CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Dec 1915, p. 4

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V - . I.&K~ <1<)~TV hP TIUDÂY DEO~M~EU 24, 191& C~~h ..1 £a~i*0Iso. Wl~ limai Sv4ng Mepplnose~ l.ancste for Scorpion Silo.. ~' ~ke Gounty Independent Xdditional /P~Ws Waukegan Wekly Sun ____of ~r'// ~ a Oe Patd~c a Uieryvlle ai. ase to Ci&"mi ai Ytidoy Advrieu4&Ut!« 5Mude I(u,>DonAàpplicatiofl. non 01IO .60il P£R YAlt STRIOTLY IN ADVANCE ..............................-. EO~ . .......... . ... R .....................f5I5i es..Pooiv- iMi cot li oty «10 pIcb.It l oin jnated that bmae t0 t e o u st ma bvreahed $8500 lu tii. uiiy in ithat ome al»isthvarably cam teil vimn gt o befpl » h.taphue 54,i be & oortiai u t h' oia on *ti uytorn miv. ymtotiUW 1h11y.always kknov i.»the. bave been 1.410 beleve titAt cold veatier erad- tomaao th lfoot anS met i eme. .A"nd t àt ofa thl. e uruly eomyQltIoldf et tuapsIt ont, only gam 10prove aul *0.more tuaI r IoWm muc* about flatfter ailtuaI one's opinfo&, about as vamable as anotbul's. ubegan, liii.otier cills,»ov fidl ter. lna a vy »IiiW tsthm ers o. T>Ia v ovebg lie mater bé omdo»Mhure nfWpss vere là« are able to hýs bout a mnetfmoeuta*lngtbidi ine. ~.asewaaa aÈs ut on lie foreigu Mm. E H. Corist hme romeri from akatteck et lairrippe. Perm aucttof sales ar e ly ta lai' until oftr 1th b~iPi' 005ê*C fral tvo monho la W4 - ev 'ïte tonoe woay tti Whmbn o ou la t kep ýDMv&lu.heAn P. L sNOW ix4JI Percyî, G 8m e.rural mail carrier. met wi1h ob tory bai accident bla0tem.- doy mlgbt u ho . as kbucalsidovm. by a eaImai cor la Chicoglo, smaenia misu aeconfined te bis bei suffering lrom bruIs.. M r. eno w bad @peutlthe deyisuChlcego with frieni ud dvbenIt cmm lime10 i bis train for homme a couple of frismis eèsempanid hlm to the strelcor Il- viiere ho lulended tu, board e car 10 et t. the Northwesteiarm tation. It vae &bout 9:80 o'cloct uben bc .teppei loto lhe etreet maschomerytIho rlgbt eue &pproacIiiiigandmid imot obef" th&$ 8 i!ar ommig fr0. lb.e oppuslia dirmcton blted te stop Dus e b.crossîni.&Bu fm momenut ho bai brnoom kc ofi cife l ami couglit umier lb. lender Of lb. car, It tras slmOe ltnce before tb. moto, mou could stop hie cor oui uben Il dli Chaech?/ews. FROU - LOCAL - lUCi] MAidlal.Lpieceeal. Noit a dau Ds. 2tb srviese vii b. sf the ornli' aiIl Wo'gOcuS M U. T E. BeaU viiI Presb s Nw - 1~18', sermon on ils sub-ci: mualo by telb. d8qr audiÏt Botud wilIIaltke a tolo lu ibo et0 at 780 ïbo choir *Ili ren&?