CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Dec 1915, p. 9

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*~1 LAKE i.UOUNTY DEPENDENT, WAUKEUAN WI3IKLY SUN >.14. P RIBRTYEIvi HL. FRmÂY.DBCEMBER 24,1915. lU AE.~ x IAVIJ Release of Mani ' -ssaultinga àle Man SENSATIONAL rged Eau Lve- la of John Tbarugren, vba lite tav nsnerondi about Ove ipthMt of Lbrtyvilll. ame «u effort ta ris. the $1.000 ki- he vbcla1*hOulu lnorier1 mai be released f ran the Lake liii until the. not session o d jury. Bth Thorugren and *oOadi of Ubertyvi le, hq tam lafsalleged ta have se :010 Irai knovuntalnUerly- i, vliut' and the. case a Ml. î sensation ther.. ùo0. Il la sai. stfll Insiste »ume. lb.thebarges h. maie whves ivitielatter ie- wp, vsny amuniation for the ai bais l vis mcrly a case gpIsi blacbmafl. M etal of 1* tthe iicariug wob place AItLUerlyvlle ho- Muce Lyle Morris uist Salur- le ont today. The. aleogedasa- wt Plce about s vool &go. et Mune.accorihng te, the.evl- 0"* cern out Baturday, Love. ve la a driver for theoKifi jél« of Uhortyville, veut le p0Xm home ta icilver gra- ISgi-oula allegod la bave ýt»e.6or anb thon accused *t vlbhaving been Intimato * lTbcrnsesm) vite. Love- kI udy enliedthe charge, Kfi sn a llegeid ta have r1lisceau at that ue vt as re.. to te stan 1014 hby Love- nPWO greeita solete 1 fALvelnd vauiidaPy Mir%. TIoruui-on bak rot usa. Wbero- ~~intebis t.stlmouty. ý=eTc ilm vltb a re- Sis.Tiiorogron best hlm t eivith a club. Thon = iy au te couor, hosais tuat heuenam bis vite bot CM kim uulmvcfulli. One et 43 id al ta bave been ou a Bt cf bis body. ~jDeanis Lirnbery vent ta w1acren bous. lant BtursY Warran v nanMr. nd Mrs laa. , Dcitogther uflb udher Ocid"pe. ver. buadîcdi nta an W4. a laken ta the o0fceoro ý 1-rris. it vas decfiod ta be ebup sagaf ul Mi@. Thorn- litaI Ie miablreturn homo i» Mr the chuliren. Thoragren mdover ta , egrand Jury ~0S1O ou a charge ofas- elk Sotent ta commit miybom, à b@Me locked ap ln lthe coun- at waukouiu. Armour Doesnt Be,. ' Wakes I-is Place êwe Enough New. tArrnonr's "pivaci tenco", vbePaietlong the st. Paul 6Wmb, bult ha obstract te saseugers curions ta igel u mlody tain.lia -countres- ho bimd. tbr.e fot igiior. fglual apecOcallans culi m-foot vall, but Il vas an ey forthoecii-loua la peer val! TIen l v as tbought rft vél prôvo sufflent t-blcitr," but lb. pasad&- 4eteei boitnses ugulut ItteWal là belug maie 1 lie Original bolubt. liU ferons. iuugbter af m . JG. fierons, Chtarles heu. vus marrlei ta A. ,Antlocb aI à P. ni. Sut- iscMmopai chapel in Wau- *e #av. Mr. Ganster. Mri. bol loft Ilmeifately &ierIo e, ibr St Louis. Aler a tistripthey vil b. t ioit, lira. Bock-ba be.n e lu tb*leWissin Gis ani UbUaits Mfie for four k«e bualband usa aplanior .*ooiliaNeys. -Crusblue. sertar, 0fi JDGE D. L. JONEIL As ho was up until Frldey nlght. If you can picture the.huard and abs-lt tache removed yau vili hav e n or, cureas mental picture cf how ho look@ nov. MME BROTIeS ARE NAM"eDOtTU. Certificate of Incorporation of Wilder Tanning Comp any Is Filed Here Todély. CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 0f This $600,000 le Paid tr- James A. Patton AIso on the Board of Directors. Tic certillcna0flincorporation of the nov Wtlior Tunuing Compaay vus flîci for record viti tho aie caunty recorder today. The company la Iucorpated for $1,000,000. >i-u4 tlclliy iii of tbf, bas beon uubscribe by-Lýauronce R. Wfilier. 