L1A"R C&INTY INDFEPENDE1IT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4M96. wauj UNV, WA11RUIRYT DEATII ON SUNDAY Head CogogtnlCuc F D0iesofq.0" etao î -n AT MOAUSTER ,HOSPITAL 070? the City Suaday ctosed th.en luta** cf 1et seWankegan blmmA a«3e. J. lit Watry. o*" 00 thet CqNgwbiJjans luiob, loa, 4l" wu itbont. it Jaue vMfflke bon"« ita h leld a '*ultlg I cbibee ad that ha wou* vla bis bâtue againat the dLsease-puumo.. aw tIrouglout tbe day misisteb e t W»#«sDa lad droppadon 110fr J hn 10to (W4 nd bave leu éfthâ tW& bntler blaspared t. bis. e sates au b 1e ctiy. Praym unt md rgm il@ PuPIt of a.8 ou . bs aetUe maeulug au o stus some Skv. Watsrbury as sufi r5ox la ajippe fer severat walL Rgosut- féred tIr.. distinct attacha or the 4Ws «aM éug thl.ftllI sd viage amtb. À vsah ago aturdy la vus taïfleI, but preacbsi bmdlmontaig Mud eventuset lis cdurcI ou the fo lovfsg day. Bndar Biolt, t tbe cleptefothe service. le ratird ta lis hosse t M 6Waller aIreet. Me sum- mm" b is physician. vho reco.- neid éthat le rermain ln lad f or oe or two days. On Tueoda.y lir. Waterbuh7 loft bi bel *ué Viau" é itI mmnofathe d et et 10r ho«Me.dmiet the&r baa louas. Ho causéoaU L Wiimot etthle Oc ou os. ee»8a7 sttelita. on wefeuudy tevau uD "ýà arousé, but ?0àid d ié- ilis 8" v oeu. and le msupIn$Mt lu a oeil for lia pl7slchu. PrUUa Moulainlehovu tlé tbat leovwsusM& fof Iatrou pneulsOua. m a"rity la tbe day la vasremoved ta the Jane eMlister bomifa. The pi051d.t of the AlfIfaM Prai. as Compsay, Mr. Evans occupied tl pulpit et thé Coulfregatioual ecUvai yoiterday. *0Wat5»rbwT las boes an or- daineum itar a9 the geiid 15W Q> varde of 20 yean. Part of tIat lime he opot as an advomttduu manage for 0nue of the lamsconcerna "0l country, but ivo yeua m ga.vIs nro. Richardson resigned au patar.'f the local dhurcI. Roy. Waterbury ae- cepe é fiaérus. Bée. làad.on ranigeeé blé pastorale ta accet a 00- altas as afonda saman at anai vant. la shr. &. 7»r ma t est Decembot Rer. Wa. terlury, la ie Il. ie la dmaih.,TkLl sboal ta 110 paatar lad upick t. >do, it ln f*ared, wyul ils deaiJion 9UD- der. Pinethe deau a1 ielisvite Bey. Waterbury bas Dt bssa a vWil am. is immedite friands raere avare or the tact that he vas losag hia sirengîl, and vban thsy luee flday that ha was sufferttg &rUI pneumonie, many of them rsalzred that the fight or bis lits".. ax et band. Durlng the twe yaars be sarved as; pastor of the local church. Rev. Wa- terhury wonm the esteern. respect ind love of bis congreaelon andi rosi- dents of the cttY as Watt. Ha vas an able preacher, a practical tudOlt Of the bible and a modal Clriatiaii. He la survlved by five chldren: Roy Waterbury Of Centraia, ni:I; Mre. Wlmmer or Chicago; lira. Dav- is of Centralia, Ili.; Mis. licheurer ai Chicago, and GuY Waterbtiry Of Chi- cago. Bey. WaterburY vas 54 years')f aga, andi last yaar betd tha ofie ai prasident of the Wau'tegaf MinîsîSý rial Association. aciecc ls ileovanaieda>' Yta pueveut naphriis an Brigh'a disame spd 4uriss tle lest penn It la& Issu d IIuêated tIal by s De! mehbçi 01. timtdIt tvictlifthe0 lsaiast ,MIL,-beowmernud>'curai, acot-iluS taD atei).mn Fischet- ai tke UnIvet'- sip cf Clucntanil vo spake hafona thaeCcasa I edical S"eLty lut yl.D' Paica'dM thfe m*tk dieb Ut«a umont lhé,@#td.alu the ThIeétl 1 es M ttaIîl 10 fruits aud vgefble.