CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jan 1916, p. 2

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LAKE OOtJNTY nhxWP~pEN~5~~!!1 NotToo Early 'TO.think about your buildings tic':l It Over! Get OùPries And let us help you I~~o Cie uyted fow! MIMLLR LUEKR M-0 Dawa 1v Old Diet me.e. there 20 yeans. 47 X.A Bishop, Mgr. ~tANNOLJNCE to 5 oi l fheneyvUle andt Àsklt' tbat we are guingt t divida i.t pofid witlm tham fort te nxt #*o mttlti, Jannary andt Fruary. beq, uYor Old Shoes mewwllrnabthoeltank m ew Uf yecu it conie tô town. snd Ireur aboïm by tital, wu viiipay tàusum both va»e. MeWm) oW nbe aflcs... ...79 aii'cle n ,i....59c Cilîren à a- lepcfiiii ,&Mbt$Wt W 1u i#Su tu4 - lesti Rub'er bitis, » Çxciu Au wmrk <daimeaMeaY as Sdered ZEUiCTRIC .SHdÉ REPAIRING SHOP %r 8t* St - - Libertyville, 111. You Waal te knew what gour motouë car wii do. ' Thein illion-car Ford performpance enswers gour question S"Oiqhg the motor car oueds -eo ali dhes, the Iford is operated and émanetmed la ditg or country, for about two cents a mlIe-wih universel Ford service bebiedIt. Touring Car $440 Rombout $390;: Coupelet $590 Town Car $640; Sedan $740,.1..o.,ý b. Detroit. On displag and sale at Schanck Hardware Co., UBERTYVUI.Et MLL GROCCRY SATISIMACTION if yoar grocer pleaies jan in every particular, yoti have no catie. for changing Eveu WB can do no more than that. But if you think nmre of making a shift, wo wanid but glaW te Sive you the beet service of which we are capable. Olten amd often w. have turned uowand'again oustomars into au.dy patrons. ..1 Anti ve iose a surprising few of the really partioular groeuy bujers, wbo once become aur customere. n7 no ouasythg you like. GCorlett & Frectericks LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. L&~5 -&XÂKJFÂTUIMIG'00. .IGITING FIXTURES i as does iada ion iderViutors veicorn *gIe » iave a comiplteltIMM"plant for relntsIii rng- -àehard rt a-, lieLSRWVLLLILIO are expî'cdanaîtue-r - -oiîcr, d îîg tîîo l î Ti h. cv iti na- mitentiti t iitic , 11k lloibeu it iietîii-i l; nL trip oui Fidu',oftif<lis tirek ri anva nrt a"ttc i tii u.nîîîî ttu iuîîîtg ii i lictU i ii .î and th.' tirs. A C [" ee uflt ii.i'-ffrs4iîn, Wi@ . Iiî rei t a Cii 1l leieii Cii'l et hc iriiteîtIlie -tit ii it î'.imi...aet-î east iinturitny tii p-tIIi an ceet nîh ber L ' rsîtrutaii.lililareiwiî' iii'iîîcii.tcnîîîtt pae ts. Mr P.e*i b the im l, uliîirit-l 'îlr i l 'IS 1 i'lu t,îrd lio'f i t r ontiîîî M re Lycii H ut one rttiniu'i 'I'ieady eiîi itii ilein i01,i i cl' iI-1-l tii t Th iei iitr ui i. .iîîii: i i îte vis inir ber pn rita it t i fb 'ictini nîmdai. îi'isnortir ,Iý ,c - i ilirtiili t ~ u iu-i-. tlt ii ut ut Mir. anîd trs jF. P tii tuinî Ipft Thuir',- ptu,-Icl front tel iiiî - l ie il"1iîi t îtîy fîr Texas anu it nuuirnila. 'lh,. menit lina ler-t ititi 3 iA li îî"l i i i ii-n l e li, t lît iil. i .