LJAKE COUNTY IWDEPENDENT. FRfn»AY. MNAH¶l 17, 1916. Pg e - And Now for the Final Wind=Up of Dolttie an whye, Clearance Sale .Ya'er's $41,000 Stocki of Ciothing at"d Shoes Oniy a few days Ieft-o! the fast selling and low priclngs that w»t close -the decks. Saturday -nlght this sale wilI have gone on record as the most. rermarkabIe bargain event ever conducted in this locality as each day has been greater,, than the day be- fore-so will the final days be the greatesi of the endtiresale.. We have rounded up ail laggards and in' adâ1tion to the a lready low prices onevery une Have Taken the Aiready Reduded, Prices 0fl-. thé Fohowing Li anId Cul Them Exactlv inHaït mes Below we show the_ rgîa riiàag advertigéà iuu-d t4e- final price -reductions whicli'prevail u til Sgatur-day nil ht, Marculi tm, IV>, en Lue z lut I .~n ~j '.i~LOM 7-W>mieii's ods atnd Final Vil t III~I~III' ~ '~ I 11111ends in $4,00 and. $.00 g112 0,p~ç.ic I i~ II ~ ~' 1lyte Cleara4ce Sale, $2.19 LOT 8 So"Qsis* $350 and %i $5.00 shoes; Doolititie & cioalranop WhytecClearance sale prive, 12 LO -Misses' aîdel-FnI <lexsshoes-all sizes to 1l Clearanice 4 kDolifle& Whyte (lear- 47 ance Sale, 9k. 7 LOT 16-Men's oxford, Final w'orth up to - $4.00; good1 Clearance stvies; Doolittie & Whvte j -a lea-ance Sale, $2.69.134 LOTl'1. MENS SUITIS- Thijs lot invi'lîîdes silits foi' " meal n. Yager's price ilas '1p tii $12 4>4)Doolittie Wlivte -Sale Pivet, $2.48. LOT 2. MEN'S SUI'S (;4)('(1striesbuitot14t t' r exr Final iate st ; îcaî'ly-ail 5izt's. Yà- Clearance geî-'s prit'e to D'ooi.~4;l)o it- leo & Wh rt t (1l'-aal'e Sait' 2.42 Prive'i, $t.&5. LOT 3, MEN'S IT NI il v oîf dvtlîhiis se-ason 's ii'\ s stittes aîîifibries: Y $16,5(4vlutes; Poo- lit tlc & Wli te C(itarante Sale Prieut, $7.85. iLO T 1,. N rI IN SSU ITS- N'ager' s privet'111 to '1.4) IuIti'& Wiîvte ('icar- aIxteSalvit-F>'e, $9.85. LOT -), MEN'S SUITS Yalgv'i's piee 'it p to 2.; i)îoitthe & W'hyte Cleatr- ace P' Iii<e, $1245. LOT 6, MEN'S SUITS- )agt'i's price up tii $30.(X); Dootlittle & Wiîyte Cicar- aixue Priet', $16»8. LOT 1, ME' OVER- ('OATS This ineludes a Nvidt' varietr of materials ani îN'hile the styles -of al tht- garmients offered aie flot tlivi vi-tY latest, thei- arte gi )tt setrie'<'ibl' co;ats NYagt'r's 7.5v I bîxs wasil sîtits, Dolittie & W'hvte Cleai'aiit'tSalé P-rive, 97è. yager's $1.00 wos îasiî ti its: i)oo littie & Why.ýte ('ltaraîîce Sale Prit-t, 48C. Yager's $1.50 bovs' washi suxits: I) ilittie & Whvte Cle'aranc $ale rie,73e. LOT 2, lot of OVER- ('O'ATS-A l t' oats that iîiude mn of tiis st-a- i-uis tîltsas reilI as 50140 of last seamoi 's. The assort- mient tof strits anîd lpatterns ini fabrivs is largte. Yagcî"s I ittit' &Wliîvte(ltaaîe Sale lriciet, $6.85. îItOT 3, MEN'S OVER- COA'TS -Titis S'easoîî s stri%-es iii plain rolgtir aîi mixtres.Strles tt pleast' ru uitg, itti(dle agt't anti old- t'x mer). Quitt' a nimbter of îîrite.Vager's prive'foi thse toatk iras$1., $16.504 anti$d 5. 