- Ws uk e S le, u&ae.fi N Ivo occasions. Twa veeke &go Salua-day Raui lad oaa ai the popular Austrian girls ai Waukaga ta tha marringe atAT. Ha marrliedîle yaung womsn ette sche bai causai hle arreet on a serious change. At tle tInte af the marrile mI vaàstateti that la hai marial the girlI rathar Ilhan sufer a jeul sentence on psy Ian $660. Tlay vans marni b>' Police Magtrata Taylor et tue city police station. Tan minutas sitar tîl edding ceraman>', Rani, daserlet ie bis ie, accordninbteran tary. Il la etiagal that la tati ber be vas SIns ta Chicago tobthur urrallure [vîth wih to tafut-ihau aparntei ansd that ha neyer rturned ta bhW. 'FIa naît day Chef of'Police George ;N PavaIt caughi a <impsea afRani an tse traesaof Chicago but ba mii uDM huav 1151leouva vantai for vite alandoasent or non-ssppOrt. The nazi day ths girl sent bernlattes' huabendt taWmkigand Pamiprcursi a varient four sils smat on s cherge taifou-eu4 a-t.Apimst Chiai f -1r , #aw rteItarrutel 1 Ë t rFneIPotkoeWW*,plac on Makt sret tat sf~y-tOa i case bas-" iit ~%5 at.Vis tens Wtfe hLmwfWs.ieusS As tlan." VItSk Peta1vs4lÉ wvIalgiS se a üvW1emv qI*9aà m fia OW 0U M onbé -& 1 IO j t hm t,40 Na - 1 -' 1 1 imr tbsd" 1 1 $90,000 DEAL IS CONSUMMATEDUB TANNERYPEOPLE Papera lu a $90,000 tinasction vara filed fan record lu ils record- a'. aSlce n WAukagan Mouday afierý noon. The transaction ls e quit daim deei train theWilder-Maning Taeu ning Coimpany ta tle Wlder Tanuini Company. The propautp Iuroivei la the aid tanuem'y praperty, aI 1theen of Waea atreet. TMI. la a tart of tle gluantla del vhel-sbytIc pte- ont plant Il Ieiug nergsi tala lhe $11,IOtaiîud'pblet in bins araci- ai on tte dâts otit09aiMkOOeta ThIe deed le signal 19 John B. Wl jÉià4"4bI WMeMaut 'i'ehltMwas tsa1 M ti lfl omltle a l dUn* tb1la i ilSi oU d'-ibý wshaatbi ilol té ssreip pari t ftebig rsaih page ouveii IIJUOMOQ PUt Y*IJYS Off"caiBoard of Modisi Oracle <IjIo,-, OSIOr c Churoh Has Çaoloiud the cO M j~siter t PmansOf Congrqpatlon. _ _ roiMaila ate obrO&sa vlhlu 0 HOLD JOINTINSTALLATION. dues fr a ewcv drci sIda ,to cout -a ~u 8 Msfiad5stof we- -te- ,.$mlBo. --la.«busaila bmlu-a NelgIbors n lsWbésuvo. a forf.tisse bilw i cud or en taRiE AIta,*@ W uf lut ami 'ohe- a e m & .lisés un t .tleheé l hm ed thoîl tUa -hp sun orimner VIl la raléo« 1~S 000 Jee.I- ad. ie 3ev. 