County Independelit Waucgan Weeksy Sun Office Telephone ",""ber 1. L.bertyvllle Exchanlge- 14 lis Postlilce t t..îaruyvillle, II, s Second Clam Mail ate UloalPubctIn fOr Lae County Board of SupcýrvlufS' Procc~odlfl9 a.Svon Plrlday. Adv.ýtiq4ifg Rittes Mnd Kouowii on .1pplieStOn. 84.SOIPTONPRICE, 80.50 pER yeAR STRICTLY IN AOVANOE ............................ . ........... ... Edtor P. 0. SMITH ...................... ................................ ......... Manger WC D EER ............................... ....Reidert Manager, Phone 16-J ht aqemithai et vll ith but one reg bad rail- Mud cîouuln, tbanI= ol@th. c on M>lvuk. avenue, héiportant enao he b electri c rallièad ompuay, sud b bbportant euough Wuitz oui .eM t. ýdemaid proteton Z :tbat crossing, a protecti ou whlch lanow abowue ab- :, due perba!is to the thou~5ll of the motormefi m stbuatbe ompqauyff Eut the tactt i "the. lme ha. corne uhen Liberty- v9Vt board, tbrough ordinauce, or smre other mus, *nld DEKANDprotection fr t eol.On Xoeuy *td the. accident to Mr.Brarte facts of wc And touonTuésday, ithe uriter iiappened to ultueh ioemr-Utgedy viina mai n g ahorme'attacii- Z1*B a eno.èdbUgp nrrovly emcaedlng rmadown = té ciraiut *e mmm.point. in the. Tuesy cime, the. of tbe toeuO erd out frorn him curtai and failed ib em tbe car Eut hvscnlu ivamn't uÛti hwua Mý texigthM b. ikmorm munded Idm ublu- tehmdýee drier ked bIahors. Up, on itm baunciies jusi fa*ue to permit the car-te gruse tueanimi esdas i 'à dpaut oeu hou of ibis later incident-but ve 10OW TEN-the point la til: There are not no lu"aca r ing on tbi Ue to justify greai bate over Mt oie 2ucbtraveled crosmlng. if the motormen oaa- Ut le ouslderate e.noqfgh of uie=~te approacli the «60>9 caret ul adgveale tien the ,fllage boudo 11k. Lake, Foreut dld-pass an ordinaice ré.- C ours te ot a ful stop before crouslng Ni- u~e aene.With c=car uuln 0"eudoccasou a "i la ratieýr concluoive thtUnha% isplanou _ botter plan. Such a course would amply proteci iprtyvfle bua everal too suggetive reminders of uge ,of ibai cromug, lncludbag among tiers, Mar- ÂÎ*em W ho wasiii a rgthat vas struckby a ceu 1ailed t soid a = .rhi te aneWinla. ow lo"t w!ll this grade9 croc.ixr be Xdddiona/ Mr. sud Mno. tiunelYtuungofttlghlaisd Park, bave mnovpd loto thp W. 0. Peoter residence on Newberry avevue. Mr. and tMre L. H. Bryanst, wbo forunerly r"Ieldd ber, cslbrated tbslr gý,mden weddlis ndnivtm.aatthir hums'in Nori» Chîcago on Wednsday About fil ty relative@ and friends wsre pr,-.ent. Thé MYtic Worten lodge experts to enlertain shot eb undned guosîs at the Town fBail neit Tuesday avening wien the countyk meeting of that arien yl ha held bore. Baverai officers of the Sapreme ladge viii ha pressandam daliven addreelesAller lhe meeting a big banquet wili heglvon. Tbseveningms aentalaues l li bhacoocldwith dancing. AIthie meeting oaitlb.'NotheAmenica badleTuaeday Feb. 1. thé Vie. tary and Asocate (Jouctlle vêteaffle tei ami tie tollowimg offier.eletdi Presidasl Robe" ttl; Vice Preisaiet, Fraue sFeeSl; Acrelany. Emîbel Aprlng; Treasuren, Hivaui ilubbard;9 Coll.rtor. Edyîbe ping; rlot, Mu. R Alla; CbaacUor, Mm. C. [tuai; Cou. duenton, Mis. Cim, e. Aer; Warier. Aaron Stafford; <havi. Harry Sller Prelats. W.. Baieman; Trustes,Ohas. Raong. Ei. Konke, CarIa Gaglardi AéreraI othe s upreme offceos tram Chi-i1 caga attended tha meeting. IRS. ELIZADEUDEVINE PASSE» AWAY SI]NAYl jus die toi] l Pa ras si vit J. [b. piudtt o menace the. publie? If the. Company wo't hbis8 got4, tienu hai about stoppng car each side of!w. ldtlg de omethlng before anouiier real faiallty occurs jaeWvusu s dry a&id vanto te vote vet. Waukegan, emi& uoomda and, Antioch are iet, and vant te b. *y-~tlast lu, acoordlng ta mmrnefoiki.. Âvtul, tont f, hou [)I dUitiSe people deogeil T"w ozteave deaIn lunorth shore property, coiidera- .