CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Mar 1916, p. 14

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.17. lÇig. ___ __ ___six_ j- U.S. SOLPIER8, WOIJNDED IN V WAS COURAGEOUS OFFICER. Was Captain of 96th Illinois- Would Rather Go Than to Send His Sons. One of the Most courageous andl daring of civ il war officers, Capf.j Biadgett. of tbe fightlng 96th Illinois, bellevea that war viii be declareal ')e-1 tween the United States and Mlexico. f arn afraid that One of the lare jÇeropean nations vili enter the cou-1 41ct before ies finish.' said the cap- tain ou Tuesday when he dropped . te the police station for a fev min-, ul$g' chat with is lifi-long friendi ew conrade, John Maynard, de3k. Urgeant aithte police station. "? Tes. Id go in a minute if lUcb ftarn onlal accept me. 1 vould Uearher go than send my sous. a if>' Ir is'tbat some of us aid canttake up arma. You know. bavat many years to, ilve, and if old ho better to send the ag'd. rthe youtha of the country. i)je Vpfal States yl vWin. noe sv %*at nation be the>10e,"ý -Capt. Biodgetl vas an ofiber of ow or th eaostcourageous comîla- j~ du hu the north. lHe figured f naety in the baft. fle o? C mud he participateal In all the lott!es down as tar as Atlanta. I Jolaie aynard la sorry tliat bef meat iake Up arma for ies country. Xr. Maynard nov carrnes tour bui-l Jet received In battiez during the' «M wvar, Vet he la sorry that _ie *aI ota Mexico lu case var la Je- 4Maiayuard la ttie first man lo wby the 'Gressers," the ni- aioeua gringues": lj#i&18 5 hen the United fStates Il , nd a part of Caifornial Masna he oyalu luecros~d Photo shows three members giga icnuheth. e cfight vafit Villa at Coinub > bW qulck and let ber go FàPao j~ ~ rmousa rufe. 0! iâa thia. those paour, uneducat-' . v~rius thaught that the boys ,iuajm -gttgoW but tley vee sigigIII LI. O L Lg*ovs the nuaes.'sud Ihat 1.le Sbapucsa te cSi the tIys f b 4 oabttUl If tb«eeta a man i - jaj4tadStatea vho cabibif n etrngt fo on ofhieaINNL loba Maynard. Despite Uthe LINENSF that lie la over 70 John May-l la> fa ervug Waukenaso- aidaksrgmi. sanot-Ti l Proprietors They WIII F ceofthe ic unilpaltty. %ech1 voke LiceMéifI "Finei « the wvei. Bnaidys Inchided, be found, at Mas deak et the Are NotPad gad hote ladail>' trou 77ilu Uoa ng mnW6Iet igbt. May- be~sWam*ep and, ne doubt,. CASES CONTINUED 10 DAI is f y moi>mn of, is e vwo * evuIndustriel iterest Ilu the hian travei-sed th.le i n One Man Served as CfhIf .1 *4et t,fe aitusu the erection o? ice-Another as ft ~Polij lgl,O,00 annery plant. 1 apes ta go ta Fort Sheridan fol Magistrate of City. ebauds with the boys In bI.e____ ~uo<they entrai for Texas, or ~ca~leo.That the police COMMiIon10 et North Chicago is planning, te reyoke four saloon licenses if flic praprietars CIIICMi() plead inot gulît>' t0 a charge Ot seil! - ' rth Chicago ha>' scouts gave iug liquor wben arraigaed -before thie lnrestug p-agira? afrsout police magistrate is 1h. ,tatgemt f hteveling athle Preabyferian one emîîioye of thaf cIf*. - - ridid> niglit. The vark given Four promînent "aloon *un o? o? wauddills. mllitar>' foi'- North Cicago bave basa arnesgteiâ un signal vrb, isf &Id work charges o! .seling iquan aÙ%, jab' p a " esonne wtb 'gangs anid bath. One cf the ne4.,*~t~~ a m i.avupuent the boys bai erved as police chie! 9oth tii. i yu.e tite'h nt lé e hsl been ther bas seei as poilttja magUtfra 'i as a surprise fa ever>'- The four qren vho weré at*uifsu! b 'i oy'scout rnavemet in are: 1gthaf appeals te boys anal Reckfenvald & Nellon, saloon au yod thé keenest Interet ln State sîreet, near Tyciffth, givten lutf eveuing. The Andrev Pucin, saloce. Stite atieei. e nt 1sf evéningvas glvsmn ;îear.Teufh.1 edirection of Rev. Névlin J. Bregn, saoan ou Pautrteenth leént. Miore>' o? thé Timnes Re- stréet, near Prescoff, " w taff. lev. Nevlu gavé a tai MVise WItcbitaii, saloon Ci e vet ,#urpose o!flice boy scout aide o? cit>. which wuvasvr>' eli ré- Accordiug te a repa>'t ,i-e0ived by Md Leut. More>'bail charge af The Sua. the cit>' coini a bas ln- Il 4fR ork and lie sure!