CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jan 1916, p. 4

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I1ceCo, 1u tydPfdel1dein/~ à Ik.g n de.kyS n IofCg ryw ej W*uv OfFoe T.lphoee Nuder i, Lgealyvaie axchane etê u» ib em Pt st aiUbmeellie .,mla eond CaeMail lmitter maI.,f M.eCut eadc uerîoe roedag day e Advertlfl* gRe4se Md Known On Application. N pRICE, eSf80 pER V&AR STRICTLY IN ADVNOE ............................................. Editer PARENTÂL -EEPONMUMLIY. 'fty per cent of the girls' taken into Chicago morale cout since its opening in 1913 have been returned ta their homes. Similar re orts corne frorn other cities. This con- dition indicates a ponounced change in publie opinion. A Ptuitan tradition is ini revolution. TJn to this generation, virtuous parents turned their Thorm wil 1b. a basket bail gaule st tb. Town Bail Satnrday eveang betwésn Ares and Lihertyvilie igh eChJool good fasi game laexepected t0 be pisyed. Tburaday mornlongan employas of the f.lbeatyviile postcffIce found as ive dollar gold »Wleiiithe let ter box wbihb mu os miet have 4ropped iu the box ton psy for postage.. thlnklng it a penny. The poutmester will b. glad to tara tb. money over to the owner, who whIIb. aoked to ldentity tbe letter which ditd flot contai. the stsmp. li>doos flot pay to drop mongy lu the mail box Insteed 01 waltlng to buy stampe ubiesone la abeoluteli sure the penniare aulot gqid peices LM I bru tics 20, yea l mi Ie T fair Pol ef ,tb. w-au la the case" eiaimaet as conaplcuous as the Imlu rt mun. At 8117 rate, Waukeg anasheb Proui-1 dont 10 stop Il evon for a moment. X. cn't afford le pais tecunty meat o! Lake counly, especlall If ho rocalli iaià Lake county ai one timte w-asthe banter Xe- cmxnly o!fitheudate. Thal belng lie case, lie nt'a peruondl contact mlgbt help land somne votes« bo i n is partyý l -lehg bo 1 log of stock le indlcald by Ibis referes ncth e Aurera lfova 10 lie farmers'lnstituts meeting ai Aurora on Tou- -'George Fabyan of (ieneva and Mns. Scott Durand of Lake oounty were ealled 'faddists' beeause they pay fabulous * priebw_.for cattie and thez ex pect the state ta pay them _baék lhe saine amount when their stock is slaughtered be- cause o! hioof and mouth disease. " Sucb attitudeuurly a'do not ençourage lie breedlng'o! hlgh ilacI4 and if the -~eI*" ta1k.b" up, uhat w-lUlihe rdso! lie laid b.- -jet*lme1k. oiL If you d ebp thle stad- ~ ~d ouaslm rr. Tbç«foM ,if e!- t* pup "dard of utodr, w-ou OPb. ,juil au apparent as la the Tbe services mère heli st ihe farm iioeat 1 cleock on Tuesday, the 5ev. Wsegllu offidatligu. I. Cie eau a! Mid. Prie@ the rom- ipnnlly loue one of ibm most respectai sud lnterestlng men IbIs part o! the countny bas knawn. Tom are now itviong Who MW bis lete wththé gun. with the peu, or on ibm fluor au ivretier Ba Sancer, butIt lb hstary tiat b. emcelsi la *Iltbissepastimes. The-large ltteniannstetai unmeraI atteste tt h.eil standing lat mileblr. Prie.masuh:Id li.eib m onuty lu mii b ilve. - . The Uieniyvil*VoluntèernlteDert mentuilii aisaf boir mdxii aual d=1 at th Town Ball oe Fniéy evsuln Jaanary 28. Tii.mukwcMil efurnisiz hy Bspk's foun-ffieneorcesirs. A seppermill hb. srved. Damcet am r i per coupie. The Irue o Sa alway e o thébmmosi populgr dacea oifi tegasona. 