L&tW OO I~rDEPENINT IIDY, JANUARY 28, 1916. ehai Beckwtb and &ad ii le iotored t.. liouday. Bovenal froi lie'ai Show lu Chcago 1h. w Attorpey Cî,ulmou ut mled busaue.hore Bat .Chus. Kuebker le viitors Momu,,. Mn, . t.I. auad fat lotthe ils. 1.. arv.-y fli Jasa Langabaugb tri la Chîcago Tueaday. E. f. Nevlle and wl Visitor.. iiaîurclay. Mm .A. Wi. lHarvey brotber, Win Eiiwatdý lait viii. lusieitrt n luch..Easite.u Star wurk. speul Tuauiy ber'.-, gvilla intructions ta t4e memlsira Mmns La Plant of lugrmsidm. au ea Gayalake vltor Tue-day. Fart Quatimuri- and wile of Fox Laite, wm ivisitons i-ni- Tuesday. Mr. and U.rp. Jc- lemter -pi-t lunday st Lit.etyvlfile. Mr. and ins .Jolii ni îmîofil(#urnie, ver, viitons b-efTrj--.1u7 wmn. Spingt.i,î.n 1. u Iuîn..l Cheagu Tuasdit Mis, lient. Iloniu-ti ,îîl,-i Ouldren io! Wsohégau ai,. 1 sis.-,Eiu, c-er unaus litthet'.- -id-r. 'ilrs Ed.. g Monday. Miss Bleuie %'A htuo..--.ftLihent> viil-, *Pm& asenai 'l"3s.-1 1-t %ai-with Uns. jo.. l'-.t.- Mn. sud Un.. liair' h,îîîh mei-aiued frienda ron. tu.-g.s-r Saturdav and Su.day. a-e ie tyiike viitons lait i'idaY. The Hawkinas lougb rosi a@ b ei- imipasiabki stucs tbhetsavy tains ot lait w..ek, heing covencd vlth caler from hiii to bill. The Woodmen etcrtaiued the Royal Seigbbons ai Ibein anudfai joint installa- tion of offlers Tuemdey PeDenlg, aud au oysten upper sftenmais, servedIn luthe Hilliutliai, lire. HeudnIcka vas in- utaling olilcr ton the Royal N.tthst aud Mi. Taîbott for the' Woodoeu. The iK. N. preudLsu da ....CY i u h t ina maunen. B. 1'. L w ry cas chI eoui lu the ktchen sud desers-ca apeclal mention. The usual large iron"d wu@ lu attend- AIMTOCH W. Yiger as, a hueliîeu.evisiti.rin tlh. city Tuet§day, Mia. ltuth Ktnrad . s -îiingrieiid& Uw.---". n % Ii- r o h M n U ji. -,.-i . i a b -a i M1r . a du d lre /A iti,-iuîriln of Lake .Vila ment,. 'î-nt .-tatrday aith .tii. r sot. .,ud Lat Fri-u.att. i-i., uoîi tlie to, lult ,niîiy îiti- Club held aanuîn.t aI b.- tou-..- f lMra». iMns.Ziigier netaiue. l 1,r Suuday Chas. Fliieian. Thit ' ys marked lb..e.-horu clas M i thia alnaïkm-1soialeMt 1,-r lose ul the. e>uuinug tb- .riletvaînd borne Fridar eing. the nmnenet... swOldt ti.- snajllet nurî- Mrié. Chtas. W.-b. aa..a ii-agi. pas-1 bar o t-ok o .ks liat ta psy ,ti he. sanger Tuasday. banquet U@ i.ltea lra Lutup. ahowas.. Tee i. E. Cbnnch i.- îlnnîîîg revu-si captaîn of the ainutus ide.. sld nearly 1metings lu, t.. li-i oon.L- Uta9e a buedred bu<,s. as jinsenci vith a Prayer meeltings are îî,îa ini)piogre.... handsome iîunage 1lult ofutViolet. Thet'sanlu('tu et Fi<tîaaItiih-euhonme The ladies cii-t a t--y.-j.yahle alter- dt Mr@. id, (istuond. sonM I" Mai-vMOiT ai,,lia. ei-*nquie W.. barv- u.. -t -i ,-.ý,r,r m to-dy, l.i.e ~h --Tsriting. foc anî,tht'r ..tilii-ît .1 et.- --1- l-u- other one. cent mal-, suhidh ill itale pat *nti.-abotithlilde of Fbiiuni-v. ;E Watch foir t hi- -i1.. bler.