>' la a sfrucfed the poue t teIla l QTf the art. Thé boys gof lu- pose the largea ie . 4i7 i spirit of thé vork and reapond- salooakéépers ulît>' .'4 ed te the commuanda prompU>'. The pre?rred aga nft Sobert Brean. David Pefera. Marry vlil rovake the lIce 6arle>'. Arthur lHoyle, Russell Eibler. keeperg Iflic>' rtuae t,icii Kaw*o Daîs.,Huberf Davis, Abert ù~.. - Rliamp. Mivard Gartle>', Bernard Deoker. Fredel Piacafor. Rhip PowellCetiré 'i- Tis f55 John Baila>'. Leonard Myers, Wi!fred ene feels mucli fe a Bradon. The follaving pupils received the anythlng. and vhen that' blaheat ave'ages ln the third i a warning nef tae t be nionthi>' test gven during tlie past serlousnesa-Milwaukee J4nltàLI veek af the Nrth school. The ques-. fions fon these tests are sent olt fb>' Chance for Musiters. the couef>' superintendent, T. A. A peculiar feature of Bornea la flue Smpson: Eigtalilgrade-John S I-itt tepractîcal>' an immenlse Lame #e M-e. Wauda Krause, Howard Phili,, serve. The white Iniabifie are Mev- Alphionee Deren; sevenfh grade-J sepli Krause. Beatnice Jackson, EvO ernment officiaIs. plaftets and bum!' lyn filarvin. Minnie Blinke; sîth nes men, anal aave nelther im re ton grade-B»bert Brean, Carl Swanson. Inclination an>' bunflng. The Malme Drust. Josephi Kabarac; fiffb restit ta that the game vii vhich the geuls-'Oeorge Wolf, John Hodnlk, country abounda la nareli 'OAturbed. 80111hIa Nowracal. Gunnar Berg. Elephanta and rhinc.cetasem tsi-e soe _____________- plentiful thaf the>'tire a nuisance.fa "sa Th.y Dont Iemember. 9iebbe." said Vue e ben, "ti Çvrideouldremnmber dt every »egr de hait»Mre a£ a boitwàVe wouidn'l * imikeverybody to ae mm e o hm esdiaaresabie." UWêb i » as HT (c) ~caguo Tribune. TO ARRANiE PLANS tFRCOUNTY AIl) ON, C.~ FOX LAKE BRIDGE Rie- Road and Bridge Committee IGoes'to Fox Lake Thursday 'to ArrangeDetaila. v.BRIDGE SEEMS -'A REALITY. Ol ds for a Re-Enforced Con- ic crete Bridge at Wauconda to Be Opened Monday. W'auikegatiu Marcb il. Thé road and bridge commiftee Of the I.ake couuty board O? supervisor'i, acoompauleal b>' Charles Russell. ceaif>' superintendeut o? higbvays, vll'go f0 Fox lalce uext Thurada>' fo conter with officIais at fliat place rel- ative fo fthe proposedl "cut-off" bridge ovér Pistakee bay. ILIf 18 ieed lthaf final defails ofbte plan viliibe vorked out. The estimat cd cost of fhe bridge IbM lias lic-eu discutqsed, Je about 1«')O,- 000 to $35,.04M. Tbe resideuts of Fox lait'vaut the coutity to pa>' onc baif of the' coef. Thls flic couanly i lu dut>' iowid 10 do ln case certain pro- vilon.4 are coropîleal sifh. These p>rotvisnsiclîdu ftue levying o? a crfain fut yeariy for rlîidge pur- p.oses, the' oîaIntenance o! the rosal ',-adirig op ta the bridge', etc. Cout>' olflceres wish 10 bie sure thaf ail tbese provieions will lbe conîplical vlthb hé fore fbey Lake definîf e stepe f0 bui!d the brodge. If these requirements are arrangeal st islactorly next Thuraday Il la possible Ihiat no fune will bie bar iu gefflng started ou the vork, Nexf Monda>' atternooa lu the oafice or Count>' Superlntendent o? Migli wsys Charles Russeill l the court bouse bide vi]]libe opened and the- eoutract avarded