CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 3

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L*t~éCoanty IÏi'dependent Waukegan Weekly Sun - ~ Office TaIephod*me r I. Libertylle EÏxchangie. at tbe Poetollice et Llbertyville. ]IL, .au Second Clase 'Mail1 Mtter ficiÏi Publication for LakeI ont8 ord of Susprviors eedrng l.swd EverS Frida..Advertieing tàt*.s 4.iad.. KnO.o n Au .pplication. SUBSORIPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER VEAR STRtCTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH ..........................................................Editor F. G. SMITH ..................................-..........-......................... Manager M . J8 'WEBER ..........................Roident Manager. Phpne l69-J Evidently the members of thie county fair association M tIbat officers leted i 1914 should be given a chance - api 1mw it feels to hold a'coumty fair. That's why they ail were re-elected Wednesday without opposition and -thoeeore they'U tay their baud neit Summer. Barring a of the foot-mouth disease, or sometliing else, they afair at IàbertyvMle which, because of the lapse IWYMea1 shoild be a record-breaker. With $150,O0 apraised valuation of stock killed dur- foo and mouth enidemnie lu LatS coumty tis voir, ovp 8000h.aditl sointlat tbu effred 'bia=be 1«W. The- lmisof 8000 bSet u a few «u»e1btbave Inafeton cattie rabs- umfo"Wu me 01 = ««èàhît l-Sommu- "If, à.b" comty farmm Wl» ledown mi trv o ke up for the. unfortunate los they bave su- 'As vo bave said before: Jgothlng ever bappens of in- uobut that lake coulty getaslauit lunsmm way. The A laà oeunXy baby bouam*tthe pa- Ih.I .1,». g"lsl'knlfe &_Oboe-and died. He in 69 m« whe posWdtlon upoeml9the li.Boliuer lmbytodl.rathe than operate lÉ-m ffort to save !tss hfe, atbM *Iworld-wlde satuou. -AUd no* case of importance wM h ch l inladentMfed bas th do wlth a Idke county cbld whose Dme therefore blatory lu medi- oé u" rcesvi attach to the seriel f coutroversiell tbat ffoovut Haàlsen's unusual luterpretation of ethica of FMADY, DEC. 17' Wh Pya-No. 9 Entled, Fer nea«. - - 8ti tPallia F.aeriag Roth Rolland sud Henry King Abo a comédy hy Pallia. 7Tiis ot j'ai reportsd BATURDAY DEC. 18 MARY PICKFVORD in Am Asm il ad - Mary Pickford 1W. lb Fl lur' . .i. * - 2-reiLubein-Drama lu Bambou Rail - - fiplen Rolnit aiiroad [ramla .Tee & aChianes SUNDÂY DEC. 19 Um.,Pàgaina - - - . . . 2-rel BHîgrai,i-i>rani lme Sheiff's aramativ ).W Iirifih Pnolai-r ni Th. irth of a Nation lb. Quest ofi he Wda. - *..........itnarapbi-'onedy XKONDAY, DEC. 20 lu. Classe, tu he Constitution - - . . 8 3rW i- ig. Wit lin uTurnpin TURSDÂY, DEC. 21 à WéàTe Be - ' ' 3-irai Lubin-Drama Illm At th. Beach -- - * . [am and Bud-Coxuody w DNEIPAY, DEC. 22 The Womau Haer - - - - * . . i E.eanay-D)ramus WValus. by Hobart C. Chattield Taylor sud prodooed Iu tjske For%% ile u*c Guard .