CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jan 1916, p. 7

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LAE(O LLNY INDEPENDENT, KaLDAY, ý,NUARY. - -RETIRES AS ENQIN* WJ ~ EER FOR 45 YRS. i NEVERIIADMAISIAP, 'i, Service o fNrth esterGeo in ervçeof ort Wstrn e - T DEAND TAXRAT LOER TWO I3SCAPE DEATII Retires on a Pei DERÀ D, U VDEIIWE Anderson. for VAn UM IN A eglilleerln chargeofmt v'vuker n'" of tise<Cni( - -W «ýn Rsiroad COmP 4OSNSIN C1Ty UATION OU $100.oo BURNING AÀUTO M4ON.Yaso gPrdy'n ý,,CRO SIN@Sru, 'e(if o ri omplIuy lb ~IOSof Counicil Assure Although Both State and Coun_ rdM ladFe wnng1 etoin athe N Mayor Pearce They Win Ail ty Taxes Are Higher the T« Have Close Catis From n- yrirscrut. Stand Baqk of Hlm. tai Rate ls Lower. jury When Auto B3urnS. I--hi,"I' - $Eles IseChiag & ltwuke rheî fax ale ic Wccckegala this Two Waukegan- mon ascaped ln_ îcofi.Michigan. as ai 461mthe r iao& lsaulkte10,cr is 1,_envie î-tîc-cpcn on tfl$14Jjury If not dealis by jumpingftrem a if îli-corvflsny bchll «pMtthIe requet o Waukegan clly lliln icitl wîalc- ea-bcrîu t laay tgsy.athrl, 1cic-iovliLfnn llthectil .Rclala toesfefflard tiseir crossaluga fis luncpie of tiii fart tisat both machine bad beau euwrappad luin i utcolnfd(. - lieestrpet. Wasblngloua clair and cîccnîv fiix raîcci are .OnsIdc iie. cauvrd iy thse back-flring oft1cric ,t f fils cmlifov,i- @04 11Grand avenue, lan ordinanire -dly hilgbcr ican fcccl far. The .ln- iho bigslgx-cyliccer oeigiue. The îwo caicI -ridepVtinlu ice -j b prlseutied for s. ~cat th, cri-cisc-cc in - cur-iI- ai,, c7,vents lin ococul ants of fhe machne uaware:iI dtlefr lt-i 01111110 m!eetIng next Monday nirht '1"duc ou-ccx thcei- ais,- is 10 'reso FRED 'IACK, oaInlucrance tlrm of -Ilciitei-'e. AUSUM UtOn thse îomparry t ixstailiT5 l- i-i val.- Iýin \caclegiciibsMark & Cadv; uwned machineaasix- I-ivci Iandit lfed It ic -,1114 aI the bafon. menîionod Icrosts- ci-cv:, cciif-ci ))valuaI inis III$750> c)tinder Howiard, vaiued at $1,2011. cc. i disWho fmcc de Iuu. -t vv-cir If'sac $7 6G? FRtID)TIVINING of Wau'Iegaii. wiso -l Of frainsi. but i 'lwhe question of di iuandirhai Fofîiçiino ar-i- I vacriî-ucltaxable arrçomlcanied Mr. Mack on s business i1-1,I l, englue and 1 i kmitO b. pias'ed 011c lii i.nîn ne ilerficsfor olIci- cc i -av' -trip iîitcthe country' on Monda>' c, i c risc wi'ck. ' .fgn.bas baeîc aclicuiatedic i-no t 191f e. Tbhe youug men iaft Lîberivvilleiic a liiciis unu-cilaf--v 1.1- th@ lAt ew yeare, bat uo definite ciif48. 11$.55 elîcrtIr lefort, 11 oiock Mondai ciiuc- 0Y.ars &A!4101io1 ever bas Ibeen îakeu It wae c cicuix 54 ç,4 nlghf, and as Ilce> turnad outo th-'i 1 ir- dcc neo 1 licoi Pearce Whho cc tiihesrmalt- Townsu2 .24 liulklc-y rond.onue or the near tires lccc.c ir-(un lie syvtili. tr ap &ILt iti, coîîîcc I c c ein- on- ilccîi ici.4cdi.47 btow out. Tise mon ad te pomp up iN cci-v i look ;cfi -da&y . tii iccl12 tIiia i,- clur tube ico sli a baud ticmp ix l, iii,-, lis-s