a--- (7 Wau4 L. J. YAGER SELLS STORE TO 2 WELL KNOWN LOCAL MEN Meurs. Lawrence Doolittie andi John Whyte Take Pos- session of Store i Wankegan, Mmrccl4, Anoancemeot vas made taday of a change lu ownerahip o! ana of tîle 0»7%s aidait dotlns busines". 'VII change look place vlan Louis J. Tagor retrai fronlIe cotblngc buseas, seOiuIg hi& large Gene. siset ataishuent ta Messs.aw- fv rea l0ttth anti John Wbyte, tva eNirprtans gWaukegau mon. irmueb as toaengagi lthle1 coe4- Ipluesela Waa*egau for earm, ne V's besnpoêr Wau- - a min«t eginnlng he tuil up -Mod h ie rgsb mi t inrtie bmâ -ln île clly. M. Tager bas Î9 iýeJayiua ratior 90cr heajt la hn ebus b6en anUioua to fi tamactivo builuem litsIn-bu tatela»V int ta ave for Ilorids MJMM ashl@s lfe's cnitionavil Pefi.Thor vIi rroanla len In- domtely. Mr. Tager ovus a bal!In- l il, tls Tager & Itamiet star.. URUMChcago, but bo vîli relaie 09 t itoc a lime at lesut. 2l0t7 le erecei a ftni Ibrse-4 teatdblIng on Wablngton emimait1 *Ibelllaeti ho vli retalu IbIs. Par1 puis --AtiYbman Mr, Tmgr lai bei M MUtlr. moe.ir etthlIFnal Bap- IM uhrcI, Theo chancI vil Iol"m1 e» ofaietamoit ldefatigable vans-i se'tIen Mr. YTmgo ace b orkda. Mr. Doatlti. vWsbora at Grariake b* jhas lîre tu teWankeasu 80 rear Usulena earsa go la secureti a po- au" >aithe lid G. R. Lyon & Bons aié@Mremilnlng thien lIre. yeaac. detooa yrira&go le secureti a po- lb. t heTu"erstoand le e- mdul he"erovor mice. Hia long maýyet Ihere cause. llm ta, un- dsMasi the business as compleelei » M . Tager btimaali.Ho le toit baa »dpopuiar, sudi aieady lo beas roeied -aor congratulations, *.Wbrl. vas bora lu Scohai but lsm ati, lIa lame in Wautegau "am 80 ramis, WIen 1the Was- Immandi WOOD vire mit ,nov the - Wd astma i Wta mps"., c= oar he Inm . Whyte vas ,le fit oflce baya. Prom iwlasttolitu roku li labu ea o m»usafer b. 'MeMUatai Ca ofoue !ClIoe<o. M. haintysl tiodasi veller esi gve up hliaChicmg palîên sad e b. ls entIra lIme ta the 1b- m i ssusor vleo e Ie i.d- »» juat e part cf Wus Ume lare. Lite Mu.,PIoollttle, Mr. Wbyha lavr POP- uur andiyvin maie a pragressive b*easmin. H. in the son et Goste Wlyte o! Grand avenue anti à brther a! Charlesa WIyte. Mr. Docitle.lui discusnathe 1e ti 1 Sannouncai tht ane cf île tfrat imit; tIai thîll be doue by tle uot Aru yl le tle holditng o!fsamaru- rotî sale of dispose of many o! the ottin anti anis o! tle stock. This Ras ivlI nake it posaible to stock the stoce titI saluIa grade IlInaof geode. Na net rm lbas ever tarei Out a Wau'iegao therpîn the prospects werOsgo promising for tle promoters amin thifs casa. SAYLER'S CON-- TRACT FOR REFIN. ERY 15 RECORDED The contraset enteradinioa y Cari B. Bylr 1 u the purrhas tram tire Corn uProd ucts Raflntng Compayof the nid Warner sugar reloery pcop- mr lun aukegan for a conideralion 41f 1180.000. to le converta tututo he Waukegan Terminal foc vîldI pur- Pose Il nov la betua usei, basabeen âloti foc record lu the office o? île eouuty recorder. Th'e coniract providea liti$5,000 veanpalti ho cash, reclpt o!fliii amaunt belng acknoledged. An ai- dtianai $25,000 vas to le pafdIn.u sida ofthîe firt yeac, 85,000 Ibrea mautlin, six nontîs, oioe nantis, 12 montîs and 15 mntis star the con- tract vas anleradinto. A note for .the remaiIng $150,000, sacuced by % trust deai, lo gls'el. Il la prorIJ- tsi liai Iis $150,000 shal le paldinf.- 'de of bau years. 