for a 111f lé reiun toced coucrefe bridge at Waucondà. Irbe bridge yull bave a span a! but » ;feet anal the estimateti colt tu Bîrdsa Lite of Valu,. Investigatiob iln German>' bas show'> that the( partfidge cats the seeda of man>' noxions veedi and ineecte dé. ttfTuctivé ta plant lits, thereforé de. serves protection. Weaith in the Biock Mill. Thé Black hills region le thé rIhI. jest 100 sqjuare miles aof eritor>' li tb wvorld no far as knovn f0 minindu glneers. This district producés vor* ru-ber ud coconut ette >'d productnftaingold te cernent. stroyîng young trecs. On a Big scaie. Dailm for Little Women. Plan out cOur lif eon a big seule. The fine lit fie woman vho welghs rhat lsai t mmnortalif y should meai ouI>' one hundrcd poubd u cathsAk to-YiOU. If your lt s vers measured hi lier stars thaf she le on éarth. If i6i a tew years, yeU miglhf hé forgîven for resided on Mars aluevould weigli anly jbecoming absorbed -in thé trivial thirt>'-eight.-Galverton Ney. Ithing., itt le Pleasures. lit te ambition% pétty trfumphs and vctorien. BUt Ion Al%àyu. r. fo Ilve larever and thé trivial Dan: i. - Th munîclan vhe pIe>'. hi note bas Do110f l!> >otiPlan for lgroanthingu ta face thelic"ais tReacli up te theé hlgli thinga. .s~-~ ~ -'5 ' _ _ soi_ CAPT. BLODOUi RELIEVES 'WAR IS TO BE JDECLARED Is Sorry That He WiII Not Be Able to Take Up Arma for the United States. tbey could nt mae the Cit y UeIr mýrning at 10 'o'clock. permanent home. Man>' klnd words were sald lI& the g T V Waukegan Commercial Association U ET Y O ' by the organisation. But the, dele- flflAPp I S-rflE gaies did not stop there, They Uniît- tbey vent or whouî fhey met there was the smre spirit of veicorne, S Ys LILAiRVU IA %fan>' kind vords were said for the local committee vhich hadcharge cf aIl the arrangements. Everyfhing'Po!Kie Mytfs ti cons.idered the convention was on Po.eKie ytiisAt or the moat suceselui ever heid hem neys by His True Answers Waokegan bas entertalned dle-Is fi gates ta several conventions during LU ,Questionls the iast year or two aud ln each cade the delegates bave gons away with ANSWERS QUERY READIL the hlgbesf word» o? pralue. The re' suit bas been fbat the cil>' has been a4vrt sed fer anIl wide as an Idéal Claims Police Magistrate Wi èisfor conventions. Hear From Brother Missing 5he delegates ta the Vasa couven- leff Waukegan af 8:2Z p. M. for Seven Years. sPMday nighf au the Northweotera. a slecial car havlng been provlded "abe obett u rul foi- fhem. Tue>' were accompanied ta irebei-n and caîdron bubble." the train by menrbers o? the local ~Macbeth cernmiftee who wislied f0 bld themt That M. Taylor, a brother e? W farewel. ter A. Taylor, Is alive and welI One o? the besi known delegates the statemént o? William Koa bere vas Dr. E.' A. Edlen o? Malns, clairvoyant and medium, under 111. Dr, Edlen la chIe? medical direc- dictment ou a charge o? attempti for of the North Star Benefit Associa- te procure mone>' by the confider tion of vbich there are a number Of game, local membern. - Hie aMme, has bren For an hour yesferday WIlIIi misspelled inadverlently ln Prelouîl Kaiser vas permltted to leave vrlteups o? the canvention. Theré ceil ai the county>Joiia nd coos were other promîneuf residents f rom vitb bis s tloreys, William A. Des (vo or fhree neighhoriug States. and Peter Jorgenson. The firat man Kaiser ran lnto f.LIIT IS he valkedIto the law Offices ln1 MUCII INTERES L Scbarfz ui lng vas PoliceMi t frate Taylor. the man wbo Issued1 warrant for bis arrest, CENTERIN4i IN TI Fer fully feu minutes the sees m RECAL PET TION stIlled those present by answering TIMquestions put toab im in s mont wA A hlch could be checked up for frutb. "Judge Taylor, I vîli anavera Thomas McCann Says Hie Cani fhree questions you may put ba AiIask you to do is ta vrife1 Prov Tha RoyLaneDid quesons on separate slips of îîsî Sign the Petition. tben bide them ln your pockets, ________give fhem f0 Attorney Deane or LANE DENIS TE FAT. pufy Sherlif Elmer Green. 