L.AR-E (Jo UNTY IN DEPE NDE N WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN vol XXII.-NO. 23. PART TWO 1,lERTYVIILLE, ILL., FRIDAY, FEBIARY 25, 1916. EiGHT PAGESb. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. oelwsannounced today. Il was declared Iliat the tlucklit lute l1,ake !MRS. S. DURAND Bluff dalry woman who lias be R I DGVUI L of in the business and cannot reconcilie herselt to the tasnk of setlng out 10 RETO KI6 ARIiJI ase,.a.new herd orfIliorotîgl- breda, ,uclh as were shot down b>' te Iemîssarles Orft11w state when the foot and mloutli plague raged ln thîs vl. ýT10 RANDJURY as Two Cows on Her Farm clou>'. Now to Make Sure That Dis- i At tIhe present lUime t la sald that ease Germs Are Dead. tic on lier Place. whetlier or not It GRANT OWNSIIP F A WIL13liee cattle do îlot contract th1e foot ACCETS NU tItIIIS nounela VRYHn f iGt nbdispoulog otier e h l d eings Ilithat the premîses hav nsine c EUE c PRBit.'d thoroughiy and vili loge no lIme WAY GOMMSSION'R for Damages for the Slaugh- 1Th.e staternent was given out aol eetrtediybsns EUE EUE That Nirs. Scott Durand finalty lias Now that sheclias declded 10 sta>' out da tiscrehd y lanteIs Wk fSum lee oin ty loges one otfle mont en- arrive at a dectiein as to wliat ghe tsulaatlc tliorouglilred stock rais. Dicre yVtf.Itends to do about the cehs rs. Thereveefew led h 00 0 000 00 0 00 00 0 0 00 MI nia VI I 0 TUE VERDICT. oTHE VOTE STOOD) 78 TO 13. " "In the matter cf the inquimi- o-a " lion on the body' cf Mariona " Lambert, deceased, held et~ Plan Is to Elect a Single Com- " Laik. Fof*t on thse lth anidO missioner a h Reua 2It of February, A. D. 1916,su rmls cru.at a 1 at the [D C U R I o that sie came te her death b>' w.-h uy not of.do Twsm lcin o ayndi a omtieum p0anilfliv o Vol ers of rant township lhave o#ee. brougist out et thse in. oielected ta, corenegder thise lugle * <u*t we recommend that'WIl.0I- :1hiwas' commîsoioner Plan. this sc- James E. Biggins, Aged 25, " tiens M. Orpet be he", ta thse0 lion being taken at a op&efli elec- Took Deadly Poison Five " grand jury of Lais. counl>' I. . ion hled ln the town hall at ingle " thicase until di chargcd b>' oing " due proces. of Isw." osIde on Monda>'. The vote s ,tDas ttedWdasg " JAMES F. KING, 0o followîu: o oemno Jr.a O ROOîI0 1 PARENT OPPOSED WEDDING 0a GEORGE L. BLANCHARD. . i AGAINST PROPOSiON-11. i o WILLIAM J. WVMAN. c0 B>' taklng Ihls stand (.tant town-1 Young Ch o A. DEA NE JACKSON. c 5qhlp willi enjoy the ir nIque distinc-jNoth Cicago Yon Ma 0 ALEXANDER ALLAN. 0tion utflielng the iraI toinihip in Blames Nagging on Part of 0 JAMES HALPIN. o akphighw a cm under the sn Relatives for His Act. 0 00 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 o aigle gha commîssioner plan. Ail - the otlier townships, lncluding Wau- To picture thie fat ler of a mîrdered 1 l<Qatii. hase thire hlglway conmIna-ý Becaume hi& parents strenuousiy girl la dealli sîruggle wtli a mi loesobjecled ta hie marriage which was whons The reIdents or <Grant Intend to maIemnlzed len daym aga, James E. HE FEARLESSLY ANIS l'r. ose nu lime Initi iing the new ruie flw FEALFSL AI)loto effpct. t'arîdliates for the pusi_ j Biggins, aged 25, a weli nonNorth LYACCt'BED OP BRIINGING INTO t;îîn will be îîu loto nomination al g! Chicago young Mans, souglit ta end THIIS WORLD A SON. who <wj><mg lu lie leld in Marcb. Their 1 hi. ite by swalcwing 30 graine cf Frst-Roblbed hd.dclvilil ot al names a ill go on the regular tow.11 bichioride cf mnrcury tabiets, reccg- that wa, ta ber hoiy; e Icet at the election ta lie lield lu nized as aonc c:f 1he mos deadi>' pal- Second-Lured lier ta lier death i' pri. son@ known t medical science. This *woodliot carpeted witli snow would jThe plan or niaving *out one bîgli- Iwas on Fcbruary 18. Slgglns le& on içcatsasr4 o. vM». imb.' 9 dIostamed on m»90tour.) j <Catinlon ueag. tlà. Tihe Beach Garage nhilnit eus! ou may have Mobioi Gucetwonfitadene A LIUforMd «Pf0et mm in the accuracy of our repar ok and the quaity of our upis No guesswork about Gargoyle Mo. biloils, for ei;am3pf. W. have the Vasuum Oi Comay's. comple Ciart of Re.ommendations. It shows the scientifically correct grade of-Gargoyle Mobiloilu for the 1l*---,atiof w car or niotorcycle. W. have ais, aidmg your caii, a Ver! intefsstlmg ma" instruct- ive booiLt, rote Lebrictio. 