- s iI l b - ai- geains ther.- tht iaI ii iii.t u.iti rulto t..Oi-t iii t-iti r iti, iu.au, 21.t. Mr. go ly Dru.-.- mg Cl. -iuies Oliver paswa-d atay He Lad c-n WARREN Mns.. i.-îl.îmit.iunn % isui.cgaàiî-tay- lux ai FrnnkClIai-k s n Iliii"Mr... Clark la ai tbe huspitai. hti- î"r,..ui-t.euIt i rs. Clark i. diug ad a-il (9 isa lu petd lira. Jobn Elcluiîigý' .- us v-icik aI her hume. i-.ii-o. ljiI ily -ame dowu Sonday tu luýi-p i-ai-e fori-M rs Eihiger. The Warren Ce-mter i - ! .uuibiiOnui ometi aI lb u Aus- Mn.. ura ilitgs. tiutrna... FeL 2,inuutile lui- ii n '%iitur aivays velu, uic Mii. Gsi-h' laîier, a lii lisi.. een vsting ber bi-uiili.-au- fitlaulY for' A couple utfvmt'kn rtum-1ii t. hi-r tboulu Ares Lionday. Th'e purchasu. Pr ." ' I h - ý ou., ONEIUD\CO M NI" RELIANCE PLA.\IE. veth -.t a5101whih aevtrnd ut tierl caaî i l icdii. Mv tzd& tai ,uI.h- ie d ahi.. ta tue rouni tht' oumue. H. -as. one ut tht' oi cettli-oI-n uNewpuort iu sip. H3e ham surrivîig ichum, lIre. Elia- belL Hunter. William J. Oliver, Mna..Ida Muiray, thesudee lau graniddaughtarsi, severi-i nett-epsuad nephews sud à liost o! riende. Funerai vas isngel1y attend- ed ou Sunday. Buiai lu Mt. Iteot eme- tery, îLot'. l.tstz oiiclaliug. J. D. Murray wa..cailed lu Waukt'gan WedueRay nigbl on su.counit o! the serions ates, of bis mother. David Mutile la t. Waukegaîi attend- ing court. lirs. W. J. Mdelville sud Mrs. (eo. De Fouileet Zion City vistons Saturday. Asher Cri-tteeden) brougl a bride home Saturday nght. (Congratulnaiionssi-e extended. Ni-s. T. Slraug, wlho has tesu uuiti Mek for severat veeks aitht b..grippe, id ahbl obe otntagain. ,Mi- sud Mr@.. to u .ucam havi nîoved tutu beir ni-w bouse. Chas. Bryt' sud fsrnily have ituvtd Imt tbc Gravas bouse. tunmerI-lvorrupieti lit Mri. Claytu Lucas. Mr. sud Mr@,Hi-lenët l-(lang o! High- mond. spent Suuday yuL hfilsenaitus, Mi. sud Mns. Thomas Strang. lire. J.HB. Lez sud Miss Emnma ht-y- docker, hoîL vitima ut la grippe, liue ahle to b ot again. Misa Eva Lux returusi t.. Miwaukee Batunday mrnring, sallr Mpending a Ai-u-es Bcisie. tslna-r1 Mns JneYoung ili vlctîng et the ethr tcsshnueiniducris-- home o! Mr. sud Mr@. T. Sti-aug. i-ictutui a-luloia vii Mr@in. Cîsyton Luras and Misses Dra Di-aca iiti~- -- ~ and Clansa yessert' Chicago vsitcri ~ ou.ne îî,î]etttiuurd te scu.- . ins P, 5 til st nudalivek when YtU caîu onou à;â Mrn. s si r. Ah.Cliank are visiig bti5t tbi t us for reatives lu Calitorula. Y gel Mr@. ins. BLui u, suothen victlm ol la grippe, la abIe to be tit agalu.- We si« Coupon$ witiý cvery 2 Cets Fa-e oley vas saChiago'iellon mivéase Ions dey t-bIseek. IIE REXALL STORE Mr. J. M. Cannon, oino niwnail car- ulseSn That lavis YenMon.? ier. spâ iffeudàay aihie home in Mil- DRUCEDRIJGCO. ure. -R C R G C .J P . D. Fosircas a Chicago visitan on Complett ues chool supplies m da misa -Grace Plagge. o! Cicgoe IN I.. lug ber couin, Mi-.. C. K. 0.1-i ne this week. lins. Frank Petermon entmrtatîi.