CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jan 1916, p. 4

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r Indep~ WoekIy ~ufl-. endent me fusLabtio CUI guVSrd ofefflprvierI'P oooodli %dvurtiswng "tes NaSe Kon vion Appl nie, 01.60 PER VEAR STRIOLY lN AOvi .... .................. ....................Edtor j.,. Mnager- Iuhfdta oflee tbbad dropped ont o h ,ýW aud Order Lapse business But ho's bobbed up aguin, iWItlh - to show he's suWl drawing that hundred a That state loglalators feel U. Durand #iad a rather "iraw dua'is lndlcatd by the faut that they have cou- mnted to psy ber..the. maimuum for hoir bord, $250 per b"i.4 f ii.Imglstors dldtfeelthat a gotwrong had bsrn dont Mu. DurandUtey suroly would have triod to i ppromW laeth her and stay a little undr -the mB2XilUn aowod by la -_ ___ This la the, kind of voather wbon people by throwing omI s few crumbe, can save many soDg-birds whlc bhave bmà doludod luto the belief that cold weatber waaut to mm " tht.Winter and, accordingly have romained borei- "do.soutb., It merely takes a littie thougbt -an wM 0i. ohu.le ta throw out a fow cruts of Lok tousas-'if 'themere question of $5M3 on the Grid- My Inheitance tax matter ig so amail that it would be far usàer ta psyup thai to permit the matter to, b. taken in- tbthecurts. Forusuc a-small um, to court a ltigatiofl W VU the. sto e id ll. expenalve légal amry pushing thé O8ezoseigly foollsb. The risk of the final - lu otoo great ta jitliy It. Not for $533. YanOdohl on, of 32and 2, havebeén arrested aft- 4*9b,MB e dhioveed sbowing a parefully laid plot Stlae p4aUmed ta murder their father and mother &«*gstthuirsb4r of the prôperty beforq thépar- a ak" .te caMryout tber intention of cbauging ~~ W d.idu't kluw thero wvu monéy enougb in '=,iIIo prWmPt ous toan sncb a culpable thlngi it appom QU ainvestors feel that theïr money is om~a putr., aIuse, farm slanaittbepricelt is làr ac o4The lncasos luvalue during tbe .$Wumltme. prospects for 14. future are sncb t utf thoirmoney IIw. are the daja viien a person entering a store or arn4'*Ia stabda wltb the t!oor balf.ajar, deserves be-i de u lithe open vlth notblug on but astring of noittu.uck; sud thoRa, pouslbly It mlght b. more If an Iccl. Vers laced i euhb hand to remind bwoq tbat ilacold. »BLu goin into astore -« a homn ltis frigidw eather, 0108E TEDOOR t- il. ilivie M 'o t e flowwopy h ol Judge(or s apetrof okcuttiewk Pta-inineesi adimportantinie -ý44. ofthe e aquestio ngof attor- ý1 *týIn &U ml odétermine viihiier prospectivejuy »à have 1sd praccounts dfl te canethey ar, ta ,»dotIn tca=emmi Chicago, InvoMvng $75,0wO, tiat Lite newspap.r reports may have juiod am iub e veiremen. Judgï Garpenter IhM tUletKoagd: IIbeliove jurorn vho read w.efar btter qualilfed ta serve liaithae ~ê doioIrsd leu."The opinion af thé judge la smre- w4v, il troverts the goneraly ace tedoory MM DSvlo, aread upon a euewoul aa Ir7DU 'And, it's notod that Judge Carpentor Laailut tb@ veuiremen ta ha'uing read n certain pa- ps-0ouaie oubi not say thé juryman voul ealrlght 12 a.rB<1 Iis paper aid'vould b. vrong iho red-that orne. Thé ruling*uas nteresting and really important. The caseoaf Mr. Anthony Moran of Nortb Ohicag spia b. fheour saloonkeepers wberein ah. procured a U1200 sstgtlmnl circuit court surely brinp u lp a do- .4«.dl int«rw*tlng situation. Klere vas a case whero: ýI M XSa bougbt 'boose" from thé foafr oon Vuas.o*uers vers named as défendants: SEONDM-Hé 0look loo mach and became lntozlcated; TMBD-H.