CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jan 1916, p. 2

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ÇXU OU~T IXp PND In IDÂ JAr-JRYL8 à 91M You know the weather* won't be this style always.O Corne in, see our new planas Build this Spring! Seed Corn is the important subi Better Set Our This is*5 just theTi to talk over the thing musat tie later. SDO IT NO' o o cot. w rs O o o o O o ime O :syou O -O o O w': ____ o o O j. i O O ,Mgr. O O O IDIRIIILL LUER Ui Dowa by the Old Depot. Been ttiere 20 years. Phone 47 E. A. Bishm maaaeaa0OOO*O*@@@@@@@@OOO~9Oi Yoo want to kaow witat gour motet car wiII do. The million-car Ford performance answcrs ycur quzýiicn Suppqlug te motor car needs of ii lises te Ford is operated and nîaintalmed tl n itor country for about two ceits i mile---With universal F ord erie Iehiad it. Touring Car $440 Rumabout $390; Coopelet $590 Town Car $640g Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit. On displag, and sale at Schanck Harware Co., UBERTYVILE, IL Three For a Quarter CMINUHD PEA&-Laat season's crop. Hand Culled. "DItnotly )igh grade goodB. 3 cans for 25c. Somd cn for 25c. TOK&OE- The umootheat, moat perfect fruit is te'buly sort that la uned for this brand-extra hlgh grade. No. 3 can 12C., Thoue goode are a mile highur ini qnalily than 'wbat je onally eold you at these prices. W'ANTl SOME? Corlett & FrederlF'Cks LISERTYVILLE, ILL. PHONE 30. MÂIÈ~RMANt01 CTtTRiNGCO. Desgners and Makers of LIGHTUNG FIXTURES, Sm uns before placlng von order.c Visitors welcome W. aieu bave a complote plating plant for refitehlna AUTOMOBILE PARTS TABLE WARE STOVE PARTS JIRASS am BATHROOM TRINMMIGS SILVER PLATING NICKEL PLATING BRASS PLATING COPPER PLAT1NG GUNNETAL PLATING BLACK OR WHITE ENANELIC Sbow room anti fatory Second andi Orcharti etreet. TELEPHONE 58 LIBBRTY VILLE, ILLINOISI IL C. BurTidge & Son - Nursery. Stock FRIT TREMS need spraying and prunlng. Let us do it for you, we are expertsl. Cost very moderate. 1 19NOW 18THETE t rder thome treesa% bpa~aad 1. vins for Spring plantlng. Pa4a n .F&irholm Gardens Phone 102-R MI CHAS. 012p xxi j e j Ê j i *1, irim, iL.:îi..XMd eoclty Wiwm Lvit h lire. H. Keru Thureday atternoon, Feb. 3. at 1 ociock. Vistons velcoma. Mr. anti Ors.itay Andrwseant ises Llab Rutiolph @pet Saturday anti Sun- day et DesPlaines visting Or. anti Ors. Chas. Rudolph. Or. anti Ors. Croker entertained over Sunday Or. anti Ors. Wm. Edwarde anti son Donald, Mir, anti Ors. Harry OcOanieis of waukegain. Arthur lreenwooti, sho bas beau forced to ba Itle sînce bis operation lb. middtle of Octoben, vas able to return tii bIs sork the tinet of the yack. Mr. anti Ors. C. F. Wrght ant i ttle grautidanghter, ellen Esîher Wrighl. spenti Sqntay in Bligblanti Park witb Or. Wrlgt's son, George anti famtly. Miss Graee Bond, Ors. Bobt. 8ltz and lins. Chas. Seller attendedth Oe funeral et Hall Day Wadneeday of Ors. Austin Wolf, sho wus formerly Etina M. Schar. Fred Casely, who bas @pont the peet Shree yeans lu Montana, arriveti bers 8eturtiay ta vis% with bts parents, Or. anti Ors. C. 1. Caeay, northeast of tosu. Od. A. Tnltz,,vife anti baby, sho hava been ai the home o! J.- E Bond have rented the Henry [)oeqIer bouse untl Mr. anti Ms. Ioablar rèturn from the soutb. The Lihertyville school wee closeet Tbnrsday anti Fmday of lest week ta glve the teachers an opportunity to attend the miti-sînter instituts lu Waukegan. 0. 