CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 7

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IÀAKE; tJtU'NTY_[NDEPEN4DENT. F'RIAY,.'ÙECEMBIrR 7. 1q15. ?Vau&eb!an ~ei»s SIOP ANDI3RSON. DEDICÀTI3S cIIAPL, CONFIW A CLASS Hgad. of th Î pa1 Diocese VWi4 tWekean Sunday, PertormingCeremonies. B lehop Chales P. Anderson of the IUoPMwP diocese Sunday confIrmed e am of 37 ln Christ churcli, Wauke- Sunday morning ai 11 o'clock. Sconfirmation service folloved one 1dln the nev cbaped t 1O:3O i hih the bisbop formaiiy dedicated troaHalUe Barveli Memorlal Chapel ls accordance villi the rituaI of the The. b.autiIstl chapel, maid to be one W ths e attafl thie nortb shore,j ipp ibitu capclty as the bishop *Wmy placed fitla service for the vmrslp of Coi and many vbo vlabcd te attend rere not thon' because et tha llmited sestint capaclty. John W. Barveli aad relatives oc-. "upied a space set amde for lhem. il lémisla memory of hisfe ittaMlr. B"svohi provided tbe handsome mcm- auhg, Mr. Barveli havlng pald for ail Me woft In canneclion wtb the en-1 *0 reconstruction of the cbapei. wei' on 'vblcb progressed for severai The bisbop compiinsented tbe par- isb on thse beautifisi addition. te laud- *à the effort or Mr. Barveli ln pro- vldilg ucb a memorial ta, one vbo ba" vored so bardIn tise various depantinenle of the churci and vbose ýtimcy deatt iîrougbl sucli sorrav fa the communlty. Buhwp Anderson said5 fibnt the boivtnliul chapel vas a distinct caa- fributian te Christian architecture d hl eing a vont of art. tbat because est la directly conncbed villirreli gion, tbe people ino dosîbi viii feel the implration Vitaicamefrom thc Gath- le s1yle of architecture ln iis beau-1 Mtal sdilice. He added ibat thc idapal leaonc of tbe fev truc pieces tigotWhic architecture ln ftsc Chîcago fiecs». Conflrmed the Clama. Ani tthen at il oclock tbe bshop r aislterei tbe rite of confirmation1 le thse bg clame vbicb haui been vrs-- Spared by Rector Howard E. Ganter The bishop's presence vas an event mi importance inte cbuvc btecause1 aiet tac ft hat lic bacnfot offictated la the capacity of confirmation for1 oesora years, sufiragan Bisbop W. E.1 Toil baving beea deiegatcd ta ftic du( Unfor the past ceverailimes. Biais op Tol'a sadien deaili nome menthe lae bas iireaaed he dalleson f illdbop Anderson as no successor te flislop Tolilbas been named.1 WANTS MANKEPT IN SOLJTARY CON- FINEMENTINJI Por Master Reoommends r at John Beck Be Locked Up tintil Next Mfarch.* Waukegan. Dec. 12. Wben Police Magistrale Waler Talor beid John Berg ta Ithe grand jury in bonds of $1,000, on a lnon- impport and cbild abaadanment charge iodas. Hivari Cons-ad, as poormaster of the court, recommcnd- ý4d that the tate's attorney Instrucl .-benlff FIvin J. Griffin la kccp Berg in -oltary confinement until Marcet "Lock hlm In a s-om bi hmoelf. 'Mang lslm.up by ttc lieds. He's nso,. good ta hîmiecif or te hie family."1 said! Mr. Conrad. Pior te the deatof hic vite ttrcc yçarq ago Bes-g heid a reeponsitie Po- sillon ai thc mille. Hc vas emproyci aua s-ou catcher In the rollng mille. and il te doubtfu nIif iver a common laborer ever dsew a larger check. Beg made as higb as $6 and $7 a day. Folloving the dcath of hie vife1 3e.-v 100k ta drink. Hie famiiy vasé bydien up. Tvo vere sent te the or-1 ilhanage. Tva otters vere adopted. and Berg. negiecici ta contribute ta Iseir support.1 ýThe oeitlime yeunasresi him on adrunk and dlsrieriy charge. let1 neknow' vas Ed Conrad's suggees tliotec poice chiefe. Berg vas Uvealed la a drunken condition las' xtgbt, and Saturday morning Conrad sigued a warrant for lire arreet on a ien-aspsort charge. He vas unabse te fusnisi bande, so viii be taken tu e ountyjlit vhcre lie viii te hcld fi theli grand Jury meeta ln Marct. h4?uepeusdent s'aauhea ainpotula lm" Couety. - ~w CONRAD TO CAUSE ÀRREST 0f lMEN ON DESERTION CIIARÜE Says Men Who Dewer Chlldren Should Be Sent to the State Penitentiaries. Waukegan, Dec. 12. Edvari Cnrad, vbo vas Instru- mentalinlacauulng thebcerrent cf George Preder an a vife and chili! abandoninent, charge, Priday night can e 1. rscaof Johni Berg on s child abaaionmanl. 