4 ai I -n RM enoveuGRSof duep appro tW or your valued pOUre- me, fe. r*ng die :lit tvulve ~4~b~urng Id11um B Vibave liuidE t goes s<1, sboit o1mrvios, *0i tb e ppy@tmfw ftyOSWlubgyou A bfrry Chistnmas oada &y~ Pmprmus Ntw Year TtýOs & Taylor MuaIs1su Grocorb )IS USeplam nm d'et oU i1914 Cala C"sa Sts ICls. CmIug Ufteui% ParlorStt~e oraa %ffl. Arn Overld aui rà-l'd Hardwre Co*. umh&TYVUJI,- 'Zo E'.'ertoby t >lett & Fredericks LIPIRTYVILI-I, IL. pRtOatpT T O %ie xPicsST9 You OuAt AP'REOIATIoN FOR THEI SUSI- aS ~TUSI WOrM Us PURINS tIE PJS '<IAR AND WE WISH YOU A, pRoS*piRUs yeAR ToCOME L~iEftTMVUI LUNMRCO. n'O W N faO-rue DRPOT.? EuetireTWIMtY T b. m e t l mg tilrp l Te Imeure pulcatO ion h ndP'le4,saa,éevc* U . al. tom. o<ay muet b. AI0OO q#cê I1 .le ul.mrl b an T ueada v of .1 0 v. ek. dw a ý Mi . V . . tro n bave V mu r- > fl.i, .ePMeuIy arW.*s*"edte ftai l tethoiwhOmei alIiown, Momsses .rUcuar.ewtIstilieall*mer iag puire . weille 'mli ________________________relative% b... melin Wau,Rk.ga ii. UItjuJ LGSI ( fWBS Ns4 AIieI l bli dbanalmtei5g aI - lhé,Wb . W In 4Me for Ibe peal 1*0 R W. pagodolAhlOéWaibft O ~ > oDtaUSwlth ber mea W BMUo f sy. e. vhi bon-- Parent bto @ Modo. Lu.i oli old b u tale» O*ii m tru M atacit et lagrippe, vilo t l lit eva. LAIeRi iMdl Vu. Mo Igore a1 Oraros.as uetraiu- v UI W b.ieaelonJOW 14811euB hochgabssmee hi.. ou Telai. mowtUI*i$on vuk sg-,ait vleb 'riia LI4ii l ini it 'hMis e .bo **s.Md gnitty ofd.a ulo haies Wright 1ewap efflig, De, m8. vilage~e 001* riTea flo. bibiS Judle Persan mOreMO i u t Mr ael lUr@. L~. R. Bryaut 01 North i d ,bicga, vlited relatives ber. Wallons- AU lb. >buvMeponsgtal.ve M" lSattie Otto ofGuys, lots., la âucW a be bd"clvm'mile apomdlng tbe holidape viti MieOrane sei deabeofii ava ber. Soind. g oitp prepïmorg lumaIit th* Dr. Ir. la.Marinabu reovird trou fssurée éik laoA&»a. -Th lb r abri hi. reoitt Ilnem anid le egmin iabl teb.e XpiOàta.o b.iesdyfor biWmm at ai bit o"u. ubialeialter thlfiel f the a ee, vue the pollagiladino M vlrenm Thie Il. (CT. U.iii me#leat the home. li pooltlone. oi MUe Mary Churcill e Touer lamter- iaaamDes 28. IUD&rtaer PaMI 0. Ray aa celimd te Biverm itouber. vntilaG"epalke er»4m~1& 0 te ingU &Y* lro boe wnt e .raYl eum 69 mWalter Joineoa, vbo llmd omauly te attmnd thegona mo nt e. leugliOi 0Lbryil o log bellthoen. bait T ie b111*1 vwuhluSeodme .1br.m maUv.Félix RferiIg oaI loveil, alter - e t t vreolock, boliel laimi 'Ipd, ,e the happy pareunt oi a lugi.. plan u le ie air mp meley. Tba iii, bOl 20.leêdeuad vas hI.uly.foerpje a Dume' Titi Ras Motor to. bai beau aIpooIDbIee mon «a 0'ifu Johnson, who"rule by the Rupmo" ImlutOr? au a servi.ce ~llb.rlYvifltowanship. station for thumi cavre. J. R. Allemm îsbiblmd .3ght Wblti Barri Gotli. Who le attandlug tie wpyaô<>u &*th. ouert~Wle., <0111r umiveeeiii01iwîmdmu at Madison, in ehaviwu vent Wmdwon lot peu, lui homeforthi oliffl.,daral, llt and endbon, les houefor ii hlldse. Sd Mdl4th p014t, aie16 00 lu gai, Umb.Vie GalIovay lh houe for the forIm