11 The Oils of Quality Our r epair shop is equip- ped with all machines nec- essary t o now, before the spring rush.1 do C Let,& You]1 A aix' rylinder »lotor j5 aupe only in thàt it-r inpsibl in a six MOI range of speed on direct drive- geai ahifting. But flot all sixes are superioi We buiid both ixes and foui 'Ne build fours that have gre than many aixea. ixOur only pirpe.th.refore, six s tosatify vithOperandfin criminating buyers whn- demat rnîracuious perfprmance in an auti So the Ove.rIand Six «s eru nbotor ao flexible that i t *amost that you have a pear lihift. <~ Exoept for the start from an;a Q tili, you will drive the OverlandS the severest traffic and hill roj s., .. 4) eldom a need tu shift a par. ~ \ 4j And flot oîîly' la te Overlati niarvel of flexibility. © WM. A. ROSI] Tise WiU, ID. M. c The TIRE that is guaraîîteed for 5,000 miles and abso- luteIv pioves true to its guaraîitee. The higlhest attaininent of perfection iii Auitomtobile Tires. Be a Satisfied User. THIL BEACH GARAGIL Grftd Av*.- end Gen.see St.. Phne 334 SLOU& D[SPLAY. AT TRE SHOW country' or Ilie world tb romîîare wltl the lierd wlirhl was glatigltered by thse state liecos Mrs. Durand liad sipent years ili cullectlig lie lierd, gettIng somne of tie stock troni lie Islandod u Iuernse>'. It las ald aie lias not the huart fluw 10 atart out to colleet anutier herul. At the liresunt tunise Mrs. Turand la seeklng t0 cottert damages froin the sIgle and fedoral autlorltles for the losa of lier catîle. Il la salul aie lian declared sale will go to Washing- ton 10 llglit fur lier rîglîts If neces- sary. BIG SPEAKERS TO BE HEARD. The Lake Couinty (;ood Roads As- sociation meeting at Waukeg-an on Frits>', leelruar>' 25. promises 10 be a most lntereatîng one. A prngram of detilite wnrlî for tIse Lake Count>' Good Roada Association wil lie dlscussed and acîed Upon at Iliat meeting. Presîdent Swift desîres definîte re- sults froni the work of the associa- tion during the winter. He, thera. F'oge'Y ~r'Gear Shif crbor to a four It Mas great reserse power. [ o nhave grea ter -rcquiring lesu or to ail fours l. mater flexiiuility Pin lîtulring a tli!y tliose dis- s<l weli nigh Itoi le. llîppeil wîtih a t ets you forget -11) îe t.n- s>' under even o;iditiuns with Il six niotor a Ils range of specd on dirv'ct drive or "high" ta tltc.refor-e cdîîpled wiîh rrserve power which en. ics ,-ut to accelerate with lightning rapidiiy froî ti tu, slowest to the, hi,-hest epexedce. Andl our enornîcus cmtpuît enablrs uq to rifler the()vead Six erîuippcd with ourvastly riçfx rior six ammtoat a psrice hîîndreds of dollars lesIinyu must pay for equal performance W'c are tIhe world'.4 largest builers of aixeq asId fouirs, produuing virtually lwo cars for every ife o a iy- other coneern building similar types andti tzes of cars. Obvioîmsly, the Over'lang Six la îînderpriced - ni dominant Si>: vîlî- -comparable only with vcry nith higîser priced cars. The rush of spriîîg buying naturaiiy ceisters upon î,ucli excess value, taxing even our unequaled production capacity. S-e us a",ce, an,] or-drr your Six ow. ING, Agent for Western Lake County. Rys-Overiand Company, Toledo, Ohio ftodidô6 1o bToledo «mMde l . AX» q 5 *a. s.,. ,~ 0~' 'r - ~ o,. o o OI e fore, urges thse Importance ofé adopt- lng a line of acîlyîsili at wilI resîîlt in the greate8t boealt 10 the entîre count>' and wlslies al members to come prepared for a thorougli discus- sien ai the Waukegan meeting on the 25t h. At the Waukegan meeting lie dile veloîîment of Sheridan road boulevard Ilîrougli the eastern part of Lake county will aiso bie a teature. Thse next meeting of tlie Lake Count>' Good Roads Association. fol- lowîng the one at Waukegan, will lie lield at Wauconda, Tbursday March 2. An lnteresting Prograni ls alào tielo arranged for that meeting. Presîdent Edwwln L. Lolideli. of thse Sheridan Road Improvement 'A4- soclation, ad'.laes Iliat 'tir. W. 'L. Clienery, edîtor of the Guide Posnt'-f tlie Chilcago Herald, wlll addresa the Waukegan meeting on the develop- ment of Sheridan rond as a bigliva> rfom Chilcago to Milwaukee. Honorable A. 1). Gasli. president of the Illinois higliway commission. rutl also address the meeting. Other speakers of Intereat will add to tbe program. See the.Overla.nd at the 1e.2, 5 6 ORPE T IIELD Ed. Orin Orpet Tells Jury of Mirs. Lambert's Accusations Over the Telephone. ORPET HELD TO GRAND JURY~ Hearing Continud-Orpet Ad- mits That. He Spent Night in Father's Garage. ouDlDeb& ~ .~iu i J le oab- !aromie Iliereoi )f Aswfl ed mad )urI for .0-trIx Iday la ig ont1 61kesha mocI.- ork la court. Ma orm it bo te cou- art i. hou. sent le ka with 09 the v Oom -aot anything to any automo- bile, no matter -what its condi- ZAGtion --- Bring in LEE ZIG: A NO-SIDTIES your old car to punçture Proof or Mo àey B&I b e overhauled Peb. 24, 25, 26.