0f (tie 10400 $100 shares Mr. Wlder bods ah but tva. John S. Stoyons and Rimer M. Adams, the tva mon via are maie vith Mr. Wlder as tie lucorparalr, bhl eue ahane oacI. Tii. piper. of fncorporation show tuat tva of the Doige brothers, apt* mobile manufacturera of Detroh i-Oe an thé hori o! drectors. IÀ Jeames A. Patton, the rellroi nm aire vheit ing, fatber-in-lav of Ni-, Wlder, la oneocf the drecor. >l board of drectons ainae up4rllej fllovîng men: T..EivrgWll4eIf, John E. Wilder, lHorace E.pogo Jlohn . Dodg. Jamges A. Patton. W, R. Wilson amid Urence R. WlIM4. The. purpos. of the ncororaton la given as follova: "To hoy uni soîl bides, skhus and pelta of ail kinda. tan ami cure salue. and boy, Bsol uni manuacture ail fin, lahei pradocti thereof, and aIl up- iolatery products. und generally tg engage lu the business of munua- turing, buylng uni selliug loaticr,,up blsterî products. uni ail by-prodnt tueroof, uni aIl articles maie the" troiadaint have such pavefs and carry an ghch business as mai il léawtully incident.tathie paver, and purpases ubovo saae&d SThe lite af the corporation lia 30 yetas. -The cancernu ls capllallsc i u 41AN0.000. 0f Iis ainoual 1400000 bas heen psu lun.. Mr. Wlder agrçeeg ta ay in the rernanlng 8400,000 -ltb. lu 60 iaya. Altiougii t bus been kbuav u qae generally that the Daige fothbaro voie ta ho asaaclatoi viii the hbai of the tanlng campuny go oMiail stalemout ta ibis effect evor vas n$e untîl toiuy. Tiie Badge Autaigoluilei Company ain o!ofthe larget inaibis varli. The pîla tainlave lie local lunuery siipply al the leahher neeiei for thieupbolstory af tho 4ge aUlpuk of cars. ThisfIn a muhrat r us. tract than lhe uverage persn agp ani Il vas ta 511 1the contrUfth~l average persan roallies ami Il vasta afILD IS BURNE» FOOT AÀNI) I0IT, BÀDLY IN A LAXE EPIDEMIC CLOSES BLUFFFRU WED.FAMR'IITNi ,Utile Robert Byers, 3 Years;Lake County Farmers' Insti- OId, Is Thought to Have tute Cannot Meet'at Liber- BenCause of Blaze. tyville This Year. BURNS ARE QUITE SERIOUS. TO HOLD OTHER MEETINGS. Belief le That He Set Fire to Have Proured Some of the Aunt's Home Whiîe Pfaying Beet Speakers in thé Employ Around the Furhaoe. of the Stale of Illinois. Robert Byers, throo years aid. re- Tii. Labo County Famon lustitute eelved severe buras ta the bead, face 'han baen PlaYlng in such bard f ucb andhans i a irewhih dstryedfor the at yeir that there la snime ani ind In ir vbcb dstryedtalb ot abindonlag the fiv-day course tbe borne of bis auni. Dr. Margaret of meetings tat la scheduled ta be Hlslop of Lake Bluff au Wednesday. heldin lui bertyvf lie in Januîry. John John Cole. a member of the Labo E airett president of the fnstitute. Bluff fire departmeut sustafned a sor-1 n- I e ha oretotk n ous eut on ane of bIs bauds vile has appeafed ta the. public generaiiy boîpus ta flght the blaze. The 1099i for their opinion. liere la the way ho by fir. in estimated at about $3,504. lIas out the situation lu a commuai- This vas but partiall y caverci hy lu-! cation sent to Tii. Sun and the La<(e avUance. Vunty Independout: The cause of tho lirela ual buavu iA year ago the. meetIngs ver. pont- althaugii some uhlnk tbe chlld maY poued mand mane givon Up entirely. ,have etarIcdit wi ile plaing about Wbat shall bo donc tis .year? A the. furuace for ft vas there thit the lve-day meeting bas heen arranged blaze it vas discoverei. te ho hOu ld tLîbertyvillo on Janu- Dr. Hislop and ber $inter, Elizabeth ary 11-1i. Shal vo gi vo 11cm up or Hielap, lived au Center