1. Luce wasout ridingiastSeatui'das foc the tiret tîma @luce he sufiereti a etrokeo! paralysli l the Cale & Clonse barnese shop. He la agaln able to-walk vitb the &Id o! canes. Ors. J. B. Morse. Ors. E. B. Corett anti Ors Peul G.Bey sent toutGrays- lake Tnestiey moruîng tu hear te grand lecturer et a meeting o!fte Graylake O. E. S. lu the atternoon. The Drsol tsam, whlch vent tu erayeloke lest Saturtiay nîgitide! eated the (iraysiake teem lu a gains o! basket ball by thte score of 10 ta 9. The L. H. 8. girls loist S die G. H. B. 5 tu 0. Mms.WiI Davis, Ors John Welck, Oies Whoeeer, Mr, antiMmOrs . tet ant ine Chard attendeti t Bunday echool Bally et Waukegaa on MondAy aft.rnoon and evenlng. They report a duei meeting. gaturday evenlng the ilodalty Girls of 6L. Jooep6ts chureligave Mise Mary lMelloy a surprise ehover aS hem home nortb o! oya. Qniie e number of ber iMende vers present andthke eveniaig vas spent Most plesantlj'. Village Clrk . . Cnmett liasrscsved a supply o! birtit anti dýath motifee from the . taSe officiai. The dS5gb l cont. 1lleti by a1evbalon111Sutthé blanhe anti kèep » record o! aU ibrtbiati deethe oscurnlig la ttii ovnship Phymliane sud nadertakes sarn expeciW tu report aSl blnlha antideathe piomptly to the The members of the Preobyterlau C Ladie' Aid soclety hel t teir mldwlnter pieute et the borne of lMr@. GF. Wrght Thnrsday aiternoon of loot week. The ladies went to the Wright bomne n a blg ololgb, arrivlng there before noon. Eaeb lady hati filad a basket witb eatables andi wben lunch was eerved &Hl the baskets vere emptleti and ths contente served ieuteclcstyle. St. Joseph'& Court C. 0. F. No. 1580 helti a special metlngThureday evening, Jen. 20, for tis Installation of alicers for the ensuing year. Brother John Hayes of North Chcago, Depnty ChIaI Ranger donc the lustalling asissteti by other meumber of St. Wlliam@ Court o! Waukegan. Ater intaleation a luncb was serveti anti from reporte &Il preseni enloyeti e goodpAime. Aflter lunch vas ovar the nîuheres ere autertainati by St. Williams Court o! W aukegen. A meeting vas heiti at Wootietock last iritiay la coneitier the advlsability oi forming a circuit o! Fairs o! northern Illinois anti southeasteru Wisconsin witb the reenît that sncb a circuit wlth Faire anti dates as followie: Blvtdera, Aug. 15-18; Bloit, Ang. 22 25; Woodetock. -Aug.. 29 t LSpt 1; Pn7n' Libart.yvllle, Sept. 12-15; anti Eikhorn, Sept. 19-ý2. If thesa dates are ratified by the different Fair Boarde, sas Ilseeme very Illkely tbey will bd, it wlll inean much ta every county îoncarned lu the matter oiea bigger anti better fair. To insure publication in the Indepen- dent. copy must be in theoffe nolatur than Tuesdav of esch week. Adv*r- tisers, especially are asked Io take particuler notice to, this effect. AdditiouaI Loca News-on Page 4 A daugbter was born to Mr. and Mr@. B. E. Roberts last Friday. Mr. andi Mr@. Jos. Pester of tirayelake. were vittors bere iSunday. J. B. MacOufin bad the mstortune to, receive a broken wrlst lu a flu@on day laet -.ek. Mrs. lGertrude McFarlane of Oakdale, Penn.,Il vlaitlng witb Dr. C. R. GallowaY andi chiltiren. J. 0, Carlson and f amly moved on Saturday Into their new home on New- berry avenue. W. S. OcCain and7 famtly went to (iner Tniesday to attend the funeral of the hate Levi Price. Mr, and Mro, Jobn 1IL Williains o! Mlwaukee, spent Sunday with O. E. Wlliamu and tarnlly. (lerbard Schreek -bas returned f rom Trevor, Wi, wbere ha spent. .everal days wth his son Fred. Miss Bertha Holbje of Prairie Vlew, spent Tbureday andi Frtday with Mr. andi lre. F. A. Bock ut LibertyvIlle. Mr. andi Mr@. E. L. Ehrlich of San Diego, Cal., are vtsltlng at the bomne o! their uncle, J. E. Bond anti farnly. The Preebyterlan Ladies' Aid wlll bolti a.bakery sale In Corlett & Frederlcks store Saturday, Jan. 29, ut 2p. mi. ]Sel Mrs. Lea Huson anti chiltiren of Volo, aent the yýek-end bere witb Or@. Hueon'e parente, Or. and Mrs. Fred Croker. that the majorty or the drains were not near large enough to take off the water as fasi as Il came. One of the wort caes sas luthebasementoltha LlbertY- ville Garage. Here the water reacieti the timbere under the floor, puttlig out the ire in the boiler useti l aat the blt building. Later lu the day the waten hatd gone dosu enough 5no thati the lire coulti be rekindleti. The slippery condi- tion of the waike anti streete mada it extremely dilficuli for persans compelled ta ha ou% to get to thelr homes sîthout falling. Suîortly aiter mldnigbi shan the lasi elactrie car arnîveti hare tram Lake