CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jan 1916, p. 9

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~AK (O NTY IN L>EPEN DENT ____ ~WAUKEG3AN WEEKLY SUN __ mec!!" A "MeshTYrAif LJNO.POLLOCI( ýW) DIES AT WATSONS' §WMEIN MIL LBIJRN Was the Wife of John Pollock, Deooased, Captain of Fa- mous 96th Regiment. LIVED IN COUNTY 69 YEARS.1 Funeral Wil Be Held From the' Home of Miss Watsn at 2 P. M. Fiday. Mia. John Polock,, for 69 yearsa:a dîdiItt of Lake ccUnty, dled at the. boi.. of Mis Watson, at Niliburu, wdueaday mornlug at 6 o'CIcJl ckOe, vas bora May' 9. 1849. and has made fAR IS TEACHING SURGERY LITLE, DR. CARREL FINDS FREEZES B801110F SPEND9 BmALNE IIqLAND PARK lIER §IANS WALKB CLAIMS TO BE 2] IN4i TO BIER HOMEI CITY IN TUE COI Miss Helen Kelly of North Chi-' cago Walked Two Miles I With Mercury 7 Below. HANDS ARE IN BAD SHAPE. Physician Who Was Called In Was Obliged to Lace Each Finger of the Victim. Misa Helen Kelly, aged 23, daugb- ter of Mir. and 'Mrs. Edward Kelly, Tventy-thlrd street and Green Ba>'ý road, North Chicago, f roze both bauds an severel>' on Sunds>' night that It XXII.-N. 18. ART'Tw IABERYVIL.IE£ 1-YÀPI 8Ri!Y, JNwARY 1g19lb JUMPER TO FEI3 ND CNTY ln Order to Prove Population 1s1 Larger Than North Chicago, Census Is Planned. BUMSTEAD GETS CONTIIACTI Federal Census oft 1910 Gave the Population of Hiahgnnd Park as But 4,800. Highland Park cît>' officlala aTe nôt contentefi to ait by and sow Worth Chicago dlaim the credit t fbqingtte second largest cit>' ln the. count>. The>' daimt that distinction beloflig' tn Hihland Park and thev have ».t 1 -- - 1 1w1 Iý itin F Dl VMIoTi3 George Jackson Lomes$5,0 Damiage Suit AàbIwu Fox Lake Po~ jJUAY OUT FOR lTWVO,400&8 ,Attorney Orvis Anmtounoe To- day That lotiM. i f& -5Iw1 Tria IllBèArgàe. Alter deliberatlng over tb. cms o t. tva houri. the jury luaithe(isoqis Jackson va. Stéphan PanAdi, PÇWl '5' ,. Johnaon and Mra.seill11e i7a~5 000 d8aâaeau, TOtim8A lAkO count> ber home al her Jfe. m an feared for a tîme abce ightlog0e- - - - -- - - O "negulitr et 8 eo*oTub 'U« decemied huaband, John Poilo, them. Dr. Conutîl, wbo le attendlng ou1 opoeta Wue .atce.uuTecs a vas captaIn of the 9fth Illnois ifnt~- her, aays It yl baeat ,least three lr o pu ît'latie ont'vbch asA - ci. banda fi fil.. bitterkuovu the Wo'td oYoe 15 eeka before ahe vîli ibc able te get jlre ouaIn i,7',etrkow'temioe At the laut councîl meeting tii.? OC a uI>oIe d tî wx "be «1bting Nnety*Slxtb.Y Bhfore an>' une i ente. h omsifeatd1 aes ali ailudla Lie eb~ of tic var he vai prosuoted MIsaKelly bhid bren vlaltlug et the tcauson p. K. Bumteave~I> flejior esSs.iI~ <balb, poition -of Mjor of the .gl- 4 home or an aunt ln Wlnnetka. She cnu tkv P .Bon toeftat b aieL sl:gU.» 11ilai oie.Captain Biodgett -man a me- arrlved lu North Chicago on an @îlû c la cbnut s d> o tat tabas bs orney. & bd l$. I.obl wW bai or s' ,mue regîment. ti araotwadtbt i aatdrddtor eausnitet Oft>', bi eelouttey . V. Orlv.wtM ýnie. J30 "'utou, ef Waukegan, Ilate alk teber home two