CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Feb 1916, p. 8

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT; FRIDAY, 1;1W1Y4 11. - BIG REAL ESTATE GIRL WHOl) MAlE EVEN W. <i. VOLIVA sIkd iTRANSACTIONS ON -ATTE1MPT ON LIFE LIKES TO DANCE- VRATES1N G DURINfiTUE WEEK LEFT TO OWN FATE lIE-PROVES HIE bOES RATES Both ofth Transactions Took Neverleer Girl's Mother Dead Overseer Dances About the Sepa f t aenisertioni Place at Lake Forest-Ofle -Father. Ha3 Hand Fulli Platform in Chicago Taber- s. Was for $60000. With Obir Children. nacle a 14 Fox Trot. 2se ftiliserion OTE W S$9OO DEL "No roont lu thi. n. ER ___$9,00DEL. The. above mlgbt ieb taken as thie DRAGS ELDER AFIER HlM. H titi. te a fentuire etoi7 ity a reportera tu vo at ti.lie udi oîu te n 10 lar'Emphasis' of How D On he~~IflBuinss look up sud publiitthe puStlIistol7SOSiî oCs . .. . . Rel Etae Lne Hs Ben OfMiesas Nvrer h in Modrn Dne o C 4.Ari + Rather Brisk of Late. Ctyelwo n hus lia h I- sole Business of the recortiers office for cago totel ity teklng bichiorlie of . BousAL-Iterridge. Rock cocierethe lb. --ek eudlng Januat'y 29, 1916: mrcur? tahigits. «Thorn s'aru't enough liein athe a f4é Oab .F.Ru. sli Thuraday Catît. A. A. Walken of Combiinei services helti lu the ChicagoC ý>-84tmisés. L . eno, rea ltN mnber of transfers. 108. the. Mon police force received vord lresBdymongtewkup$ Pi.a 251. 20C2 Ninitierof tone, 18. iront Chicago policemen 10 the effect ahrtBti~ orlgt aeu gondwor hoes. es uýa numer f istruent fie4,that Lisite Neverleer, vha clainted a Muosquito onthe front seat." suti pof 5AE-2goti on ore.. Se Tu>i unharothei "Dove City"' as bier boue, s'as Voliva eunday afiernoon at the Zionb thea tor ere. ibrtnlfe 2Oi Total antount of tons, $41,766.50. cllal i a h vneb telabencle. Mchigan avenue, Chcago. E 00. Tblrty-first and Indiana avenue, Ife adcused thoe ,tiidist. of blng Business bas beeu fally brisk duo'. viere obhs had attemPteti suicide. VOB' -Whie WyBdotteCoiuierela fug the veek. The police chiers'eut 1teii. ztrl's Oiret-elansadaucers, ithe Presityterans Lam Pue. ler iRcu olr eFietfurulnbedthe bigge'et rlatter aud aake i hm Il ho stboutigo of beiug expert carti players anti thee ý,,ladpl&ý%aWt»l & psiD Poltr . akeFornt e hoibcago and hntng bie, girl back ta Uplecopaliaus ai belng tieatergoare, Uos' Jan" a. San, ilwuknee Ave. deui of th@ veek. Stanley Field pur- Zion City..1ea-1bta, syreothtrndtb uitemsyvilte. 19p2 chaseti tram ticQUira & Orr a tract "Do't gootoanay expensee ics-btalb.ayrenthr oaiaI of I38 acres on Sheridan road, extend- nul afford ta pal, for trafiportatîcu. 1bell!T FOR 8ALE-85 four montite Odidpge iug vesito WankegsU roati. The 1 bave neitter the Utie, the ablity Voliva liveuntinp bils atitress by 5 J. . bseOrysîie.Te. bberyvlleproery 1 Joaiti usinoth ! Lieor lbhenMouey te care forte girl." c1 mbracing EIder W. 1. Taylor anti J. J -lqs. 11Foetan aMsyatae 120 This, if asli,1 oause fdancing the fox-irotaoi -nd the plat. 29&B. ib Foent nd as afronagéof 1200the. athen of the ctlld, for Liazie1 __________________________test on Sheridasu roati anti a depth of Naverleer, Zion resitient is d l a i sferi. He buggedtheii agnti eIder tili 1 FOR SALE-S3ingle and Boa. Comb R 4 i2.500 feet. Tii. cousiderailon. accord- cblld la minc as s'el as lu body. Ste r the poor man seemned te be cras'deti ROda.Toenai.rTonus for muîiags, vie Ing ta the revenue tamps being $60, les'weul known ilu Wankegan, auti for ireatb. Up went Volia's tocs ln ara ffenng al srplu stok aIl~agait p ang~ fouiadn outiilage otie ianthe air, rat the rîgit foot, tien the. mi u t h aes'asdmniiâewe arCe. cteks si5ê1,i>t0 e8eh ii0o oewslnkdwtojt. h&sl "«oeW eu@ nead pulets fi 00 lîJcb A.A Sprague IL.. man. thievaculitn matie, by Ilie violentE md.u, Secil pies onlare ualii-! Louge incffabouht % ares The girl. it la alleteti. sas onder.'dmovemenis.sud bils portly tontachi au.e. pcil nce o lre uail' Loie luaishogh - crsout of thte ltlunChicago. Thivr uilulerai