Bluff about twanty local peOPie gstting of!f the car hati a marr tlima gattlng borneon account of tbe elippery conditions Igoie roati andi the awlul dosnpour o! rain. meking uvaiklng almoet lmpooslble. JEAN-RÂY 8AUIS WAUKEIANYOUNQI LADY Last 1Baturday evenina Jean Bey, the Weal kuosu Libertyvlle Young man, was unitet in umarrlage Wlth ise aCatherine Caroline Conroy, the wedtilug iakIng place ai the home o! the brlIde'e mother, Odrs. M.8. Conroy, 1001 Marion street, at elgbt o'lock. Only members o! helmmnediate famIlles anti a tesInvitet friende vers preseut. éThooe from Lîbertyvîlle skia attentifti vers On. anti Or@. L. E. Ray and Or. and Or@. Schuyler Apple. Oliver Conroy, brother of the bride, acteti as eet mant, vbile IMise Emmà Bronke vas niaitio! honor. Foîlowlngf the oersmony thie young couple ieft on e short wedting trip and upon their retura th.y viii reelie , qr e time vith th. bride'. mother. YPlan@ have been mateis e*rebv On. 0BRy anti hie bride yul pprebàee the ,gvooery etore vhleh the mother *of Skie àbride condtirob u flon street, Ifane- geai, expectina 5teks èpossesson about th@ lirito! the moali. Ur. Ray hau heen vorkîng ashlmetade ta Wasukegan for sesarai monthI. dThe rvoug ladW s01 lit. JosePit'âchureki " Ubertîvilie wniV idve, a d psrti Md~ "d'.saS Skte Soya hall on Wedumea.y euîiag, F.bruaa-20--d.Carde et 8:80. Admission. l"wiesu3; geatsOie500. Lunch vOl b. srv. Look Out! ý 1 CIRCULATE PETIION TO VOTE ON QIAVEL TAX Petîtione are betng cîtrenlatet In oLib. ortyvilla village anti township eeeklng to bave the propositton of vonlng on baving more graveleti roads ln the township ontaide of Libartyvîlla village% The petition@ are directeti by TowenClark E. D Bubbard, ahktnig bni ta place the question 'for or againet an annuel tax of torty cents on etach one huntired dollars asswedt valuation of ail taxable property, lncludlng railroadg lu theý townshlp, for the purpome 'f construct- li;g gravel, rock, macadam or other bard roade, to Includa ai roade la the town- ship not now gravelati ' The 1)sx. If carrieti at tbe spring alection, to ton for thraa yaars Libertyville township now bas fow miles graveleti roatis fir the reason that the mati aud bridge tax. wbleb amouinte to about $5,000 arînually, le nouffi- cieut ta take cara of the slxty.elglit anti one-hall miles of roade ln the township, @Ol 19 tesen &bat geornethnîg mnuet ba done ta provitia funds for the carrylng on o! roa I mp-yvs-ý- The'i' ç rqd anif urfégè tdix iKl s eoutihiemlt ro, keep the graveled rtîads in praper repafir and perbape psy fotheib imnprovemeot of another short stroieh of point lîighway. i The question ije tîlmai ake. baw îeau the township ai Shields mnaintamn b"r, roade lu such lue naliai.'. andî tinsleiaun eesily be expleiinedlun the lllowiug I muner: Shialdm has nl,,uti. t'en il îes1 o! roati, but ber revenueîi fromu i te, road! anu bridge texai mote to t sonu.thing! lîka $12,001)a yaar. VilihoiIy silt-en miles o!roade to immréve aliA kiep up I la the township Shieldse lias ablont $M00i àta expend for every iiiie. of rondi, while Lib)eetvllo Witt) lis 6-4ii, nles of ruad ba@ wornething like $75 par utile t gravai antikeepUp itsruade Tbre e veet dîllerence ilu the number O! mnilesl whiclî both tounsli have tî ker up1. antiIf thea amoout>ceollected by Shielde - township could bliarale-ti iii Lîlertî ville t îwnebfp the roadeol tlietuîwîîip %%o tlîl ot)u ha in a muehb letter conditioni. Tbe petItion, wbl-i hrëads as folluý e, fe belngr readuiy elgueti by mary îof tbe îlraperky owsuers ln the township: Ttî Edwarti 1). Hubbard, Ton it nleaiL. W.e, the undereigneti beicg twamit)-l' e paPrcent anti mire of tihe land oîio#re Who amre legal votere of the towmi or. Liberiyville, Lake C.., .1I , doue.l rehineottliat shen giving notice of tual timeaud place for holding the auuuaij town meeting or rtaa dicti - lerIcti you aléa give Motiva tiiat a vote o ili b.' takten at saiti elect ion or ia..etiî,g firor. against anuaunai ttai of fortv