171rr0a year and a hait 1 bave heen trylng te maire men oui o! Berg and Preder, but my efforts bave failci!. and nov 1 believe lisat tbey shouli lie sont 10 tise peilcentiary. Tbey bave commtted crimes vhicli are punisb- able by lau sentences, and 1 do not believe that lhe couirt aboutid extent mercy te bbem. They have ieserted Ibeir ovn flash and blond, and their greci for whisky bas resuitcd la ibeir iownfaIL" Preder vas arresteil tbrec de»b &go. He viii bc given a bearing te. fore Police Magislrate Taylor laie Sains-day aflernoon. According te the statemente of officiais, Preder lictie vite nearly a ycar ago and bas bean living ln Chicago ince hie departure tram Waukegan. Hic four chiliren vere touadin a efoodiese and fuciiess bouse by police officiais, John Berg. vbe vas arresîci! isat lgbt. la a viiever. Hc tas six chu0- iren. ttree of vbom are able 10 work. lit- has ivo daughtes-s wto cnioy ttc love and resîsect of ail mankisit. Ttey vork for a living, and take turne at kceplng bouse. Accardiag le officialis, Blerg âicade about ail tbe maney te carlis on whisky. There are three or tour otter men SACRIFJCED UIR MAE ON ALTAR 0F FIRE TO, SAVE TWO Mrs. AiphonsDykGives The Sun FraStae t FolIow- ing Loss of Her Baby. Thal ste sacrliccd ber youngest affovrlng on the altar oftire "ta cave ber tvo older chIllren from being cre- matcd alive," vas tbe tatement of Ms-s. Duyck, mnotiser o! tbe child hurned to eie n lits cr n thIe bouse ln bbc voodiots an Prday. «"Wbcn 1Icund the ire Uic ruons vbere the lutile chld slept vas Oued viii lire and emohe. 1 trimedte en ter, but vas drivea back. Wltli mv other cbtldrea under my arme 1 rau mbt the wxoode. 1 saved the otiser chIudren, but paor 'Syrra."' Syrral la tb. name of the child turned to deatis on friiay. Tboughtfulnems upon the part nf the father of tbc chili burned ta death ln ttc veodiot tire on Frlday Caucàed the blaze vbicb detrayei bis eartly personal possessions and rotbed hlm af bis youngemt chiid. The father a Belgin-a aative of bbe landi swept by shel. leai and tire. burled by Uic opposing armies cf France and Grmany-had packed bales of bey and sIcav about the aide valle of hie tlirec-raom home la bbe wood lots ta keep oui bbc vinter cald. Ttc mother vas prepariag thc evening meai. Stebaui t ull a ire la tihe kitchen range. A spark tram Uic chimney set lire to the bey and trav around the building. Betare ttc mother reallîci vhal bad bappeocd. ber homo vas engulfcd in liame. T:ie lire evideatiy elarted la thc e ILsof tte room whcrc thc Infant siept. No tiouht the motter had ciosci thc door in Weukegan vbo viii te arresîcd iusofa!the room le avolid ds.turbiag ttc lese tbey mend their vays. They do childe ealumbers. When ttc amoke not provîde for their ova ciidren end dld enter the vorking room ut ber spend vbat moncytey do eara on home il vas tao laIe for action. Ttc liquor,' nild Mr. Conrad.1 chamber bai beca converted Inb a On Monday meratng States Atbar- -iery turoace. Wbcn the mothes- ney Raipli J. Dady, Poormasten Ed- 1oPenced ttc doarfliames svePt ber yard Conrad, and Assistant Poîke bcad. Sbc di exactly vbat any atb. Chief Thomas Tyrreil viii confer wit er motter vouid bave donc,. lite relatives of Predc-r and bis vite st pickcd up ber tva cbiidren, tuckcd vhicb lime they viii hear tbe peli- tlicm under ter arma, and ran mbt lion ot Mrs. Preder. vt anasas'icd ttc voodiats. ta te pcrmitted ta adopb ber ova lior husbaad, catted from bis vork giandeilidren. ai the fouadry. vitaesci thc destruc. Mr. Conrad admitted on Selus-day tion of the home. Ue sav the lire Iliat Lake couaty, et diverse limpq. men plc%î bbc remains of bis offeprlog bad been cailed upon ta suply gro- tram ttc ictris. Uc sav them carry relles and fuel 10 bath the Berg and ttc 11111e form 10 a spot under a big Ps-tien familles. oak trce, and thess cover it vitt a Saburiay morning an agent for a blankel. Ile saw the undes-laker car- seving machine campany calici at s-y Off