CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Mar 1916, p. 1

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L jKE UNYINDPENEN WAUKEýMGAN EFlYSUN VOL. XXH -NO. 26. • SIXIEN PAGES. LI1BERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, iLL., -FRIDAY, MARCHI 17, 1916. ONE TO EIGHT $ý1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE INDICTMRENT IS DE.- EDCSHOTEL WASHBURN. WUSECT M Wakga.MarE Yi. TW0 SISTERS ARE CNORHUMERCHANDISE. "SEER" WILLIAA RCINT CHA GE - - -r-1° TIHE TOWN CLERK OIN a °oe*"bbis"Durt =dle g l N E IO C S That a pblcservice cornoraton KAISER PAYS A 9 Mmbes f the Lake County Medl-snar the Hussey lumber yards atasnoright to force the collection Ieal Society met at the Hotel Wasn- Clayton steets and the tracks Sat- of amrhandise account against an burn at 8:30 p. m. Thursday and 11> s afternoon permitted It to spread un-idiFdalbyshttngof te$le ATTY.'WILK RSON tened to addresses by three physi- M -R O T S til somte of the lumber caught lire. IN C U T F D Yýn1vmua ystigofthel- - clans of the county: Dr. Ullmann of The fire departmtent ut the tricity and gas service of the comFnd- Senior Counsel for William Or. Highaland Park lectured on the sut, Edward Kelly Wishes Issue scene and âoon had the llami-i in con Two Libertyville Women Filed'pany, has been admittedi n a stipula ined on One Indictment and ject, "Acidosis as Relating to thiseitrol, not, however, before damaiige to Bills at the Eime Time- trIon handed down yesterday by at, Paroied on Other Two-Heb pet Asks Jud ge Claire C. Ed- Lýungs of the infant": Dr. Heprscebld- ut on Ballot atteTown teexetofafe iuded<ollars tornevs for tePbi esc o Ms eott rbto wards-to Quash It. adTter too oas i sbecte, "Danosis Election, April 7th. 1 had been created. Get Decrees Together pany of Northern Illinois. The ad.ýRpr oPoai aT rebatm seo ibsn d D. I--- -_ --- fno a h euto ih on ficer Wm. F. Weissat MAKS PEIFC CARES I°r"taghwoe o -ncasD®RECITES FACTS IN CASE.1 3EOHAM CS $ann0theCASE IS RATHER UNUSUAL.i "°ma eu Least Once a Month-Dady ludge Edwards Takes the M at- thebanuttable.r oeIatatend- Declares that Town Clerk Has A"hNeed asof iattrygeof thSisersChares emi®is®'orporatok Pa mgar EXtnded to Seer W o Has trner Adiemn-o R er sere aghO Ni Uls an u Not Sufficient Grounds to Glenn Voliva of Zion City in which peated Cruelty - Other cads con f$.0 r i a iyt upr-ln Qve Decision Monday, flor and Martin of Libertyville: Dr.1 Decline the Action. ®Ne"dham o efo $ r pattorne' Charges Intoxication. refused to pay It on the grounds it to Leave Waukegan-4n Proxmeer of aka Foest, ad, returned a verdict of $4,- B ahruiu onieci was incorrect, and the Publie Serv- Ji he ek ChargIng Insufficiency, Attorncy Daniel», Herschieder, Barker, Clae- 1 dward Kelley, representing a 500 damagesfoBheplitai Ato. ruh i a clle diqeforitldoubtess ice CmpanishuToffthe ttorey' Jae 1.Wlesno hcgs.""eKl k nnme frsdnso enn ney Barnes nqade a motion for a newv was by design, two sisters were grant- electricIty and gas. WlimKisr h seither m>- allor cSonel for William H. Orpet' Ambrose of Vaukegan. through Attorney James G. Welch of trial, the date of which will be fixed ed divorces fromt their husbands by' dowed with a super-natural power or the young college student who 13 Waukegan, filed a petition for man. Iater. Judge C. C. Edwards in circuit court eewIth a powrer to tempt and de- diage wih hemurerof arondamus against Maude A. Knoll, town March 10. The divorces were E 0 DT lude young wo-en, to -ntangle theln fambert in.Helm's Woods, Lake For- VOTE