But Dispil ofaiWyandottesendul holiday vacatnu tram the SMIUiner aliver top for "ButIecci. eoekéeil, b. Girl.nmmiPiladpiB. sud Pellet ilehe av" oveldby th U lr. anmIMe P. A.Bravn af Hobean. emObididiiaL.Then vire tbhrtye 'a'; " tud.elvne' oMnday vlth gtieR tu the wyandotte claie. OU huw àtehI. Aa.dme B. MiqCarde Cha a"vea ahfancehove Mia. Marin Rattkoeoai Harfovlava, log M.Ulmb"MeCormlck oan m*mrda vontmna, le Vls4t lugrelatives lu tua evimlog. Onir ber rdnntvUWo W vWclistlal mter lb. bolidea. a"d1 cam IO riende of tlb.Roi9 honnrmorn.Passant, li MeCarmie ThieLibortyvlille Public andl 03gb »DalmbemutiW muage. Tb* entmq 1eohools vire ecomd luet Frldapfora beéinwupstl o-oku t lb. evimlvovcationaoultil duroohe blimisveatOnunfor tb. rieg-vnltlng ,oelr$-tor vit halldmym.Min.Marin Schnck loi lte prise. M4 Warren A. Niciolmaeneralm.d a bets- MoCurmlck ricmlvidmurymnd vol ber o ari e mnIeab am"bou«ei vmlpicbeautital git te. Inde bigai I bI ui bou on Lut riue lb.heautomobile drive Nîvberry avine. .QS. Brug aliofPrairie Vlev. met vil Ur@. William Johnsan of Micigan, on meeldeel au Milwaukee aveuue ne vwu bue Bnuday to, attendthb.lfumerai tie montbemu d oai illagv e viien ofa ber mon Wlter. vilci bai placeiait milddid loto lb. ditci Moanaide lb. roi Bail Dar uday. and lurapd overan oaidie. Tien a je&. Bord, wvia la attendlug tb»oni otllurlerton la the cal ai the Il Unlvpreiai BofNoth Dakoa ai Grand of the accident, aed aitiaugi bath ve 1VFrte, le ep-mdlng bic iallday vacastion ibravu out ai tie useiue, meulter " et the home o ai righ. bem, ricilvil mnpbruinms. Que ai t rigifront vil. li te auto vue brakinc Mise Anua Rittuer b.dal!armi etole" Tie Rie Voter Ca. va.calied te te tram ber wvile shopping l, one ai th, cierge ai the macine. ilara e d u C lc g oer e e d m yat . T i p r i T ie rus i ai be el la..at lhe local p c coutlae ave lie bIan.office durlng tie paltviii bai heep Fred Protine, Clarvuci Laveli, Forenl armaI tiat Pontmauier Taylor aud1 Smith and Mark Ellsvorh, wvbareO lorce of aeuintante bave beau rigit 1 atteuding the SateJbtveflhty as Uiban, lie jamp aIl the lIme lua rIen to gel Ill., are bame, for tierltiay vacation Incoming and outgoleg "Jiitain ei The Mimeil ule mand Katberin ai 0me of et -the vgelar bouts. The pet end Ur@. ElIa Balmies91Keu>a. ?lilted Pont builntele uueeelly beavy a vii t ieudi bone Bonday. ieTile lii hra promises te b. no let-n'P e flolmi. le iditreai af the Kînotia Ubrlmtmam. MieMalme Jeekiai Volketriuud. .asi'îing aI tie posioffici outil mi ter holdapa. The potte wicevdov. Miqe Molly Lutof Port Bvron, Ill., la ho claaid saIabout ton o'eioek Ciriati visltiug ai lhe B. B. Eger and lie J. B. moretua eud reiel ael ouil st morse homes outil alter tie balidays o'clock at nigit. The rural carrier Mie MotIla a nuoe oiSuperviera Eger deiuer mail on hle route ai Douai and Mrs.Moare. Chriatmei uaarug. Alia oderbe7 itiameptil qn»e a The M. 19. churci choir presented reipoumible position ai Juneau, , cautata "The (Jiriatiuse Ring" ab vie.. ho ilnov