"a roui »*R FITZMAUPtiCe, PATHE ,pmucgt, «V".8SECRET *ART Of EFFECTIVE IINFINITUDE 0F DETAIL wMiude Muet le Inhors for the Cis _ ma Dramne Mli uUnique RaIl... Tcolntqum and PsycholegY. donting frrat a director wiO bas sved i théories by practlcal appII. «Unis ami demootialed coir iruli ~p rcor aiasorle« of productions £~aula fa thé Ies. eatcfGeorge ne»Urkm, the Pathe proinâcer. on :e la7direcitSan Waevli vorliY Of Sconsiération. R.e »Ys: rigit mad praper direction of *btodrma laBe eerlys mach # a art as palntlng, sculpture or 4w oritheoéter rts. It bu le uie.. t Iehnique,.lils coposltlaa and, 1 aw &i. îe itsPYchoiy, mand il la latter Phase ofthle subject liaI e,0voes ton 1111e attention by the. 5 adirmeor.vlle la a9rge 1. = t*a y ua untly ty cfon -lccpicturmu ov producad. 4 -compreimunvinov»lre aio sia.la &ail t i mb, la a commnenfaigaod dire- for mion pîtures baye tuau& ia stage liaI leintébmséeupas vbich ar&Il blilt. Tie public of ta- demnis mmelint marelia action; Il doumasd a vall de tlie. amsi vbeuyo salet litas yon enter the résines of .Tc incmrprate mmmii ltt a pistera yau muat ender- tic sce tMeofuami ph*»eli4a la fiefsdmscience tla egoldlng iad ofresiltie aseifnm MyutMisa etioita af- in producinu a stature la Jargly .I1caa eue siesi or My miviui mtoi. I¶rst. tiere pareli t«habmcal erncfdé- tic @ts. 1 von ont every dl litstuiadYpaBe, m'en elet- tcdesig amnd enfer of thc val Tin 1 pli aut Mr fernîture ontou etalied plans of JumI Wt vii i armageila lhe cons- "te. I even carryOet Iis mpervien 50 fa ras la accon- 'té vouenetathéicew«t i the whçre 'iey pnrcimcthe& la aider tu b.perbetl, ur 'l tarI vork liaI veYtiybfl 1,armonî. VD nga Ull lte limes jiblakinz depi? oi tb. play as a stut a commloss icialleal am- bat iabaorlig tlie timme. tic t a a sulicmam mmm Waa , ilcause te tie cte or tiecv'rmIns écises tié vbole latg »y niuai. 1 rsI sedm7 tiraugi a ,scese Vith mg té *e" utth$pilue. fase tat . alubW - th«a.g la mahé «« tè4dng mpare oiaonla eàs.On~ fl amu odrctos. btmal Pea a umae1 t a plTe a once no icel bor lanie. ns oseno Ir eet ai l e aiateInv lp e a aceru. theuy a e i At oce Reotle De ii o dotm it. i lappaitat sur4ite 001d4lRO",mie ges icé 5*steresaIau Itat oui st94s M theManoutf sbth rlen;mel e b.i~tele se realla.. GegemgtAm tabiesae a. OWev Yrk." ther. ae on1terd semfa ucies la vbib pr ted lae sematle of b a nroleaed11 dl ate14#n. Woapl PiIL. SWuBMrI1es.VPUTUdia- or .ilic mmml naeortir nevs uinje sver teepli ns a a u nuk 'rices aei te a lçNye ai hem ién se ecidl.a jw h oe ton le rr oael tuf*whee 4a j ses t lad i bMs f eath FrIntace l -u [NE 't .r:y~ fiUVTL' j- J 4A PR 1 RevieiwiPattern8 MW 'A«Jennf- y-, "atin ci lie MW Spriugudsm m a Br.sd eith r.ue.A Fash.onBooké for aSphîgiý RuSiWS DEPARTMENT STORE A gtoutlng car for five people Here are further notaiWfoatures au»ta.y pop*se Mark fimgtthle fluld Oov oi reelutless power froin the slx-eylIndr nmotor, thc remarkmble ecceleration. the feil- blllty. the speed, the mmoothneem, lie confot, lie utter luxury of lh. Saon Tien direct your attention to the" costly car refinements; Yacht-lne de- sign; lustrous finih ai lstiag nov- ness; twa-unit electrie stertingad lilhtlng systen; Timken a«Weeand f ui Tlmken bearinge thbMgiefltl chassis; helical bevel gcanl Si imq*" by 3% inch tires; 1121Inch wvie la linoleum covered, alumiliiium a. and nearly a score more-of qiiallty «L?, attractions. Now remitl Io mid the opinions You've formed of otlaer cars in lhe PrIie class of Saxon "Six." The conu- Parison qulckiy proves tie igt oi Saxon "SIX" ta leadership la its fied. Lt us showv vo