<4>T5 UR4u~fiB tobt ~ 1ter v on~r4iUbrIA LIrIJ<! l ar 0 LaiteBluff lu1itia.d1Ihiîh vas ~le ldu 'e'ata ~ Itonout, Ii, neoblug hore. aboI4 couple o! drinks, id i isel tavu Ina' k ie u ight. Wi b" chair and fel)' asleçp,. sud ,vh11U o!p bottlls of beer vflh1 n évahe obertedu ai:"op whélueEOtOfottiSrTaidIht bflondts lefý..'aid 1 salit: "Thta a hi whisky. Wh»e o, tWWtflut a abv ealdns, Iaàd "si- to the. pqaseersatio, 01 tt Çh th ie lWien ai110r' 1oi t ag o lui s.cu tac hvu'Oe l Phul, é tâ hé~icago.RH o lid me te valit a oeple bonia titnk'll teranut 1 fmiles doia t1 aià rsi ad, aticket. The pamse agM* slinid catch a a itefinae îâldit. Cut Aoooiot That H.Wlie Ilteos uno trai cong, outtbtsérgvn n'uàisitàuato a" bèhre voulit be nothini goiig '0t un- and cuane t 1SM Wavb' Aw~Fo i.Jury. tlmonilg. I asked hiqu. couldW0 hue Chiago h r Wmam'd d ti T tan tiere. He sane, o"aid &tor-t- 111 i vas arresteit ed putig coal1l1 ho fire. ThiseY The above stateinent la truc aid cor- WASNOT EVEN ACCESMOY. te îghî oo!aMtor. The-o a lot Of JME JBEH UBEN _ nuubons hi hee aid twa moWb* eVBJAEHMB At Leas iu~ge dwrdi 1 osecleil to b pouiceorokleis, cma Wilnésaos: JQ«m EwardsSays liaid ahackled a &fev 0< hem aid William A. Cles. Serat. of Policé, Thr I êEmieosThat I toot aIl tho bons aul ai the élation- otDPuyOffice,Chicago, Ili. Thenon oe o!thé mon came bath p W. C I elnîn èLIspco , This Was the Case. tbld ne ta gel aut Othre, aud-wf et. Jj Pa. Gui. nsOOi eC l vent ont. While vo vers valhini Patrickt J. Oneib, Police Officer. Chi- dova ült.tract, titis m"i tollov o . u.t Waulf£gi, bDoc.15-. clos e heinit. Mn brother valhuit ta 0550, II. SahiPueOfc et&te-s Attorney ltslph Dadn Put ai oie aite. Mo and Cussoius' raik heicatgo, CSihoui.1oic1.icr bW, luesi vtiemalnthe ClaaliicIi8e. trslghl alaiL the mai follaving ni! i1jter cm, ILI-2 a- m t$. 'The boter, cloe eend and bthhmvl< The firet vitiese 10h. placed on te ïïu hO reateit Ilsce. Tto 5151 a bily. Mn brother <le. WhIl au. stand hie aftérnnoan - bnte dofeà,so hbfalldoittaprov ae a aséaglàt Cas' kg hé grabe <hOo offcenby ho e lc asDPutrSheriu WetGray. At- gae, faluti*DitIcuin ta mpliate aid heo£oltoon taleto.Xy brother tryWlhsuitt rn u bUâ as a pnimopal' but even bu fledet gea lhisblînWAvantrouI hlm- aid t<atMr. raybelch ugt <eniehng oue <q m »véhm n oeossr. Tiis vasn alnu <for nqm. And 1,veutnite Ma a t iie fLn.ian haite hie c mli t e shted Iodgy bW Judge IgWwdit5 istaice, 100h the bilîY n d bit heourt fvlege a Mr.kiGray hie linot lbu w b ien - uU* t fgôu wt ttre rfu m- bavé ta ansver he question and the Smotion f AtWO.Tbmas oMoer pulls hi% gaiR ait mn broîher jury vas excuso t froma<ho recta = ta tai:théecase 0< Cosons goglsit avan tram hum, ait mir broîb vwitue <ho attorneys for he toteuse biMte hurY udit iuauct a verdict er shoots hlm. RHo5s10t 039e. Coiferret vllh <héb- cliente. et bgiqitulal asftu as ho ilecoocerneoi. W.