bis Étend. tbc police station andtIinformei the Ttc chiid tati teen turaci te ea police chiefs Ihat Preder had pur- crisp. cbased a $50 seevng machine from hie Wben The Sun did locale Mm-. Du compeny and bai dieposci cf il atier yck see as et the Cyriel Betbens payiag dova but 12., Hc Ibrealens te homela Shields township. cause a varrantlto e Issucd for Pr.i- Sheteld a Sun reporter tiset ber der's aret- on thel charge. baby's bcd vas ablaze andi that no Berg viii te ivea a beaning before lovlng mortal cauid bave cntered the Judge Taylor ai i3 'clack Saturiay sleeping chambes- vben she iret dis- afternoon. coveredthettclire. ________________This ta the second lime that tbc an- APPELLATE COURT REVERSES TUE Je (iOEIIRINOER CASE Was Case in Which North Chi- cago Saloonkeeper Was Fined $600 and Costs. Ttc appellate cou rt tas uat se- verssd ttc verdi ct In bhc case against John Goctringer of North Chicago, tsicd and touai gulity on a charge of kcepiag bis saloon open on Sussdsy. The case vas trici la caunty court tere teoos- Judge David D. Sicy ai ttc June les-m cf court. 1914. Ttc jury founi Gachriager gulity on ts-e counts, Judge SmiieY Imposed a sen- fence of $600 and Conle, Attornecys James G. Welch and E. V. Osvis, visai represenci Goctningen, took an ep- peal b * tc appeliate court. They basci tem arguments ps-lad- petty on the tact that ibeir defendant tai nul been given a tain ana unbi- asci triai at bbc bande of ,Iuigc lmi- iey. Thcy ctangcdtat Juige Smlley bai pcrmilbcd the state's attor-ney io present Improper cyiesce and bai prevcnted the defense tram prescat. Iag psopr tesllmony. Tbey chargati aiso that ,uige Smiley liai alioved Improper remars and arguments lu te made la the presence of- the jury. It was chas-ced fusther that ttc cous-t made Imprapes- remarks In te pses- once of ttc jury. With ttc decislea reverssclit viii be neccacary tonrte cse to e te -- Iici. Soine thlak that Ibis las ey doubtiul la vlev of the tact thal the only vilocees In bbc case for thc siate vere peu icetectives. Want, Por Sale, etc &dg In thse EN. DEPENDENT rescis 15,000 poruonu *weekly. gel of dcatb bai knockei eit the doos- of the lutIle ahodeintahbbc vodlots vithi te pat two ycars- Tva ycas-s ago ttc Duyl.s olest iheir alid est boy by death. Uc vas kicked 10 deatt by a torse. Witb truc Beigian loyalty, trter. IT, love and charitable feelings. the Belians of Wau'icgan and North Cli caga risc in protest againet tce sug- gestion that public charity te extendi cd ta ttc famiiy of Aiptans Duyck, thc Nos-t Chicagoan vtose tome vaà turned anti a Ilttie daugtter Ps-used a vlctim o! ttc conliagretion' «Wc. the Beians of this commun. iiy viii fat permit ctarly fsom the county or ttc humane socicty tb te given ttc family. We Belians neyer ict our people sufer,' said a womanae voice oser ttc 'Phone taday, adding: I vlet you vouiti correct ttc li- pression that ttc famtly iived lnaa hovel; bbey iived In a amal tarin house, tut Beigians neyer live In tovels. Its ted enougb for us Ln bace our country vithout being clasci as those who live la bovele. Walter Van de Mark, a Waukcgan young man, vho la employai as chem- ast at ttc Vuivan Loiulavilie limeiting Conmpany at North Chicago, vas turneti atout ttc face by ammona fumes Monday about 10 o'ciack vhen an explosion Iook place. Hc vas re- moveti to bhc Jane McAisber hospitil ai once. Ia addition ta tte ture on hie face it la heiicved lte swalloved soins of ttc fumes. Hie Injuries ar3 not ncgas-dcd as particuiarly serlouà. Daily OPtlmistlo Thought. As many suffer fram ton, muci, as ton littie, cannot gay Just bow much <f a sen- nï hanfo the Highlad PA* 0 SIIERIff tenceNco iorl~ ' z :e off go e RIu TS Of FINIIERS 1,lier ws tin »eul HeA POWR TO COM=, ,,r, tiat the time allowed here for -BETRAY LOOTI3R 0f cordnlgiywhen thé g d F: NR S~ as In prison. I believe the plan will NOk olwr wtà W* W M4UTESENTE __ot__ gfll. N .S OR O ESadthey caei h Àk R seInch past when a man has heon____ i jail where they arrectai hhmiWjr For Good Behavior, Under New Snetnced to a terni10 