Mm ..Produeed Inoniprise winunesni ou Westminster avenue tros Thomas tact Coutld nt le corrobonateti, frvlu.c i h rst baut bloodti lns. Kimbali-Trigas Bed Byrne for 119,000. -lbh boil keeluer refused ta make sny "Ca'n ýEIder!' bie yelled, sud Yards, Làihantyvilis, Ili. Mif Iichael Boger bougit- te Chao. statemnts ou Frlday. araunu t ey veut far anter s'tlnl. ------- Hansen property on Summijî avenu. Captain A. A. Walker stated ou Fr1- Tivi' seut so fastt ual the eider FOR SALE-Paland China boar. th-c for $3.600. day tisi th girl hati selir be coulint keep up anti lastead cfft1 j ~~owu lire sheu ashe lft iberZiuCt y»» aOi. Bure breeder. Ragietered-In luHghland Park Sarah A. Hlgglns tante, sud tiat ashe couti blâmte no Ing the rigt fot, be Aiso qlbtsaptnug pus. Aiea 111e8ilack- bouillt et mater's sale far $2.717.80 oue for the. troubles stiss'as nov ex- 'and itste e as a ntxup. Voliva ney Ol- ýthe proiterty on corner of Vine aai Peenlcng. The glirl's ntoier l1s deati. seemed te enjoy the. exhillratiln for -K ont mar v.rii~4l P Der.Midoîn aenus.One ister s'as sent tbtheinsane ssy- liebcckîed te again aud graispiug ithe &Ui1lL TrelLa rset 797-7-4 P 1011 er ilotn aenud es.i Jug in utmenthe ago, but ashes'as rodent- lIt, Eil udoph ougt aloton in-ly returuedtetaZicu Cty, vtere honr-ageti preacher uraundth le nalst ietJ tien avenue. soutcf Lncoln avenue. father lsetioing hi hat te nurse.lber vhiskod off again anti cassock4 anti .. . . .. . . .. . . .front arrieti G. Klée sfor $2,600. bac te becth. surplices vene Oyîug lu the air ie + n Ubertyville American Wire hotel aIl day Tbureday lu the hope. s Ifsyugcloetismdt, . .. .. .. . .. Pne+opay+4+ il t ixlt trelatives On police officiaIs s'ouid, stage. 1 AL.-1 .bave a umbar 0a inBe on Sixtli street fron Austin Clement cali fat' het anti tai.e ber back tonte. ,'Wiy dau'i the men gel tagetter FO& SLEWefila alaeget thâtaiseh atteinteti Bul- sud gel up a dance?"' sliuted Voliva. to.astoraal.ortent. Dymoauti& Auu nlfor $1,000.cIde because sie tai beau rejectet in la wsarrant you tiieti tave te close el8ttl Austin Clemet bougit 24 lots lu C.loe '. Wrght's Addition an Fonrtb, FirthblTvehilkeprns'cl the itO icrethe trligh. Tii. only FOW SALE-Nies' B nemu bugalow on'and ti t trenefront Rosa Raueu lie girl tiltint attempt suicide, but leasan vhy ttey go there il e tbiug 80. mA v.. vii tih ntinioerufor$3,00.ta police Chies he admittedt hatiseh.sont. ionian.- "viç.B. F. Woolridge, Uharl. ýThe bibertyville bumben Compan ulplc ubrnata h oel finbSetbia iaott isiPmne, îtî-î. ISlacreacdeti scapital stock front$25,'- cb§NITE . eurct dancing. Volva looketicdown _____________________000 ta $60.00. W IK G N IT on hue, audienîce aud aiws otesif 4e +~+ j j..+ ++ +f The Libertyvîlie Commnercal Club the clalti folk& stodieti, +- ro '~w'nuam 01.lits ertifiateof Incorporation. ES" MEN "Wiieu ycu ses people s'io don't »N nLibtniyville Township Clarence LUSTEDU~AU laugh, yau rau put il clown t . .... . .Duranti oidt thei. Seltan Sctool was ssvi' 'NTtiey're ciiickeu thleves. They've FM IupoT-Modera bouse, s'ib barnl the achool building undi land adJoîn- JPIOIu AL P 'L AcNT ubter rohitet sote lien tonal or aonte onailvaukeb Av., star ueOW depot Ing lu section 19 ai Ares for $10M00 poor vidas'. Tbere's no passage In baqulte of Mihael Guelu , rP'Oael John G. Nevitore ianght the O'Her- the bible tbat says 'Thonoushaitnet 20..Uetlte 19P2 ren ternt of 24 acres lu uorthvegl Some Such Device Has Been laugi"" T8quarter section 23 ton $7,000. Sought for This City for the -Vculiva announcedt uat lie la prepar- FRRfTBrocusbaue on Mi- John Griffith ioughtthle intberry Last Several Years. iug la give an exhbition cf churci w49 Ave. luquire ai Robrt Ellîni ato 0arsl otva ur services as couducteti lu Chicago. lie LbertyvOkl. Pboue 108-J. 1 ai5 f 0are nsotwstqf Wanlcegan people, especlally city Is gaîng te diaguise intseli anti at- ter of section 35 for $5.000. officiais beardi vithInlueresi -o! lie lu- tenti several