-- - - - l.ubln-Croin.dy Festuriug BOIy bRovos THURSDAY, DERC. 23 Sbedeva Pas - - à, apoeia i*îon Featurs in Four part.. Feisturmag biabol Truaielle IIF IN THE Ch ri stmas Fresents You Proposetu male. you seek novlty tiat atways interests.fiînish thet pleesu the eye. durablity that lit ansd prédticat workng aIways efficient amd always exac. youII (lad the essentiels in Ekectrical Appliances LamPs-they make 'em ltke jewels - Ceoking Utenails of many-descrip- tions, Articles for the Toilet Table, Electrical Toys and Trimmuings, odicles that lcres, combart and Increase convnience, appliances thet do ail kndof qucer things in the shape of labor, futishig their own intelligence, and ail at low prles t our nearit display foou", Publie Nerie L Co. LOANS TAUE A BIG JUMP IN TUl1 WEEK; REACIIFO_$1389792 Much Activity in Real Estate Ciroles With 133 Instru- ments Filed for Week. Business of the recorder's ofnefc o the veek endlng December 11, 1915:" Number of transters, 96. Number o! lors, 37. *Total number of Instruments filiet, 133. Total mut of bns 831.9250 Bustness lias been tnlrly t-tek anti - bans avny above the aver-age. The foiiovlng are the more import- sunt teiias of the veek. In Lake Forest. Mat-y C. Rossi-ll bouglit the May Niccoil Samuel pro:- erty ou Shet-rian roati ant i Wsconsin avenue for $18.000. In Highland Pa rk. Zulelmo B. cArmstrong bouglit the PF*ed U...Hill properîy on Fat-est avenue anti Sheri- Pdan roati for $7.000. Hient-y Berens bougbt a lot on Lin- don avenue trom Boni. Loveumoyer Ifor $3.500. Wllitam Kuhu bougît the Frank L. Sljestram property on Laurel avenue Bout- J. Lllmann boughltvo lots on St John's avenue tram E. M. Skin uer. for $5,500. Katharine Peck Alamson houglit a rlot on Sheridan -rond. soaihb of Vine avenue trom Dwlght & fiprague for 12,500. In Highwood. Motris T. anti Ella Van N. Bariter boisght a lot on Wash- ington avenue tramt Leo Delbhye for nominal considerallon. Catberinue A. Gibs bouglit a lot on Highvnod avenue from Josep)h Dol- baye for $300. Louis and Emîl On hbougiat a lot un Prairie avenue, eat ot Wrentiaie, troni A. Bataglini anti huabanti for $1.400. In Llbertyviiis. Henr-y A. Kuhîman boaight s lot ou Osborne streel. soutia <ai0 Eiectrlc railroati, trom Emma C. Osborne for $400. John S. Kennedy bought a 49-fo6t lot on Park avenue trom 1Roy L, Hughes and others for $4,000. In Waukegan. A. anti A. Pantîlin bouglit the Jackt Wenta property on Cumminge avenue for $,000. Henry Weyer bougbt the D. H. Rog- ers property at Washington anti St. James sîreeta for nominal consitiera- tion. A. F. Beauhien bougiat two lots lu Waukegan Investment Subdivision at North avenue anti Greenvooti for $1,- 600. E. L. Clarkte bouglil the property aI corner of North Sheridan rond anti Greenvooti avenue tram Chicago Tille & Trust Company, truste., for $6..1 500. Hart-y Lundi houglit a lot on PacIlile avenue lu Webb & Jensens North Sd. Addition for 1600. In Newport Township. Jas. G. Wtt. M. anti Jane E. Welclh oaigbt the Ni- nian Welch farm of 120 acres Lni sec- tion 17 for $9,000. In Antloch Township. Hla Blairt ant Addie Smith bought lia. B. il. Overton fat-mIn section 12, West An- tioci, anti section 7, East Antiocli, for nominal coualderatlon. IAugust C. anti Auna Mueller hought 'a lotInl Blunt Par't on Petite Lake I roni Ment-y J. Pries for nominal conn ln Deerfielti Township. Elizabeth L. Ullmann bougiat. the liason prop- erly lu aouthwetit quarter section 36, vnat nf Ravlnla, for $6.500. JacobHB. anti Mary E. Klongen hougl 10 acres in soutiavest quarter section 30., tromâ Jas. Grifilu, for $8, P .!I IIndependent ad-read by i5,000. !