[ vent boMe sd but Up Iavife, lnjuring ber terribly; 7FOITE-He vasisont th. puenotlrfor frorni one tO 14 yearsý on a charge ot asault vltb itent to il riTH-By ubbing mot. t prison thé Moran family ~~wa o beeft fIs previons means of support and suit vas %rougftunide, thé la'w 'wbicb permit. faumlle»torecover 4.M0s re.uaooaiss bos slmesaba bected aman's Povws;SIT-iTring the" te rdict ~~yIn to athé voumand aud erfmr- irugi . ol*ttl.hof a nPU&I illiM 1th jurbs of Wta" r D<AET qlale buti mthàueaab C«U&<IUJUS« of .&~ertyvtWe ~ Chas Jf-dickka,diven for, the W. W. Carroll & Bous Ca.grocr>,. vas quit. badly. ehaken Up Tuasda>' alteruoon* vhentlb.borsé bJasdriviuamra sa> &nd lu is attémpi 10 lump rom the delivery wagon belote il cmae la con- tact Iëfth a telephoné polo- hé vas tiirovn undar thé vagon. Jedliika vas driving aloug DIVIsion etreét Wiiun'bic hors e ome f ngiiened ai a pauli auto truck. Thé bornes Sache down .4lwaukee avenue sud as Jedlilka vas unAble ta manage the bornes botuaia chance at jumping <from thé wagon juil hafore irama lu eovtact vith a tels phoeéVole là front o!fH.B. I.Eger'. reoidencé. RBe.the wagOn vas hbrovu ou anc aide and vas dameged ta soait extaut. AM the hors. came toa asudden istop pieu thé wagon et-yack thé paie- Jedlicka vas enabled taextritatobimeéif. Thé M. W A, sud R N. A hld ajoint publicinstailatiiin ai offici-re at thé Auditorium Wedntedey evt-tlng, J5g.. lOti.. ItIsle etirnated that abotut 400 people wvesprent. Tht- Woodmei. installation came tiret sud their tea stul ta ha praised on thé ver> good wark they d15. The Royal Néighbor affleure, warA then installeS vhicb vae iollovéd t.> thé driJl hy thé young ladies' t-sm Thé> desèrve mmci cri-dit on hir vrork wbich seemed tu ha g'eatly appruclated as the audience called théni back ta r-pest thain, "Broom Drîili' Norton Flood i ofms.nq, gavé satanai readînge thal père grêatlyr appreciated sud vas eut-areS a iiumber oi limas. H.- is quite Weil! kaon hre, havi g spokitter svénal limas at sîmilar progearne. Aiter thîs evary ans vas r-queidSta marciita the lodge nonne on' thé third loar phare the Rboyal Nelghhar ladies seméeS ihetu ail witii a ver> nie lunch. Thé rettai the eveuing vas @peut lu dancing. Muele vas furnised b> Hapké's orchestra. UNCLE 0F DR. IIALLOWÀY DlED AT LA PLATA, 90. Alexauder Callovay an oncle of Dr. Chas. R. (lallovay oi Lihartyvillé, pasS avay at Lis home lu La PlasaMacon ronty MIssOani, Januar> 111h. The - aia !wn- tlînvit iPénevvanla I1 .u.aiY ;;, r-l u. l1,. aiýeut % a h sil his parents, Mn. anS Mr@. iSse Gllo vay viien hé vas bat tvo yéars old; the tamily settling et Plainfield and HM~ tbère unlil 1840 viien thé> enoved auto a place just souti o! the Lake canl fine. Alexander Gallovay 4smsrréd Mise Alle Wiarren of DeppfiSad chort> alter moved ta Libértyvîlle phers tii.