CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Feb 1916, p. 4

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LAKE COIJNTY IN1?DPENDENI ~Â FB1M RY4ý,1916, L~to-Cou'nty Independent J4 Waukegan W.okly Sun office Tlophoe No iumber i, Libertyville Etxchanige. lMte Tb ÎÎlPubilcaio>fr Laike ountY Board of Supervisor5' Proeeedingi ,14=]i vii>'Friay. IE Advertiing Rate. Made Kuowfl ou Applieatilt RIT NPRIel8. 0 PER y EAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Chi W.a u e .................................................................. Ediior UMr -o. 0. aSiTH4...................... ................................... "Manager -M. i. WEBER........................ ...Resident Manager, phonte t169-j tain THE IpRESIDENT'8VUIsrr lb WeU, President Wilson bas corne and goe. Thui Bikhsaored Waakegan by cnetn to stop his ispe- ph cWiiàtrlbere and uay a fevw orde, No matter what hoe Suni &M&, w.m&Mtr bow ho sald it, no matter whether you or " vs amod wth Mn that's matter of indifferenoe, of TI il The tac t a, ho opped boreand honored the commu- ü aiy la =opoe bilnittlna rom vvions sourc, esW b. sav ml astb lsImoment., 10 change bis pluaninclude o. m Wàaukq n ubi ilneray for stops. Evanston, Hlgbland M3 Park u4 other Importunt north sbve. cillesvoro not o :OWR *ecSWdei4ion thât came tb Wankogan. There- m.. f«Orsthe.honor in the Mmre@11119911113aiL Wukeglan adU1I, W , obldron, WaukeganTI Damrata, XepùbH=Il oautpopulista, pro;F . anLd mau thers i"isa vowre git acbace 10 me lM. Prouident, for, regardieusof partyr, li laM O111r Obnonlng Isa visift le at city and exproaslng the TI Idssurroundlng bis vin l Waukogau, the Ke osha Nom uly oMid Saturdisy: ste President Woodrow Wilson is coming to Kenosha Mon- vid day. ihis is not a political announcement but a patriotie veiJ coelamation. It may be just possible tbat the Presi eden m feels kmg witb the peuple that lie wiil advance some ;w of bis own political theories. B3e that as it may, KenushaL as a City is interested ini the coming of the President., not vs because be is coning to the state to talk polities, but re- v.e gArdleas of that fact. - There -are a lot of us who may îîut bav bolheve politically as Mr. Wilson dlocs.. ut)ie fus mybs thinr tatbis plicies in haudling gi-eat questions alauive Wrong, but notwvithstandirtg this faet we are recognizing Boin the fuct that iPresident Woodî-uw Wilson is the chief exe- wai eutive of the United States and that lie is entirely repre- Weil sentative of the highesttype of cultured, Christian Ameri- can gentlemen. e President Wilson lias appenied to tbe neoffle of ne hi' nation in1 many ways. i ashvuliILUt1>a ot peace, a mnan favoring the advancement of the arts and sciences and a man wlio was anxious to feel at ail tixnesN the pulse of the peuple. He lias put as mucli of huinan-"'h imtobth office ut President as any nman wliu las ever held at, thepoitonotcheeecuieuhe nation. This humn- i Wilsn aminstration bs une muc b binthe inter-0 peole ot e 8naionin on P flitial fevtItt5 tlie W isn b ve neyer ched bis pers onal eha cer. e etc taswoef o the h nepepl aknWlegmn t io unshakable boncsty and integrity. (g. v- - ý""xAvi avalf1 inçi ~ t,, ,-,in nu ilifa e rddiYb~na/ Venu ~f tt»ertyv~We os. Fisheroft MeBleur!. irai PTburâday. haileRrlegbHu ighleand Park, àa coller berseL hu.r-0eY. r. and Mrs. Louis Banby are enter- ed thelr nepheir. James Heuby of Jus, N. Y. Vm. Walroud attende the fu$",ai0f Slis M re. lianey M rray of Waukegan uredas mornlng. -1 >ml 0. Protine of Vaipare bc. speut Ddy vitb hie moîbor, MM M. A. tine aud femiiY. rbe extures bave been removod tram SModel store and bave been StOred ry until they are sold. r.:and Mrs. L. B. Whitney arrivedl me the Brut of the vesk aller @peuding me rime vitb relatives lu Wasbington, r. snd Mr@. Benjamin Biehop of mor@, wis.. are vieltlng vitb Mr. and -o B. H. S101cr. Mr. 8141100 la a son senalor i. 