~ ~ 195. ÀSSLIBET IN THE MURDER TRIAL NOW IN CT (Contlnued Prom Page One) the- depot until early i the niorning vlen tiiey got into a qjuart-el with Thoma.q MrrriFon, a special officer. who ordered them outi;ide lihant James ('iso. ent fSret. Abert Coleman vent second and John Coleman brought up the rear. .. eNIecIt toProduce a vrltteu state- ment from Albert Coleman lu whlch hie says they were drunk when thoy werp ordereti out of the depot by Mot-- rison; Ibat Coeman viii Ray lu this statement that bie saw Morrison strike flas brother John villi a bllly wblle lie himself vas 60 fel away; that lio rau back vliere lits brother vas @cuf- iug vltl Morrlaon, took Ithe billIy away tram Morrlson and bit hlm over lbe head vithlit1h Buerai times; thal lis saw the flash of a gun lu bis brolli- or$ lbad, and that they aU rau away. In traverng the 60 feet btveen the vletM of lhe shootlne and Cuasens Aibert COleman u l is oeslon sayu lIbaI bis brother banded hlm UiceibID smoking gMm. W. cepect t10 prove that Albert Coleman bilcf lSred the shot I.ud tlirev tlie gmain d bnily avay wben tbey reaelsed a pont near Wheeliug. So for as Casse, lan con- cerned. w. expecIt t prove to you tuat ie hoas su accessorY 10 the crime. We expet 1 Prove thalthis! vas a antopay He lad the',ter revealed that Mlorrison had /eelved severe blowa on thie head,» fron seom e blunt Instrument. 14ebld these injuries in themeselves Wauld have beun suM- cient to stun the vctim and probably knock hlm tou teground. Inside the skull ho found a severe hemorrhaee that had been caused by a buliet which bad entcred on the cbeek and lodge et the- base of the brain.i Attorney Johnson on cross examu ination asked.the coroner to presont, the original copy of hia notes on the lnqueat. Recause these had net been certified to by the coroneria aked liant ail of tlie coroners inquest Se striciten out on the ground that a le- gai Inquest lied -neot been held. Thsis motion vas denled by the court. »It was apparent from the motionsa put to coroner Taylor by the state's attorney thât lie vas, attemptlng t0 prove thaithe. hava lnfllcted ho Mor- rlaon's skuH iil tlite billiy vere ouf- ficIent to bave stunned hlm and that the men wlio fred $bcse hot dld fnot have ta ft-e lu uelf-defense. Tayler ta riIe. Coroner Taylor vas given a sevure grIllllg byt.ttostey Johinson, vho 414 hie haut to tglP the.coroner Ilu mre of hie aaves. Dr. Taylorvas on the stand ncarly tvo hours. Raliroad eurployes, eupeclaliy. de- teetives and spécilIoflies anl ov.r the country, aa am tchng villimudli Interuot lhe progress ut the Coleman and Cussens mutder casle ln Wauke- gan. Their luterest. Ie aroused bu- REAL ESTATE TRANSFEIS Furnished by LAKE COUNTV TITLE & TRUST Ca. Dbstracts of Tite. Tites Guaranteed. Masonic Temple Bldg. Waukegan. Dec C:, 1!9t.ý,-Vina Il. Ilankey In 0, P. Oison, lot 110 iiavtnia. W. D. A2.50. Thomson and wife to Beal. ilAweln'I'Yver, lots .'2, 3,11, 1, 1 14,15 blck77 HihlndPark. W. 1). $10. jT. F. Itarrett and i wfe et ai. to Sami. Itichartison, tast part of lot 12, block 66, Hilghland Park. W. D. $10. Lake Counnty 1 Jane Kit-a et ai., strij, adjolnlng lot 5, block 27, Orig- Inal Waukegan. Deed IL1. LakeçCounty to W. C. Upton, strip adjolubng northvost part of lot 5, block 16, original Waukegan. Deed $1. W. C. Lunt * Mary J. Dolen, lot norfeaat corner Center and Chestnut atreets, Waukegan. W. D. $1. W. M. Peterson and vife 10 Marie W. Peterson, Iota 10 and 11, block 13, Lake Bluffa, W. D. 11,000. Dec. 4. 