CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Mar 1916, p. 16

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T. A V-.O.cuTmbJfi'V nPI1V, UTlTMARCH 24.1916. Thte number.550*1 iis afund 4X cri, I wor ua received hère todayc Jy the deathi h icago'Mofday of JohnDfl i u oBlh' ies.M aShober, aged 66 years nd.' Death vas FOR ijwDH R AS À iybrother of Fred Shober and lire. Sotie £fg ukey Johnson, both of Waukegau. BIh m Wl> CHIERS S They bave gone to Chicago to attend George Scbermerborir, aged 88 Oagd years, la sck viii pueurnonla it hie At Eleven O'Clook This Norn- moin inathe alingtCarote nhic ing FrtTroop Train Lef t tn( maltes bis condition irecarloua, but stili an unisuai costtutionl ýE AN EXAMI?4ATION. maltes lt possible that ho can combat' GO TO ebLUMBUS, N. M-1 the alliment successfuliy. A nurse ta With D oive ad One 1 Misses Eleanor H. Burke, 41iSottb Lake County Troopers Are to 1 file~ ~ Alu anis s Sherdan rad. nd Lllian V. Russell,! ur Ct Which Was Raid-1 Tu~t Now. 224 Faîrvies' Place, botit of Vauke- e yBndtVla Nom gan, have entered the "lieauty and dbBa itVl. Drains' content bcing conductefi by boy burglaaveire overpow- l'hotolaly Magazine and the World Fort Sheridan Ill., Marcit 22.-mn î> detecti pe!tte 1St. Pauli Film Corprationl. Tite conte3t tTio5fd the teeth of a bowling gale and raq- S la the Uadont yards on February 9.' The inners *IIibc ing blizzard that blew 45 miles an , a4t Ila»âbattie - i lhch announced June i. Approxlrnatelît borfntte rhettoprst wored vmd inwhilcbrevolv- 15,000 young voulen fromt hundreda orf tise oltbthentheSats cvairysut éra dpvn The two allege'I cities in the Unted States and Can- teFoiSh iedn Setabtescvlritr ~~ ~~ aile sibmitted photographe and let- o0 nrann 1dy tileic Wi1<EiWasarreste l tors ytitirewythy. ttob -pothe tiet section started aw-Yay ndl OMII&r c"gate qver a year az0 oul> sty cbeerlng. t as tu be followod '0 ments In à&.f dvs Robert iiady repoirts the sale o!f _>bya ecnd ses l ifftbr 'and bis ais- lx-yoar-old horne tu the Jus. Stock- = ra tsars Aver the dsks ton Transfer Comspany of Chicago for There vas Rille or no sleep for j prosecutittg attooney's and of- $500. ,afly oeesa the postlesat nlgbt The x* the la-W. F. C. Gsdile, forrneriy of tiis clty, Ilong-expocted. ýiong-awalted word ID j LAC ORSCHOf itîago lareported no better at his borne lu move toward bleXeo bal cone and t.. rrsS iWàukegan. Naston. lu tact. his condition îathe troopers wr shPYa o- î 14i regarded as mot'discouraglng. H ciera aivays are whcn the order for y ouag=9mea. Il M e la dlsfrict maagrof te .S. &W. alive service arrvcs. For the great-1 ira on ntendt maul rchas- > maage te Apart of the nlght thoy vent at ite airon t etauled' lrcan*iCopnyork oft loadlng baggage. equim*eut. etadvers la the aset f jstores. borses and mules. 'macine cg titeir lbot wvisu SIIIlmguns and other army impedfiieflts on bm a&The ci t s l-ngPlcThCaIA4O the cars that had been khuuied imb tbe artavsiNO T C IA 0 he sdlng. L&* Wd imi" aluth oftheIl mattered not 10 te soldiér boys W L adta"aluh !t NO hat te gale was -bowling, that tha .wewd given a preliminarV I ai ot and the snow that came front eat 5im utoi h ec- TeNrhChcg r e. < l. 