17-3 Nomitrm large or easl Joui f reighi hsggage, or oiior artilesé are ma will delver tbmm ai followlng rates: Fl'om 1 to 20 Wh O05conla 90 tu 150l........ ....10centi 150 tSmCOUi................... 15ets Ovrér800 lb.. pecialterme. Fil aYgnar tri du t b aulpubte0a lie toms uls. The aual meeting of te Lake County mciil of the Mili Producer. A.sOCl- on wll b. hsld ait the Town Rail, dbertyville, SaiardaY. Jauar 29, ai n'lonât p. m., for the parpois of .lsct. tCouuty offices. sud dlrector for the esr, and io take npta&cisud ail maiters erwin ta the wolfare of iii. orgéhl- ios sud Is emembers tâtâi cm tproper. Sorne belorte meeting. Ths growih of the .MkOoanty brancb ftbe association bas baa ory M7grtif7- Mg the. pst 6w Jemandit now bide ar to. agatake Its as tî me pluAa. ho leer cf b eliire organlmalon. While the local hranch of tihe soclsiy le e no mes" e estrongest county au far t memberehlp laeconcerusd, etul bY a ollcy 01 aggreesve co.persibon sud Icient husbandlng it sierength la bas cceeded luafreelg tihe asscIation a01isâ ormetharmfni influencesasd bas b.. âs chiot mmeofbrlngtng aboutr mmci weded reformi. Il The decroestuInpriesPld to lb. dalrv- sun for miii the lent wlnter perlod ha. fpa arouted the dalry fermer to the ,nssely of' proiectina hie Inrlasete hrughb a strong well dlrectid organis on sud a record breaklng gatlberlng le ipected ai ste Liberty ville meeting nOei ktordey sït.monon as a resuit. Ti. ieek wli bs a huY oue throtoh- Dut %ha entire County as eesryl ocal hu améeiag snlisdubed in order to selecti miegates 10 attend tbe connty and minual meetings, sud hitlabopsd il tai te resaite achlved wilibs on a par wlîh, lot &ctnslly lu advsuce of former Speaker@ of well known sbliiy will b. tthe County meeting sud hIta t. b. Dpected tiai they wiii point ouit a Irai to binmer end boiter profits lu the dalry orring dai ghters from their doors, th'us wrathfully deny- The property of ibm LlberiyvilieSBll110 ilig their own responsibiity for the girls' conduct. Now and Donr Co.,~ ha. been pnrchaeed bY tfi w-e know that these parents hal failed ta bring up their warre'A.Nicila, thedecil haielith daugter intheway y should g and that when te iechois k poséesselon on lionday.' make them a charge upon the conmunity, they were shirk- Thue le on of the. mont Important finsu- mi ng their own duty. cili ranmeions put throughb ere for a@ Now we know that when a daughter becomes a nuisance smretilme,, the .nsw ovuer purchalng Ma or a menace ta society,. the parents are usually to blame. ihe brick fStlory buIlding. the lwa lots l kno tht tey av norigt t iakesocety ~ pou wbiciithe building eamuie, beideu ti( W. ail'a hy aenxgt;t aescit epn nib m meiinry sud supplies of the el sible for thoir mistakes. - company. The . mure plant wus owied 80 The increasmg vaiiingness of W0 per cent of such par- by W. Grilse of lake 1Forent. sud for the ente to keep incorrigible girls and umnarried mothers ini pat two yeare It had bpn leaeed to ou the home indicates an improving sense of the general re-Gorge Imms and bis non Carl, wbo di a - lt hfml frtecaatran ode fwl u i .operaling ihé plant, but s short de biiy ptaiy owtechrcran ondct ime ago ithe two familles decisi toasa ils méembrs.