miles wy.ij a warded t e oplracthef are ln tairt :si4m o tfie deceased. Ticlounerai, Pie had ueglected te taire ber rouit, thtboiy ma>H e l ol tor reluIn mon AV.U. an fcd-tl, r tbaetàCs b wiii b. ield from the home of Miea and there were no pockets in ber jta iy H iid u o made a motion for a ne titaiMel rconnection witb bis dlrectery mûrit.. govinds that important syisas& *** Wason. il Mlburn. Friday after- coat. The thin 'tnd of gluvos aho 6 ear unrdso polet nomS At 2 o'clock. uitlinl Hickory wore were morse than no protection. Thr1r udesc epel excluded and iTý la the. Instidàlà cteuiil. "I a ntgo@t .et isNwpâ OO Iàmcrova prhsc. Highland Park vhn ngay tbat the poqà- 4 nul onetontee" M 14vlotion M ho veau dappuial 5 Il bande start te freezo. I badlpres- 1Italian tirons, spont bis eleveuthiel adtdy we etm rv rneHmet j aino htc!'l ioa! ois! o Jtralclksotgma tai. év raill LIVE STOCK ON . r. %bfrl sel. ence Of mlid cnouuuh te renieve the, birtbday, Sept. 15, vftb bis fatiier gv Highland Park a iopulation C early lait sprnt bj a MaM . Dr lxi are h fnol u- kd glovea, knowiug that theY vOuid a!t thefront. The Yousng prince i ionm pnetaxamé bt 1mS tnadohrI ,ýe ,CUifton Ro«uIWeTbeLaffar toob*» Il DAe xia Carwon theP ize fmur bis hînder circulation. Thore vas ne tsiing a bea u iterontith u r, tc e a o mu t p rovo ta! tins, ut lom e ethe rs inothe rrix of ..wlnearteI -»tbti .* FARMS 15 VALUI3a go. vev'thplaceprzeforhe stop and so 1 kept on, know- and permis"lo te the. dring la914' Y t y>rhave ~diIcty inreti MLake. Theboi ,la coauae»U ygéreago, décaréea tntar la teach- o l h. m ybnemr fez uswsgrated a abfrtbday gfft nofiilcenaus. godberth viti orgaîîîacd basebsl Panasi and il oun. achoki. ltM A T SI MILLIONS mg argery> but ltte and that ici- îng. The thermometer rîgisîered six . . At the prescrit tîme Mr. Biiiatend ln 1916. With pe in baiciall, t he.htRslevs M«t»-&U on anba been ainmeet korgotien auid orsvnblwzo.I compietlug bia cesa o a kqr-i)r reveil te the Plulliex. and Ita oel a ue i th. eneraldistraction and brn oor ave lw eO.rrn ur*MP]"I er- Pot Mer-n ix tryni! tnsoli Of Ill0Dei itth@Ib-a ISI11149 Horus, Hoga and Cows Lower D-mdi hobalmade bis homne Wbn arrived home my tathor FEAK 1 NEW jCAM îE North Chicago, Lake Mlonfani LdKc th" &ail.Hoe ' Cn, a -J'.ery iault. nee lai*aetilmelt ln New vas', rBai ouîrancO e digru bbeouin sn>' auds. e or-ked Frest. 1! la Rild Ibat a a san negooed ck. b. lquor ai thlw* e*Itoo --Othe Catte andShee he wuhm b nmen aracefri rubt luon mWbande. e vbicb einaebs oklthepacst for thew ounded ane.the outlsre.aiiM C AT fornaesbsvn utei icchtt. a±reuli s14 ovor- me until 3 o'ciock lu the motr- LDXI A AST be viii lu Highland Par<x. .eouvr epoit ing. My>' ars mer-e lpped aise and otbCicair s ou sHuthlm d Mcie, q TIi total value uit lie stock ou the hubti.'aain ts> r o ST. LOUIS, DYSON Nrh Pag peqîiasvmii asb te * JIJMiEÀ,It 8T Jc& faiifio Jmas>' laeitmatd ~' uari>' an bai as 'lbanda! lil wt#à ijti neet.we'l, L-~M ft ~~On Monda>' IoniaSDr. Conel - . lIiCsu geii d ~o~m~oozn.uooo~ceuiiMOTIôNFO NEW as calidHe RaidîItvas Mof o A Herd of ltop ln Critinj5 (> w >hOtat, _ _ TIIA D ritD I acul am te.Acedlgta~ County Slaughtered-0wfliLisS AIE INVAJJD Ibo average value et hors ani icf eeSTOhRbE U~K 810160. autant 8103.33 a year &go' or àe on o ' w ttmnbr Says Hoots Froze. su ay kikêu total o! $2150,468,000, compnred te10ug 6UTuT ou satniet.iie_______Evide t o li flstm.7 1t 1 02.10,16,0W lea agoATheav.banda aveled asalargo as boxin u ______n___4Mtsa.ý'Atd i *.orge farta aueafr nmg. Ti8,40AC glovea. ît vas uccessar>' fer-te FlrCIALS ARE LUNCERTAIN. Ml lbi iO ( brg ildrir*as l copaodta$97 yarag. icI . 8~pih>sician te lance thc large bisters t." n okodQse it0 atiand mai. a briuIlanIplu te10 tls iliip vaue vi pmceda! ~17, EuWaiU . uflfiflghm êssî $eln-ou cacb inger. Bbc s il. lIsuffer-lue SpringfieldIll., tan. 19.-Members Ti ititGvsa m uy .» p ain ue1459a 'nr lago c h tenced 10 Indeterminate Sen. groat pain. of the state board of live,',ek commis- Fr t Mytros rgnpotn ecso.. $53.90. igaluat $55.33; other cattle, tencein Joliet Prison. Miss Kelly la veili noyn lu Wauke- Blons and Dr. 0. E. D-yson, state vo!. ass i os oMyr $33.49, agiluit 833.38: and mules, gan and ber man>' friaonds viii be sûr- erloarian, were agtated toda>' over-os10Myr $113.87, éaants$1h12.36. ry to Iear-n et ier mistortune. Fur te possibillties of thene e ing foot Market St. Merchant. 0 Teittalinumier ot avine va.' ATT Y. WELCH TO APPEAL. am reMiaKlyvsaml> nd mo,th disease tli Cbristian couniPOET O NUE.o-an0rmlte b ~io e placd ail68,047,M,0.comparai te 6#,- lu tic office of the local telepione ty A bord of boga bfýlonglng ta Char- Pdît>': FAMOUS SIIIacerqIUP te #» oIMo 618.000 la! yemr- and 58,933000 tva ecag. b oI e Ito oesj Bradley of Tal,îrvilie lu Cbriatiaita-vblsvs es4nil >' E >'ersago Tc umbr-<, Cunnngham Presented Afti a c- pta-ostio hnte office of on> a ,luhee l sts.Loss 10 Building $600-Stook Juige A. H. Pr-asitla O$i upto ceva vas 21,988,000, igaluat 21262. davit in Which He Made tic Davis MiII Machiner>' Company' Lois! Satirday b-. or-der- of feder-al Loss About Same-Freight Tuiidhou iconun the 9 t et 000 lai!t>'ar; other cattie. 39,463,000, Charges Vs. Venerable. a! North Chicago. Iuspectors v ho ruipecied tie animaie Car Burns in Yards. statute an thc subiact vas tice <51> igiinst 37067000; mules. 4,566,000. were affected i wtlîf ou! and mouti, dis- ____ officiai regulator, cil.>' rdinapie vbîcb 'Dao' Frank dt.*wfs agaluat 4,479,000: snd aieep, 49,162,- Jtidge Claire C. Edvmr-daonu Tues- Fe ire ut a myatcrioua origin Sut- even followod ticher-dIng et theétats ldBut ta '-im 00, gaua 9,5600 ysrag. dal mfternnon denioaj tic motion fo, ALWAYS LV NSAME FARM. Ater consutinc "..i7unne. Dr. ted the Pami Meyer grocer>'storeS!at tule being invalid accordinga o 00,Dant4,5,0 erao ev triailu Inte ca etof dvard LV -ONDyson gave orderF TuesaA>' orbidiing 805 Marke! treel, cari>' Tueida>'.a-supreme cour-t decision of récentdte IlIS Cunnnam, . viamas caavIW on John A. Emen>' vbo dieu ai