'T. Bishop of Somers. ho local office of the North Shore (las v.qais closci l'uroday mornulga«s rMuray, th manageran irMe. ra>' voeslu Waukga la alteni lb. tirai of 1r. Murray'* moîber. rh. Morry Makors gave ans of tboir liehiul dancing pertWestai 111eAudi- iunt on Tuesday evonung hlch vas tedd hy a largo crowd. it wova dentine party, tb. Auditorium ry be&utluUy decorated itla largo Iemail heart@. dort. audn pds.the corations rd.uM ol.Mui u furnished hi flapko'a orchestra. Lyio Bond 0f Brockvsv, Montana, le sitlng bis doster, UmeBaende Bond, this Bet. hir. Bond arrived last Friday. ving come<Io Chicago vith a cariosi torse front Nortb Dakota, the horme lg ahipped la Chicago by represenia. ra. of 1the French govorumeni. Mr. id states bis brothers, Robert and alter, irbo are aIea lu Brockvay,' are il sud doing uiceiy. Hoes»y@ lhe estiier ln Montana bas boau extremesi il, lb. thermomotar regloterlng 60 «rees heloir zero just a fev dais bofore1 NOTICE Notice in hereby glisu Ibat at the nuai meeting of the stockbolders of ,Libortyville Lumbor Companh, heid the office of said corporation, lunthe Ilagfof LlberVtville., ounti of Lake «d Stateoaf i111"19i. ou lbe sevonlh day 1Januar>', A. D. 1916, more thau two hirds oi aIl lb. voies repru.eted by lb. tols stock of said corporation voiug fevor thereo to a crea.. lb. capital tck of sai corporation fronithe sm ,fTwenty Five Thousani Dollars e25,000.00) to lb. num ofai St>'Thou- ani Dollars, (60,000.00) and lbe capil 1 - - - - 1s IN TH-E LIBERTYVILLE 1C/nerche s M.thodat-tp1 ilPS1 Net Sondai preacbing services wellibe heid au toiiows: At 10 o'clock the Son- day sehool session; et 11 o'ciok a. M. lu conneetion with services tbe Sarament of the Lord', Suvoor viii by administer- ed hithe pator. lu the evenIuqet 7:30 SO ? 5 earn wli p1r54I oul tbe snjct: osvfng Others or ' O impse ait Abrahank LiDcoln'e Lits." Irs. Cryà,tal %1,o0 Wlli eIng ai tb. MOrnlog service and Mrs Elle Rinx Ingrabnm at tb. evenlng service. "1Wbsn il Cotte ta the True" vili b. tbe subjet of the Spwortb Loaefflmt- log mixtBond"y ,veulua s:45. Leader, Harold Hagerty. A cordial Invitation ia exteuded to ail. Choir rebearoalon Friday eveainit aI 8 loocksharp. Lt ail incubeab. où baud for practice. Vesper eervice Prograin Bunday afttsroon et 8 o'clock the montbly Vesper service willi be bM luta the chureh. A very fâne PragrmMba beau nangsd. Ms.JessiegM. S ot CIhicago. vIli labo part in tb. prouvant. iTb@ publie ia invited. i'oilowlng la tb. piogean: Orgn-sAsas Deth"(Peer Gyntftlie> b "Idorulng Moug ..... Aford lire. Lua. Mattoeks ContraltoSo"-,'The Novew giain"m ................... oirthoid Tours Mm. Jetait M. Seblele Piano-Nocturne, (iôjr .......bopin Mnr. Id& Neal Morris itev. T. E. "m , 1 Offsnior-a "Invocation ............... .................assuet-lagier b *"To a Hummuglrd" ... MailDoir"ll Due-"O Divine Redeemer......Gound Mire. Ella Ring lugrabain, Mr@.ctiie Benediton............................ Postlude-Postiude op Z, No. 3 ..... ......... .........Tebalkowsky Mr@. Matiocte Preabyterian. The dtommuniou service wili b. cele- braied lu the moming bour. Ever>' Christian Who l in lvw io 1011v lu intb. foot-teps of lbe Christ neois lb. Sacre. ment of the Lait Supor.Loi lb.peopis ir prai3erlul meditation prepare for tiI sacriliciai rmeai luntnemory of the On. Whbo ici RIs Disciples int the upper room aud bavîng eontmuued vib t 11e libers, vent out sud écquerlug lu tb. gardon. fâced the cr0.., dyîng ihat man might b. saved frmiin ansd shamo. lieception of nov membors eund Baptlsm of eilîdren ai ibis servie. Speak ta lb. pa8ior. There viii b. no eveulng service. St. Lawrence Episcopal. Roty Communion 7:80 a. m. Churcb achool 9:45 a. m. Miorninic Pryer 11 a. nm. 110W Men OMU.lealxuyga P08U jJUOi In PUUIIU 1l'e ~~ai mof Mcorporatin lsn.ey e bave s0 tully enjoyed tihe confidence ofthte people and ail ciared increassi according to sald vole.BC US WII bepeonie. Wtnea the baud of the Pre.îdent of B£ UEW F As ne lias sbuwn himself wrthy to bc "Our Presi- j Ibis iA.tb.day1of "VENT TO INERL cnt" 80 lie is wortliy of being "Our Guest" in ail that the 8. 0. Knunion, Pree.iI I J l Word implies. Atteet: CR sI Whal the Nevs said vith reterence te Kenosha applies E. A. Blsbop, sec. 1c il do"a to Waukega. Colored Min For Whom Nation _______ Wide SearohWas Nide Is On. man vbo bad been vai' for 40 minutes te see nada oemoh là"itensof Bogtt akgn llbo Produtn's train pull in Xonday lurned tb bis corn- gret ta"bllty Of th b oshore1CONFESSES TO ROBBERY. puilon sud vas heard te say: "31m you and 1 have b130011 810-l"iiaIy VoaurÙMafaolOf Because bis vite natursu>' vont tu uttclln e President for bis 'watcliful wa&llng' pol- air Or su abDOrmslli COUi laer aet1th@ ber motber's tuncral ai lit. Joe, Mo. icy;uiidborevo re dlng ho sniethun-'va af l- iad ievei, maya Nature. The former Willam Carter toas>'occuples a ceiU icy-;"an ere e re oig te m tJn -',athfuycae la . .lusu he b.lIn luthe 1Lake cannty fait, vbere ho vîll 9aln. 91tterace orabth lu summer sud vinter romain ouitilthe charge la attled. sud la usuall' associtei vlth a "Une vblcb bas besu Iodlai against hiti No Wonder "Dan'y, Pete" McDermot and sqnafl" or V shaped birometrie de- for rnany montha. trat of robbing a prsson Te'aerpotshwsthIrunli ai lhe Norhveiteu deo a "Tom".Graham sriled a 4Ml1O- Ibat vouldu't corne off resaln l'h vsuaersiruses b.Highand Park early leat summer. irac alng blc Bufac ai pases Carter vas arresled several imys Monday as they gazed on thefbine crowdt tùli1ed out te i»pirUWSI flfittdors ell<utifiuIago latter a a mun-*#&o Ueavcbby de- gret l. Posient Tloyhadreaon o-vrent the exceedlugly violent characler of In whoe custody thettrtn't lu ques- about the only members of bis party in the crowd? Sure th, phenomenon. The tunnel lîseif in tion n'as when Carter toke lo iL they ve.! And that- was tbeir day-tliey feit proud of probably composd pertiy ot mousture At the limue be vas vorklng about bemng among tbe few. condensi out of air by lb. sudden the dept and bai been employed by diminution of pressure wblcb occurs 'the coinpany for ton >ears. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n i p a t o f s e s vw a t e r l u l b . f o r m o t C a r t e r d is a p p e a r e d i m m e d i a t l S i spra melme Idle prtin te matter te robbery and since then a Jua bcaue her i nuinerst eig sion i îwnsupr.SreiZ b.mdl oto ffort bas been maie ta arrest hlm. Justbecusethee isno nteestbein shwn n twn f tb. visble tunnel la absent, but Ail these monlhs be bai eluied ai- officiai election circles at the present time is nu proof Ibat themo must u intaIcase bc a come- reet, but viten bis vlte's mother dled there won't b. later. Tovn candidates usually let their spandlng comnplets tunnel Of rotaîîug recently and deteclîves trailed b1er ,ta ir frain the surface of the cioud. Ibey touni Carter and 11e vas arrest campaignh drag lu the last and thon GO TO IT. The. of -___ei, whereupcQn yard caee 1 Waula- lice fo wbch her see lub. ow anddate no vii, J~7gan and Shenif GrIffu and Stale'o - .