cf the Chicago churdhes rlnt Derfleld Township Fretierick C. jctI ' lu lb& Antean Wlre . . .. . . . . .. . Spaltlng bougbi 20 acres la south-' Pence Compntsy ai Libetyville of an aud then te wyul give an exhibition + ~ .hYTE + sest quarter sectIon 21 front Wallace activated esîntge plant te dispose of af the pastar's sel-mon, au imitation +++ +j. ~L DeWolf for a nominal consîders- lie sewage. Tiie disposai of sewageofciiie leadlng sololis anti vilI siiow ..............tion. lu a practical tanner tas been sont- ,bas sloinsInlaNos' Tr ant Inl- WAaTR-R-ugb ecise moa tae5-11 Oi'utr nlohCis eibanil i ng tiat Wauiegaa Cty officiesaIs olwt ho i à e IniiohCae ebadJh ave sougit for a number ai years.dinpl, i votbevssc Guawaata, Fffl Beplace Nursery .ti-ek,,J.Maloney bougbi 10 acres lu lot 8. mIiiheactivateti lutge treattent s'îîî quainteti, sang lu Ciiurdchaînair. Dusit tonn, payable seekI,, ericli', Couaty Clerk's Subdilvliio, Irointthe destrOY the sevage ta sucl an ex- i Ounes'amatilie salti, usedtet tale ianliony,&t&rtas'. Gienwood Nur.'nry, Wllliams Bras, fon nominal consid - tent tiat tie effluent ls 99% Pet' cent' rive minutes tae crew bler moutup llpetr, Il T. 20c1 action ant i sesa alot i rigs -pure, as It is clate t he ti.Case lu eoeas ol tr n hnle . ..l r ' u-Milwankee, l le claintetithat it iias before il vo likata ileu e WAfTED-. Bri lae mnrld anm-rdivision front A. H. Craig ter $200. doue somettîng that no olier ses'- volce vut apheaOe s'bTioroAt b laie raedailirn'wi: 1 atAntiocli Louis .Batterge disposai plant Cou do. Voliva tas ctosen the antheul "Milke oS atn 'uI ndlb.cae iigunla ougtt 0 acres lu section 25 Iront A netn.ii.ct officiais 0cibring me hal hand'epike," ant ite of Iwo work and the cars -if icardenWaukegau consîderadth te prablent an iso bwmnytms M'e $table. luaver s'th referýne", utt nCinis.Lent fofan$3,000. serionsiy liai uîey vîsiiet i tiîerenOs1'so'bs mu its"Ie sg, atanlly nt .aUrydeînd In 'East Antioch butta Reîsenhjaciia ice8eiictuaist eaht-su el.otier vords of the aenon AtdusOo renuer, 76 West IMoaro" baugit a lot ln Wlmiugtou's Second staliet sud aI it bunstallei s systent bave te be sung befare the fluai yard Bt., nicaO.e. 2oe1 Subdivision aI Deep Laie froint Wm. of tiat nature. Various metiode of "isuti-spîke" caps lic climax. et.______________________lit.lgtn.sevaga disposai have beau coasdereti I sys ut ntebueo Wligo.since tisi tinte for hIl l recogulzed " a uige uiehnea . . . .. . . . .. . lnWauconda Etivard G. Psy-ne tiat tb. lime ls not fan distant vian- Goti s s mockery, God'o edock bas boughitva olots ln Ken'a Subdivision lie faderai goverumntut ili preventisiruck tha bout, God la. doues witt + eLUT and FOU»N + front Robert C. Kent fan $50>0. lie Pollution cf Laie Michigan. !lte churrites." couclud tielboven . . . .. . . +.. . + . n Freont Township Hannîiet E. Thsis lutnilcatei by ntany acte I eer. + + + ihat have been taken. lthe latast o!f LO8T 8STRAYEO OR STOLEN-%NI's PrIce look tibta li te Levi Prlcn wici la a tiectsion la fit ont tva bi"aicocker cpmaa .«d, siîh di-eked fat f 180 acres lu sections 27 sud large laie steamers nexi s Irmeli' ii Al<" testeipsmayi ate xin alld.o-thict AN ,fAPE (iAR- ta, noma Faige. dxleapparmrd trots hie 34. testsgmyl ae.dsaIpatsl e r ina bgoneIa. 28, 1916 Ai-y Iiotmatl,îmîln Vennon and Ela Towniship& have shova tiat the vatar lu the inesdlg toiii.r.warded by nie. 8orrinl Charles sud Lena Chaverlai bougit route ta'ceu by the. laie steamers la DI3NINi A FEATURE L Milter, lb. Chas. Stempel fermai o 1491% poluti bheavlly. The govermnent In- arslseto19Vennanse-eis ta stop ibis anti Ion liai ras-,'nI¶! _________________ ~ e-acrs lusecion19.Verun, ud ec-sou the lake steamters soon may bave rO-sTSTRAYEOORSTOLEN...rmllle tien 24, Ela, fron thue Stempel beirs tao ln.îall evage disposai pliants. i___L. _.____ E Pups, dix mntheîbsnid, motm y l,,.for about $10000. 1If the governulent yl go te Ibs Uitsrtyvlmla. 