ýiniiîi Theli exîîu'i't tiibc gilut. eboutthdre. iit,,uis îîr t'.iîiadiii)i 'î' îtp m lîxîuî 1 ls'itiireiiig tliii Nuems Carrie ilinrd anuit lieur n.u' villa '~utluc.i dl lig iitir îtiuh 1,o Mati ' r-e-nu , i iiiu l!,)t'c ..iî .if ..uI . hu, ti Pu. Austin u ic Ui . 'iIiirdao brother, A. cuîi.d Ti lî'cliui i x'iiut gîîu iiriliîi"utiI-,,rc1I'Y rtliii Loîcal thickeiritouriers havte enc'red an brgnin.S ai i"li'r-i lu about thirtv of thuir prlze-win ners uttch,.l- Ti t inu ti tti ieetig oft ieiea i ufoight ltiuiui' iiii, ti luti1i. ti, Ii-si Racinue potutry aLîîw beig belit thetre of thie Lakie GUiintýNat inl BItiiti'c u ik a ii "Il e Il' iiit îî"î 5 tg lse ii Tlhe Rc. andt tIrs. El. M, Aibn't thepeniiethourd ,f dirctiirii c muis uin 211 t i I '. ...t ...... ..... 0li ,tetii m ntertitnneî t le Preebyfanian choir ufter eleti r, re-.r'i'ited ut tiii. 11,0 to il)(Il le......tic . i. . . V lt. tha rlitierqal Friday niglit OYcei'a meeting ni": A. (;. Sti' ma inn . li.C. 1i)ver 300 uIll. 'it' ti irAl wara serraît . R Glrîwuy, iG. A. 'Wrighti, Il. t:C, . Ie t i r's i u ii.v tiiri l tpit lu' f Dr. agît Mr@. E B. Smith axpeet te Mt'ye'r, F. P. U uouiid. utttitnm.vPunýitht'te tlriiic lii~. i,,ave tiest Sonda., for a two ct-i-tevicît Ptattiutiu,' F. Wrliit. The diriviors ti 'uti'i iiiii - jCr -i (' -h o_ and. tbcn belli teir neeitîlng uitr. Iet pointseiln Keîturuiy.dy, Miss Elvira Munîtee taught the Sîtt grade at the Puflir achmol ai.cirai dy let veet ln the piaeo! Miss Oison, cho va, Il] vlth the. grip. tirs Sarab Tatitr, naa Foater. îied Jan. 7th at St. Lotuis, Mo. Sha wil ha rememberaît hy miy of Our rMlientsans cha lvaîtbieecaverai yenrs agi) The Rc. Gilpien of tba Epiacopai Seminary lu Chiago, ronutuctaît tha thelt. tLavrence churcb bpe lautBunîtay in tba aboence of the pastor. J. T l.. ort o f Chiago, cas lioe ou busnes ýFtiîay unîtagantiouiWed- nesdaylMr. Robrttson stataît that ha bas soif the theatre chich le bailroui- îtuated t Chicago. Mies CrriaChard on Tue@aty aatidad a meeting of the "Tuasîtay Art and Travel club" ut dbthefotel Sherman, Chicago, as the guest of Mm e.Watet Ferrier of Chicago. The local igli anît publie suthool ciii bte cloeed the 20%h anît 1stofthîsrnonth ou account of the mld-wintet iu4titnte vbh lulho halît la Wautegan on thoca dates agît on the 23rd. MIr. anît Mrm T. A. Retynold s le! t Mon. day for CaM"atga, Florida. chera they *Ilspendt the renaînîtetaoftthe vinter. Mdr. lleynoldm ibasloftthfegent's funnlshig smore in charge of ihl@ able a&"itant, Ray emitl. 0. D. Haven bas aocspted the. Position as dtributor for th. Qnlck Kdgo Ohaipener, a ver>' band uda us"nI le machine for the . iteben, vhieol WU sharpen a knlfe or pair of ucuseore lu a fov seconds. SMr. and lire. ail Moyen lebMonda>' for Coumbus, UOhio. Mr. ana-- Mrs. Myn came te Libert.yvie la May' and ladl made theli boome st tbs Mat Pester homne. Mdr. Meyers lad bien emplayed on Samutil insnli's gev residence. Mr. andt Mis. A. W. MaKenale retutuned lost ridar te their hornq in Aron&, Wl,.. &a taIo vssks visit lors With lbiu dangîtar, Mmi.. B . 