avenuc noir Ïgo ta other tovus and bah hem? We Evanston avenue lu Labo Bluff. The1 Byeri child. their irephev, iîved vitit. them. Dr. Hislop vent ta Cbfcago ou Wedneeiay marnfng. Sbavlly hetore1 noan Vi s Hfalop vent ta an uppert part of tbe bouse, lcavfng her Ilttle r uephev plîîlng on the itchen floor.1 A short lime later née vus starti t iii sermainetram lie yaungster and rushfug dovustairs sav umobe cam. 1 lue up tram lhe bagement. Bue bu r-1 rici clovu but vas aImait diven back hy the iensity ofthie amobo. A lit-I lie tankler along she vas alopped by a vali oft Sane. Tii. chili. the baîr àearly al burne tram is hed, is face. eu-s. eyes uni baudesesveroly Pfrled vas locatei auf removei ta s place of salely.à The. ire alan vwas sent lu and the( fire iepartment. heaici by Marahalj Cy Mller, arrlvei on the icone lu a1 riisbishart tme. The lanies bd edmuch beaivmî uani soon 'e camlng througbhohe qof. l'or- tuuatly there vas a god vîter pros- gare andithe r.filnally vus cbecbed. The Oirmen varied unier greit ils edvantagea becase of the. thick amoke. Fireman Cle eut hie baud on a broken vindaw pane. -Dr. Hfslop bnov nthing of lbe lire util h. returuei home Weduesday evenlua. Thon site faund ber homo pricticillî gutted. Tii. tva vamen ani the chili are befug cred for at the homes of neighbbrs. TI BY LKINI ISOWN STAM Postmaster GradyFinds That. Do the Work Faster. OFFICE WORK IMPROVED. gadh, Empîoye. Has Certain Werk Alotted- Expedites Handling ef Mail. have a four dias meeting lu Februi ary ut Bar-inuion. Wuucouia. Mill- burn aidRussell, ane iay at emcb place. On uccount of the quaran- tino of lbortyvllle tovnship wo vili not ho permitted ta bhlmeetings as piauuoi. Naw its up ha the fanmer. ta decîdo vhat is to ho dono. Thraugb aur sate sccretary ve bave eugaged the best speakers of the. tato--men of expoience, vba have made good lu 1eir respective linos. Nov you, through îour vic-presldent or aur secrtirî. eau have lb... meet- ings svitchoi ta Oive 011cr lowns. Wo tulab the main pragra maid yau can fil lu ta give variely. We aIua bane - for tbié asklug a stmUcoUU lecture on "Concrets ou the Fan," construction and maintenance, of earth. gravel ami macadam uni ail kînis af roni ieveiopmout ueeded lu Illinois. The stato lire departinent wl give us a lecture of the. preven- tian cf lIas by lire. The state live stock commision wyl give us a speak- or vba yl l alk on the, hoof and niauthdilseaso sud the preveulion et contagionsdilseapes amang animais. These lectures caome ta us vithaut uni exponso ha the instItut. aidIl yau vaut uny oeeof them ve yl have la arrange for their comlng. A comiplets liai ofthie mon of Labos county vho bave supportei lie meet- Ings lu past yen-, uni who bave been dlroctly responsible for ailigoai de- nfved, la as tollava: Guy Sfmmons, Zion Cty. heury Âmes, Russellll. George White. Antihia,. 7r. A. Simpan, Wlusqa i~ LàUOs Vupr Wise i-Alin0. MrrnWdsvort*. Ir.,A. Wton, Labo ils, R. W. Leatherbee. Làbe Forest. R. B. evlfl, Llbertyvilie. LA.Hehscii. Area. Wm. Dillon, Round Lake. Emul Gas,. Prairie Vfew. IL H. Peppor, Area.' Mns. Orluba Harding, Ares. Mrs. Irving Payn.. Ares. The bouseoli science departmeul bus procurai su excellent speaker for tho program. undIif arrangements an b. maie for a separate meeting, a leIter ho the scretmry, Mns. Payne, JAMKS G. WELCM (Leudine Counftl) ELM Eft V. ON VIS These three men capiutted a most determined 0bftota Bve Coleman from the gallovsanad von whit soemed to manin impossible VIctory over great masses ot oviionce, direct and circunistZI4tial. The court named JaMe G. Welch ta, defend ColoMin , Nhe bai no means ta hire an attorney. John Weich of Highland Park arej.