-Elgm OCouriçr. .mots ta rand Rapide. lMr. Isse and il his son wWl joîn lieïr wlvee lu that ctY If TuaiLbertyvfle caue-murly bas sffiint I n J_ as soon se thoy cau wlnd up ibeir bue -yî dqm"t'> l - a mil arefl urutmIzalon ! *nm es fara her. Tie plant conehsai o JéRa to t te a Mst otu uatiasaton t "rsuaneqalpmsni of mschiderr sud a bat »C4"M 0 ~edeauào h o 1e worna. 11mai, b» Js toue ta ho found lu ibm but pianing e & ijm u oeofm zJ.e4, but ovinsat *Ma, all w-ho 11187have mille li 6s onaty, sud unier tbm abis ta bM ffl nsuspicion z M uittg bb. aoOlUtely eXon- nlanagement of &e new awner no dout bi W&s In cmsethey're entitled to wift .111 me s.lqbusiness .ecred from _____________coutractore l le iicnty and the te W nome liai the Mausista la 'sattorney betenpat !bbecauy. sujI 4 other words, hbls a deondant in a damage mu. mm 'PiII EDIN Oo% baw do 11k.M t? Nit nom qusor for a WD«ESDAY 1ORHINQ - ou".omuOt« iWaalw-yu prouectlng sorn.bod r 'e A pretty churelh weddilug took place bi ISUd bu4«Safdofosinhiau action. &P=Lamy, in Wednesday mornlug ai ibm Si. Joseph'@ ti dam" tb 's ne boie! liai 1"'te kig can 6do 10 w ot D Catholie churcb at ton o'cboek wbmnUmseA 4vo If hels drlvlng sa umiiobile. Mary Tbresa Melloy sud Joeepi P. May of Evaustoi, were unisi ltu mariage, Father Luttreli moyea ap MaIperons w-ho émore are thome w-ho eat léme. Mfiny, brnther of the bride, pork, p', fUp.apl, thase. w-ho eat pork are thosc ube aaa8 .t..'et ua, tu.i#à siter oftMr. MM WoI Volas bedrom le alw-ays guarded by giant Mywsmi ihnr *-or«_ imethorer's no cance for anybody to provo Besîdes therelatllvee0abath yoflngrt ibiame wre o no- d ' obody «over Mita peoplie uhere were qultea nomber ai 0 frlsnde wbo wiinemad the ceremony. t lw be hm uoactl"i!arinr. DM IyOo Ver hearAiler the cerenýony the weding parts a miorer w-ho ]DI» admît it wsnt toitb. baom. of tbm bde'is motier, ____________lirM..Mary.A. Mellay. nnrilaof îown -W4% ,w-balif VoIfv'o brother and bis holel mugruhw au u1 wdlgbrafs »ID have a.scrap wth thei fids? Somebodly's <011011*Ths bride i. weiliknown ta Lib.rty ville 0*0 lx Mo Zn, ansithe G. 0. caalbe expScWto 10 lithOli ipeople and ban rnany frlende throughout ,dmé àlur n o awlln t g bb.tfle e-l ul eat& iiJi1»e. thecoaniy. 8hhe lda roeponsible posl-t fon~ll' nal~1 halgos êmbr e!lb.famlyfot av-ilon lu the oflie of J. S. Hyalt, distict br"l to*'tuai" Qu - m- m of the-- amay 1 n t ha- . perltendiset o!the C. & M. E. R. i. ai lot5 th g o ab '1n tbeepooedton tos toHigbwood. untlla short lime ago. The bwMnU ww* âmaiemii lke tousisgomcih i dofmd- groom le a conducior on the main ine Mrg tlmWeme. And hhey uay thal Arthur' know how- af tiie electrie rond aud lv aiso weii knownt bcounty. Elie parepisreeide Wauganlutwee eneaine.a theaa...l m ,, lEvauaton. Wai*pi 5 WUD. O1AISIAL IIZ ~ ~ni~ Aier a weddlug trip Mr. sud lMrs. of I*ké,ouMiy. In looklng over thea lot oe cauuaithelp MV wlll b. ai borne slter Match tiret in bêtot Om t la ihe a aine, Intelligent andprgesv tson bdl iikbg ouoton of n W-o en. lThe coupty achool LEI/IIC E VL IOWN mii quS oder Buplu Idnm mpu s o e awhih lake .ULM wium, DEAD oorntyhaq j b u p e:e 10 feelproud ofad lhe institutes W" bhi arrang e a tied limes asa nmans o!f prt hW-A ih omer a saiGier onuunday aqv dea 10lie eacersare lw-ys nlerstlg l d i h cf Levi Prie., broier of for. sSotive. on.t hans othing but vardaf rmo! n the 11le mer County Tresenrer, L. C. Pri", wia - *k A i cl" uy Som and lie am00hhuM it iwhll snow in Monana., , esdeilabrotbmr, ibi Imortpifeature g»« on 10 a sient euidbre- lMr. Price lmvutno otberrelatlte ecepi.