CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Mar 1916, p. 4

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eCuunty 1 nclependeflt Jd///*0 éw Waukegan Wpekly Sun «C etéIN HE IBE/ IlL OfieTelpu.oIe Numbr i.LibSFtyitliS Cuchange . ____ 1 * th Poto*twstaiL.tcriyviL .tI. s ee mm Lac il %iatrr -- s mlii ublIatIonfor .1k. o.jnyBoSrOfBUBrVlItS P-oceelngs C A. ililer of irayalake, usameaviator _________________ O Pbinato for Lkeent Advrti'li uae ,.ill n li t nlir'rundyMshds.pîCsl >IITO RICE S.6.ERVERST91CTLY OM AOVANCE Auna Sîitilr îî euegu' e-iti ervlmi.n..tsn,îlay cl bo tbdat bloTti..........................~ ~~~................... . ... £ditor m îlre iti .î .C-ieiuitn.:[e.T tan h MITN .............................. .................*a**"er neiw 1home p îtut , wili preaci et Iloti services a% =BSER...................... ................ Rsllsnt Meesger, Phane lO9"J Thi- viiit' i brn it ietuilto *'clock a in and a t 7:80 p M At s-lo ouiy nilît. Llieides ith. bum el t ii nug menvice.Mr.. r..tal Baton must bave been very tsntallztg for Chicago report- us.oul aultîlua bdile a,î readii-g the guIis,g. *Sutirimp, and Sueet" by C&@. git into thie rad jury room and give teBtlDiy onfl crk'e unma treit>ur,-r'ts report there ttsas F'. StrueSlit thi. .vpnieig 'Mr@ Ella WMeue cas 8tey did yeterday and yet ho prohibited Du 0( bel buue.u fîw'P.rtsnce. RliInlo'rab.aiu ajl elg"Let reayfine fo eligabout ft ti thifr ppO.r. di W Ponier oif Buntiq-gtn, I '>.'R't a Evrywiere" iy Alfred (G. Indeavv troumatelreanive@ andfrindi tuî,yu e lad.chuhA.meu reatIvs aI iienf ~"Thé-' Urgenry oi a ( Tern i cii b loliva now offers $1,000 to anybody who proves te him lu the ceeteru partI of the couty, Jied th.'eul'jictoliîE.ot ..ausrl. the venid is round. Ho himaself bengthe. one to de. tîeî,uîMiîSi~ "a aet 6:45 nuit Su,,day vé~nini L.eader, seen ilia it n u1hew of Corouer Peter BirnIlan uof aSeWiiau peni nl whethor ho is convhnced, its readily.sentht ees Pialues Mirhe arîed viceSlonil cmrtillA glt orçac ayoy vn(olumbus bhimself, chas E mapon attetilPd a meeting 0oh învîhtare erie Aierdal il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w hvtegthatouad , .don1ý lpedt te-base bail .elegatcoaet Wuukegan Tino" The montbly muetnue of the Woman's et anbody rying laet wbieb meeting the sulijet of Boue Miei@Muary .v cili b. field forrnlng a Laie Cuunty basé baillvtIeS, Oait we,l Thurada, alierunoon. Marci i;asdem that the grand jury Work bas attracted apas teken op ir Masu an a manager îoîii&et the home of Mis. J. L as t the. preselt afison. Wlth the of teRanarea tenanit ailt jesr. Taylor on Broadway. Mrs Taylor and -t-c --.2 vuy -2-immsa a i h .t»mp0 h ha& Uan lreCOhfa iuîltt ta@ bost~ss.AIl »*M'murder case and the kxaiser< (clairvoant based. _uMoe-togtiir-wt o rte .eo gintb a cuite a variety et Case that the. e éha. been aled upen te take U7p. 11h tbxee aveved candidates in the race fer the. Re- nominatiton for statel's attorney an« vlth each~ ulp bts fénoes as substanialy as possible, count may r.