'l'rougl the contract Mr. Sayler acquines possession of aIl tl. soga? maflery holdingas lu Waukegao wtt the exception o! adt'Cage property os the Bamts.Certain railroati trsrks is the refinery yards blong 10 dilfecenl ralhccatis andthîe possession o! îles, ii, ual brnai over. WItl regard ta certain articles in the refinery yards M. Parier la par- mîlledtu itdspose a! bleu, but Il je atpelatei that le muat charge a car' tain prilo for tlem. At the rato mc. trins are coming b hIe terminai Mr. 9sar.'tblu'eslii b. su Masy malm ter le mte goot« igon p7£uvats. LAX COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PRMDAY, MAR4JI 10, 1916. page sevu 1 ISÙPT. 9E ÇaI3 RELATES FACTS IN CASE.- 2 ESCAPE BEIN(i 0 t.LOCI( COMYIS H.V.Fikelten o Flfll SCALDED TO DEATII 1 n D CLI DEDINRKAsÀs Contraot is Cause. -JUMP OFF EN61NE DEÀDIN0A KANS S Waukegan, %arch ;t _____________________t,__l'arl E. Sayler, tlirough Attorneys H. W. Pitohard Loes ate oolte. Pope & Popeibis afternoom UCharles Hayes Escapes lnjury With Death-Word Receiv- flled a pettieln in erutcourt askn u i iea sBre ed in This Cty Today. pary îîIe estrained froor cancelling, in Local Yards. h REYER DEIU MTE9 STRICKEN WIILE the agreemnent entered lonbetween Word vas rcelvedi n Wailkegau i Imself and the Compilany for the pur- 'w enhr tmrcutsa'.de JC Mardi 4 that Mr. H. W. l'ritch- charte of thre sugar rcTwo menn bbg'iada rcd death n hl ltOL IRlNiE, WEBB, TAKINO BATIIIDES ard. asupeinteudant ai thc hager ant $11141k0,ga lr srlohr 'bsoilh tn tfra elai y ard u toh. Norhwinovîet a rtr I eic a o 'nald'rallon' Loc Copan ofNorth Chîca.rg ls DILCER NOMRINATED IN THE IHOSPITAL 18r istatt f irlaga. onL, idàylt- heab7(lothe U(woýrI routscom ,r1 od ,WauIk-an Tesaymoe-t Unlnothe fin tday of Januacy. l) hs ntrc nrecltonbe-"Je. 66,am ainz ,atrco 1ilngf South.Side Florst Goes Down George Td on n to DeTodd inoRce foroonscs- Mr Pritchard's deuilreirsut froa 1 ni1hl cn tr a or d tr. -tl-y te. two m a i,it' har r t o~~~ D e e t i a e f r A s s - o u s o n F lo o r o f 1 Ba th ro o m k d n e y tro u b le, a ndt i shlm d e a th e tu r p m b sa î î î l r d t at $ . 0 u y e e by Fllo Bardr Sa agreat Obock ta bis many, roan h'aire p va iuaid on Se t 1,195 wher antSuprvior ou.uYa FIlo Borde. rienda ln Wauliegan, andt ia l cm .. n,uîrrrr)(1 sas mon-Set, 1.19Tirwe n CAry. eS lA' :-..îIifr Waukegan, Mrdi o. George Todd. ared 40, amffeed a lIObeso! the Sager Iock COrniaii. tioclo'un' wR$25 001!utas 10The laidl'.d 0 ad Tl, 2:0 home fr i T ho . M y er fl r!z , w n t o w n ta h em orrh ag e o ! th e b rain w hi e tak i rg M M r. P ritch a rd v as a 3snd d.-grre 1,. tiret vear tAr S a tler ae into ai cd C H L ES y urn , ha l i o b e r , w Thn eefolavn ont asori, and vas a membor of At.o fo h orc a nerdlt eacag !cobn defeat In lia Oight ta have hls name a bath at the roomlng bouge of Mca cal chapter. He bacama assocîated rfil t- I 10 i.MruSete lulîdîn lghtYbunrc Placet] on the liekublcan ttc<(et a ME. 01I0on, over the A. 1. Mltlmore wibli the SagerLOcj Company ln 1891, rîtI groundq of the refinery proîîerîvT HEFRMNyie hrg, ono o! lhe parties candidates for tb. store,.tlenesee St., Waukegao, ahort- and by virlueo hmabilllty was sooa 1,r'., eniploying many men ta do the Jumped from Cab, sîiraîling artile,Y ybeo 6'ciock Saturday. Ha matie auperntenient of thse factory. uorký He maya he aise execriled leamtes vîll be beld ati hospital for poasibly r offilce ofssItant aupervlmor, anti theY eo 10 He louvea ta moun bis demîise bis to