ceu bici "I mil oîîluc-cl cctcic iicc I 'jcci1 ii1ii1 candv ic icIl ccok ucari ly e in utiesi orfrl-îI.i - iibîi of Iis I-c t1111119 about thec , l-r , frvcing ih Nii' cc hr-Ilcvi - cic i-y iii u ic iv tnIr,. -c i-c i c, n . c d th,. OMP&Dy (o Insisil I-2ci F.. . hc sadlit iii12 21-1 Wlcc-n '-r Nmck 1c I-bisfot on t o ie - ck iIl- jciirp. cona ' a agoa]oi t i -cn and i ll cl -Xv2o 1I,0s e îcî c lihi cîîrb - the cc- lc. ,- c PIii- ils remalu, .010for su rdina'ir, .94n ci i - i~iG bcc-i ll--iiii 0eomntsa (0lfwfill ga- -v - hi'sad r cv lic lhi a l ii i.cInfo uin-car cidcon- MAHONEY RETIFI 'lEs -s goodjiroljicsccc n sd i wm:ll -f.ibrcrc vs 10 ticîuccdi clvhi cccy. lTic- ma-lilii- hOii¶ -cI, --, c lnocrix VOtO for au ordlnacîc c iimteintil ic c - cî 5 ic> cc-c c-I fuls ;icfi-el sud wCa lit. I Liii i-r ani.' siti C=om ny ta lake i- cii actîi-l. -' ecii i-- 2i-ic c-il > i li, w ,v i s ciodcîity il 1c5 lc ii lili llc-c c - son r ý ,lir. t thrccois lb ho foot iu i - - cil cirr "l-i 'il11 vote fcocri c rhiiuc'c c iC- 1 $ c7 -siîcctcîi Nlavý:i. - c vs i i - c iîcîer cd Conîmlaouc- r .ii-i-. c l iln i i cc - l c i îî-c c l I .-.irciicuf tcii force the cin Iaxic -c I, --- - i - - -i ~ c ii- C ,c - c-- I ci Ic 'NuIii " Ie ' cati t1, c ,- il:l -- c I c.-.1_c1c i Iii cciihu ci c-c-- .ý1 ill ccc 11crpriicIuIg- airlglt, auîit -i ,I iii i ('C I.- c olii, c c - c.1 c -1 h, i i lchic ci- li c it. ili fnatter nutc i h fil- lo, il-,'icric' c; t cc i .-. iro-,-- i,- a, Andc-1uo have promivrîl i c)ci-comei n;Piif- -- I cJI, I lbîîi c Ii ca i cti- >,h irii- -i -- cici-iîcc cci- nal>' Iitalici c cà -m hi'i ' -' - ,- -r--- i - c c li c Ii c cci ccii à-a tank -c- - - iitric- c -- tiser saitdlý, U viucil i - c-.l! -i-y i-rai -- i t iiciii ixi-d- i c I c iiifcic tory. it fic,i' rl c t c- - c ccc i'! -S 1 icic ci l l IO i i - cic- dtailoil tis' h cci i c-u il Uv. -f4-1 i -- 1i l cii li- - Il- cc it ought ta hc- icu mat-cv . li 1i - caic-ui c he , ha i cci c-i . cic cc - -c,- i c ci i bave au orciiitic c crcen ci.i ie cun a e ;I, i i b.-ix cciii w i -c i > r, I X i tire councît cvii bark bîit ciii c!, it- Ici cic--i in man in cii c ." icii.i i i c cinci propositiolo i il iîcfcriiig tlcv c- i - - !c--. , ioc Cé. I ccivw brocu-,cI, a(fi l ccc i i- - car Compcan~y lb ifcicaif Sl111-I-lc -1,Lc-ci c r c -c Mayor 'pari-.ç cîni-cil cc-(tIi li,. Ocar 11I I V c 7- - e - If i, i ' 1 dii o iu ., o poation rouncet s o îin,-fhe icr unt'il 1 tIl- il,--c- 'ta-c ,c ii- ~-- Cii be thocîglt sort iii crduîami î ou - - i i - higi m ciegbvî,ý1ý_vfr il oi, l liccve M .sad h I o iliaci il h>' red St5rk ciii a 1l1- c . cii l' thougbt c-cii-ii l ii c.