CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 13

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LJAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY,DECEMBER 17, 1915. ÀAJEWEL TIIEF SUSPECT IS PUT IN ARREST JIERE BRIDE 0F TWO YEAFjS GIVES e TIP THAT SENIYS HUS- BANDO TO JAIL AND MAYt SEND HlM TO PENITEN-f TIARY - HUSBAND SAIO 'Il - 15 A FRAM E-UP- 'JEALOUSY CAIJSED. OURt TROUBLE,' SAYS WIFE. Waukegan, Dec. 13. A cone!Y petite maden of but 16 years, blonde orfboar, and possessinx aopevltcblng a pair o! gray eyes &as one vould car-e to ee n a day's travel, wander-ed to the home o!foa neiglibor on Mil court on Saturdayi and begged permission to use he telephone for a few minutes. Thon the litle vomon n blue un- folded ber lItes hietor-y to thie Min t the other end of the vire. The, man who received the message vas noue other thon C. E. Moore, a bacb- elor-, and aclentifle former- living on Lewis avenue. Immediately after- he recelpt of, Abs' telephone message Mr-. Moore caumod a warrant An lie Issued for thie arr-est o! J. Howard Payne, aon o!i ou lmmensely weoibhy southorner wbo nov remîdea ln Macon, Ky>., and wvoe vas formerly mayor o! LaCenter. Ky., and buabani e! h. veman An hie, 'the Young mou, althougb sOIlAn hle 'teon. vas arrested on a grand larcen>' charge. He iu alleged to have stolen fr-cm Ahe home of Mr. Moor-e the following articles: 1 gald ring-Au-o diamond ets worth approxImatel>' $75. 26 chlcena. ýO quarta of pr-ser-vos. A quantît>' of lInon. napklns. etc. I bar ahAng aoap. 2 eggs. 1bar- lvory soap. 4 curtoîn pole fastenera. 1 glass raapberry Jam. l, basket applea. 1 quart o! eIder-berr-y vine. 1 buabel Irishi polaies. r 2 pounda sait pork. 1 ootb brusb. The little lady wth the bewichlng cued thie arr-est of ber hum, bo.J. Payne. lan Interview witb a San report- er Mrs. }Payne told Mahîsstory: "Hlowar-d and 1 vere marrled in St. Louis two years ago. 1 was but 19 yeara oid wben we - ere mar-e. Soon after we were marnied I acted as an aSoopl#ce in Howard when ho stole an electrie fan ?rom o hotol n St. LouAs. I eut the wirea connect- Ing the fan, and lie packed t n hie suit case. Thenn v lied fr-cm the ho- tel. blo-,tbs later when vs vers liv- ing n a hasement room n Chicagd and riere pennileas, Howard ntole a revolver. He pawned the fan for *12 aind got a couple of dollars foc the revolver. He stole Abe revolver trom a pavu shop. Tlien we came to Waukegan wber-e vo wor-ked for Mfr-. More. 1 liad a spat with Howard and 1 lofA hlm. He brouglit me lon Waukegan and 1 rented a room fromt Mr%. Matt Pal. mer. who liva on Oheridaon rosi. Nrom thaï, bou au Howard cons menced to Sisal valuabha. fImm the, Moore home. He would eleal chick- one and bring them to. me taoseli. I aold them AD vomen ln the neighbor, hood. Thon one, day hoe came te me and toid 'me Aat Mr. Moore and bis mpther- ver-e sting An Chiago ta apend the day, and that 1 could -go An the farma and go my vaahing. 1 vent to tlie for-m snd ipent the day ieoMnAng fruit and waahlng. That day Howard ntole the diamond ring. He luit bis job aithOe Moore far-m. Aen came te Waukegan where ve lived n the Dillenhechi houte on Nii court. Ftoqueiitly ho bas mlstt";ted me. and list IArlday nlght he ch<,ked me, threw me out of even -'ilcked me. 1 stoed al 1 thouglit onY woeman sbould. and 1 teld him Aat 1 lnitended to tell Mr. Moore tht ho vos the gentleman bur-glar wbo bas utnion gonds fr-cm thehome. of hîs benefactor-. He stuckhi hl thumb InAc my>'thr-oat, and sot! Aat b. ýw&s go- ing to hll me. The noit day 1toAld hlm that"l bad.socureoA.e o, lotion ni the matir-osa factery SiAnthe. ougar r-e- 8iery buildings, and toi h tarted to abuse me. 1 r-galA>' believe Alat the. mmn As insane at times!' :Wben the police olials, Powell &id Tyrrel. vent te Abe. Payne home honda>' they toohi n cuatioày. -Mfr. and 9fr.. J. Howard Payine. Mr-. and 9fr,. Bçn Ovegrot. The hat namned people baâ worktd -ur Moore, and Payne b.d mpcated Ml n istsAc?