everal concerre-vilch located In thre weeks, sent ta Chicago by Dr. h folloving thcoe mon vore namlnateti: vnwu& mliad ta the Jane MAliter vif. and one son, Hirod. bath oft h.e Wukegan terminal as thé pcop- Gvn IRA HOLDRVIDG-Parmer; bls hospital, but dli hmInde of an heur wiom ver. et hia betiida vlen Ilie ..rry vas terrned. Gvn tered u ssitan sperteo. vithout havlng regatued concloun- pamnai.1 On Nov. 3, 1916, a new agreement Charlea Hayes bad magt driven thse l aave a amitat uprvmaMc. Pritchard, Open havîng Wau- vam enti-ced loto vhereiy the orig- big nvltch englue tram the round f FRANK WEBB-Palnter anti dec- n889. An loquent vas helli untay ut kegan, tateti that lae epacted te ce- inarl contract waa modllled somevhat. orator; lahi@t udpInto Politien. île Conrai & Wetzel undertaklnq tucu lnu eelent beMthbefboc. the Hf, gaya the Company agreeti ta aPPlY hanse, and lad pasnci Madison treat I M. P. DILUB.t-PIorial; laisaive ti ome. The verdict vas In accord. tral of Marci. Rhlmaur frienda liei on secouent the $5,000 pald lu tle Orat onhies vay mb the norbl yards, vlan as alderman o! Waukegan. :uvî xl.e zpoctat i hm to rtura home ibis 'place and the 18600, rePrenenttng vithout a varulua one.-of th@ large Saie Mi. theiifascpoy a eveai. Offclseo!thIe ager Loclt money payable to the H. V. Fukel- ne11votflauglaclvt The eleclion raturas raid as Vol- r od uepoai iteCompany tate lIat lIe romains -xili stein Mschinery and Iran Company ie lwouIrdn hecbWt,0 ova: Pfanstiehl electrical labratory at be frvardinttoi fa I01 home tovu As a cessaIt cf tib Mc. Sayler saasbailling water, lire steam, battailes. Men. Womeu. Tot. NorthChcago. Ho gut througl vork in the sadjt fer il. hat the payment due Mardi 1, 1916, Hayes abat hi, Ibrattle andi appliai IRA HOLDRîDGE ..335 83 398 &bout 3.30 o'cloce SBaturday ater- He von 65 reara oI, anti Il la doubt- mnd the ona due tbree menthe tram the breaks befo- raclur, for a pointw 70 34 non an leg tho anfui if a mai ever lIrai Who va, tet- I hen have become fully pald. b F'RNKWEB .. 34 0 84 ac ai eantIo u our lInr telai keti andi renpeed thon Mc. Il le set forth furtbec that bte0 att nîe o ftc nle M. P. DILO2 ..281 43 324 vent ta hie roomlng bouse liera. He Pritchard. sagreement il vas alipulated liat he Ne clîmici ont o! a vlndov lntueîle THE. MTER...28 23 245apa5id t D Inbisusul ood lu ar, M. Pitcar lurecntand H. V. Fnkelatein vere ta have front of the cab.b THE. MYER... 22 23 245ahealb Ha bchablaieanoment vodItlen 0fat rleud Itai tInt ley truiesiover a large note tn the ré-. The fireman Jumped tram the cai.N The defeat of TIen. Meyer vas.heîle fechtel oen ihletrtafinsttd h hyMnprv <ompans bta secure the -ay aurprise cf the prhmary. Ilt ai beon bia lanilady. Mca. Olneu. and thon ai aepaal aIfrhm ment of the $26,000 vîthîn one year suhpandha hî nl a l ai axpected ta arrive F'rlday. ~lt e gavia Flnkel.srein nov refuses te D.Gvnvaamoaadl r expectedt lat iterr vulti mn 1g.,raId ber for tva vaek' bard. A muat thetefore follov laha l ua- pror l at0 i otataD dretaintha lnuedmoean d s ento - Ch anti If not blglegt on h@ ticket, a short time ltr lha vent ltoite taInai a relipsmo vilel peventei the Cocu Producl Comnpany hanoil- P cIoe second. Hlm frîenda dlaIm that iatlicaom and preparai ta taie a thelr departure andtfin laIelapae lied him lhey vîlI ati no extensions cage, Il vaa 10 o'clock belon a c ho met defeat bacausahote tua no i bath. proveti fatal. At sur