>lhdcatOla 'Tbs Ohrlst naeLo"' oui'Sv. lufli- bain udiies Mary Boom wmling'tii. insi "Us*kl Uork My Soul" b, tiOW Boys Éhelley. A cordial Iittion I .zteuded io &H,. Bonday ichool emh Sondai merulait et 10 e'ck., lauiea oui departmoats for ail eges. "-Lokilog OuwardIo the .Gaiof Ail ths Tsars" viii ho tbe aubimt ai ibe XMe' OTasU pvorth Leagne lssou mxl Inn. day crola in m 6-45. Thl is vineoa Iinollossoun full of Inspiration. mis. Marlon TaylorviiiliaSei l b. meeting. Ail ar e ordllylted. A "New TsarS Ev.." sociable ben boom plamBai by thé Epwortb Loegus for nez' eok Fridos enIg, Don.81. begluelug mit 8 o'cloek. Tbe poumi' people vils 1bave asapismdili ime atoa th e b. "Oi q ear ou " e l.New Tsar lo." tbl.t< 1gemel Vul tale up sous aif lhe 11.4 Lvith oot amsusemuent suan a but 1lumebeon viii ho srved &bout 10:80. Ail rs rordloly Ibvitui. b (brllmoeEve, Frieay ulahl aittîti s M., E. churche, doSuday sehool vili b givo o Ejrimoa progralm ciof nus tdrille, reciatioiis. Thors viii a rge Crialmo iriso adurini' the oxerci-s *Unta Clans vii ita ro Iiai. Every- Ibody la invitei. -~ ~ t~ecoma t. asto 01 irema maua ~!0Uol oEPUU.buab» flmm-reow ir. now from hile perlions Prpbtoron ~ bavug t do thbePaIditUYOBfor tlb. na alion. 15 sonsaas nsd..teriied ib&t 1000 a. m. Bondai sehool. ~!0IA013<M#O1 BOmSb atiubla e MD«rIr. nov rreel..d Duy some bai bmleesMorini' ServicesIl elock. i *i. 0 i80M oolgWttSO his fieuis placsi hi m1010u auto_ CbrlaWaetiouliofr 645 P. M. 'Of oide, vas awaymobile oui bruughtb hiu lies hoins Iu Evoulma servies 7:80. rAgum nrwgutut & vss ipE r o su h ton Libortyville. the parti eriviug bers et. Josopwo Churçb f.ssIjs4'iim .P4% le FOU bassortly attpr ou@ 'clock at nîghl. W. Servies et St JoseP's cbnrcb milbe ieiW5i 0~W5 SIStlDtliiý C. Mois le eubatitutlmg for Mr. BD-v nastiol.wvon Cbriatmas aIm rural mail carrier. 6, 7, 7:45, 9 ami o 10eiok. Tbe 10 C e oftbet8. 8. QGreenleafti.county l«aa dnd ô'eiucî mass yl bu iolowei hi BOMnsio- huai o iemeedid barm 10 aliVbdy, vho A'ýME CAP B LEOTti OFFICIERS lieu servie. Aà priept re. Tecbmi vlf ~~,OI.4IO*khid b.o ws bon~, kîd ~fl1 ChYI* AL tuj,. 'A î 1.g Ati ti eeCaWP 1-64Lbts.Teth a ký -4 o t t«at of bI mena. Re iield the diEthiCtiO litM W. A. beld D"cmiler Bîh lb. illv- rpeioeabosmuclpoga * MMbu"ta" îb0fWaUkegau SdrOflOof i i' offier. er. ch.ted. fer theoeomaion. andunuder tho guidance oldatresdetsof I5Ak oon17. RMalong ite CuslJouCeaf iloioxtelleui leaders viii maimtilu b.. Il---;.à" -Mess.--bigb standard vbieh bas ai.eays be- USUfORS >ecaae i 114 Cîri-aito Ly ie.longed t tl. totiUcntry. Maftk, %had ecozuea notable iF.»t-Bort Doudeu,r Watchman-Jacob Beltzel, Br. Trleky rep. ut a ctyýsonine-Bary itzl.A. getiemmi vîtile bualfiig»uMia Yhe rlghtof the board of edUCation to COMPOI Pffl S'."ntle-BoR' Maltel rirou nte adma" etv o fo rua 10 ySOaiCOfor in opeu in utht iScefb. the mdUd hdmt cl ta hi pi _____________ usIag valtut 0fheb.river couli h. býbe« MqWtanbd ihie Uscbur' u01t i rlyp, AT TE rTHATEPS P y nt!ssafrwuthe bonI. sae tlte * iecourt O#ered liaI a CrtaI.i mi» bavee thti - - - - Solom At the .ai edo stopped, gtqed frnbis o0n, 9 yem ol&..Tif le htii rot dolfn -,Tt.e Davu of UndertaidiPg" (VIrila ld olvd i nh Ct ~g grpb) -Mand Moor-C hent b b nd t IenMtanmne istaindovmn 1~ O0U3!t la laterestingMay ethor ci ibis tive mal drame, bas ntef b. lualloutso têfS. odal- etraed rou l'e betenpat inberIng finell, bot on the foxs trailL Nov. doctorsaand Io 'h eae pt l ercm en nas Chse o ri M th cs. bi- '.