L--AKE GOUNTY> INDEPENDENT WAUKERGAN WRKLY SUN_ VOl X 1. NO. 21. SIXTEEN PAGES. IAHERrflW'ILLL I\K COUNTY, ILL, FRID A Y FEBRIJARY 11, 1916. ONE TO ETGF{T r1.0 PER YEAIIIN ABVANCE., WORIE IERSLFASS TX'0F$1 IS OVER 10O, YET ilDOES NOTSERAN PETITIONS ARS. DIJRAD BITS INSINE; SERKS TO UPON (iASOLINE ~Ï~Â. l Q I BEING CIRCULATED ûO VERNOR IN NOSIf CO MTSUICIDE Washington Fb.5-Taxation of NEED TO W EARLL' G JJ S L.À1 Primary petitions are bengcs-B I T TER MNI . $1 gaionongaoline olda__moe _______orsignaureslu_______n than 15 centsa agallon, the tax ehaeteototvntln fth mn boeevigteL pad yIhImnuacuerDReof Illinois, Whô can boat of torn"ey W. F. Weiss. TheE'-- Pitiful Case of Womnaflat the ;adb deiau Ioeurr iprôo e ARENITSerap th odet rf1-ltto te IUFITI aEO t horne havWiss. Tbb loit,. RS..RN SY DN Lake CmUty General Hospi- by a bill introduced in the Houie by nev:r having ownei or uffl glase U U cover L. Y. Sherman for president AND LUCEY SOUW TO tai u CurtTody. ~ praenttiv Be Jo iP PE al h lit. atl7"':i 1 TITLI3 TO B A LY couvention frein this, the tenth dis- WT E NT$E tucky as a way to check the preaeot IiliC1ID yasod,";Ives a luUlertrviliie.This AP>j 1 n teedeeae tW~DIVH ER ON DEETD B UBN.advance and boid the Price at wbat lie E T î5 U s's ane iu 0. 0. Niebolas. who;21 trIct: James Peane and E. J. Brun- DAMAGE SUIT considers a resonable rate. TO baro nAr ni Ott 26, asSNTazLNOLia"1wa,; AR Ydae L iii iindIa e nsttuton -iý-, et en 0 ndT6hemb raitferna110,te deleg10aten od.WhoThnaleudeedeSHaes ncl deULDCO LD ETT Cblde i Sae nsiuin- Bten5 n 5mmso hsedreorte__ md oni 7iTod. th eemen: Messrs. Wm. Caihoun, ANCE THAT M0. ItWas This Which Caed Hueae odmteyoid Parents of Little Francis thereotr.ldonhm veOf Lake Foresti eltyMan Buys the ea.Easllny.Mdl por sub Ml,"HepesntavaFourthtreet ha Was roused out nt Mdf l WOULD 50 Womnan to Worry. osnad. Zatinle Did Not Put in an i sl feno a.H a enu Rondout Party-Will Sell MCorick, McKinley, Mayor' Thomp- TURE'S BILL Dssesta4 brber liuaband nd-- h poi r trdo heAA- Apearance in Court. asleep, but wben ho saw the stran- 10 Ford Is Report. son, Congressman Rodenberg. FOR, PAYMEST~ paitai &0 ber il obldron for the lon,, of this gasoline trust. My bill ter he cheerfuUly nId, "Hello." This The alternate delegates at larg lm i evaral monlus, lire. Paulina' means0 simply tat no manufacturer DR. A. E. BROWN TESTIFIES. ln about the only word ot English that 120-ACRE FARM IS SOLD. are:, Anderson, nuason, Dol, SLAUGHTERO MO~R.. XmwalWlo. agd 31, wbo bus beau of gasoline cmuid soit s poduct frhe cao sea. OnbenglnfrmdOraffý oduî. Rathbone. SmulskL. BULLE TIN. treati a'tha Lake CountY (laeraI more than 16 cents a galion, bea'ure Says That in Many Ways the about the reportai" mission hi' a It Develops That the William The alternates from ihis district Tu. As par lier p a- sMm ..Duo boaptWa for tubarcujosis for lb, lutt he tax i suggest ta Prohibtive.