rata, tbey did lu tle paymeilte due on the rarlous relief angine reached Wankegmn. anuie fLOt get tart.d on Iute bamevarti dRtes Prrovid@d for In the eOtract. HPeaven tIen the local authocities van e part lu the electlon. Ha dii not go Sbotly belone 6 cioci suotier trip. The Piritcharidit over the wimilerr tle court lujunction t a a focced ta press loto service one 3f out anti round op hlm frIands. Ne di boarder returuati home anti trled tle electrtc lIaIt counPsuY's Office, Gene ,Ite'ion on the part of the Cocu Prod go ta the polIs anti vole, but lied batbroom door. It van lockei and lhe see astreet, bas been clossi mnce blair urts Company. lie large paaaenger englnes. i nel ai ana man acrvobuan ta cent a was Informeti that MAr. Toiti vas tak delature for the Springs. SAYLFR NOW HEADS IT. A tesaa, attadlied ta a feeti wagon,y va aîau.Mc. Prtchard vas 6E yeara old and Thie filing a! a requcal for au In- vas standing ou the side truck, antin vte lu bis favor.gabt. focsanme yaau prier te the prrant lunetlon agaînat tle Cocu Producla bth horses vere envelled Inl the loudil The other tIree candidates for the "'Hello. Todd!' le called out. pastacate et ChiaI cburch. serra opoecdyd'ecb ~lE fsem Te a igtrime office warketi ail day witb autois anoi Wbaiare you dolng-taklug a an tie veslry. A couWe o! yearsaaomprerse any rastwhraney0ac E.oomem.Teyweealgny u vlli e asi ecaiuthalti, Mra. Sfrom ueîîîng ta cntractvnthmîynvîe niPta aven digs, bchuglug out Iboîr friandsa abath?" wi ritharwuvas taienlck nti hfor a cmtwae ad tam ta vote for tem. Thare was no anavwer Hae ble long lime sha vas lu a precartous on the aid rafiuery buildings vîleti lnesaie ava been couvertet Iloto the a-gîr PI1,f Meyer ha» alvmys polaid a big vola Puaheti on the door a lîtle. The condition, ber f.. being iepl e aa TrIa aîe lmxt UPu-J auy trne that hae permttai bis nome bock vhhch hld the door perntted lt o! frequentlr. e, lovever, neons- eaTrmnlatheliatea -TA E U T ERe 1agac h.eIhpublîcan ticket. ao pna mal crack. Tbrough teced andthlIn a ruai mgo Mc. Pritcit- riod cf breaks vicb have existetib. ta irESe Ira t openl le ivteen Mc. fsayler anti H. V. Flin-1L Hoitirtdge rau higheat. It vms gen- nro prueteaida bhealth began fallina. L R naro petuet h ordier beheli ______st___atuî. The latter la lhe man vhII aralîr expeclai that Ira.vouli b. oue the naketi lady oi Totitilylua on thelie vaciai lIe sugar refiuecy machin. SIIIENCE WIIRE 1 et he hre, utthee wrea gANt fuor H wh uconllos nd asery for tlb Corn Pratincta Company - b~ o!n the Irea ut hererared t at le or. He ain ua ucl oi n ti vs AIJLIA1iz m~iII ant Inlter luteresteifiytor lu th. FATIItR Is IN JAIL manypoions lioleami tal e rnanig l a ly lue.terminal plan ant, ivtI fiylar, vas voouliinn second or prhipe thiri Tha barder placet i s aliaulder 10ta D TI D tbe promter afIL11 becausea! liaslIvIng outalde o! the 1h dnar anti forccaiI open. lu lb'.I d IVItu 1~j1 ltiaevelaps that Mesars. Sarler and Mrs. Thos. Kelly and Children clîr limite. t bas beau provan thal meautime Mrs. Olsen callati ber sou, raa,'.Fînielatelu bave beau harlng trou- Lae akgnfrW et Il.vot ccmplmei17Mr Hlt- tian, boliasluanatlanlst I> UY~UYF Rble on the rcaînery matter fac a long evWakgnfr hat thewor acomlined y r. old Ewar, wo ive Inanadjl.ill* P OV DTItIS -- ime and, as Mr. Oyler admitbei ton--Lived at George's. rida, as a supervimor turing the pus ai:tt. Tati vas lîfteti teuierly and __saimone days