LAKE C (OTNTV ThTTWPENDET IM tIDAV MUADl:eiT 1'7 1fl1 %.sI -LImtu jl1, 1t.IJIU Pge!Ve HAPENGS AT E dlted by F. J. ORUCE Phono Il Ordors Taken for Job Work. Bdvertising rates on BpplictlOfl. Mr@. inute liuntl ofaIFox Lake, Wb@ a Seyiake cail.. Trîureelsy. Nlie. Aida Loflo, spaut Wasiueaday MWi 1¶irdoy o a l ueiswith friands et Wsokaegau. S.5 L Cartield tranmaoted buinesiu Chicago Wdneday. Mr.and lire Jae lu tac rint (tuudoy wltis bie brother, Tomt Pester sud tarniy e4 Lae it, eeý.t. SieOh" ii tasltk îîetacte sondas. tia F. 1) flattterahisl sndut dtigsr uif Waukagsn., epeut tis e ak s-d isre. Mia titîributt f lýibertYvîlle, calleul om relativesliera Toesday. Eoa. Brsuddtette.r and ClaIire Doollîlle uoe Chica&go pais-ugrm Tu,-infsv. L. Y ile. trausiartibuoeaae lu Cbisgo Tueaday. Nra. Oaa. Braudtetter sucdlira. Lou *13«k have purehaiet the lire. Cartield buseornaOak aveu»e. Attorney Contenand ' ie 01 Waute- sa. were tîitar ore arse.daWy. They atbended tise fuerai a iase.Wrght. Rmmieo r - z -#4 -- Saa mri"autt (ha umxsh#torîa..JsApril 14 9 aud 4, Saturday, Moudsy sud Tueiday. Drue Dng Ca. R. V. Ceveland,. truggat oi lb. Bruce 111»g Ca, vilii epea St th. Clrke sata getention nai Wadnutay ait Sherman butai. Chicago, ou , Pisiiigraph and ts Jiffté tot b h- uq Bîinea." At tbe ase meeting Mien tirura wil haveaa palier ou "Drog Store Fluancl Pro. bs.,, J E Niaaaepaut lt ise acak-ud wlib ids faut h lu Chcago %r. Sarsh Smiîthi.îevleîing friande lu tbbago ibisaweek. Poiiowiig le thse recuit ai town caoî-ia beld bore. Tb* total vot. use .494: If"Riy lci. clark ............... ....270> A. W. Harvey. a ..e...r....... ...2612 E.V. Clveland, collectai ............172 tW. Churrill, collectai ...........431 Wu..Moore, collectai.................. 53 Jaueo Carnes, coiertor ............... 10 & 0. MacCandioe, collecter....... 34 Mrdn Thelan, coileAur ............80 là. J. Wlcke. Uigbway Coin.........263 IL IL Orvna, igbwaî Coin............ 10 a A.I ller,Jilnatieu of Poe*........91 - e. Roeln5, I. a Nevilie sud Barry 'U1 oI sre oLeted ustisoni aaj oppael. MM. for tous committoiana. OBITUÂEY Thomas Rais Wrghst uaa bainai 0eaMo, lowa. May 6, 1900, sd departed 01. hfile at (irayahako, Mareh 12. 1916, asd 15 yare. 10 monts. sud 6 daje Be ramaredwith is parents ta, ticîntyre amd l tar to Haukeye, Iowa, and lu »07 came ta (Iraysiake where he llvtd ults isepaeste tiîueoinslatis. Se usea puplaiftisa Gages Laie Sbooi durlug ail tise tirne.f i reeldeuce hura, ascept wiseu pretente-d by alekuesa sud uud bave complatati the igisti grade neat June. Be auffareti an attacik of riseumatiam toar leurs &go ubich lfi bis Sean asu ve ha conid ont uilhetaud tisa second ek uS ris ehreaultati fatally. Haelouve, éo mauru bis bei bis fstber, mathar,nas dter Malda, andi s large ircle ao rlanide. Fauerai frram bis home et Grayahake. Ouriirrel