-w '-iii c - i roui icc.c Stictlili - - î î i c alderad ni c-,iab'. avid -ic !li i v c-c I -cIii t icicr'ic in v - c would hx c- ltic- iri-iic i fccnc i - H R EDv,ÏP WMXEL II. i Ir. Ntsc-k. cc i, uiidIrstnc. ii , -ROADIN Thea îîayc r ci cciýd ccII: lie- coulI O E ASIGtliiN cii lci- lc1l fo ii ar. c Li- i l 'l havaeltee crdxin- ci, ras'.n 11cii- tonce kRA IN i À B LIND ci,1 ci -,icisi. ccii ii ccci t c-ic i c ' -- l i ol tion ai 1.ccc cli.lî--hilî' P16ON cccMiiARKET-au icc cc c ST I- tieUiigh, and I ic cfc i-c--ii--Frank Grenette of Market St,,'i - cc-c rc-is-r~ Was Taken Into Custody hv EFNIEÂ~- tise propocsitiidn Th lavi-1bon Loca PO!iCe SLnday. -ii LJ1 LSIJcc sevea'a -io i'i ! I, l i- fatai-al t co f I î -Th. dentscatcthi dfccvipiJ rcisc g.- L , : ',UvCI 11 Waukegan aloc- cci Iin i-in.rd -rcîi inliiean A.Xniravirn-si aDINSIDE f À ui ini c c c brave frît fcor ci ong fincite lia! -oui l - Iiiqi Of 'ct.irkc-î vtrtuc. ws anrcc-ie hi -l -I thlug sic al b - - (cci acargi of cî Ili- Iiqtîo ii hoII PERIO 0F 24 IIOURS ;.;~c-c aitlics, cc-i SiucicIliy i it-c e diiri c c lehs eaiga Three of the Funerals Were - ci B LUE LODRE ELU g 'on Marke"sîrcet for months. and Held on Sunday. Two Being c we lai go I-i(In(, iiw t wa intheAfternoon.Ma'il ANNUAL INSTALLA= TION 0F OFFICERS Edward J. Yeoman 'Was In- staiied as Worshipfui Mas- ter of Local Lodge. Tise Waoiccgccn Lacicge,. N.. 7v., A. F. and A. NI. instable-i ofiierr i-t li% meeting tise bist part of the waek. A progrm ohfunlertaiuiiifnt ha c ecn arraugad and lice aftair troveil to be a succeassfi on0e.Tise Blue Loi-a isas isac a ver>'auccessfOl yaar and bainlcre-ssc itis membeahip graatly. Edward j. .yeoman cas iustaliad 'as --ailifil 1aser . c.. n w r.îfit cacii%ýi ýi l.,saIduPl icdChliuif Gieo. N.Poce il cunedtise el;ca tf teti witnesses aIl of chom wclii scîar Ibat the>' pur- nisasec Iltquor n licIeîAustrians place of busines3s at 6i11 Mcarkct ainet. The case cas uontuncxod untif Tiîurs- day evening and ith- ifeniant lias rvtaiued Jccmeîs cG. Vetrh as tufs at- torney. Mis Austriax fi fxni-(imauntisat lie isas not heen operatîni- a bîind pi-, sud ihat lie dld not selt the iquoi- cisich cas tounc inlu is Piano. The police ciiefs intani (o, ask aI fine of $2011 sud cots, andtise>' claîni tis eavîdeuce tha>' have coleCted ciii carrant a conivictIOn. dl r-c fc h nr he lngtallg ofIcier, W. A. Pitt w.s Tis plIce hava watcbed the Atîs tisa marsianda iJohn R. Bulloci wastrilai's place of business for many thse chaptain Tise omncers installedl months, but hava beau unable ta gel weré: sufficlent avidauce to warrant a con- Edward James Yeoman, W. M. viction, iutil Runda>' chen (bey con- f LAOOli'Frank Hill. S. W alled a isutucboft -wiusseo, al of M William Edcard Sayla. J. W: hom cIl! take tisa wîîness stand. John R. F'uton, Trams. Thse case wili be heard befora Polica Thomuas Artbr Simpson. Sac. Magiti'ate Walter Taylor. Mancel Tatcatt. S. D.t John Sidney Bsuta J. D Mns. Hocard Floodi inee leanatte Williant Alfr'ed Pitt, Cbap- Wlsoui cho nes ideci cest of Gurnea. Pamymonil Lelie Lewis. Marsisai. iied tii moruiug at i o'clock ai the CxI.5 EdwRrd Schwsrm, 9. M. jake Count>' Genarai Hosptal. Deatb Whuett DeGrasse Young, . J. B as due ino tuberculosls fcvi c shcie HarryHoward Mat. Orgaujat. lbadt aufered some tOme. sI(isocigbsip ,,AthIr E. Stripo. TY'IOT. hai beau at the- local Insltiution buf ______________ a week. Burts! cUIt aka place n AfiR.IeSltlofl. Warren cometery. althougb arrange .