'rUsesmeet MOUS ~t uYlat Cis. hti M » e ta fasiu fin 4.a. mm, j9q0 W. Punstos. %via s 1Ultiýw Ip.cOhueet tIpov ae-Ch u asmSc U ïUruh ratly " da imafas..N Oypees*'ol _t» K omu'rs- nqr »pmpupt sBeer PO. Jobs ~bp rt W. bustes astuOnel tbM mnbfl el~iles t nait. Mrs. flDrysd .vbt. ecf Ils oSatal Isard oaitils duraI Ual àis"ioe, S.,m Iamase'sf1 ,@*edm&aitUe nov clurcb cmapiga I.,iudwn" UHa mupu yltcdfJI&- gel liaI :s e- ait th- UcmoistaI fd-o t ble sllilé la-a-ai iMy LIleso udatau ve tourlbuta broUm-*'e1hié f s urgeaus andi tlIu support tovari. raising Il. pagns. - - - A pci.t reltpy Ul b.olaid mu Val-ter' 0OWâtas- iMMMg 0- oam romàr 20 temeurs the subeulptiomo. 'I lsàt...as resat i Dlom ep L. W. W.McDovelI viiiFrech lin mg; *mmn ver. iti- ia Use morulus, lie 1ev. LIF . W. stallai ai officera aof *6e loiaI Neigli- Lasemenu yiil prel a113thea~ibora b and UalMviE er nlg te on- »094 and tu the evenlng 00 liR.". c1m fa,, rysale Jab& TI=Poon. af the cip anI Iouse Vice orscle_4AUca .ulidge. misulonery msadlftheailIa urcI yuil éenod-Anue Agen. lreac linbe eveung. 'Tl. Wuia- Rertsaùwr MiMer. <an MtIodisi dhurcI la osof t'le'Cancla-Mam ls oliasti le ths Rock River caufernce. marake-otm U tLc.1 Accordns taO h Bt-IuiaI5 r laser dOtinel-Amolla Payne. Rev. JoIs W.-lunaton. colmifttees IOmen Santinl-Ethet Biverds. hava been appointai t. bave chargé Piiysea-Mrioscce Stasme. of ths building PIS*&. I Mslie-UtIn Neeley. "Betoe-ponéle brokea ior lhe Mngr-el ass.3yam nev séd ve muetiraies 8115000.1MmeJrsuo,2paa a.la W. lpsta talzatetmniby t11 Mae Jre, y» oa o ma1 daer oVarbsUar." 5affl Rer. The oSRcarsof- the Woaiuail vers U'uston on Mner. jthon Intalilé. Mn. Van Deorsanoa Mm né ev ia lie i- s-beâetalaIClcg elt g<suent **rehaloa thé comraofaiCatanam é UcS the rat hp ensaîna y ee M. le- etreeta. îer e Ispressaiut .rcturs I forîi00 tg# Ire.'ï ét hicagaWn mcvr tands. asd t tla satMtatatfe lemp aniecicitel i sietoathe Iu- u.v durcI building vil!la epus af slalu" goScaer. vtIdaa Who Iaiii the metbeautiful snd moue th l -e dnlgthe rpwerut, *@tiet. ~VnrbaCpu~CaCrabîrea. Kthoélatset Weukagau ara happy Aivise--Cla. 'Wllton. ta the& pans for teirn nov urcI BaM-o-Jola Befflbm-udh. Iu0ding. luIt tsy lave drappedti .1ClurI-Cbenis. Wbyte. bhoés la marau taiay bacakuse at th. e conlt-VIcter W«r5r. ieatl of Rer. WaCetbury af tle Con- Watçàimai-Jcgi Polrsoe. gragationl et h. Searp-Joba Willerton. Trustas (3lyearsl-Caunmd Hall- DESERTThe oltoing, pregiers vas rou- EDWI1l CAUuET IN Bme y c 3. P a RMeSthR. Chie? Tyrrel . Arrests Matt îetu'aàld. aocompanliedhiMissaIMe Rauk Who DesrtedMiHe si. argra Marrled In Station. .Vclol-nAru NIi. Waukaaa, as. 7. ,Exhlhttptm il by fthepris wau«- Ja- 7- rl ttns. ulléetaten NataIls, MettI Rauh,fort- ultis e 1V th le flanag vW« th cl-écu tollovlng Ils police bava cannied v arusran o woprogtaun. Tl. dencemunie vsful, yacks, vas enrasled lu a Market ljibaib>' IMine:mEm'& al eiaken'c cIi-cet saloon lte Wedneeday, 10110v- Suppen ves served lu the dining ing bis escape fron thîe "cappare" an rmou DRY UI~t1ON TO PUT BURDEN 3 NEMI DEATi AS M4 WIL DE FILS ON ON MORROW; TIIAT AUTO ANI) EXPRESSJ FRIDAY'IMORNING IS THE AUTO PLANS W AÀEi O N COLLIDE Rev. J. W. Funsto, Leader in Reported That Promoters of Auto Driven by Carl Hansen, Jr, Joi Movement, *tUtes Positive- Ogren Company Court