± althie brother and thon E. V. Orvis volun- teered ta assist the*tvQ. Tjius. the trio vjorked diligently %M4.1»le aiho most, notable vIctories' ln a murier trial recorded bore ii sains years, re- sulted when the jury Ireod Coleman. BOXE BUILT, NOW WOMEN 0F WEALT1I CLOTIIE CIILDRI3N Duyck Famiîy Did Net Have to Await Arrivai ef Santa for Necessiiesof hf e. OFFICER'S WIFE HELPS. Husbands Offer Lives'for the County-Womnen Offer Aid te County's Poor. A !ev dais &go a lypicil Belgini havel lu a voodlot on lie, sout4ern limita o! North Chicago via laid level la the earth hi tire. A eh, of but tva yeara, vus baruei ta deatb. Tbe parents ver. vitiaul menus to bull theniselves a uev home, uni vere planning ta speai lie vînter lu a bouse of stra aid bei. Employesi of the Chicago Hrdware l'ouadry Camps-ny, teilow worbmen of the fa- lier c f tie chili, desecnated the Bab- bath, Il mgit b. sai, ta bud the Duycb famliy a hame.* Yesterday il became bnawn that vaflnuof voaith bai neglected thetr Christma shopping. \bad 'fargotten cari parties, bai given ap ail tbaqgbl ou i~catral roerî lta <as Tho proverbial beebivc iias na11 ing iiiprocure the ueru d " f hme aniont taTuvea --u fo ieciiei la Increas e lie cciY b On tb. Waubogau POstoflie his peîot asttth B o a l~ ebîhlîren of Mn. uni Mrs. Alphons - the local plant. The s5ciiOt~ dais. Tram lhe petmanter dovu ta pplie LihertYvîhle meeting, us a ils-Duyet. Il developa thal the vives lie Dadge Brothers viit hie Wi epI t anpodct1bibeas an- ts consîîere a ver, important lesbttates the office torce la plia!oie chotroacers0f le gret nu tian. vu-bkIng vitb a cancetration that la rniAei. o h he fies0 h r a peouctive otftthe iesirei resulsg. Auy commuuîhy îesîrng a meeting val training ittio ai u NorthiCi.i ICE FIELDS APPEAR- Tbere ls na contusion uni noap apr- cun Procure sanie by vrltlug uny of. clg atie laothed ogcb f ufl trin FISH TUOS ESCAPEr 0*1 bu.le fan the vork bas been sys- Ocer of lie analatlau. aaff eriug ululer biasta. Titeî lomaize ma loey byho astras-bave seved util theIn fingers ache. tpe Xat every emploie biova exact- They bave rabboi Ibeir oua cellurô Waabogin, Dec. 21., W-wýha la expectei a! bim or ber and Tieno le mare le, lu thé labo5At Cous &bout t wvîla ia nhbatla .mait aile time and ielayei tue ianding ta pi-avide the Daicb fîniîiy viti proseut tian ai uni elihtteof5peph, ab. h oc orsvi imail iunlng rush hoars. nosaneof lie delicacios ot lite, suci as Yoin. a erl 0f " lat t, ee TefocewUpsw h Usier lthe nov plan ln vogue tue preserves uni Ias.. ln engh cn b sen bt ishi ' t thé recsoii and efficieucy of a vOîl- senior of a pacbage baudsel la tbo Lant, but nott bail, residetls Of experleucei na trouble, ma fuir. gla ai mue mchtine. ' cierk via v.igbs t uniannoancos taI neighorhtooa re planning ta lUng tbraugh thema. The tug MIél Have yo nohfei ltaI vien you lie amaunt of postage roquirei. The Samni, bch bas Oaei ouI 0f thltltckparcels pot packuages tn lie patrons ais aver t.emouey uni de- ei Sauta Claus lto theDuycb home pot, became voigei lu Soeldas imm tRe abofali ityo e.part. The clerk slmply mabes a no. lli e vacilataan Chilstmamoru- off Chicago ai I as ous ues lultin on theopackage us tu the lag. They are plmnlag la seni a sari ho suai a