> livtd for Sears open a farr opposite thé coant> tarin. snd lalér moved ta La Pista. Misouri. Threechildreu ver. bora to thé couple:, SA«r Dudley, vha Slnd about thirty ypasago; Brs. Jasse Balley aud Mns. Cars Wolf, bath af Wbant are living. ThéeSiceased vas a brother ai théisate Dr. tiamuel <Jalloway of Lihartyvli and the laaeMus Richard Pantailai Milîburo. Be vras an oncle of Dr. C R. sud Barr" Gallovay anS Bus. L. B. Scbanck ai LlbertyvllIe. Thé faneraI anS lntermént-toak plae at La Piata, Mo.. on Tiiureday ai tati week. NOTICE Notice te bérai> givan that at thé annual meetinpg of the st<iekhaidersof thé LlbprtyviIie Lilmber Company. belS at thé ole f ai&idcorporation, in the village of Litertyvîlle. -coutyai Lake BOY WAS SURNED CRITICALLY antd State of Illinois. on the uaventii day WHILE PL.AYING WITH FIRE. of Jauar>, A. D 1916, mpre than bwo wnsa.J~ 3 thîrdaifaIli e votes represetnted b> thé Iven, thé iour.year-old son of Mn. "bole stock ai saIS corporation voting and Mr@. Théodurs Gardienuof 328 lu layon thereaf 10 Ineri-ae thé capital Haltuhoiz avenus, vas removeS to stock af saiS corporation tram thé nom thé Jane MeAlister hospital Tharsda>' of TentyeiveThosaàDollr@,nlght ase the resuit cf*hurna rcesived o! Tsan> ~ve hoacnS olinsthe day betora vhile hé vas playing ($25000.00) tu thé cum oo! But> Thon. vith lire. canSf Dollars, (60.000 00) and thé capit ai Thé chid'e mother haS stepped La stock o! saiS corporatio n la ehir-b> de- thé home of a neighbor. WhIle ahé claed ncened acodin tosad vt vas out, the cmah boy epenéd thé cland icrecédaccrdig t saS Vt.,front of thé steve sud shoved la nome Witne@s tué baud a! thé President o! papera. Thé> Ignlted GUicly>anS hé. said corporation, ibie 2th day ai foré ha conid get bacli eut of the vs> January A. D. 1910, thé flames had set line ta thée loth- S. 0. Knudean, Prés lang ai thé littie iellov. Hia mthér easrd bis scréams anS rusheS home, Attet étlnguiehiug thé flames, but utnot-é E. A. Bishop, Set-. 18c3 fore thé lovér part o! the bars faec anS hie hanSe and aras up tu 'the élbovs. had heu humed séverel>'. D)r. Claéhoe vas summonad ta thé, home anS ha Srasséd the humus. Hé FRE CIIIHS IN, iaio thé boiter that the boy InhaléS Borne of the dameerf The lads chin Q vla thé uper part e his fceet IJA .A1If elans the laver part ofhie fcé.s ve r hméSbadi>. Âcceandlng te Wauksgan, Jan. 13. Pr Claseso, the boysa condition la gars O'Tarmell, chef of the line Se1 rather eritical. Thé phy'sicen irged partmeut, la qugmstlned, at hie home that thé yonngter bc reMoved tu the et 421 Washington treet, boeuse or hospital, but his parente at firet Oiekuest lu hui a tuiy. 1vuldonet iston 1tu 1IL Thurada>' Mis aident ns.nHarold O'P'sarlî. us ulght thé>' consenteS and the lad vas sufférnigfroa scarlet fover, sud thé nushed theré lu the Larsen sud Moi- homne vas quarantined at 9 ocbeckl aud ambulance. Tharadsy night. Mr. OarelI ee that t vould In a nertlteru Wisconsintonvusév- bc. vise for hbig ogo lmb qusatine oralhneshv tkkl asn go that hé could héip la the be bous uehav e su ti eS. nevs vork, sud bc ai hi son'. bolde a iePtanïor ied vr Part ef taé dy. Mis. O'1'arreul pro- tututrustéd vhat Ibey vauld de vlli posOe a urseilier boyir troulglihie Ition. but thé> kzev. Nov lihaI the sickness. rbât;.t Il ff hy uai In th. meatisse D. A& Ratton, a ahi utigà&ga h usi alitant chiertof itle lams dugetment, ittauac i rarci B IVIl direct the wu e 0f tjýý -59e .tIi. fottua-taijs lu large uibm. 0» faim1foriav recnil>an.