0 acres lu nortbs'eei quarter section 9 Pllute Il, la 1.11 ital lie mont nu- deu Cluîb of Illinois, Laie P'orent Col __________________________ ta lizbeh J.HunIr: 0 aresiiitura1 course ta bq taken oeIl vonlil loge ls oiierlug s sertes o! lecturel te lizbet J.Huner;40 cre lnb.e heIssuance co! au ordet' farbidtiiug anti temonenatilons ln landascape e . . . . . . . .. . autmeeciion ta Idia A. Murrsy, sud citles la dump Iluein savage Into tba1& IBCEII.A EO S- 35 acres ln soutteaact quarter, sacmatlrze body of water front vhlcb on chiecture sud apptlieti antiscape -le + »M i&L A"OU + ect illa J.Olier fr nm- mny icor riesierive tiieln Bnp-41signalu s'eliscourse, fraix inalroniertions. OIe ornm Ivafo qull proablre liaI ithe ty bune 26 la Auguit 5, underte dirac I4ORSES SOLD,bouait atn xi'alnii - luIn Waukcgan David T. Webb bonitit. offici ite prlokIobbl ofte tienof o!Prafasser Ralpi R. Rool Seuond baud hamnesau a ag',us ttee lolis on Nati Hickory etreet, news ew.qg-'r-aiment lu ordor ciat the t-'iverliy a! Illinois, authorn Ca*b or tarins. N. R. Ladd, phtone 4, nent Pacifie acenue Irrans A. M. ban- tbey viii ms' o hot proceed wshen ",Design lu Lautiscape Gardeuing.»' the tne -es nta Iista seagae T- w... t mutâte. whlî'h or lots 26 sud 27, Kent'$ Waucanda Sub- division. W. D. $2. Charles Hansen ant i vie ta Mi- cbseb Bolger, lot 24 sud iouth hait ai bat 25, block 2 , Hobl's Subdivision, La',e Forest. W. D. 13,600. N. P. Dotige sud vite ta MarY E. Sherry. loi 259 Belmoni Addition to Waukegan. W. D. 8289. L W. B. Wabrath anti vue 10 Wm. iLougiey,,lot 102, Siav's Subdivision ou Fox baie. W. D. $200. W. b. DeWolf in F. C. Spslding, sautb 20 acres. northeasl quarter. Bouubvasi quarter section 21, Deer- fieldti ownsip. W. D. $10. Cicaga TIlle & Trust Ca. ta Stat. Ploy Fieldi ant i vie, bot 9, Ferry Field anti Ferry Woods aud 20 acres Ir raoutbvest quarter ci section 26. Lai Forest. Deoti $1. e Estate ai Charles Stompel. tde ecoasedto.laChas. Ciaveniat ant i vît 149% acres ln section 19, Veruon. an( section. 24, Ela township. neeti H i l ofl of. r' '. ln ad de s'w rtquino d ni îjclieuni le1e 1 pendling. 'a auiîegan. IliI, Jaauary 28,19116. Bejmi . Miller, Complaîuaat'o- mouiciter.- -- - - - - t'i 10,00.IJan 28 P..b. 4-11-18 Lâ Msster la Cbanc.ry tuo Paa A.1 H Higgius, lot .12, block 7. Extoar Ad- BEN4JAMdIN M. MILLEIl. Soltitulr t ition to Highlanti Park. Deeti $2,- CfANCERY NOTICE 17.80. atI iilnî, ouyn ae e PaierMuncar ani vie ta eter l h. Circuit Court tof Laie cîunty, touczar a5id vife, lots 21 anti 22, Asrcb te-rm. AàJ) 1916 C lock 6, Wasiburn -Pari. Narth Chi- Jtamý . Bradley ns Sucun Sweetcnr. tE ago. W. D. $1. Heurietie donelmer, liimgen ttwoetm-r. go A. M. Lanycu anti vile taiD. T._Lngi Henry Sweeq zer, HElomesSs'eetzer, Web, lots 5. 6. 7 sud 8, block 6, 'uuut,îwn hi'rs ut lus' or devifens of!t Webb anti beusens Nati Sîde Atdil- John IH. Foster. d.-eunned." -"uuîkgowr 1111 ion ta Wauîegau. W. D. $2,200. liiro at luaw fiOlrer G. Ss'netzer. iu Tins. Byme anti vile in Louis. Pin- de>meaa"ed," "unkuown bmirsetailas'or calite, part ois 109 anti 112, Lake ,lnviseetof Musaiti S >-etznr, deeeed, Fornts. W. D. $19,000. 'uui.own bmire ut las' or deineens .1 jan. 2h. 19e.-Joe Mcins ta Wal- Hosîrit, 8s'etzet, dncnaand." 'u er Krause, lot 9. block 16, Dneyn'n kiîown hg' i u'odvso iInn subdivisioln, North Chicago. W. D.Sueel.r, dee:eavd.i '-unkitos'uliir@eta law or dnvisee"s ni HuâhHenry s'eeie.-r $1. t-ceusil.""uniuî,nu mir-e ut las or Austin Clement anti vle ta Ameni- d..viem.n ue s of Ss'etzxor, deceeseti," can WVlmnFence ConupauY. lots 8, 9, 12, .."inoiî'uL.-rs i tlas' tir devieres.-' 13. 16 anti 17, block 20, Wrîgiit's stidi' Sturr Titue. tleceuem," 'uuki,înwn ligin ..t las' or deýiee of Sarah lMi Thonip lion to lbertyville. W. D. $1,000. non, dn,.easn-d." 'ukitos'n heireau las'W Rtosai Rauen anti busbandt t Austin or devistees ofi R.ury A. Clark, d.eueeîd." j Clement, lots il to 22,bock 18, anti "O,îîtkos'n hitnir t las' or deviennes of t lotsIl o 2, bock21,Wriht' ad Il )Ocilen Bra.ii.y. .lt.o'usd," "unki.