1I > StepInto the next roomn while -rite do,,. the questions on papf Three iudges From This Dis- aid Professer Kaiser. trict, Sitti ng en Banc, Are Judge Taylor vrote dovu tih ~ -~ questions: to ueciue onFlrnuay. "What la the number o? my wt ________1 mean the case number and the ný Much la centering on the ber of the vorks. çrecal îefitlon proposition vîth fthe 'Give me my mother's mai( f'nowledge that Judges Edwards. Don- name. 'nelly andl Prost, Sitting en banc. vili "Wbere is my broiher?" 1render on Frday their décijsIon as ta After Police Magâtrate Taylor1 1whether or not fthe Pet ition Io valid. wrifteu, dovu tbe questions on thi àThe plan origlnally vas te render a slips of paper, lie bandeal one slip dpecsion tode>', but sa mauy detaill Attorney Deane and one ta Siiî have lnterpo'>ed themaelves that if Green. These men piaced the SI bas been found necessar>' to doter o? paper ln an Inside pocket o? tL fthe decision until frida>', Sgturda> cate. la the aset day on whicb the ruling -Tbeu the scer vas oummoneal. i~n be made ta came vithin the pro- "Judge Taylor. If you viii Lake v Sions of tbhc lav. lip of paper sud prée sif against1 If the court rules that the -pefiflon lump on my forehead 1 will ans, tlet invaiid, as claimed by ttone vbg your question," Police Nlagintr hav-e fleal objections. thé matter vilI Taylor dial as required. Then *stop right there, and If yul hbe nec-oseer gave Judge Taylor hie mot lu essai-y for a new petition f0 be circu- maiden noms. Ilated or drop thé wholé camPaign "Nov the second question,"s -riglit there.- the seer. Thîs time he gave thec On the other baud, If the judges and varks number o? the magistra Ldecide that the petifbon la ValiltfhaBy vafch, Iwlll so report te thé cit>' council and Then lie came ta the third QI If yull be nccesaary for the s3pecial tien. For man>' minutes, perbaps election ta be called and the proosi. onde the seer refrained tram speq tien submitted ta a vote of the peô- "Your brother. your brother, yes, pie, lu alive. Me lo velI; you yl il The obhictfors have -based tbeir Iront hlm sean," aaid ho, flght on the charge that hundreds e? "Whcre la he?" aa'<ed Taylor. nomes on the petition are Invalid un* "Confinement in jaul the émbarr der the nîeaning o? thé IA.15. elb' ment which confronte me makei -charge that ruan>' people did n gn Imposeible for Me ta tell YOU Il *their names fa tbe petîtion. 0 r My mind les disturhed. 1 cau tell dong this for them, that ln mari>' ovever, that be la vell and that cases the addressea. dates, etc. vere vilI hear fromt hlm." sald Kaiser filléd ln laler by parties »ther than ît îs severi years ince Walter1 tlioaé vho sigil the petitiOn. That lor bas scen bis brother. or since this vas true vms tetified te hy a bas badl a mnessage ftmhlm, bandwriting expert firn ChicsgO. "Iarn convincéd that my brol * fome lnterest vas occaslliced On le alive. I believe f hat lie 15 Tliesday af1 ernoon 'vhan ROY' Lane vest." aald Taylor. anompanied Comîsaiefler Orvis fa Thé three men ln thé law office Judgé Edwarda' çhaMbarée nd 'de, convlnced that KGaiser le endo clared thaf fie had nat , sitned the vith a povértul paver. and net ptition aithiough his narne apDeRred of thern could explain hav be there. svéréd thé question wlith regard Th~omas Mc.Canfl. anc of tiose vhD tflinumbérs o? thé vatcli. casé n prornoted the re>ll campaigi'>suid works. 