CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Mar 1916, p. 4

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Ut...... TIAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRLDAY.MAROH 17. 1916. J.' ~,U.L Q.3I CARO 0F TNANKS. LakeCou ty nde end lit 4Wdý10a1 PfW ýtWe delie to exprees aur heartfeit Il J8 .. ky unX idri ià than sud eere appreclatiofl for the Waukgan Weely un q~,-~.g er/ Vz((e ympatby and kiudly iltereet of aur Office Tlephon. Numben , h.ibrtyille Exchange. P -_________________mauty friendu lu the death and hurlai of Ilberd %hi th@ postoffice as, Lînrtytille. 1il., as $kecund imes M ail Latter four hloved dangbten, ire. Ahu Mari. 00elcIi Publcaton for Lake Ccuty Board of lupervor' Proceedlnes Attorney C. N Durnd le taklug treat. Grouen, aud e-.pecially do we appreclate 1e4 verB... ay.Adverthe isin te. Madc noan ou Api-aon. mensueL l b. kêthe lu MLiadl&id,hInd. thespirit of love that prompred Lb. ISSCRII>TION PRICE, 01.50 PER . EAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCI Re ile xppcted borne Friday.mesudînr of th.- boantiful floral Plece a d ________________________________________________________________taise he very appropriât@ uglng ab th. W..0. SMITH ......................... . ........................................ dnagriPar lreneonubnn eful t w a e SMTI............................Maa8r5'er hidno .elcMr. cr n nsd Lire. Rabt. LIII, Lîbrtyvîlle. ULaWEIER ...................................... Reeldenf Manager, Phoné 1 -J arvcoufit of the mauy case of ecarlot _________ - - f-ver &long the uortii shore. BIyavold- CARD 0F TNANKL - Lae county officiais cannot expect sncb a big Case as ig ail unueceearv trif@ on -both e@tem w aib e> expresunr muet luce l.OTpet trial to progreas wlthout the big 0bcM gfl pan d electric rallnuade lesm lie- thanke to relative«, frieude snd nelui - '*antlng, andi têltlng, iCtures of court ucueis U *y;bility of bringing Lhe dlmpaebsn n bore fur tUnir eympatby sud kiudue tylcae o arl tfert onreporte iber@ 46 m umicao. The Cty t1 w Sairlaa Uauxe CUeswaRZ u0 Ifoke là big enough.anti metropolilan enough tb look aI »wopaper enterprise lu' lhe light liaI ail big ciles look MU I anti nol harasa neirspaper men, but oxteudthem tle ,éowWes, s laI lhey get elsewhere. W. woiilt not bave lite büg dalles think we're any more "1countrifleti" Iuian VO rîai yare. Tho. bond issue for a system of roads in Lake counlyà bus gono off the. boards andi Iikely there wol't b. much b& of-à gain for alonlg tme. Howover, the. agitation DM bd a boneficial rosultit laI supervisors andi ohhers bie ~i-'aned iiiuch information antigonera knowledge on i nd bond malters. 114taure 10 beneft al lu years v00.0 theIi question wil be recsielvoti th morof&- lls tabondto,10core ne due time-it wasnIJustltho Me now,.accrdlngto he genermi expression of supervi- b~m 'ail parts of lte county. ivi1 WüIiamý J. Bryan now sas Ibat Wilson in rflgt s houlti senti troops nt mb co 10 capture *V .ÎnIW ou ilfor goo& i.Lkelyt lilual lte Presdeant bu béia waitlng for-to gel BiI4 Bryan's O. IL Wihh45 4umtem hs avfig been sacrilicoti la .exwcan anarchy *oh the.. original revoit starteti dve yumr ago; îî se... m If te lIme RAD corne wben tecbniclea«. slde-qlep.