~eavo emidergera v.ahud ment bave not yet beau compltai. 1 ~ <linl 0 ai <h ealo viUel, esiesber huaband. Mrs. Foodl - ~1g ebldhOd-KAli5' Judo>Ia lesavez (ve chldretl, a mothan sud i four aitera. lensiIn ne aid Vau sid 0b ýai Va cai iul cri -i 10i- 13 ain t e 1 lne of the "Mit-gal ncago & North W« pan,. 'aa70 IcI nd under tie 'sIc he wam obiuged re, tsericeir cover- cl] N-orthWestern 80 ha, come ii lIai-W i4 the vory un- tal in flic 4.5 vears M ibrotle ofthlie In ,1"-c lilad nevol' Bu cv-ci u f a roi-tai cii c vr bren 0,, Trici, ii l ir d ni n cii licw45 li-am had i-c --civl (Int ici- lic elirvi en l In liict ici- clini M1c1iii c-uc c ' il iuitlipiio or " -cgle Si-Mlîl Çt - ah andiîi.iiriii, id. lES FEB. t., lii mwl ,V5i-ic (1-t in-ici tccia Inc ,ili ci'Icc c c, ci cicrC Ni, l ni Febiruccr c v-ic lion pen , l, c- cliligcd uv liiiFo'. 1fMis -' cali, nîci -hi cciii cci --cIr, i - ('11 F(Iirucir% 'w i-hanccgiilg oi caxNcI I. No. 4.- Men Are Arrested. igr anso Ille cconi ,a, ST RANGE COINCIC Ici--c r92 ins -n Mauuc n - i ) DENCE IN INJURIES t Iiufeiceiae A 22 calibra. six- ciot, cucl i Ne r wcl a-ci foucid lt in BeII'- TO TW O LOCL AL M EN N G. (i Oeo h ckri hlolit '22 >'ears of agi'. airoi nooftstrangest coinciaence,; ixVI cli lonue liov cl a, i-rocen>' lenk incxi W auke va iue te iigbt Ioda>'. cherein tco lmou. avcC el ChX<'ica~go gicu.- both eiplo>'ed in the saine astablss- i-Cr. ci c. n îîoy George IBucîll i tesuivI oh iPOUi1311- îment, in tiesecamluneO0f businessi. rea-1aa oy (1nl.nueof Ai-i-cc. III do ai ellet tii e wiv hurt in about (ho sauce]Marner, liapeie li sa ciws a poliru ctofiter in tichencîcia>' or,-il about tîce sanie part oîf Ihein lbodiecs ,- ccci . id tîlialh r o r v o 1 ie, o ld lie c cl x cic O r g e l u ll il xus u d F i - on -ly a n d a i t i es a mn e li me . t h e N o r l i \ V v t r e b e l l i i c eri c - i - v r u s . l i xi e l l a - c r i e p i n i h a l i n l u i s s r a v i e r c i i i cim Nuri v iii~i c- k ed foi r lii ury \' er. i-cou on i îccxsî coiiiideui-e. are: -li c c bi rxc-l ci idichi a,'cusccu-onic cre-et ssci ic-ar avenue, lIENNIS OtiRtEN, saioonkeepan. wubeaed efor rncilis ucari. Aul ielcits beinît IIENItY W~OODS, bis bsntaudar. tainC i ccwc-.,îîîî-5 ilia-ic. nn rîce incident lîappeued oxi Wi-dnee:- (lo P c v -c il c ci l u - is îfic e, cii liii lie c-uc l r u i O ct) iiby n 1gb I a s O 'Bl r e n c a s lo. k n g ui ) i - cc iohalit wrcinWuuga.his establishsment on Fast -Washsingtn ci- rcîdî-~- - stnî ou about 11 p t.Oi îe turneî ou gbf ui- mcuic iaaf~i<~ tcc l Ihs anîl Mencu aarted to go hngineer 1ui-c'l ,ffJ~~. . irui-uteitt ael ierI c- t1.500000.00tîsibut eotigl n eai- tc- ba. nte dlu the ra 'lom sd tsardpoolte ro iel rittead u (ha isear el & Og ruem and biaitisaoonlal IM Va slute ti hear aid. wl - luebe Ch maetis eolicegesool boui theaby bnidI. sd nl 0 Chago eth~ e oli Oe-tbp kr anitce ba be Asa~ sonuecisat durlng tise Pas t foc CUMBS TO AÀ PNEUMO0NIÀU Mna. Narcoleon Jimo.3$efc passeil ava1Thu'rssY Aftoer*0M' :30 o'e!ock at her houe -qa t6 avenue.