LAKE COVNTY' agv ~ ____________ I~~Vç COLLEGE STUDENT Ml-O MU ST NOW FAM~ TRIAL ON ~ R AR' MURUER CHARGE ON> WHICII JURY INDICTED HlM- .11' M ON DEÀTII PICTURE BELOW IS 0F MARION LAMBE RT, SIAIN GIRL IIIREÀTCHMRE Uin, Employed at New Tan- nýy Ordered Out of Town by the Polce. MADE THREATS TO KILL.ý Frpin Tels Police Time- Threatened to Shoot m With Revolver. Atimekeeper, kuowu ameng the employes of the Wilder Tannlug Cern 4( _eitytas "" vas arrested b! coulpiaift ot une of the foreMen 1,1 & death tbreat charge Tuesday more- lng. Thé foreman. a man by thé usine et MacArthur, alieges thal the tint?- 'keepea' tbruatened te biov bIs braina The yotîng man vau arresteti by Captala Nelson and vas brouglit te tihe police station vhere lie vas qucatonéti hy Thomas Tyrreli. The ~ =lm aitbhe tanner! did flot vaut ta appear againat the Young man. but told the Poice (bat they wouid droP obaigesif the police could persuade te yaung Mpan tu sha'ce the dust ot WaukEft% tram bis feet. He Prom- 1usd ta do so, but Tyrrell wouidn't 14ke is yard.i and sent Olicer Booth pith hlm to the railvay depot. The youug Min Bays that lie wouidnt vork wlth nonon men lad that the charge vas trumped i) up elnsI hlm te get rid et im. This la thé ti-nt arrest made at the Ian- M ury of a serious nature. The cty ba o the grounds at «Il heurs oft te ,&ýYantaa9rUbtand thé patrol.wagon makua at ieast four Dorivation of "Amethyt- tisa véek tu the nev site of tle 1 b aucleut Greecé sutethysta wr tannery. , voru round the neck 10 pruvent Inbi It vas made kuovu today that workt ication; lierce the namé, vich muani on dring thé piles fer thé founda- uniiitoiiicuted." tIon ot thé large power lieuse ai the, - tanner! weuid begin WedneBday~ mornlug. A G$od Tîmne. jýj ýafun,;y norld A man W To Be Neutral. Up next mornlng vlth the 87 cants and To escape critlcispi Do notbing. iîa lpiliow lu Ise moutr, and cal h s nothlng. bu nothing.-Aznonyiuous, gooti time. -Col.ucbi,ý Stata. Fris SnrbIrs en Air k, A DrttV in 1,014 SEM ",IlL1 No NEW CONTRACT suco.cesaful Secretary of Wau- kegan Commercial Club Is LlkeIy to Go. East. HE HAS MADE GOOD HERE. Recent Staternent in Sun otan Offer From East Likely the" Cause of Change. t The Waukeçan Commercial Club la I' to bave a név secretary during thé cemlng year., R. N. Magil., secretary r during the first year efthte preseot1 organizatloii's existencé, "the man t wbo brought Waukegan togetlier fori1 the firet time," is 10 leave the local1 fieldi, lis future lecation beiug unau.- ueunced ai preseut.t The admission iliat Mr. Magill la net te bu secretary again tbis yesr dusu't cone as . couptete surpirise, becausé soute weeks agu The, Daly Sun told of an lnquiry made ot it by a big esatere city about Maglîl and hiý vork hère sud vhese sso-> ciation ccordingly vas seeking ta tIre hlm. lnqulry rcsuitIug ftm Is feeler" shoved that Magilîl ad ré- ceived a number of propositions aud was even then conslderlug them. His wurk liere, In this most trYing Cam- utunity, lu getting the business men together, évldentiy Ilidattracted at- tention etfevhele. It la understood (bat whlië tir irst year ut Mr. Niagils administra- tion bas Juat loseti. lit a tentative arrangement vas madie vlere y le bas agreed ta -.smala vith thie gsu- ciatten for three mouths longer, or, perhaps, until a new secretary tel lrt*ea lu. The decision tu permit Mr. Maglilt toever lis connections witb thé Waukegan association yl cause regret among many a! thé bosters who have vatched bis work bure sincu coming te Xauiegan. Comlng to thé çlty vlien there vas no unty of action. purpose or désire, lie started In and brouglit thé busi- ness men af the city and evén thé