intec Oufly A srewdly cxecuted rob- !ie Is in their custody.Tne W0, Law, Be Can Give Prisoners Joli here hie bas linowa Ihat his cOn- beries of homes in north shore sub- prirais of Walters vore tIShea Iv 1 Cosierbe im.duct hail nothing te do with the length urbe may hie cleared up as the resul W in netka police wbule ho vas laà Conideabl Tie. of lime he would have tb romain of clever detective work hy Chief of LaSke coufliy Jail Under a iaw passed by the last ges- there-hbe could flot be diecharged un- Police Peterson of Winnetka, vho ar- Walters vas taecen t. lthb. . *ij. eral aesembly Sheriff Grifiln of Wau- ii] hi enlîre service boit expired. It rested lierbert X\alters of lake For- detalln Chicago, and tihe poilft là kegan (ai; veil as eheriffs ail over Io different now apd there IF; a pre- est Tueaday and ldenbiied hlm, lb 19 investigate bis5 poa"lbb *uue the sigle) la given power lu comsmute mlum on gn<id conduci. said, hy the inger prînt system. with other robberic eug - sentences of prisoners senlenced 10e For exampie. Frank Mozîna wai Waiters confcssed, itlsa aserle.l, shore. For guome Urn e l.Il à %%W the JLke couaty Jeui, providiag he aenteaced a tes, days ago 10 serve a robbing the home of 1, J. Ilopîlons, a heen fooledl by the dosavft u& . tbin'<es they are entiiled to lime for year ln tbe county jeli here for bav- wealhy lumberman of Wiflnetka, hibited la the bUrglasles good bhbvior. This pover aîvays Ing brokea his parole. Under tte old from wbom $2,500 worth of the famlly- bas been held by bhe Prieon board of plan te vouid te obliged to serve ttc plate andi jevelry were Btolen. Ho Independent ada-ruai ly 5,Ue the Joiet penitentiary, but neyer hae enhîre year. Under the new plan hie implicatei Thomas O'Flaherty, a Chi-_________ cxlended ta sherifs. Cals vin hi& frepdom in sameting cago fence," wbo, hec aid. 100k the la the future vben a mansla een-over il monthg. plate 1u pawnbrokers, by whom il F. BAIRSTOW tenccd ta serve 'a termîtin ttc county vas meltefi la crucîbies, jeli boire bis behavior whitce erving Lewis Young of Nort Chicago. em- The Hopisrbeywsasc Uic sentence viii have every bhlng Nore tb Cheag hd ack ombisytaimbe tosr'Job. The family as at dia- M r i ui to do witb lbe proposition as te not hcghdoeo i hmsIier aIibe lime. N ar l n r * vhte rfo i vi eolgd~ crusbed quite badiy on MondayP.M Severai ekagteaudYO wvbe rnth M i bie owen he caught Itîln a Portion veofao beaandi f vonu nui~s serve the enUjre tort. if the shes'iff mahn.Tt igrvs rsbd Leverett Thompeon ln Lake Forest this hoela repentant, ad bis cou' badly that Il viii have la te ampu- vas robbd n d alerIvsLherCd mtr Ok0 E « duel han been exemplary, a portion taled.vitdlgl.em er Wok tEv' or bis sentence ab.ho )PPed off.________ A Highland Park policeman saw vsrpii Thjis vili prove, itlaIsbllicvcd, an In- Promîscuons thievery, sbooting ai troakl n the snov ieading 1te, c estheio ducement for prisoners te sct theùr automobiles, etc.. Jsy hoodioma at iaundry ot a prominent remidence. Be hast vhiie in jail. This bas been Lake Bluff. ts oeil te bave stirred ras- foilowed tbemn and arrestcil Waitqre. Correspondence 3olicitÏd. uroved 1 te ho te case in thce tatis Idents of the village to a bigh pllcb Tbe prisoner vas kept la Lake connty prisont. and demande are bcing made that of- jalil ater belng bound te, tbe grani II 6 Genesee st -1 have flot yet rcceived a coPY )f fendere Z apprebended and prose- jury but It whs admitted ibat he vas te bil," Sherif Griff i aid. "go 1 cuted. held for the Winnetka police more, Wa'ikeora aifr Christmas Gifts Without Expense_ .r.Z.Û.kSend today Pr"e » -for this catalog, and stairt at once saving, Priceless Profit-Sharing Coupons& Malce the. money that buys your food i~ cesalo pay for your gifts. S Stu 1PIpe, Your exclusive store for Dr. Pie'.CernE CO~ ,jCe <~ TeP si~ aind PrieI.. Food Products ES TRIGGS &TAYLOR Telephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS The Priceless Profit-Sharing Co. MJNNNEAPOLJ"M.'

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