L~2~T4R~28, 1916. GLEANINOS FON Arg. W ii ' chuter ofi RoMell. &Peut lat Frtday andi SaturdaLy witbh ler aput, Mcrs. A. Wehreîîlîer&r Blane.he MitlielIl mvimiting triends in By T. F. SWAN 1i uîtago. , Correspondent andl Agent NI,.and Msir. E Bilim ofi q.r , 'Iit and %Mro.1.J ilietr1m L. A. Marrie tand Arthur 'ionilz nere k'fbk Wlsneriî ntIi. juryin l Chcago véitors Solii1îY. . ùgai li s -v-. Viola Wellia entertaini'd lier Sew'tig q u itint t i ofii tr.ind Mis 1P. Club at ber brimi-1-aturd.r auterniîiittSel 'er dieu tlant 1riîlaY il K nigge anod lii ej"i 5a t S i il ili3: Mrs. Wmi. staiviftîf le sîenidg a wpek9 wth M4ndMio. S. A Kramiir. wtlilier nuIe. Mou S b it-ld id.n Mmr. John Lwg iseivetl ecurI iii ae 'il lîîiu.. ml twekwitb fieil, ilii Uheîigi N il-sKittiKaiue utofiu'ug pen1nt t-tnt Mr». . H. Wetl@ and Mi., Eimita Fn alil ier Niep. %r- Il .'îliglt. F@her -attendu-ilt1j Ii.- i,ur ft ej ýf % A. imd tN .A. iDiaîCî-, lvanoeenîetr3 oruut~ ii tS liitie ~oit s ut Friini:nig lit A là, g,- Mr. Henry (irabbe Fciilaý aii. itttiledîî.î. l-iuiii tenr- M.q Crlcf uc. e li o rent iuder- sert-il vweut an operutioriii .iti- ciitltIii.e Ms 1<ramiiýi i-lias-uuretie.ti)tu-r liii e home cf ber danghter, &Ir@. E. 0. W ells. reprt Robert Avosier oi Highlandi Park, viutedi at Thuoday ti nd Fridtny vth t Mcaet i. m lli tit utîil. hlm granidpareot@, Mr. andi hrm J. H. ee OIUR Aynaley andi Mr. and Nic, H. L. ttnrdtck.OtUR lowa Mondaiy ànd sisited nith hie aud MacY Sti:ir, aid tti.-u te f Antiii parents , Mr. anti Mm .Fred Knigire. WofwaA bltit uîIr, l eet t 111,taii 22. Lmlie Fry ut Chieago, epet tho e sck- Thh,andl illul ti. i, îfl ttt, et h--i end t the F.'.C. Shadile orne, hume se miii of Hall iDav. She wae iima ri X-ilt i uît. îu Voi, Fi-l graesml.aumau riit.ed a lu-w dai 3at ~, 1904. Thiis uiuli N, a-ll--Feid with week with ber granilparetitte. Mr. and two itauglîters. etIiati wam catlineit Mme.J. a. Wllg. i, livaeoumuieationu otftt ItItI-,IueIii.iy A namber iront Iciru- attetd a per- iormaaceofet"Te irtit uof A Nation- Ceago tlio ,wuek. The vork on ttt ii-w gytmuasinttti@ raipdly nearina emut.letioniî uit it is expocteffltat the building stvi]he detit- citai! îtinnth ie Dxl lua ti-e. John Roder andtil toir FIrank tu-t Wodneelay for Ibeir bhomes la Oklahoma snd Kan@",, respectivel>-. They have beau baoetor thns putmontit un account of lb. llas,,o thir tather, J. L Roder, Wine le akswly irnprovlng in beailh. andticluuiuia.nSI. nsstiiii liedtiei humanmu-ut ua ili, two @ltert. titresir,thirc. twuu dauurthi- anîd til in-atî,,- . tuti, induîl sa jire u. The. funtuvru'uIx.- viu e,-tut.- the ites . H. lau1,liuilru'r <n %'ut.eis.