*or *hthr ee ob fwcnidtsno il i;in Young. Attorney Dady veut aller hlma. They vithout doubt, judging from, the pust, DO aspiroa te uy Wbeu mddle ugo arrives e lot of returned Thursday eveuing suid an la bufnches o! wiMln~ candidates later. You can'l judge in b.auty bieriebes corne witb It-litIe dilctrnent vil! nov b. asked agalut Lttim of he fuure.gray haIrs. yellov spots ou the sIin. Carter wbo is a clori man of 4 lb. prosnt th. Poou tteftr.soli siouldersansd sornethue, a years. -lle agcd figure. AU lbese troubles Carter, en roule home, confessai Ic eu ho kept t nm'a leuglhb>bo gin. haiug brokea nto. the tunuk butlde In reterring toe .Bluil torgery trial progressing in ning early to foiîov @omne simple mises'iai Ibat 1e gaI as mueb-loot se vi XRn 7 emycounty, oe. te on ep vitl ral eatf y l. D u n:y f a .r.charged. Ho naid bho reid bi oie of he mst onstioni tialsevo cfbygine.DrIn plut> o? ate,$8.50 from 111e sale of au aid vatej liddIn l W wih th winows ids-P l'h. other gtlie hotoinluth. truk hol lulbef:0stok court bouse, the HrUVard He ral ik Ont cf d-ora vor>'daY, keoP -upIhoetalc., wvs.throvu ava>', or et ai speki s ,olovo Judge Edvards of Waukeganl: wahtheboboks snd lie tatlel of lb. rate. ho neyer reallacd oun1IL "Judgc C. C. Edwards ut Waukegan, the trial judge, is end mh.ute vantas, ofyo. A man naed Carener wsIna making a good impression if wliat une b cars among laW- 'rtoefore kesp yaursolf >oung b>'titroart for noms limeasud hcld lu Il, yersa d iaymen counts for anything. Tlie case is smonglivingsua-d briajil blukbgn. couuty Jlu, cbmozd fflh cOtîtlldi lu lb. robbery.. Carter oxonerali the ostimpotan eve tred i Melenr contyandhlm, declariug ho himaelf di lie Job bbc udge important ver atied in Mhisenryct out nd Noumalter 110v large or stuil yol1i Carpenter recantl>' vas siuittedb Jude Ewars uuve catîosiyiiilusevey at. oub- reigbl baggage, or other articles are vs bail. Carters* homo formerl>' vasI -ieÀwihi-1hathis-rulings and decision a ev svndlvt bn Ifiotpri Chicago and Higlnd Park. pedets a t a biglier court may be souglit later, Fromt i tb2o ibe ...............o5 centsa cornes.......I.o.................... 1 ceut@ -rireboit varu b>' Napol.uet t ie la thus "aen up, but lei s proceeding on bbce it 10180l.......5cuabatlle of Waterloo shows liatIdI bues, say observing attorneys, many ot wliom are regalar Div. regulsr tripe daily ta ail parts of "Tes, but let a eircumgt&uflco th attendants during court sessions and are foilowing the lb. toma beldes. belit thai 'Welngon go"vebi" cm everv elosely." t lMerhats Delver>' Co. it 'y [y ýd S, it- ýy n- Et Io to W ES ut lh. ar, ELY &rý ho [ty ýed to la im me 1 Il The 4»t annuel statement of the 01<1 Mihi- gan Mutuel Lite Insurance CompanyI is out. This report shows9 geins in assets, surplus (und. end amount of business in force. Assets more thon 12 million dollars Surplus f urndosier 1 million dollars Amt. Insurance in force 55 million dollars. Total amount peid policy-holders sincç organization osier 26 million dollars. More than $ 110 in unshrinkable assets for every $100 we owe.1 This Company wrote a little more business in 1915 thon durinq 1914 end is looking for still fietter resuits this geur. 