- Deatis 1msdue te IOO inaurnat2sof! ciéi i se "badlqa about tcls eeks. At BiraI ber illusa dld Mt 9W ou ba ver> seonst, but for.4 b aeverai days bar conDdllas lai0 'agarded. as critic&L >FW tb. àW cwo days 1" 59quaatl tl1u I iad been used ln u a fed*nt a ber life, but aven IMes tbfl. Mre. Johnson *"mantae. but had llved lu Wgmkelua--" of yaars. Her hushad, Foliusou. cas Monter M$obanic aId suigan nofiuory Pla t er' yeare. Recenly heo OpUm4 shop lu tisa new Wuikg Ut BesIdes ier buabt»i, MmUIa - sou lesaes t(cG chiô%.14 ù,01-% 0 neven yesrs, 0* eulM . l'eas. ler molb.r. ip. son. and bier broiber. Voe both riide laWale* r Mra. A. Toruqui tieS 'w Park. Funeral S»unia ternoos at S2* P. M. aitishe hSmme. its ItemAt Oakvoed ceuiotely Cemctcry Work <01BE!« Correspofldce i 4: av ab durchib-uccn C ST O MIW U T stipped and faIt sideca>'5 lu sucis a. - t bon c y ooOf fNEW UNITT c1.îacmr tbat ci sharlu irou pikel cus I cciii vli- 4 horiIl,,i iiiicui 1,- d si i cci ,i imcaicivixci, utc ri ictbei agsiibst hisc ide. r cnday ionini-6 funorats sceve liaItlicOu i -c vîno,'ce- nOF ri Vi'uke-an It is beieîed tirac ! i yuI avete lilyws o bul ( hae oloii stailiales a record for a ilmitan fl . fr oi,%N i hppy iPlauns 1r fticeconstruictionniofa Lat lie diarovened (bat one of lits h - 'cc iIii lipon fil ci i iieaped itrcthe ,toadrlshdba rk ht h onriod of time. ai feast no finie cithvcu - dcc) *aril -aid. Tîci-c c realIlîcstsmincrbine pouwer planttw anirhhdbeubon. Wle is eufn years rav Ili- - ecabtai -isci Siconr hatf miles iouthtivi of Joliet 0 couni ilmjcatttui OBrien is able iu bc b -quai îîuniîr cif fanerais cere iveIl rcost apîroximatel' $1,500,0l00 cvesabout (ha place.0 -thhîc cucti casort perlod of fimnie iltic'.cci -c c Nuclaukei- cciand i- aînoticnceiSaturdaN iîy .1. M. Stra.i- At the- sanie tinieiebI rîutfîoye ccasJ -ci u lie uneSî cisaheuSuiit roton yoic- lIa-cii-lt, ow aport 10 be son, spnnaditcftePublic bieng lîcri. .- Hank"Woods, the ban-0 )lie f fie funralswas hld S iffla Nuo.4- iii poihntf service of Nnorth. uentdn o th crniooii. (cccSunia>' afterivocii uvcmi e or odService Comipany' of Nortliarn Illinoils lender, stiptici as lie cas wailgy nee tiinîorniug. i\Vc. ccvi(exi ile hres-rn iood (irouîid ciiibha irokenIn imcdiatly dowîî tho. atepul at (haEdmond bolot.8 The tist otfcanercais foiloci wc slo ii% l cctidccistuwIiy engand for tlhe erection of ibuiings. lie fcii againat lthe raililg ln sucis a 10:30 a. m.. Iu-snday-The fuiveral fciuci .Oc ccila ae0latni Immediate eractioli of the ilnst of mîaniner fitho fracturad tîrea or c f Mrs. Sarahs Watcas belai the iefruuulaieofiîcikc-i i itg aecndItbis thnee geuaratiug unita ciii begin i;asfour îîf hebis. us l i ad up and c ome on