- day. JanaJi), theci- nas aabhort sersvi-e nt te bouse at 12:15 J inii - ilin at the Nort ciNortlifietl FrE. A cci c- usionti uineli - L OrY IZN1 IVArIIfO,'Round Lake. - '~ Mr. anti tire Jus. Tiasvu-ce over Sun- - Ma-s Wilrtid eara la otrtalning ber day vieioce witîîrelatittes et Spring m aphov à. D . ~Gruive. MUi. AbacI Oyder cpi-ftiflbetiet iiof s Ltia alstercpu-t tse wek-etîd tise jee itb eriii bri.r. al, itin hergrantiparenta, hM,. ant im'is - vus I.u*uie ~ eo. Wagner ln aliaîunn Um aElizabeth Wrtz nnecwont an W%'. anti juslaîzen .1 irnystat., opoaston am tbe pa-u-Yiafan Isepital Issutliniiwttîthi r sîster. hIcs., tioeay. Hec mutiner 1lecpening ihi, o- Tktp TOike iss er.m lbKekrEua MachotinWagner or lvenboe, aecum- tW isulum liisadje Pue tedEma panboti John Lanti-r ofChicago, vece lb. a ohei'slalutelu Suksandlaitbuiness gallera bere lent Tueoauy. vle Toin. lnistiutlbtumeal uaitlngEtarti Gaieter atte-ndu- thebo hrieten- ou». Tbse' lerteot i. lst ng gat Waukegan Suotiny ol bis couoha, -m -IdèipbVye--mtud- d. th~ ~Ue infant daugbt.sr of Mc. anti Mc. Legsw. ~avl 1,luObicago lait Pb111i> Waffrec ?iusm.Tbe groom tbai epet bie Me. John Tîtt, nti Cicagol. spent II~a II. Wsg mii!bai alwmYo heen ceveral tiaye the pait wvu-oit tbrelatives &Ougçro"s"d Mleaug eprit aMong tbe ln Ibis viioty. - OWPIan. AUl salenil congrtule, MmeP11NTD rIV STATES MARSILAL AND IIOTEL à-AN IN ARRESTS DIMLING BITTER FJST FGIfin N OTIIER DIED ON fi TIIURSDAY EVENINGi oew*iffi àwîs REFUSED A MEAL? BUY MORE LUND PI SUES ÀABOTEL MAN~ PEABODY T R ÀC T' Keeper of Place Where 2 per' Di Arthur Voiva, brother of Over- Mrs. William S. Pearce Dies, Colored Evangelist Asks Dam- Net onty are Chicago capitaliste Cetse ipeddrie Voiva of Zion City, andi Manag- iolwn rlne lns gsi h u f$0 buyîng the Peabody tract on Grand or Sweeney of the ZMon hotel, have Ilns gsi teSm0 20 avenue. anti the Kultb property north on Blind Pig Charge. a reai fit fight 'in the hotel on Tues- -Was 81 Years Old. From Charles Armes. u akga u le r eoit Waukegan, Jan. 20. :ay Waueiegan. Jan. -)1. Waùkegao, Jan. 25. Iag for property in lte Immedlate Vk- A&iiph Dlmling, former keeper o if Athu 1G sy ýhy i rce Colpiamoth eo ar WIlliamylyo ah ag rcs theShemanhatl, as oot $2 nethcVîaaaste dm rce WIlliamt. eroar Wileiary Charglng ihat Charles Armes, pro. nThurfeday lageat s.v ta h the herAn ote, ws ined$25ant sweemey won't may they did or W. Poarce, ded Thursday evenîng, prietor of the Arlîngion botl, ro- Tusa tbcaekonta h conta by Justice of the Peace Masos ii o Tor re20 fhadnigetIe r used hlM a meal at noon Runday, bo- Chicago me-n or wealth bail inspected Wedesdy igh, n achrgeofsel.: Dadmet. mornary 0 oen.eig fth r Wedeeaday nwiht a chare. ofmel!.:m aym ±hey dld. trefoîlbwlng a long illnesm. cause ha wes a negro, Stephen dem- and asketi a priceson the Bnoablr in tqur ltou aIlene.He was rhr oiaadister' a The tieceameti vas the daughter ortsena.an evangelliat, hansmîtetithe botel ion acren on Grand avenue. aisechagedwit selin Inoxiatig Athu Voivaadmts her's e iJohn and Stebeeca Copp, or Bristol. hnaie fterpoet a liurtominora, ho a 1ew manager at the hotel 1Engaad, and 1waa bore lbhe l7th day ka ta lbr.dammesaInWen Idkoti If tho i ropelt *bi tîquoron o ruary1. of