*w'm* n lite i bdredi of uhouandi, makes one IWêUItha ms' no teUlnj ubat figures wil b. placed on vçwK ovm bend uit. inthe next f ev years. -ë p" ui8tfl as,»Me hic e is dcpreosidin.Jd E- *iflty i residing at such an important cas. At tie marne -rnZe does everything that prtains tu his poifftion ~ia prohe and easy nmnner, whh gves boti the liti- Mmrns aid jm ury impreson that- he is fuily wortiy of C wm-irrespecm nm esifi4-e-Woedatock Sentinel. S.~ODS WItiU005 ouluebe ap-R ;IIvie ul Wmtlsotlou luL*eooiy. urely uhere mumy mo ho i.are dmsevbqg bo could corne un- ;p Uat au.SolIer, aterven penions $or b ~ hu lvs n=dWhola tuer. "gbuouI<ipsy Ibathtis. ldks teok'their lives iu their bal* MW. tbai bave lb. moiberso! the -tate Who à =tbbfamillesWhat ON la lier. uho vould a bis imail t«i te aid SONEboy's motiier uho be W adl nied ofiielp? Itthe lavilaeffective in , (d ï la, iy ul l it ymtemaic pro- demârred ai t nng the.sIpulation vhlohu vasn i ekveruor huaàe tiilegiiailve Miiibch !va levould bs e sIN vus 15 minutes te 12-be liad OM tboumnd : #a=minueffledoffas oh. watciiedt 1 o*kaid tsmd toe .gtfernor on lb.e'piione. 'TU a go aIgu-aoulxveto,"Il d n P uraid fSaille. Ande A M"PrtUdov ;XrL Durnd doesn'ti ehoio, mq ney wivould bave bon pad Min tkailtefmrent o um oeno fo la a stiplatio Mms Elizabeth Devine, via needt sI Iaet of lhe village af Liberhy ville,' sad sh ber home an Banday morning st mn o'ciock. Mmra Devine vho vas 79 earnido, bad bhen ick since Nevember. Mre. Devine vas a widow of the lote atril Devins. superintendent of @treel illways lu thé eariy histony of Chicago, aid môther a1 Miles J. Devine. ftormerlY ity ettooisei ofChicago. oAis a staer oft he lai. Rer. P. J Canway. ,Iar genora ofithe Chicago dloceme Ai.t isurvîrci by six rhlldnen, Mile Devine, John J. Devine, James P. PvIne, tIre. John 1. Byan, Katiryn )viii and m li-' iim .,iî pllrmet ý"ls uùnriI ervisu- wae h e t tha Ut 1 seph's Catholie clsunch auteta o'ciock Vedueeday maralnor, the service es ilt g *niocted hy R@. Lutîreil. Thenemains sre taitea ta Calvany, via electrir car or Intermetit. li Keairiam ie lovlng mamiri0of George James yen, via depanîsi thieIle Feh. Il. Joes I My croie havé lakea, Ali to tsars ani fallow tis; Ali thinge else 1 have lorsalaen, Thon irom beoicé ml &aIlib h, Perli eveny fond ambition, Alil're songil, or hopsi or kaovm; Tel bey nici la ml coadîtio, WhiIé 1 prove the Lord ml own. Lorlng Parenta. CARD 0F TI4ANKS t Ws wiai te tiank the Royal Neigibors i sud irIsais 0f Libertyville for them li- mas ami sympathb aboya us la lis cati of our éitar, hMnr. Jlba eAcie.1 Mn. adi Me. D. W. Berry. TAX COLLEOTOR'U NOTICE Boola are Dow vcady. -Win I hataIP.0 Creler's lalor *bop taerie untaxée evu7y dey am isvcuIn* 2ilt Wmn. Wbelér, Cahlectan. ROBBED TRUNK AT H. PARK. William Carter. coborei, appoava liefore Circuit Judge Edwaria Mondai mieralag and plesded gaUtYhi tea chargcet01larconi ASentence vas Bot Impomai on hlm and Il lam sii that in v of hie avidont pealtol sud the abitienal fartt laI