ga ta The fau: "Itls a fow ear ba wo himthesuportwonplace nai ou bloi. Dr. M. J. Spauldiig cemtery on Grand arv- case nov of us matching vils agajuat Mca. Tho@. Kelly. son anti dangu- of th. cir of Wankegau as veilI asKaovaky vas sum*noneti. Ha Im- nue, perbapa botter kuovu as Union e oha erI utheuterminclplanthi t er ae gn, nOt r nov ln vIlu- a! Ihe township. Fcank Webb polai mditateîy recommandai that lhe vie- cemetery. recagnîsci as ona pt lIe have deciai ta apti11 ueaadar"o il lh a vontierful vate. Ha bai 70 vomn- tim le removeti ta the bospbal. Thee oident hurilIplacea lu Laie county, 'Mr. Parlai furtber etatet tht nu- Iu a stones lhrov of the caunty laili eus* votes ta bis cradit, vhlcb an- Corai &- Watzei ambulance vasil% a to leImprovai and enlargeti ta s keltela bail gotten a number ai monutaiWliaaton. III., vhe their huabanti tablîsali a nev record. aummanei soi Todd vas takien ta th akdeto sso sthevete togetber for the pnrpe of 'buying ocr nifte o cuisacl.Tia jfreezing me out' andi vlan I becime Kelly, millionalce cantractor of Win- lu &Ili close la 700 ballots vane cast, Jane tcAlster boptal. lie diai thi, spriog vit permî1t. 8isa ate- slci some veeks aga anti va cou- and of ibis number lut 13Ô vere vibhin blitan heur vîtbrout hsvinz 1ment 18 givan out by Edvacti Spauld- fluet] ta lie house, they atarteti laoun npeg, Canada. vaa arrealeti ou ai poilai by the vomen. regaloed cansigeousoea. lg n. ftemmbers of the coin- me yulh a vengeance. Tliyay mîacieti charge by Canadian authorities, moi The Republican tovu ticket vîli About a veak or tan days ago Todd log' ery asocI on nethe memv credit sud tlat's vby mrny Jutg- vsiogt1 akgn mnb menta asrcifilai Thgacatemelllu s and moota a le va en"tar' carry tle flloving amoes: eomplalned o! an abscess at tle base conditions lu the local cerneterlas Is efo rt psh meaistcreaIn anttc admernteag.1 e C wtyjan te vlan" FOR ASSISSOR-1S A. DU"N. or Ibis opne. He receîs'ed m,.djcai g1veefasrouaaf île rmastonafrcriaitaaget me FOR COLLEcTOR ItA PEAR- trealmeot sud appeared Io bave re- improvements. WMe've ipen scrapping rîgît aîong Judge Landis, o! the faderai court. SALL. covered. Whethecrte âlscess ladt Little las been done at the Cerne- and accocdhugly i startai In 1a try ro iearned that Kelly vas given lîbertles ASSISTANT StEPERVISORS- anvrhlng ta do wîth ig Is iath 15 fnet îery In île way of improvernta for pîrcbase Flnkelstein'a Intereat I hele- took hlm out o! Lake rouoty sod IRA HOLDRIDGE knoov.may b .Infart, practlcally ailt trmninal plans. My lope ail along isenl hlm lu îthe ccunly jail at Wheat- FRnyKyWErB. has been blat i coule take over tlei NRIrWDI.M. Todd lad lived in MWaikegan of the lots wean purchased yeare ago. vIole proposirion and then resigo asOn M. P. rILGER. for tire test f'.v ytess. fil- tailler' Scores of Waukerran people lave president o! the terminal, puthng b- j Mrs. Kllyiivndoi er son and dangh- iSC'HOOL TRU-STEP,-)11 ROEM, tho li in tle Underwood Hiat 01u been laid avsy ta rest bilts pcetty cal men in charge ot the terminal, 'tcr maie tlehr resideoce at George's ER. Sheridan rond died on Nosember 16, îe eeer itseslckafteiecttog thelr îwn lresident, secre- Catt durhng their slay In Waukegstr. litt ceeter tht mes bck arewtary, treasurer and direclors anti par- TOWN CLERK-GEORGE HUTCH- 1915, and ibhs hroka up the famlly, luniced Ifeattfrom Grand avenue. rnllthug me ta0 't as manager of the TIey wera permittell