Test Collides Witti Wagn Driven ly It Wil BSe Filed. of Contraot Which James by WilliamCasmore. ARE SEEKING 500 NAMES. Mogents ge it hi ONE MAN MET WITH INJURY. LE Waukegan, Feb. 1. Waukegen, Jeu. 30. Waukagan, Pal. 1I Plday aierown ai thls yackla In connection wîlh the plans af Tbree men lad a mlraculous os- va th. tait tuy bie dry. lave to fila the promotans of the Ogran Motor Car cape front deatî near 9 oclock Mon. cat ptItion vihcîWiI put tle local op- Company ta, procai vitI the erne- day morulng vhen an automobile va, tian fsaturaeail tls ballot et the town lion af their factory an the MofrSv drivan by Carl Hansen, Jr.. and an dru eetoInAprit. Rev. Pouston. leai- tract on tlistfiata t .pnadlcteé nomesxrs ao rve yW.as-A election lu îuîaIntresîiug develapmneîsmay sene, epeswgniia yWi Cl u er of tle drY 3moveusat, &esrtai ta- but lit la said île mon bachias îthe more calliddau the hall, a block: ai day tlat tle petttio-1 postivoly vl deai aaedateri-nad ta rush natter. West ot Merclent's store an Belvi- Mda be siedi vithlu the iprascribai lIme, vlth al passible speai and conaM. denenitret. The Ibreeamn a Irova uf prababîr on Mrd&y mmrisg mateanay lagat co ntraverar thet might tram the. seat af the express vageis cI Tvaaly v¶oenu, Inctuding bo a TheT tact la that the tilla ta tls by the impact werer ter 'mca ~ ~ , miousaebuslly engage tndlan bsest passaite thecmupalay JC HOBAN, vhO. vIth fstlse hc clrcuilattng* th* rt ipetIttos for i- fromn JaiSentMOrov and thepromot- caUdlcte alun seh" on Sheridan TM& .ta natures. Aledeaullconenuasalebelng ara reconlymasls "ansounoameut HuNlrT CIUÀD, Malilh tu ecl o f a determination ta PnmobteIfth maie. -Petidmare teing clrculatad iluer bulldfpg plana. uslng the con- aflpty et Wn. Nova sMd 801L. bel la sous of the facturiez. PaitIons tract vîslOluMr. Morov signal for Wu. CAMMO= , aner of the «& go. have bien. uredetel for aignaturas lu John Douglas and Witt Parker Sa the proses vagw& b. nearly al tlWb erd . Thedry. bans'ou vîlIe thsy daim ights ta Wu. .suaors daium. fat leolhm th am ta e,ét 10 Signatures, lbougI Yh co im t tgtien vith a tS6tarnnaiouMt 46DomS., mon ami blet th" Bsey flay maysmesure eves more. mal aoeeptahe of 0* i, as IU0edln -tIe tIi. 9#«« dut*-vasw pga'oiiWg biensie Ti*la i mny mare tIen actuatiy Ia racaiiesofINce muaetly la arde- toi et an enermes aleeta. apene.l. t jus permîttheiscirying on of the plan of daims that thée auto wvu divea W MN erecdthe fi il' Thé lau proviies tint the petîtion "W. e Uv M. Voru.,. namet-. a yctl amed Hanses,Saud Ilat the aný calue for a vetaoOu tlI ocalOptian tachues- te thecontract Iy uhicI ho auto uaa tiaveU5 atsu b i* belh h feature sbaIt costale suilolat signa- agreed ta danate tilla tu laus If rata of speed, tlIa i tt ila ad up tIurem a iai.Ifpar cent of the votas e I lto cailons.e o fletsau. The turnl hall uay aruni vlà en îlei I cai aitu let rgei lva leliou.osly thins, *ure sari? that- vi id. eut i th Tet, rgalr ton elet1n. 4ednattera lu tIc saisevor