'y secured mai»'ofet flic iigntuiré, dé' Kaiser han heen unable ta gef rt clarcd fade>' thaf ROY Lana Positive-' loueta go hie bonda, He le nov II 1>' did sign the petition. Ne eald iln bonds of $3.04(0 and if la exPe, il Laue signec if n In his(McCRUU'B> sa- tthat hie attorneys viii demand an miloon and .t1,at thOre veft witnlligecmdiste trial. lit i.nune xpecféd to faý es tCt. He sê#o fiat go taý a5190é the fcmegwilI goLta filibe sho knows Il Pre la not an lnvaild 514Oetohar, and ln týat event, na dî nature on flue PetItIOi. thée niser cases *U11 hé the firstf - 'pus the crimifl ýA1 rijcààLt fUNCH I§OLE$~f iNj cMSM he TUE'IULT!DPT. United %a es HealthServcee Warn 0fD ners LiÙrking ,fa EmptyTnCana. MOSQUITOESBREED THERE. 00iep Neaaii0i'- 3 ' ydbapme'0..- gras I Lux Au 336f342-No..t Thay Always Do. "Does ayofle think 'our son ha@ a future?" "Ye. ; tho i/e Insura8ce companied."-Life. CUILOREN WHO ARE SICKLY- welfau, , f iio t ,h l ud L o î b. NilvItit Ai. NGali y 1 . 515crN. Y DELEfiATES LUD iN 1MR31 PRAISES : Waukegan LocaI2 : 0F JkCAL PEOPLE ln regard f0 lihe nid Auîitnrluîl ii ot(Ili Delegatesa ie at Banquet, ho rehuill or flot. Il is reportl Ihal the Fine Hospitality That there ls a plan fon foot to ddvide thie block offl nîf> cly loisan make an Was Extended Themn. exclusive resîdence diBtrift of tuîe _________proverty. W'ord was received bere a short LEFT ON NORTH WESTERN. lime sgo of the biri h of a baby girl - - 1Io Rev. and 3lrs. Acheson of Wasli- ington. Rcv. Acfieiiol was patstr of .SpeciaI.Car Had Been Secured the Presbyterian churcli here ut one for Purpose-LocaI Memn- lime. Alfa-Lesa, the drink manufacturefd bers Bade Farewell. by the Aifaîfa Producta Company of Waukeg*n, tirs.> made lès sppearance Waukegan bade fareweli Tuesday at soda founlaîns ln Waukegan today evening ta 100 delegates of the Or- and those W îo have sampled the der of Vasa, who have been holding sparkltng beverage are loud ln their their two days' convention here, s.nd praises. Incidentally Il may be said that Wau- A petition was fiied ln coîîntyf kegan took another sîep torward ln court today asking t hat Nargaret Public favor as a convention city. A Kidd, eight years oid, be declared a1 banquet heid ln the parish bouse ear- dependent chiid. The petition said ]y Tuesday evcniug waa the cosîng the chlld's mother, Frances Frealand ' feature of the program. At this a?- ia living wih George Jaurne, a sa- fair the delegales reiferated their loonkeeper, at Lake Zurich. If wns gratitude for the splendid spirit of claimed that the environments are hospil.ality. that bas been sbown ther nent proper for the child. Il ls ai. white here. ieged furtber that, although the littie girl ls attending school, she is suf- Without exception they declared fering of a contagions disease. seldom that they have attended conventions or neyer found bi children. The in different cilles, but neyer bêlai-s court ordered the child ta the cugtod y h ave they visited s clty where tbey ofathe superintendent of theleLakeý w :ee mae o fepe so hd YIL County C.ineral hoslîital. Her hear- Worth Whl.c Quations. "Be not anitcus about tomorrow. Do today'a dut>', fight today's femptalion and do not weaken and dislract your- self b>' looking torvard ta, thinge vhich yoo cannot secaund could.,not understanfi. If you saw thein." Charles Kingsley'. PRICE $35.00 I-I. K. COALE, JR. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Sole Agent - Lake Cointy r Mark tiret the fluld flow of ressisei Power fromn the six-cylinder muteOr, the remarkable acccleratloii, the ilexi- bility, &the apeed, thi moofiuess, the COinforl, the utter luxury of the Saxon Tlîf'n direct your attention to these costiy car refilements; yacht-line die- sign; lustrons finish of iasting new- nes.,; two-urlt ciectric s.terling and iigbfing system: Timken axIes anfd fuil Timkeu bearings tliroughout the chassis; helical bevel gears; 32 Inch by 1% Inchitires; 112 Inchiwheelbase; iinoleum covered, aiumnum boards, and uearly a score more of quaiity car attractions. Now recail toemd the okinions you' formed of other cars in the p rife cnasi. of Saxon "Six." The comý parigon quickly proves the righl of Sulxe>, Sit"e0 ader.ehip inlils field. ,z1u, showyou lis noteworthy car. ito Sales Co.. Genesce St., Waukegan (340) If Perforatfid the Cans WitI Not _____________ Retain Water and Becomne BreedingGround. IThe MU RPH v The United Stafes public bealth I I A ~ f I 'f service has given thé cily dlean ip DISAP EA& IN People a new Idea f0 prevent t h, TRUC K BO DY., spresd of dîseas4e and tu elliuînale tli* fiy and the mosquilo. The new danger to public beailih lies ln the empty tin cana Ibat are seen ln great profusion about the va- cant lots and ln Ithe back yards a, every city and lun which the bealth service Bee a greal danger and a menace te Puluhil ealtb. Tbe an- swer f0 the îîroblt'nîIst:"Punch a bole in the botfom of every lin cao tbat ls throwo ouft mb othe rubbish51 beap or te be faken to the pîublic dump, and If you- wanl f0 make a gond Job of if Punch several bole'> ln ItL This vii -be fan for flic boys sud lut making scives of tbp lin cari lbey wiii reaily lie performlug a public The why andl whereforî-s of alilofR lis l1< contained lnluthe foiiowIng an- I liouncement sent out front Wasblng12I ton:- Couverts your FORD RoAbsWtR The V.nIled Sates Public bcatth loto & Llght Delivery Car laulune servicesaunnounces that the fin can Uuin 10 secondsa tine - No boitis is a menace 1 o the public iîealth. A' os .rews ta faiten or unuateu. bulletin on tie subject Baya: "The expert malaria Inventigators of the .lnited States public beaith service have found Ihat discarded titi cans contalning rain vater are lîre'd- ing places loir the mosqullo, whieh ij the sole agent in sîîreadlng malaria. - A bole in the botlomn of flhc enîîîtv lin can migbf bave resulled liti the' saving of a human litfe. Certainly ili would have assinted in lireventiiig a debllilsfbng Illness. "Eimpty fin cane have no buinessi about premises anyway, but If ve SMOWING LOADINO CAUOACITY must 80eriecorate our bars yards, fr1 . M»40 ta fit r-cr piatlors.0f aMW us sec f0 It Ihat the can bas a boitle mdel of FORD ROADSTER - Wbe,5 lu the bottom." apefied givea yau IoadlugSPaCe Odd Phass.32 X 09 leCHES "'To leep like a top"nesema a yerY i ThO cure attaciuue là Mg"c Of iabsurd phtase. l itl a corruption o9 extra beavy ,gaivasized steel and viii ,the French proverb. *'dormir cornus carry a *loam eqîsal ta car capmcity. uneID taupe," ta sleeP like a mole. "*Jusi 9the cheese" la an Oriental phrase The word "cheese." trom cheez. Mina 1doostanqq. meana "tbIng.ý 1tWhite Woodwori<. B Use whiting and water and a sof cloth. This doas net destroy the paint1 9as a more vigoroua cleanser does IBut If there are outside white win- 1' day sBil@ b be cieaned. aud îhey are ever>' much soliled by exposure tu the 1. eather. use ammonia and waferIlie Icsrefui tu uslng Il, as if removes nome 1 of the paint as weil as the~ dirt. Saxon SIX A big tourlng car for five pec Here are- furthér notableé features -jý-jÈ 1 *Umm cogum a .., 1 i: 1 JL

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