â-l be sad to e b. opeed up." AUlthe - .Dd= , Welch and Smth, are well knovu the county, oach bas a big f oiowing, and&as %L a lhot camp----- for the nomination Is assured. Lyeflua course wclii h.giron iy Julge George D. Allen ait the. Auditorium u MareL 29th. Judge Allen 1» consid..reil oe uf the beut speesan thei.vLieuru pilefarm. and the letures dellversd hy bita insLibertyvîlilt i mmer cere so good thai a very laM rgecowd cl hoar hllmb v29th. The Laie County Institute Board wili hald a meeting ettt he taun hall on esaurday, bMarciiIl Tho sealan cl be*Ïb uaitonuo'claci a @t ont, o'cluck tie meeting seul b.e ageneral ou., 'the Ipublic iei,'g inited in partie ipate. Leobfig at the. Improvemet belng planned at Lake The- -cl11 boa fiue alîreles hy Jasue@ rihadWaucoîda and recaUlng the progressive im Il Greene, statu ageut of club won.. euments vilch idbertyvile aûd Grayslae aiready isside« addre@,ese by otiier speakers. ~~d du'ha lb pit e~ ear, oe annt hlp utTiurslay evéneug, Mec 2nd, thsea lM* that MU LkeoUnt iles ar' e Cipng abatetLiberty ville Darcrois piayc.d a team frm f "ý'*t lae omy ffages ar keeing breu ofNorth Chcago and leletel tiem iy the f ethmeain f tct they are just a little bit ahead et them mereof 41 ta 19. Tii. gains lia ratiera Osoepared te many villages lu adjoinlng cmuties. ThIs terne very littio spel cas ahoi nuna l~e b ks co redit on thie viole coUnty, for, viien a Cer. eiher sle, but es the Darcola have1 iào* i dacig tmeans geaiporee been unaile to gi.t.auj practice reaentlyj d lou luadvancl, tgener as a hlPîhewymade a godubouling. Cullunswa kdvuoienvor ii.contyas v4-le-, tic star 0I the. gaine citi 8 basket. anda Tin "a'BA"Y wEi Ka veek set aside as oee vien Cfee trorsaprmnni 1leto of tii id "as!! eoui*0h attention that becMMs t.ity viII, blleves boise stitiel ta thsee I oratposhitn ulMe. It ia a veek wherein peo- record .f béirîg tic oniy citizen oi the' *0 l. outry are ed oru~te disever W1178 î.llvty wii.u h"..pnid li. taxes for tie of bo*Êbig tii. ta" conditions wh sur- ureteetnum eur er in n&sou.- St uutngchldr.A ip. ZU. arecord ofaix hty. fer stIpayer of LIibetgville aid nou4mburdau movenet, tMts- ABY lawm.bî7 nsi. BrecaledIbIs ftat tic other ua aou.. w am OUM t eil dy ben be steppel loto the. office 01 ltIII* eh&Mtheir 1qtattenton amdenea-Caletor Wm. Wh.cler andl laying douni hbep~.%oemua ad vMen, pybis ~mane an the. onuter boeipWoiel to ______________ssty-scvntii tîme dunce b. began la pay taxes lu. hti ocnahlp. Thoec pres 3. Jordn, laite vu the SJefrey çompany eof tctmealsrc alb al i MWd ovbed etfa&uew auto ceMPM abi et O recod for paying taxeuln aesingle taun- maid kuimwnas tue Jordain oter oempany, inu aMp. ____ te bs game, uys: Ila-DAU I TE. va a paper ruoor tbroug ntervtwewlýDNg TRO HO 11ki RooseVeiNolby, Tatti, Jice Erew- VANDERWERF PASSED AWAY Wasb*nto n ad EMbu oot, that the secret of AFTER SHORT ILLNESS d'es net lie lu flortunate blrtb, but in knowing pqp about your Job than anyoee Ise and vorking harder Turday esfernoounI61a.î wei ."Theére's food for tbought lu whgt ho says, for the Eizabeth, the eldstdaugiter of Mr. mm Wn ho tries te givo just as much as hors gtting s ay aî ber bometrnau inmo of Mff8Iit.--ai.d no more. arly tcadaysîuratiou. Thelîttiegiri'e &cinesle cas of mchilent nature tliai membersand Irlende are tordlly la- vitel to attend. Choir rehearaniliis cesi FrilsY even- tona at 85 aWk. Ail metbereurged ta h. pissent. Presbyteria.. 