclaber teriniof the Lako nacea as ocanomicaliy as Possible In cqfaIy nircuil court. the casle of Bar. .miii veatber. Thon vben Il gels cU i I$tOg Bard otiliucatIon va. School 1suidenly tbey fini theez l Yt 3 a aPsceuo iiltN.9 Lb .dilemma. Coal vagon inrv ersV o itic o o fIk képi huai ail day today , in aa' g <oOUSt(White district) for ane year'm ti 11oriers vbich pfl l aa &meett" tcUpa « ol < imLbRieko lu the higli fait for Ibem. . * cbiot. wu tried and inigment en- Au usuai. the Volunteera O! Amer. dored lIn favor o! the plaIntiff for the lD ICrecoived appeais for assistance and i auutcîio.vt cutcs ,are seekng 1e elieesuitering vbere»fI 4flt. - md ihcor ei ever lhey'find Il. TbsY say Uneme ae.aided. This la Une case lried by rmany es« where belp la neOdgi Joistice L. R. Linos lait Jnly, and l adiy. *ppulo tot b.circuit court by the Io lb. dowulovoad pai 5171011 I>j4 et fedugation .HoaiPC- oret , th lie snow mbau enpàochaiM-HwadP.C l ova toa ucb un estnt that ae4gh-t4 ipoenu e b.board a! educa.- ,ing la Possible. Aiedy a ev >t- tligý. 71vilis horecaDod Ibal lusai torsbave - boo n on OthUe 5a=W.Llbe-q. <Ilnuss bte eon mottion LThe ibutry relis are M Htee rTog eVor 1 1t-permit Of Much OJenjimel ang 1ttýf YLumleY o! Waodatoèk. 1-tis Uine. rupgae*ing; tbé deeniant. an the tiOU4 tuat Miss Rieke, net baving. TU C EU ego aviun oIgblbgradediloma PrAPUINIt'P rp lin ceutY suPeineudenl o! 40#010flU, vsept a "gradouate" of the yIV À THE13 wè* . Mh t 4 vttin Ue mesnim g d-ta te t1Juige Bivîrds. on th% 1. 1 1 .- UM jW« at. luabis oinion. Uere- n utHw MayW mnIn. Vos ne mnt In Iis defeuse le inot ors oI a t. srvey #$e«Miweeks ha.ving .eiapsei ince strucors old tateSUrV tbp jWUig tvas reniomed. and Une Everythlng to Be Reported £iiec ofrhe! .dfendent districti IhIla 4 4114 0puy it. an exécution' O Hov mani leacers-thé, faim i- ,.l -humi. ihrecllng the tovnship 't stmcors-dared ta refui e tate»ItM4Uiii'to ayathUe sherif the luis- 1"boy much Ley epent fori tnn" "i *1g4< «$3, ,uni iteruat uni cots. In old they ver.," "boy much Uihe v t 215 mr,4rm"ud h, saved of their samari," "bhoy mcli, e813 oe rn od 'l uni vbal they ato." "boy Lboy lept." j le»jdsbandeisthe credit or Une de- l "boy mucb vas father's wagee," &W 4 lbat distuit. Deptit Sheriff 18 hunireda of iii. queutionsutýuIle Offlea er Walicsgan vas bere yester- 10 them lu a printd lilt of qurela! «eani maie a demand for payment " the maklng eo!as-rcent sutle au"" ey ~m V . LW ate n. townshp Ireaa- ýk viii ho learnoi at the Minoius aimé su teacher' association convention et W«. M r. Wîtommau bai deciinod 10 au Springfield Dec. 28 29 and 30. 'th Pe pbning an opinion which lho ox. I'report on the anrvsy'yl ho Mai etaIP"to tagel from T. A. Simpson, Lake et tbat lUne, il la vomi probable quit$e cj0<y snpqriulendoul 0t moooli. The. o- anuahoro! anbegau toachors lue "darted" ta reofuse toa mswor ail of tUne uIOffl<of Ibis district b taklng a quories atbough repfie. ere ta o upcal* Ie rectly contrary te Une ai- st "abelutelY conieudtia."The que.. Vieil Ote tlb. eI.superlutendentai à'$ tions allrred up a reiliiesbore, .puOllc instruction, have compeiiei Une ut tbangt it vazstatt! Unt lb. informe.d<ItSLou ap4Un or [ré Ijon angt, fltvib theIe. of nalieW14nt uSt A h er ee It againat A" nes.but'for Une ' ffl~t k as uhtautiai attamrnoy'e InDose Of earning jul vbatl anuer et% # Molhr *fwbicb voubi bave boss -o-r lite aPpealed mont. sqiwy U haIe diroctors comiulle lm wttl the lav. He Damger Pmma. --- __________ ce wlieu you have amli a ev11w lb Prsu br et he oe "Uhn o0flite un i: oush.11o te roe ne oued te Lbem lufimmiiiu fihin. *M l$Sp olit. Mre amost every peson ïv VMii atually hoah.blé Iansb Oben= ~~!a relier. and relven mutf tlà ir 4i"aepl-no« t nwht iut, train th e i Ibm bthe q., «bÇè uilt aIE a e U-fn M&las iat icmsahuit î obue.-'-wvw. ChilWs Rait Sets ~ ~ < T We Give Tradind' $298X £ J~ ~With eStsm0epuse Children 's knitted sets in evr,30 pl(ase Sies 2aoo anto . 2628-1-12Nrh.Gnse tet redeetuable here for mer- gzey,2 inoonadnv.6.