<then vent an the road <a Wheel' ýOtitén clracler vitieuses blun ! No4»edoutes thst Cuaseisvas i sud 1tî<rev ho gui lia vhoat placdanthe standktuimeffcirt tc nier tanit vies Thomnas Moirison ffl M iMybothén handeti me the gui rv htAbr lns a -'~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~" 'Deh<o ultvjn u aot6 otaa ri h laceou of ~aiexcellent habite ait bore Il hn bis avin rvolver, but te shooting. 1 bannit about thretans god rputaîlon. Questions vere bas faile t taProv, evén bY cmr- later that te mainvitain mn brothet auite thèse vîtiémsea hlch broagit etomtlal evitouce. that Cassons shat vas test. I learnnit ilfroi' out <ho fact Itat John Commak, thq or ! aettet lb.thecommisslin of Gneto ahi. irothér vho la a1lOed, ta haro firet tb f crime a iS CO maitte'I' The ahave stateulteut le trilO and thé abat vas a in i 0<emli stature 1%8 aimnce ai le t o show Ihat corrool,' and vas madeo bn me vttvas veat aid sîchîn. This vas dons slnupln vas a niember of he tria out an týreatà on Promises vhatever. by the tefensé la show Ibat it vas ýqPosetl04 tb tpelire uouibroth- ALBMMi' COLBMAN. tLb. ien5t naturelltta in, ltevélO !Md nid lue., vh yen.- présent- witiees: thal hAlbrt Cassons shftitithave gau gaMormion mt ith but il a wui.nOL8 Sengt. of police ta the itefenseo f bis brother vheî h. hoSlmpy wva a u. à.ecoleza.n as iattatiteitb Morrison, au te;de ta <o aiairait oit J. ~W. COWiAN, Special AgI. C... Follovlng are the cofessions mai Pn'ir=ktheets . e rst1.etP. b- o f o fre thé Chicago Y)pebiunCussoni hion uaete i CK o NEILL, Police O"-'[i ant Coealcniait upU" h' vh thi Ipcaao~Loatiou euagosstale le basins lis & pntoh oo inven a rems. -; . c- e attornieys tu haughî le ad proveita case agal» ueliMos Toe<hi mort si ms4 eu oiieeli te stent - oi ouI alIi seue*bisa', ill v ,Thn ta b4. h !én telltemo olat<haetrhe<uejuybd Ut aaloretit ta ite urest bllttn lji irei orvct'et,'He-sal h *~~~~~~~a nI it'nvrahratrviise Ihestnd a rov Iis.livtiin jeeraiaICaernnsoiner umTon ~ -aid theat the tvamoi1niait tbn10lham &qnt e he r %t <f 51 lready Ras Ile o eanMd fer sena Hos, ali tbvtnt stâtleineu te theoter ahboyu **iAttrain vatis due Hlit h «c ieolat pceftiS Jo aeho ilgina p or rer.H lt- h otproetand Alten ot Ce.leauinba , l of t' taria o r adme -Tiola Uliensald hro, bis roethr Cel<h imd vthea 1~WtbIn 11lm tabi jioniaidhte h4iabut er caeit teW lé vtieltHeproro thatuk ho sthe *fteearrllve t roubt, rai CUeguuanu onioniheofAbt JbnCaotranas u estattnIast!dl ol poie, Jabis t salhree- oli teepro haCiussnJ1hnu pat k t afuar ontthle rdit.t iN Ov M * <e Clteahie poltr o ti woletjait. Ho sate be itIt pro < 0l uantat yul bobis motete: Meoe h io daiu vent ora o estuModlatl itar gt tkg <ho.t 4* gu alenta ia oWnd orvS-ti lig viten a po hoan reu ognwu ith sAttre no n WteLateeoan wul provena a us kns cei o0partn vth «ir.,and tînbt ho i<e bla i pion hatit om tt a! Puil, Boo I tChi ago pohica mino, *mie&' -H udd ho , u 1916. livuéin siaemoi wconcotulua bbeaelter get.taiab aor. b R 9-" Uégm t problurWagohn Vu .