CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Mar 1916, p. 2

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LARE VOU4TY Im FINE LOT 0OP SEED CORNi COME IN AND SELECT YOURS NOW! LarofPea I ~ON TRACKS--, Finesi Dairy Feed ever sold Oncç tried, always used Dmby t6 OU D" opeBa m Am20 yaure. ?PoSe 47 L E A. Biaop, Mur. Reuer $598, bcElaf.o. b. Tcl*.d h lectric Starter and Electric Lights IMM lacSTf. mm to And bis equlpuienf4I R parImIr.The electric abtihita" la tte wellI&uwn Autolite, tWO- agit type. It bas a nagntic upecdoneter Md & fun1 @e cf tools. The tires ane four inchs ail around;p non-mklds on rear. Demountable ri= amar used and an extr rm l ncluded . TIc bady 1î ¶*ie latest atreamlne design~, finished hn black, wth nickel and a1unlnum trlmmings. to beprouaof andin whlch you can take jutMfable pride. Cali, Ilepicone or write for demanatmtion Schanck Hardware Co. LIRERTVILL, - ILLINOIS hl die bd cammoi<ds Tbmt y«uCao p oat aak for ohespuesa. Keep thbinking of quality. ThaCe aur advioe. If you know only a littie about brande, yan pan stili bu mie, for this store always stands for yonr afety. W. ha"e nothiog that yaun ned heetate about buying à"P ol aetsy" in aur Ualad Gooda mtto. And miover farget that.buyaug ber. is the bet way for you %0 b. Oum. Corlett &Frecterîcks LIBERTYVI1.LE, ILL.. PH4ONE 80. ,.ÂHPIRR MÂNUPÂOTURING CO. Deuiasei«d Mame aoa LIGHTING FIXTURES W. &IBO have a complet. Platng tPlant for relnailnu AUTOMOBILE PARTS TAMZ WARE STOVE PARTS IAMSEDm ATHROOMTNIMMINGS SUMVER PLATINO DICKEL PLATING BRS LTMN COPPER PLAT94G OJNMTM PLATINO BLACK OR WHITE ENAMEUJNG Show onin sud factary Seecondmd doreil'omaet.t .TLPOS58 LIBEWVYVILLE, ILLINOIS .Ut3RFEED and COAL BALTLMEBMR T= E scWERPIPE 'A ^RANZEN, JR. To Insure publication in the Indepon- dent. Cap, muet be Intheoffice nolater than Tuoidav of sach week. AOvr- tuler4,, specially are asked tu take particular notice ta thîa affect. Additiemal Loeal News es Page 4 John Homen ai Antloch, Msas a viaior boe.Manday. Lou Whtney wae tu OrSYlsie on buainess Tue.dsy. Plan tu attend at lest ou. service ai th, Ifaitute ut M. 9. church UMrdi15 Dont a.r Bey. WhIlianiat lb. M. E chrcilu ie venngMaech 15. T i. îa&Daaue Co., recaved a caload aiipmani oi granite lait Satur Tovn Ceri EC, D. Bubierd va. lu Wautsgan on Tuosdasyou officiai uai- TTbIia Chapter vill rmeet vîti Ulm. jaunie on Tuaidoy eveaiug, Maeh l4tii. lira. Win. Wbitumerapeniaaverai daya thia veek vit b er daughter, lira. Jai Peatorlu rsyate. ies Virginà Côfilin &ud MisselPaarl Rovlui @peut itom Saturday la Tned lu SyesmoMdr4L, viti relatvai. lirm PhUlipScbaefr entirtaIued bir silter. Misa Gertrude fliru front Laies Zurich, a»,F"elda" e .peut viet. W. 1. Colline let Wdnesday far à huit- nomtrip teaesveral ile. lu ihi part of Wwaoual. g. Wini retorn Fr. day. it. sd mdlie John Dislueln sud famli sud Mia. Maths Bauer vlaaled vilh relatives et Wancauda saturdsy and sunday. Mir. &Bd lira. Barry Olaw ai Woute- cn. .gvut .nt i.dv nt th- home aiflMre. uùàn'i parenta, kir. "dMmdL .W. Butterfield. Tb@ yraular omting oi iii W. C. T. IU. viii has iid on Mamch14alstiihehome of Mm reuiler. Tapie, *"Peelbtia." liMa Mone, leader. lira. . Krateelmer aiof ayalae mmd Jain Krilaciiamirad faaIky oiNorth Chbiago. spelSounder aI lie à. A.0 Graandy home. lira. Brt SUIer mmd cbldrsu vent ta Raci n oBStarday vhere theg viii viail or about