ta vIait aithle INSON. bis vhfe goiog ta Elvood. bdd, ta ce- A faw rears ago a tract ai baud ly- terminal. TIhe whlie thiog go tac county jail, andi on traquent occasions TOWN COMMITTEE - DAVID aide. George -emained lae. gob0ng îog baîveen the cameîery and Grand as mouey vas conrerned, amounted enJoyed îlhe pleasume of Mr. Kally's CL.ARKE, FRED BUCK ANI) W. Fi. at once ta tr. Olsensa boardIng avenue van purchaBed as the site for ta but $7,000 vhen tle trouble broke Company at their dînuer partie. SMITH. lbouge. A brother tho go.. iy thea mdm raalem v lvsandtihîe terminal plan is ton, ilg 1ta ucIngissn luIeocljl HIGHWAY CONI'ISSIONER -nosme of "Dot' la s musicen ai the arected tiare. It ls tire plan ai the tare vt lis auccass.- Kelly hired tva men via acleti as WILLIAM TAYLOR. naval station, lut ha anjoytog a cernetary association membera ta li- Pinkeisteln'a Connactlona. deputy alenifae, and lucieutalîr an- ________monîba lucblougli ai the prenant lIme, prove ail tle land Ihat les abaut the The connectlon cf Fhnkeîatelu titI svared hlm evary beci anti cait. ~iî D A"C Ha cannot be locatati but ls expect- manlsoleum aIl the vay ta Grand ave- île terminal plana, according ta Mc. It ls sbaed lIat Kelly nov la ac- WOUL .DeÀSS Ss d bc at the station next S&turday. nue anti îay îî out In lota vllch are tiyler are net direct vhaiever. Hie îuaîly ia jaol ait the tîmo at Wbeaton ADeU 3 aWeudlptld 0t edipst o.Tee letatonl>' connections nov are thome lIaI ant i gvan uncmare lierties thon A teegrntbasbeendisatced a taho ispsedof. he ntie tactcoma wttIMr. Saylar peranaily. SI ~lIESB LDA~ the moler aud nIe la expectedta la ta ho sodieti and placed la the lent lit seems tînt under the firat con- those alloved the average prisoner. SINMAIIU14S OLDAT- arrive iodar NMr. Todi vam unar- possile condition. Union cernetery tract thidli Sayler made tith tbe TA KO ffý d N rIed. lata be Irnproved go ît.a appearanca Cocu Produdîs Company, Seplember UIQwil copar faoraly ittheaà 1, 1915, Sayler vas tle only pacty ery peopîle took no stepe Dacause tley TAC ON511E AN Iilcomar faoraly it lI 5IÏdaling lvh hirbe 'efinecy ovuers: decbaced tliricotract vîth Sye Waukegau, Marti7 rlion. For thre tast tcw yeara the then a net contract vas dravo up hall net leen caucellad i. wot vaî George Paradakis, via couducla. . J n ET 7 odiin nOawodcm bey nunder date ofNovamnber 7-to vhich torestaîl auy sncb cancalallon o! h abate repaling establishment ut 226 Waukagan haa been roviai ant Ilît inkebstelo vas to De maie a party cotraclthat Sayler ic lai the bil toc Socth cf a b rt as myam e s- NEWY LOCOMqOTIVE.S baleen difficult ta purchase lats. The and thug become dlrectly In taretai injunction Priday. The Itllunctil vicim f abrual ttck y nme is-wihI Saylac. Hovever, witle Sayler vvas lssued soi served ale Friday on creant vlio lad ecretai limttrn uenîarging o! Union cemetet7 vîlI belp and tle refioery people signai sali the Corn Producta Company lu Chi- Paraltîsl' bed roun anti stouck the- ta relleve tia cougestion, itlaInhb- second rontract. It: ister developed cago and accordhngby the cotract e- shoemaker over the leat vlan h. ne- Eqte r fteMkd Ileveti. The wock o! improvement that Finkaîsteln never atlsrhedbils mains Intact pendlog a final roling turned home about mitingît. E te r fteMkd Il tr nten.rftr. namne btaI. althoîtgl hha ldagraed Of the court. Paradakla Irves 1n a 1111e on nt Type! Weighing 370,000 ta îc 1 ua uu.