« "'du etc., should b. cashslde and MlIENACTION re- 10 towblch ilfl lie decisive in .howing the. power of 5hcountry ani- its desire 10 protect ils people. Bot lunLiberlyrlie andi Vernon the Bseek 10 pro. "M'VU tappoarance of the qubstion of,= vote the wM againo 8 pring balot And, Ih recafls liaI, *0 tu -01 et I e dry. Iriedt tagel lthe 40onthe ballo thwets tried toblokL B o, ft M show liaI viciier uide la "Itdesn'l wan th* lte oller aide a cbance 1tehave th eople mlee rThaL', wy Our arVunent stp nds rend: Lpt S......A5.t....iýi.a4 02It 1 t W1UWU g UrUA5L p WA.UALOUe, nolaU1t, Bide May be termeot1I 'qgâtLtheii.PMOPLE »Wsm m ite.,atnot *4niatter of individuel opin. ~ WA for ueldlea akeCOun- où bt ii. uion luwlilh auii ff.l ti" ar»WonThe dry. are Flaamusui Ubave nobncrofth orgntonandi ~~wf lbe as in"yfnoer bave bad It 'W 61=1M afy cnceet eta f ii 64tt Ste e lu" ut he qetin indXflou t deo wlt u~ctuci s emulm li'0luM xio u nlt <uei-Il fit, rei wanean ti nggo. ACTINnowv ant asordproteno10 o oleofgaiseare-n 7wll ve tey sdntWilsonha aadnt i bo la n tiiy restaede are libte1Unhoter enetes t &ue wubave ckoe blben acafle uion leot ,,= lm qu nitsuftlclet aandea suton.rule u ANNOUNCENEUTs FOR TOWN COLLEOTOR 1lam a ddate ior tbeotficoof Toan Colleer for Llbertrvllle, eul..î-t to tb. bieision of the Rpublican cancue. ISpi Aaron Stafford. FOR TOWN COLLECTOR 1lam a candidate for Lie office ai baun Ocl0etor ion .lberLj ville towusbip, eu. )@et téth dechelon ai tii. Republican Tour support wilîlb. appreci 8051 Walter F. Louiker. FOR TOWN COLLECTOR 1 au a candidste for b okoffie Coi- hueon o àt metville townshlp, subj@ec te lb. deddiio f ERpublica eu& Ail opoet ivume a lU h. grmtly appre. NOTICL I a ouscethat 1 au acaudi. *ab foruTa Colecior cofLibrS vdil "q»kmehp. subtci 0th. aleb of 1h. ~~jl esi.m TAM COXLLECTOR -A"ýg Townm.seh abterd.I sujeet t-à the declelon of Lb. Repubicn Town Caucus. 28t Lyle Andreae. FOR TOWN COLLECTOR 1 anaunce mynelf a candidate for b. office o! Collecto fortb. Town ofibIerty- ville subi-t to tIe i. ahI tbe Democratle canent. Your euppot alîl b. appre- clated. 24e3 GeorgeHo. FOR TOWN COLLECTOR I ale ta aBncne Say cedldaey for Lime office ai Colletor ier Ubortyville tawueblp enhirt t e L.declisia c016h. IDemocrtit caua. Tour support alîl 2Sci mark a. Corcoran. FOR TOWN COLLECTOR 1 suoo m yechi a candidate ior lb. ollie ol Toun Colleter fun Fremont tcansblp, subjetu te decitmo f tb voter.. ousuappotwalîlbeappreustet. 24p2 Oeo. Banrmecmltt. F O RT'C O L E T O R 1 uaualI o tb. nomination ho lime oes c oletor or h. wn ci E i lh euPpoeh cM thé otsrdoa 6h. pliary. Mué18, avii. sippreias.d 25w Vm~ . suebta weeke F E Overeon ha@ reiguçd hie position wl,.b tht-hanük RBardwpàre Co. sud h.@ ,,, , to Racine tuo sscîwtate himcrlf wIlIh hie brutber lu the iieuraînce tWid. Mir. Overeon acut to Burin.. Wduieday and a co)on ah@.- cau arrange for a home theru hie aile aud eon ahI go with bit% Lir. Overon bad bren au employe ai tihe licaâl hardware store au' plumben for aibout four yearu. The iamily bau madis many finonde turing long reiteuse boe.. TOYN CAUISES M BE lii ATRA FTROON 4s6ttarday altersoos ai 2:80 o'ciock botm th.fltpubicnan sd Democratie caucnft ieh a le aledat th. oan hai for th.eopîgfo~aig~lae lot tbo uevenal township 001ers.. ne ofLthcascuueailh.e lit ha .bi proper ahile the. oth.r wallA b. boIt lu thboisaement. A large attendance le expected