tvaveeats viti lira. teler'.parente, J. Bit Trigu mid Georg esRton loti Tney ight on a trla tulie aoutb.rn part of Texan. They expet tu reuru lu a veet or tan dayi. H. B Eger, chairmaunoaithe. board of supervisoms. llm attendlng lb.heeftinga of the bourd whlch are being hld lu Wankegan tMa veet. The Earnest Workerma me. iii Mccl vitb Idm. 1P. E Overoon un Friday ailter- Doon, Match 10. AlilMeMbers are requesed ta ho preaent. Phil Praline, who la attendlng lb. Univereity et Valparaiao, lad.. apeut a le* daje Ibis veet viti bls moîber, lira. M. A. Protine aud famnily. Chamles Bernamd vreuched one oai* léi kn.esen abadly lltSatnmdmy vhile vorting on a car lu hl@ brother'. garage Ihat b. ha. heen laid upsine. Ihat d"y. on Wedneeday, Match 15, lie W. C. T. U. Intitut. viliib. beld aI the M. I. churci. UmMialaraba wli vii h day leader. 2ev. Wilimmoefflaaapmeis ai the. avenipg. The LIbertyville Oauanqus Amssoia lion vîlI bave s very important meing aI the village hall neit Mauday nigl. The meeting vfili b.e olled ta order et igt, o'clock. A hll attendance la dentred. The reception sud dance glvsn by lhe Foreeter Team ai the M . W. . aIt te town haillIet ?rlday ulgil vas a very auccimful affaîr. Them, va.s alarge atieudance. The. muele va. funlahed hi Baptesaorchestra. . C. Kimbalha. reeived hie govern- met ertîfieateauas sretary ai lb. local hoard ai theelcvlilservicecommiion Ur. Kimballiau bêe t ii ecreary af the local board for abouts year. but has luit reeaived hie officiai papere. The lierry MateraSt. Patric'* party .hich vae hsld at lb. AudItorium on Tuesday evening, vas atteuded by a large crowd. The gentlemen daucers lve»r mnted wiîba negtI 1111e Coin. binalion oi Sbamroct m»d edy pipe, ville the. ladesers gives a combina- 1lanai touni, e.ued sud sPalrid. ab. mu"icl ietuuais raeirs. W" A. P. luili, <im. umrkwja j. [T, PRIDÂY,MAROH 1%0,1916. Mmbut th le Commercial Club c Teidmi iv.iaad the furiture for the club roomand mwa. a.he enew club rocs. aiIn uap. the. umiturs vill bel inea§Wod-Vi.watt af rebuulding lt.e Juat building la progr@Wang naly eud il vilihengpa siobrt lMmebeiamthle C4CoeumobkQbwinbu able et illae Sundayav.uing lthe regular mautly Veeper sirvice va» beld et lhe M E. churcli and a vemy fine porrsm va. reudpt*d. Tiie eelectlona giveté by the mlied quarweti. the mal. quartel and the aolae by lira Angsta sPârmau vere exceptloally plaa.iug, a. wa. the rend- lpag by Mrs. Luella PAty. lir. *Loin MatlSok preided et the pipe organ and ber aiecetiana vere a ogreatiy appre- clsted by lb. large audience. The Presbyterien churci PUIPIt vB@ flled b, 1h. 2ev Robert GYle. ui Pull. man, lit., lait iiuuday niornîng lie. Gyle ha. retigned hie patarate lu Puilman sud hma ceepted a charge lu micigàn, àabout eventî mile. froua Ieiipemiug. lu wbich City 2ev AlburI bean is van Itset veek Chai- B. Kaou«.,oans0aithe. truatee0aitb. cumci boa rterlvad yaord train ST. George B. Laird of B it I., thal ho. vould cauduct eervieaisaIthe locai cburcb ou Ilsadey, Mari It, eud *tiath. onld lIte toae tiy lauge atiendanci ou tigt dey.