- 1. Arcrdlngly, as thhngs liegan toOSaylar Nnw Cîearad Up. île oaro! Is eoa sop.The loiPouns Ech.shape thmsbvshvans foundithe Il devalops that, duciug the pasl athe r obsoara onn Te ai)a _______I1 Each H. M second conract lad neyer blen an- couple of veeka.SSayler las negoliat- 1111e door. Without thooght at da'u-DE O T A N- IÂ tireiy ronualed soi acrordhngly ed a bInuO o sdrbejrprI gem Paradakîs enterad iein aop Mnn- Tventy-seven locomotives tare de- the reflnery people notIfiai Saylar lrom te Lake Couuty Plate Bank at day igîl anti starleti ta go Into tlie ndva iIn the Cah1inal district Pat- NV RS R E ~tiat Iey woîtld aseestote first North Chicago vîtir vhIch t10lotke bai raom. The -voulti-be assassin 'uctiay btIre Elgin, Joliet & Easterna Bih,> O M contract. This contract csll'.d for cama o! 11e lutigments vîlh vocr rnccertain monay psyments, $5.000 On tirrovo loto court againat hlm andi A vanstandiîng juat luaida lIa be a messasmu leswer prcacres I,, 1 ytwhc a a room. In lia baud le haIt a îeavy cira.Teegîa[e.pclsei llD m~.~ Mrl1 aorn îr a a e staated tIat lIay ail are belng toik wagon spake, rneasuring parîspa ane O! tle American Locomotive Comn- F T ER'S DEM S cace o! on lime snd sccordhogly Say- an care of ant ie lsfoating tabla have rand a haIl! Indhes lu diamter anti pany anti epresent an expandtiture of Ernil Krogh la dead ai lia home. er soi the refinery people nov are al ean diaposati a!. constrfctai ai exlremaly haarytWod. nealy $1,000,000. F F. iebuei aie l.H a h ny son or',ing under tfiet aicontraci as "This tact places me li position F.is cltedbscudedwilucruacIneeWgent Hathvas lîledonuIhe alumetameniei. nov ta darde ailrny lime ta tire tan- onthselu selma etivti rulfoc aet fth aimat o i ClmeOf Ernîl anti Anna Krogb. The feimt, Tcîcd ta Puy Hlm OuI, mInaI plans aund1 arn bondîug ever Ha vanstunaet. lile ataggereti 'district, matie kuovu tle purclase ly fornely lirai on Waahington r Ir aise became knoovotnday that effort ta conomrmaI.tIcth original i tovari lIa antagonlat, holding out cf tle locomotives and bia remsrka sireet, lhil cily, vliere they are vel vîco Sayler hurriai to New York plans for developlng lt,'sasi Mr. t bilg arre nlanmueffort ta prtacî lIn- couveyati the suggestion tlat tli9 inavu Aud vîere Ernîfattendititht. several days ago to determnne lthe Paylar. F, BAIRSTOW «^"" ACTU H( F Marbie and Granite Monument s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence i 5oicitehI 'y or 14, tI a t1 ONCE IN WIE6iA W-ýaukegan, Harct 7. When Mrs. carl O., Young, vite et the owner of the Washington Park hospital, ('hlcago, decided to tomne t leke counly ta ina§tltiite proee@dîngu for divorce, Mr Young took geoat ler ttie girl ta the Northwotm station ln his big tnnring ar; uen lie returns ta <'hicago prior te gotng to New York- -after the divorce la granted. unies" thse poaalblllty hep- Pens of the rase being vitbdravo from the local CGUýrt-Mr. Tanné vii again me her at the train ant take ber wherpver she w ishez to go.".ý1And f She 5,111 coule back home,.lie aiso will direct bis driver to take ber there. At the present wriUlIg Mma. Young issîr-ill In Waukegan detee nlned ta procuire thre divorce which she starlcd rerently on the charge of cruelty. There are lwo reasona w .hy Mim. Young came ta Warikegan fldzy let and tuletlY book quartersaiat& local botel: Pirst--She wanted ta get ont of Cook county ta avoid pnbliedty and Bave ber bugband alan h. 