191.-Estate of J.'L. Tweed (deccamed) tu 8. 8. Mathisen, lot 60. Tweeds Plstakeleke Su>dIvialon, roi ya-kt W. D. 1855. Max Vua, 30, South Bond, Ind., and Clama ggers, 28, Chicago. William A. Ingold. 64. Zion City, Ill., and Amandg J. Looker, 65, mare. Rober-t R. Haring, 23, Clilcago, aud Emm E. Dietle, 21, lame. John C. Rainson, 66, Chicago, III., and Jennie Md. Happa. 58, lame. Arthuir d. Bloomer, 31. Chlcago, Ill., vicions and deliberate marder.-' cause Thomas Morrlson. the man vlij de»,Wl. Atto,rneY Thomas J. Johinson, who vats lain. vas a rallroad detechive Walter Wuurzberger, 23, Rucine, vith Attorney E. V. Orvls represunts and there lis a close bond of sympathy Wls., and MaY Landers. 23, lame. Cusseus, leaped 10 bis fel and mUKe 'stween these dslectives ail over tlie Howard M. Sandus, S0, Wankegan, a MOUCUs lai lthéOurtg"5kthe c, country-.IIl, and Neille PItti, 22, Blue lslad. away trom the jury as far as Caisseas lu tact. it la said that theo vigilance u vas coucerned. He slid Iis abl Oit f ralfiroati delcives vas what made1 Ben Burke, 28, Autioci, Ill., and 01. ho doue on the groundis that thie I possible lu place Coleman sud Cua-le Tiffany, 28, same. state's attorney sliould bave glven sent in custody. One hour aller Mor-i Dec. 7, 191.-D. H. Rogers and vIfs anme groundis for Includlng Cuasens as risonua dead body lad been tound la 10 Henry WeYer. lot on northieat cor. a deteudant, vhich liemasid bu bail not 1h. falroa'jd yards at Roneloul the n: Washington sud St James doue lu bis openlng statement. He word badl been fiashedte railroad de- a ltsWukgn W.D$2 laid thero vas nothing In show Ibat tective heaeluarters for lundreda Cof Joh (ta e aukfnd vi.e10;El$2 b Cussens vas an accseMry 1 the emIles and msores of detectivsa veru Johnmu ân, tact 0felandlizabeth crime.,i-vPn lu the allegied statement cniisted In thie bunt ImmedIateI, haIt of soulliveat quarter suetion 36. front Albert Coleman. He slid IfthIe A Ilili of the liiatory of the case Deerfield township. w. D. $6.500. st-Ite's attorney visheti te chrgehlm, may lie lnterostlug ai iitia nte. On JmsGiiuat iu1 .H witia belug anuaccesrY afttefise the niglit of May 30. 1915, JamesC. C JamesEleagen u ie a crwies n ou. E ho houd hveRou abutit u tatsens and Abert Colemnan, 10gether veat quarter section 30, Deerfild manner. vitia the lattur's brother, John Cols- towniship. W. D. $820 At tbis Peint State's Attorney Dady man, who by the vay la net yet lu Chicago Tille & Trust Company 10 obJected becauso bc. ld thal al. custody, took refuge ln the depot at; A. p. Beaublen, lots 6 andl 7. Wauke. alîbougia th. Jury bail been excaiset Rendeut. 