- t h.. Misiouany soclaty .(iltht' Pi-...ytaoian Chnreh laet Tbursday atenniooni satunday evcuiug Mr. Robet Luls Ba-u.violtsi.aslsted L.y Miss Esslio scamnely. planii, and MMl-s Ah Ks4hus.eailer. viii gire a nictai lu thi. ffîooi Assembiy Hall., bly.ill danieng. ins ( ieu. Karcb aud %Mc. .J. lut-a. Jr.. visilci friands in Chcaigi.Toi-cilsý. H. E lMlma's7ih mnual Pie-mn,ë- tory CashClimai-suce Sale ciarts $atut- day, Jan. 2lth sud cv,,tîuues toi ta., week.. This i lani.idc iiyg.--- hargaîn osent o!rlthe sear andtis ni )okd foncard lu lîy tht' eintre iiiutu Big roneuttoosare - ling jfr,l it . entire tcurpîns suica iL me[nns", boys aud childienes cluulhiuic, ujîdersu ai-, .watcr coat,.mchues, ftr- rata. tnaih.tuaw.. gliuvcflsauTi roniti-u, ea nd uit itc buta iar. ladies , tt. inisu. -a sweater iiît- id-,riuiiv' iit Mt. an I Mi-- Fhlod Vkir 1 ctir Su t-s alt u-ius.in î.ur siii. MIn. 1i, ttritt andlarirs.X )iraM. Avis Wekenoanad Wise Buab The patronmolu tb" IDerimld zir ar CE Phoe sil are spsnding a wk or two wtb the achool report lait Saturday pvoing as. *Job Wa I I Glomsr famlly at Maj'wood. th-. mot ..joval'te ver -pert ali the in application. Id ru. B. Putter ,iatted Barn Positer sud seooi. Diaî,er wam # erved in one. of the w!. la Waukegan test wuek Fridai sud largo vacant roomti sud tdis rpât of the - saturday. ev..ine a-a- ep-nt in dancing lu tbe lP. SherwallirM . B. A. Ilouglae siarted ont Priday SseiWubly hall tiiiilnd morning for Neenib, Win., wbsre allie lMr. and Mr.'.lrann Supple and dangh. will vist for two weeks witb Mir. "d ter Lorotby, of ('bing., were tiie . week- t4rd,-d tbe auto Mii.Clbns. Douglm. before jolDing ber end guesti t tbîe bni.. of Richard husland ai 1>catur, Ili., wobe.ho. boi a SuPPle Iauktican, traus. position as salesman for a coal coi-m iose Virguqla Lord, ut 1bago). wasf tuiday. Paul. ithe week-end gueet of b. r grandmother, lei wer.. CLil<-g P. R. Avery trausactoid busIness Iu Mrms 1,W.Pet lim. Chicago eud Lake Geneva a couple day. il. R Vaut of Wn,îîeg(%"as, we î iiy hâSve moved let week. week end guer ,of h4l plarei.. mir. and kt u Centre St. Bey. and lirn. Hue'blusou and Mr. lir&t . R a.Vaut. ,neacted bumineossaud lMts. E. L Wald were Chicago vis- Misie~lattailtucti, Cbrî.ty MeMlohn ttors lait week. sud ilion.. Kent. and Mr. 8 1). Nelson tte a-r. Chicago Mm RBoy NMrrie,'S'lîo bab been quit.. aiteiid*d th(e 'eacher'.. institut., at MI the Pot;w.-k wth à tbreatened ce Waukegan Tbuîsday, Fridmy and Sat- Pntertaiued ber oil pueumoula. la able tu be up. u rday. IýýfRavenswood, Abert Dapple sud wife @petit Suaday Mimesa U.-i l B-1. of Higbiautl l'arktisas at Foi Lake. lb.. gueet of Ili.,, Ruthli dg.rwod U. L' 5 r d - n,5t*C boys, "ovrali-dat' of last w.