To N RCffASE cI-rk of the t.w. of Vernon, a '-S TAg TE TQ CALL g=nt"st he' ineie . - Tu'h efa"t dw sionasfdoe meulng ,1b fut, on February 10, appeared in cir. htsebemnaue t lc nthesm e suuulto say the a fr h a fjsiei iei or 6 cuit court at Waukeglan before Clr. the ballot at the toirn election April least. Bth sisterOwere-reresnt: -te armorning a -n pedeguiltt cuit Judge Claire C. Edwards en 7 the following proposition: by Attorney J; ames 0. Welch. three indictmnents returned by the Tuesay a 10 'clok an arged aShall this town continue to be The names of the sisters before C O U EÀ RLIT grand fury of the. March term et Tuesda-at 10o'clocrandtagued amarriage were Minnie and Josephine court. motion to quash the lndletment. The antFR LA ECO ' -saloon territory." Flary. One of the sMsters charged ._ aie laedgit en a d annouma terb w ufadheproposition on the ballot t lace tdene theothhreside at LibrtyT gt-ban oe ne Attorney ikerMondayeae scue h cint etknb Parent of Youth in Lambert ville peAe Would Seem to Settle Ques- 2-Trying to obtain money throu.h argmetsbyth satmet ha1h those Who believe that the "wts Case Will Be Stinmoned to the tr n iarheir billaeorivorc": tion Long in Doubt. °° fore Kame. faced CircuitJde would diaclass the Indictmlent without Instead of S 00 is. bave complied with every propos AccusegSongagt Trjaj. Devine vs. Devi ne. Edwards and pleaded guilty,Stts prejudice. By this it liq understood - ino h a n httepol Mrs. Minnie Flary Devine of Li)- That the Chicago A Milwaukee Attorney Ralph J. Dady hu»aassar tsIle rseved thecright hi sk a a hsMr gvoe soldb9gvn.nopotuiy o Edward Owen Orpet, father of Wm ýertyville set forth that shte was mar- electric railroad liq to be sold under the seer's attorneys, Jorgenson 8g Ci d een caeto autu" hsneqoriz th purchase o tec- ay hodehe orn o t ihto gtOptteUnvrstaf icosnried to John Devine at Chicago, Jan- foreclosure on April 1 was the state. Deane, that leniency would be. en- In heßrt pac, ilkrsn ,e-ond road repairing outfit for Lake along without saloons. s udentaccuelof the sa ng or ih1e e e preated ri-ment ie u oay edn os b-tahistOraltheerunder aret clared! the Indietmnent against Orpet. counity, to be usable by the different The petItion sets forth fthat on Feb. Mrin Lmet wl ca ldas a ebtydreiting two i nstnea oltnitermr othis effect fltha ug dad se asr$ telsfißcient because It does not give ltownsçhips when they wish road work ruary 1, 1916, a petition Iwas filed witness uagainst his own flesh a nd etrctn w ntnea o-sAtaermr aJdeEwrefndKie f a cleasr idea ~of the charges that haveý done. with Maude A. Knoll asking that the blood, according to the phnus of the lows. have been current some tme. Te on each count, or $300, but bi sn, benlbrought agalinst hime in order1 The board also voted to purchase saloon question be placed on the bal. olcials of Lake county. This bie- On June 1, 1912, shle says, he tore road has been operated by reeclvers pended two fines, and paroled WIW» mhat e may perfecte hie defense. The a water Woarn to use with the pither lot at the town election next month came known on Thursday when it be- all her clothes off In a violent man-frthlategtyr. In 1915 it liamt Kaiser to Probation'30ï indletment charges that Orpet "'gave nr firet outfit The new outfit will It was stated In the petition that the came known that the namne of E. 0. ner but without any provocation. She frear n 911,670 rs n 0,4 Weiss on the two chiarge of atijb and administered cYanide of pota- cost about $1.000 and will consist of number of