«. Um. R l,»W h Pu Iprovaot iSVICVMENT OF'CUU .,~& L~*eUJosepht Cusetlà 'ovimi i~âIRml0tho statemrmt * 1on- or about IY 30, 1918: lft Bhibiawd Park, 1lu.,ik Company vitit tva fllovs bY the isIesocWn and A. colinsi. 0ur destInatim O n Lait eoyea, is, W. vahi t o Mliigbod, ta te ;abar-bshop. John Caluulul Lt a bain cut and gise 0a o5a*@.; snd, À, Ooiemeu st lç *have, as 1 dti. Wheu vo vebt.totalê"t»t train' th@e codMt« * ould Mt -101 usa gel aboasyd vihal ticlketsa vo wemias- ed that traind aid t ta 41t for the ,Mxt. vliciuwe gaI aid oit Us ta Natht Chicago., vberoo h al sover 4,10k. ad -AI Coleman " sal v e Jbni orvo we il muis the lest train ir lake )n "Ouracbkg thé ta' lion va gsotlbhelesttrain for Laite Bluffand trausfereit ta ROidOUt aid xobn Clemeut salit ieho iuld go up aid snd the tovér mai aid finit eut 'wlten the firet pass06ger train v9uld arrive therq, for ItAe (Genora, and vas tld pet1 until arourndt 7,0 in thé morning. seng iarmot that van, lueasakeitthé 'opéfté vwhere v» coulit stan, aid ~ ea: "ok lte doa; it le aIl h.JuClomani camfe baci aid. t xpIne4 t.-to usnaitsaitelaus- ll'ao; aits il igbt' tu th. deoa." Wo valtei tot theétan ad John Cle CM ua hia <0v vends, vhlch 1 did nt heur, villu the mai at the itoor, suit ho sait: "Came ln. bons; Iti is ai rigitt. I w'il buillityou a fire" Il b. iug dar-k fi lb. station naom, thé night man openeit thé toaondsuitaatome à(Jam« iCaoni) 10 gel a huchet Of tcoul <On hlm. I se iothm vhére ta go, and ho pointai! dovi 10 tho south 8 endaofthé Iracits. Ho salit' "Ton 9 il ylfindit ilboîven the tracits." I v* ent down al aIt an ad coud Dot sonéasun coal. aid masmie folie"s b. foliovkng me, and tld theit Iva belatiatet go dovu her.. Thte "Ii t qainid "Nover mnt, lait, I viA v.ole thé cW;%," hich ho dit, end as ho se filet te .1010 àMd lit théelghls tirtre i ater men hbouibt I six or olght fl- i. love. Tira af thon b»A haideueis on A them. 'Oie of ho'dateetivq Iéke lt le tem. sayng: "TYoiare snoe of the it rllava vo neoi. W at are you toing n arount br?"R% Hi 'Uta peing t< m tho mon that Wre bMagitt hi lalér. p. They snid tWey vere goIng, fisine là aitdhélis asited thir admets. tbéy ai 1. 