-ek Mondas> and Tueesdua3-aitlîlIcr ide iti, est-e sîreet. abere tht' coloreti man i-i1 lias been operatlng a restaurant. NImT.B.A. ittor ett u (, i., When arrostedi Munday night Hun TUesî.yl etuîa acii-I. a1t !1 iual ad Nm usellliquor. not a %Ir.. Fmh ti.rrâ,!n. driti'p. a drop a drot m rp." ~lr. Ir-at I iHe vas released un bail furnisbed Nict'otIi.-Me:m bi ii iii lt itby fiedaaionThnrsday ulgbt at satiir.l and Iil!'iiiiiiynutii- i-Iri. ii7 oriuock bho ii e giqen a bearlng oUicilui before Police Magstrate Walter A. M r.. M ai gsr.-t iiii .~ii.ii t.-Taylor. iSalucday alttr an -i-leviit ith Hunt daimis luo ea preacher. Bev- i-celativs-intutîIv-î-u3oral veeka ago bis vile cansei a .4 jýiYt oraniatio (, tli, ýwarrant lu ho issuci for bis arresi on luI-vnnrt inban t1e arier ',i a croelty charge. She tlid the po- un i-vitntnunitv sa8 u.mi-bi-d at the lice chiie that Hunt gare ber doit sway, sud that hb.. bheston ber. vilage hall lad Vi ednc-d.m3 aiteriu,u. Tht' next murnhug ste appearuii be- Mr. Bai-ieutc. 19ieitct ii t,,L-LkeCo. ftrc tht' police magîsîrate sud asked Fai-mer@smo4,,iation; it BuS ,il t, p1'. u' that tht' case b.. sîrickin trum bis dent Lake Ci). Guod Iliads A-,eci-iaiou îocket. sud ni. Rall of Chcago. a spt-ial "Hn, - àd."at oh orgarriar wsi-e preeeut andl addiresecd peaHun t,' heywd."vn't ra ta be a tht' meeting. A large ci-uni vas In padhor ti busevont odanhm. attendance and the' club stai-ted off aitî htshlat'e tbisble wOith m. su ennolirueut of seventy-ive menîhere. Taavst etobavl l. À tmpoâr oranzatonwaaafect , Ha ta a member ot the colorai R. C. Keut, b.ing leted Plreideut, (Jeu. cuc n a oto re Blackburn, Sereary. %V m. IDillon, among bis ovu people In ibis clty. Treasurer; andthe Presideiit ac ýrI6- E. tV. Htiey. Cuba; IV. F. 8rgzbuiI-î.Ela; - _ _ _ -1 C. Haàpke. Fremîint; A. Paddock. Grant; Miss Baler, i"a-lier ofi Ibe GrubL lee Huson and H. E. Maiman,, W aucujn- Scbool. atte-nded Te-ters lusntît-ute sud da; aud C. K. Werdan, McHteni-y. Tht aies vlsibed the te .-li t Hi ighland idirectors were instructedi lutdraft a -et Park. of by-laesund Lave ail preliinnarii-s ready toi-tht' neat iieitiug ahieh miilueb held Wedu.uday, FebL 2, ut 1:30 p. nk.uI the' village hall svben the permanent orgaulzahtî su- I h turer!ulatndia generai outluuc ut tht' club.. work ssibcv made. At i i etinig unr Vice l'i-tsi- dent o! tLe Lai." Co. i.ariiire .5.soeuia- gnam titi-tht' Farmeri'oIshtilute ahich vîli bce hli on 1Fetu. ibti, Emirbody ruine sud boosi the nctlub sud it iii boî,et the euh-s utuomiuuitr. Oui- High sechusucti-usteceer av.- -en instrncted hu obok np s suitabie silo ton the' neun Towdohip Hugh sehoot. This le. & itiatter vbieh s-lit ut>douhi ci-osto councierabte discussion sud s vote viii have ito .. taken alter tht' truatîe miake their report. Mrc. Bertha Cuomba Waan ut Hight- land Part, vile ut Fratk U Wian, réfrei ln bankruptcy, dlii BSaiurday et the Chapin Mimonlal ioupital. Springfild, Mass. Bsa vwas at ona lime preidant of tise Euglevood Woman'a Club. preuuident eftithe League of Cook Couaty Woman's Clubs. and