ýî*uetiw «. Sbmow inBe Held Under FIAÊ BEId ~ 4. iêîqlt- b*,th 4 AeaGETSARE INVITED. HaS ienbe vuii*aPis~wbo voa-~~ Bieve Tbat Practically Every f407 éiYéé~~É tThé>I Bl ar SoWoin CountyWMI Be ____ a~~tbt ~< DWipayed He to anhé RilIildèjlt1 Ir" te mii~ . lke county in ln the lead ln evý Velay, the la ies taýtOo * a emr~hhbi t I ,tro Vlautbr théig fo 1od rai businessoufitàé far _____l ifé*eth&"ld as LY5 théliol v the.i ay e ions-é 'owh Oloao lutéi& mof Ét casettoith famlly thé yhot CMtal o tbtsmjlonce more àcmt a upthe bea.- théButieh 'a'aila pre5élng te o hld ithéLake YAE HRDtoueà .v0 lAtt qp4ft of libruary. lavery auto mobile dernier mnd agent ln the caunte ne %ihàéd VV7QUO lntorested l h ~ Ia vhe aithé adétails ofareildedfl déép t l A mai uaoal show laléim% liiioCO. Tr hvit ero ru uah siabaie a s~n iiWCÎI ~1f agm bTow a l as a Badlrei pi itIfr 186 for tvé mitb- ta tThis pape ta i ~hé~u h~ i~1m mIli ~1st Ibi 1 ~B ~ ~sd oe ow'tilece Iodte@htti fullas Biu Jiréooro0oliteei .4f nbd pe -. u rein. atmbaiPst. th é t.o *aihg svire thevàaao' trr te iear id.41â.ý ý- er*iToanl eganHata riBadck it a thel"à, m,-bïltiw itéfiw ow thétne m Il e-' sd of a 'phynlclai thoat s etgate héeeuoieilo ni,*ghthedue taé *.Wdn« prote" bby Cicuit Ol0tkMrnekwai Lheposoeba speIxfrm ii pressesl tththmd udar. ia-N th#. Mtinho @0point cose ta t atl. 4w S- -d te vorot JÇD -idb thé î". rindeQPoa n . 12. l Àartiet. o, 4hé.ASnvhD' aeH otr ae lu hé Od 0 téthé1>id gt fanta in theMétha îQ6V On lmotrialh lu"th WM int'.Gong t&cb-' V, e r6dèio orv ind the . Ar 14 bIt whélaSbatila11 Il dIhfile ehdî -vl va, séelng i . &. a, te 41111ymeL tp~a lsec "fé*1h.sl tui fatil 87 hé'vag ~I ~~ a ' th. ii' ttal 0'ig' ngr pat43 yo ms.I ,'- gns lIe ~W1ls d ii 118 ' ib ffce o hé se n ot u6 b ma. tien. Thé Wg~'aUt B 1hW ~ é~t ivur ç "h èn igth ît0t it O hfaS the iýft conafit iti tué majGit, adue i - vottia-t 4 inish é '~ - ~Jé u nM.t témarn ti s tmat - *oqf S~int>. aye~cf 1 ott C- 1, Ô ~ fOr g1* nmW u fStt»'us lattin. oaa~Ii~ *t~I~ coo<cd; ta4ir clsemt boe bouie n fftto pai r tiot e, Su am ýsèé serin ne .fi thnsni a ' '~é'a ' ?l ' uii&I ~aDugas(dutt M.4uiyt I ~ ~ haèedeg 37100 The &ur Is This year offer more and gi eÙtai barkýaInB thaiî ever bef ore-th refore. the erowvds Nare greater than e or. Great Special Parchase and Sale. f Womet7iaiid ,-rem's %MpIe Upýderear Mr. Hein wvas successfu1 in seeuring tis big lot of sanîpIes at the uubeard-of reduetions whiebh, follow: Women's 75c Uis~ws42c 'Wonien' regular 75e fleeée ined union suit, extra well made; very ]peaiisat Qc- Womeibt 1.50) Uâf#u ts I~79c WVoxen's rLi*ed, fleece lixijd union uts; u*,~ 36.to 42; seilregularly at $1,.5(> noew toÈy 79. ~Tuua'Vests a ih ~ :2~ Women's ves t 8.and1 p% ts tr>qxýà4Is>ç 1 Children's-75c n 3 S IZ9 Children's 75é union suità; isesto 14. at 39el FA TRA SPECZ4L- This is far and away the of~uuue ai» 'pI ini Waukegan because they aif* ail new 4n se Xx alIy reduced. Some fur trisnn etd z ght iW COais to 13.7à 0 Ceoats to 2 id Chitdiren's,,$2B ~cH haisomely st'led in the beet céO~W'sfý "al-w Streei ______________ s saiti, "Thosi seen ~t$Q fireat Sale'-1 1. Party Or4 to$20 Si aiother special p are the umt beau 'I~ere~a el oi> laie, a 'e are"s 4i snury Sur~ t Yau~etaxlydon't eipecitat geaëto than hî;ooclors. and falrics. long .n4 koMte 'týart ciaing yde-deg~t (op. Fu Uifimre ooseanbt.W îaa yôu'I1 6etu u 't' t wstoi