- .1v. Laird la this miauler *ho vai bergoma day lait veut la10at over lie oar.e, ud Who, uban b. loft borei infomaiihie galiaibatiliavud iskte t.laaSlder acieptfuga paitor ma t he i iabrffvdichutéo. UDERTI VILLE SAVED MI0 $CÀàon FeYER EFIG~I Quit and detsmind action by tbe board aifhemilli probably eaved lb. villageao ai lenipvilla traa videoprtad epidnile aifacariet lever, for vithin a ev hours oi the deati af the. rsi victu imo the diessea theath board, bataitby tb. villa"e preldent J. . Morse and the b.sltb commlIste, lnctitntad a oeeching investigation at the achool test Frlday p.upil l in Qthe romand alter t*. webooi vas ardeped cloasd uotil W@duoa. dai ai thia vek sea furthsr saleguard agaïust the. apead aoftii. di@a... On. d.h h»a.meblt.d ftroutUn amali apUasie, aad thés one eeu vaitii mans ofaithe quiet action by the. loal phialcia an oâ wFb. c Who poue. &eva! lem Tbuedb7 alter- no ana he ie aya. rnid dauglis air su ad lMr&. Tbeciore VaadwWae who ldioàîthiu faty.oiaht houmralaer Ob$ wau tain e. Le Durimg the. uightof Thuraday and e.rly plrid.g moralng saro lmoreaa.avert dieaovered. Tb*. rsporting of ti. mau cmai gave thre bellef!liai >0w. child attendinq ane o!liehe ttres gr&"de aeh" l vasunknovingiy apremi iU dinau,. but alter the pbvoiiciaaahW îexamiusd aill thebeildrsn lu lb... gradei t tiey ver. aatiefied thst nous af thea vire slet. But ta make certain that ni dicesse germa wers -lurtion t he@ romth b.aiool board. ardored tb entire school building cloaedl up tigb and a tory atrong eolution of iormaide hyde uaed for acterai daye tu thoroughlý fumigate the building. lu de ab n# M ne me bl e-t de Lianbcrmy placarded the home vith a agn vith s varmlng ta keep ontl.AI. though aererai mare cam.e vers onad u p ta Buuday nlght no Dev came . er. reporled aller ihat lime. Tii. total number of patients nov are nie., @aeielidren and tvac adulte, ai, on lb. road ta racovcry, a. lua nly tva cm... vere tbe patienta lu a critiemI condition, tb. otbera havlug ouiy mild attacte. Ai su added procmtion &alaint a possible apresd aS tii disse Oa notice aspontedig iront af thi tictt00fie ai the Librty Theatre vhieb etated liaI alleiIdranunder lgiteen yeare vOuld not be alla vcd la attend "wuv untir furtier notice. Tii. pramotera of lie B.inrday nigit vaudeville alun poui aa notieon lb. doora of lb. Auditorium building etating tbat lb.e ba v bad base cancellait. Thre ig citlene meetin iarraugeit fur Sunday aitermoon va.&e cancelled, sud &il the Bunday seboole ver. kept1c»duaudIst iunday. Tb.1 publie, libramy ha. m notice poÇla t bi poaloffice thst Ibe llbrary viilbe loseil unlil Tueaday, Marcb 14. FILE.-OBJEC[IONS Té wuT PETITION Theautalnîlon leaders ai Libertyvli. Townahipp Oed objeeIona ta lb. vet petition with Tovn Clark S. D. Elubhard4 la.t Friday, the drys haseng their objec- tions ou tii. facho hast the signera oi the vet petitlon did ual epecii ID viat villmge ai th. tovnship liai reaide and tiey aîso tailped ta tat. the Dames 01 the @tieetàansd hgiv5is, vblcb tb.y elau are ptovided for lualthi étate lOCal o0108 lau. Town Cert tinibard vould not com.- mis blmasill la deide s, la ov ai-lthe petilianers a.i.odaisi l itsa paInt lu a& ilmv uticld y t hma, b .lIid tii poans ams amicoeeyiient plae t.deposit their tuaIS and géiete. PtoMp. <If ktl sud coitçi>s etu-int.dur'servie la die resutorl imore dmeu£wu Umeos e xperleoce. Our .otlloers wflI bc9Wlte ontemer With qou et emu time. i . 