- 'mmi o!l» eilpuW rsuperluteudeul, muas. Work fle p 'Dtg sauitet, limtA., who livai wlii iii.. oislylrnrungbeau»e he le a Lake couty produet. Mr. Prte we89 eawld.B e and It developed into paisumonia.H. If ProsMdent Wilson only knew- how- anxlous the vomen was bao- lu Wales, Eris couanl. Nw 0! Waukqau are 10à«ee isnew- bride, he'd surly tp York. tu 1826-an<l comlpg WesI wb.n on l.. 14 sd prmi hemta hak berbau1la a Young mien, setis on a fatim In on 0 1# d ermt hemtooh li er âdauqunteiou near Gimer wbre he awsye' Oaomet CU'Uillont And, t.fldet7, the PI (Mo eS aIédsnes, ep&ug a wlnisr spintlal tbilpubtcaa asw-eU as the Democrts)j, would 81ao like Wi.conaln sud another lua lichigan. àe bavea roI pok aei lfi"rnt lady o! lie land le 0f Tbm diret causeof isîle Sea uw coune, the Prosileul w-uld be wM Unir. Wilson sud he grippe wilc devaboped loto pneumonla w-iuld be the reciet 0! certain, courteles, buant~-sd blbrTack of vitaiity couid not loug anayA. D. 1916. 8. 0. Kaen rm ' A Aute: l.A. Dlehop, BSe. Jerow e by G. W. Mareton. ln the emoins lire. Slolgraham wllMsl a solo oeleetion. IN THE LISERTYVII.LE "Tiei. Meanng of DIWc10@Çisbp, wll b, III the .nbWeciofithe apworth L.-aguf meet- C/,urc/ses log neiteSupday evonine~ai ,6:46. lire.1 F. B. Overson wll lead the ervkce. Ali Mathodst-psco>al. memberesuad frisnde urged to attend. services next Snnday, Jeu. 80, wll b. The eecnd qarteriv conférence of the field ms foilowe. At 10 o'clock the Bn-.L chnrcb wll b. boîd ijezt 'l'eaday dal sehool sesson; at Il o'clock morn- mans, Feb. lot, la the League ruons of lngpreeoblagssrvic-ewhen tbellev.T z. cncbs 8ogok D..1 s .9 opes o h njet TeMatiack WlII prepde. Sm inof Harbus o." th.evsbet "Th Choir rehearsion Vriday eve.îlng ai ibm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~78 muj8 fimsotsro Wi*So'clock .barp. Alimemabire urgeai ta "The Rauk sud Noblilliy of léa." At attend. j ln the rhureb tenis. Presbyterlan. 10:00 as m. $und"a chool. morulug service Il o'ciock. Çlbianlst,,u euvor fi :45 p. m. Eveanlîg servie 7:30. di. Lawrence Eplacopal. FI o1y iommuuion 7:30 a. uM. Cbnrcb oechool 9:45 a. m. Indemdent, Mort resSerstise nS' 18c3a Thoée wha have already buen suted to addrees the gaih.ring ane: W. J, :ittis. Isretary of the Mili Prodacere seoclation, R. B. Swlift, of LIbortyvîlle, ProsAent of ttie Gond BoaS. Associatiou; ani N. E. Gatiert; O! Ubertyvîlle, Sete. tary sud floor-lesder of the Lake countt. branci ai the IMliiProducere Associa. tion. Cauniy CiArma. C. G. Smnall ai Ares, '.111 ps.5h55. JJCAS W. IAIE WEDS CIlCA8O YOUN8 LADY Lut gSsturday ulgit ai Ithe home ai th. bride'@ parente in Cicago accUureai th. maortage af W. .ilabec ai Lib.niyvle, aud Mie. Marguerite A. Séoriel,tIbmceremouy wblch toak place st elght ac'cbock, helng condi.cted by theRv Be . I. Aliburi of LIb.rtyviie. Bigiteen of ibm Immedlate relailves were precent, smang