'e.e'tte non vaw» stigîng tieir faces: F.rliiIIOnW 1 i' aie ieNn hcg redpitCt 1ta h ~ 55i yC1 bld te tb M o uot Sunday te put ont ai'n ttered 'tot to thons tta lt @*M acl ebeo l bad t vean - ire out on Torenty-seOO"d 9 o\Uaapilittg op and making wa1l- $Uite.SS l oad t mg dlmcul; uutiing mattered. Sre. The lire zot close 10 sornut st"ad xe dition- .ere thte ot 8 ares. faim hogies, but te nolghbors ail '*ascte" 5and ley aboe i &clir'~.aross te street turned out and witit aid of ire depart- î- citusa nd tth, lt brugit he Ou. B50leYJ&Cks tract. 1 ment put it out itfore any damage srathantheorm thrspecial Tee theI eWdUttoebpoee odî a cloue. Thet ire vas set by amal sirhdIn about midnlghtt, and In .lN t lte sebolthen almost ,uedly short space of ~f~ »jurbas Blxed ai The MetitçdIat Sunday scitodl bas-: ime after titat te cars were hein-. lit.- t bla tiat teKirk bt bail tefili vent tb Evansten sat- ioaded. Ihý 'au 1 ba ~ udyfe'tOu epa hgtaho Reveile aounded St 4 a. M., but ______________ tea ot litIplace. George Nelson las-titere were f ev at te Pont vitO eell- lita ftse loca ýeam. lTe Nort!cd the anund cf! the buggIesde ain- -~~'-v- ~Chicao boysvere defeated. e n hern; tbey voeu alidig Iofficei'5 and mon. Intite earlY morE- W.P. Breen bas been elected preai-> ing bours. sîngîn . and hLaigitg gay- dot f teLke county - amateur ly. assng jokes about thte oeatherj Vaukgaa ocanoiet bail longue. Mr. Breen la p a i dctiflg botter conditions- vieu * - tbae bailIUn, rigbt a"d Nortit Chi-tey vouid "get afitr Villa,» titoYj e&80ag canlok for norna mdbot sport vent about titoir tasks la soidlerlike Î, 1lOu Iis Une bare IbIs nommer. Magner Wtb h o viebuS lut t om- Kart Nalson vas aouiuaed on thte 1Tiree buindred and hforIy-Ofle OlS- ,qls Iilti't lit e blanlmRlipmbiicsl primarv ballots rcers and men. cmrillgthe tour u.rtrai to bis haviig recoIe itbree voies. Tis letr0005 of te l'ifrth cayabiit aFort WetdtesftalgIt*lgitt>Le b-,euen eo-Sheridant. are to 1maie the trip to Co- < baSrd the U- S- isl ballot. Mr. NMaû ivli maietýte lit labus.N. .. ipofte-aunt-llvit ~5~'One'*trIb 110 Eu*- ul. Thorearn nov titrescandîdiatraiteole rop !tergialt O il.sash il a~ u intet 1ud vajl: Autan larier' scatereul at other postatInte vent. -". Té feit-tk'r ski, Citizen; Evan tKuivitz. PyoralInenlie effectedl. oipewiab slibr lUlCJt pKNl nae e- itlelaexpectedtat Columbus vini - 1'viii lte Melc blitaL iisah0 ff uareacbed by SaturdaY afternoou Or' CampieibeII ite 1ho' la intefirpt yard. two la tiid aSnday m rniag at iteInitient- M RMaila on dry land for tire. ln'tbe second. CcIad bansold 10'jeoie sylves- liThegrest deutamd feri' r arong ità Qoain ~ la Ommis %subidvision on'-theite tacogle orthent Iiago and~ ot al.Qeslu rM. Sylveier pians to rct a vicnity la taking a igma'g~utb"e t "Thera are Pensons so radiant. a. IItbl>7 ci . pupils th ie appel