sautier. h-e coulderabie rlalry for the office of toan colletor, tier. bint sex candi. dates ah,, bave sununed their Inten. tion teo gimîlor th.e Cainluthe epubit- eau cancue and tac candidates ailI entoator to land the nomination at the lemoerstir cDecis. Ae there le one woman candidate for collectai on the lepublie»anaide iL la thougml tstmauy tomwe ai lattend the cavue d biSe a baud In Lbe proceedioge. Tbure eema Lo bc very little Internet dioepIayed lu lb. oth.r ofllcei4fom ubervieor doan ta lIowalceik, an thers are Do offlecia uoanemte ai aDY candidates ion tbe cfiies. Severai c the. rn-n now hnl,4Inir "Ifir have etat.d tieat 1 ni..» J,- ... att thLie cani.ue they wil acoept tLiiDonaation. am Mm -SULELET mARIESVILMEMin à ye" prett! houne eddlag loch Place Woeeday e vestug, Naral 15, at fie boune oflMr. mnd LMr@ CueuluBulkIey abus tIi.maillage of theindamste, Irs, ta LMn. Jolisu J. Iles., asé salemulsmd. Mie Sulkley le" em-eadiknoan ber. baviug lveti bure aIl ber employed ionreveral peare as book keepen for Lb. Home Lamb" oransd ion W. P. Franes, Jr. abo sncceeded tLsm. Mfr. Rorne.le Lb. pereonal ebaufleur of Samuel lasuli and bus a aide cice cf frIede ber. Tb@e erpmony Look place at 8 o'clock, Bev. T. E. Ream offiiatlug, nalng bi- double ringtenu.mony. T4. couple acre attended by Miné Charlotte Bulkley, *inter of Lb. bride sud Lin. Robert M. ]LOBBY of Inicago. AtteyLiieceremony a delightiul Inncb was uenved tt bu tblrty nelativeisuad f rieude preuens. Tii. couple acre dm necipheots of mesy boanliful gifLe. lbey tIti reelde lu Cbicusgo ahor. f bey have su apartmeut aunlthe uortis aide. OBITUARY Chas, Baux as. bore la Rouen, Obraint, Repuluger. Wentenmborg, Gier- many. Feb.nary 201861, and came te this couutry lu 18w0, ettlnintuClcafo, abere be live ti tl iarcb 1905. aien b. movedtotaLibrtyvîlle. Hs nnited la uMarriage alîh Cbritina Endenilu Dec. 12, 1891, iu Chicag, Be leste. hie widoa, tbree brotb.r. aho are lu enîuany, sud two e@iers, Lre. idary Kimnmerch of Aeser Falle, Penn., sud Lire. l.redericka Wedman ai Canai Dover, Ohio. Tb. fmuerai sami beld iron ishielaS. homo Fridav, Liarcb lfth. Bev. R 0. BSeer enslcatiug. [uterment teok plac. lu Lakeede cemelery. embol-.of- th. Chimcgo Cook'@ Aeoclton sut the Teuteula Lodgs No. 97, K. oI P. oi Chicaglofai h theLb.deeed vae, a amuer, attoad.d lu a boy. CARD 00 THANKL 1 wab hto thma t h. Mrente for tbeflr indij muelsisu givu ames ympatby shows le 6h. d.ath of ml bead. Eepmclly dol1 thauk Bey. Buegrge, the membor. of the meeral eocletiees »d hboue aho usave aru. (idre.> ChnIéthua Baux. Pianos tmne. mdeand strepaired. Ail musical Instruments repoired. Write A. P. Simih. (Pisuo I'uarj0ramyuako. 249 @Ouros et FTIR..m MUtof theiirdu ucu o f th cmru ae olier tatfoaay or nr.oug la otput, Eollvis a u coablu ah"oSe iug l'omtae.of u m for the very beantiful floral offerluge. c I . sud Ire. A. K ruck mas,a Mir. sud M re J Krickumaun qd family. Appearaniées Deceptive. *Tbompsou ha.snmade a dlccovery.» "Iudeed r "Te&. ne eays thut he bas disov- Ued thaf the more buttons there arle 00 a womane cout tbe greater the probe-1 bOUty tlit Ifreally fastenu wttbbooks and .yue."