CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 16

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~. S. This isi at àe The tUrne to malleadvalïtàgéous selections andi towrI&e con- siderably on scoreà of N èw I"1ythings tri specialpurcha ses At 1c-games in 2ic ChrkItmts ssorted t it 1e S. Pe glna nls 19C Size ljx18in i- *Beautiful 30loch Felt hles. Also a new Pennants ln three Christ- fltal game sasdesignf%-Xmas Girl, o.1lnsett!a, Santa. Take le the place of Crstmas card-an excellent deco- I~~î al t2c-lre s'. éeis Wa aborse the x, nterestinz ,~aiineryWI~I youn&*esrs an go Statneiomstingon. kinds. Size 14X21 .-.ease Anýone 1iSi i t UÎi>.Aninehes. Tnusual IecSp li valU e. IOther t &87.M0. value. .SPECIAL AT 25c Box-a reg- ular ,5c box o, linen-fiish wrlt- ting pipr on sale tçsmorroW. 'ive ty es. Wile 100 boxe& 'NILOSAEf48 WRITING PA-. PER, 7-a Pretiv oiiy box of paper tbat utuallyselle for 10c. CdRRESPONDENCE CARDS. 'me S0-"Lsdy Dorothy" glt- ailge ards and aurcloPes Pret- tlly boxed. IROXES CHMTMAS STA. TIONERY, 10c TO %3-7- bandsome selection of Writlng - $apers lrq varions styles andl a»- 'ptropriately boxedi n elaborate s'tyle. PESK SET 0F BRASS. $1.-U -a beautîful 6-piece set of lac- querei brais. Beautiful style. Art Nerdlc'ok and Fancv LUnens V;qAWN-WORiiCSCARFS, 82.25 -pure linen hemnatiieheil scarfs. 1.8154 incIses. LINEN QOILIES, 15o TO l6.48 *-PrettY cyciet designs; fat emb. cdgc. SLe:s 6 up ta 24 Inch. DRESSER SCARFS. 25c TO 69c -18154 scarfa with fi and torchon lace silges and insertion. tCCARFS AND CENTERPIECES ..-40o--round or square em- brolilereil wtb colared ilkî. I.AUNDRY mAGS, 5e-mads af Prettirfigureil cretonne. AéronsShe'Il neyer Have Too Many DaInty -. (Boxtd) ~ ~:.25c CHRISTMAS UNDERGAR- MENTS 0OF CREPE--corset cavera. 76e ta $169; combina- itloans.8$298; petticoats, 12.98 to MUSLIN UNOERWEAR NEAT- L.y BOXES gowný, 98c ta $248 --eombin.atiofls,59c le $2.48; petticoas 69e to $1.98; corset * bVers. M5e to $ 1. Jewelerv in New Inexpensie PieceS (à ~ 0.e Of dalnty pleces Of nov- Ly gift jeweiry at very lile et la this apecial Chrlstmasg owtag Inciudd: - AUL £AJIKINGS, SOc & 50e MOCH1 <.eý#d> oP4els 44*1PIus 44'xed) et SOc M«L SOicXsi uSte a 8.5 $##MU 71T . ste 11.001 Woodo k, bpte ai ai Oc 20ý0 sets o)f hardiwooil .-snosaed broc kg Ithat will nkot barm baby. Othie locks ipriéed ta $1 set. A Splend'id Rdnge of Un.l Sb'-IY 59C breakable Heeds > tOc iii>t. $g we )lave -.complets range of beautiful separate hesds 1-lyi of imorted malte. WiI.b A fufl l iest IOYi - hair or palnted. tural finish-, Other wltb figured sten caver, lace timmedPIllOws, mattrees Md sleeping eanopy. Motion Pic ure Machine 4.98 cal toy and wli affard great lu- terest ta, the w hele famlly. 42-loch film; ex- ira flms. Now at 198 A very. well made, aIee esBtatiqnarY. steam engins you Mil find match- lesi at aur Prie. 01 ber engine. a $9.98 to anly 981 New,£Christm45 Books -Are .Moderately Priced ilere New books, we say-no fear ta have an edl one worked off ont yeu bers. A complets range-f rom A B C and Coloege Day books up to the lateat fiction books. B sby B)oks 1 Oc up to S 1 Frnt A B C t-ooks ta Mother Goose Rhymes in iageselectian. B)y4' and Girls'Book,% 25r * Boy S<out. Mtor Boat, Alger, Henty, South- worth. Homes. Fluloy seriez. Populi fletiosn at 5oé, 'n'uded amongUtche w one are: ldie. Wohan Thou Gaveat Me, The Moaey Moan anil popular numbers. B ath Roblng 25c to 39è yard 27-inch robing in conven- tionall robe designs. Figur- ed hoth sides. Couch Covers 98cA-o $6 A splendid gift. A ncw selection of many novel styles. Cedar Chests Spccîi 1$11.75 42-inelî Tennîessee Red Cedar-.