bis tic abîpmnut of 1ýiückers." or fecii- ning. becaunee i>'permittcd tic aqcuaod ta a charge or assaul it tinltent te home near Wai.syertis onJanuns'>'13. er-'fr-arm te Fast St. Leuts yards. Tbe ire star-ted lu tbe rçqr ofthte ___ on li nie oth fey néa ltesMEYERS G l TWO AIL RS A comit muruior as a requit the mnone of the mon vbo beld the dis- WilIe tier-e nover biu been any' font grocer>' store viiere a large cau etf chags mrte same ofbase.drvtcbCaluRîas vIsrd an ofred a fusiade af tînctlon ef hâvlnglilveil on the anme mni moulh diseus;e in Christian ceun- kenoiene va&sitor-ed, and beora ie ,tbc decîsfon lo a el l .a NAVALSTATIN DC ullet lotothe bdy ofgay. ilnsmfartain 1Ae conty na vilci beovsa@1>'.the officiais tear tic Infection bu fdrst departmeot reacb sc ene of W4!?,ttbsIstr oi - M.à MA A T TO es A. Venabie, vassent.nceittu rvo borLM rEmery wu boit on the ladged t bore. A large fTCeOrdf iiSpee- thc conflagration, the flames a i&I ?liht. Taider-.the cil>' nlfânce ifrH vi.,an l triaesnec ffo Eeypaei 89adlatlîv sl a canvassing the count>' toan>'en thiîr va>'into the second itory ofUseeaheeders bave iccu le! dovYs vltb Sut eki l>ORIEI) DES E - i-tn14ye sicn t topeiten. lier-e even since, on about 68 years. searchiug for dlseusoed animais. Brai- thse trame structure. thc minimum flue ot $10 aidceta lu Suit té 0 tiry et Joiet. Cunningham, peudIng Hia ftlionmas anc oI tic carl>' pin- ley. owuer of te slaugbter-cd bogs, mont cases; unier the stnle atatitte lhe motion for nov triai, bai beon eut nuersaudneno.waban Juat sai the hîoody eondtlflhioetbils bogs' Tic ire provel te hbeoe te the icminianuin flue la $200 and cants,Waeg..Ju l Government Officiais Give Po-Ion$1,000 bondis. Att. sentence lbai pasci avas', was anceoft tbae vb fot was due te tht-m iavlng been vors!tihedeParImout iha hein calle oildi er-after ail arresta for- apeeding Jury lu dount>' court tiasfoms lie f othShreDscip beon prouuced ho vareanestel beîpod hlm breaku the ground vblcb trozen. Toda>' the state inspectons upen ta ight lu yeana. Wicn thé viii be unier-the state iaw. van aaked te décide lt.eovu.oea' lic o Nrt ShreDecrp- and van pîsceu lu tic Lako ceunI>' liter proved ta be oneoretthe ine touI tisa! sorne of hbu catîle ver-o ln ir-en idd succeel ln carr>'lng a e-t- et a motorboat l Igflejie, lions of the Men. jaîl. teais lu thc vîcînit>'. the sanie condition. At Dr-. Dyaen s of buse loto tic store thay,jeUla a case bas îraggoit along lauW ce M Tbe attorneys for tic oppoing aide Mr. Enser->' as tabou viti pneumo- office 1! vas stalel tat tiesone foot hcap an tic fffur-.and th* led get MEXICANS CAPTURE U. S. TROOPS an long thtit 1bas bocome qut.s W Late Tuesda>' lgit the Police for-ici an agreement vberby Cun- nia about a wee 1efore hc lied and ver-e due taernud fever- and net foot awayIr-on thorm. A lange number- et -Moea. chiots at Waukcgan sud ther nelgis- niniaivli nottthesent te Joiet for- sounielaya biscondition vas con- and mooth diseuse. et tic scar-ch for cases o! soap had been, attirailon 1the Denolgs. Ar-l.. Jan 19.