-Puctr. Garbage Fer the. Doge. Inetead of tbrowtng ber ktebcmrf. wpue ao sgartmage receptacle the Pour C»c.totlnople honsealfe pute If ta àsor met cfbunucioutifideber dont feS Sha wadeuiugduga of the City. Notable ExoMucepio. Mme Bloobnmper-YTea. eveYbWW làk ulsie vgmdy 1p givo dvire BiObafer-l'hnbare ezceptuàè «Afe tbéret «Tes. dortores ad lawyoe.0' IMut tm obey thet kuow nul boa la Piano pupîle a-c.-pted. lei,50 cnts a banl bour. Arthur At Miller. 26# Il JIJME UEO, D. ALDEN To LECTURE AT TRE AIJDITORIIJM, NAI<CD 29 There are thýe. thingu iwhlcb the Lvconm sud Cbautauqnapubllc demande of tb. men Who are to Win conapieuoe qeoe%ilion the Platiorm. FPlut, that.- tmoy chbal apeah wltb anthority; eiid, thatgLm> peak; andi bird, tha i bel sab l rod ltb acontagloue ecal for sertice lu th. Inrereet ai thoîr fellawman. lu ail oi tbeeheeuntli rvquirnm.ueeJnus George D. Alden eeminaly approaches the idéal Lyoenm sud Ubantanqua lecturer. To meet the tireët of three demande npur-tctate. ypanu ut pru-paratton thr'nughecrions et ndy istmd an active parilcipatlon lu the bnci. nec. 0f M. .udge Aldpn buc alweaye beeu s cloose etude-ut of political hlotiîry sud ardeiitly intereo4ted in publie affaire Belore recing hie mean.rity ie bsd brou Plortea as de4agte to Couuty, Congres- siolial sud State Corîveuilone. At taeutyouo, ho was Secretary of bIe Count> Commte. At twenty-tao, lho va& a candidate for the L«egIlature At twpnty four, ho.Wise appoited by Go,. William E. itusfel as justice of one of tic Miaeeabueette Conrts sud oecupled that position for ton jeara, wben ho reelguedt tountr a partn.rehip lu New York City for lthe active prieticeof iei proleeeon. To mutetheb. cond reqnirement oi th. public, necessitâtes a wlnnlug perloue is.y,àatgurel ability aud '"b.euaiiug Judge Alden postases eto &cauIns"d Toimeett Lithird requirement of the public, a man tmuet bat.s heart tu fel the aorid'a nords aud tb.espirit of e Crucadur te oauid home hie conviction. 1 Juda. Aidenle aork upon th. bech and as a praelig attorney brnnght hlm a multitude ofluvtatit uctoaddrosu-' sia olitical and p&triotIc gathierlnge <ervicesf at bomeneud abroadaud lt wae through thie character of work tbuit the tiret IN TH.E LI8ERTYVILLI& attracted the attestion of Lyceum buildere. Jndge Alden wili eppak at theC u c , AJiltorlutu, Libertyvllle, Wedudayi. March 49 itolt4îcol The mlied quartette eonoietlnot of Mie. ' n oifl unday willl b.belsla» Ella Ring Ingraam, soprano; li. îoflws: Susiday chant ai 10 'eioek, Angubt& A. 0&ar 198, sitc; John U- *oiù9u prsaching eerviSe t Il e'ehek Crosby', tenor; .&an (C. Murray, baue; simd evening eervice 4t 7:80 pý m. Ser. Iri. Loinu Matocke, accompanleî ailT. E. RMem ilpreh 4 aoth evylc. Rite two eeletoue. ln the morong tue epoetaimule *1*0 eonobtfau an sthem hy the. sheds aa le the. Momb re of the Li(ertyviile @o10 by lire. Cryotai 4#aoew la me. Chitetuqua Association. *vening the. Junior choir ahIsflec t wo Au gwuieon u@n formed tu thie pumbore and LMre. libarabam ad utlire communts by the fiecre of the cummer Baruenu ahi elug a due&. Chautauqua contract to give eoute hisgb Ouîr World Program" wIE b. the cams onterralnumcute durlng the wimter. eubject of the Epworth Lague metiug At a meefting whorela t wo thirde of the prît tinuday eveulug whieh wili begin et signer@ wore preseut it wue aitreedil upofl :30 Ail nationse ailho I that a winter cource ho coutracted for C tnmee lu ahleh tw.fnt girl. and and aromiuttec ho appolnud to select youi.g ladie alîl taks purS. Ths, taleut. Thie ýas.doue aud a toutruct I amcservice wlll heeP.eiajlg l orSi.