>' te Apolice. Later wu learned Aat thdy had tIsken -ad ta.the-roer>' go h.>'vers lm- Ot'i'mSUe, ot~eu. Pdtlllr&. 'Bih et tautiolutwamil la n a Interview witb a Sun nian oit mon- Impossible Au corne An Waukegan to- maitress faeiory, but at tis hour-lAs Loy mid: "If 1 doit ever- stole auy- day. Wir-e me facts o! your trouble. tbinking of wlrsing lier father forllO RSC N IL log I gAve theni permission to do wlth (Signedi "S Payne "1 mooey ta cone home. Ltrlewrdbsbrother-lu ;a, Howrd CasAIR ONd me as tbey will, trn honeet, tt ha Lter omwiedLbs DIEaS liaNbÀe kin An eOL a resident of St. Louis. The cas"ne san e irly pkng v-bhat Iarn." pending against Payne has been con-' îead b~Leai paig A tew minutes' conversation wtb tinued ten days. cliocked the rutb out 'of me. 1 bavé O R U 0 5 Over-treet would couvincr St. Pet er- îs.Pynv 'nid oeo! t r-ed to hoe o gond wAie to hlm, but bîmmseif Aat Overstreet lAs lonemt, snd comely actremm, As str-anded n 1Wau- I arn tbrougb vltbhlm forlit e,"' ald a h oditdEetia a hard-wor-king, uneducated laborer. kegan. and las ithout friends. Flie sho.,MrhotoucedEetîa Pye hnarrested. tried toba ieo ecet ole ae 1Thpoiehvrevrdtepw W in Establishment Some thr-ow thieianefor misdeeds t t!b. 1 fivenor-te acnts t oral tickets. and an oflIcer- vAl hoeent t'> lime Pse wy feet o! bis wire. "I's a conspiracy t wilîi tel the trutb. It lasrue that Chlcago to recover th. dla'moud',. st ge. -do1e.I satrm-p aided Howard n car-rying fruft alring and revolver. Waukegan, l)ec. i?. maldlie eggs fr-om ,the Moore for-rn but A Payne appeara to be an aggremivel MorrAs Canflid, -8 years old. died Ho wired is fatiier- tat he ',as n; ee stole the iamood ring" Her Young fellow. la a drug clerk by iee-- IrAe udnya i on,3811, trouble and today receiý ed thub reply: I mother 13 dead, but her uncle la man., 1Arade, and for- the past few weeNsahrsdel t lt oe 3 ii "Macon, Kentucky. loger of one o! thie bis road shows. wor-ked as o écale man at tbe vire coln avenue, Saiurday niglit about 7 'Havc been slck n bed two week;- She bas thie promise of work at thie1milsa. o'clock. Hemrt trouble aud a compli- n caion of diasases are given as the: fined to, he homie, 14a fQo it -bW' cause of deatli. psilet1-jUei bdLd osý For sme tine 9Mr. Canfleld cnn Posibe Ana carcoI nstant»'.le W ducted an electrical wiring and sup- l hircntnty b PIY bouse on East Washington street.. physiclan who attended III'» exteuffl He ciosed this estabishmnent a few! little or no hopeq of hie receyery * moriths ago, but had continiied ln thie informed hie wife that ahe imlihi owv, electrical wirIng business. For tlie i peet hie death at almoat ofly tixe ]ast few weeks lie had been e1'ga;ei Thus whie hie dooth came au a An putting ln the wiring at the new jAt was not ontArely uxsozpeced. N Spoolr theater on Northi Geneseo. Canfield a survIvod by a£1wldow u chldren. Hlm wtfe»s malden n4h He liad flot been ln good beaitli was GAnley, daugliter of Pioneer roui. ince test sumnier. At first lie dents Of the cltY. 9Mr. Canfieil b 1thouglit At was Inerely a case of An-I been a resident of Waukegan for tbi digestion but other organs, incildiol. iast seven years. The Masons viii hlm heart, weakened and underoiinedt have charge of the fiuner~alsOV1C05 his health. Interment wIll take Place An U" For thie tast week lie bad been cou- gan. Pophr or~ o Fctin enEvningstl hita Toilet and Manicure Seis SPlcndiflly hound iii doth, irany attractively il- ,A,--Asb Traym 26e to *$L0. Tollet Sets. 11.60 te $25 Iustrated. Sc-ores of suhjb îcldrg Smo king Sets, 60c ta *300. -Manicure Sets lic te *10. -V.