grsîtes or oui geoanoal seibd. s is~-ail 'Of. aiteo ~ 5Pe . et ai.. pmmanschcis andi aise manY reim ynianlid e a11I bc, à5 cWkWm's. Rd-the itii t i eTbree or four Nothi tie tM t fl o y u goo alnghm W", t e e'rpbanaaae cMp agdon si tte Waueal goulag tain L og n Iice he zn etin III ofHigbianiw ey la thelet e- wvecis. It a»oucher. - I pity tht OuensYoung people tail to ma te. an sd l'ra. George Neel- ame tse od of a bigh scitool siluce- -U mUt. Patrck's day a nP. -tiea. These riota initlite course 09 W. Mr. Needitata a a lire- wi l ad tati ater graduation tnu RLBE 08 ARE SICKLY Ïat te Cetral station aud bhi earnlag capacity viii far ezceed titirj cULDr. ho Lei .C.tor and1be Wa>,n tht iat ha aboutit cali bis etftosie b ave left scitool calier Itae1,0 wic.e.e ,amt -PaUiciIa. and li3us freontlthe inancial aide &lune b..of umbso iY e àI'od #, bId5. Val )e-w on fflidal caried they vii l berepald for te extra lbfp,.et.. ru- à*f Ownaand F. Iod, 'yem't of study. .lieIcsIIeStr.TOE aUSU5515*. nov ucouting oSCI' bTh e and dry fight in NortithI q i 's utm ce "amnLa sparcit t .Citcgo la stîll very quiet. one bard- DsI *~sitf.SUl ,IwFI. rýQf r Bokt a a ]y ever bears the question dIscusse'l. "0nsag. andlevenaiSt lierIoiboard. t -- - - - : M amvccalu ter trou i w.d b!ÏIsatbelul'relcl ne- or i Ffl- ALLZ- am 8u'o tri, -ail 9004, us'l ae lcenseofvà. la- f u baby bo ta Mr.t tiliable land; geed ceada, Plbtur 1 a arrak nes b at ri ta - and M rs. C itllar cf Brem erto - <. 1 a v ter; loc ted L -a it e" t 1 L it, Miss Lucy McKInuey u NortitChi., reasoaibcterra.L.H- Litiittfild, h~.aben s.edleen dy.&.go. jWaui<s-gan. 111. Phone u134-R WktY i WANTEO: irls torsewiug'on mewr uIc- éin. Grs,, .ituemtl nApton DOPait- t, t "joi-luFohflg e a nd m aiwen eu Pr'iDptiu.Sed work s ,e Wagote. Guéaratmsd weok work for botio- ner. Aes10 ynrs aise Oive topsuity to out et town womsn ~~ sut 1..Bl and eniquIre about Our hero i once rsady , tg -Peî~ &nUomI ml 714 This Store is.'a Veritable Gardei of Delightful New Spring Fashions, ________________*"The Boat Store ...On the North Shore"- Ribbon SpeCial GreenhK~ WVidc liai'h~ b- bons inii a (ivtd CAlays ask for themî eheeks aiid Itl:iPes'.cvcry finie you spcid a splendi(l irlidl De dîme iinany departmnt qîîaIities; yard 1(,)(. -they are valuabIe. Womén Will Find Much to Admire in These Ure Thi dîstilic-ig ev it- e'ilisilks an~d de1s lwdtqiîthiiipîrinipial alipeal tipîîuîthe oitÏ and îI-gie of thier dî',i«,îi. They are unlike the dresses geperally shown at t.heae prices. - Their lUnes are more attractive and graceful; materlals, more ele- gant; colorings more beautiful, and values much uperior. Made o'f et-elt' de chutles, erePe 1i144'1-sî'r îd tal'fetas. ('(lors inelcide rose, iiavv. * - vtî binie, 4 'op'fllîUgeiiltatti'e green,. rooky, pt'ari gî'ty and- blae.k. "Moib'i;i.