1014 theirin uoI aid ote of tite 16 tdsesmeo taeitiovoaie of te men t e ot. 0, vith th<at a f relgtâ Id 1151 Casso <hru*ilt. ThitéréWntoit 4. ingetbainaid nôt stop thiore My maore, gC Titat IN<t line'o!us vt ite agent U~ la the depol., 'fA to- u itti lMW la ou. of <he on cmbcan .k adsalit e-. "You felove gel ont of bors" and1 said, "Ail nigit «*ve vll set s ou and go becit ta Hihlani Par§." Tii to ell John Câolman. bang haci aid Iyr bat a f ew yards wl<h 1the man. The ltmai tartoit figiting vtthhlm aid luColeman senet.to, <* gswg t ne vonst of Il and he calleit ton bis broth rik nient aid assitit hlm, lùt<he meau. bc. lime 1Isoabat 51111on <ho railrcad tracb tv vaillng fr hem t te 'eic', adbe jSforé thén camne bockt boar-d a pieuo op »bit,ant. as hey Caine ul <hoe: nt- banlumeil, <hueys, 4(bha le. 301r lat adt AI, Colema)"go on sud getloi 11 iotere. s*andAI bovadagpls'tc Wth <ha, *wMviedi uitrtàâ*tit Llàtérurban Iracits. vet.Iar n ot tf Piailliz hoheaunvoauftig comti ~gtiéerO. Soeral nlles fl'arnRouddi en- Jehi' cblemian gaI s'a tI <na iffl b oust,,as be hait né bat witéi ho cami ci . ut> V»ue ouaiimeit- He bsit a bl me lumt over oué of bis o070. ,!Hé v. ifR. lâto saine tcuw n ad *bah a traînau 911- ght off, as 1 bliéve FrankliParb on- IL. gama, o! pool and,vashei aurse ff a n vaieidO*&te it ntlM"aY-M gui,! qtit tinoIven a bw-wl èaist Iohere wq "it M5h thIree monWI i 150 Téconfessions, folidyt a'k rl te I STATE SCORES A'; VIOUY; ýn¶i vp~ Griftù"(W- 1 -C si c 2--c da t Frail L Choar, asistant tea mé1s <h o« Nôrhlbvét r aivwan. Laiteétal gio«stial à fpatrons an Wediéedàn.0 Reward for uutallig cautean came wil vhen l vas annouicét b y l"ret Na- lbi ioa a ea to e oo ~that liane- ', atler lue vonî iid i4nl*5~ c ers Cage aithsi5IWS lbtanie lait a vaînablu shtgui tranl hie automobile white retunlefs to-hbiC 5 Laite Forest haine <om the Onvent- o- ia Club. later Nicit fouidth.gui ait reportedIt l te <ho police. >Ho was thaniteitd itely vhon he returnnd thé th' tovîkng pièce te Mns. Tharnn. ..0 1Josiat 8. iayer la desat aIis home th ti Highland Par-k. Ho camre Id Chi- oagga ahalty hfore théefln. of 1871 B sit va voîl huov n lte furniture 5 Ij do trougbout thé iorlhvest. bar- pv gf or man yearslimon camuecleit l ýi<h the Font & Johnsn Compan. Trhe vltav survivez. Strealar, Ill. Déc. 15-Tvéity-four! te convicts. honar mnn <om Jolét. broito v camp toton at noan ait sbpt toniabl kn ho Prealuterinaiiunch. Tomi. I 0v thon vin retLun a ethe pénilen- 0O kmnr. Sidco May' hey havé finlehet JÏ 1 1 mles of-hart rosit soutt ai Strea t tano. Poter Van Vliaainisn, former s Citicago roai estaoeaieh an bout abe,bas maie a sain o! 10,000 pi - iPeps4tlo te 9mail Lreyeanu, th.J, otPQpu>tioi hoing 48,000 a sttaI it f38,0023ln 1910 Whtou -be fedenal céeiiu'* wù ahen. lThis ifgure le given by thé local port, of- ice de>arl=titant id baseit an thé number af business andt residence stopsaln thé City. While Clarence IH. nifEth, aitvén. b Usmina mai. vas aI due **,rolé" Camp b st Fort sherdan last September. Ivo or !i îlefllôv "rocitios" von ptivaU ' deleclives. This vras tlscoueit Woftileay n kChicao vhei hii lf ,t Mmr Olade Hertage QniI*. f114 aj d érose-bil ink divarce against hlm i the cinonît teunt. Four o«o.nopoti îente are genoralîn moitionei.t, hoiit *ané are specificalin namoit.