ic buas a Ite »ài teur obiliron the court oOfcliae mlà- cllnci te orteai cleusnry. Canrtonbai beea cnploed bhle Norlivomtersi rallroad at Elgilani Park. Ciarbes Caripenter, #,bc col- orai, wva iither employe aIe de- pot Onc day lut smmeér Il vas iaovcrei liat eane t lie triais lu lic hagge lroom hledbeea openofi ai savoral articles, luciuiag Ivo or lire vatoies, bal becs tabia.Thé %sat tiat a ker attacied U~ a ring of laya tiat beloagel hoeOurpeter vau -tonaila lie loët cf lic truni, oau suaplo te point te Oaaer àas thc guShi isn. At liche malisse Carter diaalpmerei. Au n i t wuvasle- sedfor boit arpeutes Mi &Crier. Tic fermer vas tami nho austedi but vas acf plecel on triai Immoil- atcly as lie ollicers viici IfrsIt tole- cale Carter. For moalis ho vas scout bi lic rallrcaidéectivee. but mpperaby, la vain. About lic"miidle oelt la IUawaU. Carters vIte, wvie bai beeslIvIcg la Highland Pari sU the lime. vu assli te St Joseph, tli e sl ef ber molior. Delachvcs tcllwed ieç lièe.asd ai-restaI (uter. laieponieut sic-ceai b7 1.000. I N THE LISERTYVILLE Chierehos Methodlet-Episcopal. Arvice. neit Snday will hab ld -e u-ual At 10 o'clock the Runday ohool -mlon; at il o'clock a sermon h.v tbe pester, 6ev. T E Renm.. Spuclal muoic Teachers Report That Agents Appear to Have Left County for Parts Unknown. GET A COLD RECEPTION. County Supt. Thinks the Book Company WiII Not Seek ta Force Book Payments. Book agonis ne longer molest the ecicol tescisars et laie couati. They hava touai lhse game an naprolitaib. one andi bave let tie eachore te en- joy peace fer a white ah isast. The agenta ii net giveIUp wvillg ly. bovever. No. bok agents mliam do that, but a letter directai te evanu achool teachar la tise coonhtoi ,T. ent et echeola. la bebicyci te havi brougit about lia cxlahing conition sf affaire. Mrir.Ampson bai reevai complaini from nmornee t cachere la lie cons try district» liai liy er anbaingpeal- erei inag mcel hours hi Perialhnt biolk agents. Tbim. complanacithe icacheni,.bol ticir lime liaI sheald bave been davotel te tic pupim. One.t«hecer informel Mn. Simpson that s aaet liaipeaterci ber ns muci liai sheinlaE! ai igucià outrmct for a set of books juI hougel nid of hlm. alliUgi eic aircadi le two sisetâo cks t aIcaeaitlb mme subject. Sic vauted te 1kW% vbctbcr or net tiare vas&arI vay te eeeý lis contctas si mo aIgl couli 01 alfoi-ite bai lie sct. Tlia result wvastlic Conli »Pai» tendent et schecia mont a teSuluths to allbteacecrellictheomnhi. Iahh lctter ho ltnotei lieu tu bave noth lng te do vith book agens durisi scioel hure. Hoemigged flth i lie eanaesdi net cars for the beolk tial thy sienli diaminethe agent curlly vitheot pcvuithhng lieu 10 ea ter lbe sciecl rooan. Inauecasel fait tiey.mlght ha Inheresteili.Bn ul gestei Ihat tie heachera InLetruiolth, agents b cai during lie eveninga hheir home or' beending bouse. Atler thaticheagcnts appeardai a tev 'scioom. but heier ictt i vien aboya lie Ilter troulitte e perintaaicnt lb le learaci liat lie teacior vi contractai for lieet of bookssau lieux bacl visa lici arrivai. UPt novse b boutiardnotidu gmore alou lie malter. Mn. Simpsoni dose n tuiklisebook companiy wl soefa tsar cf publciti. Tic pninheot notic la a paper liat a teacier bai ha oued vouli ha pintala olici dUs bc sali. and thi.result miglinju the chances et diapocini cfbooist thase plaffl. Heo huis thc inciela la ecoed. it M ta tl th- [g Ir lt a- 17 ah- tah Mt lte for o, la 9nt No malle? bow large an @malt îotlr frigit baggsge, on othar artile« are vc vAll delîver tbau Bet iloîg ates 'rn1 to 20In ................. 