t. cet. or-ppili e h Isa. At tIec wvu Ilection 18.1 taprng -but 1fr. Mo0oe#avtttrajster lie Mtie a The auto crasîai lut@, Me bare e 919 vasa vers ceat. 720 balug male us under tIat contrat-va s holl Tis fenus. gop .Ma sleetitU e ar th an 19tenai.Thos a total oi 230 hava proe-etaionce on the wvas e mags ed osi tarpair, aSUil «mns oil d etuould I. re- strengt l ai contrftt i n'ftea a aa promalere lai M.iit. lave statel vuUmh shef f te agnpleresi thé top lm qulred. but th*s 11w are "Ptaylng tnultae peatfeu deya. 0f the auteoelle. Tic. tise.mmn hi ss.a-Tlay fWuré ilat if thay <et contencu FIme Aésw-dimgly. asrilshe maet ! fIa expre s oe .or Ivice an îsa.yior eves mare Dames Aeccrditly. oen thîs tlaary. ltehe wnu bleov ta tie pavemnela"é ro tienareneeel iter vi t> nacontract and the pramanteas'format clanca ra oois. any qesiobeno10acc:ptaace 0f Il va MMefor recorséO ae t tem vas quitte Uuitw autaI. coi chace o riesanyquetin a lola rde Inbolte OP&BYlitgaton heinjuredmis.aN, Hani aad uvasA the legaltY et certain seas. A lai they matit l;bufaoed tu confromt. baéty brunel about the bloai "d "Thasitatio ladlfets, e *'Mr~. Morov signai tlat contraet sala n n pvsb*l ae Te et»ml ifeett andsiI lut a amlII st vere t aboena deelpwsbdyllc tailb bas 1Issu In aller la bn <et the site fres of agit. Then &longul td va bava led a vois en tle ta0a1 OP- camaslthe Wilder tannery project The three mon vers aleto lan- lIon feaeturs,'3ev. Puanston assrted vhlch autometlcally opmesi up thé sume varh later in the day. The taàay. *"trIe prospects of vtnaiu flais asti Mn. Morrav clamsa iebor hnse vas îadty cul up, and the han- Ibsyarnvr toit rgta.<~ mid about ivn ieathésTeld1 1%nosai. labteëres thsyerne«lS,.dbigtr.Oethe finiplane, ha vaswvltting la de- ns a aalt lea of tha mant favorable Indications arenData tle ite fan bhc auto plant lu lIaI va aire lavias no troubla <et- arden ta gaI teefiat isatrict ap=ed ~fII wl tins signatures ta the petition. Na-, a,0 acul ipmO0 isohrCAROL14ML îurll v aa onidntavn 1bao latnd. Then the Wilder deal precîpi- hil turaly e ae OMeDtOve th ou- italai saudéeni?, lthe fidstI tu vesu cama 1115 5sp1lu5." opaned andi Mr. Morrov leasu ta tiest ASKSAÀ DIVOR iC At tle tacal option etaction tva tht ha- maie a mlulai. la givias uso lte yeansega a totat ar ,200 votes vare the site in question. Accandlugly, ha t ' bas endeavaied to abroataI.th. Cou- r ea, n clng the w ssna vote Thetract adibace orprie $50 l CliÀRIS CRIil3TY iee d rny inc e htlmeadeaaednrat esinlt gv l. Atty. Heydecker and Jorgen- y« Ibis yooaar enaiutee aest voateautoCoampany. ~~son File Two Divorce Suits m dry figît. vi¶a 1 test out lu thé, courts the Friday Aftt&fOO. a __________ tan fthelutoimatn dla trmaiO Charglng cruelty. lira. Caol L.s n,,suiwt, hat f il auo haai? 5 povontciMarshall, througb 1er attarneys, B. W u~rwj ~I1ZfrS. toctias au fIe Morou tract. ,i. Hepiecen rand Peler Jorgenson, M thay pirer laving XII dékgb 1 OUght bas filai suit lu 110 circuit court for i RD'ut 1 D CT