«ttIY piij'c' t y$10, ki .l 1anîd 'l22.50. New Suits Coming In Each Day The suit stocek is gradually mvelliîîg jîto a eollee- tion of eotiiîtitî's uunhers. t is li'tsliliC(l t. t h dayI by tihe arn-; ai eof smart ne%\w itodels fasijoits that 're An iiîietji;îled( assîîrtnieitt is slîowiî mt $15.W.0 Suitm of eloth anîd otliv'rs of siik. repreuc'uted iii ail sbades ) t? i Women's and Misses Sport Coats Many Beautiful New MVodeIs $5 up to $22.50 A great deal ot oiigîîî'dîty has crept iliti>the demigii t the new sport coats foi-spi ng ' hey arenîotly iii the iîîg( i- tip length anid of chinehi lias golfines, veours anîd nflO ties. Plaids, stripes, checks and jila ii; vii colors and subdtîcd toues; also plain white. Salk SiKirts $10 Beautiful fuil flaing skirts of the' filiest taffeta, iîî plIaids, stripes and plain. Cicr ly fasbioned ini a wide vaniety of models; special, $10. -( f s Tour New AU the. new modela in al sises. Corset for- Spring Wonten who are particular ini dress, will tell yeu that there is no corset superior to 1The AM erican Lady Corset They are failhioncd to give the IXdy perfect style lines-a figure of graceful pose and easy bear- inîg. They are faîîltlcss in fit anîd provide a beautifîl and conî'cct fo undation. for the froek, gowni ou' tailored suit. Any formn cati bc fttcd witlt ai) American Lady corset, ansd any forrn can bc mmproved and beau- tified., for they are skiilfuily de- signcd and adapted foir evcry style of figure. Mtrasatsriebe e d'iîty in -appearailce. ee.00 to $5.00 A Store for' Boys and Girls Complete Lines O> Sitylish Apparel The tanclet% and tantes of ,Young folks requlre spoclal study. Boya and girls seek apparel posseasiliz nome striking teature of orig' lnality. - Our garmantB have beau carefuiiy citosen. and are youtitful and ,uodish ln design. Titey are te kind titat vin the appiausae!fYoung foikax. The sert that gain te goodwill of parents, because eft tieix' durable quailtieg. Phoenïx and Onyx SÛRl(Bose 50c, d1.0Pair couddhbe n aevery f ord. Perfect f quality. par- teef in lit, perfeectilafinisit, and pedotd la servçL0__ Tbese plsrpes Mest t"over>' re BrkI1.Sades 10 nsatct sevey goava.mri Dainty Blouses At $2.98 and 89-~ inodt'ls to sho%ý for Satîird;îy in blue of 5dft, 'siinîîîcî'y erepe de chiîîe. Pl-easiîg i des3igiu; ail thee new shades; $2.98 anîd $3.98. à Gergçous Array of Sprind Milhânery It is like looking into a flower gardeus to enter olîr mîilliisery par'or, and view the gorgeous arliy <of' spring hats therc'iî as- The styles are so ehanmn- iîug withtheir gay adorn-- nment of daiîîty floweirs; titeir trinmmnigs of ihboii andt iîovelty orniaitcta- tions. at $4.98 We 're making a special-- ty of hats at $4.98. That i4i Nhy we offer sîeh lin- usuini valuîe at the price. Poque bonnets, toques, curved 'bî'iis, saiors, and novelty shapes of every siew invention. Artfui and distinctive ini trimning- $4.98. A Smart Queen Qualit? f oot -Unausuïk ln, style -UnueuellunValu. A late creation in Queen "I Quality shoes for women. Designed of gun metal -->v and patent leathers, with heel; Goodyear. welt. A nobby sho e at £iexcept-- ionally low*price. ome'i'AIl szeand i .~. .. L %

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