- Child Showed Tendencies young, relativ who actaI as Inter- Whitnall Farmn on Rondoût chide Lee McDonough of Waukegai raad Monday pe ' ustbWe Judîs md. of Wilness. preter',ho wouîî net consent 10n Maselld. and Edwar'd ÇlIfford of-Evansten. wards to diniéea bar 1108)M yaair. bas flaoes-inane, and &fiter a ofhuulWlns. bsiell!e's hlstory, but i. wife, who odHsBe od damage suit aowulnat'ovar iieaawu a ounti' courttd th Te bon- fin NS IN Litti- two-year-old Prarcic- Zahnle ls 85 Years old ui'ged hlm to tell hi "aJohn Griffith, Lake Forest reaitv 'lfflIEPR commission. The. case is for- pli a fordeIne e omtElied ta thee hos-. ontntd1ands0oYagent who has von sa state-wide repu- SÀ URLOO EE Smaily strlckon from the donket t. pili fr te Isan atElgti.s juîs>uvf LLYtalion for hiss uece sful dealings with day by Judge Edwards. veeks that lMn. Nlrakuzic han on- would remove the tbumb long enough stori': odot i t he b abetactdafoR EChrgngtht aveno idvi' festdai .-a. of la 11fl111of IlONte utter a lttIe cry, but lhe shed no -'l vas born iln Austria, October 26, R nt h n am fJakB"nhl o radgitt s~ one. bbeaîf o blnorelf ai m- ao dtr. nys, aé; g5 hCmad atear. Hie parents vere not near 1ý0.When 1 becaine a youflg man Severai m nthe ago It vas reported I j i.( S IT bers of the state lira stock coMula- roquet t amv entof bse i L4U5515 IESTbntie hetac, fot seem to mind or 1vorked frmayyarg n oermaltP nFacd.tue wr. N $1OOO sienand atn hog h oaq, eterh. he riet nticd tât he otie te fct.In tac, ha did net ment aanomaetfantunrermi' daiiyali ckrc. hapiet otcd ha seList of Townships Show Eleven t]n, bun nyMydlylvthepoet fra 1sebln r el epniuei ii neaoeAtto rn ta eirPoJ.1 takd and acted queerly and asked Are Now Dry and Six Are in jsem to laake much notice of anything. ime, not money. but lut mi' three plant. glArthat deaifali tbrougin orvilt ndsrec nutiothesttuis 4wn the nu. ei she hadi notlced it. fibe This littie scene vas stagedlin meals a day and vhat lothing 1 need- bas Mr. Griffith bought the Brad ,- Suit for the Death of Ed- jpropriatit Io pay for the slaugitas «: iemod possessedl of the Ides thatý Wet Tefrtory. icounty court Fehruary 5. The ed. The nextJob, hi 1aielan lei farta for Henry Ford et al. le tieadLmitefmu Drn ed0 ur. eounewugoig o njue er, chldà;parents reside at Highilanld qstin nw. ard'cat. the, ia. iuDurand ordofG gon oijr e-ALL ""'VOTE THIUl IG.> akan lhug hyhd enn-for many yesrs 1 fared no btter, ex. qu eion no auda hattoctlMs tt uade tiPRING. Park bp ialedaadtthonugheptthey nitditioCteioodCndkBuff Satwuurda btteAinL. tJtaavst w ildadtrw tified of the bearIng that vas set for cettaindiiotaodai Bradley fatam ad been sold. a d i-IIED A RESULT OF AFL.dnlto fteMt lt geb ntIDh" ine se. Question Real v sseNw, 9o tkte i e pti na-ltIgIreevdtogasso imte triends of the Rondout man souglit te force bae' teaigu a .ttps, On undy se ail theaAb fot lpuutte, ui.Griffith of Lake Foret.it. t1s 1g ehIna itIs Filed by Tsuit idrn vich be le gtu Ii s aantbrOl ieadeddb'Before Voters of Couu'ty, ernc.Aou1nhorithe h t w hisyeeporegr nonad aiwhetrmva oi umoh i hre s..uur itu cvarig lb agn10.W st bf e sgaus br ou 1fe n w n ld y ourt as tihe result of evîdence pre- nglyTh eotr a ufon'h'belevai. hovever, That Griffith of Deceased-AII B- fore she would hasaasured Ibat 0a« Jumping oui or the bosptal vIndow Petitions Being Filed. sented. ordered the chtld committed ed when thse Interpreter said Mr. and purchased the land for a third paty ing Under Age. aruor Dunne veu daigth u blmd snddrtmulusavay. Onu ItadY ste: th - MIç on'~jf~ijsiuio f ~ a ra. Nicholasivere married anly 40 Il ie tbought tiîat vithin a tew days thorisiug Payaient fgr th.emaSs. aai dfor a large Iotte ln ili tat, .. ae nyt h nttto o ebemne tyears. vbicb