@ wu@. made with a Liceum bareau for mli lu itiud tnbeiiam wi0reMar utiw» numbere. The membere of the auseia- Bpeclsl mugie. thon have not eupport.d thie an they boirieb@argai this'r%_vytue- ehould, but have left it to a leuw of the lu. at 8 o'clock. Ail neembere .igud ta active workerg tg carry it ou and nour ît bu preeut. i.lfound thatlhe Onancial part wili rna et. Lawrnce EpISCOPal. çbort. FA" signer, hable au Bey. 98. White, PrWi e- oehayg Snother aud unie.,ive ait taLe hoid and Unir Communion, sesepi lo t.ahtaéqy try %0 poll onuttiilulait tiennumbere, e lu moutb, 7:W8& a.m ameemnt ilav ha,. d le é l onouthe Cbureh echaot 9:45 IL m. lAImboeswhicb mal ho more %bon Ob Roll Communion 1let. »d flebd w sifon ticket wus lu thetBret place.. i M; Ra~.r lot-siA .&u .ottt OW %0 mi#a - eàs~Mea.bSuép1 Iuaesom.ut eva. Eeng Priyer 1800v0. have ail been of tb. tory bout sud the 8pea servc Prdayeeawl:g7ti.m. lait two numbere of the course are fine. Prusbyteri"i. 9 'ronre tory tiroir I ~CHi. Avernu, Preaideut, 1000 a. m. 8ounaY eshoal Ùhersytll. Cbautacqus Aeociatiou. Morng tService Il o'elock Critian Emdeatnr 1841p. m- ifhegeal adere d byU. O Evenlua service 7:80. HOW ABOUT YOUR TAXESi -CGive me asalies population. not wasting its earnings on strong drink, and 1 shall know wliere ta obtain revenue- Wiliam K. Gladitone. And Gladstone was anc ai the greatest atates- men and economists in Englishlife. When a town votes out the salooni it loses the license moncy. There can lie no doubt aiftiiet It muet b. madé up. There can lic no daubt about that' S-Our wet frienda. being anxious that the people à" kidjaep dhéir mone; for their resi needs, taise the boge that an increased tai rate wili be necessary. Without further acadcmic, let us consider the Fundamentals ai Taxation. Taxes are levied ta defray the expenses ai gov- esnmenL. Any anc with a cammon school education or good sense knows that whatever increases the ex- penses ai goverament increases taxes. la there any doubt that the saloon increases taxes by increasing the coot ai prosecuting and caring for crminals. insane and psupers? East St. Louis lia a population of 58,000. East St. Louis is wet Rockford lias a population of 55,000. Rock- fard is dry. Durin- 1914 East St. Louis had 7833 arreats, Rocliford had 1703. There wese 17 murder trials in East St. Louis. Rockford liad none. Euet St. Louis is levying the higliest pet capits- tax allawed by law and is petitioning tlie legislature for the riglit ta levy more than the statutory amount. Rockford and Jacksonville, bath dry cities, have the lowest taxes in Illinois. Two-thirds of the amount a ént ta maintain the Lakl County Poor Fargi is spent in caring for the unfortunates sent there directly or indirectly by the saloon. Green County, Ps., is dry, its population is 2A,882. Elk County, Pa.. isi wet, its population l 35,87 1. Bath are rural counties. The Elk County voter perd $1 .84 to board pen- sioners, psy grand jurors, help support the peneten- iary, workliouse *id refoirm schools. The votes in Green County psid 47 cents. What- is the conclusion? Did the saloon in- cress taxes in Jacksonville, Rocitiord and Greecn County? Did it inctease taxe in