&hests. Ilighly pol- islhediroppèr, trimined. ".6Cross Bar" Oas Iron at $2.50 A new, improvcd iroît with inetal hose. Exclu- sive features. Sec it. Table Linen $1 (o $2 yard 72-inch lifiens in many patterns. 2Napkins to natelî, $2.50 to $6 dozen. Taffeta 511k for a Glft .36-inch plaid Taffetas, $1.501 to $2 yard. Plain eol- or Taffetas, $1 and $1.50 Robe Blankets Special $1.98 iiinade robe blankets in all colors. Very special at Xmas P:ctures Speclal $4 Large pastel scene pic- turcs with heavy ebonoid fràmes-20x33. Linen Initial Handkerc'iefs 6c eacli, 70c dozen Arii ai kable value, in worne's pure huien hand- kervhîets %wîth ('olored enhroidered initial. I1cm- Stiteh(d. Christmas Slippers for Mer. Women,Childrtn The gift one is always glad to re- elve. Ail the styles popui]gr ini hoîîst or hed-rooin slippers will be found right here. Men's slip p rs, $1 to $2.25; wornen's slippers, $1 to $2-,hlreî~ slippers, 65e to $1. AUl sizes. q' lE geatet Tylan inour his- ..t'ý ao bths atovast var ie t ies o f unique toys and the reinarkable val- ues we secured from Eastern iiiport- ers. Tonxorrow will be, Toyland's busy day. Many new tbings to be seen Get Hlm An "Erector" or .Ainelcan ModelBuWker' Tbe rnoirnbây is anxiçus for'an' educational toy. With a building set he not only has the fun of hundreds of toys, but also bas the cxtremely in- of inaking them. Build- E ing Sets, fromi $1 to $15. A 0 -a 1I $$2,$3$,$t B100A Moke Your Uholce iOur ASE.MENT AZA AR And You'II Please Wtheut Dqubt ,he pis where the really practical gifts are Tblngs nesilel in the home. bth for utiUity andl lecorative pur- paies bers at leeu than elsewbere. fl-agdsome N~ew Casseroles, Special A des». 7-inch, fire-proal baking dish wlth an embossed nickel frame. Other styles in novel shapos. ~~ Universail Perto tator 4.39 This modern coffee-maker cannot be surpsaseilAn excellent glft. Other from 11.39 Up W $10. Christmas Cut Gilass Beautiffl qt glass la lhezpmensve pleces from 25ec up toSfl. Pries.mail- erate at this store., Nlew Xmas. ?k#t«re " t It s surpriing wbat & hanilsome. blg hsnd-pelatsd pcture you cmn buy bers for Uttîs mouer. Se« Our new s101> tions. A B 0 Druni 10 l[eh. Sp cial 47c A caad, bg drum that will stand the racket. In briglst col- ors. Others prlced Up ta $4560. Ail livel etc actil At 59c--a big (15 inch) Teddy bear selling for 75c clsewhere. Long, plush; grunts. At- 95c - white French P o o dlie dogs on wheels. An exceptional value nt our pricc. This Il Ky Piano S A large-Bîles chaen. hut Pano luished in polishedi îahogany. Othen rs Irn> 2e Up Autos, ZOo 284nch Body Wagon $2.OO styles - trucks, Thie "Perry" coaster, a splendid wagon we daters. cavereil des have been. festuring for years. Strongly ries. touring cars. mades. Speciai at $2. wit new friction on. Rolier Bearlng Wagonl 4.25 T he "Bheyboygan Coaster." a large. 'e l bu it w a o wilth lnaprol ral- ribang wbeel. Ri M 1*. Ait 1.1.1. * 8 Spvery boy wantfi a bsy, for le knowts that other boys balle feunil tlem accur>te mnd dependable shooters. A lîmiteil nu.- ber on gale 8< SC. This SI-d, $1.50 A heavY steel trame Bledl 35 ln- chea long. An e ic e pt la naiiy gond value. Oth- er slede fr0. 