vould make the man 65 the nomne of this susçacted thind par- Aotxr1000anaesivaI Five telophona cmliite- NUr.m s towW nshipsaiatthe prestit tisue as vo- Lincoln, . ai onsalime liter thse ,rety viii ha made ko bava.80O dmg si aai' tête .ibt kMlihersaIt. Agalu sah"eDitear the I oman 46 yearaaId Lust August lit vas reported that itarted luacircuittcourt hr Attorney A. rond tBuis the governo al va a r. Th b ad o la io pial grdie the wet-dry question: Parents put In an app arsa ce. They -en tbought il lUmeathbe lha gien eu a1 _rt-r dyear ha! are tbay came a teAneiic and tise Bradle arm and that bis agents stpoof h o ir lin ermbey when tisa gaftnS ithr, Nwotddnet Ikce thea lin o! the child lia- see «lirabd stated it vas Intended ta usa the theis asna&rMaItI _hir ithrhv x bssgauet bearbg, fer ber saulity. They teaired iui set .. .. -,.butmiitherstlsi lnChicago, vbus ' i and for a large assemisiing elant.loig purchiased liqoir tram variouss a-.sfaiia1 i the Smlgt InureishersaIr or nome of ce sneentiochr h utt-weh ln m oatdbtwe h n 01iOM.bill or veto lit, linrubtias -eolirgtinta. Dr. A E. Erovn. Grntve. ae oopooThicse orhlalittseevo snc exepim lunir ia thaeTi. lndasioctatheven hemai ioDW5 -teohrGa n-wet. arest i t e by bli anthkenmontheaisnce moviffg ta Libartyvilisi. litai of the Chicago, Mlvau ea & Ta uI as started Zby e pryai1.Ouatl j Thecoupe bae - » et. Paul rtra e ieIliJut Laimul pa tbe nexttrfion" ~~ WItU ae~t ams espeluaiai ! h haptL.a k ze Via-drY & t*hoe*ftoima imeiei *A~ienrîrocl. Tt la regardai as 1*tX idAti ams. tata st"a nd paumai lIe opiato "--e -dry.bumana offcar. she viii carerla "bo :a f ! taebout tp.c(s of u alianslth. deanant nîndtre huieviii baprva under a bris! -dy.util neit lianiay vison the trp > lVaii tua nter. vf.'bom0lani land 10 b. louait lu Ibat part o! are:- -,*We a r%, ýSr ttetote gLH n W gn1tiey autoa liait home. MT'. Nicholas, the o atny. etehn Su.enrlunsia blUtiU ett@opinion tiat vor'ovar the Waukear-wet. icl nt -md. nte elo rn ttrn g Jh oo lhiidý-ry ýNeariy three menthe ago Supervis-la ittîe haut lu stature, gais argeni! ecunybsb'OloisniiaeAndro Pucin.e o ut aerhekg m absence of ber huibani mand child la .th-onequtebiei. eibaastd Lk cudrhn en um tedonselis part, aJilbecaume ésic h1trvli-r or Clarke of Highland Park roquent-thbosqut Ilvei4libaauit~iali. Accordlog ta, reports. the Isac Hiblar. ntsadfrbig'uIds wbat hn ue h oa gb- Fr-mnont- (n<'ver votd;iv, a-'ed that the cbild ha ta<ýen toothe 1w57 te go 10 bai. but dons notvos-williamwhtall tr'act on the Telle- George EfInger. ostnfrbeg bdou ,oule unbalauOd. ture out of doorasInus hoheiai a raili erer< and Rondout ronde, bas bien Tise bill aloes tiat tbese saloon- bargs.uulug vith the governor t. a vwu a Utile over a year aoethat bn.Lake Caunti' Ueneralishosptai for o lpeywl bc ftehu oid ta Lake Forest mon vhoislntend keapers sold littlor te JoipLamml, lement ln s private mlse =ai liavoanva tie t le ositiula dIri' care tuntil soins institution cauld lbe o ipayvl ako i.bueweetagi ous nts mi oi nWuea u ot hcg ould aid officialî as the Lni-tratafo-sm. lois Sefound vhere It coutid be kept. Der- ra sago ilms iramailsTh- tract la noneofthe largest Ituite on November 24, 1915,.aso i asafor, Ofthe statao lios Vernon--dry. baps parmanenthi'. The parents ayay.i a constant umo'<er o! tabac- countî aidla cosidered