by Rat RB. S. White cf St. Audrsu'a Episropal eburcis raiake. ailunlaoa. A On. Olided Ruis. Once wheu P. T. Barnumn was tai. t« tickets nt tise entranca of bis CL>- ev a in asked hlm if ho could go te wtbout paylug. "Tou reau pay wibeut gotng lu." sMid IMMnm, -buît FOUa ant go in witbout paying. The rue dorlnt work bota walL',- Hydrofluoria Acid. Hydrolluorlc seld ta the. best agent ta use for remorlug saud fromin mat-~ lege. fartleutarly tboae oftrlou nsd steel. us I it ttui-ks thesasnud aud dis- suives ItL wlile otiser arides tiack thea actai and ouly loosen thse saud en that st rails or Big One Cent Sale DATES APRIL 1, 3 AND 4 Safw'day, Monday and Tuesday Wblt mm» initeyou and wWstit us te theowogamof a a RazailStore. At thse exal store, whetber lu New Tot, orayelake, or any other of the "S00 ciles snd tcwue, lu tbe Uuited Slétte sud canada. Il mean. s qusie dui1to Ion aud it will psy jou ta aoek a«d patrous tisa Roalstor.e. To tise oganer It mestise comblueti ffaita af *er 7000 ozah ULrugffiescoverlng &Il C te o01il. (Unted, States, Canada, tiand. Irland sud Wales. Can jon Malus. whaii this mu.sata, tise toil tOre? W. wranl every mm, womsu sud ehlid lu r"aisuad vlcltX ta ksow &bout tise Rzail Store sud thse Smeah Poîlip. go don't leuatis Bg @an.C'eonsas. Remeinter tise daton. MHERE"XALLSTORE mIo u e i i U we o .'M s v 'la _____________________________________________ j Cake vila1 1 4 lanz-r, aticauî1îiîied- by A. Kiipple, made su autorip ta Cisicago Suaday. tire. Itistr, eeh< wa upc- ateti On i ut t erusboua. aSo- lla lait welt for appendîcitîe, le r... ported dbing spieudidlî. Mcci. Albeart Kapple titis1--u viiiting lu Chicago dormie tise paai week. Little liseo Katbryn Mitceiall ha, beau quit@ Ill the palit ueek. Mfr Sud lMm Paul Avery entertoinati a aumber af friandaitcarda tSaturday evauîug Earil'otter, wileandami analdaugisier. orf %l solegsn, sptnt mtliruav sitis bis parentsa Sera. tirs. B J. Hooir ieertair.eîl a noum. lier tif muthérer ii chill rautà uida c al- tcrtiiîotin i ionîir uof Mime lin cotisp' mectudi urthdtav. lire RueS ilucey titertairîcd s tew lstire st ber bonte lat Frrdsy aller- E. L. Wald, vif.. sud two daugistere vialtti Bnliugiou relativeq froinSatan- dyattarnoon to evenIng. F. B. Sisrwoual was lu Chicago tise ireraiof ha ek. Uft. Cark, of Autiocb. vieiteti ber danubter, Mr@. IvBb Hanîllu. the iret of tise 'ceI. Tisa Aogola emet..ry ladies meet ultis Y re L*râ Bailin iblis usret 'rlday. Tb@ Mima,.Viuu'rle Janileon. at K.- nasha, Wins, aud Alie Jsmmoofu Ber- ucu, 1, ii- cpu:tisae eek and titis thair fatisar, Cao. jamie.on. lire.Helen Bu-@ returueti tu bar bone tu Rorbeter, Wia , Snuday, Saviag epent a weeal wltisbar&unst,tIgrs, Gea. Jatola- tir, sud tirA. .'