charmat of tise educa- tional commttai of lisé Iats rodera- tien of Woma's Clubs. Site vas alao ragent ut tise Daugiosisisof ise mer principal of tise TaiS sêhoàl -lu lS- cool, liseéisu, iflsIn fa BaIsa Park tor. everu& , su- Owe tanKidd spc,. the îu ast cet'k ;alhL bus couulins iil,libtri i-. and li-e Frank Straug si-e risit- lng Mi. and Nir.i J A SIi-ng. Mi. sud Mi-.. Lii iîiw spent eerai daya inlu liagui athiitire Inats mpar- Thbe riuireu ofMr, il r sii I-. Peter Dtuncan have th',ula.I- Ni-s Incz Puuhhiirîof tChicago, usas calti bei-e Moutiuy.ousu-cunt0o!thie serions tîhýeese tf Le, itiici-w, Mn... Eiii. Polock. Thesechuole of tii."s ii-nity vert' closi Thursiday sud Friduy. su lb. teachers couli sti.-iuitiie.Tck-irc'a Instituts lu Waukegau. Huvard Floodti culrnoe, ti-angaeted business in this vicinîty Mouiiay. Mn.. Geo. Gerrity, ut Muckwonsgo, Wi., ta iiting Mi-. and lMns John Elehaugen. Ellen Pollock. lied Tusday. mornlng uit the home of li-r Pisler, Misa Dltau -Watsoîn. Burlai Friiay, 2 P. M., ai Hickony cemetary. Tbens viliL e nu 4.diees AId meetioff naoi ekun accouni o!f anmera Iu- stitut. vhicb il c bel heu l.eek aften. Mn. "hiansd MadKepker o! Cicago, atimtded tise tuneral outMUns. IFôluek. -Ms9. Jobns Elebsugr vas Siouly 111 tis îse p t, casreposW4 a Utte better 104sF. 1 I heon Ibat tht' faîber wp.s avakneu by tht' sictuenss utth e chili-oit if 19 elleed thet 1nîlmofmily ouiti have been suffocaleti. Their t'scap-" from . death la regai-dtd as aimue ntil-av,. loua. Tht' ages ut tht' Bei-g i-Lui-en si-e: Pive, neveu, ion ani rueelve veris oid. i-especîively. IEOR(iE W. DI VER, LUIT AN ESTATE 0F ABOUT $189000 Died Intestate and Son, Attor- ney Clarence Diver, Is AP- pointed Administrator. George W. Dîrer, a ploneer resideflI ut the city aLose death uccurrod bei-e seversi isys ago foiioving au aîiact ut pneurnonla. died lutntsalo. This vas shuvu Moniay vhcn Mi-. Diversa haire appearod lu co'nity court, show- Pdj tLut be dted vithout Ieaving a viii sud peiitioiit'dIat Attor-ney C'lai-ence Diver. a son, ho apPointoi aiminis- Irator. The petitlan. vhich wvs Bled by i-.. Dora Dîvor Gi-iffin sud Ms.. Mary AVard Dunu, tvo daughiers. sei forth tisaI theli- father. te the Lest ut their tnovleigt'. lftan su nate vained ai about $18.000. Tite ptitiof wss granted by the court, sud Attoruey Divrr as ap- pointed admtnintrstor. His boni vas flxed aI $36,000..lHe sigue an pi- cipal. lts sisters' namnes vore sign- ,ii Il w lii net ho kuovu until au Ins.