names contained on the Orpet appeared as a witness on the said hie did this while very angry at f e 91,7 goa abou$30-. ngluto obtain money through the e1111 stum to Marion La«mbert," or Word», a tractor engine, a grader, and an oil original petitIon was not less than indictmtent returned against Win. Or- her. net, being a decreu faout ,50. fdence gamte. te that effectan. The committee reported In one-fourth of the number or votes pet. On August 15e 1912, ohe said, hie 000 compared with 1914. Earnings Kaiser paid the $100 fine, and ilint J Mr. Wilkerson presented court rlfaoif ucasnctread eincat at the last election. As a mat. The indictment charges ithat: tcoe e ndpse e g ins re said to be showing an increase discharged from estody., Judw m- ings 'which show thatr the words nutatx, but the board felit lWise to ter of fact it Io said the petition had "William Orpet did knowingly, un. an tce box, causing bruises to her inw h e atya aditrs wards instructed William Kaise, tb* ,%ve nd"&mnitr"ar y .I purchase but one. 132 m.lawfully, and with malice afore. body. nw h e atya âdltri seer, medium and astrologistthat" adI'dmiteae f syQw non At noon the board and a few Invited naes. to frmnausge nthought administer until Marion She said! her husband weighs up- on receiver's certifieates and taxe would have to report tothe mou. e ai te olowngfor uetswere ai dInner at the Elks he eiinfrmnau oso abr ag att fdal wards of 200 while shle weighs but and left a balance of $219,473. There ofHeer, William . IWeusa constructions might be placed on the lroom wee «espea a stat that n tFebruary 21, 1916Lpomsonknownltoge yanitofde o o 10 h si i algdcre retVrol50000 fbnd.'oneamntadthth et 1-Tw mtermistee t e n hm Tehssmeet e nr-eee g adc a u"ment caused her to leave him on AB sooin au the roadhas been sl required to makle trac answerte: 1-'Ihat rpe admnistred tt-ing m-rnbprs "of the board. And met was filed with Mrs. Knoll. This I saBdm ite ht .O rpttl April 15, 1913. He was In Milwaukee It will be taken in band by the ror-r usinpu ohm b poison forcibly- u, brt tk they furnished "some" anread. declaration was drawn up by Attor- I a mitdt a . retfilwel selsthadifhi hre aizto cmite hoqul t est ionnectioa withehis lý-Thiat he Indue e otk t F01nwfngthe meal, Chairman Eger ney B. H. Miiller of Libertyville on the grand jurors that h ept a large we aboe tbad bs w emp azt to pu oitt ee t and * l tWinin oecties, et le hro gh d eet ureidn. ah esoIbntth o'rfbhlfortoebh eresei sufavorfqu ntiyfths . hegee- •Austin va. Austin. tablish a airm working basitThe, Kaiser loft the court roon a 3-Tmihat hcoiscure.tfr e orave a short tlltel6Iaton of keepIng the "wet" and "dry" isehosa %e I cC*Wi estate, tatd Mrs. Josephine Flary Austin, &asoreorganisation will -redueu A" Med armsof his wife, Who hbu rve' me iht ecmitsucde-thfaeveIfI ant and neIrvisorsoff the ballot this year. teparent f I th A4ier ha c fLbryilteohrssesi hre ygiigicnebnsl redi edt h ersneh d-Ihth ase e otk i nwr l Ivepn to underetand that the This document or objection quoted aye mthoye of th wnsfta e- o is s e mrryil h ie rust a tile echage for jug niome ortagdssul·arest n e the2theof Februay hle il nome cither manner. hl-vriobr ihdte ob the law copiously and' tookthf stndci e the poisor. [,thateWmaOr- gan, ugust Aus1908,alivWu-ed i ha'n'e fr iroposrt ralroad16 era ntDalyn dtsclosd of th paryWf The defendant, according to Wi -ireturned next Iyear. that the petition aled by the "wets" sat ,boette ta efor th t .r- dy h igupt Dcebe, 190,adlvdwhn hse pmattear aukealrhas