county together. Hia Ideas have per- vaded (lie cuunly and Ithe sprit lie lias heiped create bas genle ail user the cnurite untîl nov aimost evury village In the couuty lias jained thé rush and is maintalnlng a commercial association. And tbis ail dates tronm thé timte (bat %Iagili came bure. in Ce yesris prevlouse Waukegan had cout- lx merdlai clubs, but they neyer vers la liké the on* that exisled ince Ma- gilcàme here. Accordingi!. vhiie frienda of tht MURPHY DISAPPEARING TRUCK BODY. SoleAget IIê Cunty tll 5etlr~ttrTW11~ indb~s~ il! bTs pew fleid, vberever it unay hé, tbey regret that Waueçdii hta lose bis ervces Ir ->re succagds an veil wberevfir lie goea as lbe bas ln Waulcegan, lis vork viii lie productive of valuable 'resuits to the city that gets hlm. Arnong other things whicb >Mr. Ma- gll beipd put oer itli marltéd suc- ceas since being bure thec firet yeir Lske county. The Lake count:y sutolobIle show.1 The big mombership campalgil whlch ha@ juart Cloud. The tormation et sevaral commer- clal clubs ln vlIIagas ot Lake coufltY. The securing oft(ho new Industries vhlch will Increnue population of City et liait 25 par cent. AND the thlngs that hava made &Il these thînga possible, sa hl@ effort In BUILDING UP COMMUNITY SPIR- IT. If Mr. Maglîllbail accomplisbed nothiug eise durtng bis sta! here, lie would bave earned much more than he bas receii'éd bY inereiy getting the business men together lu the vay hé bas. Neyer befure bas there been thé Co.perative spirit lu the coutmuultv that bas developed iu the past year. NORTH! CIiCO Thé North Chicago Foundry Cout pany lias decided te maku soute rat mi er large extensionts te their plant ta caré for lucréased business aud thés> viii bu cemmunceti as seun as the weathur vîli permit. Walter Eraisé lias aiready let the ceutract le Peter Ciîrlstensen fer tie eucctleu et a tvo 51r! brick flat builing andtiltIere are tve ntiîc buildings oft hýà type under cousld- e ration. Thelfiré Insurance adjuster was in tuvu Saiurday aud made séttieuten vlli C. W. 13uagM for ha s lulnhe récent firu at the Auditorium botel A senior At thé Centrai achool. vli vas sent ta bey et erllizéd brai, startled a State sireet murchant by calliig for mércerized méal. Staips witiî evei-y 10e puirehase -I2 Spring Styles in al c e s -vo t r e ( o i .t C LJ L . . Y 0 n -) 0 1 ,wauliegtfl's Bent Store" lu connection with Baby Week, we announece Free Lectures for Saturday Atternoon oni Baby WeIfi4re lubiii's Store, ii <Oi'tOi W itlhe NIe(heal Assoriation îanîd the XVtna's, 4> Club, is nakitig National Baby Week "à a spi< ndid success in Watukegani j Dr. F."AMI ort Lecture Saturday 1 - \ i 4li p k 'il<lîtii iii 11(4 j1 (>1 l det - I. l 1'îilîwîl ati M 1 Drs.<(( Waîîkeg bi ;lo 1>i<>tsst>îi\ uu> lov s(tiflerieît >of tliv>Wîî>gi u> s>i>>ois. rUh<s<, leetuir. s illii leii.lil v iîtere.stiiiýg ani jit'î-ixe A4l miîe is irivited tti ;ttteii>t. T'Flîeylîgii at 2:301' . M Riubip 's Store is Headquarters for Infant's and Children's.Apparel 01i1- inv;e laiti.t ii'Iii-geaud'v i il'it( t t tg if-u -a lY l mahke tht litte ies io< li New, Spr Suits at, $22.50 tis, %'li<'1 - ttk 1 >itiis 1for tiei lî:iiiî îd )îeality, l~isl1ieksoî stielts iîailitaiîii:a Icadersii Style features enibi'tie seîii-flave, îîilitary, tiare peî>lutf, palh poeket'sQakrvollar, slirred Nvaistbific, and otiier modish effeets. Materiais are excellelit quaIýty gabîardine, serge, ani eheeked worsteds. Popular spi îg shades sucli as nlavy, lattiv rv iteuý, rook , lbisqu, iiiîî4 grey, blaek and -white. Low priced at $22.50. A Tasteful 'Array of SPr là., .