-0- -22NrhGnec tet chandise of any kind. The Wort of a Gift is Rot Neasured by its Colit, but by the Cars Taken in it8 Chooing- -The Rame "'HEINS"1 Adda to a Gift Because ft Signifies 1 the Best"l i Quality and Neweat of the New in Style. Christmas Bargaïns PickedUp Here and There Womimn's $1.50 Bath Robes, 79e -Gond colors and patternîs. All sizes. 50e Coveral Âprons, 29e -WIomeni's 50e aprons; full sizes Mualin ePttlcoats, 49c to $3 -Niceely trinuxied; in aIl styles. Corset Covers, 19c to $1 -lui musîju and silk lace trini. TaiRg DoUs, $1. -A sensation; say "ittamniia" distinctly. $1 Baud Mirrors, 49c -leavy beveled ivory hiarud iir- Pin CushiIoDa, lu to si -Ev ery shape and eolor is hepre. $1 Waist Special 49c, $Z Walst Values $1, These pretty waists in Xmas boxes will please most any w~oman. There are plenty of niew styles in plain white and Moors. $5 511k Waists $2.98 OtherWaists 3.98-$ 10O oe Sil wastsin lan ad sripd f Yu '1 woner ow t i pssbe frUmmA fects and dozens of ncw styles lu lace us tii give such handsome waists at and silk combinations; ail sizes. these prices. Pur and ribbon triînxnedL. Ulmbrellas, 75c WoMen' 3-5.00~ane Bath Robes,$39 Speciaily Pj'iced A really wonderful selection of livavy bathrohes Christmas Gifta anid fine silk kimnonas is readly at this special prwee. Umbvella,% iir al the îiew' style haui<le- wvood and soune golîl trininied. The I)riees ai- much lower thait regilar. A miost ex- cellent gift. . Womeii's $3.50 Sweaters, $1.39 In al colors; niost 1 sizes and styles. 17 EXUra si<.oint item Su its up to $18,50, Very Spçciail These suits are beyond ail douxt the most un- usual values we or any other store lias been, able to offer this season. There are serges, gab- ardines, tweeds, pop- Iiuus, etc', nin àt i col- mr anid sizeçeVery spe- Ail Our $25,'OO-Soits &t '$15"00 This sale group of suits assembles some of t.he cleverest styles of the season at savings that are douby attractive bffause of the timlines. Ail styles and colors. -411 e Gair ur du m4 e. po.eaJ*xD*40 L098, L~O $2', $3 Thie is a new depart- ment wth us, and we are showing'à 'VerY fille assoflxnent of nwast ex- eelelnt styles iAn both ivory and ebony. Al are j~eialypriced. Handbags, -Sp IW, '69C .In some very fine sty ad extra good, leathers. Many are $1 and $1.i6 valu es. Ch i1drènei B&gSà 50 These spédiaily pt'iced baga are remarkable vnlues and will appeal t1o youingtantly. .$2 Hand flagà. Ouwim98c Of fine leather and, some inz silk; beautiful- ]y lined and fitted' with giirrors and coin purses. AIL styles; very special, 98c. -Beanty pins sets, lsc te 7p -Ivomy ciocba, 01 t» $2 -ivory trais. 2k te 01. -Ash"tr&as,25o te Si. -Bonds, Zlo aRO nd 60c. -Boudoir caps. 19o 25c, Oc. -42 and $3 ShIrts, 01.79. --46 vool dresses, $3. -$12.50 vool dresses, 07.50. O -Hnderchiefs, Sk to $É -Womon's necbvuar. Me to $1. -Fui trinnnes; lç%ther soles; ell colors. Mines' $2 Shoos at $1.48 -Gun-mtetal; long weariug; sizeil to 2. $5 Y=r Scarfs, Specl4 $2.95. -lui pretty styles specially priced for Chîristmias. $10 guls, Speclal,$598. -Blaek wolf.muffs; extra quality; ail styles. Cbid'a Fui Sets, $1 to $10 --Corne in unany newv and i'ery *pretty styles anîd a variety of furs. Knit Tams 49c New knitted tains iii most 811l colors and styles -also swarfs and sets. Just received and, such beautiful styles and in extra fine quai- ity SUikniail- colors. These-.are -the famous ban4. ýu,,ilat $2.25 -Womew Jersey jesey giove -hdrnskid'iltens, 48c. -womens 8.26 bld glovea; very speciai, 97C. ,-Women%, rogniar $2 kld giovea at Coats to,$12.50, Special, at- $7.50 A coat sale which is a decided sensation-here are ail etyles at thése tou rpriees. hIn-porteil nxtures, eorduroys, velv'ets, hrôadclothis and' boueles ii al $1O50OCoais #t 5.00 $16.50 Coassat 10.00 $27.50 Coats at18.75 You w ill note the fuîr trirn- inîflgs, ut w helted effeets, highi Tcollars, Ifiie linîuugs anid leaiitifiil styles;- -Whoeo'.ia Mo.800PraouI91 g an e1ý te te re M go m hi Pl tr NI m in yes a onit tra net ani teli folc St ma 'lOI elo L'e' the e-au arr an wh bis bis lar- the art 2 bal or LOI yo Bo( as ho Ina uni tel. ing an( e, an(, rot - ai 'ri ails hou me o SOI ho( an( Mo spi ta vo ii lI lou meo me ,de vto bl i bic the -fi!

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