'Cal9e nd fanili>. TIs ereoncafleA ome on account of tiie death of ie. McKonsle'o motber. Tii. 8 . Wbusler f.rm 0of 120 acrus at Oimer bbase i .odwElardUrnii.n 55005 of 8lun r . Wbos a wseon Roy vbo lbeo evrllug-the bhu hold an anetion soe sTuesia>. It là reporW ithuèbs Itnsdtogo toCaaa D'noud, prýi'eut; CAV rGî, i Wright, F. S. Kernnaud F. J. Wctigit, asitant ceaiirti The ampuuîton Concert Singent n iii, antcrtaned the audiene ut tue Au di- torlunu oui Tuasday eveniug v.i e ion- sidered thte bect troupe of artistaeulînt brus teen do Lutueit> cille foîr ntny n daý W hile gis aneiienet tas ntius large' a, the excelleint taieut&de'irvîd those forming the' ronpant iof p!&3 - erc ad theur nîmoct t,urître thati pliansa tha people, Who diiibravet the storun raging that ight tii go to tha Auditorinu The entattaiumnt wus distinctive sunîtnovai, the ia artisealut thein lite being beuutifuily cotumed, 1erforming their parts it ll greut talent. Tbree more trong nunîbers of tha Lyceutu course vilii ha givaru ber, uruder the-aumpuciaofItbaeLincoiu Chatautina associatIon. sacb ô! tha tbres numbens being of the beet of thba carias. The association bas decided ta treduce thbe single admission tickets for the thtee numbeta co $1.05. cith racrvalion priviieges, making the cost of aac Bnuta- ber 85 citS. 'Pledîate of the tirst o! the ttrea tomber. vîll be nnouned tatar. lJurlng tba nîglit of Tuasîtay corne peau forcaît outi avinîtow and f rame tu the basement of the Fii't National Bank builitng on the saat side ut the building, but en investigation ftied ta fint tii. cause of the desît as nothiug vas idsung and thare are go visible signe titat the persan atts<npteil ta force ie vay into the batik propet. The vlndov open@ %roum tbe bolier room in the besenutuandt if [he party gai imta that taom hlebldta dlimhover a big pigle fceai. Oneotier plae vsenteneît during the. nigît. but It Mmem that the peviettator vas msrely scouting aroundt aq boe.tfo notbing vas mlmling. Wii.n thbe ovnets of th cloied Meodel @tore wedt tuer, Wedueeday morning tua Pack up smorn f tii. geada hev di.covered that orne on@ lad fouced openth ue rear doot. *e door haît been barreî thte aigut belore by plame a pale againit It andt tlas poie vas standing agalust the. val!lon Weîtueeday mornlngl. Footuprint loading 'from the.haçk doot ver. font tmrscfk et vhe breached t h. aIle>. Wbatiier oné or moro tramps eought a place to get tu. frani the ver>' disagree. la veahiier or vlether tii.> actuali>' "ad plana te buraluz romains a mystery. . i s, ~ Mr. ~id ~rm I.,vlen iiiil.~ .1hc, iecrear e' s trtoai. Jr. etffi X x x - x . x x x x Wh o hav e.' niait i ot - nw .ith Mtr. i.iay iI% ionm rc Club,hBiitfma'i andt Mrs <terri Olemjot, inem la..t Mal ni,Mto th@e metubaret.atinu that t i2.1 ~ * D I haveben îrnîî.ferrai t.îto..nmhui ie.ho, nît tinnof tht. club .111 bo bel, B ~~1ftOFFIt1~~1IIO f i tlnàir thco efilt .'fii.