10.00 o. m. Sunda; sciiooi. Momingservice Il o'cloci. Cristtian Erdeavor %:45 p. u Evealug acideS 7:30. CEAI. aux suCCtm AFIER LONEI ILLNESS Tueeday mrnonli-g at seven o'clotk 'Chas. Baux passed acsy alter an Ilînes. lastingasvcnuonthe. Mr tianirecved an Il-jury tu nue 0ohlimeirna aticg rum a wagoin on@ dey la.t sommpr and for a trne tic limb seemel to b. comiza aronu aligil. but a few w ces later ho cas compeliel ta go to. a Wauiegan boopilal for ties ment for blond poison. Alter he neturuel houle b. kept on getting corse sudd so turned tram a atraug man to an Invalid andItil as s-en that b. cauldîlot survive Mi. Baux wus Imlu InGomany sud tamle ta, Cilao ihaut 85 fris&go sttllunglu Lbersyville ion Yesrs cUa. Blemieehie. cufelielbaves tua sitie la th,.. tcutry andl ubrother. ubo lire lu Uiermany. goswca abro&hsi.-t-l of Fred BEnderlin anl mals bis home lu tic Enderlin building an Milwcaukee avenue.. B. cu a mvmbor of tic Knigt. 0f Pytbiaensd of tbeC bleago Coui's A.aOcltion. 1 The fournil Uf be bell from lb. home Frlday ai 1260 ailoi. Br. B. 0O Buergcer oOlclatlng. Tic boitaI cUll ta»t place la Lakieeleetry. Bon tua li.r, Mis. Mary Klrmsercii of Beaver Fille. Penn., and lMr@ Frelerlaka Wedman of Canai Doter, Ohio. ais expetel ta b. bere for Sbo funeral. OFFICIAL COUNOIL PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE 0F LISERTYVIL.LE Rigular meeting Marcb 6. 1916. Mem- bore preéest Preiildent Mores,. 'ruoee.., Colin%, Eger, Blail, aiie, Titus, Wrghit.. The minutes ut la@$rgular meeting wer. read sud epproved ou motion oh Eger ani Titus chici carried aal voting WIth Ela and Grant townships voting to change front tho heeran t ietaphyccans ubo cere atteullug ese. este-nian plan ofhnln gwy f tetwsls aecut y potber cauld not bing a change lu ber The îîeasurer'ai report for .lauuaiy aueith bl mpressed wth 1h. tact that th. propose! change und., 1h. new v i be#rg recelved wth unisuak weIcom. iiy votera cf tic cotinty. In fsot codition. The îîuw ta ithe parent le cire rad and audtel iy tie finance instant maier ln whI1)h the pubilicetseto ncslle that on. man, devot-vr great se tu jueit lrty.igil bonris c..minitee accepted on inu.ti.uî ut * tes boit efors a n timetet hlghway work, can or ahould hetter handie fhum (ho tirne ais tuai ta ber bel Iltîs Eger and Hart wci&e~ariied ail vatinq > astion tiss three who mtght drlde ime and efforts, @coins surprislng. Elizabeth buil passed acay. The ohyci!. aYs. w0 suais change@ require tînt, te lmiree lhemseives, fr.quently one m hoalveera chaniging ulsie te catch the. succesor fallure of others..clans describel lie, cansesof ben desti s Tis Iulawtug bisecere re.jt and e=.lhc mualter, escistown ne thc question cones up, recognixes the velue e.arlet fevr. auditel iy tic finance comrittee sud a chan", il dIlaese erded.. ln certain cemmunities Ila id ab sout Ou accaunt aI the datib avigg beffn alinuec ou notion of Ttus aud Srnaie rmotw e.e .. orit alinsl the change are the men who bll office of causel frona contageona lissais theic icicarried ait votiugs yc: ceroenmssiener and their friande. The. lcrity wth wchcithe pub. ev the chanhe preves liaI tthe feeling la general îlst on.etien can parents cois unable ta give ber a ciurcii Public Service.Co., pouer framn bs"tsi mèr wth, sy rmai ori tla1h.'.. r mon wth s$U00. ticket Saturlay aI ternoon wben tihe Jau. 7 taFeb. 7 ................. 