an y, 1R5. She clebrateti ber 1200. Attorney Elmner V. Orvie rep- 'beealdM.Snebea:"Ts Dliog wasnaresteti at bic salooe e o iny hthr 1t irthday on Monday, January 17. resonts the coiered tetaister, andi the Il la truc that (Iiicagu mon have asked in Cbicago Wednemday on remplalat Seny otsa whhr She was the tant of a tamily ot aine cane wttl be calloti fer trial ti-oore, ne8w bat vi- wlll laIts for the property. nf Mc. Sehutuaker, oficer cf the day there las behoor fmot. ,cbhliren to clone hec oyea In deahSab btntwe have tnt givea tîteotan op- at te fren LaIes ava îranîîg ~ Rumor has lt that Arthur Vo-. itle rame te tis country In 1852 wîtîî Juattre Manoneat 2 i.ictock audylo. W epetboer,1se!. tion. Who mlaiseaoadeputy United ilvi 110w In manager and i viiilike- u prtlan ntteio atrtat-,o. -iuraa hbani-iontemrt 1 a ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t in lPage couaty. In 1853 asewax Accoedlng te Mcr,('teinetîn atterlad tbsenonhemrt Siaes areai.ly be manager In the future. initi-ti In marriago at Dutndee, 111.1,ilt1e toc o ltl rnbtille Stats mashal neYthe olord mnArthurniemayaji ho',o merety lota butlt ikne Wlîen tlimllng wan halleti hile court Atu ash' eeyacek W'ltlam Samuetl'Pencre, a dcngglat In :r.r. lo'. a rarpenter. wont te the' large enu-tgh te suit tnost buyers. We ýediidyngtteand isn't ta be manager. H4e ce- Chicago. lasbtiieac' n smi Wedenay igit benavy offcer , 1qurr o Iegnen -lit 1853 tey remoed, te Waukegan. Arington hotel for dînner. Chartes enhae u hine a tilnvoWvaff mairce ifour marine, Into the pol c foermeqer eiteseer here Mca. Pearce bas rince madeArmies. the tîcoprieter. It lm aleepl titn-eac liInd îîîlordItia. W we v îù-,, ,,..-.-.-,c ita--.i.,i ,rînn"-lier homo. Twpletuchcldrett ersrefniîculaihannlivingtii,, 1.-c., ihW ihave stationntecataîîd as wttArîser aetjnq. leira ta thenudmisieonflotomtaredIi- ,ke fermer Watikleçnn le ù.- rotb-ror'cf Ôspe~r Voltivii nti Mati- 'hi. Ttueclifieén â:rPe -, --'s Dimuling waa representeti hy Attor- i itfbI WILLIAM WKSTttt'l'PEAR. so -rs.-colored mec. îîoy Wnî. Dnnanti Attorey MutE aeiweek aire s g myrniWnica bîsîî a leio onday, anu1 loy appenreti ln bhaîf cf the î-ty. lit the botel cii Tiiestit .eok It hP." WýALTER COI'? PEARI'E i ,c.eît tntalrennbr siti a Zioti ceident ta The Sunta- MISS WtNIF'FtF) PEARC'E, -l Each of the four marines tatetiaalit '%P(t( htI lrenme P tha teyhae urhastiber t heday. wbe resîdeti with her mother. iteople wil lie ont band wbnni the came. thtte aeprsed era tth iter à Zion businss"mnan, coi a BATRICE DICKINRON, vife nf' lu3calloti for tilt. restaurant ant it (ink parier Vlv olwr Od Ta ate(eocge flîrkensn .oh ,tetbkae. Att-i McI. (lt-meccame te atkegan on wbicb- Diming uctîl recentty conduet-Vlv clwriad "htl h ka. Mca. Diekenson and. ber ubnin Sundny te condurt meetings amone: ed i th buldig on_ýpJngstretgeneral ruiner aboutltowfl. tut thesi' ltfWankelyan hutttwo veetsos nec pole l wswlcmdbyte