1*1er lu the evenlng tliey gan îunvestment, In section 9, Waaike- tram the rom they couiti bear th, got Into an argument ith Thomàs gntvsl.De 150 ioidtnu l hihMr. Johun vMorson anivoe.r.dti et W. B, Smith andi vite 10 C. A. Rog- sPeaklng anti le ebarget i hm lth thedepot. ers, east three-<uarters Ot east hait talklng louti for lIat pueV)se. Several houre lator Morrsous ife of lot 67, CorY~s Addition to Wnuke- -Tbat's onlY anothes- example of leas body vas founti a short distance gn Q. C. $1,000. Yoair warpod mlnd, Mfr. Dady,,, vas tram the- deisot. He laed been shot H .Ptsat ie1 .C ul the epl otMa.Johnson. "I had vîtia his own tevole ir. A vide m ieet ato o 3 ln no scia utenlon. at once vas lnauguralod for thie men Park lu section 25, West Autloch "Is the transom te the jury t-nom whom hi-hati driven out ofthIe depot tospW D.10 open7 Yes.Il l."the tates attor. for suspicion at once attachedte o EstateofNnnWec (denti ney salti, asklng a question and au- them. Subsequently, ft vas founti ' of1,G,,iW.M.and aE Welc beud swerng l hls~> . hey hati matie their vay lotoCli-'1120 acres lu southeast quarter section "The lrausom la closeil. Mr. Datiy. cago. Pt-mInus to golng lu Rendout 17, Newport township. Deeti 89,000. Ouiy anotber exampie Ot your decep- tbey hati bei-n at Ilighlaud Park for Dec. 8. 1915-Josepli Delhaye andti tive tacllcs," sali Attorney Johnson. a time. Albert Coleman andi Jam.3s , vift Cathierine A. Gibbs, lot 50, I npoioglze." sailb theaues attor. Cussens were arrested as a resait ut, Highvood. W. D. $300. ney.i the thorougia seat-ch andti hey have S. M. Meek and vite ho Saute Santi -Tiats ail rlglil-you ove me sev- beon iocked up lu the Lake county et ai.. norIa one-oightb east hait of et-ai apologies," vas the reply. , mil for severai veeks. Cussens. 't block 3, Burcheli's Subdilvision, Higb. The court ruleti that the jury couiil Ia aad. viii daim iu bis defense that vooti. W. D. $450. not beri the remarks ot Attorney ho was the fitst teo]cave the deoa Anton Gahalla ant ifite Antqça Johnsou, but &fter hearing them be and that ho vas some distance dowu Gabala and vite, lot 24. block 51. tienieti the motion to take Uic case the trnck wheu the shot vas fireti. Washhw-n Park, North Chilcago. W. o! Cusseus from the jury. Coleman, it la reporteti, vili charge D. $1. On Sunday, vlth the consent of the [that be vas a short distante behînti R. L. Hughes and vite et a]. tb J. attoney fo boh aies nd ith Cusseus sud that his brother vues- . Kennedy, veat part lot-'5. bock 2, assrane hattiay oui stndthe briuglug up the- t-ont-,He vilI cialm. Frenclie's Addition lu Llhertyville. W. assurnce hat hey ouldstan theIt ls sald, liant Mort-ion ittackedi bis' D 400 cOat JolntiY, Couuty Surveyor Chanci 0. $4.000.getIg hebete o Russell anti an assistant veut lh ona-brteaniasetn l.buerf Dec. 9. 1915.-D. T. Webb andi vite don ad ad aplat o! the land, hmwe etbcjt edret ai. 10 Hart-y Lund,. lot 11. block 1, shovlng the presence of liae depot, assistance.I- vwiii relate. It ls sai Webb & Jensen's North fille Addition the railronti tracks, the ronds and the liant his brother socureti Morrisons teWnukegan. W. D. $600.7 lace vhere Mot-t-tons body vas evra n ie heso.Mr iso W.B. Littlo and vifte tD1. L. O'Nill1 tounti. Tiss as blone lu order that vas well inovn throughout Lake notha 4 foot of lot 23, Pearson, Lttle 1I the Jury migiat ho lhoroughiy tamillsr cut ndbsI deso fi s& Brogans SubdIvtision, Waukegan. vith the lny of tho land. . a-owatchlng liai- dei-elopments. IMany jW. 1810 Thi mrnngvbn r.Ruselsplan 10 attend the triai as soon as T , 0'iaadvIetoA . eta Thi monin whn M. RBsellethe work of becurng a jury la coul %- le, l t,h avd Long ae .uCli- assistant vas pinceti on the standib" pleteti vis io.9C w. 13. ongLak00.b vas questionet i vth regarda talilghts __________W._D._$100 viaicia appear on thse tepot pîattorm al Joseph Sevorson anti vite te Louisc Itundout. Sume contend! Ihese lights iRFl lI hIEf iliippl et ai.. lot 1, block 1, tLloyd'ss vere pinceti on the tiepot plattorm fi IF A DSubdilvision, Hlghwocsd.W.1D. $300. a sînce the murler vas commîlteti. As TILT TU MPTIR avu pr'w E. M. Skinner ant ifviteb H. J.r a resuit 'State'a Attorn ey Datiy vita- drev the plat, but the defeuse sai tbey migiat pt-osent it as evidence inter. Coroner J. L. Taylor vas the nexb vîtnots te ho placel on the stand. He told utfiavlng heon luformeti of lb. tragedy while ah lis office l. Liberty- ville anti o! having driven to the scene of the crime. Bu tolti the ex- act point vheru heh.lad ftanuthel body lylng. Be aiso identIfieti a coat anti bat wvicialiailicou lylng noir the- body. Those vere proseuteti by the stateas attor-ney as exhîhîts lu the casi-. Tht-y at- alabegel ta have lie- longedte bAlbert Coeman. Tt vas ait tis juncture ,±lat Altor- n-y- Johnson ohioctedte t the presence of Sher-iff GrItfit ln the court ioo'n bcause i- w'asa n itness for the slati-. He decilareti tht- thet-lf houtîl tie ecbtdetifrran the- t-omthe sanme sl. tite other wttnt-sses. This action Nas. laken. Tt vas probatt1y thte fir-t tinte 'the. sht-rtff i-ver hati bei-n ex- tîstit-t from tIce court rout in Ihi4 many yenrs' expirience as ahet-iff anti dcttuty sherlff. Thecoroner tol of the lnquest ud SEND ALLEUiEDDE- UINQUENT BOY TO COUNTYIOSPITMI ,Judge Persons Says Co. Insti- itution Is Ideal Place to Be V . Used for the Purpose. A n'eW use for the Lake Couuty hospital was found on Saturday mot-n. ing by Cýounty Judge Porsons, viaun with the ready consent of County Phy- F T A, sîcian A. K Iitrowil, Fart-y Nelson, for that Ne-w Yeni aged 13, an aileged delinquent boy slty and you cannu froin Fox Lake, vas commltted to Upon getting good the county bospitai t be detained un.l ronds garage. So fil bis case cornes up for trial ln court on December 31. The boy, vlio oth tires and qua tbas no parents, lian been worklng for thern bore. Ail ot tGeorge Busse. Accordlng ta, the aIwo. AIl high gi Charges made ln the case, he has been able, the kind that Dmerely, a -val! trust upon the coul- depondabie Munlty. On different occasions lie bas beun accused of pliterlng. lfl 1 The case againet Mr. and Mm.rl. fq ff MlbelÀen for the suppo)rt of th.,, 5 thre&year.old chlld, Charles, vas dia& mlssed for let or proeculon. 1 TheCcase of allege4 contempt of LsR Y n court againat Heuian Sybrandy vastI dlsnised hecause liebl complled-______ vlth the rullng of lbe court.TH mo 1 The case of Auna Jaukovieh,. ai- .R C iegsd tob ha tachEmlnded vas con- Uuued. A citation vas lssued for bar £':D ]AM g guardlan vho vas ordered b ake a dghart39 report to the Court on Jauuary 3. on &=a f*l arr Decomber 31 the feeble-miudud charge 104 N. SÉMSiLld5oseNXa will be given a husrlng. Tb*. case o! Harry Loomus vas con- D&.H I ttued lto Jauar 8. Tisala the ceePHtiSANm _ ln whlch Loomîs Isleld ho have com. 5@sd-iUMfor liussss.i Perieuse. Trente an med pelled bls family to live tu a lent Terus modersato. cotua near Lake Villa aiD to a short lime to1, f .. ago vben ho moveti lotoa a useae lngelside. Loomis vas tovmeriy a section torenian. an the ralroad andl mioved itothe tant aller lie bathis poAltlon snd badtu ta ork hy the day. SHIERIFF'S SALL State or!Ilinois, 1Lake County.