56 42 ' éacelmfor tise one-mon pion And tu lb.e nid storY Over agetin-of Ulte body cas laid ta reet in tic Lake. Public Service Ca., PoiiSt. lilgie126380 I om oe%r .un hoad on ait mportant m alter in ur 0 gt is he a ideslencteîy, but a lf euai reiatives 1. Pester& Son, repaire un tire a~wusr tise rnis of Lakte aounty have heen negleceed untîl the couin.cretIcnlcltie agn..........50 b'h ut ofrdicule front outidoe. rs. @ eon.m&n plan i. certain t short prayer. J. T. Davis, drajiDg......... ..... 200) ,abou a decded Improvemnt-PROVIDING gond aton are chosen tu W. C. Trlggs, 1 pair bots...... 5 75 Ri.eNne job In thse locale whlch siopt the. plan. W. F. ranzen, col .............. 86 26 SON OF M UIIR IRUCKIAN D. Limbriy, Fcb. salary........ 000 Orpet bâts been ndicted by the grand jury on thei blD TRIRSDAY NORMINO A. Kicbman. Vsb ealaîj.......65 O pgofninrderl It vas coneeded on ail sides that aiu____Lake Co. P &?. C), Printing... 2 50 Ilutmt vould b. retured, the evldnoeail along belng Kenneli, tic miine jean al son ai Il.. Bot 11all, treot cari ......... .. 250 ulcmaatllnature but etsf *« ent veight te e' "etaliMre. A. Kiuckmaa. pamdsse uyJ. lenter, police..................... 40 ut an Inditinent vould b. delded upon. The lure t o~, rtijs er six aclack Tinreda, Main- R. B. Hger, md............ 87 lié doeu't meutm neceusarfly tuai a conviction vil foi-loîg alter a ceei'c lillese tramtscaîlet Scianci 111w. Ca., InS.... .. 90 Its ie ~ - ~ ~ , lever sudI complcations. Tise boy ho4 Uboîtyvîlla Lamber Co ,mdue .... 10 04 v. Itla o» tb 5ca ldiaM« -iii queSain-cotratie th i disss n aviolent faiFrte Ien Fei. aaiary......; . ....21 00 àmu tbuMig t eta oniviction. Iut u m rem"ebred mil for ..vsrai deys lhe cas ioverlug Firemen tise col............ ....... 160 WAi-ulvtii state'aside la liead by titi grand jury-lihe en Ilite and deati. <Un e numbor of Mavel by $maI@ and Wrgt tual tic Oumebusno opportunlty t rsu n t st oe f ocasions b.e be baeu r ipaortl nenScsd cater comittec havc an exten- mceireenti fa dtofo ea laci Igb.rp rtlIon boiliput in N. R. Ladsainar fo o c anaction. State's Aterne1 yvil!havetue foual ta. ie u. ire purpose. iMotion carried ail voling e!~ut tuik et bis career te o îvcure.Titis e'vle te 1.destlbooh liii son th. parente kbye. »iM. tro lbIMt i l 8 2Ch=cMgtMutin ,If Orpet bad 0 e t ahb bsaebeau dlverel a bard Motlop iv WrightstudnlTitus tu ail- n Ida %I lja vhe firit arrested ue veuMlnt bave tuebloc, for tb. bay mal. a galaul Baht jou. M Notion carriled. itou band ho nov bas. The m ee e clearly bu been forbil 1fil l b. tepbysilan. uariel .CretdCe towr aintuanimt t Bate's Attorney uneseehgil oves hlm ta bring about a, Tise ronds and bridge$ commttee varrait *. hanglu bis condItIon mil restais hlm of laîeCook cout' board Thuradai- & : 0bga rph u unneriaxen as prose . h tesh. locieS b pave smats nid irond» i IRtti a scrap O OUW- basnvd (lis antici part ofI lis .papirIti-t- eete. Tii. ronds ta lb. Impioved h a e elo~ f u ouicuOrpet ti year are IWOW s treet, Wetern lb besPm ft t a hie liscap tuai e's ever pu- statel tisat lier. bubas icoany anes aeus Mivaue avenue al if blà«hoCMbt ymas bg.en Ud-t h-li .te m ils., but, -liaI Tceiftis street. Archer avenuie iii he an ut n5, tueevieuc ~ vage cas ou lb, pros. blore learolng of ave w cciIereePticbUÈ U te a ,c lrutatainature too mah te spect a Kenet's leats the article coulflot bh. vW taudIs raaeud trou Ie sale"10 0" mlnn. w U8 rcive. pant of, a *iOO,O0bod Issue ft t-ýA -tise Improveme aieronde lla Cook *0 omdebtiRecounty.' Te'necutyir in bave 818,-1l 4â uurier cOU beardlau ake couty, a