~~ .Mayai d abfer materlal. liovever. e.basn, evin nacas0fIi it byZio peobe h futre qestins tat 1AY &lU soo eaijudarment 10 eetini' ami'trust asietirslby te tber nases 10 hol 0 ti pai. oeembliii' tue Incidents of ber tor!. Titis ans vas noe eeptlol. ne ra ____________ bbas been osympatheticoi P. l -ongs 185lmc.bestid Ovu. aid vbsm b. <'Iy fth~ ba ai iudaet one; b'1bcone 10 Wau- duemd by Van Dyke Broks. Mannlesreacbed the hob. ei ne t etoç. but « Ilf fatà bU al IdÈ of o n tIl os " tello, ieah Baind and Howard Hall plungai lsect te vale nd i d5ppe5 VUail litI10a26ee 'b)10KgeMeO f Ut1"uf oPre the h'ading memb"rs ni sauexcellent ai forever. Tbea Ibm fox trottai avBY iu ox ftl. a mm iiarre i a M6. Lbert Theatre. Saturdai igt, vtth evri aigu ofe atisfsctlOi *',axd ýformaly o ay4-W Igrand arcey, boin¶<,bod Duc. 25. AUhilgRosalt. lb. Jui uuti -As Tame Ut li te Duig the O e at00emnon tu sutsly rrIV& . Wàtumrltepar- CARD 0F TI4ANKS a Public cbOl &tb OUM e«m -U05 l l lotvintsd b*u-Mug ouBleumt uq ôt10 w", to 1tbank lime ugbor ss oui. b tah«bM utr I1b. 01 o UI wapef uit knvn. UT, Ibmf»lt fa Mnis for thoîr maoY acte cf inineastajin discours.Mo Iii. onier r e. 43ix oute 5*lUI OW udn eysea10k o bon me lu myloto breavemetnt, aels ianenis imp "Im __ ooy-smerlous or b autllul flowers. "Jbnmy." nid s ell."Uhtuflhlf 04ve aianmailw fortbWm. .Johnson. tea abrigît tt 11e yomagser, ca ~~jsat&' 1d.kW fp.1 dd' e lat ons -Iha leu me wvît t gîlutii-i si tF"X &t iascit mu e M alter 10 gel it drop- *Ma' sliw-n.s. ma'aiu." Wvosh*e rser Xi h.iiad a -loa b tim reato fdhnryfi- An agmi Germen adbhsevifs WU j, g. ?»o eWee " "ltI. yllkibetd gl40 day. iJail or a & ut= c10Joliet. mucît Llvn Ona day. 'Tîtpvs rigbt' esilol18the acha g# a miloraoparticnlarly uapleasasem , .aaoraglugîyr. .New, tell mus yl i mm sift 8.01- vomwuan vemarkod, vitb a sgt: tlimtai ligtains avsr trikhes ivO - VelJ. 1visis1îtuIs aboen.OI" 'l vigiaithe ~Mine Pacer" Wbi itdo »Mtist 0 vtmoil,ý po" ie itvu in a bssr.gaieal" shoutai bar e auec" uavaitum1111110t it r a Dul froîp titer labMo Iff10 remuin lu b-disai Acît, iW'cri.4 h. ltead ssili. afttsr ibits ammc.thte vtassl ilt sst for y-ourse to pckont t180 eai-j twaMW mor.-Pli MWf ieë Wmim u o Mou vais Cie... S..lngc llS auobmorvmi laitIla bohde ths lir. Bloviai' (al#nas '&)-7 vox 7e. wfiemmmtorase ,vicb la ao-e-r iqu iftat " l*ge %Wb b.a su tM ust 1-buiat fl awm ho l a tbeuablei obkru &.7lam allaoisImé bala ttb ufd4 f-mtbud ~ ~ ~t iii.paugio abgvt abOId lbUlm? 