matre .,te p 'e Peo a divorce trou ber hualtap, Robant QJ matou Ale& thep-amas tlsia Marshall, vIa fon yaara vas 0olaqf M ff im T W OpIfflaoph,iuta ,wmo>-tapis t1hecIpys hast kuait v o cits.cO tg st ceetias thlit. bI u~h ~ iMarahalt vantai la ana aithe doua- Il ON SECOND STREaEl u > rielova atOre1 nes. sena. trima i ta om reort i Olias tbin by bis lioneaty lu dé4aP li tb Zu - yc mnofru a tlss c w u U Ve-ss Mnd 'lai bncnraI, but ail of a sutidel Large Tract Figures. ifl 56, biR metngra cobRuénI jeL t a ~ha changati Jabs. and Boas atter le al 000 Realty Deal fiosted bilait- pians tiar re .xplatîi a aa p cta l ieerwea f ocats1 by The Sun FMay. tha -mon &îlgrb4 8200,000 agtoo=ku,,,v. They ver. aurisi Ou the vas ta;iea Mp b di$2i0.00 stklaI it rjsiUarp lu 1901, epd li la TO *RCaFA IDN s,tisatone ytmoe tMen pru Waukegan I tn peara. Mershall. lb la 4 9 TO RECTFLATBUILINGS musabuldigs vhl m re to ha at-oset nov maies bis lame i ne ut O Wsaige, an ~0. siT ha ebuina ou ib ae le ad hîe large western tate.Hie vite WmkobaJan.»,ýed.Tbe.utamm wo 1itý lauche @mliiresudes la thia etY. 4 By a deal consuumMebcté, 06 fvas i hle eompany lave Severti un e Anotlor dlvprce aui vas fil0a itlaV ,. PWO asd Ray WhllteY. -109M.0f1 t eatures tthem plans, anaeaofvaoch circuit caun rt Ydap by thè Me ape 1 >laIe Judge Charles Whitnesy., pie t 5 aatarest a ruai mauY auto &rn is a OIeD-vi atlle laé the natI halt difi th«bock,5itfs, urer5 adsalas managerasluwirm. , îî ouOiv eppeI, i On- t i of Is an the Norh aMi.- 1oODI.Ithe Ogron Company as a profit-ehar- davorug'toa ir a r lerorroya la by Tirat stiset on thalsoy sa Sa iLag business on the sida of thhir reg- IIdvrN Ufrsc aai~a Street 0 ou .tic onlNantiavenue on unineM . divorce frmubIrn usand, % ér te seit, and Hickory Street an teh 5reotittîemeny sDeovn n a ecruetty chaiegsTbs veef. Iucldeanlitîî 1115hola tat- al contrant to delivan 2500 matons île e mrednth7tOCJe 1 1 es that the Whitney bratblaebave fOnt yeen thay apeta. a vders la hat tii 71 ai lu. 135 ÏprocunedUtltila thels hras4baory brick A number ai Wauiegan men .et- n he Alet Ia i "lomb e, ivng 9 builing on Wasington, 1s1v39 aitadylvaaWrdstluOfl cara an îethfinsan andot SeIons lanlvng the McDermott pnaperty.cn in Chicago. Thay eay Il's a gIeasx ageths mnat Ie a.Ia Tttle saidlIaI tle WhibneY Iroîl- car. Bolb suite wera filai vilI Circuita ara ara planning ta eecbtan moderna Not ant theShow Clark L. 0. Brochway, laie Fiiay fiat buildings, a majority ofaie Illvi Wauke<en peopte Who attendedth 1e aflernoon by Attorney Pater L. Jor- i face an Second Streeltegsidei as auto show felt ratIer badly la thînk genean of the vaîl knovo 1ev firm. one of the muet beautflfotheIl sort LIaI the Company vas nal able l ____ ____ strees Ila Wauiegait. Dtrectly have an exnbiî et the s0ho hisyaar.i acrosthe street fr0. . -ths land lit vouti have been e great ad for0 bougît by Mn. Wltney l i iueaitîe car lut tIare ween't an>' effort the beautiful resldence oi Presîdeulto el l lwIi er But, LEO A1%Ii?