. ltewaàrt reionuat hometsfront Flîîida Tiiireday. aiscre lisy ay vc b"neau ttI, a l î i,, t he Mita ilara tuer i. i% 'ut,,cain viitur titist e -.k. liertita Vbite tai tirs. H. h)- Mîntt antd l,éiilter i-t iFriday titis Haroild Ilinti u thtie itriî.Anrruhoepitai. W. 'j. Thsom, of N. Daudl, Nebraska, viii ha ber. tis..luat of the auntis to b, anctionmear for tise Halit: este lu Wie- cousin. Mliséea Pearl Cletelai andi Iren.Van. dyke. of Chieugoa re vlatlng the form-. era$ parants ililo 'ek. tir. aad tire. A, K. Bals sud Dorothy werra (rayalaka visitora Sendsay. The "Baille of Camjerotà Dam" uailb.. usma ut a film 'cwjis use pracau2tet at the Wf W. A. hall Friday oi lait 'ceml. UmeBmieoHan la viitug inonda st Harvard. V.'lll Patleraou viaitad hbe letar, tirs. Thons.lait veek. bdfr,. E Pletrali and Mr@. C Zirninaua ara il wtb tisa mnmps Mie Crociat le smgo ou thea aidlisi. Thea Itpnislicaa raucua waeiseld Sator- day. Tise Browue ibave beau absent frram Guruea tis e psit eek. Mr. Banaun of Wsnkea, sa a GOrua.. cailer Sudsy. Th isa mu Inpertor bo. beau araunti Ibis vicîity reectiy. The Woodrnuulil giva Ihiar annual hall on tiareis 17. The Court of Bonor isldtier meeting Tuesda.y. lire. Leeter Murray @peut laitt eek wlth ber parents tr, sud tira. Paie Lux. tirs. J..Lui aud Uma Lurs tare Chicago vitar, lait Saturday. Mise Emma Heydeckac entartalueao f -w friands Saturdoy aveutiug luaisouar of b-r iirîisdsy. ir, sud lira. C. T. Bey- d-cker sud farnily oi Waukegau sud Mie@ Bis Andrsws of Pleassut Prslnie,wera lise out of towu guaapta.('arde were lu- dulgeti lu sud lunchs tas sarvad. lira F. Lui sud son Esrla uere Wau- kegana viitar ne au.dy iset teck. Mir. andi 1fre. A. L. Taylor are enter- tllng tisaountMr. B. Taylor froutisae West. 1fr. aud 1Mr@. T. Strang esntraluad tuo of thaîir graudaaona froin Rîgisuod part of ast test. Tfia.Posainiiet 01lv. hi enotfei for Mr boume, A S M vautoilup"uime f$SM0 fUme iba "Toul sceepa. uf cours." «Toi but rm aflui the mien' u- Mime viM "d ont b"e rm yblotei e« dclo e sadeL"-Uzehaugs Tise bsuliful grmois et Pumah ulleié b omu umatyqftr ts ot Giot Ruiais, dle Ias u»f ho oaMiom aruum cal buant Pamfma- Seomiim [itue-I . Ille b la ifie' am i tl'l, w*z hou v îw t- 58-oe - llîllll v 1 S4'ound.C«Àk0 0. G. MeCANDLIKSS Correspondent Agent PHONE 2 Mir' sud M.r. Iea I4nwelI, lirq. J. Vaay sud son George were %% aukegtan vinitors Wednebdià v C G Firaînard %a s- a Chilcago blisnems vipîtor Tuemay. lirm. A F. Weber andriîild ren return.d train Chicago Wodueeday, alter spendii several deys vlaitiug relatives Simon Davis l, serving on jury in V.atkegaii ttiie wrpk. Nîr ami %Ir.