ýamuei heMamoeRail on Mt>ndoy nigbt. Tb* 4enu lumal"dpnce a h.ré . m,, Davipoui snb.commlit*a of tii. mardtof direetors B i <4ahl viei, Pemployt'd Who haveboeau lîîv.otigatilng permanefli or a t .en)unêd t alob ceor-tsd iernimlaise viii iport ~svb flvP1fIK 1Q he l..v M lIt,.'tlà tbthismeeting. Tua commit lm bas a ~Bap peIKR nEW s ,TeIlle>tviaîFi'y evelý-, geve htleproposition ahieh vii lo tarest &il club ptannedwoith,îllr id '5'i'*' t Ro nlti hem Ilandail are nal g) to aet the id.,I svf.îIiifoer the de.lleation Of the meeting. Tha antertaliinmatt aopîoitteu xx,. xxxx X XXx beititPi aI.'crie fitht iiz'tirp %luth vaes@arrangail for a good prograni n _________________________________ Ile'nttvii.ttihll "ilett'chneîh said luImchonu viiiho sarvedai Btthp e of 0 Tonsilure publication ln the indlepen. Wielt h" rj t frin eh- liiiitihitia (lob, the meeting Every member ahoulît dent. copv muet b. in thesoffice no later Mra f,îof' ch~~ataiool as. mata it a point to) lmi premment andteî t than Tuesdev of eachveek. Adrvr- Theil okîitu g 4live.rm %ca ris ntalipît matea epeclieffo'rt to have 8 friOnd tisera. eapeciallV are aoked to late.b, the %1 w M' .,,,î Tupdav evpnînit: iho voulît ha wiing to anroli a@ B partkular notice to tIis ef.ct. Pesc.FEiv"oMntr Neilip mombar, aî'cowvatiy kii Additeu l I d Newailipge 4S c h'trY. , iaile Whil.r; C icago p perptif at Satnrday cou- AIditoual ocal ews e Pag Il B..kpr. Mur.îE Hîndi; Mrehat.Winti teinthe la annîiînccnîcnt of the iomnua- Wb-IFlr; M' BrOsrîu;4utîetiotis for poetnia'.teramn.rcomiended Je,- E Hlo. d; tîpri'r Paul Ray', by Praeiidn< Wi.orn-ihe recommeudS- R ltîizan f ~hcag, aavictiiePhini' Pte r 1lina Step)heus tubsgleviig be-rt ment to the Su-lteInt friende lier,. Sàtrdaîý iaPr iiliy of .f4hieato, iteu Tho .i,'t ii, îiîîe.rF'.featthel at ii h,.naone of Jauol, R. Aiiu'nan wtMieAntin H Rititar ,lle met Weil &rive filet, siixtih ni.iîuai dnceo ,iwtiîîa L atcieîdtien 'nt he T nic"e,,,utidv Pi . iii net lnvirnhit on th@ r'-comnienda- Gilibert Luce of Park City, îunîn ' ttlie. nHI oiPhiîec'Dor ,Son i ed thnt iiin avu'r.N Phorqt inn,.Mr viol ting bi@ parente. I runît Mrs 0.1Jniny 28 Thc fu-l iii tetriahedA leainnwiIirecei-Ille iii,.iitutit as bLuce a uîî-îi',.orhc . ,u.tiiatu-71r o r lî-îtiF The friael13 Tkc Ladic' Aid of M. E t'biîitiinl i 1per coultitTht' lir,'i'qiî'c ine lm of Mr Alitini i. ie - ftîîpipy îîver tha Rive a auppar ou 'lburoita3 evellit-br 01a&ieit nif ithe Dnîrt t pîpuinr (nc. îute,îinpthe i lon îig atrngglu ' ly the Juine 97 Il of thi, su'co 3evi.ral n.pirants for tisim fle At -et threc P î.rrthitli uilt t4iir WW lliain nsid Fint etgcuà are 'lh.rP la vidu"neo! a hg ight giîgtopes uni belit ti" tiinuîtîi iijiib unit eervinug on the' petit jury inlit Auuki'gnn to teicleut up bv uhoe net' ibia aprini r il J ahl i itu'orIn ot iii iie îîînii iîiio tht, vvee to lhave Ii'..tiviiio l, i , lfav r tif aPrý ie uttie i,. , ' t t,.1- 1ilitî Mies Bertta .Iîîu.iirh as r,.aigned lher eiîiîtat Ill pite .g r elutin.A e' Pt" ohtiltlthie Re1,îi b, abii-tle. t- gin positionti n Chicago anid returneri