one o! tieerive yeara prier ta that Uxue. Tt vas' EverYthing bai moyed ia imprOveýd under the course of! -nco and cigare, and visen the reporte-, mfflt besutiful Dlaes o! land avail- on That date that the bill raiaes. Lsmn- moothly ln brlngingabuts tH Derle d drrXewsneonenadtatiisaiaw ande Rpot asIlluttie niha- i etrtngtebs oadiithoaarmnroaneguenimate..h treatment. Her six chilim hbave Who knev tisa aged man lored i he eotbsT httetadh"mrtrigt i oadn osmn fteDrn - i [)'rileId-dr>. ment. beau aald ta sunhabrs a! theis Onvnt- tell dova stairs and Jsmmed itneif Isiatura. afier lits. Dutrpaiba teaaucommltted te a Catbolic mti-' In Femont. the only township The bîîd bas beome such a care amoke. issoded hlm a big package<ofrsala Cub vho Intend 1o play golf Sun- againat tise door tnincauc s iithat peared befora committis, ad. muon and the mother bisaDotlseau-r usin a ee htill e diabet ephmtobacco hise sfuIl of joyand igrab- devq oS te un- club arounds. TIl1la bis body preventai lia doar beiug lie bill vhich providai Ibat h tbem ilu several menthe.- Oua o! tise s 'the wet-dry qestionbas nyer tht itbondotivesabe to keplit sai it l undi' plsying baslheer' apened and ta gel ai hlm, It vianec Pati for bar cattle ssa i ieé cidren formerîY vas kapt et lie or h-eën voted on. there are no 8saioons ai tise local bosptkI as oi'mre and tobig tierprsr's baudTthanbreoir- -t fs4 5 ir be vertsîsClub. Bnth essani' 10go aaont tliah opposite then vaut up ton Govemmro phaag S lke luf udvhie iireai the prpreant urne, and neyer have the states attoneyfound tisaI t a i ho n hse tmatryrtransactions viii ha maltera o! public aida o! tise bouse. Tiss bppena at signature. But lit la nV Pihfqanta ýk lffand wy ai e e been. Thpe la no village exceptisti'could lha placed ln the Lincoln fsi- entîy. 'record bstore thea veal end, accord- bis.boarding houson Oak streat and by lits. Durmndthea govalI !l rqnl a wysi aeAres and bai! o! that el n Libertyville tution. 1Aaked as *ta vbat vas the main foodiug la The Sun's Informant. lie died there oeil day. 1luteiy atouicte, aiguia lbgk hoera to ose hie mothar. At the pies- n af nFoon onhip.Aiea! r rwnI pado hesadfor bis meuaIs ail Ihests Iara ha uassaTise aim is that Lammi earuviv a 1 pal'bar for ber oe.Wi onttimelame h vinovIlanuliving waithotihmntuo OncleBrao1vs,0ac0 a yetse tan landa an ai I»aia moult11,00oafeaasolthl a atantt o ah t urunoloul viMai lsa a village votedl dry tvo yaars ago. and told of tisa boys condition. Phys- aughe n ai:11avwayst bailli p.FRDREUSS bis deati tise childreo bave heen de' th ptriite suit vhicb s hbsbnd clied savarai urnes tame' %Vitb ail townships wbere the ques- Icaly, ha suid, tise chili ban lm-_aoa.brlae'. noSles ai ofe U f .R;1A Idhsafl l iehdidnm nLk coffee." I -cole lion bas been voted on bafore bavnne poved, but lits mental condition shovs The busband bas a-s>d bearing snd Oi Myaara ago and when haovas living. Govarnor Dunne ani the ststa bis vite lat summer. but finaliTorte1i tisa children vere ati Lke Bluf Or- stock comissmion lunviicb tb" tovi su nohin basbee herd leil peitione f0 have the question na improrenient, and ln addition ta ,an converse vitb one spesking iO a pisanage. Since tise fsthars ieati, bean naied cfenduant a aa iat&1 tom a otig anb vo erd <ivoied on again tisis Spriog. il te sean thîs ha apppars ta ho bath