tise Wetst Sude. witb inter- ltlicl i clncdu îdi a soon as posaible. I.umber was on- îîay îîot heouot for a couple weeks.) ment in Grant cemeten>'. cîci long sIiencicîi- tisai. ancouraîvad den ed Sýaturda> fon tise buildig of! 2.10 p. m., Suda>' The funealot by the tipîti 1 Miwaukee, ho got a rmoay ficsfregnesad Mrs. E. M1. Smith cacu heid at Christ -taypsto iI h opn n draftsmeu cho wili surve> tise track BALD MAN WEARS CAP hucciswtb intenucent ln Oakwood lia- heeci cilli ilicr mince. nes.î ceek. ONE DAY EACH YEAR. 22ý0 p. m., Suda>' Thatueral et B IUREL S NURO îlc ic i)break bis tlibchule about litas no ceanîutcirrc Mr. aplen ohso vs el i n couîxecciîîuîî ci the above statua oea.Brrntu ebeon bs'14 Central avenue, Highland Park. th oe nGan vnu;i 0eT f oid engineers of tisa compan>', If ulgetl sledelrci wst0 ore a cap Frîday fortonlie lghlis mnut iu Oakcood cemaiary. devetop8 ftrai Roi-rt Purcell, untit bal lu is iqdeclilîing yeaic. alen ait fieIeghyaré 8 a. mn., today-Tisa funeaa of Wii. cîglil yeans cîgul -No. 1" on the si's itce dangers lie bal iaced iîî car aud Mn. Green Io bald Hea oas no iafib th he-erodsno r ennwhsi rtclsal on fticemrn, lhomust uceetan lu-lîeadgan as a usual ting. Once a and Mrs. Stanley' Gawia, cas habd eauSt.Lukes lospitiiiChicago, a - il aglimnsuaccridleunb wich iic ma tovre year ho puts on a. cap. Yeatos'day tePls hrhwt nemnlnascîll of a fait isc suatainail a shortiftac as the annual day. Bis ouly expla' St. Marys camaier>'. tince ago cben b"- broke is biti- Ha Mnr cureiirst cite cas a sitat nation vas "(bat lha taIt like wearlng 9 a. m., today-Tisa funeral ut Benuî- cc7 'erisd. like Antisn f c.Jhutltaer Dif Waukegan 'I bandt Pya cas beld at St. Josep's iluthe ton '0ssof service on the sud lith ml>' lias man>' frlends luin latso îhan akhv chunch citb burlailunSt. Marys cram-noac i bcve ri, Icui au accident l in e the comrxunnt>'wico cil! regret t figured that If Mn. Green wom atise shape of a wrcnkdr a collision.Ha hbeair o. ieacieth (. I .i~ca hichi ha bought eight yeara ago eten>'. ca aatiheo aailccident(a iuittie aietateli tsetuueen. h 10 a. va. toa>' Thetuerai of John wsgn o hooeer. whn h e h autine pate Istcapfculrlat hlme Shearidan cas beld at the cisunch oîf 'ivil car broke ouftic'ft hie job aud h____lnhe______h__cap_____test___ the Immacutate Conception wîtiu bu- enlis> ail Ha pacsed tbrougli thse car Samuel Orr dled Jan. 7 at 360) about tisnee cenurines. iai aI St. Mays rcemater>'.wcitiout belug woundedadudepent Il East Gasrfield boulevard% Chicago, lu nconths lu Ubby prison. Yel, altisougis hie 75tb year. Ha cas until twoMarisTtleIdî. lie cent tbrough tis ararnsd spent y"ensaga a reniflent of lake Forent. lMarialues Tore lns\eica a Waiî, or ale et ad Un<h.IN.about a haIt century runniug aun0en an ud aifor mai17 yora on tise demis tisa an>'oon single dlemmai OEPENPENT reach 15.000 persons gine sud uavor hal an accidentthi board -aof rade. hn'laîer lu tise Inaur- India. weekly. ether ina of servicet nemained for Iauce iusinésif, 14,1916. 