--s. Publie notlers la eruby given Ilat hY virtue of a certain allas vrlt of Exseciaaa laueti out of the Circuit Court of Le County sud OSItt ofo lUlmelis, dlrcted te the BleutEo! sald Lake Couuty, lîlInolu, datsd the 18t1 day of November. A. D. 191f, lu favor of Swift sud Compealy (a corp.), sud agtainst H. W. Kîtcesu and C. M. Spring. 1 shali on Saturday. thu 16th dny -o! Jsnuary. A. D. I916, ah thc bout of oue o'clock lathe afternoon of laid day aUthUicFasl Door o! thc Court Houas in lb. City et Wanke- gan. Coainty of Lake and Stale o! 1111- noie, solitat publie vendue ho the biglist bldder for cash ail Uic rlOhl ttiseand Interest of the salfi H. W. Kîtchon and C. M. Spring, in andtiuh the toiiowing descrlhed real eshale le- vled on hy me by virtue ot saiti wt to-vit: Lot Tht-eu (3) In Block One (1) lu E. O. Sayles Subdivision at Fox Laku, Laie County, flîltols. / Daled i aIWeukegan, Lake Count, Illinois, liais l4th dey of December A. D3. 1915. ELVIN J. GRIFFIN, Shenliff o! Lake County, Illinois. LYELL H. MORRIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. .vkly Dec.I7-24-31-Jau. 7. CHANCERV NOTICE. Stale 0f Illinois, Couuty of LAte-os. Circuit Court ot Lakte County, Mancb Terni. A. D. 1916. Converse Marl-he, Trustee, anti Oliver Hook va. Joseph . Haas, as Trustes for Pla- kue Couutry Club, a Corporation. anti Ths Platakee Country Club, a Corporation. lu Chancery. No. 7725. The requlsite afftdivithaving been ilet In tbe office o! the Clerit o! salt Court, notice la theretore berehy glv. en to the sald ahove namei deteuil- utis, Ibat lb. ahove namud Compiain- ante heretotore fli their BUihof Complaint in said Court on the Chan- ce-y aide thereof. andi that a summons thereupon lasued out o! said Court agaiat the ahove namei detendauts, 11M UURAJqU 3U1 '1Ullmann, lots 1 anti 4, block 3, Mont- berm of the Circuit Court of Lakte FRED GRABRE gomerys Reaihtivislon. tHighlandi County, ta ho aithIe Court House PUI ublctaesear Park. W. 1). $1. lu Waukegan lu saiti Lake County, on FartaSale. a Spsclalty Waukegan, Dec. 9. Dec . 0.1915W. E. Moyeul andi the Tiret Munday ot Mardi, A. D. Dates arraugeti, Elvin J. i-IBm. sherif of Lakte wlfe 10 E. W. Colby, lot au Mechanica 1916, as la by lnw requit-el. anti vhlch Ph... 261.b--aUb-tyvlR. county, ban bei-n nameti as a defeuf- Gt-cve rondit n.viilage of Libertyvllle. suit 'la stîll pouding. lt ant lu Mrs. Scott Durand's damagd W. D. $10. suit for $100,000, lb. preclpae of Lake county ta J. W. Besîey, slrlp LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, P B CAU TO vhlch vas filet inl circuit court hy At- o! landi between easl lIn. Sheridan Cierk. PPUB CAtte tion îin tornoy Clarence W. Diver tro orrot-nti andi lot 6, block 13, original Wau- Waukega-e,Ilîlinois, Decemher 7tii, auction salas anti leut recuItfe a1 tht-ou veeka ago. kegan. Q. C. $1. A. D, 1915. tnu @ame, Attornuey Dîver appeareil bofore Dcc. 11, 1915.