-Peven sol- The boat os'lginaiiy belesul ba gctes' ver-e given the deacrlp- for a few da>'s, pouding the autcome idoned alarmnig, ther-etana bis page- more diseased animais continuel. aevns tcsoeai i ati ioao i SvuiUiei lts"o" ralub Levia ot Chiums a botn taine diblnapn oi f an appeal tet he upreme court of îng vas net cnîlrely unexPectel. It la fered by state officiais that mol r-un dovu auto thc liner-s. Tisecavair>' er-o captur-ed lyni'tod>' b>' a l oldthe. boat te Jamea H.Mpg lionete t n oaf -t cwspemadriniamesnigete anab uniie- ho, deese blb lte' touit allirema lnluthe 50.0. andI 1! as Mxiçan bandits ai Doyle Wells, 14'ingleaie. Thoen Hennin Mq tra te O-et Lke naaltnloig Tic attor-neys for- Cunigam' hope look place about 18 yearî age ndjuLbeen eradîatel froui the tate bY viti dîilci> httc'vreal amiles souti ai Hachîta. N. M., accord-'bot iqilde lu lie roi LAi" statinu e! 8 o'cîock Tucada>' nlgbt. t aem peldrc etCa-bsdnb ieh ae ie u-tic expenditure of osuch public moucy hold ta tic nozzel on the big lire bouc. In ta reports recelvel ber-c. 'thie came &long sud iteclaffl i te akean ppel iret t th su asies is ilebcleaes hire cilMn.. Moyen car-nîci ne Innar-alsaon aurround iug ceuntr-y vas counel b>' Th ol arprejme h rm or.deHaunsi, John sud George. ailiand heavy legsa tafariner-a bas gI.nod Inover Issu pald bhlms for asitah fenceeaitliesation. AuotbCr- repart Attor-ney' Welcb. wbo vitb Attot- of vhom iveat borne. another footiold ln Chistian count>'. bstimtckhuabi auilinaind iremen1î, Neya eutithe at1iepiIer b aevn the16boat. He t . haa 1! tus! the two mon prourel e'Prera hcgreriua b fnrs a ueIf-ite000. cOne ircun itn statea the ioia vas tlepioned bora rtrirâMcla Ivas coulug te hlm. abe-tbae f aseceau tbiiubolCunninghaam, bell tbst ho bal ual bouse Punda>', January 16. and burisi PRAISE THAIN FOR 1115 te lic building as $500, and the lotia qar-îy oda>'. The message sai liat a j o tatu.alt1u hiad t st ae f abstice nltraînstaton iecclvel a tain trial. He clalmel that *as a! Millburnucemetor>'. WORK.AS SECRETARY. to the stocketa! s imîlar ameunt. avo nin:DoHete ala-nvo avis ensunit laChiago**bu tejury bal beaugiron n m oo- .The cali et ire vas recelvel aI ei n ecri ugWi 4 *1 off thiir feet. it ls believel that tbey unuIt>' te rosI nevapaper bcalines Miss Gertruie Ar-c, u hl onaile, there wltb uhcnos bera iayllgbt. exécution vawud sud d,*& W-î t tol f"t meu" ciargestsat mdseo aeFrsl omr. At the annual, meeting of the Mill- 5:45, sud 1! vas close te 7 oe dock Stlesihabdeetefgtmoe ien9LkeO e bave gono te Chicago..bta,. o rae ndaettp erg j moist cfLae Prcs s e nrauce Comp)an> bell .lsnu. viien tic mon etur-ned toe et&ni. Dooîte slierbsan lie fgn ht shéIfriffument b gwm Tia>' voro dressed lu tie usual bibenmlBudia tn e l lPe la Mrs. Don C. Crat!