-nton- iii made. exactty boy large wssi- tht' cntate left by Mr. Dîver. Large Inventuny. onu of tht'lai-gent Inventories lilei lu county court lun ome tinte vas fiiei lodar by heurs outheb..lato EIItA M. Watkius ut Highland Part. Tht' lu- vt'nto-y sbovei the entait' lu ho val- uod at $642,743.79. lb van ahovn Ibat the larger part of ibis vas Iuvesteii lu bonis sud stocks. Borne ut these vere i-epoi-tete lbhogood, vhlle oib- ers vert' repoi-led as doubtul. lied or net vorth par value. The inven- tory setl forth the dittereut stocks and bond, in vhIcb Mi-. Watkinn badInlu ve8tei. Tuiay %vs.oue ut the heaviest Pro- hale isys Jîîige Persans bas bai in nome lime. Many maltera vere latin up sud disposai ut. To RsmOve Uhown aian& Prom earliseticd aseaaMd.lPit« cau" biy putlng tisem ID tise OVua soakis ustron bots-z"d bot vale. watai- etinig. radiators, piPefi. valve., etc , àp i- .repti..nallv gond. W.. Me expert.. at n.-w inotailtii,e chgl fi-oi toi-es t-u fuii-narnpiiiY, rbBPIY- sud efiietireiy. Stesîn or bolcaler heatiug caves rosi. healtb. lahur. Ifsa sale-r, .iitker tsi)jeat, gives a etObduen boat an.! nemovea the .danger out Bn. If v-e du.)ie nm igbl sud gu&antedi. TOM WAISI, lTe Hardware Mn %GRÂYBLAKE, ILLINOIS Theodore H. Durai. President. W. B. Smith, Vice Preaident. F. W. Churchill, Secretary and'Manager Hon. DeWitt L. J oncs. Gin. Counsil TELEPHONE 8S1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE T1TLES GUARANTEV Capital $ 125,000.00 WAUKEGAN j, - -w J £ IF TUERE IS ONE 14AN WHO ADOVE ALhSIOIJLI HAVE PRINTED LEITEOUEADS AND ENVELOPES, TUÂT MAN IS TUE FARMER .. .. .. .. . F ARERSyou who writo for cata- logues o farm implements, coedU poultry stock. or deuire other information, do you know that a letterhead bearlng your name and addreéu, IL F. D. Box and the name of your farin means that you will gel an answer qd$ck. Your letterhead looke business 1k. i ad tole the house that you are progressive and modern. The letter writtmm on soratohy rough ruled paper marks the writer as one who in flot fully awake to prement, day correspondence. Il yoeix have a photo of your house, barn, stock, orchard, etc., brinx Il In and bave us makeaceut from it. Use tbis eut to illustraIs your lelterbeads. INDEPENDENT JOB DEPARTEENT LIVEDON BIJTONE 1SIX ~~cj~3~ ~L<IEO WeRIAN TRACT IN WAUKE- 1EIAS FROM DI3FEC NORTHl WESTERN; MY IUSBAND, S (iAN OVER 63 YRS.ý TIVE COAL STOVE1 RAN IT 30 MILE TO BE N13AR DEATI Mrs. Mary Mtsch, One of Best Six Members of Wolmer Berg:, llmmy Cousins? Ves, t know hi- Mawie He he mI Known German Women of Family Had' a Close Cali ldne t ies. aulootiveeai Children Are Being Cared for Ciy idSaturday. Early Sunday Morning. adtrve- ad bu ed ot the tirein North Chicago. .%ra. Mary Mitscb,' age 85 years, Waukegan. Jan 24. LThbe attention of Miesa Himmel- Who w as One uf the best known an Six people were overconne by *gasj This was thb.- statement of Dete- reich. humane officer, has been called and c ýtieJefries, au enipi tof heCh- the' Pligbit ut a Waukegan vomaxv be & ted ut Germait vomen ot Wau- fumes from a detoctive coal 8 tre ! yeut e-i kegan, died at ber, home, 4?1 itelii eariy Sundsy morning and badl a nar- cago & Northwestern raiiroad. who tna e h,- hlie. i~a u dore street.t shortiy betore 4 n'Clark row escape lrom deatli by asphyxia- la regarded bY tpolice Chiers ot the vestigation