'Its reduced rates are proving to be a good talking point. JOHN-IIODGIE, District Manage.r visitor 1 1 1 ý 1 1 IION OIRL ALLEê' 'OL» KIM COLF QOI3S TO 6AIWi 3D TO IAVI3TAKN MAY 610 TO POOR- TOFIND RUAREND POISON IN CIHICA60 FARM 0F -COUNTY 0f AUTO IS fiONE Mis&. Lizzie Neveleer Said ta Will Be Disoharged From Lake Roy Stoder of Gw'nee Makes a Have Made Attempt Upon County . General Hospital Startllng Discovery Early lier Life -Wednesday. Withln a Few Days. SaturdayMorning. Waukegan, Jan. 27. "The myeiery auto. or vhoge.t lare THlE REPORT IS DENIED. m. Cale.ý.8ee1 4 Yeat5 Who vaU lait- and put out the lire wbich destroyed en to the Lait. Caunty Genoral bhs& Part of the auto?-' HoW KepeSaysGirlSpred piafter ho wae round by the. poile. loto Keeer Sys Grl Srea ial hait frosen condition ln a bar& lThe above mlghc he applied toan Report Becaue H I L.wer' on Lberty etreet, vili ho disebargeè Incident whlch camne t(;ligbt ai Gur- Did Not ii. £ram the local institution vithin the o ns unday. tieKm *to 4.V. It »@ms ou Frify evenlng at lus lalifAd r.Coloehau deciceAà That Liazie Novleer,* young afld ta go te; <ho Lboouuty poor fort% 6 O dock IIY Stitder ian bis new pretty, had atompted suicide hi taIt- at Lîbertyville. vhero ho wiII roeovo Dodge auto lotobis garage Woodman tg bichlorido ot morcury tableti, the bost of treaimutet, and the bout hall. At 7 o'clock gaturday morniug white a guest et 1the Avenue boite, f food. Ho rocoives a Pension Of $30 ho went out ta, the garage to Sund thal Thblydrat asudiaaavne.. a mth. Iband ha. absolutçli refused iudsii by tutotaIt.up 1bis abode etaie lds ft l- the entire rers nd of the car Ihad maga, vas rsceivod b h diers' Home la Milwaukee. or .1110 oIe beon burned out. Whether the Ove chior of poice et ZIon City loto ln the southeru portion ofIlîlinois. bai tabou place white the car vas Thurais3 alternoon. T'h. Zion City When loünd, Mr'. Col'. face Wb% lu th, garage or whherfit bai bocu police chier wsn asked ltu otify the bailt'fodfro ue udr10 ai u es vlbremoved durtng theo uhansd ,sed, girls@ parents of the stompt tbe 115.5 Ho in a civil war voierau, and ba" lu joyrldiug. Studer la not ahi. ta maie on ber lite. lived luaWstikegaiiover £0 ysiii.Mr. even gnoss for the flac, Ia conent Whon 1the report vas. recelved' lu Cole canunt ratura 10 i home 0% aud tbore's notbiug teildicato tbe Waukgmns Sn reortr esl-i Liberty e.1001, for the police havi, Waukem a Sn reprter alle blhe t it ht 111tev vil!n no m otit fco boet preprletor ovor t11è long dis, him or an> oneof b is agote, liv.fI. For, If the car caugbt Ore white tance vire. and ho mont empbaticallY the oo '.11 .People living lua11151 lu th. garage. vho put il out? Coud ionisA the report. ueighborhod aim that 1the PlaceSla t extintaisbit sef' And ff Mme. ual lna s amiier>'condition, anid111.> Hia statomeut, ta The Sun reporter have requetei tho police to uaît up body eset l on Smrei he garageand rouis a«follova: the icers * thon put out tUic Sams-bovdid *0>' "IÀs'tatigi Lisais Novoeor psu Mr. Colo, or "014 King Colo." as. do the latter stunt vithout bolnt onc ofr11theUonhopa b cafl hor lover 11o ia botter biiovnla Wbakegan. vwas 1'beard tbeve? du the toelephone s ad advise hlm tsî a sallar by occupatiou. and ho @pont The tact Ibat tbe englue »Un W ini Nias Nevleegr battemptoi suicide. -KI* -u' -~_ofr¶- 1'uamnldicales that the car could have 811e bai enied iakiug poison, sud -vo PLOODS 4THE CtTy WITM bien n ion bak lotothe garaeIf baye requestei 11*at he lave