7 oSSmbweI4utpàVIdu vfam mnw of lu L aelat 'equstonulabydobhî la untdoato a grel lêo1h e or puropr fap u itantueo corn bu e lais» onth eed povemeul tspotari rg o ren.. of l te o*Inu plàafgrae Bustiorpa »-b moeiathedomsadendnt lldrM.,sho; athJ the fm i bdruty w Meu pstnt lbe I l iâbme oruetcre lime but vilci mu t aI te. t aourse.OW 'Iu4>l.1 li4llaidgle faim st LOMinIDaln the nsantime,. if the. county a ssumes the proper alti- Ittufl cufu-ng for tude tqvard Alandale and Lake Bluff o baia, depmnd- '~'~ '~L mha! t thon. l %batj et viiicontinue 10 h. cared for 9:n= lertia *0ii mu t a . it sIlaw aWut-àMAlldgle bau never been ufIas. by otarag 6. .ogtr, ~ tt.lsAdvautageof t Préencé? qoatus fcrs ii . 1 a h NO imu « . hoa tu fad wil ut. h pimat d«e*0 aMyrciso, la mInt&hii 85018 sd n emlb.c.iThoaimetatb. cilmmimnès vWali l lmotatla- onigo sg o o «inlake. Waates mt e burusil UP, Or cludeu S i! ccMu- jai mai ciai'the bloai. 'Tb* MoM -You onsume thb, mors you ame«*x ICIdIend Suez Canalis.ý , lb Kiegega. vîici .18 )>Sovst IL mss a igtb. lb~Oileu* %e fi m b iot r uté gitla th at m akeis lm U sir aIA" r 9m ai0 " 9900 W thek hOMIY. XI A#» thecomutan mi eloial»"e maut.' ntatabag aMi uiversel glfts; It inab«» sud tai rtate iof Md "0top Peo the Oi~ c f sun bluO u h e -5 &B W U nd causai i bysmtkb t % WOuM laut. Il tresh air; fit tethébs fris b. u,,M for the st.jgg c e co-l--U. the l«o? S t ila la e kua a t a i vtcli oSmbel 0017ittft*5 palaM aicot U M, ~the ioUti . t MIfW ho îtut aon imaili'. 0517 a Wori. a mutle. a 10 ;k file _ _ _ _ _ At m dit amy rerty f bleutas thet ore 0ai# gntie art of makl bingCut ar happe -. lmymen. * Why W. eui i la tm i __________ cana la tn; tbore*>r, fise dms B5 p eas a 1 VO" 1« 15 On am fIm velvé oblhrea., $ouselI~~s1ibm v. haro vîtea va fui' i~imiWb~. A Cereal Delight Dr. Price has added a deliglitfai new, dish ta hfli« i of ready-to-eerve cercals. Something you'll like for a change. Oh, ycs, there arc other wheat fiakes, but none like 2%t. PIeds PlessFrf*.kngCupn uEsv dg Put it on your grooery IW today and it wiIl bc a regular visitor to, your hoff hereafter. The exclusive Dr. Prie Pure Food Store in your 0100 is TRIGGS&TAYLOR LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS r *1 10 OId Michigan Mutual ,Wé ore just coaipletiig the first quarter of ou.' 111(1' Vear inthe enupisu .of<h".compamu. Duri.g <fils dm ewe have liaidie sdslactlon 09 watding ou. Agmuggmow to m Mdwe aiwe have os.'friSaiS là td"akforthfprt W. fed duit we are luuiebtei.ot oudg togo wflo -hamedkftU pàalmiznes.boitauo <hof. -9o.s ivhs have asats1.ilau w elf.' maklq tis mSuccasposle" W. ame thlakl.g .19goutom dua ani wlsldmgos (fiegreelluga of the s"aMo. A Morry> Christmas and A Bright New Vear JOHN 11006E9 - District Manager r OMM" r'-i 1 11 A ti

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