whicb- was formecly occnuiet by- Mc. thin.ucnare harî talefinti out. But 1 PERICIVAI, PEARC'F.of Wnuî- tsuei. cew Sheridan.guesu thore',simi lehiîîg ta Il.Therem eLna, proprlolor of tie Ion Toit store coloceti peofte ot the City, ntnny ot voSherbtidan. ce' be touon MWashlnglott street. Wttem meeai bts meeting le tIse att Dimllng, wnen he teck the witness tc1 tbt îttîre ento- MISS lGRACF PPEARCIlCea der il rîteen. stand, tateti that he hatisalîoîeut hi, hie at the botl belacon tîte oer the W. C. T. t' andit urch wocl irk ci hofctli ei btMa si-or' brother atîd Sweexoy. The WaukegannM.Amsi ikl el u .I% intecest in lthe ptace,.antihlltpar- tc ntu'Ia wony set c AR 'KE.11lt, laisbtant is aArmes ln an interview wlth a Sun ce- chaseti n satoonilta('tnagege.hanalthalgos-ornient englacer and lsnownets-,a-Porter nalti. "The eetorsd gentle n he van not ln Waukegao on the Su-ur dctae omaaea ,oell toneti aiHavana. Cuba. andi Mc. Home-enteceti Dur reception day on whicb the boys rînîmedti 0(Iaeou ophn ht nt iVl 'l~.U.as fWaetariers anti office aI the hotl labout sany - igan. have turelînsot liquor ln bis place. The SFun calltheIi Zion hotel anti! Besides ber -hiidcen lten grandi-bui-lu etî1 mnutes ni 2 aîîd infocotet the titer il w,, abown that the lîquor akdfrAtu oi.!dren survive Nrs W. S. Pearce.. cleck that they wantet I dnner. Wm hati heen dispenseti by ane empîoye a1eifcAtîcVIa lier hitabanti. William Sautasî i toid them Il van alter our dinoer cf Dling wbo had b-eanSent ont Tht- youngec Mc 'î'Voluvn wtuen askvdI Pearce. tiiedtniayears yFars "go et uîcir. andl tîat w, titi net serve mealis fren Cîcgo e arkupthetumil ~It was trîte that hi- was now moan- the age et 95 yearu. lie va, thie ager et the hotet cepîtoti negaîîveîy. founder ot the Pearce dcitg soec81l~n lt fte a.W l e turo. etc Waîtkegan. wbieb bbtsines I nov ho- refuse theou men tal because ons ot DlmlIng waa net able 10 ebtaîn a lle stateti that a îtu-w mnaîger would îeg ronducteti by bier eldeat son. The tlîtete as a negro." saloon lIcence in Waukegan vhen lie on the job the first cf the roming laie W.8 S Pearce vas one of the'_________ W.W erewseetda a-menth. fical insu te ope-n a dcug store ln Wm.W.Peacevasolclei s my- But areo't you ini charge now?' Chicago. thon Fort Dearboca. andi 00w Pleh Kîlleti by Llghtnlng. or. Il vas 13howe that Ille had. not one et the largest Cilles ln the vociti. Thece are canes on record of llght. owned nsaloon in Waukegan the van asket i hm. Mcs. Pparre vas a deveted otother nlng flashes strtklng the Surface ot reqirtinube ofyersvho h No, .the jeraloviesec Ila lnantd spent ber entîreIlite for ber chîl- ponos. lates at i rverm, anti killing erdinance lioiting the number ot sa- cag' erpiieti. dren. She bas resîdeti at .120 Jmilan quantîthes of îînL, loonswas asse. ."But, you're acting mianager under Street, the famtly homesteati toc bo n vas panet. bi inan im acent you?" many years. Dlmlng îti et ay bs fne, ntiWord bas heen recelveti frein Jackt- stateti that he plannedti appenu2 tbe "olot merely a cii-rIt.' ceville. na., that Mc,. Mary W. Ke!