Oir. tug ta ber ai01-sot roqarei tuafai icar cv &tamps mmousl of pastage uni thon tosses 1h hurboy, perbapa a cbicbeu, anti ibore anc. on Tuesay. -4n eohier varia that Ibis vus doue lul<> A pflb.Later lie Official "Shunip- wl efleleoknsfrtelt IMlsilsg off Wuegas bas Î y lie officiel "stanip-llcber" tlu lb. icber'l affixes ailtue stamPs tla lioseylhoSlSscku orteîhI t Its bast for tho pststoheu 4ay, lItot ol hs seeo .paspackages. nplace tamps an tot menihera af lie fumliy. OfPe1-ell the a oe o th plnsa doses packages villa the average The Duycb famuhi, The Sun lernus. local mnesreport as oîceptlau4l)J .4 hi Poalmusher Ony u hoex- persn vouli ho pertorming thie saerlsesnîgcfuicmrî goni ses-on for ti. putî four oepakg.oaoe eevigofaychrt .hc BeveralIlsabummen ,tram W ile lite ehaudilg a! mail act O on pebjr. uIht b. bestovoi upan bein.,,Sfnçe tew4 rli qie.rsab Senorof Ttheen oe tlehiig hlll.logs of her baby, lins. Deyckba Os b iieai-ile zvelghsi. hère, ~i l sibio for tia oilice lion, wr01y eo* amiu aid*W ibasOtaé .a&eeebecs sich-alek eaI it; a, so f b6dy. peroaoi.ui0ti-uba ,4 ai mRxe lb.shui li t 11e grftl 'Volume ef boinieui aDsnd " lcb aof ni. ShOcannaI slip., a* im. ise Ciirlg i-uatbe7paeimeb tlie*PuotfI Mseo liat *ailet. thé maitafi0ieuei UP 2Mer slumberi are bauulei by tie g dxJet M7 e la ti IOId.9 *0 18arPII41ma, sySil- qoh 4014 1 aibI et Ithébute i ites, and <of TEWES AY SELL TilE-SIn Of T EE WORLD BEÀTF1I Prince Ansel May Be - Sold at the Chicago Horse Sale on DeemberThirteenth. HAS WONDERFUL RECORD. le Regarded as One of Fore- mosi Sires of the 2:10 Liet te Be Fotind Here. Wauubgan, Dec. 21.' Thul L. C. Teves, city lr.o.surerî Plans toagsi Prince Ansel,. sire c shee vari'a clÇumplon race homet hècajue noiin toiayviion te iai copy Of tue ~Chicago Haras Sale,- a nionthly publication, vas rocoived lu Wakegau. - The tallion ovaed hy the Wauk* gan maun wug the sire of Anselila, vprld's champion yearling SIlly, vilh u record or 2.17%. As a sire bie lisI of record boliers entf lies bum. can- ditions const4ored, toa space uniont the foneoist-sIroa of lhe duy. Prinue Lot, 2:07%, *7si Bannie Ansel. 2:09%, hum lu lbe select 2:10 list the latter lablug ber record lu 1915 A waore reniai-bible tribale ta hi speed slnlng ahîllhles la atte:d bt the. roiqrkbbe performances o! the tIi-q lrince Ausei yearlings, trainsý and iriven by Mr. HunIer C. Moodj ut 14.xlngton tbf s year. Noue of the -Prifies Ansel yearlings bai over be toi-e lralnei us yearlings and outI tii. six Prince Ansol yearlings vbkc ldr. Môodad uithifsyeux,thbre« them oblalued vorli's records. Au seIllî trillai lu 2:17%. vhlch stauti us thovorli's record for yemrllxI alite. Angelot met s record for i-iar llng geldlngs over a huIt-mlle track trôttiug lu 2:26, uni Verbeus Ange toptted a baif-mîlo lrackc lu 2:26, an ether varlda reord. Prince Ausel leam horse of mnts ele gant proportions, u grand Indifvida& velgbiug About 1200 pounis. He o i îice laorse ta hanilo uni ta dive andha bas honei y hieh.Wauli ganite for ueurly three years. yWiIIiam MoLaughlin oflii Day Lay in Snow Ail Nidh, a Vlotim of ParWytic Stroke, Accordling te Theories Ad- vançOd by Physicianis. TAKERi TO HOTEL WHOSE OWNER DIED IN NIGHT. Unusual, Coincident Develop When Men Who Pioked the Viotim i Up FInd i.A. Chiae Had Pied.Frofi-Hemorrhage During thé. Night. Hail Day. Dec. 23.-(Bpectia.)