(;.o. Davis if1 Brl.tol, %Vi, . are riait i i,<lit S I >aVia. MiranI Nir". E A [rurreî.iit itir. day ini GLitiato lira L.ltna .ll livirag, a8 blirî ut Vîîli Tueeîlay. itie dciedaftr a lrmg Illnes.., . Trigg, e pout aeveral days witli his *on Jauira. ut Lake Villa. Littie lElizabeath Davis la un tise giiî aiter auffcring train touellitia. Little Noîrman Flary liman thea al limt. A large crowd le expeecs atch ITti at tha dane. Thse C. M & rit Paul lias donated a ochat train service. MIr. anid ir@. John BeDwell expeet ta leave liate for tiar uaw homealu Ciseteck, Wil. Uise Chap-(J.lino for er'-4buand CiFine b wave thse b4 gac tbhe Cash Drug Co. lira. ElLusk aud baba utf(Irayglake, are eaviug etr&id Aman',s bots cblldreté are victirrîs o! acarlet faver. Mr. and lira 0 Morrili of Foi Laire, sp'-nt Monday ut R Idorriil'o. Our mail carrier anti wita a4pent a couple of de)@ lu Chicago, whlae ub- atituta Milton Llîtwlar carritd tisa mail lrq. W. BiroLinim nasd a so aetor apput Suuiday la Volti. W. Itîîlmngd lainly apeult rlunday ut M l(oasenteot Vulo. lire. Rose Duonll wae a pieaasot ceier Suadtsy. E A Turner and ftillyai Wanconds, @pont Sulnday as Lwe Wei wl'§. Mir, sud tMr@.F. Iiromurnd spaub Sun- day ut Lake Villa. ir, snd litre. B. l'etarkort of Grays- laie. Suuds>ed eit te A. Id. Whbite bomne. Mfr. aud Mti. . Lîtwiiar atteudeth ie fanerai of lira. 8 AndersasWauconda Saturday. Mfr. Hortou speul gaverai dey@ lu Chicago. N. B. KimbI aliI.reportedt on the ade lit. Andrew Amanu of Olîmoer, @petit Sun. dey bers. R. F. Vamsa Dd wtt. ot Wauconda. wero <allers bers Monday. li F. C. Flary aud eau George apeat saveral days lu Cbicasgo, raturnlngzSun- Jay avaaiug W. A. Mualler of Volo, vras lc alar baresMiuday.1 1 B. Wbeelock sud C. Delly oftOraysiake, were callers Sera Suuday. F. J. Dowaîlwaa taken to Ilaukegani boapîtal thi, treal E Thsomson aud H. Lusikof l rdvslate, icalleti bare Sunday. Loo Banda.. sud fauily epae Sunday e t EngoeeRonde@'@set Crayalaka. Commercial Club beldi tisir tiret meet- 1ing Friday eveulag lunlb.. towu hall. 011k-ars were eleeted as fllows: EtC. 1Wabber, preaideur; A. F. Weber, vice prealdaut; W. A. itoslug, seeret.ary; C. ileadae treasurer; Director-F. Dom. moud, C. Junge. J. Amanu, S. Lltwller, A. J Smnith. 9% B. Itussell sud H. P. Sturges of Gian Ellea, retorutil Tueaday altar thselouerai of lira S B Roel, who was burlad lu Vola Tuasday. The Ladies' Aid mat iwtb lMra. Haun at Armoure Waedneaday. C. Heudeeand tamily @eait Suuday at tha Hendea faim (irayoake. C. L. Tisoriuou and tamiTy ylalted rel- ative, lu Waokegan Sutiday. The ramaise otfIer. Sîmeaon Russelil, of Chicaiso. wera brougbîtoe Vola for burial 'Tuosday. Dled, ut ber bornaar Siocuin'o Lake. Id rs. Wrn. W beasu age sixty-aavan Jours. Borlal et Wauconîla. flavlng dlspoaed of hie tarte lu Prie, Co., Wl,-, Levi Watt wlll romain un bis fatber' furrm luatirant. . Chariea Wattbai«nsved to tbe Lovi Watt tartn. Air. Watt la staylng wilh biesaiter, lira..lismillton, of Roiln. IL C Kent, of Wauconda, Wm.Vlckory, of Alus sud A. B. Comissof Round Lsa», drainage commhslonorqof Ditrict No. 1 snd lb. rond eousslloneaof Grant Iîold a businss meeting ab the otswu i - OND SUES WEALTIY GOLFT Il amntngw~ed iîCLUB.eluFOR $1 0 0 thieT.edsy. CLUB )viiiI l>u ta,r T.itdti't .ii tii~ RI Ar w t. av ts îewi.' ht F OR DEATH F RA Itarti. 