bo e ll t the seer ws extactingo> keron 0i etitled to reasonJ"Ie 'l- At the cone'usion of the talks Chair- was not legal because those who pttre dthtat e sesadse a olgdIolev ed tck In a lon g time baus eracit y from ong mad e f te oiyi1 tice of wha t the charge agaInst Ih'- -an Per tld a ¢tnrv which canned! signedfit had not given their residence ai isparent' ome, andllr him. he sai h e was agddita fv edl offcawihelogriw ait uil t e e rmises ofgaoisentsa«17 lat ie o ethatdefense can be re ti llax and i proved suffcint to treet a-% it is claimed they hou'i old have procured the potassium on the excesiv e s o aitoict atigloriation comm ait t tkholdtofponiesbut acdiinepowher colding pared. He said lhe was not making a tako en adinutrnmfnt on. Mr. Clarke have done, according to law. Instead tquor and wh ecesie uo nr itin luenehrgailrathe bemief eingckthat theonaboutadinepwroul b a Ceeformal Motion to quash, hut that' nrevInuelv hald tnid one which rivall,,d they signed themselves as v'otera of It hadl oeen expected that Circuit qiradwieudrlsIfune h alod h elfbMg ti h aot fie ha& iven this, argument much Meer'% in Intenalty and the board quit the town of Vernon. The objectors Judge Claire C. Edwards would have was quarrelsome and abusive, render- city could get a better propositon The Sun, through State's Atton tbe as g ad believes the court s!hould -lhe knount table In an outburt of contend that tise ise not definite3 set Friday as the day on whicehlhe Ing her life miserable. and her exist- than out of the receiver. Vrous Dady, sent one young lady to these though he indictmient upon t-ýe snow- tauirer which proved fittIngto wind enough and that the law was not comn. would hear the motion of Attorneys ence with him Intolerable. franchises have been submitted by to have him read her pust Ilif.T U e.Wilkerson attacked the up the affair. le h. Hanna and Wilkerson to quash the The alisters appeared In onen court the receiver, but none of theM hve readn wa mdethn a e g &rtscn, fourth and tenth cOunts.1 Bond tenue Drooped. Ag a result of the Illing with hier nicmntifthsmatrlaeenti morning and In low tonces relit- met with approval here because of-fretohlthyonlayi 0 m thyweeIndennaitp. ambigu-1 The ernrosins of the board mem- o hsdcmn r.Kolrfsdstldtdy hnon Monday sit erated the charges»Ney had made In lais and citizens felt that te Cty e atmonilp affair ishlale IsO ou and nsufBcient. He si.t the hors showed that thprq is no nosieto Put te"wet" and "dry" issue au would have beei possible to take up their declarations. They aiso prs- ls entitled to more for te Minbe him the sum of $6M-E. The ra chares erenot explicit sand hae hance of the bond issfue for rntdn hm- the ballot for next month's election. the trial, if, of course, the motion sented witnesses who corroborated grant that la asked. lit bhas e lady paid the money to Kie, a €lohge were itnetbc llowed ing taitenni). In other words, teKle ettotecurt t asandenied- 1 their stories. The husbands did not known for some time that the ror hotold her that ho had used Ithe m11110 at teyshul ntriahard believesfthat the time is ripe mK elleyte tiretaie cuton d f l The attorneys for Orpet have not appear, the cames being defaulted. ganisation committes ,were to bisinteey to buy 41 Icerniela Of a» to*d Dad al Reply. Ino "dron it," and wait a few years said that the fight In te towndai Ver made known the wItnesses they will After hearing the evidence the the rond when - it in sold and it wsba wihhVroUe o eni in n"aga rpl t th, rgmental nd eeIft. he