lits noteworthy car. Lux, Auto, Sïgts Co. 3»..342 si. GeÏnesee st., Wmikecan Àdetising tdEthics sevi1e White. inabitants arte gowý OeIiamteti end bue 00 pU M -4ý*vo nitber tap 5DO iUbMt&Ob dé41 ay buntlog. The ~Ua aq.ii t a raely i n»« umai togesioBAtes by de, iire Qr rar..ly firplaces ar stevql lai mas ibouse. of course. là th* 1159105 tb... am not requred. but 'M :the cille.ofethle plai itl15a IlES iItle17 oiê, lere ila apopular km. Ilié *valmine theair of a m"9 by J= b«Lla the ramUid* of thie *PI&.sl-iuces pneumnie, bit ft la 4auim, ct U14bemas uuai 108e daton. AU< te àiim prmterset9 eiver udw ouevr of a pmoýo oti dam ta itln confortmd euti mit er Ibo m rpeaorAmeriema <ableS mtclW Ktt. Undertoo, The girl VUaskina ooble. 1.11110 Wary vus tuddlimround the tbOieS. rleb b lains mt botherei the littit 3je. "?ýeijýKjte tu go out,»lie4l4& mnde tethe cook. The lattêf US bucl. no op** rather pertiiDoottll 1011e. gseutlGo out, Iittieo ý flaautgi Ij»%marne ver tbm la44hel b"c es sue Mid: "Kttie donlt nadir tand tilttam .sp.ak to ber viii the broue W0mee VoFit Oro'wl O lBler. Tiehe q&VUl, repoice. tabhm.rt4$ an Engllsb soectlet doclerUl that vomm' ene m S ais gro iàî mple MI,: clatis. tiat a utny of former t1yi leel gaete Prive Ibat lhe faitaof Orn Peuple are mure shapely lies. thoe of tieli aotorm or tbmofa thé »aVie race. Periape.stes -l0, tic uletalseafof l4ttng aborne bave Mt serlously detarmed thi e meul type oiftoot. rntvmrvSurmês 5151r. Tihea&~ngocetth imueaau Wb"ull proceed .utiead tu thel.Glf et * IciM4 adtisesait lie omluUito4 vil loy nortiveot ta the Palfi tema, ar0 anIs aMile &portWvile tie»s04 MMo te lstrmulariof thle AmM&S soIes srti, ami et tieLa Pla". scvtng Uoti. are clowey conllgu@05 i <A' by Pl~ Ai *1 lui '5. Advertîsîng has wrought and will continue to crate raclçs in public opinion. It -has become a. matter of pat a onimortance to alrhass c inustry, from theprc eo xtrarion of the rwmtra to the final distribuition of the finished produaçt and it haï become no essia. matter of vçry Seri- ous conçern to the public. For biusincss mieu, there- fore, to Ç' ci oplekt establish n, çrqaçoe Pf ethice. bsdon truth, that shah .go 'rn adver- i spkcnctidly signifcane. It augurs8peMra- ncncc and sta- I E. DAVIES in indus- Tildu C and distri- bution meth. .641 à. e. .~ ods- bécause it '~ is .good busi- nessiuidkment; and, more than dbaï, it indi- cates g' utç concpio i public obligggon oôh pr of men in'busincss,* ihis oflC of the insp iring things in our outlook upon the future of na tionalcçondi- rions and institutions. WariaTHO A. A. C. Or 0W.. OIAMA POLIS. PAR INTERDTiNC DOGLDI. Th~ Stores et Wa - I 8 Announce-Their tturdoepri Im the- FolwI~Weel T 1 jj$early announeement is made in view of .timportance of the occasion and SQ, that 'Il" batlave, ample opportunity in which to Plan tô attend. The many stores participating in the Open- iiig, wIll be beautifully decked in tegygr mnnnof springtime and present for your T* Core~tNewNésdft An occasion offering entert-M-9nt, .and ~aabestyle T-" ifimali9nbel =* gatjdy Apil 1t nI otleg h o1oige -le S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 caimmom Advertds ing is a factor of constantly increatiing power in .modem business; and it affects the public veirvitally. The agencies for the dissemination of advertising have increawed reguWkably. The use o advert4'ing. from sporadic efforts bas de- veloped into sstaîned andE carefully di- rected cam- '- fl . paigns9. Luxut- les, throuigh 47 inistent sug- b4.90 gestion, be- jwb.y- coule the ne- wTA. .e b cessities of a '= = nation. - 1