1olt1 & WlîvteCUlearance Sait' Privie, $9.75. LOT 4, MEN 8 OViÈa- ('OATS Here' is a' lot whieh ineltudes th' easa iieNvest codts. , Waidditon tu the' ieavier %wights yoûwil lind man%, etet thit, are suitable. Sale_ Yager 's $'2.00) boys' wrashi sîtits; 1)oolittle ý& Whyte ('lexîîaîîîe Saée rice, 95C. Yager 's $2.50 bo ys' w~asli sîxit's: Doolittie & WI)yte ('h aî'ai'c Sale Pritc, 95e. Yager's $2.50 boys' wasti suits: looiittle & Whvte ('leaî'ant'c Sale Puice, $1.19. Final Clearance 3.42 Final Clearànce 4.87- Final, Clearance 5.92 Final Clearance Take your un-- reet riete d choice of any, of those wash sui tI. i 2.5c Final, Sho«e Cearance LOTr 1 - Wtîunlen", $1SFinal Ilotîse Sliper'isz i)ogîitth' &Clearance Wlîyte s'la altea'l>iî- 19 29c.19 LOT 2-Wivitu's jatv 'uxt Final àuîd kid"$3.(09 o\h ii's; ID4,îî-Clearance 1Final liOT'i- Won'tm<u îs . Ixîgil lace shoes; i)ooiittle & Whvte Clea rai îie Piie', 79C LOT 4Wn'îs$3.-50)tain oxfords, bhuttii and tavet'i 1)oolittlt & Wi'te ('lt'aî' allée Sale Pr'i'te, $119. LOT ('a-îee 244 and $4.> >44 rlt't uhîttî ste;Dooîlittie & Whyte Cleuranut'cSale Pî',$1.79. LOIT 6-Woî-en ,, 111Il aet- ali--buttoi i Iit" u'u- Dy6olittle. & N-Vît t'(-'lu-ai- Ssaie, $195. clearance 39C Final Cleâàùoe W c (leuce 89C Final Cleatâboe I. 1C' MEN'S MACKINAWS- i Yagt'r's price $6.00 to 8.50. Dofflittie & Whytc Clearanc'e Sale Pi-ire $475. Boys' $4.5~0 overcoats froîn the Yager stock. Doom littie & Wfhvte Clear-ane Sale Priee, $i.95. Boys' $5.50 overtoats I: front die Yager stock; Doo- littie & Whyte Clearanxce Sale price, $2.95. OleorSiao 1085 e 1.42 Boys' $10.00 overeoat~ ina froni'tut' Yager stock. Duo-Claac itth' & Whyte Clearane odds and endg;,$7.50 value. 2*47 Sakc price, $4.95. Boys' $7.50 ) Ma (kiiiaws. Olearance. i)oolittie & Wht' Cleai - -6 ance Sale f1rîee, $3.15. 1 206 Mi'sswelater coats -Ya F inal Lrrs$2.50 anti $3.50) gratte.Olano 1). & W. Clearanî'e, $1.69.. 84c .Nlvî's Sw'eatt'r N'as a-: geu's $5.40grade toi- tix ).I & WI. (1icrancve, $385. Meui's ~tAtcî i tr4ats-Ya- gvr"s $7.(X0 grade, ftr titis D. &W. ('Icarance, $4.65. Final Clearance 1.92 2,33 Nleîm's sweater uoats-Ya- gerIS $ 10.0<) grade, for the D. W.Clearance, $498.2o4,9 Mcix 's aii-wotl Jerseys- Yager'eipricee$3.00;D.& W. .GAN~ ILLINOIS' John Whîte/ We Final Clearance 1.24 Final Clearange 3.92 Final Clearance 4.92 Final, Clearance 6.22 Final Clearance 8,92 Final Clearance 2. 24 Lawr k Page seven.