-Tlis luttle bamiet today vus tound tu b. the scone of a niait unusual ca-met- dent viien it bupponed liaItvaw i strangeru, pussfng tbrougb bore, foind a dead man ln front of the. Veruos botol, sud. aftetliug bis body 1*10 the. pace, lst It. oniy tea Uni a Mo.- nment liter that one oftlii ovuerg of said bolel aima lid ied durlng tiie nighit William MeLaushufu, aged 40. via tb. min taund demdin uthe rosi in front of tbe holel. IJohn A. Christe. vol novu botel man ,was the hotel owier wba dled durIug the uigiil. Christ. ith George Blanclife, huai run the Vernon hotel in the boulet uni the. Rustic, juat a short distance ta the north on Miwaukee avenue. Christe livod et lhe latter place. Dur. tng the nigît hb. died trai, m.ror- rhage ofthle boveIs. As a reait af bie deab, thbeewva nat mucb activity aet :seVerma $q tel tbf. mornfng, vewah 'éOl tva liverymo.. pesai ig village. sav lbe prastrale bd0.oto a mon lyfug fa lt.ei-oad fa fr-nt t *i Vernon. Tbey toi out, plckei Up the body vhlcb prave inta ho Wfl.&«i tiiey carriedfil Inside tbe buai.L 1%e touai nobody about the place, lie death af Christ. living cugéey biody tu desert »ie Vernon audi Ste the Ruetlle tua iit tbe bereavei vii- ov. Alter iayfng lheb.ody *4 q. >Laugbln on te lb.euor, the. rs vent ta lthe Ruslic viiere tbey Sat breakfast uni then tb.y laf ite 'f v- cfnty continuiug hlbun&Cr kosrTyor vis nal otisudan vawuta houd an Inquest ovor McLaugbuin tuis aflernoon. Wt Ie believéd the. minva a vic. tii of paralysis and that b. bai lainu ieai or dyhng Iu the snov.coverei road all gbl, for be vis seaun et the Vernon at il o'clocb iaut lt sud -soemed ta ho aIl rfght. Tiie tact lt b is brother Jfrn la nov In the. Lako County hoMotIli vbere he la treàtsei Uv ,silp- iezy, Indicates tuat It may bafi heuà astmrk. whlcb bit l tb ~U&Wber of li th amdliy. Jin id, 4te We !ayeogo f Wliia i llod oel .r*i 5., boulsali. brns miss-ubis lie si, sud vws a -Wvlolibiv e a-anl the. viiintty. Ho noyer a mrti Bd sud maie his living by dites eo Jobs about the. place. a- * Mr. Christs vas vol> maya luI a, soùtbvesleru Labos couaty. He bai th been rauning the botels for nmmO lime i unid bii muai rienis vbo wvll'b. n- shocbed te heur of bie ieatb. Fuserai li saturt.,t Vernon coetoeri. coli z, S5. le d Ch me de un nr. ,k. ru- ola 1aI a 'e. FIRE IN THE SOFT COAL PILE WAS EXTINGIJISHED Wanuoau, Dec. 22. Il vas mai, buwovnasWedessiay tIat the r. la the maft culpipe ut lbe Refss docks bs-i boom «Unl. guishe..The ire vas itscavornia feu dais ago and mon vere put ta. vorb at once ta iig ontt1he. ire. M paut oxperiosce lbabu enfoani lin- Possible ta put out tua i-e la sofl coal piles hy the use of vatet. The. Ion sastaliniii the. overs of lie docks viii pot mmoualta u eauiy as muci as the loas. sustilaluYeari put bythIe Weterni Coas àDock-. Company. Tic Mi loft tuls Lard mi -"weîl,, Lord t"i 1tie tiaugil îihthonrchili lui-soi ta ruol deati vile ae. vs vithîn a von Dmeo fow foeto tls crib.» Perimpethier. are otien famailioq In f01101 iueei lu Wbobegun, via are loa preui ulie aoe I la ask for aid, maid The Sun la ms-b-ocu*mun Blugý pu ltemp tuha se thal hi. are vaut >1 8 ot foriottes ou Chbslau amorulas. jbài sols CIitnas le bat tiu-ee, dais c, *Md.1 4 r aelsiesa! ofandfeoislnv w = 7>uu 0mo vnt lauaid, bal vIa 'do-al-tmuoWbota.blt -~- mninmth le-on"t tamevtce lst bave sent" TieNistA$si boktu Rvay, Bluu"edh li e1 th Loid."ý-PucI. IdPoInts soi Ai f e . b for Fau 10 pepeeSI èqlo di id points ami lutmta «l 1er disecsion It 7004. la <boy qn o__ s -

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