muperlntendeul oi a ehurci lest Frldep ulgit la a vîry 4 large stock lanu. Mr. Baderhirg le a audience vich grially appreilated eau ai A. Badiera ai ofiii. village. viry beautiful rendition oi %bd cent, Joh Th rag a, ho livs snth 01The proltnmm vu hefognu iti a cig Joui ioruren, ia lve. tuti i thle choir, Ibis betia iollaved t Làbertyville, vu oen Baterdal heulin1 duel by Ms. IM. B. Williiam@ anI tii grand jury Pu a ciargeu ut Moult Mary Beau. Durng tie prran serb te by Bail Lolel. Tiiecaseàl ae ei aeeeiîoe vuenhbalbelon Justice LpillR. Marrisoai h à emtilu ameeslMIby a van Blden Milcb.lloaiRaudik,Bo. Dakota, ciarue. Thi athîr mmmiii vie mrrlvid boei uulay ta epend tieei'ill- resdina by M ru. (lta Uoiby, a s"q dmp. vili îls aliter, lir. Join Dolien. Mis Urystal Baton, au arnau aud V hban sdta"Siy. end seiti bis solo bplirm.Luin Mattocki anl mm pamqt«,.Ur. and Mme Frank Mitchell as, LvfIii . Marris, a sain by Mrs. Caý ll Prairie Vivw. Batou sud accampaulil iy lthi chu Ur. and l1n. Join B Kennedy b a idot, alto and baritane solo by taen pamiemilon of the9 Rugies reuideuce JImii Da les aud A. C, Murrey. on Park aeu e te eetychoir vuDelder the laderabip of preav eeavilcise vmtyJames T Davi, asud the organist er hca gd o T iend h l u rndy u ecame i d M e@ Loin Mtteks. The a ble wo tra e a o a id h f r it r a r Ua n . M a tlo ck @ a ie t hî e p ipe o rg en e ber. atursî. obd,rlly to th@ magnitudeû 1). A. Young and sou Noêl nîturcrd an enterteinimont. whieh weî anec Tueilai evenîng fhou Colarado t4prine. beat the lcaipublie Lai mver li.ten. Coi., vuee tiiy b.d be i taylna vita relative for ïeveral viii,, TLey lofs TO WIIOM ST MAY CUNCERN bonre ioalarOra ingeon Thai.. Wbprp" eorize E 8tcdman, thE givîsela viu usarempanel -Il.vh..haliard with ne for the IJirwemai enlerlnuent*lienu iv lie sBuudai eboul ai the Prmbytenlàp ebuec prlday eveileg, Dec. 24tb at7:Boa'clack Volontary .. . ..... Mime Dorothyby Siac fipun iy leth ree tau llta lb. Lord'm Aealnted ........... Srlpture-'*TnuAtorY ai iiiCbnltCilid" R-ad by aie Buperlteudetnl prayer-Rî lb. Pastor............. . "ludcane"-..... iay Gale o(ialloway Bilection-............. Pimeni Orchvetra "Our malen"-.. Four Piuery ChaPIr Cbru.-"I're Been Good .......... ...... ....... Prim r., e rtaaelit -A il .....i 4 ............. Olive Quentin Boo-"fiveetiy Bleep ,.............. .............. Helen Eetber Wrght "Little Wluky. Bllnky 8tdae"..l)ee Pierre Biddema Chorus Mime Banche Trigg's eie 1Cbou-."Te CisltmsePost Carde' ..................... Junior Girls Dialogue-" bains o! the Word".. 1Cinru-,W bat mektes a Sente Cle" ..........................Junior loyf "A Cinlai »Carol" b3 Lowel... ................... Ed ved Camey Cloinc Hymn-"Joy tu hie World'* le people- of Libertyvile bappiest SCMSO of the Isar msl time we , wlsh you ton. oflte many many ilu uVn<.y?