« for hu lu lacefa abg On-ora * dI«erWU a ferretprovl le the stiue break ouraniuA m-a. te tIle or te e <oq« OUDStbo ow"etsaet hlu(Os.. "J a h feree «so - vasdimbleliigl JUST AR1RIVEDI A Shock Absorber that chases the gloom! Our new rates and policies "have just arrived" [rom Detroit ani theq are the niftiest things in Shock Absorbers on the market to-day. Aiready. the *"il" in I-il-e begins to lok som.ewhat subdued. Wben we were awarded the reput ation of having put LIMinh lite insuranoe and SUPE in insuranoe we thought we were regular folks, but now that we are removing the starch [ront the 41l" in l"6Ie insurance, the Old Michigan Mutual must be handed a goodesized bunch of the glory. Beter eliminate the '*il" rom YOU R 1. if-E. JOHN IIODGE, District Manager ('Agenta #'anted in unoccupied territory) Scottisi, ecugoansd dancec wsre twkof the ltreNtingtfesturs #Asthe Commuer- ciel Club meeting beId'on Monday eveu- log. The entertainmencomiitse made arrangements for thé musical prograin, suti. eeeelIent bat lunch wblcb sas surved atter lb. busness meeting. A Mr. MacCutlamu ' Câliçago. dreusd la the 1aigbland kilts, cntertaln.& the membara wltb sorne old time Uctel songe aend &Iwo gave demnotraîlons of thé Scotch dane.. i jaCll a areatly auplauded, the members of the club abowlns their, gréai ples-ara lu havlng the singer and dancer wirh theni tb*t evening. Arthnr Miller very ably played the piano ai-compinîments, The business meeting iralma waz full or featuren, one of tht-m being the Iety f rom the- automobile company Whicb le ceekîug, ta locale bere., Tbers beastobehalesposibiliîîy af the factory promnotere and the Commercial club or any tuembers af the club who were iuterfleinuthé wark of bri uging nesy industries bere, of getting tagether on a od"Itiile proposition as the- letter r-ad uet the meeting did liat set-m to strike a popular cord and there are a nurubier oif membere aho bave exprpseed their opinion that, the club eauî îîot nov ff.rd tu ha purcbaslug faceory proparty and prebeUt letoathe factory promotere. ifl il were a manuuacturiiîg concern eeeking a deal of that kind it would ha a difeoreit matter but s thé proinaters guarantýeéd ta nialutaîn onl.v aiu asembinx plant for automobiles tbe gain to tbe townue business wouud ha îneiifficent ta warrant the large autlay ai mjiiay. Thé club je souri ta bave permagient hendquartars in4be Juet building, naxt ta the ' Auditorium, as the club wili accept Mr. Jactea proposition of rentil,, tbe rornesaoier thé Liberty Theatre alter he tas rabuilt t imitable fur club roaiu At Alueeting Motiday aight oeerptary Cha». P. Smala raceived tilteen new naines whicb ver. eurliled as membér@. The- totalienîharsbip a1 the- club tnov 'numbér elagbt-sîz. Baby lea a list o! comutîttees ivbich vare appointed r-cetnly: IMemn brhip- Ros s. Trigns, ehairman; C. Bl. Jarrett, Chas. E. Mda@on, Barry C. Meyer, Ernost P. McU)onsld. Eutertaiumeuit-Wm., E Decer, chair. man; A. C. Muris> . Ie mM. Taylor, Juilue A. Treptow, Lucas W. Mahar. Civil Improvemenî-W m. 1. Collin@. chairman; Lyeli El. Idorrie.O0. A. Ne weon, J. Eli Trigge, W m. Wairoud. Lagilauion-Benj. EL. Miller, ebairman, B. 8 Eger, C. B. Avenui, W. E. Miller, Public Reeretlnnt-Dr. F. B. Martin,.; Paul fi. Ray, J. 8 (iridley, Noel E. Duraud, U titanley Eston. .Publicty-N artiu J. Weber, cbairmati; J. H. Juet, Wnî. Preston, A J, Austin, W. B. Cari. Transportation-Dr. E A. Crane, chairruèn; E A. Hsbop, F. P.lhrnand, C. N. 1urand. C. H. Aveili. (iood