'c -- i c i. kUKEEMANRMN STRICKUN WITli AP-, BOYJ RIES TO KILL THE OPLEXY DAY AITER SUITOR Of SISTER SISTER'SFUNERAL I'N T 0 w re Bueil Said to Have Pull-i Mrs. Wait Did Not Regain Con- Deteotives Ouitot Hunts d u n on Alfred Larsen at scioisfless Ater the Stroke Ometion BOY&Vit*- Racine Last Sunday. on Thursday Morning. Been at St. Chartes..ý' lecause Of a disagreement i r,>'Waukegaîî, Jan. 7 In an attemPt ta rid Cbcs ,d ta bis sister. George Bueli ofý Mrs. Sarahs Aîîn Wait. 72 ypars old. crime. Nicholas Hunt, chief et Laitc-gan.i, ultedl a revolver from died tisis mornlng at 8t-sQ; a. m. ai tectives, ordered lis men tô@m hilp pocket on Sunday night and, ber home, 2193 X'îcry street, foilow- every youtb ln nuorthern ln 1111aW# empteil tao hoot Af red Larsen, Who lflg a stroke of apoplexy whlch the ascertaln wbat be le dolng andl des at 923 Mi waukee avenue, Ria- suffered on Tbursday mornlng about he has dons since ie was e. H-P wa s jrecented front doinag CO'clOck. Ily a strange rnlcccidenceý1 trom the scbiool for boys t by William Feenpy, a friend who shb- suffei'ed fthe strcike the day aftterCharies. 1accompaniil him lta Racine fron bier steter. MLss Mary E. Glynchi fi Many of the parcded beys are W : Lukegan. %Iinneapolis, \lins. was hurned at kegan reiddents. go b de khait bour aftterthe alleged at-:Waticonda. aitboug1î sice dled ln ig crame ta Waul<egacs aud spen a pt, the two mocn v. re arrested on norance ot the tact. part of two days cross-qusst Li street tcy (alilin B-ert George. %Irs. Wait awolçî, about 5 oclock boys who bave a police record baie the munit-lt-af court titis vnorulng, Thiirscay mornnia and vomîcained or Wbether tbey are attempting Io.' vît was sentenved to 20 days' bard aL numbuass. lier luband riihbed teti a Chicago crime on the sisomblti ior for carrylng cocucaled weap- lier body as hoe hac dont, betore wheun i a Waukegan boy lsaot known. ai- , anmi Feeney, agaîxînt whoni a sibe bad simîlar cp-ls. NIrs. Watt t1thouglb ilsey are tree ia admit l8-~c nk charge had to-ruii odged, had aptiarentty felt reti os d ait( went back tbey camne to Waukegau under sers fl 4case adjourni i ui il ibis aftor- iiintep. At f, orclociclber busband irom their new chiet. sU. an cclv cvnd viiole Uto l-r. There wes A -baby bandt"-boy of 17 en yMk lueit clainhed tIciv- ivuiivr that ' f no -lIly. île ,spoke a inte louder. Iole troin Si. Charles-aflOther 09,lb. rlied the revoIs r sith ti mwhei titl no repviy. Tisen hoe beram. boys "Who never bad a' ehnce.