% 3 Josoph MollIt PattarsantW a.,n'Hon, jrotin hospiai, Chicago, as te- resulti ai kleu rereivet vbilé prusetimia nmoin ra!the diclFe caviéràin& atutîs eM the rgua iF<ot 8hortl da Mônf~Idiy. tuoro a i IWecé.i1 he ise lt'*MIletrials' lt no bo hrslu aesigle bouit. le St. CharIes. 111., Ec. -16.-'hlre art h- sevral case or seaiât faer's-te k- bon", homo, il vaS' rnbt d n a. Oie report rftelveit sfeiId"th ck are- six peuple a <ho Iitat" vliiwhd- e-. are 111 vilh hetiuse.i ai -ToMti atll,, Ca ou r om marsme Osfe a- banii b e, te, it nuflR"h auche e ttOitrob ria ola audel heeI au N ontire nmou TienMaiceup mut 9j ad au Iiw It t- Le le ho or , RbER TR1AL infession allegad tot have been gasit by AI Caleman nanige JoýM >leman, a 'brother; as iu*q 'f 9ba Manillon, fiStai"rdlPOS 3oaeslou nieeteitJauge Ci» nUS iiltar*Ing laidIa banda pçà te bodyn o! <hoeminiillo t ROCe tut 3L Paul iteý*ctirOvithetaija ai ieoflgl n Iitauis a f 41 tMiesWObmsohOit.WOlCb ait Or taioens for albegedit mritnm aghtkg t t prves thal couridsioni bttoediTuestan vero nindo un or Ilurt t o e. Poy tbSûqhol T .ox T eplk ole I Hom tho Ada aile cau, boWivpihat Albfrt Cele non Uta&to'p Attorneynlu the trial or AIhi wmaulaaad Janie Cussens on mur- echarges, witi fu er, pruwhl4 fnerc "Md os rnltuulritn, <heu .104 Coe sac a, his brother, fred (hie sbét-wua ;1»0 Fek John %qrlfison, Ibo' <,Paul to 4cîlveg aétiiedat the Bount ( es. sol the confeson vas !ktrodlOe aSul Idme.Wtt 5054 to t1 JanV y i te'.4.t4 Rnqlalph Daly shortY nie bre = 'co TusUin nigt 011 ýcoordinX iq thé àtor iln' kthe ho! Iesgou of the kiling of John mor- <ht hn. tire th" oimowg nien.Johni (ifai..41 dpom= n d JIIho ciW Pl* on. hait )oft t4fr horne" k '(Iusge Pli bgo ta I* 'Emva, Wls,. wbt,o. Scaeto Primie -o ilvas é t h #tD Pau P50wwf Huuat kttb la ilhe4 ta lbvod whioetben ta 0, ried an oloctrlc car for North Cil, am t . pa Iuir arriva1Ila North ' , 1~ o 4 tr e d t t n ! t t la tlu~tt orend of tho clty vIn , lo ton badlseverel drinks. Tit.o en toit a car for Lakte Bluff. UPYn bl SmI arrivai at lAce Blairtbue#caïsgblci Slust electrie car for Itogtout. Thon #Ivedý et Roudout ahontin before 12 w lacit. Tbel, .vent kWt the depot l Id taquiredt flue rnfedeporture Of ci es natitrain for Laho Geunvs, Wla. o1 levo o7clochk lb.themorqhge vaWU té agente repîn. Accand!4g ta théo ory or the killingiloithe b.contes' r on, theltre. mcm thon oougbl aud 9 pcuréit shelter lubthe pasinger de, 1 Wet ouen OdOI.Thon lair ltat thOî M been seatédik the deple bat a fW minutes vhon dittiv«ee Oteu'od with