Road--G. 4'. (ildley. chairman; Geo. A. Eaton, C. F. Oreenwood, N. R. Ladd, Roy F. Wright. tjormerce--Wm. Walroud. cliirman; Raipb Cole, W. F. Frai.zen, J r , E1. D 11unhard, Cea Frederiekeà. New Industrie-F. H. Juol. chairnian) Harry L. Davis, M. E. Willamm. Johi. Doilenenàaier. P. P. Dymond. Counîr Promuotion-E A.liiahop, chairmani; 14 ni lrond, Paul '4ac0uffiin 0.C. Oridiey, %lai Kohuer. Public H-aIr h sud afet3 -J. L. Taylor, chairman; Dr. P. H. Martin, tir. L E. Golding, Jas. H Swan. J. A. Treptî>v. Jeru1 171 S IN THE LSVlTYVitLE APRL elr e N 3 TION, Mutodlt-pîsôtil. Proposition to NdmIi*te Gov- uestWuoun of fai&* .80rviéseaext anrday. Jeu 28.viliiho emo,-State ant COniOf- soeTM , hel s foliove: At 10 0'clock the sun. - dey eçitul sessin; at 11 'clock moru. fioei's anti Cngre*mun. '- tIUfl ini prsalilsg service vwben the Rue. T.eid 'JSnfl v.T.E.ld. ILI, Jeu.:L.-'1'he \egfs- Brign"Jn ýTU Beau Wl»preaci n the subJot. *,Tbhe1fatve propositiontoulgÎit la <nom-before 6 o'clock Obarieis More Abundai Life"Illa 'lb.eevonling mate the aît lsor 0fof fisironveutto a si 7180 the wsatéjcacf the sermion yl ut. tenk onro linda cet O& ot>. vn . 0Uh r~akee"l diin< Ap1-ll 26 cimtritaneously WItI a Drim- opsrated by bis son, Ve spectilmule af1rnisWbadb>the choit 517 at vhich national convention del- ted a 18w eut anduat a ' 1r Mr@. Crystal 4a1n iiilng le. thé gates chai! h. nane6. Ubla o hepipe, aumtj oi luài marning and Mros. Elli lumrbani li obined imb aa April 25 primary papere, etc. uearby 'lIM f k P sing ln the @venin«. Tue public le eordi. vould -be the parti eletions for aml resuuted proved more thàa be l" ally lnvited. oether state offices, ail county offices handie, so ha rusce j a heall* W and cailed the volun r.,411l . t .The Spirit of Forglvenee&' viie ha o lesd ln 1916, sud the nomima- ment. béhîciut je thé bEpworthLtasiue .-net tiens for congres* sud for the legis- Berat the departinent ar#v4vei ' itîg naît Suada, e-voning ait 6:45. J. r aturexhrougiiout the state. 'lire had gained auch bmd*V -îY Hyatt vill lead the îu.etieiz. bEthuelaa- The April 25 date se ete be a vhen the ilameO vers Uuall comromie uggstin a bewee adued, thé bistorte Iandmaiâl aw f tie minging. A wartu hearted mieeting. cmrms sagsjnasblen, village vas vlftti5Jly destrog'sI. Everybod., cordially lnviiod. 1Republicanetem..t that vishas In la left of It viii have la 1be ta*= The youug people of thei Epworth, have the primary contes et éttiédat. The Hawléy drug store vwu Lé-guavii ogarlta Sudaelae cntthe earliest possible minute, theégo- and the JeelI7 store la th«~ OtbW $ondes evenlng, abiehti wll gue,. c,,,talléS reform elemeut ln thé Repub- Btien of, 1Uic stoe oduet. e tiiie a montbý The su#-jýct matte.r i lican légiolatuire makcup that objecta though Ment of the goo« ofetb *161 wtudy will lié: lu-Wmi and piina,.tte onsolidatlon ut the presidential place e takén ont by &leu&s vi. CI! ttie T4thpernii.. -î.-.îiî Priniariés vith aither thé aldermaule rushed te the je1veisr'u aid. Primrie on ebra:7 9 g thThe building, oected bera the Presbyterian. Pîire nFera> 9 témuni- ciilwaJ', Il le uaid, vas .vu* ha 10:00 a a. ni tma îa îplée9-n o pil udte ras . Hanna Sodt. vho lieu yeg, W Alorning Serti,11l k. ju~lar DeOioeratic staté organizatlon, and le net expected telaenat Ibat afe ChnitiaEîii-..