à ats Ail that is ncw and of fa- x-ored design for e a r 1 y v spring w car, is repi esenited iii the aivd ai iay of bats 011 dispia . vat li1ll Eaeli niodel show n t', a am ereation of tde iîost distinc- tive type-beautiful ii(Je -___ sign and e-harmilagIy ftm- _,âW 16. Q;ý *1 I T, FRMAY, MARCH'lu, amie Il po, IL -- .: . ! LAR ONE LÂYIG :Waukegan Lc cals BASITBALLOÀ 4 thnestate of John Graves. decesaed. Jesse Brown, EmploNye of Ab.-Itis afttrnoon filed suit for $10000 stract Company, utie damages against the Consumera Com- Sustained pay. Merely tlie pracipe of the suit Painful I juvs.was Ilied. A new undertatting flrm ls bolng HAPPENED AT HIGH SCHOOL launched ln (lhe southwest part oftîte ________city, two Swedlsh young men bavng Two therBaset BilPaer declded ta engage lu the business. An Two the Baset ail layr ilterestlng feature lu connectiofi with Collided With Him, Throw - ther Plans s that they plan baving ing Hlm to the Floor. a "formai openng" of thelr establiali- Jesse Brovw. 18 years nid, living Ment when the publie la ta lbe invit- on lt'irvlew place and empioyed an5 cd to sec their placé. Ths, for an 1abstractor for the Chcago Titis, & underaking estabisliet, surely Trust Cmpany, vas serously lu- viii prove a novel event. iJured Tuesday night whie piaylng Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Conrad and basket bail at the bigli écimai gymna* dàtîightr have been callétu t Wauke- 1sium. Two other players coiiided 1 gan tronm Fon du Lac. Win., by the vlwth i hm. throwing hlm lieavliyt elu îuu f Mr. courada ies- th fluer. Au examlnatloii shwednter iîs. n Wîin isl bad sustaluedl a fractured celiarboue a caua cuî ion the Jane Mc- and a partiaiiy dîsîccated i rglt %bou-lierhsta.M.niM Cu der. The collr boue vas broken rd furm>trly reslded lu WaukeïgL. i buse from the brpast boue. Sherif Grîffin wil leavé tomnorrov 1ro w n liq a basket ball enthus sat for 1H art. Mi h . vliere bli e e ansd bas piayéd on (lie second téam bring bac'< Adoipli Keer, vatiteti at the Y. M. C. A. Tuésday ulgbt b. bere ou a charge of blgamY. c o u s e n te d t a p l ay f o r w a r d f o r t h q e r e E e s o p i g i l , c n *business cailege tesm lun(lie game ddefore es cf prnmnfed atin- -agalnst a North Cilcago îéam. fdid ate for teasRepubilan n& t ia tIOf The game bad barely started whén frsaetesrr a akgt ((rovu dashefi forward ta secure thé viter today. le shiol< bandes with bo l wothrpiyrtveeha e li nembers ot thé board of super- lu the same dlrAtlun. Tliey came ta- v isors sud aiso met a oumber utfla- 8 g ther illi great force, iBrown elnçg cal people. lie asl thu guelit o t W . ýehuredte lthe flor, lie 1îtîîchiy re- 13. Sithlt, charual ut the iAke colit- ,fused lie oppurtunity to ride dovu- ty Republcan centrai coiflnitteu. r (cvi lu an automobile or alnmlanc o (onmisolonler T. Hl. Iurat, presl- and w aiked Iuo teY. M. tC. A., soute dent of thé Security ;avingn'l)tnk, 18 of bis tr eud t ,;accoinpaiiy hlm . iitlu t,ed wvî l ,l e a grippe. île hasl [n At the Y. NI. C. A. the youug iman ieeu111il uce test Saturday sud wvas vt as atten<ld by Dr. Courley. Tbe ituiabe ta attend (e counicl meeting examinatlon revealed thie serlousneas Monday nîglit. A report becam'Ž cUr- letofihe InJuries. Brovn declînedti renit Mauday. te (lhe effeet that lie la 1 go ta the hospfittl. lu sîmîlar cases Jîiîreatened villépneumie, labut (lis la l has been round necessary ta use ai was lenled (lis morniiig tY Mr. n, lIiver screw lu attachIng the braken Durts sou, iaroid. The latter sald coilar (toue to the breaat bous ln or-I li, fallier merel! lias a ver! suiere 'ydur ta ulte Ilium pruperi!. Thsutar j ttack of t.he la grilppe, belug under have tealie dons'lu DBrowo's case. I tlic care ot Dr. FoIe!. w L 'A Departments ri