05 eut@ 20 talo 10Ia ........ ...... 10 ceOtO 150 to 8* bn.......u........... 15 ecante Over 800 I.e esllsr ense. nvir eglan trIp. dali lia sl] Parts a1 tifMcas Dlivrr Caà Il r' ý 1 Salty First, Last ani lways! Whietidesa ti iters thieorav'd takf P âasvthe breail- winnerý every hind of rop.rtylite poicesoed oonmediately deprecistea in value; ve-xati o sfrqetarise.prevent. iagr prompt conv.aon of propet l= sa, m thmudoar ours ltI bebwmd may taaliy bu. eoilrau in oblsining susi- cient fonde for "reir mmediata vwante. Bat hiie Polio7 of Lite inaurane in spot osai. vortit uns bundred cent@% on the dollar and iinedist*Jy availilu, M.>vîey oeîringency. financial revtreieor ria. dutuatious o gvtoiipt ad dio not a&et.the valut of s IMeife oe'ratioe l'lIod RB 1 2ERIBId that youu mregrowitig uldstrar 4fy sniv ansd you <an aeve r get a Poliel in thio or any î4her s'otpauay, onas favorable termi a.'yooo cati get et y..uir preeeai age, alo h'I$ Michigao Màutissil IMA ad IlsreprenttaUivul woll offer oo véri renfacablas aedssace in kcoping your Polio in force payigthe Prerniama thereon. rif )on arc unablo ant amy lima e t mo yoar Prenaientln fait, write te the Compaoy's Agency tbroagh wbloh yon obtaincti youir poltoy, statiug the amontofcash Ioneauconpsy, when, ne d.)ubtsatsfaotory arrangements coeb. ma* .te continue your Polioy la force. Al tbal the Company asai in ratura la that yon &hall bc an prompt inthlatic elment of your Promlnm Ra yon oxpuin the Cs>mpany tl e io lapyant of your cdaims. Don't NUit Wth Dotb.'Tou know flot what a day Mr bring forth. JOHN IIODGE, Distict Manager Lah., Mdimy,- éme, Wmo% Ea. ami Deiab Couhe 1 Crytal Raton. tn ths evslng ai 7:30 preachons service, short sermon by tbe pastor. Speciai mooacî, aathsm hy the choir and solo by Mrns Elle Ring Ingra- IteM. Ail cordially invlted f1be Wigt or a Mnorty', yl ha lhe suhiect ot lhe Epwortb Leagne mept- log nexASund"y ovenag at 6:45. Leader, Mise Mary Beam. Al âne condially ln. viestte attend. Tic Womana R onis Mielonary son.iety will uset vltb Mr@. T. E. Beasa ut the pareonage neit veol Tbur*day ettar- noon, @eh. l7tb. LaI ail memhare ha presett sIt iI meeting. Choir reiespasslon Frldaî svsaîng a# A o'4 loch sharp. -Thie pvortb League tedy Cam w iii iold tbiîr sesion@ each Wedneaday evenifflAtaI8:30 aCslock. Presbyterlan. 10:00 a. m. Aooday echool. MoranugAcrie Il o'clock. Chrisi» Enisavon 6S:45 p. m. Eveua service 7:80. A congregatlomal meeting vili ha beli ab tb. Presbylsrtan chunch aitishe closee of thé morning service mrt Snday. Ail arc erged ta romaIn for Iis meeting. St. Lawrence Epiacopal. Roly Communion 7:30 a. ni. Cburch schooj 9:45 &a.n. Nmrizag Prayer Ilia. nu. Mi0K MENTS NO LOU4ER BOTIER SChOOL TEACIIR 113N<i DJSPIAYED INSANE TilRU BUS- 0f FOROIK; JURY IN TffE AUTO SHOW BAND>S DESI3RTION WAS OUT 7 MOURS Praotloally Every Dealer in Failure ta See Rusband or Her This le the Caïe, 'Dut Was Lake County Has Joîned ta Children for Ten Moâ~ths Af- Trled at Woodstoak by Make Exhibit Ntable. fects Mrs. Mrakuzio. Judge C. C. Edwards. DATES SET FEB. 24, 25, à6 THE CASE IS A PITIFUL ONE. CASE FOUGHT__BrTERLY. Standàrdl and Advrtlued Cars Woman Recoverlng From Tu- The Claim Was That Stuil Ha Are to Be Shôwn-Armory beroulosis but Her- Mmnd Un- Forged