- cae ea ihe cur.No Serap Say& He. lar vili take onset the fira traîne The officers at the Great Lakes na It il true, the report that tm cur-1tor Waukegan. She hati plannei, D rent tha youand anagr Sweneyspenti the vinter montha le Jackson-ý val traleing sation have openeti a ver ca.ta e ni agrSeeyi ville, ralter Ibon la Cuba. wbore ber on saloon mon and blinti plg keeinerm i afotfgtl hehtlTesa?> Lbasotwaa sent hy the goverument. ofte ebthsore who areoaeîîîng Il- wamaket i hm, tb whlch horeplit: ln nivlonseempioy lie boldo thse mrea-B l qur e ecuis etie av. he There's nthing teoi t. nsibie postion et an engîneer. B l quorto ecritsln he avy Thy "ut weeey a sld e hve aid Tise decoamet'a eldest son la onet causet i Dmling'a arroat, andt Ibay ~"u vee-l at ehv adWaukegan'e bemt !tnown citizens. Re- that they plan tuo cause the arroat et that i la the tact," salti the reporter. peatedly ho bas been Caillai upon ta ui othe noth soreresdent wihin "Weil Sweeney'e here nov,". saUd morve Wankegao as the cllY'a Chit bef the next few veeka. Mr. Voilva, visereupon Sveeney vas execrtlye. an bouler ho nov boldm. Tva of the beys who purchacetdil- cailedt t the 'phono. quer at the DmlIng place veceoun- 'lnvrtl-yott that vo hall n AUCTION SALE. w - a t - der age. Iglit," sald the former manager "Ma. on uun'tull unu t eDrs e, oi a ubieacto (D e * tiemM beds vitus. Tse young couple DAMW.ueaIe.2 are thal ycn bold others lenZMon. le _______ LAM___________an._22. utla tact?"'saldth Ie reporter. WiI Vaguer, vifse oubé lest 0 Lloyd Ra.yanti lsmily are oendlng a lMes Dimlas inve et26ad oh m- bai alw fk4 40 M à@ntafwde@s G. Id. Bais, prier te Ihiur Bnwe vCe naSveeney. 90 lNo Molismlî beptal lait Friday. depaee t Idiny loi . Justice Mason vhen cpnuktandi ou a Gamelle Dolb, uho hem ecumeti ~ Mrjoîls tW harge et selling liquer te sailOrs rom "oyntn hlycat ev Chaill Dlpb wh bws eurd liajoieWheelsr ot Libeclyville, @ Ieu he Great LeesNaval Trainng S a aast-to"' pod**oula lb. vwiresmlles aiNoth Cil 1te ievelvî e.Twin, in am eWukgnlola ni " on't dscusesthe malter." pat01te ek i> r. liatinntm t aueant " nd :But by net denylng 1, lu a vay etge mtBnday aI borna.Vine Cemeiery SoietY wyul meal vils paiti the fie. nu. C. Doiler istîursned berne the Mr@. S. Roues et Aea Thureday aler. Mentoer in the veek It vas reportetiyncndmi.dntyu'pedi &rea t ljb. vek rn'ncImproved tho unen, . Laies bring Ihimbles, as atM the n nlnei eatpall.reporter. beeltmm..Dthenge vtlIde tew&Pk.at r. Sveenoy aise declîneil te dis- huitb. tbere wlll be work. ~the cane.th a ttbclnooge Job. Rseeb loet a valuable hoese let Thne basket ottaI vae volt attenticd nimuling was censIcteti on evîdence cunstetc ta i s elne 'iridse despile tne tormy veaiher. Tino tebate submaitted by four aliors frein themangr the hot tebuaie ros-th heleean