nlfee l n tht"ng is morel oneofghen- M suu mon in their attempt to provo court announced he would enter the two or three weeks ago that a mens, Idron together wihPi««esof. Kn akigAttrey Dto !thdhen.afrt.he ralfeeing tht n n Intyear s n fthewarmes t tinnocent, butitis lasid that decrees as soon as the evidence can ber of the city comision admitted cer alan [ ock of haïr. IIIIIO SteAt torn beDdynthe forme giv-I gtha rasted ise n e c id-ee e nte ecuny. i he ter witnesses will ecle ewitnuiTi seuvln ota tony o h ognsto the smok* curled from the «à du itmenthws basiosuch Caseste&. o otkei oa thstm e from the university, and that several granting the divorces. committee were drawring up a new wietese a neldi en y utortisbingtht e ad âuna saantiment In the county is not Thursday, Mar. S, is the day when rpreswl esf o h o.franchise that would ment with ap- vapor, the ayor u m l a e, 01 ebagnmore delinite. When b he oarfb adiourned at 2 o'clock tMauderA.eKnoll, tw lek f e twas reported fthat Celestia Youker proval here.fer up a prayer which was dietalllf ýde h eis ictment he had Inn inrd, h tetowne of Vernogs nisexpected to ap- would be called as a witn«e by the pher by the see. a set ab drew" the cnd of the People v. frtetr.Teclsn hnsi-Pear In circuit court here and defend deflense. She ls supposed to have laILpromised tobring190 t he saei d, thanother poisOn ig 0 9jcas . NA tf t a ks t ha r a E e erself gainât the charges m ade in er possession letters wri ten F A 0 SrD R F S .roi. e t ,a -an g who utdi The ceuets In the Orpet indictment for his wnrk as chairman, the allow- the petition whereby an attempt 1s pet, which tell of his re&OMlatin s ih CTe you0ng lady Who ecltel11101 atically the@sme as the Lamabert girl, and which should DI evidence40 was mr. Maye shuttm, hie said, are se In rply t ingof bills, the renort of committee being made to mandamus Mrs. Knoll help him to prove his innocence. &c- as ent oteserse ln the ClemW on tha l ePthea on erroneous assessenrts. the vresen- to place the "wet" and "dry" issue cording to reporte, State's Attorn,)y T A Ei & 1*settesAteoy ay ad ar tot lilct nb t oupl ehev ad ta tbuup amo e Mspevis er on the ballot at the tow peltion mac at Hassaingepland Peeron pilithe L>n t he would pr «t1110 fa ts b t ee word s "give" and L B R VBWL fled In circuit court l at F id y. I1 a ke a o1e tf a h ti l irem en of H ighla nd P ark A re M-- - -IN C U "M s. Isfi aThee niite oldapl ut swelLBE T VH EW L w-a1rtunbei edr- If tlasnot believed amongi lawyers of Hampered by Lack of Water Attorney Pope for the Defend- ,et Kaiser promis.d ber et byo h8ther w ad in bde-rit r. Twn of Vernon inow t ep ibW La at e UO pet tril Ie- -Pressure in Friday Fire- ant Announned That Local wm'w"ds ierst lkrSw talking outside 0f the tenne will naît a continuance until theliNre of an unknown origin--per-moewapadan th recod.and he pointedt out that there ,ln which they asked that the local op- October term of court. I a enhp nedayli ee ih h h aosDr s ht ae oetroug.Soetwo hoff r81s reo bu to eoleprsetwhen tion feature bie brought to a vote of the customn of judges of this districtgrudte macleCneponwihasbn tried in circuit court intedyDputy Shrf Marion Lambert died. One of them- the people on April 7. The drys pre. to granit such requests when made schoonaiat Highland Park, thug caue- ln Waukegan on a number of eccas- Green entered the ongr's st*dietoi tu dead---one now is on trial for her--~ sented a document to Mrs Knoll, the by attorneys representing a man who ing a ]osa estimated at over $40,000. ions but which never wax decided be- placed hmudrars.H ,gt.He said that it's up to tha Town Clerk Deoide8 to Recog. •la chargedl with murder, that le, if The long was estimated at $40,000 enaise It never was possible teo secure taken before Police Magistral'iap death.e decide whether the Poison ws i. . .onWhc Dy town clerk, ln which they asserted the resquest ls made soon after the by the Rev. J. P. O'Neil, pastor of •n inry thf rouitd aree upon a verdict, lor, but the Preliminary hearin juryin stered or taken to commit nz eiinW ihDy that the pettition of the wet. was I. Indictmnent la returned by the grand the Immaculate Conception Poaih. was dismtissed Monday by Judze potponed to gIve th@e admliide This decision cudb Say la Faulty. valid because those who had .igned Jurera. The fire department was called at Claire C. Edwards apuio motion of At-tm oemloy counsel.e h,«ed, he said, onlIy after the ev- It did not give their street addrenss 12:20, according to the statemnent of torney John Pope for the defendant. hieringwu a aled Prosecutervâ h ard ~~the wife of the Ore chief, E. G. Farm- The came was one wherein Louis Dort hape ard efreth ga d -9 teattorney said he regret-vhle townhp bavedersdoobbjeynssttnmeeyhateylednthWA E ANR .er and ohe denied the report that e' C-iragn had sarted ml' or *1°e with bis -it-e--e- -d ba** 1 1 Tetate wsual orsnt t h wt eiinwt onCekgw f Vernon. It was declared by K 60 Rthe blaze was reported half an hour m0 damnages agrainst Sutwh sorAid-hre iditmetsstan any aat horitis unbecus e had ro e. D.hubbard lt Fi da, thew"dlrk" he dryethat tieleft no means of before the arrivai of the firemen. drew WvteforIuit e y ago wh e et dyier's tns knon n hatgruns he ttrnysbasing their objection% on the fats checking up on the residence of the R À U U T eAtn tingour the our rk walls reaqstruck by Mr. White's auto. tecutt us h for the defense would balle their sr that the signerS of the "wet" Petton signera. Mrs. Knoll ruled with thesermi»sadnbu hTntro f he ee asn called Monday aM. but thir skotio guaiedtdte rs sad eould defer d sd nt specify in wbat van e fhe objectors and announced that shec YETeISbDFENDANT we e"'Th--idngig'htte eagu e A orney P--e --'a-dttAt*th,', '"-ert IfGrlibn.à, hIs deciIOn until next Monday morn- failed to stiate the names of the would not place the Issue on the bal- Y TI R N A T been saved had the firemen been able torney A. F. Beatublf h no rmbed we made tu bae téOM iio in. n hemantime he skled that sresadhgwywihte o.--to throw water fintothe second story renre«enting the onn bee lawor hisbouda, but he would1i WUl mteres o oh ie urihhamtli ree pro ided for win they Th esar oIiligt iv p Asutfr$a,2.8 gis hewnosbttebrmnc aim t h enooge Paxe rnted t doso.Angtt Mpt a ales la withSany authorities which theYy cal option law' oesl.n hv lcdter case Woodstoel yaoradC icaotis was possible. 'Why, there was thtle caeAdneyPene nlong romsecure Kie' loaeLibertyville, March 10,- k Hub- Waukegan & Fox Lake traction lingesnot suffncient water pressure to raise + to termithtoat batit triod, and 1n Payment Of & a* tbe The hearing on the Motion to qua adtoa eure rp ukegan i h ad fAtonyJmsG han beeonfiled! in the circuit court Iat the stream of water aboya the Orst * ngete tatitbeldismIssed.state's attorney at na et for 9:30 o'clock, but dd _tewhere he conferred wt 8tate's At- Welch, who Bled th. petition for DeKalh county at Sycamore by John floor," said one of fitmThwsdn. and IUil this ge weet bc nOt es

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