2(iib. Two eit,-ahave ,.- , t e-l tîy IbaoaihoaI board. i.. <:bî Joe Beleos of North Chicago prî,party juet on the utîrtis itnit isa h Died of lnjury Received at village aund tise Hîbiard orî..t n Oak Park Club. tise Slocum iLake road ju1*1.,litinthtis illaire limite ou tisa weeî Hîtit a'c The Oak Park Couintry Club, oua of gond locationa@ andthis votert -%il, -ride 'tise ewest sud muet exclusive golf Liieqiji§t!onclubs lu or riear C'lcago. is.beeu qrA .Adro ie tie _Iemd defendant In a $10.000 e uit fo r in urviliàýýlait htis(i - damagese for thse deati ef Joea Belecs l, nuxn illo.i ase hîrîa t Nir~ o Nrtht Chicagoa tr isoeld a pooitton îinerrgiloca.Ber tulîIle iaI the <luis Tise suit wastIled by At- year a"'" oui Aisb e luinî-.'.Yfv teue irnY EV. Orvlu of Waukegan, bit bseaî'îî st tt if""rnebu t cei. ii uité lie bic alcted Attorneys Cautwall mareriogtilui u.g the auniiiîc .l iir "'Id0 Smith Of Chicago ta be associai- h. r g d witishlmeintIntiese o, triicît will tii. lii rîtiiîtutsa isclVn.ui i liiho îrlpedluna Chiscago court. ,euîîîîîlireM..-Johuitu na ta.j.I .îi .1, Be ccc astthse 0onof M. N î Cliietîgi îarcd fier ber fe jt-c -,ii'irs Ireouis telecs of North (lîlcagoý Si.,. a as ,,iîf tbe loîrr -'ils cet10. Il lR ctalmed, wae rracticilv lte our --,rItjuiit., beng î.. r j t'ain support of fis parents, andi for 'uic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % ,,itiit~ erastt tbit reason (bey are coing for dam-, s(ieî .d lira.I. n[f îii Ituerai arn'e Thea Public adminitrator or was lîcld trotnbar homt ruc oi -l i L-eku(Chicago bas beau anpoiutcd ta prose- tîîaàd. tise 1ev. J, J. Willîi. ft> nt . euoitiste suit as plaIntif!. lice remàh:ua voe.Intarred u..hrIltperts. accordlng to Attornrey Orvt, 4r w m Ployad s a Isiorer ai lise goir isiibau in utise Wsocoadhiî rier club He ail beau aseegnad tise tssk A.. exttend tonreYmrPatisy ta te lîerwvd Of carrvlug wster Iipea. l la tise relatvel.cointention tisaitisera wera several relatie,. ,depressîcue Iu tise ground sud tisai The village prinrarit e ce bellai ttisefh was ans unsafe place to work. village ball on Tueodsî, àMarris l4tis aud Tisa accident lu question ocourred thefau tw borg rovndverv exeitiug. lesqt April. Belecs stePpd loto one tise ait ua hora pOtSJof tisa depregalona, aturnbled sud feli. I Tisare msemtitu b.. uo appusi'iîi te)th@ Tise pipe toitIon bim. lnjurhng oeeof. regular ticket uutil Geo. ftiackburn'a hie;ta ins evaraly. Tlh.. mainhr he- Irieudu en-Dersc4 hie ". me tr illaige, rame ~lntected snd deepita aliltient Ie'SW4C Bla: ee jtd 4i. ýî tewrsc à' w tetefO lm sby Oh5lscan, tapi boaty tram a ua BAi u :1 ltëce da afew weaka Inter. h ý1,1 te-lIýt I36te ccntendad tise accident would notP voie, m cre eat. 86 men aad 50 nidahaveisappenad bati Belana isean as- aid resulteti an ftelîaw@: Saneti a Rater Place to work. F. H. Dahme. Clark............ el1sireet. J. à1. Fuller. Trustes .......... ..... is Bl. F. MIaiman, Truitp........ .... 1i1-1 MOTION TO QUASH DENIED, Dr I C lMi'.rrnck. ;uc e . 17--- lie Blckurn Trpt .............. t Tise followluuz men uder inldit- (he Bli-isuuTrute........62 ment ue, rrnlgîred befoeaJudge Tise Myarlc Worker iselli atuait psrty Eduards thîs mornlug: et tiscir bal ltant Tuailay ercetîingr. Har-y Kaatlng-ltrdictad ou a burg- Fitvîrm wtre %von by lire (} 1). 'Stroiker lary sud larceny charge. oMtlou toi auj1 (lydaCarr sud a varty î..ciune tuash is îtmnt overruleti. Rtared t a pIeaît, o"-nul gulity,,; la rapreented bi r,-jeu 1 tel. by Attorney Wm. P. Welse. Dewey Bskr-ludlcted onau ciarge cf larceny. Pleadsed 'flot NE~ ON guiliy." Tiseo. Forsy etfZMon City ait- SIIPPING CATTLE anR ultcare Mtodtquni ovarrued. Pleaded "flot gulitly 1toi ~TATE ILL carge. FROI STÀ E eL JOSEPH WICHAS-!ndicted on hurglary charge. Motion to quash ov- erruled. Plaaded "not gulliî las Dr. Casper Reoelves an Order represeuteut hy Attorney e Governing Shlpments From-_ _ _ _ _ Lake and Esewhere. MBie--y'IIAeW.iat Dr- A. M. Capftgovemurent boy . the ule r umIna gicous ilpector lu charge -n. g taith _Se utebimasf hl Mt is situation lu thla dItrict,'on Thureday .1 sent hii ou an orraend tise other day.. raceived a neit order affocting the - corne or,! Tua douli mtei»y»0l- aitpmant of catlle. Tht order shows'.1 d& 13.H.1ovasd1id Ilfe eiaihd. but tise statiea noe accepttng stock for onulyabseaitle any purisose trom ie iinois as follous >efudotw abs M fiel Maryland, Delware, Maine. Minnue- îwnIn' th5fie ee.t-ýeasd Lasie.1 acta, New iJSraey. Penusylvauls. Mi- souri, Georgis, Kaneais, Souths Dakota, L Con liais ce TRO? Misssippi, New Hanipshire, Risode 'Why le l tisaI î0qoueyer liror Island, Teneseea. Alabama, MichI- UY titaI. aflar dinner speakemr gan. Ohio, Floride, Arkanss, Loulal. ýaed the oid fogu. ana. New York. j- up eIra beemua. a uoman telae Liat of statesasccepting stock for 1 lleh knows betture. dinuer la ball any purpoae frornIlîlinois, after s'ýi p>,.r.- ruilseli these ituOL-.BpokB5o par tirai secures permitt frein stata e n autbcritiesaiat desttnatioti: Vermont, Idaho, Connecticut, Nnýrtis Dakitta. __ States open for fe'Jers luy permit and provldiug cattle îansatitrougis ne stock yards: Iudaa. W~st of statea open frIsolagister only: Maschusetts, Kentucky, VIr- ginia. No modification of prevlous em- bargo: Nebraska, Colorade, Iowa, Seuths Carolîna. htate accepting ouly snimais Inluli igrant outtita: Wisconsin.f OLAF NYSTROM IS ELECT ED DISTRICT ea I -- - -- - - - POUND h LAKE - ILLINOIS do yor lob Printing. t A 3re in Our