[JKt] Theodora H. DuraIait o Ite Securlty lley se>', "Watt untit naît peer' !" Savlngs bank. Lee lieDanaugh, cou- liusy Weeke for Promaters. t ty treamurer, L .0. BrOCIvey. Circuit This vas an extreinely bue>' week jV DS MbISS C LLINS~ clen'c, Wu. F. Welss, attorney et law, for tle promoters aiflthe 0ev coin_____ Benjamin Paraneea ttorney at 1ev, Pany. In Chicago lhey vera letlngd 0 Mf. . Gilas, an pficlal 2ftae Lake contracte ighl and, lait for the vert- Leo Casbntore, a pramninent Wau- Il 1.Shmna rlîroad, . n.Merobant.' a ou. mateniel ta le usadI n tle con. kegan young man, vas qulatly mer-i butchen, aud tle Bennett sitara, ait struction of thein cana. Sateainen andi nIai Tbunniay aflernoon ta IMies M.0 now..s properly la the immeilata vie- îacîory represanale rn I vnClbso inOi Inlty ailtha propanty bouglt by the country' attending the auto show The bride la Watl kuova lanZMon, a 1-Mesns, Rey anti Frai Wliitiiey. vern contenance vith the Ogren heing a very Indiins wus ar'er la Il ug The-land vas woad Iy mina Rf- people ail week andthîe latter were church cincles theis.a n e Brttala. ai Saugeti, Mich., 80 hue>' that even local men vIa Mn. Casîtone la the on aiflMr. anti vIo a tae-a»tedti ta e lMususly lave bean deallng vith tham vere lins. Wmn. Cashora af tîls dtp asdta IS eltby, sud Il le sai tiathfe Wlil- unabte la Ses them. grendeon oas . ,B5ck, also ôf 1h15 )fny biathera pal aUtthe l land Have Plans for Slddlng. clty. lin. CaImons la a araXdue t a > vas WOrh. The owuar dl the tract Local cant-edtani, lu ai teasl Ivo Watiiegtit Bpstpue sCoal nd »w no s va raruastaiby &ttl»« LesUa cases, hava the plans anti specîficas- lds arepa" tt pstone ~.P. Iss.The AtIO 4ff aarlty lions of the Campany anti lave beau Great Laies naval tUIàiag afafon. 1 aaacngtatai flic dpulà vireby figdairtg an the Job for nmema ime. ,Afian e &bont honeyniooa la. .fte - fiietùy Irotherli oyeruy- titis Ouaeatnaady basn uuitl15bd otvstr aSa loaee te its io*ntovn ProPéity' ml ta thc Chicago men Sensa lil'ay bava subinit- viii maie 115fr Xomç In WaekaLe gllstu«a ons Ssoeud> irl Thre led blde as tle conlract vmll ha Op- Wlithn q about lime Mn. snd ga Wst ~ &e btrac >- fr.a ofai ards ai $150.000 fon tbe finet line Cauars e a t tu maie lIait home 0 =e4onIson tsreet, oics f buildings, lu île soat, vîcra lMu. CaIhmas oitIon Norbl avehua 5Md on Have Ample Man@.xeî acm ut oaslaa et ory Street. "' sked If It vas tmua that tle cou-ll'5asas tle>1*tg e ast'.ty anltoêl lIaIpaay ha.n risei aufficlent moasy t.e à arouni viiiboe bt-pieu., 1the spring sixecute t11cm plans. a man vIa huovu tai v ihm declare,, yul la1 IRSO fouCKNIS $29250 IN TNÉSuT hn Mackin of Waukega Re- ports Loss to, Detective Bureau in Chicago. .FT IN DRAOWING ROOM. llatectives of tha 4fhloag bureau ere ankad taday ta endevor ta la- te In Chicago Ivo dlamuý rige alued at $2.2W0 vhlch vere, iWt A a rwing rolom af a sleeping car a" a ztonlo, Tex., by Mrs. John Machin rWaukegan Dec. 23 lait. John lckln ,a roai asiate