îowu r lois¶1 1 22.bloi 21 Wniht'satii rs aitlus' or devises@ ni Jhn ileunîs tionu tLbertyvilie. on, tinuaseti " -ustiionu bra ut lau; Fanay A. Mastite ta Charlotte C. îîr deirmee5etniriant Butrîci, dec're-d," Owen boues, ois 5 sud 6, block 69, "uîîknon'aliréeut Iuw or deviee of Stephun Blradliey. tiecased," "urîiown Normetichnago. O. C. $1. I .i,. t..I. .. ,or .e.,....f 3poir, ~~~~~ ~~~Pbllp Sheridan bougbt the Brink ate ai tuuds it vould b. ont of the unique ln b alt u rag- Eoi ru n let n MAUBY-W a i aalargoe unîli.rproperty on Higbt sîroot, west ai question to Install sucb a plant uow, ment or hardy ire.. aud abrubs, boti BScluak sud vile, sout50 teet wsmtty membana. Tbie club li onIa'of ticAlIter avenue, for $1,200. ,but officials no doubt s'llivautto be odecIdone and overgreenbave beau of- lot 12, block 3, Wronn'e Addition th.oMasiand moRt scucceetfut; *ct1îîI ichard F. aud Rhoda K. Pletgc- posted thoronghly on the. matier. a laboratory for the. work lia Hghland Park. W. D. $1.000., pariculare rpe &"lut. man bougbt the Meuiioui property j orRtre p neemn. jlant study,ansd theê great s'ealth 1100" O Cub." Mr. Wrubel Boxi 26, ou Glen Rock avenue, near 'Bntrick. Teins ago arn for edîfonvetutof opportu;pltigg for landecape cindy Charges tut the. Chicago board ~t.â taw2"1-.2 for $1.000. and as part paynntnisold the îe so anrie totie plae viies furulshad by Lake Forast and ailler boaltb va layiug Into the banm _________________ - tvo lots on bucla avenue. the M1866 a avýro«05baraoe uoth stoe tovua *Ii'b. used for or big ratail talitkdealeres aking W lmy Are Lile.1 whisky bail 'îoop lasi., The vailue oli llustratlve purposes. « etArug dut coupetition were made au 11111100 àmw m )&ua llUS ia8fl nlerted Qnaliltees ithe fiftY'Y-" nid whisky was tbhei, Cor'sesviii i e offead lu lhblaiS.thea anutalsession of thi e eno k OusjBaý vrIig unmder ithe titIs Science tas proved W us beond a cenilve rp-' ubsu ibirat. Tii. rock tory and tbory of IildsOaPe archi- Couuiy MiII Produce' Associtif *JM SOM*.' 1osjibuted thefoIos'- doubt that long before men and vont' lug part" t $2.500 audarescued a tecture, lin applied laudacapfi design, lu Kenoaba yesterday. The dlial -nugk a boy la quiet, 0v au lved la hontes aud even buts they Pair ci andillu plants and i panting design. Tb@. ver. baaad on a haalth, regulation *Oeia'awbat ba le up telved ln the. branches of trae«. The dormitorles aud the oulmous of Lake qulrtng aIl Uk s hippeil mb the c 1 IM eMfIIl bu teguolsy everYcuatarength founti lu a nov bori babys - rue Cnarity. Foreit collage -are available for lii- Io lie coolati to a tgmperature of P.Oamd O1sapoves. Wheu a boy buds milangora i15 an laharitance of Do Wh;,, ca-glve vhat yJ uliets comlug trou a dstance tW taradegre... a reglulatlon, ut sas na 4 rom a i, shicb thare are prebstorlc ages. viten cbildren and have. ýOu' )p not wtb feelinga; *0 aUbuof oSthe fauy and growu-Upg alîke apeutinmuch of thol, Carry y- ly mb deeds, do and the coure. . futier information mav vbicb vlWedont the profits of un li evava aasatWtb& 4o8. lalsure b. cay and livad ati night lu gîve vii vo% aomt-ttîuv-J. 13 h. obtainati eltber 'frontProfesanoirdealers. the. branches of trees. Thom. Root, Jrliana, III, or trou PrlIdent t Join . Nolen, Lake Wofflt, 1M1, ldapendant readert BIC ON&Il -'V> 0 f or d-viAena nt Wîiissn Cuîuinga.u. t to.dceas'd," unknowu owiier or ownerg ofa certain note for $8836 <0 elgned hv Sarah là Thîîmpom. payable to D Oiidpa Braclfcy, or order, due flirt.. y@ar. 10 f iîfrdatoe.'r'ad by TruAÀi; bed iom illaraht M. Thornpeoti to 'Henry A Clark. dtd May 18, 1850, and r..corded ii, 9 tu h. Rfflordpr'oioffico oi L.ake Conty, a l 11101ole aBook B. of Mortgagee, on tiave 40S." "aunkniiwn os'ners of th. three notes "W-fetng 8559 80, dated Ofli tleptemiir 9. 