26c Up to $425 la al styles. ~atvelue 1"50 1 - long. educational rotatlag c ha rt. Prettily finished. An Incomparable value at aur price. BeauýltfulCharacter Do~is at WExýOII Low Prices Wewere mlghtY fortunate la secur>ng aur share 01I mporteil baby doUa when a cargo of ibege entereil New York. No store anywhere shows better varlety or sa goqil values. Duessid Dolb' SptccIal 51.25 A series of unbreakabie babies enttled Jam Kildoe" n many ebaractera. Charactcr Dele, 1.39 & 1.79 Thecuýst baby 10115 made. Misi Gsmay Short. real bair. Sleeping. Sale of %S.50 Kid 0.11. 1.59 A remarkable large kil dolS oI 22 nches In heigbt. Long. cruly. sewed wlg. Sleep- ing syes. Ight or dark. Piull jointeil. Auto Robes for Gifts $3.98 up to $7.75 in cxcept- ionally good robes. Auto rugs at $5 tQ $15. Morocco Bags Speclal $2.10 A beaiful MSmocco hand- bag of mediumn size in an excellent new style. French'Ivory Artkides A lare, vax-led selection Of tese popular toilet pieces; moderately priced2' Christ mas Pe'rftimes The beet there is mxade, in appropriately boxed sizes and odors-25c to $1.50. Fancy SIIk Stocklngs, $1 .00 New two-color effects- in silk stockingt. Each in dainty Xmas box. -Christmas Neckweàr 69c A npecial group of vestees with new neatly embroid- ,rcd standing collar. New Evenlng Scairfs, $2.50 Large and heavy scarfs with. jexquisite floral bor- ders. Fringe ends. 40-Un. Sllk Crçpe de Chine- $1.25 A beautiful silk with imany uses. Give, a length for a dress or blouse. Travellng Bags and Suit CasesGoôd (ilf SAnd heite is the best plaeta xa"e your seleetions. You wl be able to find the style you want and the price -will surprise you. For ini- stance, at $7 we are featuri» n.g.g 184xich leather bag with, leathet lining. j M; ilve a *'Çlobe" Glove IMond migbty con*inlent way get around the size nestion. Prepent hlm or er witts a Go0be Olave oni. and bottier na fur- loves-.tbe Refined Git for Al A ta qu4 b.s the WC sub a L or W4 et3 19 hi, TI b French Ivory HaIr(Brushes Saturday at'$1001( Regular $1.25 ail-bristie brushes with solid ivory backs; good, heavy weight. Hair Receivers apid Powder Boxes, 69c. MMEN'S SALK GLOVES, i$1- ai linsil; black or white; ansi> KIg1& 1 ,0 LOVtS, $150, -me or 2 cIme>; blssk, whlite rcolore. VOMRN'S WAOH 1KID OLOVES *1.0, 1.5-anexcellent. prac- al giave for service. IILDREINS GOLF KNT 1LOVES, 2ft--aorted; szes to 7. Extra qusllty. b>y5* OLOVES. BSc-gauntiet tyle heavy buctekin gioves. ENS GLOVMS,13.50 TO 85- iavy fur-llneil gloves An nmit. rove or 1-ftier styles. Iel's andWomen's Xnias Unibrellas The Umbrelia Store af Wauke- -,a, for Values and seleetioni mers are by far better than you Aill find sisewhers- MIen's, Womens & Chlldren's LJmbreI. las, $-1 to $7.50 At every prie a qualit' of su- perior coverIngi andl a aelection of elegant hanilles of the newest. Christmas Boxes of Men's *Furnishlngs and Sus pend-.. le, , " SUSPENDER S«TS, 25o t. SI- suspenderi. bosessupporters andl ar. bande. What to give mea mades easy ln the Men's store. Other suggestlOnfi Intial hand- kerchief 5. hoIery. shirts, sweat- ers andl underw .ear. AIl typical Globe values.' House Coats and smolQ Jackets SMOK<.NG "5ACKIETS OR COATS. 1$&30.- $6.50 AND 7--m L a n t i s p e r s r ' p r e s n t sf Sa aur new ClsrItma someeeoniL f4IS BATH RSte, i»8laU% ro 61 -sery man ean use an« te, gret ailvantage. Spe our aew Xmas Selstiobe. 4iss's.lAmhCA1, ¶ 1 1, - 1 5 ' 1 -W e

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