-V.s Eyen The Prospector i -MAitar-y lru.lies, $1.50 t $5 <'Collar- Bags, $1.26 to $2. -Thie Wiuning of Bar bara -The Man Proin Hroad . -Traveling Sets. $225 to* 1 -Mens Jewelry Sets. '*1. Worthi Inecys -AI E nsbsd t' rb, $1 and i*1 25 -Sbaving Set», .$1560 An *5. --The Amateur Gentleman -Pdgin Island -Diane o! thie Green Van 5g ýorpoirul (',rnron B xdC re a tto e B~~~~obbe , eneral Manager Tho Lost %Vcrld B xdC rsm s Sain r -TeIo Trb tp ,c,da filsns'.Fine selection at 25c to $3.50 Freekles# I elhe of thie HAllsOan Malle Rubin'9s Yo0Ur Christmas Shopping Center The Store of Larde 5çks---Plq Se r vice_ 111gtQualitie and oderati' .!rices This great Ch-ristmas Store has many advantages tooffer th holiday shopper. It is f illed from one end to the other with bountiful stocks of practical gift merchandise- articles that wiIl merit the fullest measure of appreciation, because of their attractiveniess, Usefulness, and intrinsic vorth. From our weIl assorted stocks, one can choolie quickly and easily. for our gyift lines have been caref uliy and conveniently ar- ranged, anddisplayed for t 'he purposeof offering help1ful sfggestions -Numerous and courteous salespeople form. one of* the im- portant features of this stores superior service. Do your Christmas shopping niow, and make Rubin's your headquarters. ilandiçerchiefs, Three'heatly bbxed,>75tc Xoner's pure inen handkerchiefs; hand emihroidered couiers anîd imi- ialedl heiîistitelîe<l cdges; speeial -three for, 75e. Ilosery-the Practîcal Gîft - 811k Home at 75c ltire' silk Phoenix hose for wonn; lisle top and rein- 0 foreed foot'; perfect fitting - S - and corne in blaek, w-ite and o!. ctlors; pair 75C. B11k Hose at $1.00 Beautiful pure silk hose, -perfeetly fashioned; ail thc desired shades; pair $1.00. Extra QuaMylt 1k Rose at $1.50 Made froin the very finest of silk yarns ,- fashioned beautifully to the1 foot;, ail colors;, pair ........i. .$1.50 Beàutiful SURk Blouses $3.98 A gift of one of these handsome blouses woîîid certainly win her alîprC('iitioIi. There are: -Blouses of Crepe de Chine. -Blouses ,of Georgette Crepe -Blouses of Combination Silks. Irettily designed and winningly Crepe de Chine Blouses, $1.98 IMvcly new models of beautiful nek adds a plcasing con-1% i~ rast; vals. without equai, Ile~ Sweaters, $2.98 Bath Robes, at $295 Women's sweaters of Attractive Beacon Bath all-wool yarDs; Byron col- Robes for milady; silk, lar; two pockets; ail col- l)ound anîd fancy cord;ý ora, special $2,98. plain or floral, $2.95. Rich furs-Unusual Values Onîé need never hesitate in buying firs---they are the gift that wins cverlasting friendship. We are pre- paredl tooiffer somfe remarkable v-alues in sets and sep- arate muf s. ' -1 -ldFox Sets, $32.50 -Black Coney Muifs, -Black Fox Sets, $45 $7.95; -Imitation White Fox -Imitation Lynx Muifs, Otto,, 14.75 £1 p is FilIed with Things tb Plée SWINGINO MORSES- Vappled grey; good size; saddle and stîr-upe sitaunchly constructed..q3 STEEL WAGONS-18 nches long: painted red-..7 5t Gloves are, AIways -Welcome 811k Llned Mochas An exeeptionai Christmi4à offer of silk lined 'ie-hoa gloves; made of select, skins in black, hrown and grey; aiso Freni-h kid gloves in ail the popiîlar shadles; pair $1.50. Kid Gloves at $1. 