18-58. pas 'hie to John rgos f).vnision. or order. and *lii..nd b, 1 » WilIiain Wsm-Iev aun1 seured by Trupt rpeordctt fathe Rncorder'e office of l.ako Cnîtir. illlnii. lnfaBook G0of 63 Mortgsga. on pas. 574, *'amcnown gld, o etnnr or oa. ni oa note for $50 00 >aul olanpl b J%11.. iliuters'ortb. ouvahie to tn»P B or ordor. dnied ju S 20185, na. ltmouChe milter date, .Ptlrrd lb Trnt-t Pfl lfront Jamt., Beters'orth t,. Hiramt butrlck. reorded ADJUDICATION NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE in bereby gives liai the Subacriber, Executrix of tic .ast WiII anti Testament col lamai H. Donnelby. Iloceaneti. vilI atteand te Couniy Court o! Laie Counly, ei a Iet'm tiiereof ta lie iildan ai tie Court Bouelu Waukogau. lu said County, ou the Oirsi Monday of Apnif next. 1916, vien aund shere aIl per- soua iaving clalme againet saiti en- taie aire notifieti anti nequestedti t pre- sent tbe came to csud Court for ad' Judiration, IRABELLA DONNELLT. Executrix. Waukgan, Illnois, Jan. 24, 1916. Wily-Jan.28-Feb.4-lt ADJUDICATION 4NOTICE. Pubîlict ul laîe reby aivea iaI the Sut- icrlber Admnt.ttrator ofthe nEgtate Dof5Sm DIl deceaud. i.,lI attend tie Counli Curt fLaie Cuuly nt à tentathereol ta Se îldn nt the. Court BOuIt n WaukeR55. tu satd 'outity on lh, tiret itoaiay of Morn nest. 1CI.. tomen and lierea&g tersons ht«i elaim, Sgaist .41d ESate *re ,iotled snd ne- naeteli h, pres',,t oie cere tu, salli Court fer adjbdicaîtion. BENJ AMIN I. MILLERt.Admgnlatato. s'suinîan. 111. Jans,?y 17. 1916. c-Jan. 2t-28 Feb. 4 <usictet. Concrets la matie of a nlirmeta gmbbles, atones anti aand or other suit- able material, tu vhlch le mixai a amail proportion ofi lime ar cemee. Ovtng to thc gradua eotlng anti lard- euiug of ttus lite oai centttha ee changoa fro. a senuiffuidti t a hart. compact atihutamie, as bard ssm. o« tarder than the boat building eteme produced by nature Tu. Many e>T.Ihem Hakns-"Old Gotrox fa devotedte t uulsic, Thceel6a aclause i hWviS tmat gts'eity-$lve thousanti dollars te gatablsh a tonte for paon slagSeis Pokues-"How Initiequate. Tvcrny-liv millions voultin'i begin tW bas da the pour sIngens,'-Li!e, ýl' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS F urnlahed by AKE COUNTV TITLE & TRUST 0o. Ini Abstracla-of Tille. Tilles GuÉranteed. Idar Matonic Temple Bldk. Waulregan. Ci ______las'q _______-dece, Jan. 24, 1916.-Maria R. Hardy tO devi. Amty H. Baton, lot 5, block 96, North "-unl Chicago. W. D. Il.lHeut C. N. Duranti sud s'il. 10 Bieldon bheIe School, ollIce -building aud propertyy mou adjoinlng, Village cf Area. W. D. las' 10. decsi C. b. Harder, Jr., sud vite 10olGles devui liscox et Ai. south 49 teet of lot 5 '-u and uorth 17 feet cof lot O, block 2, ilsi Hardar's Addition 10 Lake Forest. W. beli D. $10. KLut E. B. Willlias and lw.fe to Chas. lai' Weibsu" J. J. Morlmy, 10.46 t.crà, lu -dic wor h. e q u h r e r o f s c tip u 8 , E s at d v i tnlF OsIhlp..WD. $10. muid A.I H rag sud i e 1Clisse Webblint and J, J. Mort«. ,lot 1., liCi"." bit CmW@g' Addition to Auttocli. W. D. (18) $200. Noi Lake Coaty ta Jacob Goldachuidit, (19) strp boiveen south 23 fest or lot 4 Notl block 16, Original Waukegan an Tii Eat Ilinie Sheridan rad. Deed j lut 916. TI C. E. iSayler and vite ta Frank Wss ies'ekl, lot 43, block 46, North Ciii.91e cago. W. D. Il. Cl. Jan. 2&, 19ô8.-Cornellus O'Ha o to J. G. Nes'hore, 23.85 acres sonth iaroi Rocklaud road la uortbs'est quarter b,., sectiou 23, Libertyville. W. D. $10. Pald Jantes Oliver to Elizabeth J. Hun- and ter, 40 acres la oau balf northvest <out quarter, section 9, Newport townuship. cian W. D. $1. OUI Jantes Oliver bo Ida A. Murray, 40 Cot acre. lu ea8silhalt nortbvosi quarter a$ section 9, Newport township. W. D. L $1. %li Andres' Lund to M. H. Husey, lot "nId 6; block 3, Lenox Subdivllou. Wauue-l tan. W. D. $1. t Chrtsiopiier Loof andi wito ta Louis Soli Bottger, 20 acres ln s'est bal! sec- tion 25, West Antlocb township. W. D. $10. J. G. -Brink and vif, ta Pbillp Sher- idan. lot on narth aille of Eigbtb di streot. 