>', and thoebr \ Ius ur t wvie mcvoianul tiens. Miss Auna Meyer- leit clots- bitcu b odessd Mxcn h inf et1 gSS lo.charges ver-c ta bo preterrel againit suburb reclvel a mliiourprise Tues- ar-yé a! Mlîbur aavy unifor-n, but hid nt vear ig oco i iusc.M etu-l> lh inaeivts o car-r-led tat a r-sing vote otthanksljIng valiiel at bunirois ot dollar-s banflltanl. balescapel nunoticci b>' tIL tic bonaIto c e xeg some of the wiueRises.bHe givea lieaYrnthn wge aabcataryd Jaiswviicb bai beon alora lnnaaiclie!t On the Megîcaus.j Then Hayes appitroit ta M ý ginga, and mor-e black caps. cd Ibm! tifs nia>'have causai tichefr-louIs ta bear tho aunoundlensent AThalu for- buvlng falithifulflel ticsecond lioofaIthc building. Sic Pfft>' cavalrymen verO sont trom boving a bill et iesvhlb19 Tir-cc or- four- moulin ugo thr-eo jury te conviet 'bin client. lie 'main- tbat sic ba soc n. rsCra!!>' for tour ' aanbla iln aul Ims> un.Mc0at all Ieiuruit.recordoi and vbich IiioéIe5*udt ft ins 1sppardfrm officers o! the Inaur-ance ir-eds of dollar-a, wvici vas maie boa! balt beau putchasu Il by been cîclulci. employait b>'the locI al isComaniy aven a bunînel years ago. ___________________jtatin exec ution vusla& but Uic>'ver-e appreleulci at Car-. Me r-alan affidavit signoit b>'Cou- and it vas ville ho mlvas ésdntCapayaroaldeul' Lk Vll. hrconftrth free nuuuf 9e- tar-eee sipe asWue foîîowei: apie ebau benanle, Il., viere tLey bal beeu n i lgiarninlu vhlcbthc detonlant sold !lcsbr- ts!h clMs nn. Prealdcal-John BonnerLbVIa. ho-I'atn oliesuntrc agt.!bibenblpdaWue-vulg ohmaplç c saî blinglua ou mie ba! ve lgit. of ftebihenalae l .11> e nov la atravho eling s Aeam ndaul cretary-J. S. Deuman. Wads- ta thein statian a second cmlli vusre. San Tuesda>'nor-nIng fr-ens tia ateel lbe itrengtb eft tuaho W- bidfugina cai min shaf, over1 1 tht If h boutl beenallowvatti.Ot.tYcelvol afr-civebelggalesie abih.rtA.ceive from eliiitelbilleAuthfflilcaille auSouvashicon,-anowu co-'evOnef bisInbhiebout tou tg --2_They bai plannol te go ta Soti te cartala tacts be, vould bave t1011bashcadquartcs' n luClaclnati. T-arr---I). Har-al Minto, An- gondola car, bl aadevflnwih du.igner!gui ticthetannery company and Me3sers thon appoiruit sol Amaries ass ansanlie>' ceulul reacb about cariln allegol lnuimate roia- -- tracb. 1er-n fonthe Wilder Tanuilsg Comun>'e Ir . Balrgtaw Company et Wauke- tialtichebill etsaileWOI 4 ý No rc .Tic>' ver-c returuci 1te tons belvocu bis vite sud ReV. Ven- ic.pu Isuulm ofino wt srpuP4 th yi. ntaluti n di u ale- en eSab O . lmavlI ls, I a btlbéroal eod tà Dl,ctevi-I3slo t. WGý«bd .,Au- oub! onlir hetnr e Wvbcls v bn g li tencumth tcaoia'.hmivt triai ml -Me uus- te* days. }wiite.h puvh*_ pqà ic o>'boe.. umueS Win& W«Oaitedarht tiee MegeM Jougllt tOtnfe> y-b,~si li i.lca lnt*w' iscfbtmiS' te t reat ek MM' cam ubto«tmeu- l a ouinet bave basus tbIf'Y611- Urnes!'Davis, Llbert>'vile, aonlbern street. and the ire i bppi e akgau tront ChicmueThq poil vs-s iiliflilit -"~cI amuenai.Tic ga - ~* aid South Chicago. t u pt lp boieS tru ti 10151 lsta b . hecourt ssked MO.nwim esabe bai nBa tsppei la "nibr'ýk . . - ---el et r " ý v v»ý Tl'% AU TA XTTT A n'%7 91 1 ûl A IN SMAF' -'*".%ND] V.M TIT PAGES

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