them, being Idt. sud sud lire. Nate L. Msher of Lib.riyvlie, the. parente of tb. groom. John A. Hertel, brother ai the bride, ac tean se eet man sud Ito maio! bonor was ibm ater ofiths bride, Mie. Dars A. Hertai. The briiesmalde werete ibms Doroiby Krouenb.rger and Elizabeth Tawuseud of.Chleaga. Immedlateiy foilowlng thé ceremous n wsddlng dînuer was serveci. The couplà etayed lu Chicago unti Wednesgdayt marulng,%when ihsyarrivei bere. Tbey wili occupy ,tbe Dnsenbmriry house on Division eireet, wblci lb. groom ha. bail unuishea for neariy iwo niooihe. lir, sud lài. bMaier wilibe ai home suter Manci treu. Tlîey expecita ihàake Ihoir wediua trip to Yellowstone Park, later. The. groom Je wsAl kuown bore, b.lug connsectad i thl Malin ufctanlng Co., of wic bbis faîher le the preeldent. Re la ibm company'e expert designier 0f elictric ligit >nd ou Iliturse and tirougi île abllty ha# bàedeibuili up the new euterprise bocated hors about a y s a ga .H e t l The brides fat4r. Dr. L. b Brt wiii b. remembered by msny ai unr people 01 iavlna phyalelsnbe 1office over lie Loveli dug- orey amesp belore movlng te Oble»aGe. mbmveho DOow ba bisprîvate Office St I7th and Cottage Greve avenue. Dr. Herteli epreuideni o! the Dougtlas Rloepial at32nd and Rose Avenue, wich position bo bas hsld nom ueariy a year, and for oevsu jeare previona be was sectoery for thé hospital. Be l e 10ons ai tbe chiea aperatlug esurgeous aitie boopital. Dr. Hertel là senior wauden oi the, Apolloi Comuuandery lu Cicaga. The bî>de bus a number ai relatives living lu sud &round Hall Day. a Notice Je hereiy given liai aitbmh annual meeting of tb. éuockboldss. o! û th Lîbentyvilie Luaîb.r Company, bolS ai &%isheaffine o!1maI corporation, lu thé 1villageoa i Lbertyvls. con»lY ai Laks sud Siale fai lnois. où ibm sevenlh day t. 0 Juary, A. 1>. 1916, more fiai t Io mtlairs aof ah ilhe votes repruesed by the. wboiestock o! mai corporation 'VOtln Ain fvor thersoi to Iaertavé the, capItal ,stock of @&id Corporation from te lbs la o! Twenty ive Tisouemni Dollars, ($25.000,00) tu, tbe mcm o! Shxty Thon- msci DoUare, (6,00.O0) and tbocapl SI ir *tOckq0 j uFoerporaton le hérsby de. dlateS Increased uanHdlg ta mai vote. Wltaue b and Of ie.Preshini o! .!a . 1 7 . - Mo 1 Ec *'show asted Mr, icte ti i.Jeu5 lai Cia E. visita, Mra. broom Mr wesn Wm0 Chiffl spee. Mr. frled Can. eeSt. the Mu ber c bauqi -aPte a bue. vi. for ai plac- Wstc gaine go b' 3-I Nw1-POLICY VIou win if gou quit-omi win il gou die. amd gou certain win uuil gou rive. Our new Twentg.Pag'- meut Lie Policu age 3 1. oolg $26,02 per gear. Il gou lapse after the tldrd geai. qou gel a paid-up policy lor considerablg more than paid la. la case of death. $ 1.000.00 us paid. At the end of 20 geais gou receive a paud.up podicy for S51,000,00 or $520 cash. which is oalg IFORTV CENTS lese ha. puid in. AN the a bove is guaranleed. Vou nag "cash in" at lhe end of the tenh ear ami draw out $189.00--which is furnishuug a hhousand dollars of insurauce for $7.12 per Veai. More pariculars ou application. We have the goods for lhe applicant, tihe broker or the agent. JOHN UIODGIE9 District Manager-, MICHIIGAN MUTUAIL tifE EsttabllBhOd 1887 t.loi, fa M

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