East St. Louis? In Elk County, Pa.? Wet Joliet and Waukegan are on the brin'k ai bankruptey- Hon. Frank D. Whipp, Illinois State Supervisor ai Chariies, declares 1at this state is paying eighteen cents pet econd for ifs dependents. The best possible proofs tliat license means ex- tavaMnceisioùnd in the iset that the wet citien ai Illinois are taixed ta the lirat and are heavily ,banded. Dry cities am payig their debti and are in- creaaang theïr public improvementsanad tlicy do tuis with the Iawest taxes~ witliout boncling and WniT-.- OUT SALOON MON EY. The explanation is this: It dosent pay to permit over $ 100.000 to lesw Libertyville so that we may retain $4.000. When we kcep the $100,000 we keep the 4,000 siso. he city begins ta store up wealth. lis market-less propeaty finds a market. Its valuatkm maises and taxes decrease. V&= enw hold the $4.000 and let the $100,00 go, aur wcalth as decreassd ecd year,- the aasseM valuation lowcrs, diere is no money for the average man ta buy and improve real estate and the $4.000 fails ta psy for the lacs af the larger amount, laits ID psy for the court caste, Wal coste, insane caste, and fur the financial strangulation of legitimate business and labor. It neyer compensates for the mi"er, humilia- tion, crime, poverty and lowered - manliood of thoe who psy the saoon-keeper the $4.000 which the city receives. Cet this. The saloon-keeper does not psy the saloon license. It is a tai taken by the City f romn the drinker. We comprise the city. We make the drinker psy us revenue. We are indiilerent ta the economic drain, the cîvicesluggisliness and the welfare of each other. We are willing ta sufer ail of these and $100,000 lomsav that we may receive $4.000. Common sense says that we are ta blame more than the saloon-keeper. Our Commercial Association is progressive and is getting resuhas. Will we be leua progressive? Wifl we liamper its good work? The employer of good labor shuns a wet town. And skîlled labor brings the psy rail and the desirable citizen. It is customary for the liquor interesta shortly before anti-caoan elections to make unfounded state- ment that a dry town-suifera a great lacs of fariner trade. How many farinera come to Libertyvlllc with a glass of beer as their prime motive? The attitude of the fariner lias changed with the attitude of the city inan. Wath hum booze is no longer in favor. If hie can buy his commodities ta better advantage in Liber- tyville. hie trades here. H-e will forego booze if lie a buy bettes and cheaper. Asàk any man of middle age ta name theon thing whicls lais wrecked more af iea friends and so- quaintances dma any othier, and hie wiIl tel you, liard iquor. 1-ence proihibition because everything cIsc in the way oi a corrective lmiafiled. You may lie old tliat prohibition does not work, but ask your Kansas fiienda about it. Tliey have liad thirty-six ycars af it and there will never b. another saloon in the state i your lMe time. Always remember "hi-thîs-.wok for prohibition is donc with the baye whQ are gtowing up in mind. 'For the first time in the histOfya tempes- ance the crusade lias the backing ai the big employeta of labq ail oves the country. agniuas r' ... e i e 1 1 LAKE COUNýry IN DMNDENT, FRIDAY, MAPwffl 17,1916.

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