/tna$n* 'DIewto t* vuiavoWrm iéatier To a i l tbom*@»,uia & imberofmab preffl mipeiu pos lie appoiof aibu e.nla*Im,~hesSbobieidel 10 bld u»ooewop »I i Ont of tmi be ler o fWgtua. m"rlk hiloue Titêlteh lý#em "16 *pOultnllif "Duim vwtt>mt Paoii iolîtalltioi 4oet 5 8sBot it< w ll îi «0ileni4 iuý me mOu101WW d-buti arggIouegpelml uri ta bile* la a. uai neOiilbrm by Ju.uoi ir.îa..ihtiqibi.for ih u 10sere. Syiolgsi*jse ILiJ»oie lana h clubc agooaloewslep sel ave e. mDOWm amSoUdbUtaiblD, ibuâecai bu b esOW euîum ta gos ia a *good, D"v orsualustloneat prmtlllpna ipemam mal Mi ti»mm *u»hi elp boaet ibe MMibeiBltof mithieclub wvilcinDowvX-x muoea in lyor bitter e mtayuelertad Ib nos ofappflut- ueJle o auttem .Tb.o-mlilmt ________________ à" bbu ratlfieby tie huard et lireclare û MM 0ai limir Itestmetima. LiSlATSLAau jean SLT The filg @echoasetilbail ltensEF nigil mi Ibo Towu Bail, aben tbey ~ ded i bi tm tam ouGrayelme by m --- i0 ft maime3 108a. This nue aer-t dq b o ile laoOur boys vimoDueconelders lu sScemmln luit ear. __________ Aibaugi lie crovd wvue bremamii, te lb. game vagnod ou.aolli pluyed. il Oui loma u v m . olova; Birman 5aI±i Pt *eslbeecil Chas.Mors, Vico a lves, t, oi lna ie" md Bars Detiare Tii lais TIR 9 R id tva m u r vpayereail bau ihb0.thm PARTI". 04 ae Our tam promîm e ab. fi i cIms. HM ai Mr. BImle huebenu micuuseamoaschid 41 je vorilua ib e ul44amdlp. BOe m.8Z L A realy m b eil ia basud d me *Yf C ,r iboItiey an. gailaie e -gaod a,~ 5 tm e a a. n a flav e ais îe coul expeel t of Tii flqai sibool boys vill prababl In__e 010111 ,. play Saganai vllthtb.Alemuni sOmitlme ait belvien Ciristmmsud enw ovTias" », E vr ae.ca ll lyinvitai ta oattend. 1 ~ T 'TbaVi's vy aur finie, deliciîaue Vie@ are so mach in demannd Once a obap caileci pie the demon of tie Arn.riau pantry. Bt tiat vaA hilare moder, anitary hakeshop Inethdi; uuch ui durs led dOua ea*y vit botierssame kithen pie bakiug. Photie m~ - - Liberlvlle, laI HOLIjDAY GOODS -AT Tu- MILLINERY STORE W* ameubowluga l rg aote.nt of nuo)eltiea, suitable for Clieom GMfta. CeDlu md e leue Pre..urdert- Ai» a nie. selection of Handh.u,éid, <leeaH.eeuy WaeiemmdFmr Good. Tii. Pamiana Corte.. A. W. LINDROTH, - LibertyvMle ~IItKL1 . ru~iORBct G t L II fiUKftfIC LUWt3'ille. Lrepresented i'ieem ILS&-î CHRISTMAS G ROCERY SPECIALS-~ Some unusual values for the ltoldays: Hally tîny peti,a very ammll tender pea, Ise value at perti. . .15C Blessera Brand Queen» Olives, aefull qart Mason j'ar of large' olives for .....25C Cheeee, Gold Bond Longbarn or beot soft whit/a Brick Cheeît- pd ......22C Bakers "Dot" Sweet Chocolate, eapecîally for candy making, per cake .....2() Monarch Coffee, a fine, riah, aromatie blend, try it fnr thristinas, 1 Pd tin....35C Pacifie Coast Apricote, new aold pack, fine fruit, per eaun...........20C 9 ;We have aloo a ftne amortifeflt of Christmas Candies, Nuts, Dried 1fruitS, Cigars, New Buckwheat flour. Christmas Trees, rtc. UIOLLAND CREAMERY BUTTER. GOLD MEDAL IFLOUR W-, W. CARROLL & SONS CO. FEIED and -COI FRANZENI JR. PEILSIU%ibÂVDINNBR. AM£$ ANO SANQUITS CATEREO TO ,SAl ACIIN 1 I M O A RESTAURANT.' (lfllflTA S TI Cêm Un -v -"V Rmwmmwwwmmý 1 PHONE31 GROCERY DEPARTMENT SOUTHSTORE 1