six or soven prisonre Aflén thon bailplaoaéit the Crflpa n treight train, oie of Ibeir Avan- or returnod ta tho dépôt aid oidrOd tieml ta lbave tbe premîses; lo starteit ta vaut dowî the. ralirosi rack an4nuioe og lte d«Otctie-' johi Colernsn, accordinir t. the ",î fission af his brother, lagge . bobhui ed tue. confession chargea <ho d~.e lVe vith baving atticit lhlmWth out a varnli. "The mai struck ins'bset#ç for rehinit, and my brotuç drolp L 1 ble knees, but hégMb« ti ho ai aM-unit the les ai s o+' ýTitualle called me ta fit> p. ML- 14 id but Plia ta that âne til mualu$ l-ates in braîhor' U'aMoràdâll. X apped ite mai over'iziïh1. wite' wbii tlroor four :<jfee/ldo ts-.&I' Cole. maeconfession. Aocordlàlg Io the sfC, letetti ,e0rdi4Ih fer hie aiç qt , ~ Johno.Wiba4 wi10 Iti fram. but and accon<I4W ' Mieavi braIt.hqrei t b. e 'oCit odod lite' détêt ivd*' le: AI= Cooai te ptht Jepea Cal>- li 0afte uu'É ntrial for'tho1 lives. tuoit IW'I&e kthé as sait olîl he o m0tivL ,Q4ws la bis ovi confession .aM# tbat ho, boit no hast itOhe ll, id Md tiat 'be ould nof <11 M q ln*M ieabat lôiug hoigt tt~1 St fi., grilllitg as lhé wI' évé o6, w e os -Tuday Wels a tOt Bu stand sud sûbtdtg fl $IMue *»Ole resltit ltecontentloa bepL miltt nuevidezeuir Wl"!te 'à , lim 'dife C.. îda fiel T ýe « kgV itio hen vore, a i lu ceiÇ uli nCu iuise ~ ~ ~ fu 0<nvat Ip elno. 't n tb hl eau re tig 1u4 ai114 i- Gwvr wner !.AAdàms; PariiéntImol HAT is IT TO SE? 1$ QUERY iReporttts That Auto Oon-' iny giokeim for Site-Oth- er It Is for Subdividing. Waukegan. Dec. 9. report becamo persistent about estreets today ltaI J1. Newton lame, ovuer of the Arasfarn OUo aWeqt Bide of Sheridan road. 3ust th efthe qclty liuits. han boon I & t' s.v.PMA establiahing a onuU f salde sort in that la-ý i vas on this tract that surveors outin we" etaI ork and their Pros- ýc av rV iso tao the report that the ontitvsteri vas Plsnaint on ex- ding aàlino véslta thoir West one report le that Mr. Adamis bas dd the place ta prornalers of a nov imobile compaJny vho have extén- e plages there; The other Io that nt ailicipating thé bôaii t hat la ioected to <.110w Il that section of La ownship vhen the Wilder tan- y ole IMbttoeoporation a lutile ta tsouth and eaut, are getting it In Idr o, open un a nov subdivision. Mrn. AdamsaWvas calleit on the ilone today andt aikel abouit tité MpoW sle. *1 bavea't snythiig to Say about es miftmr." Mid h. Ile ai automobile compain dicker- ig for thiteîdl vas shkeit hm. "[4s.'t hu'ov ythinq about an au- ,omob1cmPfY.Ë cnnétiona vitit myMugini =er In consiteraton." ro- ded 'the awner of this finoe tract of 2 aSem. "Wbat le it bolng negotiatéit for?!'. me asked hlm. "I h*ftnlt a hhkg ta say about lt." "Is there an option on il now, helli )y sameboity vto oxpects ta Pur- taser vasasked.