00 Wome's one or two liap kid gloves of extra fIne qualit'; black and a complote color- range: pair $1.00. Ohlren 's Mittens' '9C Boys' and girls' beavy kld mît- tpns wltb warns linAng; trlmmed with fur; excoptional values, 59c. ieful Gitts of White French Ivory White Ivoî-v is eveit more pop- ulai' than ever. Many l)Iactical gift articles ar'e inehîdcd in our selection whilîihis cxtremely A large and varied. -Tra ys o25 $ 1.50 -M1ffrrors, 25c t10 $350 -NailBuffers, 25c 1t-o $x, 1.00 to $5 $1.25 t-Pramies, 25o te 50e -Ha BraI~s,65c to -Clocks, $1.00 to $300 *1.50 NPowder Boxes, 25c to -I1aiicureSBik 25c to - $1.50 * 2.0 -Hair Receivers, 25c -Toilet Sets, $150 te 10*$1.25 $25 _______ -Combe, 25e 10 $1.00 Suggdestions'for the Baby Many dainty ittieles for the litIle tots' Christmas wilI be found'in ourInfants' Department on the second fleooî. The following.suggestions mnay be fouind valuable -CçlluIold Novaltima. 29e te, 49e -Afghan Robes, $2.98 -Baby Sain Book@, S0e te 61.00 -Boscon Robea, $1,98 -Ksiltted Sacques,- 80e te $1.98 -Lamb& WooI Robes, $2.98 to $6.98 -Sweaters, M9e t.,9.8 --Sweater Sets nt $2.98 --f oint*' Fur' Sets. *$L95 --Bath Robes, $1.49 to $2.98 -1 nfante' *ooteas, abc 10 59c -Bonnet*, 50c to $2.48 -Infants' Rîbiions, 2e j 4h -White Conte, *2.75 to *4.95 .Wogs puchaid n w II b. laid aside for future, Gb~d PW~h&Iiviy If desired. REED GOOCATg-- inch rublier tire wheelm .-SPlît reed body'; ln browno nt urai n..or..... 3.00 ERECTOR-The Mys. to Erector- structural steel build- er, . * ... 10 Othera priced to $7.50 AUTOMOILES-Ruh- ber tires, paInted red aud triped; specla...... £R.UO -Others to $10.00 VELOCIPEDES - Rob- ber tir-es; mediunsm ds; black Japanned fr-ore; adjustable < spr-ng fr-ane s2.75 -Others $1.50 to $10.00 TEN PINS-Jack Mer- nealy ained.2 5c ORESSED BOLLO - Large mixe. vitAi ox- trernel>' prett fanes; dressod; 12.6(r an 3.'00 vales ....1.89 GO-CA RTS - Felding steel vbeols; tr-Ammed wAAb tan 0 leathgrett .. 5 NESTED BLOCKS - l..oom . d 25c SEOS-1S-inci; vernIe MarAls; complet. vj.t mnattreas mand50 Ailleva .... 0 il Give Iim &'Fine Silh, Shirt Values $9 These shirts were carefully select- cd for Christmas selling, and are styles that %ill surely I)lcase his fan- (-y. Madie of excellent quality silk T and readily eompare with the best ' $5.0(0 values; full eut; perfect iu fit; ail sizes, $3.95. Neckwear 25c 'à 50c, A large anS eztremiely choice seleotion of four-l-band ies; liandsomo aâika ln alil clon:; vide.fiowlng onde; splendid gift. No Better Gift than 'Shoes "Q*umen Qua1it, ' ots A clîarming new boot for wvomen, excellent in quality, perfect in fit, and dccidedly inoderate in price. Designed ofg un nîctal and patent leathÊe-s; plain toc and cioth top; gaiter eut; medium heel; $3.75. Womitc'm GYPSi Boo1S $20,85 Severai ineomplete as- so'timents of wvomen 's zypsv boots; fashionred of black and bine kid; $3.50 and $4.00 values; $2.85. Women's 111 lippers Warm felt lppée sfer- Christnmas gifts; corne tu grey. blue, vine, laveuder and lunck;fur5 trArnmed; pair-.... 15 -'-OtheraS 6c te *1.95' Bhoes at $1.85 Br-oken ines of regular $2.60 values; patent and SuAI homtera; extra higb cloth topa; pair- *1.85. Womeâns Gipsy loots Beauitiful uîcw winter styles of the very finéet, kid; soft and comfortable. to the foot; 'Goodyeaé' w'lt; ail siues $4.0 Men's Oomlortabe suep GAve "htm" oa pair feg l piera and ho wul b. u-ll p>qiso; feît or- leather; black or tan; pair-...... .... -oh',70% te*17& Madeot bshatWMobi~ leather-; Ave*p lii

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