1 a.e We have a spiemii asortmnift of shoesaini broken fies. sefling at omeheit marked prie. Ladies' shose In a gres! essortMent ol StYles. Pateet leather, velvet toau leater. amidgueuletal.. Some inu h l leddressg style ami others iu plain sensible heel ami broeaitee. Raiglog la price frein $1.50 t. $2.00. Chlrees schlshees. geed stout medels suitable for - girls or boys. We have t<linss ea erlu al sues andinjebotli tan and black leather. Ladies' shoçe rauge [rom sue 24 te 7. CWldren's [rom latent izes t. suze a Misse. W. W. CARR«OIL & SONS CO, ýNoristotom e 29 o 3lti SWOePbmu3 1 m Il ià A number ai Libertyvîlle sud Ares people misd a *UWieY ofexcimmeeMcm.nw dçf OVmauiqwI W *07 WU*, rOltgbU ouii& Tii. cr vhlcii letaie Blus at about «asno'lock hod Dat «Ôan rery for viien the trolley gaI tantgled op lu tb. P Ires anpportic« the igi-tenllaa wrires, bresklug the wlrus vbieb dsngled ail ovfr and uader the car. For & 19W, a.'oude thora vae a fine dlopli>y aiftire worts and th.) fluor of the car va. îaan in fiawe. The motorman sud étonductar, witb the asiietancesai riverai piemngera. sécored a fev bucketi of vater in s dltcb alonit he road snd soon bad tbe tire extinguiehed. But the car weeen badly damaged tbat ^iter the vrectlng crov had the vires haut ln shep@, another car vaasaent for, wbici thon Praceeded tovard Lîbertyville Everîvtblug vent Walli untîl the car naared the Desplaluee river bridge wubes the floue. ers aalu torm dovn bv the taoley polo whlch lad bioone tapgled lu the gov vires. Rer. no othir soi. dents occurred, exceplthtat the vires orabe one.of tâte car windows. Wb he IiM. P U eoBi3 ay laIthtey wu» goiamboo. ail butthbrm ai l&ah.m iistçd o& tu valt the reel ai 1* distanc. Tbe wrsker va.aoasis callet! sud alier a bord tclalugetting l thevire.col- nectod. du t b.bighiaitndwhichtvait blovlug, It va. diaeaversd lattOi vwu iowaauS iiuwrong vis1 the car M a third car bsd ta b. @ent for. Wbem the third car arlv.d at the aci»e jua belote elayon o'clock the liro a. maegera vbo could not vait tiie dIstauca ta >Liharlyvîlle. wvesplcked up and tii trnp va. resu.ud. The. superintendent 01 tb.eeetria lin. camneta Libertyvîlle Ou ýa. lAt aMr d hi al>uceseaad op Dr. J. L. Taylor aud mse ilm ta go ta the b oum oi JamueL fClark. via he reporledl habd hei ljured lu lb. vlld acramn he 0ai the iorty or mari, pasiengera wben the car caght liresai LAte Blugi. Dr Taylor found liaI Air. (Mark had recaived a bad apraloin isiefoot uhici anade itellt- Ypoiiible for hlm ta vaik. Tbe other tva opasauger vhodid ont unsrtaAe ta, wadk, ver. iliehîly immmrd. No malteir iov large or amail yanr dfrelgbt bsggaas, or otber article are va viii dilverthoe ae falloving ratai: ilFrontaSo 0I................05omeaa SOlolUo Ibo... .................. 10 cnt§ 150 la 800 Iboi................... 15 ceeu 0wve a00 fleiai tomes. Vive ragular tuips dally ta, ail parieaio ur TAX OOLLEOTOfra NOTICE Sy ootsajav nov risdy. Wili ea$ P. a roW' tair sbop ta re-1707- txa r every day sud eventun. wd 0211 Wm. Whoelér, Collecior. Il Lake County NationaL-Bn capital, Surplus and Profita -Slmomj000_ Total emeurces - 750,00000 WINTER MILLINERY AT cuir PlâCts Durias Fenuay ma mtuM r tl m Hm*Iasr Hal u a e .« *» motl. If y« .as»mvW as.oe H@4 tsd auge itffl i@& Weiê i@%, y.Ghpes. NmI.sud Peau ce@&iet lmb p4mia. PAÉMA conm io e siS. A. W. LN R T , - Lbey~l -PROM OUR- SPECIAL HOME MA-DIE BREAD 19 ra. Elharduon, of Grayalake, ha. brought the trai 100 Bread Wrppem and Sot $0.00 ta Gold. Who wifl briDa the meond 100 Wwaper S" gel*0&00 <l ash? The Libe rty ville Bakery Phono e9 - Lbertyvie, nM.

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