- "lTheno hlebqeuino option glvenl' vas hie Insistent nePlY. it Iaro rtei tbat T. H. Rue, les- es of ths tari,vas called Into Chi- cgo t#uip *e ~tc, consiqet lte malter :f urredeti, hie 105,0 hIcase a elia which 'vwas pçndtag should b. cnsummâtiei. Hie léago, Itleis nd, rune until Yarcb 1 nert. Thue Adoi fan ouse le tbe firet 94e north of thé City' limita on the WektLgOite oft ihenian road. N cfristinsSugstol Weare Showing Great Lineýs of the Best in Cjiristmas Wearables and Usefül Gifts fôr'Men and Women, Boys and- Girls. * F~ .tth.T .p.Wo kav'e goF111 t f roueckwearO Mixfflers Kid G1'ýves Fui Caps umbiirellag Walkixug Sticks Bath nýo1ies Ilouse Coats Ouff Buttqns Stick Pins ,.àlemar Chains Jerseys Collar Bags llandker,,hief Cases Silk Llandkerchief s Linen Handkerchief s SiIk Suspenders Garter Sets Suspender Sets Suit Cases Traveling Bags ]Reed Cases Dress Shirts Suità - Overcoats Mackiùâaws Sweater Coats The iita store."G~f Knïit Vests Knit Scarfs underwear Men's Silk Ilose Men' tLis1lç l&e Ladies' Lie l ose Ladies' Silk Hose Holeproof Rose Shbeti Leather Stippers Feit SippeiÏs Buekâkin Mo*CCaIsui Puîllxan Slîmper Shinola SetÉ' iChild'S 'WBots te te th la M r i@o* m t tout a bY pff 'I m-ron ent bîm1i5vagu moia e up. Ho bMas abuéed mie for tbree tmontits, and rny alstokw vhas been - - V be, WAff«S TOiBE ÀA RACM.eg ton WeiaoI' = erbebni lth crd1ty Mn, ~boit. co*e<i voman n-lriv. hé 10witbé padu« 4V r reton a stateobcari&e.Il appra- tmgk anitChcaoapeaelbeor h= ttoihit o vii given a trial 12o lic e lwg à g l str te r e .n sd Y !r t o n T u s morins au4 akebothlt hhob.piood bolti Ofgm E5rt nTua Under a poe otd. deynMoulas. "Ho goosesot *th athor. vomeR. I1 They Ji" .on Tourteenth atreet nM caugbt hum Sunday nlght. and tbel reenfleld avenue. mornlsg when I1 lm of bis . . sa y$lber buriband leaa râ- tions ho knaceti me down ad bit er and that the -cowmn pedple hes mec on lt$flueala idthe voman wvat lt-hlm preadh. le b. abugel shraoodktho pollbstation. lis Wme by thvais -Wlbe he.ho the n Ot 0< 1! O". 1.e i eui~ ~h.01logesbbiseitublii PUT ONY - M 110W-M ým YOUILL 1 jT Mý. IT COSTB NOTHIK To SOIN OUR CHRISTIRBA. 1140CLUB. IT1$ TII! ASY WAY TO HAVE M~ ~- SOIN THE- CLUB YOUIIS$LP. TAllE OUT A l2mBte fH!? FOR EU.H 6ON£ OF Y IR CHILDIEN ANl TaHEIitTO SAE. 114go WEEK16 1-CENT CLUB 'lANS 0S-IyaV 2-CENT CLUB PAYS 6-cîuR CLUB MY$ 8.~ 10-ENT CLUB PAYS 12. W! ADOS PER cmNT INTE1EST. NOV CAN DUoesIT 8»OR » CEN-TS, OR 'a OR MORlE ERC14 W E!. COME 11-WE WILL TELL NOU AtL ABOUT YT. COME IN AND OIT A CtigonmsflaS BAKIHO CLUB PLEOPLES [nANK -Moke ThâsBank Your &abu Ho" A &t *J01 AT AE# l' 9. Ji le lu ht Id '0, lit ai de bd ýd he th. eb be toi M bc )UI ýoi 2le ta Én mi mp là, bu xb oz Do mis 00 Di se, De sel th 40 et $2, 01 Id ai ý£LOP»NTs IN m 1 :11