b i be »Mpi o S pi 0 t Pu tt'i 0d ý8 1 1Q ý 11 " L M . o 1 % le « r m S m.. r « ol àh5i e , i spieta b . .6< 5. o U ol ie im 5t 5 et c l roda clii ne b. avahiate thtel Tui - rb n FOR TOWNOLLEOTOR 1 am a candidaste for tii. office of town Collecta. fûr Lbrty ville township, oub- j..t te the deeîsion ofahei Republican caucus. Your support ilîl b. appreei abed. 24p8 Walter P. Lemier. FOR TOWN OOL.LECTOR l am a candidate foi the office Of Coi- ieet4r fur LUberyilîle townsbip, subp'ct ti) th. deeison.ot ceucue. Ail support glien m.iclii b. gcestly appre- dlatud. 24p8 Lew Visar. NOTICE. 1 clsh ta annouctiet I 1arn a.eudî date for Tex Collector of i,lbertsville- Towunship, sut'ject ta th ii. gi01itihe R"epublicau caucus.. 24pt Chas. F. l.Ing. TAX COLLECTOR 1 cih ta annouflCsthat 1 amn a candi- date for of Town Collectur, subject to thse decîsion ufthe . lepubillan Town Caucua. 28tf Lyl Andrue-. FOR TOWN COLLECTOR 1 annones mysesî a candidate for the. office offCleetar fer th. Toun ot Liberty- vill, subject ta tise dli of tho Dnoratie t cucu. Tour support cl ho appre- ciaiod. 24e8 George Hoa«. FOR TOWN COLLECTOR i jk!nouuemyoeIf a candidat- tor tii. office of Town Colectai for Premont towns.hip, subjecit t t.'deecisiof utwt voter@.. our support wlli beapprecltel. 24p2 Ueo. Bauernmbimitt. FOR TAX COLLECTOR 1 amn a candidate for thp noinatlion ta tiieoffice of colletai for tihe tour, ai Cia.Tii. support of the voter» on lb. Prlmary, Marci 18, wiii b. apprevlated 231f Henry C. liuu-ichlng FOR TOWN COLI.ECTOR I wlsh ta annaunee uiy candldar.v foi the office oa(iSletor foi Utorty ville towniip suijet ta tie devision outhle Democratie cancum. Your support wMi h. appreclated. 25c1 Mdark It. f3crcuramu DIE& IN WISCONSIN. Mfr. Mmil Carlson of Catel, Wls., psaeed acay t bi. borneat 4: 45 p. in.. Psbruary 19. 1916. Mr. Carlson ca, a former resideati of Wanumg Md cas ciii houa among these edsipeople. Me eave, a cli. and tour eJdidren Ellen. Otto, Tords a George. go aise leaves hlm U"d parnts, Who are »lui alving la iedm .and sIx sisters. Ico or chou rbliving oM tii.souti ailo, lits. Hallstrom and lirs. Otter. CARO OF TIiANKS. W. thiani nur kund nolgbbore aud friands for tic Boreilufferlug,, sud helP tu Our sarrau. Mr. and Ms. Tisa. V»aerWert. Independent: Mure isaders tisa al couazy cOoSilesacombe& lira An Mlaris <rorr na boa t oCafoletori os.Towrn Ole*iooIgI Dlemuad Lae ou April 6, 1880, sdaadWy lUmmlsiOr #,Or tii. south dtstrt, prnemsd away et iElgin. fli, on M&rch ý7, 0ine Uhool Trustes, and traneut W". 1916. 8he lmbveâ Inur ber paent@oaiher bain.... May eau. bheon the Mr. aud Mis IRobert LUII; ber t.usbad m..eîing. oe wl .'ei0..d A. ýWlson Groner and four childen' participat@ ln the proe-Pdinw4. Ro)et W, (iGlue,,, (hadlle, and Wilhur Ih. W. Bilile). LI. The thrffl eldeoit live gui thir' à. I. Uaiw'. fttîerst lethton saud W iijur, ausd 4 Chasl. P. Aauj&. Jl. Jears, witb hie a aî'ipa.ut ai ih.rty-25, vill. I Oo)Uhwa iàà t EMOCRATIC CAUCUS. lia<iamod"wiêre OieetCh dth,'Tièewill be a i>,'rocratl. Ceucn.' il public sehoo1l Iter takîng a cor«. t thevotera of ibertvvileTownship && the Metropiia ane.Cl..e cs- the lown hall, 111rtyll. . II.on go. She was nnitod flu mariago vi gui SaurdaY, Mlarch lMth, 19f4%, et :30 Mr. (rouer ofri L.iîtou ou AIJg. 21. 