Contraot for Pur- ta BeDeoorated. Doubtedly lu Affeoted. ohase of a Fama Plans are ail compltei for Wauke- The case oflMrM.Pllna MirlUIe. Ater rcmalnng qut soi eours, gan's firat "Dul automobile show te R Patient 'stt the lAie -COnnty fleneral the jury et Weodtodl vIcda sr obe it h ulathe Waea rr n ~~Hospitali le ea fthb.mont pathotic the evidenca lu thq e oqauit fohm that ran ho imaffinsi. l'or monthse0ry caa of tic peuple vs. WIam Tbursday, friday and aturday. Feb. and month ha hasnet son ber bus- tull, returasd a verdict aceltIlg 24, 26 andi 26, aidail Indications point band or ber fAve oblidrm n md the re- lhe western baller cf the selcue ta ils belng a very sucemastul a#ffr. suit bas been that ber mmnd appears charge made asaanst 131 by roia, Nearly cvory dealer Inlhe U ic co o ho as wa e laerat g ay -twax ton montbe ego that u l ;ecsre.o lnaiet1 " has abewn bis Intereet by contractlng hlrakuszle vas touai toho hail]et tu- cenal hcusse, Joaen SVrdcbiM fer space for bts exblbllmand coeopaat- hercuiofils adwas orderci taien ho baseasîci te praille sUhd l se lâg In every way possible. the TAe CounnU General Heapital for las a usiner that aîhtb« more tisa The. ArmorywillI hadeccerahad frbtreatment. lier bueband bail loftlfer local lu'@ m t bacasesof lie waU bu abl aparts ualnewn anod apparally neyer bandlci mont dîflicult ids11510 gliIt nover hae.bean befoeand ha,, taloen sofficlent Itrat i the: The joiy retlrci lu thecévada« Bftb each elihibitor ha. promlsei te mals weltarsof et ifamtli te male any ln. rday. censlderad tice viloSmevewa hie hootb partlcularly attractive. cuile. ever their condition. Net once houreansd kt 1i 'oc la lbe moal"a Everyone ln Lae county inh pc-dorlng the ton menthe hie vifs baretoinc tic verdict. Jadis W- been 111 at the hoapital bas ha called wards wva mtting Ina tic court rnom ed te come to the show, and the Pffl- te sec ber. 1 altinsi for thc verdict aud It vau et ports ane the attendance wtll ha mach Th@e live eilîdren la lhe MralusIC once opcned. larger than at amy exhibitien everlfamli bai te be carcd for. se ticyi This case vas one viaiela rela- boit! hos. wepfcommtéed te differeut Catileites of Stuli lalmai liaI io bui ield br.inmtîtutions. Tic mothor ban mot o o fed thcDmre of kWbis tuler te Whou the auto show ws tt Bu5 Ihein fer tan menthe. $ ia coufrac- im ai. " for aàbl feait i gcsted uai persons vere skopti, jlr.Mrksl. aI.qulle well phy- Motlcaryconaly, for, ater the <ro- deciarlng tc&vol alittie o ,Is-a,;. Abs le grovlng trenger eaeh srs «0alit bqprodfoticthe oaet - ne lulerest on thecpan etthe "- * ay and appeante bo ava baa piacti- whlch relatives later cialleugui as ,!ally eureo otheI discase vhlcb a t- ho Ils auntilciti. erg. Thia bas nOW Proved te ho 0,5-tacked ber lange. Abs could ha dis- 1 Haudvnltni expertsc vare Scal e. u posite tbe reaI facts. And. hi havlug charged as cured ultin a short lime le the case ftrous New Woit. ,oeirg. a show of the proposition belng plis. - ere Il ualt fr the. mental aberatleii sud oher placse saiMdtic es» o- ned ln Wa.ilegaii It wl glve huae",' tat bact developei. .durai vide latereat. The defeadan 1 er nome lime the patient bas basin la a western bauler sud la s»Uite ho ot Lake counli people a chance te woning o ver ber hosband and chil- a milllo»mTe. irefore t"c essicus. ses the ]aie modela of cars wbesv tbeY drt-. Phe eauld net understand vbY nota ef the case vuappaarent. for. feundit