filth gear with this com- f ormer expetieflcin the business, a good territorq and sonie work. plus the patronage of an obliging people. have brought us success. The large and rap- idlg increasing ist of policy-hoders is not to be sneezed at nor used as a gargle. We have a good compacg-possibly the besi; but modesty forbids our saging so. Our new low guaranteed rates and up-to- date policies "*are there" Any flue insur- ance information 'gladly Iurnished. We don't know much about angjthlmg else, but when it cornes to our Hmn. well-ask us! JOHN IIODGIE, Agent M"icgan Mutuel Ut. lusuance Co. LaIr% McHoar, Homo, Wluuoiago, Eau, a" DoCalsCamutio. Now is the Time to Plan Garden and Houte Improvements "6PEREjOLÂS" ILAM AM ?5E8 lIAR1WNN-SANUERS.CO.. ,'"wit.o -Elaton & Webster Aveu, and a&hfSr Calis- Chicago, I11. gauo 79-14 BUY WIRE FENCING NOW!, A -: 1 ... a ...30 8 31-12--n ~ r1 ee~ 7 62 7.. c 8-31- 7 ... .. .... 3c VISIT OUR FACTOR'Y AMERICAN WIRE FENCIE COU, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS WARMTII WITIIOUT WEAITII Aittend to your houe l'esttng Dow. * Ijtn't sait outil %inter winds-bhAw. 1 tlastler and ebesper now. Our t1tl$iOm foyr apaîrion or renewing steas or blt * water h.allng, radiatorg, pItieu. Vslw. etc,* are ezoeptlonauD Igood. #6 ore I expert@e t DC eBllo"i» bmw bg froinetove@ to IfurO mrapidly, ebosofg and effectlesiy. liteain or bo4.*Bter '. ~r~4 beating esreg coal, bealtis, bio. Il'. »fier, qulek 10 iseboa, giv. B steedie boat and rmores 11"danger et à* If a 5 w.. do Il. îIls rîisl and gusiBuiee TOM WAISIIt The tlardwarm Mm THE FAMOUS SUR" Samad st"d Slaauii ~~S a ait u y Rsam sadi StINMi Fsn Peed Carluud miT"sh GETLOUR !STIMATE B!!FORE YOIJ BUV Lvý MASTER OF VASA' With Election of Officers Con- vention Closes at Parish House Waukegan. MWarch 14. The electient0f officers aithtIe 1916 Convention h tie Independant 0Order of Vasa <('oar Star) hpId lu Waulte- gan Mouday aud Tîiesday cama te s close. Tise conven tion le regarded as tisa moat successful ever held by tisa Ordar of Vasa, anud tise delegatas .ep- peared te ha very grateful for thea Corirtestea extended lu thein durlnsç their visît lu tise City. Tisa tollowtug officers were electad for the ensulug Yeur: District Mastr-Olaf Nyetrom cf Chicago. Vice District Master-Mia. Beda Joison, Chicago. BEretary--Johu F. Carlsons of Le- mont, 111. Vie Secretary-Mrs. Blan Ostos- boum of Waukegau. Tresarer-Oncar Gyar or Chicago. Ciapalu-Airs. l'anuy Andersou, Chicago. 1 Tiiun Master-Otto LuiffIn, Chii- cago. fuser Guard Otto Bloingren, Rdek- toid. Outer Guard-ýOscar Ring, Molle.. Thse delegates voted te bold tise 1917 Convention at Kenoal4a Wl,. -a v'suterrln the 014 d4yîwua m w» ba mstde a pllgrinsse 10 tise U.ite Terr, tisaHoly :14M&..,TVA equeutioa between tise, Word "à Oh"Eu Chéar. HENDEE BROSO conbrcs& UMd Buildew