î,r1:4 j, ai that secanistla haWilling te hava thé days. Havley la her son-lnlaw. ChrutitiEi,ë:t o 61.5p. . tat Pimale inthespingorla he Thé building vas a veoe q- Evelning seti.t- 7:sae8rm4l)lutepl rlatefair sud eorth about ,0.HvI la"'. Anytblng te Piesse, seemB ta carrlod $1.600 insurancead hlà in St.J..swrentii Episcopal. hliete motto of the latter. w! il hé about $500. HaIy lcomnihuo 9:45.l,, Object to Early Cal). The building vas located rtdàlu i~bîrc shoîl 1:4 a.Jdanitest oppoSition te April 25 bac théet'enter of thé main busiess l b@* from down suad thé tact that thé volual sSt Morarnu Prayer i1 a. il,.beén demonstratad rn doaat departme ut réstnicted the blase legislatars alrcady. Theîr contention Chat onc building shows thst t», Iir> uEILsesinl that thé dovustaté counties, pro- men are efficient désiSte the tact tbt THINU O WHO céedlng on thé theory that thé pim they taemérely volunteer, arlem Tor cnunty offices vilI net hae CUTSICE N LO N ýhaIS unUil Septamber, havé rot pro- LAKE IS 66L 51P , orward seriouely lu thé 101 countie: tees of hestae.They o a he urry littie 'Bo,' Looking for Work, Refus- 'couuty contens te to bemee thîn 90 H éd to Take Job on Lake- 'layesud local pollUecs ail through the o s h l Says He Is Not 'Loony.' fittteey etraendvt 1 M otor Thé usual anti-Chicago crry likevîse At ona placé ln Vau Buren streeýt le raiead. The suggestion fréqiieii'ly !quipped With pue néar South Clarkr a varmly dressaS héagd frein thé noisy le that Chicago'e eiosi lII poh i stranger bustied in durlug thé after- linanial ncessltés néS ual a@co' uoon. iSeaS dîr ecetl. - verarnetshlie.cou- 'Want a Job for tomorrov?" hé e t erg grin cotte ami mandeS huom the crovd iu genersl. A név $20,000 Seal bas Just been 15'NS ohr t a Ilsa Ood obSutChll i put througb by Votiva. at Mion City. the are laborioas q*hea "Job! What kilaS of Job?" pIpaS a Thé enterprise le net entirély uew. <o b ad véak chorus. althongh thé presseil brick structura- dn b od "Goo5 Job; $1.26 a day. Better vhlch le taehbetée név homes ot the itl§an exemuple of tti rdapt- than iying &round hère et nothlug a ZMon bakery wvl!lu voive tully an ex- ahiîitv of Eiectrictly te thé day.- penditure of $20.000. Thé veut part din~îg of aiîy kiil o!fnrork «"What lau Il?"ýo! the building viii have a concrets "Cuttlag tee on Loon laie." f leor ou both te ground adscond adheiciljtae h "«Cuttin lces on Loon lake! ré- fgoors, vith a space ou easciiet about vaii> of tnoo a iiiufS&tlré peateS thé ragged ehap vith thé onat- 80 b>' 100 aud thé output vii ha lu-l THER'S A MOI OR whilléshirt. *CutUtiu ee o on M creased from .50 barrais e onteurper lake! Oh. ho! 1 may ha boune>, but day, whieh in thé présent: output, ta MADE F-OR 1 dont go la no Loon faire te cut mast deuble that ameunt. 4'here é viii MCHN Ica this kUnS of veather. Do Yeu. hq $10,000 worth ot machiaery put' VE6MAHN bas? wllJ guéas net" chased. Thé only dravbacks te thée vHeh thé jobssdépart progresss ot thé bakiag Industry hsanbi Sric o Testranger wtthJosdpr-bean thé lacli of modern, up-to-date P bi evc o éd and enteraS thé next house.-Chi- machIner>', andfuon spacé, Bath ai of Nezthern Dllsi cage Neye, thèse vil! nov ha availablé._________________ v~i Loi lamil C M bMn tLot Mu in#nî Chic bol Ti mes' lits lu C TI * , de& Sai PM

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