140 lest s'est ai MeAllister 1 avenue, Wankagan. W. D. $1,200. Ida Frank Maiutaut sud s'il. to R. F. à Pietscintan andtiste. lot 25, blocX 2, Mei Honter Coo'e's Subdivision, Wauke- Na gan. W. D. $3,00. E. R. F. Pletachmntan sd wve ta Frank mi, Maenhout, lots 46 sud 47, block 1, su, Orvis Subdivision, Waukegan. W. D. ie@ 82. liel JaS. 26, 1916.-T. H. Durai sud vife poi ta Central Trust Co., Trustee, lot 34, li. block 3, Orna BSubdivision. Wauke- at gan. W. D. $1. diu Win. Wllmlngton aud s'lfe te Jut. Bt ta nelasuhus, lot 12, Wilulugtoa uisg Second Subdivision ai Deep Lake. dei W. D. $10. " Jamtes Oliver te W.. J. Oliver. 35 te acres lu aouub.ast quarter section 9, hal New'port townsilp. W. D. $1. De Lake County te Ullen Mcfllroy et ",- ai., @trip hetvesn lot 5, bloo 13, Orlg- Ne tuai Waukegau sud Sheridan roadL. q In.27, 1916-J. H. Uitberry 0B Joh Griffith, osât 40 acrea of voit N. h0.11 of soutiveat quarter section 35, I L.lbertvlletonshaip. W. D.SIl. E BENJAMINfil. MILLER.8onlicltor. in the itecorder'gîtoffice of Laie ConniJr, CH'ANCERY NOTICE Iliisl, lu Book Y of Murtillages 0ouP04 soi llîni. Couty f Lke, 112," aud "unknow,î owuers 01 Or ofe IlircuitCourty f Lake, le. î1i iteeted la the, West hait of the ii toCrui ort, A, Lake o "nty nrt""h Euý..t*quartoer ul the Nortih Weut rita, vs D. uInuw hin quarter, ithe North %Veât quarter of the Kiapper 5tNorth West qurter, aviltui Northt West or deviene o f Thomm E. Hamiitoli urtrIilisSuhftqare t seas.1 of ib.k Jowneie," e laeedr t8..eîiuîî251; tah.',the Souath bail o1 the ,luteilbet JaisI or devise, fNorh Sentquaàrtor of the Both E Ba ryow oiubr;ec âoadeunmos Ofquarter of Sectin20, aI I iu Townsipo ayt s' or desa.. cf hur, .Bmcd ZNorth, [tenue 11 Eaqt <if the Third tedn oe" ia o linry-Si. Principal èitIlain, lutbie Contityr, ,ar devis.aW IIui Deury Sauda'n lilinole." . vae ed," uiof G eire Bt mwor , lua(.itaneer'. <Opterai Nunibpr 7779. seesofathrunnwbue Ota.,or aed"Th,. equisielta aidaviRo baviug belau rimesof Ctherne LntOe.dO Ild d dlu the office oftht@iClerk 0othe akuown boire at lent Or f<(Irc.lî Court of bake CouctY, Iliuo. Irrson Knealr,dm"&W.d,"" ulnowl, Notice ln tbarefore bereby driven tu, ait of se et 1lis' or dervises niBarnineao n acieand unkuos'u dofoni- adi...deemd,","u nknos'u haire et ato tiSb above nmdopa" voir de"aakos ut 994lînîs Oi wor ieretofora lied bis Bill et Complalut la asegf MagdlhîF<ii decetlet"oraidCourt op tihe Chanter: sida titereof, d 4ion oprt for personsandouthfMdcoa61t a lante oBoutbemtquibrierîîftect-ioueihteeo rturuab'u tie sidayoai of 9)sud the. Nortbitc)t quarter <ni the. Zrcuîoro a.Couy ilo Stbeasi quarter of 1fnctlou nîtietef o u liId ntthe court fBouem la Wanke- ). mli la Township (48)c ~.gnn, in qaid bake Ci>naiy, on hb.flirnt iiib, Range aie..'I,1> l F$t 01 t omiday ni Marcht, A. D. 1916. ala tY rd Pincipal tloridan In L.ake ountY. joliroqulrdad d sblcbnuit lme*tit nois."!pnig [o Cbaacery. t3eneral Nunîber 7769. Lviaadiug.wy.Clrk rie requielitp afldavite havînu beau ukga. lis, t)7Ury ,1. e )d 11ta ot af fi h e Clark 01 fh@l Benjain . illeaury, 1916.D&%' euit, Court o, bake fjoutY, ilîluo19a Benjamin. tie. 1pala )tco la theretoraire-4 bi gîren tu> ail Jan 2icitor..1 tbe abora'uameéd unknowu 4@end. a.21F'b .11 e, ubai tthe aboya uaneouiplainat t BENJAMIN HB>ilI.1LB it.coBcitur ,.totorp flieýd bis Bil81 C>f(omplaînt la CmANCERV NOTICE id Court mu tie Cbanceýry cidle ilhersai, id tbat a summous tiiereupon leaued S"at0'a lillole, Coutyut bak. e.« .ofeald Courtagraiast allot tte&bOs itu lithCircuitCourt 0f baie Coun&y ned uuknos'n doefeudaqte. returambis Match Terni, A Il. 1»1(' tithe tiret dey ai the terra oftih$ Circuit Irviug E Patyue mnd Lenuora Amui. trt of Lake. coanty, Illinois, ta foat, eld e. limatFox, ilmulia Fox, JOUa.b5m ithe Court Boue..n l u auian, in salid T. Arnold, Cordeiia Arnold, Wkii!aU i.e Count. .on lte@ tireit Itlayvofil 1eiàp. lRoxanaeiDel .ap,"uuî' em atcb. A D 191. ele slaivlas' rnulred 1at las' or dovlceeeni lirm nFox. ic whlce sat le etili Pendlmcde.oues Il," " Leowis O. Brock ency. Clnri. d> enn-ouUa, .arnld ore l'aui,.grn.Illinaois. Juunîcry 17. 