is being made."A Saturday atternoon. ion. The' vicimos ut the aftair were: Iiddie west as oune of the' most effi-ý According lu the itAtesnenta placed Mrm. Nitach came ta Waukegan 6,1 Mr. and %Irs. Woimer Btrrg and four, rient, most fearless and courageous in t'e bands of Miss -#ierelch. years agu. aud during ber residenceCchidren. The \WoImer famiiy lire etve rvlngo t hrg. thie Îamlly lu question les O« ber postoffice addreBs bas always been at Lincoln u Tenth streets. ('bief Tyrreil in speaklng uf De-Piaiycora11earittl 431 Belvidere atreet. Diring ber rosi- Berg was awvakoned froma a dee-p tci-e Jefferios said I have known Ili" just between Sheridan ro"ad dence hers she bas lived Inlubut îwo stuPor (rom inhaliîîg gas shortly be. Jeffies for close tlu q-cyars, sud lItn otheir aloaitak u bouses, une of yhicb vag tomn dowva rafre 5 oclock STnday mornlng by al Ihal lime t have flot heard ut une rua soutb tram L.ake street. ta make oruta for the building aho I Ihe knowledge Ibhat bis cbildron weru man tic did not land afttr being sent Tehsai aaigi ohv e occupied up and until the lime ut lier dt'athly sick ta Ilirir stomnachs. He Outoaplace îhim under arrest. He aertdbswfan the tflc- demie.wsa ual vecnrthtiias files o he lands bis man ev- dren severai months ago. Loti alune lier husband, the. late Frank NIitsc.iwth the' greaît-.-t diielîty h.- couldleytn. tht' itherworkeabardlutaneffor died 15 years agu. Tbree months i)- bring hîmaelîtao a nIati.-(ifsemicotJwîth htm ithesupoter cbld1reIn anforet fore he cloied ie iseyos in death. Mir' slousnoas le hait crawled. haltl! tiî-l.'cti1e teffprles taled thal h.. wetts agu she hecame I111sad it vas &udi \T- Mitacb celebratpd their gold waiict'i ta a window in cihe bedroouî Lita, arrelt-- 'cd ou-ins on two c5a found nocessarl ta rmov... bqU~ ti en we ing annlveisai-Y.Ilie diod . a, ucoded iiithrowing it apen. ,clon .('u'ir vas01e o WOl'fl ospital. l a ~s4eevsIIu Ocruber 1900. The cool. fresb air had the' offeet j 1 sîreilcîl for thp murden of Thon Mur- typwou-pne undiaw llo The deceased'a malden name wasreviving hlm somiewhat. At thet imelrino.n adetoctlve lu the empluy outyTher-pe w. unai on bcr Mary Kauteuhenger. and se. bas une ho diii fot know what siled hlm oritheIStl'aul rsllroad. H1e vas ac- for tbe cbildren aud thay vers tait- brother living lu Kenusha. Eleven the cblldnen. Mns Bei-g va.. so bal- <hfitîrd, oi- rathier bis case was takn omore by a Nanths Cicago famil,. cbildren were bai-n ta Mrs. Mtscb, ly overcumO Ibhat she could net as- t rom lb. jui-y. Accordlng ta thea report recslvs by Oive ut whmare living. She la sur- tlst ber- btsband in cari-îgfor thc Jefferies Maimts îîîaîCousins wa issHmalec, iefanl.vs vlved hy two grandehîldi-en i.. hioenne ofttwo mon vbu stols an engin.. bithimehlreu, thie ilng ii tchildi-en are: Berg bastily drew on a few articles lu the Chicago yards. drave ht 30 tathe c motos viii l.e ot inal- George Mitacb, ut Waukegan. of clotblng and went tu the honme ot miles, and! Vion deserted il wben tbey Iciaîîy ahi., ta glve thse ebldren thse Mrs. James Dugan. of Waukegan. a neigbbor wbere h.. asked permis- couhiinel niake on. of the1i lifrs proper care lecause tbey bave a large Mrs. K Haupers. of Chicago. 