ý" s er hoe went ont of towiibeu,e crrer- larmit iand isumnvoiced ieiglibors. _N' t probabiy tatalIpi wounded by ale in personcc had made tiri-at,.ilctba b9hsiclan w-as summcned and ho' iormed policeman ln thse sire«, e y "were gong tb gel hini i oitnd the aged woman bail siffered a1 Chicago yesterday. Thse boyt wltbtw Trouble Over Sister. troke 0or apopteccî. She was re- 'cofipanlons bail beau ciat tgIié~- Larsen telts a diferciit story, bow- moved to the Jane McAlister hostiltal !art of robblng an outside show «Ma cr. 1le ciaiiis ibat ic bias bnci ses- cul necer regained consciflusiesR. , on Miadison street. ail disputes wiilh Bit!. ad ha tisa ili Mrc Watt was bnrti ai Waticonda The sbooting of this boy of 17, tke t ime the Waiikîgiii iiair isii-il whichb nade lier oe ftseo me i nmeronsaraies of utIle? boys uàd. ihe lie mai.- lhe tbri-al thaI liti i,îî resudet.ns of the county. Slip by the police lu thse past feV days -\ im ni e ni-i iLarscen he ciolît lic cd Ibere on the farui of bier fathk-,, 1,and the many criminal acte attihut- 1 um. The ii iitri, benc,iub.c-tlioinak; ltynch, unfit]se was !25 ed ta tisenimart1ie baby baïdit" 1anid ur-It %Nr.- in vegari lIti viiviars otd. when site nîarried NI r. tîaroled ln 'Chicago more perplidxlg l v i tîr, w ittb mi b ii I rcc . ecI ,hand ce iIni al i c-on bis tarna ln Iban ever. t,;ing coînpany ihe town of Grcîc i tie lvod there Then agaîn the police point out t0 Stinday îîlgbtt îîiîtl I92 ahen viii anit ber bushandthdle tact tbat Waukegan experieuffd uig Dlouglas avenue scwiliti o i-ci--ncîvi-d vo Watnkegan. Thiiy had tt'.ei une "boy bandit" set lu the rebbg vi -afriend, and ci c t helii, i the saine homenit-oic îtory sire. I of the Sam Msenberg store on Teai* arc-dI the Intersectioni of SI. Patri< ic -er since. ctreet but a week Mgo. r-il, tli-and Feney cainle autî !i lier iter. 'ciss Mary (Iyorii. fccit I \tany police office?. tietieve itbat ào utn. Tîcere were somtie urcis andt iiidoic Newi Yers day at iMinneatia- boys at St, Cbarles work oitt tbSlri. "-ccricc tlul tArseîî not bta igli»i. l . iiindhe remains were brovui-it probiems of crime wbâ~e .e.aa.; iil i unrrîcc a lîciedrdni-cuver. far lai-k 10 auconda toi' burial ciiiW ltbin tise walls of the etate iAgM»U uni viarîci vo catk away aictnd ul ' îic-l-c ca>.Soineonc' negtectî-citoaIlionsudthen carry out tiaIr éOie vîctîîed ontiiithi rev olver, faut tcforr i cciii tie-' sker wtîolilved in Naukito' wien tbey are paroled sud mstent ~ tc iovld u-, il, leeiîey bail caugi-c t ifiiiiishle cas onit givon an.oppor- 1 amîngle wil.h soctoty. s ariic tiinitiv citoited fhee tunei'al whlii 'omtbing muet be doue t11e -ý Plernrv îtocin1 fronut of riilit saý îook place oîcty a score of mîtes away. these boys off thse atreeta and cmit* ci- "YuIiîl liave to shîoot me, liefîci'- trs. Wa-c raves a lrother. Josephi pool rooms," sald one ww*nOu in- ciii shooîct Lac-ePn.- litbe mealîtînîn E. ulyni h, andI a sisier, Mrs. <'asirtelice officer. Que of the ibtie bM i d rs-ilattakeîciiIi c is hc li siComptciiitn - ui itNiic îcilapolii. lbanits" arrested by the polboë Mé «sit)( d0he~:'sance ivv.ay 1lithelic mi- Fiioprat 5îîiai.ty nro i t ILIi i-ilowing the glssnberg robbSry Olt1 la ucci i-eeded Ic i)uti1~ icg F.- cc'C<at the lhonte, v.iiI literment I tssOil to Stales Attorney Dm41' tMé iii tliv Grant

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