'cljirtk P W. toiitiiiflit50ne8,ep.'vig, 1901. A bout ., veare agl cie §gaia ne uA.'seSOr, one 'Tiiwcahlp Ci~, a physteal and mental trelapse hrauon-Town Cerk, one Uighwsy ,i- wbici elle hiver reeilvered Uaviiig msiî.rfrsrt iti:,oq. Serl fieil raîliJy lor the lmet tbiee motl>., Trustelà, sud triàntsset mncb tictho b(- It Wall kuown for ..everal week.. 'that cie Deg55n Ma Cole 'befare It:ameliting. would flor esrvive. Woin.'n willl be slowed to partiuvpat - ln T:ie fucr.ral service.'. ert,' eld nt th, the pronP-dinga humnt et ieiti, Tiîurday alt.,rnoün Im I. Ccr) st 1 O'ciock. Burlal st l>amoud Lakue 01e. tiurr.. . .Allua,. oemetery. 25 tomnt-.. Dsly rheugmlt REPU BLICAN CAUCUS It la osiy the. Young th" au sr«« Thome will bo a repubîlta caune oa If lucbreward froua m*Wa m Wsues; tl» the. votero ofuL bsîtyvville townsbii, et nI&, cn hey r m Pnt, gsi ton fa lb. iown hall, 1l4bertyville, Ill.. un zý -Éa bveYeut «Mwm Baturday,. Me 18, 1916, a% 2:80 P. M. IOU thiak of ýtb.m-RaL 0f Interest to Taxpayers A matter of conâiderable interest to ta xpayera flot alone in libertyville but in -the county et large, in con- nection witb the pending elections to be held relative to eatablishing saloon or anti-saloon territory, is discussed ie, a> recent number of the American Issue as foliown: "The indirect taxes causeci by the saloons in Lake county are enormous. A large percentage of crime is due to drink. The c<ht of prosecution and imprison- ment of criminels is a great financial burden. The pauper bill, largely due to drink, la an added, burden to the max- payer.- 1 The Lake County Board of Supervisors bas allowed poor claime to the townships of the county for 1915 amounting to $25,367.64. The poor farm et Libertyville cost the county last year $15,000. Mr. C. A. Apply, superintendent of the county farm, smater. "We bave at present 82 in this place and should say tbat two-thirds of our inmates came here through liquor, dlrectly or in- directly." Then. in accordance with hi.s mterement, $10,000 of this burden of taxetion lifted-every year by the taxpayer is due to drink. When you add to this expense the corone'a expenses and free medical ei<l. the hospital bill, the orpbanage bih etc., you bave a total expense o $66867.64. A large portion of this expenie i. made necessery on eccount of drink." While these factoaend figures are not startling ta those who bave taken the peins to rnake e careful in- ivestigation of the economic aide of the saloon question, jthey bring to our attention one of the important factors to be considered in deciding the purely financial value aio the saloon. I - 1' vc s p a t DUtaib by garelessness 19 a man lu killed by the carelessness of a rallroad or otite. compang, thte Iaw, counpets die corporation to pay his heirs a certain per' cent of what lie would have earned during his expectancg. If thte law extende tiis protection te a mans larily, lie certainly should be men eotag to protecitte. against thte t otal loss0( o&i mond'moag abifltgt treugêt hi$ pre- mature death [romn causes against which dieu Ihave ne possible recourue. Againet wltoin would a nman's wile bring suit to recover his mouey-value if he dieà freon p'eumomia? JOHN IHOME, District Manager Michilgan Mutual Lite Insurance Ce. Tii- Itell nnany ast nth Hie ai hansa man t au In ho ha and i tisat b aven MeWrcis R Th, whio ..Me:- -ADVERTI*LWFNI 1 1

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