lb. ho- wORrt4ESS CHECKi $AT. Ilhabauonet on lire outeie. tel, gane. 1e csme tu Our hôtel 'q At au>'rate. the lire lea aMyster>' Young man hsd calied on ber saveral lThe police draguet bas bc« aud uoboiy ai Ouruce cam figur.eout times, but of lote hie visita bave atretcbed for a young man. under 25 bow it startsi 0or110w It W*$ put oui. ceased& 1 bollovo that t1e girl spread inugwhvo. on Saturis ai t.t food- The car vas iusurei. By making a the repovt thst .11e bai sitemPted sui- 1cd Wauksgan vih vorthlées checks. tov roPairs. the car viii bo lu as cide bocause @hoe bai been relecteci1n Boôme munov manDer the Young gaod shape s eaver. ln love." .mmt o ho f bhnbchecks on tva__________ The Zion Ciy Police chief. CaPtain of the largo banits la Waukegan sud om eki* A. A. Walber, veut ta tbe NevelcerInlu io instane, b. maie 1the checks. t W .'090111111Prfpm homo Tburoday afternoon sud told payable tu W. R. Eivende. and signed , mufl gyvou"&na " sJehVIVab. th. girls parents of the report 1he bis nome sW. R. Bnci>'. i if o»lal etaiNovpofl.«go-t bad reeelvoi. sud ho von requesied 1Sbortly atter the banks bai chmd ome ologay suppflaiblaa Our*0 te, go ta ChIcago aud brtug 1the girl 1ou Saurday 1the youug man callod ai ee--éàeg, pebhiboi eobM back la ber home lu Zion City. 1 the D. & 8. ou North Genesee street ozd Iàvle peltai foi't te ouemu To conîluce The Sun reporter lttaind ased for a box of candy. ,He Ment m osd.. fe the.Ioas, ..*eb tbe girl bai ual maie au attempt on selected a Pound box aud presented l ig 60 fo" .peeml ber litee1the telephane aperator at the a ebovk for 10. 26 lu payaiout for the mongam tDhi e uncf mbleam~J Avenue 1bolet put 1the girl oun111e vire caudy. The clerk accpfltaieb.check gm$Mfer th*0 enuM.o al - and cr00. qustionsi ber about 1the and gave hlm the chuge-5.EO. This CM .1%a o. b U«» a aa - suicie ator>'. The girl ditd not sa>' morulug the book returuod the chock. appb" iptatu e Me*0 Mmb after that .abc bati ualmale au attomPt uP- Ilt vasmarked "No accounit at ihis fl etoos cf *0 UgsiudaM y er. on ber lite., but th1e di »Y tbat she bank." _________ van not lulursi or slck. T lhe praprietor oftheb D. & 9. Capiain Wslker lort for Chicag.o eai urned the check aver W o ePolice. SUN AVILAILE lAU. 3 o'cloce. lThe bot4l propriotor hadl suad at 4 o'cloek Monday stiernoon Il beau meuesci tao p 1thegirl lu vas annouucod ibat six artitless 1IN LINITVILLE ber rot unlil the police chiet ar- checks bai bon cased by> Waukffan Bocaus. of numerous roques for rived. marchante litesaBtui'iYa>'aterDoon copie& of th. Daily Sun et Liberty- Mina Neveloor loft ber home lu sud eveulng. T'he tollovlng icscrlp- ville esch dey, w. have arrang.d <o Zion baverai vocks ago. and, Il lai lion orth11e crack vas given ta tibmhaeo copie& senti lah1.1Lbertyville &Ilegei. 1ev if an>' of ber relatives pillce hi Hamer Dsbulngor: office by mail each ovgnisg and kncv vheroehitvasé. The hôtel01kg -oopHeigbt, 6 teet; age, 206>'esn5 v0roie rsons *ho do not gel th. Delly cr sald tbaI 1the girl bai fsot bogm 1cap sud dark overosi. through lhe mail themaolvesa but vorkiug mince ber arrivai et his Place. I wlh a copy occasionally or regular. tl Spocd .01Ught's Travol. il cen gel thoet aTHE INDEPEN- OptmiMer-u~o-Lgstt1*11.. cgbtoei. minutes sud DENT oficeoach mornilng aftir Anus re vat heut thad~ irteen secondsebto tavel frein the nîn. o'clack et thé reguisr price. Mere@.lal vt isdom at home BiS1 .erh.îocn. F11= wit D6M v Mrt J, ga uno r.t J'

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