Ares andi Diaunu Lake boye training station. Tvo eof sios nel the boe!a to ie f h I ~ "'on "Weman Suff rage" vas iell rendu-r- vere minera andi claimed te have Pur- youngor 7sr. Volîva voulti intilcate f d. as aise voie other nunsbors on the chlsed whvLky as veti a b'etheUtlilaster at the boe!nnree <cer Ub. pogrun. esturat vichDlntiagconduceulIn closing up mattors vhlcis be par- Miniela Vlumtutcne'irs. Darb-y, Mm. eDyer anti Me Warren aOn. Spring treet, near Maiasao treet. ersouly ataîsia itSo ortelpse tha ooSundsy. liei cousin Md Nagleie Dariny attend es!lSuoday School Cen- tor several moathz 1He vas Oes prapOf iualne hepn e cornpaie.t ler ibore andIti luta te vention at Waiiku-gan Moetay alter- the saloon men deuiketi liense by day, la beg aeuseti amlcabiy per- spImil o m . »boierennanti evening. the Pearce admi.Us=a on bps. Mr#. A. G SBovermasu vîilsild a tuer T1he otticers t th.e station daiM due wüOi relatives lu Highlndt Park Frionda Of Miss Rutis Elizabeth that satn"r et the statioun an precur- AUCTUON SALE. ww 1p"u. Kng daugiter o Mr. andi lira. Su- log liquor at ether plates i the cily, Tiws nauisjýZid witt auIl at publie A aurnier trorn barseattendes! tbe tun- pervior James RIng er Lakte Foeat, anti n strict vatcis te bel italutiln- a m)i Ille un lits MesC' faplis lai-a, 3 «Mal Lea Pice. Tueday atenos.Ivresurprimeti Monday te beain see d ai the presient Urne. TtIn iaie ce- mlsws f ai ie f@to 1%oice moll, tis deatb appears ho an- heti baii maid at ber parents"prtdthtte aIMae eu iDllw e vusIii ( o ni ti 4it.estii othor solun, home Saturtiay nlghtto Willamt Cou-1 boze at other citles elng ltse nrt WaTUD.nY, EBRUARY L, 1916 H lebveua-obIpvs a car boailrey of St. Paul. Tbey met on a trip shore. Dimlng Ivas arrmeon oi cnt uîu-u. uuat 1l)is im tus luîlowviug et L ous crnbare lest Tbucsday. te Montana le years ago. Mc. Con- plaint or mr. scbumaker, a petty effi- tiseccibeti îirtscta- 15 Itiiad (itcattls-4 jray auglt acheol In Montana turing rer t te Naval Station, OW nIt-ne Hwith etites l'y cmi&i, I lndepeulet ida-isatiby 25.00«. jthe Tast year. eprlnirer anud 5 iltkure 2-yea,-'utd buler, AUCTIO SALE . .uctgtst-c.n Iluu-ud- 9.1eue IA YEAR FROM NOW Wifl gou be any.better off than gou are to-dag? Vea will il gou 'open a CheMkig Account and Pay Y(our Bills by Check THE ICITIZENS' BANK $mfaDua out or om o Arel4 Ifluinos Having rentes! mv ar1 ill &PlsA-tI& pub-tie anction un MY place known As the Mctiaugblin farta. iluiteil1 ; uullp nortîtea8î of Bail Day, ant iW lsnet of Eveett, on WEDNëESDAY. FEIIRUAiY 2,19111 Cormefnclng at I10:30 O'clocl a. M. ebarp the folowhog deecibeti property. 16 beat of cattie-1O cowe. ;--with calves. hy shId, A .grailoi Holstein bu-IeFrs, 2 2-ypar ot epringere. 