hîîuî sud low tone. He bac a good mamoan sd j IO C0E JiIhowever, ihai' ha vo beu pisiiedlu amgesatfor bannita ra a i tro îm Mr. rhaze oiie 11 liras SLTprivate homles. lia e o teDar&aiobe, Mach Oves leienmattera. itit tire Issue is aquarli' put baforedem!. Dr. ira assys t it limes appears as thougis be vould iv for U>lI R t fha people o! thre counfi' again ts hl ppaat evi vl iayasas ha dopa 00f sean s veAl _____ould i 55sea si" ~a àdbm il-h l.ast sammer lber brother. ýwiso la___________sae eonertiltaihanf i l sectia foamanin Ponsilrana.Instinctsaof!a ansimal. For aximpleias somte men et 70. In tact haclaCharles Bernard of Libertyville ccndaaliseD1aCTiI t e hsa* ~~'WU5W5 Tai said! a ..edY beur vas giran tha quite strone, for vhen .ho out dovo n. ue YlrElectric Car JI.vIVO314IiN ILIVi uaifuI atsacIo erh ýome bire 1 @ce er an wantd ISÀ S IWIE WASInstea of cressig as oiC hVpr-haly-tr-w oe-legcvei ae ciiti contencotintins.iavuw*- JI1IJ thmewit hl, utie - c inaiad iathe ne oldwIlearclebistrt.ci l'im Today. S PE 1b~ jl appearance aet tiupal~.l~ chlldo n aesie s pomply brD Ithe cas. vhich precipitala I. 4 dilteonai liai time vas sucis liai it e-îcbc~ iiliren vouli have doa h vold thr ad vuhishrl r-ud bbi oud othoTIV d bsi isdag'e'sfanl iunexpactai atutios l't*=I ~oidul aresya.Word bas UINLI 1 -ASR lc aao ia esbiea i hirshnte0tr !00 !tAUTO IS CARRIED 35 FEET. vuI vor' a boue. vould net quit@ agreis vith his mem- The eîecric car running tram Area Ilirs. Durani han aiven ber vort pronmut hmitsin i saers AN ANNULMENT ais nhkoi.mci sado1ebreo i duhe'5fnli'MANY IIDNus. tr.el r i ls Aae preissit condItion. I About noon tisa parants o! th@ or oftbtinga. le Lake, Bluff strurk an automobile i hc a 0pybrm chliclli itiehoe !Mis Hie vite told a tary o! shsrvation tuae mornlnit ai 9:22 o'clock at Mil- Inspector Booth, However, asWlb. iv powu tai, hwr he chTd alld i he om o Mile*vaulcea avenue. Lh.rtvvlile, sud Char aouthediaw mi ic 1,00 CA LDClifford L. Barnet of Lake HIniniarelcisand haiethe chili tare-.visan heovas a girl o! about 8 years. les Biernard, tise driver. avas th- 1 Says There Are Somne oldimnMe$ CflL N IOR O n.IInd:Uhn a ltl ir ht ot n h an fte iigsuit diractai agansut lie gov fIE 'usnE Forest Says That His Mar- vIl. - su: Wheu in as a tive girl tethe refusalii is o a od tui Which Faîl Behind. "Letacommissions able , ta LIIARUL nage Was lîlegal. tirlibai ~ ~ try-A tri d pull car t' rive vai' aven ta a heary alec- NE OE EUPETlruhSsinOaun _______ne1 avl trioolo car. cunt- -usr1a1dpul E MR EQI EN.tia hesonate comnittea am $50WIEMS EETEauiona Lincoln, nii., for tise care wvIscis 1bi10test, or starva toaets.1 As Ttlela Bernard bas a badIv cnt teoue______ ba sc aitreatment o! epleptice la te ra- For sevaral years a drouguet iukfc n ad 'areî !ts IFi-UIIfLaeth i onofm cutr wee ivdwIndxbhIeId o! the auto haine broken .S ot !Siollaaie MlAia eis shil Cliffard L. ainatof Lake iForest, I cive lq second patient tram Lk iergo !m onr'vsr iaastire cars came together. scbool inspecter, bas Suai comploed "But ai no ime w vas aut@MM,4, H enry H anson Aw arded D a m- trough i e iscouns l A trn ay Jame a o ni n t e es n a r n is - s d I c o rem mb r tia t f r m re,-Bernard lbd takpn a cr io ! titmenan OInspection o! the public cio la aI about asaing us to aigu , a Aarut lve0Nlsn Welch, Fais. 5,flIed