to brli toi ' i u ctcuclber, i aiwaiog lipr o ie tî'île"n It'il hue* r sny, w iiîî'h ca' afile hei icq u-tmln haciteof atite u i.tgi iîigtei' t tînt ny. home liera "Sm Otht.,.toc îr tîuîtiii.p oiTiev itai ý'ry lpa 1îicitinut t h.' A. F. Sla.tdon bam rein rîed te, Area, .r "ivilut 1îluut'on the,. uni ot wîîuid teelit'î ie t en t, i. e ic after apendiîîg a wee'it(in a bu'tneas trip at th io, tieiîîîîiîîeîi'itji tht- ie,eIà. ,gîîuîct.ii. a i î îiict. in the FEat LaétiS.lurdJnî tt tilenrtiîclu o'iî t ou i î, ielt iglit. Plof Meljocel l iti a itninea trip tot . -i oulîg fi qîl ut t he ohi. t Aiiti 'iît1rc a. bliai t..d Itirvi to Souilernît liiita mn the iîtrret o!ftithe SîMt' i <1kii NNiiiineCo ,fi ii 1e-c.'wii iisiNb-n'aa. s Bae1r,,' Sbeiduitu tchii'oi whtiî 'îîî'c hmîl . iîn-ii.tcle itont wiiti' nie t10 t we tîîti"e' iiîciît tve The ne.. .,,i'rs ii i titrit8 W hite tt "et ti diVi' f tfiho-c1fr- .lt , er,. iii iýf- sb.. ai.',1 nt-Fti't tttka 1e 'rie tul iiery LUMBER, FEED and COAL' SALuT LIME BRICK TILIE SEWVER PP W. F. FRANZEN, JR. Telephone No. 50 Libertyville, las Save you-r Bread WrapE!!$ %;ROM OUR- SPIÏIAL uHOME MADE BREAID %$*5.00 IN CASH, 111b i d iit. i thei p rs;n wlîo briga $3.00 IN CASH for titi c o-1i ijiîî \r'tî,r $2.C0 IN CASH Io- ii, ttl ll) rupîr WATCII THIS SPACIE FOR OTIR PREMIUMS The Liber tyvile' Bakery Phono 8 -Libertyville, 111. Would you like to receive a Check for FROM $5,00 TO $100.00 ________ jusi before gbrisimas ibis Year? There is just one answer--we know gou would, and what is more YOU CAN by joining our Chriýtmas Savings Club and depesuting 1lOc te $2.00 each week for Iilt weeks. We payj ou interest at 3% on your money while it accuniotates and returo it ail on DeIc. 151h!l oin now, FIRST 'NATIONAL BANK LIBIERTYVILLE, ILL. Remnant and Rumm'age Sale Clearance of Remnants of every Description 4 inoluding muelin, shetlnge. outing flannel, aikolines ecles, ginghame, flowered lawnh, table oloth, tickingu,dema n every item at about hall price to cloue them at once. 9,000 yards of whte goode conelsting of dimity obecks and plaide at 8o per yard, a large variety of pattetrns of rnercerized table cloth, 50e value for 3,5c. Thece goode were boo1ght at an advatage and cannot but duplicated through the season. There je a speciai lot of sateen petticoatis, colors anid hlick, $1.00 value ta close at bue. Ail that are left of aur ohildrcn's dresses ait juet haif price. Speciai line of muelin urîderwear, slightly mussed, at littie mare than haf their u@ual prices. Corset cver, drawers, combinatiots, etc. W*- W. CARROLL & S*ONS cool ,,ouTH STORE GROCERY DEPARTMEN I. - - THE is not >,IIAT ARE You, WORT*S TO.DAY?lé but "WIIAT WILL Voit BC WORTHI fIVE OR T!N Y!ARS FROM T0.DAY?"' The a.mser us "110W MIJCI CAN VOU SAVE?», Start, we pou 3% INTER!ST ON SAVINGS 3% Lake County National Ra" Capital, Surplus anti Profita - S 100,000.00 Total Resouroos, - - - 750,000.00 7à 1

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