4 caInes; 4 ieail et borees-luay mare 8 veauso, , st 1400; bey bores 12 yesrs oit. vi 1400; caddIe asti driving mare, blad mare (1 ypars oIt, wl 1200; quantily of bay, 4M0 buebels of oat@, etak atean', -loch tire vagon, aprinugwagon. cnrrey, ingle buggy, Derilng ptow, Deerhng moveî, Deering borercale, pulverizar, 2 section drg 2-haie. cullîvator, sînuleculi- 'vatec, hay rckd. 200 tes# bey fok rop@, tSet tarin barne@s, 2 sets cIngle haiesm, 2 oatitles. gelodetone, faoolog unll, ta% sdien, waler tank, forke, chovals, anti Fbr ieeschatoooo Uosue n tn. Ait heb rilea be urnecseon amnin AielnchtDooam.ti ue e. Buut 8. L. beLaughile, Prop. IAuutFroelich, Auctluaser. 3It. iing h'il b-arei-u--Facom iaiz 2lviug macs 7 3u-ainmtlt, vI 1300; black berme 7 Vu-ntrs îill, vI1350; ha hîrre Il yen,@s oIt, at 1400; bny tmare Il iar, aId wI 127,0; taIcuilolt 3 vuarc uIt, wl 120f); lir-Shrooti iose, 2 huera 8 suot" ont',uw Wconsin sleriater. nev corn planter, L)erlng coca indi-r noncly nov. titiCirmtl .raln b-Indu-cDepre Gang phuîw valaing pIon', Mefoemiel grasemawur, fICoruick bey cake, Diec cullhvalimr. palvecizei.-Itruk wngfouî, mllk waanon, a-star, ,ureey, roflîse. pair vagon mîrtîge, hay ack, vwagonbita, bob eUuigh, cern obelior, cern Ibreeher, bsrrov, calticon kettle, aqaantity alalla bay, 300 bu.,nas, 10 bu. epeti cern, elack fotitiai cocn, etack stalle. 125 chictene, 3 docks, 2 bacrel eIder, cool eteve, heaier, lereesue etove nu-y, 2 est double barnemes. slagla hainees. 6 ft. galvaizettank, 56 gai. gaeoUtoa tank, 50 gaI. lerc"iestank, ebovels, toile, boss, il mnlîl eau$, 10iu.0arly poatom, 50 lb tlmotby est, 2Io ln orer saoul Ires Iuncin ab DODU. Usl ems. 0*0 J. Haple, Piop. Pred Grabba. Auctlomeoi. Afguet Sebveromn. Cleik. il kiv, o asmti- 'ecl"rieL HBok tarin. 1 mite @,"'nhîIi of ',avtî.', :1 msaoui-- wuel of1 Round Lt6e ndiauI3 talles coulli- 'atnt0' Lake Vila. iun SATURDAY. FEBRUA1Y .5, 1914S Sales comntnnclltg ai 10 ocîel a utlb-e !ollovitiic ueecrillieut prîîuurlv: 1'2 b-et beavy eprtiticra. EHolsein c50 alth catI by it.-. 3 ol hi-selHolstein huile nId enougli tor euris 4 buad worl bores. wl fritta1800 tii 1600 pouitutu, ail la goot conditin; i u l tailla 8 onîhs oIt. mari-; tuiuuud mare. 10 seacmoid, vI 1400; 15 totus tmmotlb3 haY,, tons uplanti baN. 12 touns sIav, 300 bîtmeu-s oI Whitsenta ire- tram foui seti, 20 bnsmbu-Is arccura, 40 toit, ito eteoti.100 chictenu', nnrrew lire w'sgon, nui wagon. 3 inch trccl wagon nsparly nov, lron whteu'ttruck wagun. iagîs buggy, s-l buuhî sîsigho . tiir aeby rac i-kuev. Datanb-nylentier, mii& delvpry cake, Dueitg b-ny r&k e aney nu-w. Iderunlek oîowsr. Chamnpioin grain biotier, Deerlng cornibider, su-il'aaeiron tdrags, 8 si-etiua; n*-t lu-vu-cdrags, 2 secîlon@l planker, 2 set, tdouble haraes,,single harnemp, cutter nu-adi new, singlea slgh, 2 vaîkutit piown.eCees sulkypIon', soi aid tubl bîs uîtîîun uextra layq. baY iork, rulpý i- uplisse9, 2 Case and Stan- ard ri.ing calivators, wagon box, Jauîu-vItli- put cirs, rindeluttu- Iew. Joihn Du-e rtor planter. checki coller anti 80 nulo vi wre; gntvanized unik tank, net duuîip bonite new, 25 flues hrseee. 