a billiln circuit war-old son a!flMr. soidlira. Charlas than <onae yar Tt rainai net more tIan'to lire insufil nsce ta work for tise Highand Park. Hlghwood. Lake Foi' vbtch voul bear on0bhth -. Aans lvr esn court t tactbs araiei a-7ble h vel pt10 ot ak etvna o-treDoe l hoeyar n reaAsonnouebckl h l tedNrh hcgotc.weswnorsce oc enra ge wiich bis brother conduts i s.Lk BufadNrlseo anag aevl iepa age qi a ullty is miriag t Sa ZInPý l . The tIle patint i an h-tre tm a i sso rle e n r an0d a. Bis vascanro bacthta«tis rn Dfaut Cse. aisE SncisL Ierto! pty.natsingcoui h ralai n or 1mi. iravillage, Ha daera irs hodld not Hadelares tisat on tise viola liaeniant il us for aur bad,» " iU1'., __Bretsets forth tht haovas mr -:Counti' Physicien A. E. Brovn, su- The sitopas oon sera sli Out O! ail bear tire bell or viristie ofthtieacar coditon o! tiese chool b In se aplaces Durani, addina-: "Tise laglailra a* LIBEL CHARGE IS MADE. riaih llsSaca a ake '.pntena ! h onty hispital, Ibraisioos, and tise people cauld lui' and could net seaist t aproacising.- ie mlai commeodabie sud conitorma - aiforust sel vs wepIlite~ , lyorneg-November 9, 191E. They lirai togetis' got juin communication vlth tis ebaud 0,mr.Ico aeb y futisar oAtand r aie, the al vaostrucb miss tisa reens. 78hosuit immedllsy WA . ir WARNING-Don'cit arniis ubo n a cna ln butwtrtr ld rqlaios ill a ba asa.tê,à bots terunî'..yo ra p o erountil Decenibel'14, 1915, but ltIle of tire Lincoln apilaptie coiouy sud poing- te the village store vil odu etog îien mshopst i. ot a e Iallvel leas-!, ut benicaise. Waie (" or uies ye hav $50 wtchyau ovar a nantis visn. vîtisout any 'skied t! provisions could ha maie10 lu bis pockets. but ho vailil roture tise drnot hén tirs car finlliv hnat-ai vls the naw achool ai NothChi- Duann., Attorney CIenrl al i cause, hae mye, is vite packed up laike cura a! the youngster.lHe bu 1 bome nd o throv tisea-aId on lie table ai. Whill the Ford va s adly dam- _ co for n e Iounave 50. isc ceai usina- ivîripi soiaccournda-. vsen catgasnd af an naking a complote ln- Othon'. But uI no tlime vas tWIsWl eausifrita 00e. îandbenTnfrmattat ccmmoa-anditllius chilinen tisaI tisa Onufiade inn twIda t nedkta nphcd e-seuo.a îdcaa isIi ohislon be gonteprivai, suit tm Oliver Nelson,.Ounil racentiy a reai-su lions,îîa bave been maie frteby inRri ete rc epckBr cin far tise 5<»' tTt entionaia ato i llg Ai tise tume tisihera rle a As a rmsult, a petitiosi vas lIed l1thing ve vouli bis ablaeaa i sr i ! l ie on l hna l ieti'iitaa aeh'a 1W vtis us.as a artar e amat do! Ruhethssaîl.h t asthalI wrehave reason, tte a ifex ý:n i.tecsgtlar fraiorm callînag sai ie is vtamaie a statemant tuthiccouunti'court Thursay sftel'naon, w zg;l Teni vs ua a er . tii itîa-ettseviea ita u be la caght, terefrainouniî clark lunvisicis aiseassertai ptitian hing filai by Siatals Attcl-iforcaitlaest grass, vbicis va bai to1- nds tigh&iv, raqpIna-I. fr uptrt aghnnthievea. for a Jur ln ci, nay Dadi'. This petittan sakedatid , Ha vas ln sncba usoillbon tiaI haýIn ather places, bovaver. viseraaià vlaaago as stlî>llcmvhiek of Rre.glac --tt. in-hedo- for a long lima, or until soeao nudt e ut hîml n dsal!esiebulinshvva fpt p 1w ound liter lia iovarmov. lisîtsua is ~.year o, ma glce î~ boycaul not ai oi aultisa penira bIldigs haauetanhpu uned maIbhasigni b iere h vag