Impossible te attend the big they nover calîiedto ses ber. Depts bhai ho heen foundilyt, bo veed show ln Chicago. Promolers admît everytblng that vas dons for ber, bave bai te go te, prise&. she eould flot ba lnduecd to give Up Ths firat vote on thc matter sioveot that the Waulegau sbow WITl net ho, woryng. About tva o es ago the lhe jury alood 10 te 2IfurneaqlalW. eo large as tho Cbicago show but tbcY superlatendont and nurses ofthIe bon- Tien for savezn boomg tic mon cocu admît t vlU ha proportionate as fine. pîtai began ta notice that shpi actori gel ne clouer. bat fisaliy et 1i celce. One thlng in certain: Tie tandard qîeprlv at limes. the tyn mon aiebci 0,cr 10 ti. A few days ago Mnc. Mnakusie'ft majority and BleU vas aequlttei. cars, thase liat are vl l nown and nsaîrltual aiviser, a local prient, rIait- advertised. are ta ha seen ai Waike- Pd ed ir and bai qulte a conversation sonvts ennl gan ta luit as fine advantage as lawlth ber. When blie ot radin la a Chiago i th slutitution ho slteithe nunrgm If A akeptic who wae haigOrlng a Ifli- ChOcgo. hev bad aatlced anythlng queen about itO'mlfidd dmans about a miase Mayor Wm. W. Pearce bas recelved'the vomnan', actions aud the thîngs and iltamamau,. SmaSh laid: -iloV Kemoaba la te file a petîtioti vllh 1 -e-calol. At lmthmeho om a p- la Tt possible for auis as to tali M»1 tisa state rallroad commission proleat- eare la ufer af tbe balîluiationa mass'" *Weil." roplOci thceibonnet tmg agalnst allegei dlacrlmînaton bat h5siomn ,,18 trlng te InJurf ber.,oid ballever. vîth menanlflg cuPisu. h.i-yenkiqlac disla itabho 1111e-I -1 dont scecwhv il ain*t as amer et tveen Racine and Kenoqbu la rates of ami rastl mb a farnarp. ThcDamies, usiI ale the Wisconsin GazandaMiertrleCoGm- are looping the patient unier sur- imn ses te talýli li , anau." l B pany and aeal enlform rates for eIsc- veiilauce andintthle lirstIindication m5teîlIl'ans tric service IR theliety. The matter I hath ebe niaberanie violent sho yull1 was placedinlathe bande ot a commît-' unîlli cie au ha givon an opiowrtunltylSUN VI BEDIL tee by thc conneS. At Presentg tho aremnredin outian-tl eortvber VLDL AL beinu lilppliei te Racine at thé rate saoiti. iI ET IL a 0 96cens pr "ou whle n Kic-Because et nunierous roqu.atisfor -aba. thc rate la $1 pcr 1.100. The ga' Fruit s Foot.coisfth lSuetLbry la tise twe cilles la pumpcd trout the Frut la a moal important fooi. nt' voieea et t ehe ave Sung ses-te- rsame plant lanIRacine. 1uoemch on accouaIofethue nouisl- vil shd.vohearngd5 u Mr. ad m dlr.Jack Coy ame sPend- meat l i iofi.for IL la no-lntlis hav eis sennt ta the Libestyvilbe ylog thc b»ate it telar' old walaer but becanse et Ils valcable office by mail each evening andi bome at )Miborn. Mr. Corci lea a elO& &aniorgaiie TcstIt& laTta'a iBea apermona Wlio <do rot gel the Daity uclicie. Tia tle wby oue al tici lhrough thse mail thamsaîves. but tamous artist vie oaci tu live bore 'mam t b rit." t physics tissa- vii a cepy occationally or rsguloe. ebot noW la la busines la Chicago. aimeas bouse. The people mieulI ly co gel lhem ai THE INDEPRW- __________ pcsevcre outil tici are able 1*5o es DENT office eacis morning ater laicenum: More rSes ethan ail trall.t7h i.ervin trucs, tiat theIT nine o'clock et the rogular prie@. kcourty w~ekiles comsbla". Wood la comparatlvlly tpure. o ens t. - B a .1 I Mi book to L b * Rue bolre H mai laul luIl M ,th Bu, Oel' blb tut 0H5 lt wl