1916 enef, unnon tro ut les't Ilîjaî,u lll ..mur, Comiplsiuîaat> e d'iftes 0i1 %NlIlium l leiap, decnas." licîtor. unkuowuliteirm ai iaw -ri"rîvib"t uto 'Ilictor. ia . 211Feb 4-11-18 Bitilalî. ivfap, di," "*uinciwu - -- mire aIiulw or nl.vitses(AniElrncleOY BENJAMIN IH. MILLER. Bolleitor Surnderlin, decnend," "uninnon aubetk CIMANCERY NOTICE jeait or deviseeofniThomue Darinug. taie of Illinois, couuty ni Lake,,lis. odêcen 0ed,""ulnox, mira ai lstâcor Io thw Circuit Coufig of Lake County, devseen o lo(ilor, dpesonaInter- irch Terra. A D. 1916 'uukuolau st part of oremNrosthar- àuffai Meier v.Henry Meier, Erneptat erd oluthterto N e!orth 's Wure 0 lee, Vred Miter. .JeuninE. ide3neuer (if t ion8 n te , i, Wat huater1 Uf stmile Moyers, Esthier L Koleo. JeDulo Mtion 34 arnither tectiouni 27 ýMeyer@ guardmu of Natai eera, descnubed ae folijoas. to.wit: CouM er, Le.roj igge, Hienry Cfileter, u>elu ut tiie SoutbhFaut t'orner of Ithe iirlivin ezecutor of tite la£itwuill &nu North West quarter outith. North West esamn u. Jobus ht M. Joimuson "quairter of smld Section 84; ruuelug ltane M.aohsoAlr i. Jhnon cta Wes. .ou the. quarter ,quarter he- bee eyr oulsa Meyer, William lion lin@, 988 chaîta; themice ruunlau la.'Pornese.. nd" loracboireNortb4 degfre-EuHs 27.40 chais,. te ,t lnt Odevé uuiOfuoratu th»ii..eeuter of the. ld bakeand itceerY ablne., deeaaed:" nnwnbsPiani ROMd; tace ruuuiug Bouth 64 lt [WOr devinea0s of anl@E.'TthonuP- degn" Ea Hat M 28 chains tth ill qarter u, deeq&a ,, unuownbhair4,atla«, r quertermçtiîoa luo..sied ter otm vlss~ t Dra.Penlma, cas l."ounsaidquarter q-ate -eetlon lime iukalos'u ir@a&, au lsor devlaae23 88 lts plats Of bsgiaaiua. eIa Pomme»,o dense.. ukOw of tiotilleit .azoepl ttipart therpof couveyed ta thé îwr tlentorae" dJiioaCook. MCOPOrY ConuiaRail Mpee»r d.&W, an âgkn s' ay fJompany, Bty drscorded JO" sueeofor erens ulrsaM la the 28. 1899, m botuunti74842 lu0001k mri er' uatest qSu uartern 2 l 01 45 ou., page 106, ail lu Tos'usin, ortitt quarquartermthei4.North. liange10 ast of lthe titi ne tti.Bul t eantharnt-i 1Principal MeridI ýu, la bake Couut'. wree01 te Soth ý»% uartr 09theIllizole.1 irth Wet quarter of Setion 28; algala ICb&Mary Generai Number 7768. eo North Meet quartier of t.e So«tb The . gulOite affdavite balvlng bilan est quarter 0f8001ct081129, âal lu Town- Ol.<l lunlb.eotilece .ftitheClerk oi tha ,p 4 North, Range 10 Fant Of the C ircuit Court ot bah. Couoty, illinote.- rhird principal iierldima. lu LÀtke Notice te uherafora h.reity given ta sfi0u uutv, iliunie. cautaiuiug 11 acre. ni the altos. assed and nunkuowsudelleul- aod. mort, or leme." u, that ibeabov@4namid conîplalumuate In Cbaucery. (ipueral Number 7780 lc.,'..î,iore llled thefr Bill ot <omplailut la Tii. retquliie a &idavife baving l1.ou0said Court uniitheChacery side uhoreut. ld lunlthe ohm of lthe Cierk of theI. adflttiraonteruo mé -gît court ai Lake Couuiy.Illinois. Nu uidtht ma sîlmurtnos îhe.U 0ntlee l e toiteretor. lireity elven ta a Il ih"Labante of e. Curi u ,u te ailnlae elore named buoit uown deieudauls, retunal,' on the. tiret day oi the tte tuat ltep abatte uanted complinauit, be- o t 'Niruit Court of L.ake Countl, tofoe led illBilloIýomplintIn os lillinneto lie teld at the C(ourt [loue, lu mn.ur on the Chancery ide therm'oi and Wauk..gau, lu eald Lake tîurt.On 1is tut ecunîmnnes, tb#eneUPOnn sa"oîduiof Brpt Monda, ni Marei. A D. 1916.-maIo sad Court azailit aiU 0i the abnv'e hy las' requlred and whieb suit leailWH aîed andl unknos'u d.îindants, rotunpodg hle în lte Orsi dey outhtite 1rni 9ohe eb. pandiugy Cirk ircuit court cof Lake Counly, Illinois. Wauiran. Illinoiaây 1. C1eri t a e ld ai heCourt BOUse la Waukq7 Beulumin B. Miiinr, compliaaute van, tuemid Lake CeutI,00 th@ii.iret Sicrr tonds-- -s !Utn .-. 1h. a sn Fi. --11-12 -Ti bat rm Te thé vi b tio an l i l. vt tIK WILI suS

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