'cektôto fear she woulti hurt big btgeft Second-She deairati toe tay at the Moirai»e hotel, fHughiané ibpkh,. bu ah. feared if ah. stayogi. houtâe 'haughty reportera" voui ta&lbu out and dtaclose her plana. Àccordingly, ah. cass. 10 Wauke. gan. thlnklng tuoeape 'lia guttbn whicb nevapaper meb nigI5It él ni ber. Every posaible effort va. 'de ta , ieep the divorceace'euta the plan hag been o 1e" tI4~ bers some day 11m vet 1w «iê Mir. Young plaua leati t» Yark. vhere ahe neg e4u ber carser as an elogntio@1ut, e, * la said. abe poaneanes ufl i abMu along tbà a lin%, and, although abe qp Pects ta recelve a»jmony la tbe. courts, alliedeies to iilp tata e-M 0f herse ansfd clltirea y sb o efforts. One of lhe thinga whih heipeul brlig the divorce esse. te b h. flue llght haro te th. tact thatM mm Young, on Baturday laut entaret U» naillinery aoror iMra. A. iame% Northi Geneso. atreet an&, te tit amasesuent et the lSierli adilla proprietreas, ah. paoCOOdi dte. bey a ail th. hast hata in thte. ph Wbos- ah. land inlahai, ah. had UI8P Juat eight hals, vhlcI allé hM& l ered at ber hotel andi la »armueba "nme ste te9dered a $60 eh"t >11. bad becs, endorse t bher by biw &lu, band. Later ln 1he daygas rtrm willi a couain vho also porobbsi ýtua' hatal t h.e am, plage. lit va. tth' out question th. bil" ntmigigWv sale ever mode te Ivo pornueta a aie.dot ln Wauk.eanma»R 'ibifia- ary clircha voeequilea aluni .Il.du riait of!the. laY flbulif Who e. a heek Imm mdere6 l Mm. Tana,8s.cj la m ou a~te lb tank te cash #~ and a loal» tmq James 0. Weleb, vhom Mas.= admitted reproaontod her luaba ls the divorce cage,. W retnfU'Wo 0.K.I t. HeRMMieel a bea =Au right andi later 110'esos. a.'ss J Tog" aimklng such a& gWnS #« chas. et hantivear vms rovemtsi. k sema 1h4t th. dlvorqp ce. ta coame up for hearling today vMai under the arrangement $aoe lait tatlvely made afibIlabe i ubual l van b pay ail huis a h. ineurrei op ta lat nlgt. TIot ta vty 'ie wiahed 10 stock op for tht ffatus an explanation made botng that la ber ue of ork as a reeder, sah., needa many changea of apuparel aiil ahe lîketi the Waukegan pradoct ot bata better thon what $bc couliiBat > n Chicago. Attorney John Welcb ai Highian Park, a brother b! James G. W.lcl. the Waakegau attorney, repregoets Mra. Young ln the court action. The declaration soya that Mra. Toung lan been a ceaident af Lake Sewty bes a year paat and the report la tbal; imie eatahliahed ber rasidenco ai he Ve1. raine hotel, HglaiPau*; 8h0 MW married Young )My 31, 1898. la M., Pherson conU, Kansas, andi Ivel iwith hlm until P'ebrsiary 27, 1918. She saya they have 1h.. chbilirem, ail living, Slsaley, aged 9: Roy, afl 7; Violet. agas! 2. Mmr. Young deelamethat glace I.' marnia h. hatilbeau aa dutiful vif» tovard ber Insbaai and ccntiaat.1 hernelf àll th. limaa idoMll ahould. Sf ilnds 1h11 ber Iho=n la poaaed of aumatoint umndl t jamply tate care of hersollanmeail- rdren and thal she heraiot in poes ) essed of nona. PIe charges lIat ler tuabanti la Deen guilt>' cf extieme audnti aati crueit>' lovard bla.i, t hmelas boom leaten and pluchai so Ilat ber il!. tas beon rendormi miserabla. PlieBaastht ou or about Novait.- ber 18. 1915, vhli, on a vWt 1la !rOM lie city cf Chicago l h blu aau la a liotel, the tieteniiat aImai aai pinchdleiycar oralrlx; mal t tb olly of Ciago on F'abuaiy 27, 1S81*,. w atrîuck and ptucheti ler sud .vWIun.ah PuuBhed be o sa Ia mle uerai Ph"a Ical aun& mental augulsî."