cent. on eacb one-hundrati dollars asesed talon- tion o! ail taxe.ble property, inciutiing ralîroatis in the towinlip foîr the pur-ý pose Of etnstrncting anti maintailue gravai, rock, miacadam, or i)tiierliard àroatis. Saiti prîîîîî.d i pruîvPmam o gravai, rock or imacadam i nbil nle a Il ronde lu Liberti ville tosmiehili wh ieh are not nov gravdleti anti said t5't shahi r*u for a parioti of rhree yaare. Libertyville, Mfinois1 Telephone No. 50 * la Remnant and Rummage Sale Clearance of Remnants of every Description including muélin., sheetmngs, outmng f laimel, sîlkoline, percales, glnhams, flowered lawns, table cloth, tiokings,* denims, and eoyitem at about hall price to close them at once. 2,000 yards of white goode oonsisting of dimity checks andi plaids at 8c per yard, a large variety of patterns of mencerized table clotb, 5f)c value for 3bc.jýThese goode were lought et aui advantage and cannai ho duplicated.througli tbe season. There je a speciai lot of stteen petticoate, colore and black, *i.Ouj value to lose nt 50C. Ail that are left of our obtîdren'e dresses at junet h.elf ,price. Special liue of muelin uutierwear, slghtly mussed, at little more tItan half their ueual prites. Corset covers, drawere, t.ombinations, etc. .W. W. CARROL SONS CO.îý KSomTH$YQU ROCERY DEPARTMVENT PHONE 31, SALT TILE ---a------o-mmaammmmam-mmappsppp--:p PROFITS Are You Enjoying Them?' Your peronal profits are the sums gu have leit aller paging gour. expenses. Are gou accumulating profits? The cold cash vou add to gour bank account as a saver wuth titis Bank wiII be dlear profit on gour living. Be a saver even il gou con't~ deposit more titan $1 a week. Lake County National, Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits $ 100,000.00 tota ~Rer~p,- *. 750,000.00 LUMBER, FEED and COALI Wise Farmersý, Ispecial Sale *1 Culture" *Cord Wood oar. _______ -sage your Bed a p" ws SPECIA H - ROM OUR- SPECAL OME MAI)! BREAD $5.0)0 IN CASH gill 1- Tpalid t,, tht' Jîrsoîî wktlin gi the l(O WVRaPp)r. $3.00 IN CASH for thet o o idI uî W raîpprs. $2.00 IN CASH lor thue thiloî 1 Wrappero. WATCII THIS SPACE FOR OTiIER PREMIUMS The Libertyville Bakery Pholno 68 -- Libertyville, 111. D. PIROCTOR OaIy -the ba Cmpuilo frepmMir Pbem U-E mmi. .IME BRICK SEWER PIPE Thnrstiay nlgbl o! iant week about elgbteen members o!the local Itabeckah anti OtitiFllowes lotiges wentto Weuke- gan ta attend a meeting o! the Wauka- gan Rbeekabe at wlîîîb meeting the new lotge hall, a glt tu tha Waukegan lotige by Ors. Thortpetîn, was dedicateti. Ater the tiedicatory service ail present isere serveti a due banquet. Those going from heres ay tbay sare royally enter- taineti. The hoîe-conmng wae not so joyouueas the rain by this time had turnadti ut a downpoîîr, anti those who hati not prepareti for just sncb a thlng by takiug aiong an umbralld,, were tirencheti anti the waiking was very bazardons owlng to the Icy condition ofi the waîké anti streets. Or. anti Ors. Gi. B. lrowe loft on Tbnrstiay for thaîr nas bomne in Olnpy Springs, Colorado, shera Or. Crowe bas beau given the poitIon of manager for the Cntiahy ranch. The famlly are to epenti about ten tiays witb relatives lu Indiana before tbey go to Colorado. Or. Crasei had been manager o! the Cudaby farn just south o! Libertyville for two anti a haIt years, anti whan Or. Cudaby solt ishie arm tu Samuel Insull a few monthe ego ha decIdetiai @ enti Or. Crase ta te Colorado ranch as manager. Wheu one conitiere that the Cutiaby ranch consiseo! 7,000 acres anti an atitional 140,001) acres are leaeed - by Mr. Cutiehv, Or. Crosa wlli have a glgantlc taok on bis bandi, bat he le a man capable of holding just euch a position. Beides beinginanager for the Cudaby fan hbe sas the Lake county sales agent f or the King automobile anti sas always cousîiereti a bustier. The heavy raine of Thurstiay nighl o! ast weak causeti many basements ta ha W'. F. FRANZEN, JR. s b ti e t, fi t

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