51011 tu use tbe telephone to summut on . I amily of their own. Thse hunlaf of- Mary A. Mtzcb. Chicago. a physician. Di-. .1. A. onnoli rushed "Wy bmtist ve iearned out he 1ie u netgaet s ieii Helen Mitscb. ot Cbicago. ta the Bei-g hume wilb al possible tefI nvbrt dspatherbngn ier vowi i ttè tla asatto iswe*fa Tht'gae clde aeAnt nisPeed. porting an extra engins travelIng over ity inala et r vin r Iit the fam Helen i.ercbe. whose mother died ten The moment ie stcîuiedii .o thb the division at an enurmous rate ut be better la tati the tisree elidren year~s ago..bouse, te detectu d the' poisoîotis gai spee rdlu r en u t ber uvn borne. 1 Fran' Mitsch. a son of the de- furnes whieh etilti vire t'mergîng from d Ibte angine. but biture It an- Meanwhlle the condition ufthtie ceased. dled six or savon vearu. ago the' big ,elf-?feeiiing coal etove In the rived s thtie derail. the Ihieves put it Moîe evr rtcl iaIm .ai bis home In Waukegan. i-oum next ta the boiiroom. lu the 0Oua siing. Tboy bail bîîrned out me thrlas e ren g ivento ud ___________ meantime, bovever. .the fresh air thal the crown sheet ln the rire box." Istand tais enourvin teladu»M badl heen rouiluEIluthe' windows liai Jettorles daims thal bcho as a roaIlber chance ut recovery helng cousu. jNEfiRO PREACIIER tad the effer: ot impoviîig the con- wi:ha bullet baie tu II. vbicb vas ardvry@a] diino oofth. uitimvasheproperiy ot one tif bie men ahu _____ One f te cildrn, bo ofseve, ws sotat by Cousins. l flDEATMfiA O.- u th chldien, bo seenTo lide àsMle ln a Curtaîn. OPERÀTI N6 À 6PI69 nu, lvas unconaclous. Artificial i-es- Detectire Jeftenles came ta Wauke- A piece ut etarcbuii net or laco put r-E ulf prtion and restoratives bnougbt hlm gan yesteriay ta gel a state warrant uniier isolie In a lace c13rtais yUl be CHÀRfi Of P LIC.E tlu bis senses atter several minutes for a man wbo bail broken open a barily visible visen presel srnoctl ot bard vont. Later lu tbe day Dr. irelgbi car at the BWodget station. vith a warm Iron. Waukegaii. Jn2. Cnelrpre htalmmeso Johnlitunt. colorod was arresled the' family vert' out ut danger. 1 on a charge ut operaliug a lid T act t tegas iid ntoi.n- w R -I- I 1O J E L plg h~ ht'polce blee lteMon- i-510 foi- saumanyhborg atter the. yiday nighl. The police c'aima that he Bei-g tamily retireul for the' nighl bas becu operating a "blini tîger' causes tht' bellofth(at tt must have Attend toas-our boupe liesling nov. ,iînder the Sodo saloon on South Gen,, beon s iefect In tht' store vblvb <1 )in*st w aitutil V. inter vinde bloc. fîe Il ht..@ aser sud ebeaner iow.Ounr flîcîlitles a ILLINOIS