-D. T. Sprague taW. C. UPTON, AiIlîkndis of bore"' wagos Circuit Jutige Etivarîs liste Tburstiay Katlierine P. Adamson nortiah ait lot Cmliat -letr ao« o i rpeag t6 oe anti asteti permission to amneul hs 13. block 20, Highalandi Park. W. D. Cmiiat oîîo.laresoslooragaal~ precipaettby sddlng lhc namea of one $2.5()0. Wltly-Dec.1O 17-24-31 HENRY SINE Lake countv officiai anti three officIais AdatsBcttagline andi hustiandti oP.. 4 r4 15CT,~ of the Uniteti States goverumont as5 Loi. anti Emil Oni, oa.cit 0 etoi-t est lTht- fait tof auow Satut-day. Saturday POE14- tiotendants. His requeal vas grant- j200 feet notli 150 foit lot 32. ,Fil,,, nighît at tiSntiay brought the t-set POE 4- eti, the follawing men vere named a wood .W. D. 1.400.rta orig!eheta l I tiofestiants In addition ta soe 14 -ta-r N alsubstantlitlî LEJIIVofAwiteIt others nampcti hAn the preel pao vas M 'v . Samuel anti hushant ic1i tis county-.Il served sufficiont t ho. E WA D flied by Attorney Diver. The tiefenti is- bl. pari t of lots 23 1 2 aidan unis nanit-t on Tiaursday: 1 48, lake Fort-st. W. D. $18,000. higittaf- tp-- udyat Violinist, Pianist andTçi wý FiinJ Glfn etrlf fL, lPotutinaC. Osbornxe to H. A. kI %tltndMi -ay ubrwee0e i308 CORY AVE. WAUXEGARN, 1 K, county. Slherif! tirtifin atietiluntt1 cý!rati lot 71 biock i Oshornes second variemss pots. Itowevet. the gnovfall___________________ caî-rylng oui of thei ortieris of tihe go V-' It)di%,Isioii. Lihertyviîlo. W. D. $400. was t ti uftciet-nl 1 mako sbeîghtnig DR, S. F. GRODINS ernor of 1he state 0 1111 the Duranti gootl tatd tnothcr lit-erg fai, wi cou- t.. bI. M-lt tu, î-mîîtoyo fi-~~~~~tii-rI ueNO BOI t ti -d wý-.-tht-r 14 t-ieddbeftre i pka IA.-rB. înbii ,iuirly. [nia I u-1rutyn . Nwitî wt-rk wlTecilO 1HC0 deit arof uta grinu tre. fF[ rut t- T tt <J W ENE AY ONL Cari \ rouît-aui, assistant spectary hi~I IW wti vîitd Surndîr niglit ani a"' OFFICE OVER LOVUJJ DRIJG JS.Jeiitson. emptloîtYe Ja .ct A1-1trt-Iey lias iart-lt-d.01.-1 batt of an td ia ndt iai- tiectaitîn s on Ordhestrals - The Indespendeait le 1h.' wi!îli tI by attirneys rcpct-senting F DGAR A. BENSON, Amuiemeni Exchangte 1ntieiendent reaches al)1 po:uts la 1>- 12-page weeky-lheat'e.Whln Mrs. Durauti vilain a few tinys. dIisi5 6.htO 4WVltiltltiStUaoLakte Caanty. bodiy tae.0 t. e TIRES, rtrip are a amm Dot always dpe tires a et b amake aura lality by.g~ )her auto aupp 'ade sud deps mers go DYAMQND aAUSTIM ___ Hou- es atoo Office lna Kaiser Sloçk.. LIBERTYV94LE. DLHANA V. cSly. Offlu afr Bol». Cook Ave. Pb.»I LI5FtftTYVILLIE, lLJ LYEL H. NIM1. LIert I lUnCM mon os pp. 18M0 st. Elsettis $W". )lt Phone M liUa. PIoue 1S09k PAUL MAC G1JPFI ATVORNET AT L&V. Uibur*j'yl% ~Blcels DR. 0. F. BUTTERRDW.; DR. N. W. SHELLEN8RM-ý 08T]COPATBIC PH!SIU U' Old TalUs Bldg. Ubertls, 5 UlBes Bours 10 uantil 5 Tuasays end, Vrlday uir DU. I. L TAYLOR Office.l in ntNadtiemà" h Uel3* 8:8 «d 7to 8p M6 " acsldeww ')a Srondw"ly, opPps ax* ÙIL GOLDING DBNTIST Bouts 88tu12a.M.-1l o ô p.M. Over Viral Natioal Beel Offce Plhone 19i4. liée. Plions154 UAbertrvilll.Bltnola DL E. H. SMITF. DENTINT. alma LAZL OOUTY hEaAtA norss-d te 12 a. M. nad 1$0 à P. àa. DAILY. LlbetyvlelslUlOWs CHtAS. N. STEPIILENS. M. 0. HOMHOPATHIC PHYSICIÂN a"O SUGON Plient loe 1 L.oveGou Ce Libertyvillis. 111. ---e- ~ - 1 ' 1 EN liiiuaNit 1

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