8 inch pipe 12 lest long, ont bîux. bay fuel, pile roile and ti pslsyci. 10 milli eans. 20 nu-w grain linge, 10 oak PO3t4, @est once, 2 hay kouvu-,, 2 ou-w bog lcoughe 12 test lonig, tarIt,.sbavela, pties anti ether articles 100 numereus te mention. 4 iAl property meationid beein vîi lu e ealti wiib ne aida bide. Uanal free lunch9 st neon. Umual terme. Rl. () Booki, Proprielor. 0e0. Nogel, Auclionuer, Wm. A. Roog, Clu-el. AUCTION SALE 'reiundereignat i lî l et aIPublic auction on lbe Vanwocihtarm, 2 mlle@ nortlnwetet ofWacontis, 0onTuesdély, Febntaey 1, 1916, cemmeuciug abIil o'ceck s. mmaorp, 50 beaud etf<attIs, 71 b..tiof>IBaie, tarun racblneiY, etc. Ual trma Mifr. W. S. arnsvoitis andi B. J. Bristol. Prepioo.1 R 19. Beeger, Aucîloaser, A. 8. Povers, Clok. lOpi VOs Ian res I1MB Pesion110018 y thasugh 1 h Iemuuisme bjought If the Chicago men eau bur the one-acre tract owned by the man ln Florîda. Our land adjoins the Pa- body tract. whlch The Sun stated on Wedinesday hatl hein nold. want, For Sale. etc mdz In the IN. DEPENDENT reach 15.000 perse,, eieekly. t,, - - i-r Chatham fanninq Mil the besi mnill on thse market FRED CLAUSING ARE^, Lake Ca., 1 Will Knigge Licensed Embalmer and fumeai Director Store Phone 2481-W. ResSîloace and Nisht Phonea 238-R AREA. ILL. System Ti 14 Mr ing a kegal eveni r e tahi houri victir Shor, ctuld vats eant place, dowe l ion. i-eltc thu-1 ,an. filce T h ouf g; iiu.ta Sat hi-ad Ca th ThI effor bati bad ea, Spain lmi lit tir NuI r nis hia nit il i line Service There is an advantage in beingr on a telephone lune witlî only one other party besides yoursef.' Possible conflicts of intekýts and tire- some waîts to telephione are practically eliminated. With only two parties on the line, it is usually available for use by either. A two-party lune costs but littie more than a four-party line. If you are now on a four- party line let us change you to the better grade of service. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephont 9901 Pubfic Auction llaving disposed part of my tara i l selI gO Public Auction on thOe premises loated onlTelepoo Road, 21 miles west' -of Lal(ée rorest. 3 miles .orth of Everett and 1 mile soUth of Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Road, Libertgville Diyision, on11 Tuesday, February 1, 191'611 Comrncitig at 11:00 o'clock A. M.aharp, the following described property. 40 Head of Cottie, Brown Swlmî4 3 with Calves by aide,?1 heavy 5Pilerlm 1i have been -ilki ga s~ time, 2 two- ear o d4 Eers, 4 ODe-Y k, afam 1 twoyesrJd Bwias Bull, 8 ton montha oidREra,% 9 Radfer Calves, 2 Brood Bowy4,rkehI" 10 SRo.h 20 tons Ttm9thBeHy, 10 tont esÈt ànd Oa)t r . Pme Lunch atoon TERMS 0F SAL-Al smonn of $ 10.00 and nader, Cash. Ail smorn over tht amount a exedit of 19 moathe wilil h give. on bankable notes at 6 per cent, interest. No goode to b. rerosi uneil ettement la made. WM. J. STËELE. Prop.t, RENBY SMNE, uottoneer. tri rat eh- roi tl elb wl t la' i