iaaJer. W udu Ilas et 618 North MitI et, ,Cl- a", and who liven ln Wauketga ne- erad tha bureau Zn .u4et haris L*kin if leovauli delmenm visit tha pavuebops ln a*~eet >ate tbe rings. vwh" bole .Ckrslah llaved vara broUlt bach te (»ida- o. The stary tld tta iet. larma yMacIsin, vitI rdttétie lm or Il javelavasass follaul "My wlta and 1 boardei a fraisIb .t Louis for Ban Antonio tiec., nmnid ut lafore leaving *the ftanusï. fachin vent te, oui dravtag ronu .i tlhoff lier <lovas sud vasbsé er banda. Wtmen ahe turriaé ta pick îl te rings tlmay vera soo. 1 la- va tb5t>wo e 'aon lIe trlasot eo rings, and tItthey vili lapava- dIn Chicgo. 1 au aulaosna tet hem lacd." Mn.. Machin vols spaken In car e mg distance telepholnl train <hlo nt aie nefuaed t. discusa, tbolois ýftbe javels. Mackin dectared lae eportad the Matter as noan as le nIld upan their ratura tramt San LON I15MNWFUR Roy Brascber, vho, aven siic e h vas o1d anough ta hetp l In the ra- ,car store at Gurnéandnti Ia. 'sen s fathar retirei troun business, con- lctad thea <moral store la thât blai- êt, batsosld one-hlt interuet nla e sre tu Leu F. Ponlon, a wvutl-in rsident af Warren 'tovnship. Mr. 'antan la ana ai the vell-havuw yung men of Warren and ilieih 'elcomed la hie new lin. vIe., on [i#aeble aenter" the Ibusiness as a tf-partaer. Fer years Ray Dizon vas Mr. lire- scher's psrtner, but lae sald ont te Ur. Braeher a fev Yomans st. Thea. twa Young men eleven years a«0 co- isIf the starW vhlch arlginMlt wa wrducted hy the eaMer Mr. Braclér. [vus lut aigyema ga fItitt r. Dixon ratinai sor* ainesthon bte yunger Mfr. Brancher hé b-entIoe alna. Mr. Brancher ln tuasaove lis îmlly to a Wakeg vhIle Mr. Ion. In viii live In Ourse. 43 YEARS IN COURT HOUSE. Wauken, paa31 George Hutchfla.tovU çe of Waukegan for more yafs theIl avenage paniün rm Us ai bratei his 78th birtidul t'0487-su" s usel vwas ,an the Job>" pipe l4 so e ylà tIe scores a Ot eIlp»OO «Mauded hIiby friandsthrauouf-. the day. When Mr. flutelson nawstl hie ono. th15. moaralagha tmdaI nammolb bouquet of carnations and roses on the misai. It vas a Voest tromn the Yaung vomen la the aoses: Mfissels Anna Botofard, Blle Pillffant and Katft ScIad. For 43 yaars Mr. Hutchinson las beali the Position a9 lava clark sand it la doubtful If thae ara 11a1&1Y In lhe country who cen equaithîe rot- "c ant sels that 1 teel anY aide, than 1 ever did," Mr. Hutchiona ml today. And the apryne s vth wIlcl ho gais around dues not belle the statemant . A tav eka ega Mr. Huichbuon lcovaned an Infection ila léft tlumb and for a number of dapa Io vas canal tor et the.Sle CasaI? General hospital. Hiea hlumb sMM q@ bandagai but thesaurons« A lltt and the aged tova clerk eXPecUtaut have tle fuit use of tIa digit vithils a tev tiays. b. Hutewhison vas born In mee- seo, '2ev Talh, -in I1830I. The average, persan kmeva otier,,def@et h iei cerern vitout repetitian et t1115 tins. Hu iesanç eff t . coutaitkmss bridge lb.heam thlat lien betvem, fis Pont aid the Pr«»en 7. ;-